mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 22:06:57 +00:00
Merge branch 'master' into master
This commit is contained in:
185 changed files with 4640 additions and 740 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
name: CI
branches: [ master ]
branches: [ master ]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Use Node.js
uses: actions/setup-node@v1
- name: Install dependencies
run: npm install
- name: Run validation
run: npm run validate
- name: Run tests
run: npm test
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
# For most projects, this workflow file will not need changing; you simply need
# to commit it to your repository.
# You may wish to alter this file to override the set of languages analyzed,
# or to provide custom queries or build logic.
name: "CodeQL"
branches: [master]
# The branches below must be a subset of the branches above
branches: [master]
- cron: '0 6 * * 5'
name: Analyze
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
fail-fast: false
# Override automatic language detection by changing the below list
# Supported options are ['csharp', 'cpp', 'go', 'java', 'javascript', 'python']
language: ['javascript']
# Learn more...
# https://docs.github.com/en/github/finding-security-vulnerabilities-and-errors-in-your-code/configuring-code-scanning#overriding-automatic-language-detection
- name: Checkout repository
uses: actions/checkout@v2
# Initializes the CodeQL tools for scanning.
- name: Initialize CodeQL
uses: github/codeql-action/init@v1
languages: ${{ matrix.language }}
# If you wish to specify custom queries, you can do so here or in a config file.
# By default, queries listed here will override any specified in a config file.
# Prefix the list here with "+" to use these queries and those in the config file.
# queries: ./path/to/local/query, your-org/your-repo/queries@main
# Autobuild attempts to build any compiled languages (C/C++, C#, or Java).
# If this step fails, then you should remove it and run the build manually (see below)
- name: Autobuild
uses: github/codeql-action/autobuild@v1
# ℹ️ Command-line programs to run using the OS shell.
# 📚 https://git.io/JvXDl
# ✏️ If the Autobuild fails above, remove it and uncomment the following three lines
# and modify them (or add more) to build your code if your project
# uses a compiled language
#- run: |
# make bootstrap
# make release
- name: Perform CodeQL Analysis
uses: github/codeql-action/analyze@v1
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
language: node_js
before_script: npm install
script: npm run validate && npm test
@ -1,13 +1,19 @@
📝Title your pull request descriptively. `[edit X company]` or `[add new company - COMPANY]`
ℹ️Please read and check the boxes in the list below that apply!
If updating or adding a company, please include details here: _delete this and add details_
- [ ] This PR contains housekeeping only (URL edits, copy changes etc) - if check, delete other lines that don't apply.
- [ ] I am an employee of the company mentioned and confirm all included details are correct.
- [ ] You know your alphabet - company is listed in alphabetical order in the README.md file.
- [ ] The company directly hires employees. No bootcamps / freelance sites / etc
- [ ] The company hires remote employees, or positions are available to remote workers and are clearly illustrated as such.
- [ ] A [company profile](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/company-profiles/example.md) is included - This is __required__ for new additions.
- [ ] __Remote status__ has details regarding how the culture includes remote employees, how the company integrated remote workers, etc
- [ ] __Region__ details the geographic regions in which this company's employees can reside. For more details see the instructions in the [example company profile](/company-profiles/example.md#region).
- [ ] __How to apply__ details the best approach for new applications, page on site where open position are listed, and any other help available for job hunters
This is a modified version of the [Contributing Guidelines](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md).
This pull request adheres to the repository's [Code of Conduct](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md).
- [x] I am an employee of the company mentioned and confirm all included details are correct
- [ ] This PR contains housekeeping only (URL edits, copy changes etc)
- [x] You know your alphabet - company is listed in alphabetical order in the README
- [x] The company directly hires employees. No bootcamps / freelance sites / etc
- [x] The company hires remote employees, or positions are available to remote workers and are clearly illustrated as such
- [x] A [company profile](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/company-profiles/example.md) is included - __Required__ for new additions. (This can be a basic outline but at least something please)
- [x] __Remote status__ has details regarding how the culture includes remote employees, how the company integrated remote workers, etc
- [x] __Region__ details the geographic regions in which this company's employees can reside. For more details see the instructions in the [example company profile](/company-profiles/example.md#region).
- [x] __How to apply__ details the best approach for new applications, page on site where open position are listed, and any other help available for job hunters
This Pull Request should adhere to the repository's [Code of Conduct](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md).
@ -5,9 +5,7 @@ A list of semi to fully remote-friendly companies in or around tech.
Contributions are very welcome! Please
[submit a pull request on GitHub](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md).
_Some company names have a ⚠ icon next to them. This icon means we don't have
much information about this company yet and we would love a contribution! See
each individual company profile for details._
_Some company names have a ⚠ icon next to them. This icon means we don't have much information about this company yet and we would love a contribution! See each individual company profile for details._
## Companies
@ -18,129 +16,143 @@ Name | Website | Region
[15Five](/company-profiles/15five.md) | https://www.15five.com | Europe, Americas
[17hats](/company-profiles/17hats.md) | https://www.17hats.com/ | Worldwide
[18F](/company-profiles/18f.md) | https://18f.gsa.gov/ | USA
[1Password](/company-profiles/1password.md) | https://www.1password.com | Worldwide
[1Password](/company-profiles/1password.md) | https://www.1password.com | North America, UK
[abiturma](/company-profiles/abiturma.md) | https://www.abiturma.de/ | Germany
[Ably](/company-profiles/ably.md) | https://www.ably.io/ | Europe
[Abstract API](/company-profiles/abstract.md) | https://www.abstractapi.com | Worldwide
[acct](/company-profiles/acct.md) | https://acct.global | Worldwide
[Acquia](/company-profiles/acquia.md) | https://www.acquia.com/ | Worldwide
[ActiveCampaign](/company-profiles/activecampaign.md) | https://www.activecampaign.com/ | Dublin, Ireland; USA
[Ad Hoc](/company-profiles/ad-hoc.md) | https://www.adhocteam.us/ | USA
[Adaface](/company-profiles/adaface.md) | https://www.adaface.com | Asia
[AddStructure](/company-profiles/addstructure.md)| https://www.bazaarvoice.com/ | USA
[Adzuna](/company-profiles/adzuna.md) | https://www.adzuna.co.uk/ | Worldwide
[AE Studio](/company-profiles/aestudio.md) | https://ae.studio/ | USA, BR
[Aerolab](/company-profiles/aerolab.md) | https://aerolab.co/ | Latin America
[AgFlow](/company-profiles/agflow.md) | http://www.agflow.com | Europe
[Aha!](/company-profiles/aha.md) | http://www.aha.io | Worldwide
[AgFlow](/company-profiles/agflow.md) | https://www.agflow.com | Europe
[Aha!](/company-profiles/aha.md) | https://www.aha.io | Worldwide
[AirTreks](/company-profiles/airtreks.md) | https://www.airtreks.com/ | USA
[Aivitex](/company-profiles/aivitex.md) | https://www.aivitex.de/ | Germany
[Algorithmia](/company-profiles/algorithmia.md) | https://algorithmia.com/ | the USA or Canada
[ALICE](/company-profiles/alice.md) | https://aliceplatform.com | Worldwide
[Alight Solutions](/company-profiles/alight-solutions.md) | http://alight.com | Worldwide
[Alley](/company-profiles/alley.md) | http://alley.co | USA, Canada, Western Europe
[allyDVM](/company-profiles/allydvm.md) | http://www.allydvm.com/ | USA
[Alight Solutions](/company-profiles/alight-solutions.md) | https://alight.com | Worldwide
[Alley](/company-profiles/alley.md) | https://alley.co | USA, Canada, Western Europe
[allyDVM](/company-profiles/allydvm.md) | https://www.allydvm.com/ | USA
[AlphaSights](/company-profiles/alphasights.md) | https://engineering.alphasights.com | USA, UK, (EST, GMT)
[Amazon](/company-profiles/amazon.md) | https://www.amazon.jobs/en/locations/virtual-locations | Worldwide
[Ambaum](/company-profiles/ambaum.md) | hhttps://ambaum.com/ | USA, Europe
[Anexus](/company-profiles/anexus.md) | http://www.anexusit.com/ | Latin America
[Animalz](/company-profiles/animalz.md) | https://www.animalz.co | USA
[Anomali](/company-profiles/anomali.md) | https://www.anomali.com/company/careers | USA, UK, Singapore
[apartment therapy](/company-profiles/apartment-therapy.md) | http://www.apartmenttherapy.com/ | USA
[Appstractor Corporation](/company-profiles/appstractor.md) | https://www.appstractor.com/ | USA, UK, Israel
[ARK](/company-profiles/ark.md) | https://www.ark.io/careers | Worldwide
[Arkency](/company-profiles/arkency.md) | http://arkency.com/ | Worldwide
[Arkency](/company-profiles/arkency.md) | https://arkency.com/ | Worldwide
[Art & Logic](/company-profiles/art-and-logic.md) | https://artandlogic.com | USA and Canada
[Artefactual Systems](/company-profiles/artefactual.md) | https://www.artefactual.com | UTC-8 to UTC+2
[Articulate](/company-profiles/articulate.md) | https://www.articulate.com | Worldwide
[Astronomer](/company-profiles/astronomer.md) | https://www.astronomer.io/ | USA
[Audiense](/company-profiles/audiense.md) ️ | http://www.audiense.com/ | Worldwide
[Audiense](/company-profiles/audiense.md) ️ | https://www.audiense.com/ | Worldwide
[Aula Education](/company-profiles/aula.md) | https://aula.education/ | Worldwide
[Auth0](/company-profiles/auth0.md) | https://auth0.com/ | Worldwide
[Automattic](/company-profiles/automattic.md) | https://automattic.com/ | Worldwide
[Axelerant](/company-profiles/axelerant.md) | https://axelerant.com/ | Worldwide
[Bairesdev](/company-profiles/bairesdev.md) | http://bairesdev.com/ | Worldwide
[Bairesdev](/company-profiles/bairesdev.md) | https://bairesdev.com/ | Worldwide
[Balena](/company-profiles/balena.md) | https://www.balena.io/ | Worldwide
[Balsamiq](/company-profiles/balsamiq.md) | https://balsamiq.com/ | Worldwide
[Bandcamp](/company-profiles/bandcamp.md) | https://bandcamp.com/ | Worldwide
[Bandzoogle](/company-profiles/bandzoogle.md) | https://bandzoogle.com/ | Worldwide
[Baremetrics](/company-profiles/baremetrics.md) | https://baremetrics.com/ | Worldwide
[Basecamp](/company-profiles/basecamp.md) | https://basecamp.com/ | Worldwide
[BeBanjo](/company-profiles/bebanjo.md) | http://bebanjo.com/ | Worldwide
[Bear Group](/company-profiles/bear-group.md) | https://www.beargroup.com/ | USA
[BeBanjo](/company-profiles/bebanjo.md) | https://bebanjo.com/ | Worldwide
[BeenVerified](/company-profiles/beenverified.md) | https://www.beenverified.com/ | Worldwide
[Best Practical Solutions](/company-profiles/best-practical-solutions.md) | https://bestpractical.com/ | Worldwide
[Betable](/company-profiles/betable.md) | https://corp.betable.com/ | USA, Europe
[BetaPeak](/company-profiles/betapeak.md) | https://betapeak.com/ |
[BetaPeak](/company-profiles/betapeak.md) | https://betapeak.com/ | Worldwide
[BetterUp](/company-profiles/betterup.md) | https://betterup.co | USA
[BeyondPricing](/company-profiles/beyondpricing.md) | https://beyondpricing.com | Worldwide
[Big Cartel](/company-profiles/big-cartel.md) | http://www.bigcartel.com | USA
[Big Wheel Brigade](/company-profiles/big-wheel-brigade.md) | http://www.bigwheelbrigade.com/ | USA
[Bitnami](/company-profiles/bitnami.md) | http://bitnami.com/ | Worldwide
[Bitovi](/company-profiles/bitovi.md) | http://bitovi.com/ | USA & Worldwide
[Bizink](/company-profiles/bizink.md) | http://bizinkonline.com |
[BeyondPricing](/company-profiles/beyondpricing.md) | https://beyondpricing.com | USA, Europe
[Big Cartel](/company-profiles/big-cartel.md) | https://www.bigcartel.com | USA
[Big Wheel Brigade](/company-profiles/big-wheel-brigade.md) | https://www.bigwheelbrigade.com/ | USA
[Bill](/company-profiles/bill.md) | https://www.bill.com/ | USA
[Bitnami](/company-profiles/bitnami.md) | https://bitnami.com/ | Worldwide
[Bitovi](/company-profiles/bitovi.md) | https://bitovi.com/ | USA & Worldwide
[Bizink](/company-profiles/bizink.md) | https://bizinkonline.com | Worldwide
[Blameless](/company-profiles/blameless.md) | https://www.blameless.com/ | USA, WorldWide
[Bloc](/company-profiles/bloc.md) | https://www.bloc.io/ |
[Bloc](/company-profiles/bloc.md) | https://www.bloc.io/ | North America
[Bluespark](/company-profiles/bluespark.md) | https://www.bluespark.com/ | USA
[Boldare](/company-profiles/boldare.md) | https://boldare.com | Worldwide
[Bonsai](/company-profiles/bonsai.md) | https://www.hellobonsai.com | Worldwide
[Brave Investments](/company-profiles/brave-investments.md) ⚠️️ | http://www.braveinvest.com.br | Brazil
[Brave Investments](/company-profiles/brave-investments.md) | https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/brave-investment | Brazil
[Bright Funds](/company-profiles/bright-funds.md) | https://www.brightfunds.org | USA
[BriteCore](/company-profiles/britecore.md) | https://britecore.com/ | USA, Worldwide
[BTownWeb](/company-profiles/btownweb.md) | https://www.btownweb.com/ | USA, Europe
[Buffer](/company-profiles/buffer.md) | https://buffer.com/ | Worldwide
[Bugfender](/company-profiles/bugfender.md) | https://bugfender.com/ | Worldwide
[Bulut Yazilim](/company-profiles/bulut-yazilim.md) ⚠️️ | https://bulutyazilim.com/ | Worldwide
[Bulut Yazilim](/company-profiles/bulut-yazilim.md) | https://bulutyazilim.com/ | Worldwide
[BuySellAds](/company-profiles/buysellads.md) | https://www.buysellads.com/ | Worldwide
[Cabify](/company-profiles/cabify.md) | https://cabify.com/ | Spain
[Canonical](/company-profiles/canonical.md) | http://www.canonical.com/ | Worldwide
[Calamari](/company-profiles/calamari.md) | https://calamari.io/ | Poland
[Canonical](/company-profiles/canonical.md) | https://www.canonical.com/ | Worldwide
[Capchase](/company-profiles/capchase.md) | https://www.capchase.com/ | Worldwide
[Carbon Black](/company-profiles/carbon-black.md) | https://www.carbonblack.com/ | USA, Offices in Boston, MA
[Cards Against Humanity](/company-profiles/cards-against-humanity.md) | https://cardsagainsthumanity.com/ | USA
[CareMessage](/company-profiles/caremessage.md) | https://caremessage.org/careers/ | Worldwide
[CartoDB](/company-profiles/cartodb.md) | https://cartodb.com/ | Worldwide
[CartStack](/company-profiles/cartstack.md) | http://www.cartstack.com/ | Worldwide
[CartStack](/company-profiles/cartstack.md) | https://www.cartstack.com/ | Worldwide
[Casumo](/company-profiles/casumo.md) | https://www.casumo.com/ | Europe
[Chargify](/company-profiles/chargify.md) | https://www.chargify.com/ | USA
[charity: water](/company-profiles/charity-water.md) | http://www.charitywater.org/ | USA, Offices in NY
[charity: water](/company-profiles/charity-water.md) | https://www.charitywater.org/ | USA, Offices in NY
[ChatGen](/company-profiles/chatgen.md) | https://chatgen.ai/ | India, USA
[Checkly](/company-profiles/checkly.md) | https://www.checklyhq.com | Europe (CET -3 / CET +3)
[Chef](/company-profiles/chef.md) | https://www.chef.io/ | USA, UK
[ChefsClub](/company-profiles/chefsclub.md) | https://www.chefsclub.com.br/ | Brazil
[Chroma](/company-profiles/chroma.md) | https://hichroma.com/ | Worldwide
[CircleCI](/company-profiles/circleci.md) | https://circleci.com/ |
[CircleCI](/company-profiles/circleci.md) | https://circleci.com/ | Worldwide
[Circonus](/company-profiles/circonus.md) | https://circonus.com/ | USA
[CivicActions](/company-profiles/civicactions.md) | https://civicactions.com/ | Worldwide
[Clevertech](/company-profiles/clevertech.md) | https://clevertech.biz/ | Worldwide
[Close](/company-profiles/close.md) | https://close.com | Worldwide
[CloudApp](/company-profiles/cloudapp.md) | https://getcloudapp.com | North America
[Codea IT](/company-profiles/codea-it.md) | http://www.codeait.com | Worldwide
[Codea IT](/company-profiles/codea-it.md) | https://www.codeait.com | Worldwide
[CodePen](/company-profiles/codepen.md) | https://codepen.io | Worldwide
[Codeship](/company-profiles/codeship.md) ⚠️️ | https://codeship.com/ | Worldwide, Offices in USA, Europe
[CodeSandbox](/company-profiles/codesandbox.md) | https://codesandbox.io | Worldwide
[Codeship](/company-profiles/codeship.md) | https://codeship.com/ | Worldwide
[Codestunts](/company-profiles/codestunts.md) | https://codestunts.com/ | Worldwide
[Cofense](/company-profiles/cofense.md) | https://cofense.com | USA
[Colivre](/company-profiles/colivre.md) | http://colivre.coop.br/ | Worldwide
[Colivre](/company-profiles/colivre.md) | https://colivre.coop.br/ | Worldwide
[Collabora](/company-profiles/collabora.md) | https://www.collabora.com/ | Worldwide
[Comet](/company-profiles/comet.md) | https://www.comet.co/ | France
[Compose](/company-profiles/compose.md) ⚠️️ | https://www.compose.io/ |
[Compose](/company-profiles/compose.md) | https://www.compose.io/ | Worldwide
[Compucorp](/company-profiles/compucorp.md)️ | https://www.compucorp.co.uk | Worldwide
[Connexa](/company-profiles/connexa.md) | https://www.connexa.com/ |
[Connexa](/company-profiles/connexa.md) | https://www.connexa.com/ | Worldwide
[ConsenSys](/company-profiles/consensys.md) | https://consensys.net/ | Worldwide
[Consumer Financial Protection Bureau](/company-profiles/consumer-financial-protection-bureau.md) | http://www.consumerfinance.gov | USA
[Continu](/company-profiles/continu.md) ⚠️️ | https://www.continu.co/ |
[Consumer Financial Protection Bureau](/company-profiles/consumer-financial-protection-bureau.md) | https://www.consumerfinance.gov | USA
[Continu](/company-profiles/continu.md) | https://www.continu.co/ | USA
[Conversio](/company-profiles/conversio.md) | https://conversio.com/ | Worldwide
[Convert](/company-profiles/convert.md) | https://www.convert.com | Worldwide
[Core-Apps](/company-profiles/core-apps.md) ⚠️️ | http://www.core-apps.com/ | USA
[CoreOS](/company-profiles/coreos.md) ⚠️️ | https://coreos.com/ |
[Corgibytes](/company-profiles/corgibytes.md) | http://corgibytes.com | USA East Coast
[Core-Apps](/company-profiles/core-apps.md) | https://www.core-apps.com/ | USA
[CoreOS](/company-profiles/coreos.md) | https://coreos.com/ | USA
[Corgibytes](/company-profiles/corgibytes.md) | https://corgibytes.com | USA East Coast
[Crossover](/company-profiles/crossover.md) | https://www.crossover.com | Worldwide
[Crowdstrike](/company-profiles/crowdstrike.md) | https://www.crowdstrike.com | Worldwide
[CrowdTangle](/company-profiles/crowdtangle.md) | http://crowdtangle.com | USA
[CrowdTangle](/company-profiles/crowdtangle.md) | https://crowdtangle.com | USA
[Cueup](/company-profiles/cueup.md) | https://cueup.io/ | Worldwide
[Customer.io](/company-profiles/customer-io.md) | https://customer.io | Worldwide
[Dalenys](/company-profiles/dalenys.md) | https://dalenys.com/ | Europe
[DareCode](/company-profiles/darecode.md) | https://darecode.com/ | Europe
[DashboardHub](/company-profiles/dashboardhub.md) | https://dashboardhub.io | Worldwide
[Data Science Brigade](/company-profiles/data-science-brigade.md) | https://dsbrigade.com/ | Worldwide
[DataCamp](/company-profiles/datacamp.md) | https://www.datacamp.com/ | Europe or comparable timezone
[Datadog](/company-profiles/datadog.md) | https://www.datadoghq.com/ | Worldwide
[DataStax](/company-profiles/datastax.md) | http://www.datastax.com/ | Worldwide
[DataStax](/company-profiles/datastax.md) | https://www.datastax.com/ | Worldwide
[Datica](/company-profiles/datica.md) | https://datica.com/ | USA
[DealDash](/company-profiles/dealdash.md) | http://www.dealdash.com | Worldwide
[Delighted](/company-profiles/delighted.md) ⚠️️ | https://delighted.com |
[Delighted](/company-profiles/delighted.md)| https://delighted.com | Worldwide
[Designcode](/company-profiles/designcode.md) | https://designcode.io/ | Worldwide
[Dev Spotlight](/company-profiles/dev-spotlight.md) | https://www.devspotlight.com | Worldwide
[Dgraph](/company-profiles/dgraph.md) | https://dgraph.io/ | Americas
[DigitalOcean](/company-profiles/digitalocean.md) | https://www.digitalocean.com/ | Worldwide
[Discourse](/company-profiles/discourse.md) | http://www.discourse.org/ | Worldwide
[Discourse](/company-profiles/discourse.md) | https://www.discourse.org/ | Worldwide
[DNSimple](/company-profiles/dnsimple.md) | https://dnsimple.com/ | Worldwide
[Docker](/company-profiles/docker.md) | https://www.docker.com | USA
[Doist](/company-profiles/doist.md) | https://doist.com | Worldwide
@ -148,78 +160,88 @@ Name | Website | Region
[Drupal Jedi](/company-profiles/drupal-jedi.md) | https://drupaljedi.com/ | Worldwide
[DuckDuckGo](/company-profiles/duckduckgo.md) | https://duckduckgo.com/ | Worldwide
[EarthOfDrones](/company-profiles/earthofdrones.md) | https://earthofdrones.com/ | Worldwide
[Edgar](/company-profiles/edgar.md) | http://meetedgar.com/ | USA & Canada
[Edify](/company-profiles/edify.md) | http://edify.cr/ | Costa Rica & Worldwide
[Edgar](/company-profiles/edgar.md) | https://meetedgar.com/ | USA & Canada
[Edify](/company-profiles/edify.md) | https://edify.cr/ | Costa Rica & Worldwide
[Elastic](/company-profiles/elastic.md) | https://www.elastic.co/ | Worldwide
[Emsisoft](/company-profiles/emsisoft.md) | https://www.emsisoft.com/ | Worldwide
[EngineYard (Support Team)](/company-profiles/engineyard.md) ⚠️️ | https://www.engineyard.com/ |
[Enjoei](/company-profiles/enjoei.md) ⚠️️ | https://www.enjoei.com.br/ | Brazil
[EngineYard (Support Team)](/company-profiles/engineyard.md) | https://www.engineyard.com/ | Worldwide
[Enjoei](/company-profiles/enjoei.md) | https://www.enjoei.com.br/ | Brazil
[Enok](/company-profiles/enok.md) | https://www.enok.co/ | USA
[Entrision](/company-profiles/entrision.md) | https://entrision.com/ | USA
[Envato](/company-profiles/envato.md) | https://envato.com/ | Worldwide
[Envoy](/company-profiles/envoy.md) | https://envoy.com/ | USA, Canada & Colombia
[Epam](/company-profiles/epam.md) | https://epam.com/ | Worldwide
[Epic Games](/company-profiles/epic-games.md) | https://www.epicgames.com/site/en-US/careers | Worldwide
[Epilocal](/company-profiles/epilocal.md) | https://www.epilocal.com/ | Worldwide
[Episource](/company-profiles/episource.md) | https://episource.com | USA
[Equal Experts Portugal](/company-profiles/equal-experts-portugal.md) | https://www.equalexperts.com/contact-us/lisbon/ | Europe
[Ergeon](/company-profiles/ergeon.md) | https://www.ergeon.com/ | Worldwide
[Estately](/company-profiles/estately.md) ⚠️️ | http://www.estately.com/ |
[Estately](/company-profiles/estately.md) | https://www.estately.com/ | USA
[Etch](/company-profiles/etch.md) | https://www.etch.co | UK, Europe
[Etsy](/company-profiles/etsy.md) | https://www.etsy.com/ | Worldwide
[EVELO](/company-profiles/evelo.md) ⚠️️ | https://evelo.workable.com |
[EVELO](/company-profiles/evelo.md) | https://evelo.com | USA
[Evil Martians](/company-profiles/evil-martians.md) | https://evilmartians.com/ | Worldwide
[Evrone](/company-profiles/evrone.md) | https://evrone.com/ | Worldwide
[ExportData](/company-profiles/exportdata.md) | https://www.exportdata.io/ | Worldwide
[Eyeo (Adblock Plus)](/company-profiles/eyeo.md) | https://eyeo.com/ | Worldwide
[Fastly](/company-profiles/fastly.md) | https://www.fastly.com/ |
[Fastly](/company-profiles/fastly.md) | https://www.fastly.com/ | Worldwide
[Fauna](/company-profiles/fauna.md) | https://www.fauna.com/ | Worldwide
[Featurist](/company-profiles/featurist.md) | http://www.featurist.co.uk/ |
[Fentime](/company-profiles/fentime.md) | http://www.fentime.com/ | China
[Featurist](/company-profiles/featurist.md) | https://www.featurist.co.uk/ | Worldwide
[Fentime](/company-profiles/fentime.md) | https://www.fentime.com/ | China
[Fetlife](/company-profiles/fetlife.md) | https://fetlife.com/ | Worldwide
[Filament Group](/company-profiles/filament-group.md) | https://www.filamentgroup.com/ | USA
[Findify](/company-profiles/findify.md) | https://findify.io | UTC+2 +\- 2
[Fire Engine Red](/company-profiles/fire-engine-red.md) ⚠️️ | http://fire-engine-red.com/ |
[FingerprintJS](/company-profiles/fingerprintjs.md) | https://fingerprintjs.com | Worldwide
[Fire Engine Red](/company-profiles/fire-engine-red.md) | https://fire-engine-red.com/ | Worldwide
[FivexL](/company-profiles/fivexl.md) | https://fivexl.io | Worldwide
[Focusnetworks](/company-profiles/focusnetworks.md) ⚠️️ | http://focusnetworks.com.br | Brazil
[Fog Creek](/company-profiles/fog-creek-software.md) | https://www.fogcreek.com/ | Worldwide
[Flowing](/company-profiles/flowing.md) | https://flowing.it | Italy
[FMX](/company-profiles/fmx.md) | https://www.gofmx.com/ | USA
[Focusnetworks](/company-profiles/focusnetworks.md) | https://focusnetworks.com.br | Worldwide
[Formidable](/company-profiles/formidable.md) | https://www.formidable.com/ | USA, Canada, UK, Europe
[Formstack](/company-profiles/formstack.md) | https://www.formstack.com/ | Worldwide
[Four Kitchens](/company-profiles/four-kitchens.md) | https://fourkitchens.com/ |
[fournova](/company-profiles/fournova.md) ⚠️️ | https://www.fournova.com/ |
[Freeagent](/company-profiles/freeagent.md) | http://www.freeagent.com/ | Worldwide
[Fuel Made](/company-profiles/fuel-made.md) | http://fuelmade.com/ | Western North America
[FullFabric](/company-profiles/full-fabric.md) | http://fullfabric.com/ | Europe
[Four Kitchens](/company-profiles/four-kitchens.md) | https://fourkitchens.com/ | North America, Latin America
[Freeagent](/company-profiles/freeagent.md) | https://www.freeagent.com/ | Worldwide
[Fuel Made](/company-profiles/fuel-made.md) | https://fuelmade.com/ | Western North America
[FullFabric](/company-profiles/full-fabric.md) | https://fullfabric.com/ | Europe
[Functionize](/company-profiles/functionize.md) | https://www.functionize.com/ | Worldwide
[Gaggle](/company-profiles/gaggle.md) | https://www.gaggle.net/ | USA
[Geckoboard](/company-profiles/geckoboard.md) | https://www.geckoboard.com | UK
[General Assembly](/company-profiles/general-assembly.md) | https://generalassemb.ly/ | Worldwide
[GEO Jobe](/company-profiles/geo-jobe.md) | https://www.geo-jobe.com/ | USA
[Ghost Foundation](/company-profiles/the-ghost-foundation.md) | https://ghost.org/ | Worldwide
[Ghost Inspector](/company-profiles/ghost-inspector.md) | http://ghostinspector.com | North America, Latin America, Caribbean
[Ghost Inspector](/company-profiles/ghost-inspector.md) | https://ghostinspector.com | North America, Latin America, Caribbean
[Giant](/company-profiles/giant.md) | https://giantmade.com | UK
[Giant Swarm](/company-profiles/giant-swarm.md) | https://giantswarm.io | Europe
[GigSalad](/company-profiles/gigsalad.md) | https://www.gigsalad.com/ | USA
[Gitbook](/company-profiles/gitbook.md) | https://www.gitbook.com/ |
[Gitbook](/company-profiles/gitbook.md) | https://www.gitbook.com/ | France
[GitHub](/company-profiles/github.md) | https://github.com/ | Worldwide
[GitLab](/company-profiles/gitlab.md) | https://about.gitlab.com/ | Worldwide
[GitPrime](/company-profiles/gitprime.md) | https://gitprime.com/ | Worldwide
[Glenn Website Design](/company-profiles/glenn-website-design.md) | https://glennwebsitedesign.com/ | Worldwide
[Glue Networks](/company-profiles/glue-networks.md) ⚠️️ | http://gluenetworks.com/ |
[GoHiring](/company-profiles/gohiring.md) ⚠️️ | http://www.gohiring.com/ | Worldwide
[Glitch](/company-profiles/glitch.md) | https://www.glitch.com/ | Worldwide
[Glue Networks](/company-profiles/glue-networks.md) ⚠️️ | https://gluenetworks.com/ |
[GoHiring](/company-profiles/gohiring.md) | https://www.gohiring.com/ | Worldwide
[Gojob](/company-profiles/gojob.md) | https://gojob.com/ | France
[Gorman Health Group](/company-profiles/gorman-health-group.md) | https://www.gormanhealthgroup.com/ | USA
[GotSoccer, LLC](/company-profiles/gotsoccer-llc.md) ⚠️️ | http://www.gotsoccerpro.com |
[Grafana Labs](/company-profiles/grafana.md) | https://grafana.com/ |
[GotSoccer](/company-profiles/got-soccer.md) | https://www.gotsoccerpro.com | USA
[Grafana Labs](/company-profiles/grafana.md) | https://grafana.com/ | USA and EMEA/EST Timezones
[Graylog](/company-profiles/graylog.md) | https://www.graylog.org/ | Worldwide
[Gremlin](/company-profiles/gremlin.md) | https://gremlin.com | USA
[Gridium](/company-profiles/gridium.md) | http://gridium.com | USA
[Gridium](/company-profiles/gridium.md) | https://gridium.com | USA
[Groove](/company-profiles/groove.md) | https://www.groovehq.com | Worldwide
[Grou.ps](/company-profiles/grou-ps.md) | https://build.gr.ps | Worldwide
[Grubhub](/company-profiles/grubhub.md) | http://www.grubhub.com/ | USA / Worldwide
[Gruntwork](/company-profiles/gruntwork.md) | http://www.gruntwork.io/ | Worldwide
[Grubhub](/company-profiles/grubhub.md) | https://www.grubhub.com/ | USA / Worldwide
[Gruntwork](/company-profiles/gruntwork.md) | https://www.gruntwork.io/ | Worldwide
[GuideSmiths](/company-profiles/guidesmiths.md) | https://www.guidesmiths.com/ | Europe
[Hack Reactor Remote](/company-profiles/hack-reactor-remote.md) | http://www.hackreactor.com/remote/ | Pacific Time Zone (PT)
[Hack Reactor Remote](/company-profiles/hack-reactor-remote.md) | https://www.hackreactor.com/remote/ | Pacific Time Zone (PT)
[Hanno](/company-profiles/hanno.md) | https://hanno.co/ | Worldwide
[Hanzo](/company-profiles/hanzo.md) | https://hanzo.co | USA, UK, Europe
[Happy Cog](/company-profiles/happy-cog.md) ⚠️️ | http://happycog.com/ | USA
[Happy Cog](/company-profiles/happy-cog.md) | https://happycog.com/ | USA
[Harvest](/company-profiles/harvest.md) | https://www.getharvest.com/ | Worldwide
[HashiCorp](/company-profiles/hashicorp.md) | https://www.hashicorp.com/ | USA, CA, UK, DE, FR, NL, AU, ...
[HashiCorp](/company-profiles/hashicorp.md) | https://www.hashicorp.com/ | USA, CA, UK, DE, FR, NL, AU, JPN
[HE:labs](/company-profiles/he-labs.md) | https://www.helabs.com | Worldwide
[Headway](/company-profiles/headway.md) | https://www.headway.io/ | USA
[Healthfinch](/company-profiles/healthfinch.md) | http://www.healthfinch.com/ | USA
[Healthfinch](/company-profiles/healthfinch.md) | https://www.healthfinch.com/ | USA
[Heap](/company-profiles/heap.md) | https://heapanalytics.com/ | Worldwide
[Heetch](/company-profiles/heetch.md) | https://heetch.com/ | Central Europe Time (CET) +/1h
[Help Scout](/company-profiles/help-scout.md) | https://www.helpscout.net/ | Worldwide
@ -228,18 +250,21 @@ Name | Website | Region
[HomeValet](/company-profiles/homevalet.md) | https://homevalet.co | USA
[Honeybadger](/company-profiles/honeybadger.md) | https://www.honeybadger.io/ | Worldwide
[Honeycomb](/company-profiles/honeycomb.md) | https://honeycomb.tv/ | Worldwide
[Hotjar](/company-profiles/hotjar.md) | http://careers.hotjar.com/ | Worldwide
[Hudl](/company-profiles/hudl.md) | http://www.hudl.com/ | USA & UK
[Hopper](/company-profiles/hopper.md) | https://www.hopper.com/ | USA, CA, UK, BG, PH, CO
[Hotjar](/company-profiles/hotjar.md) | https://careers.hotjar.com/ | Worldwide
[Hudl](/company-profiles/hudl.md) | https://www.hudl.com/ | USA & UK
[Hugo](/company-profiles/hugo.md) | https://hugo.events | Worldwide
[Human Made](/company-profiles/human-made.md) | https://hmn.md | Worldwide
[HUSL Digital](/company-profiles/husl-digital.md) | https://husldigital.com | USA
[Hypergiant](/company-profiles/hypergiant.md) | https://www.hypergiant.com/contact/ | Worldwide
[Hyperion](/company-profiles/hyperion.md) | https://hyperiondev.com/jobs | South Africa
[Hypothesis](/company-profiles/hypothesis.md) | https://hypothes.is | Worldwide
[iClinic](/company-profiles/iclinic.md) | https://iclinic.com.br/ | Brazil
[IDoneThis](/company-profiles/idonethis.md) ⚠️️ | https://idonethis.com/ |
[IDoneThis](/company-profiles/idonethis.md) | https://idonethis.com/ | Worldwide
[iFit](/company-profiles/ifit.md) | https://www.ifit.com/ | USA
[Igalia](/company-profiles/igalia.md) ⚠️️ | http://www.igalia.com/ |
[Impala](/company-profiles/impala.md) | http://www.getimpala.com/ | Europe
[Igalia](/company-profiles/igalia.md) | https://www.igalia.com/ | Europe
[Impala](/company-profiles/impala.md) | https://www.getimpala.com/ | Europe
[Impira](/company-profiles/impira.md) | https://www.impira.com/ | USA
[Implisense](/company-profiles/implisense.md) | https://implisense.com/ | Germany
[Incsub](/company-profiles/incsub.md) | https://incsub.com/ | Worldwide
[Infinite Red](/company-profiles/infinite-red.md) | https://infinite.red | USA & CA
@ -247,77 +272,92 @@ Name | Website | Region
[Inpsyde](/company-profiles/inpsyde.md) | https://inpsyde.com/en/ | Europe
[InQuicker](/company-profiles/inquicker.md) | https://inquicker.com | USA & CA
[Instamobile](/company-profiles/instamobile.md) | https://instamobile.io | Worldwide
[Intellum](/company-profiles/intellum.md) | http://www.intellum.com | USA
[Intellum](/company-profiles/intellum.md) | https://www.intellum.com | USA
[Interactive Intelligence](/company-profiles/interactive-intelligence.md) | https://www.inin.com/ | Worldwide
[Intercom](/company-profiles/intercom.md) | https://www.intercom.io/ | Worldwide
[Interpersonal Frequency (I.F.)](/company-profiles/interpersonal-frequency-i-f.md) ⚠️️ | https://ifsight.com/ |
[Interpersonal Frequency (I.F.)](/company-profiles/interpersonal-frequency-i-f.md) ️️ | https://ifsight.com/ | Worldwide
[Interview Schedule](/company-profiles/interview-schedule.md) | https://interviewschedule.com/ | USA
[InVision](/company-profiles/invision.md) | http://www.invisionapp.com/ | Worldwide
[Intevity](/company-profiles/intevity.md) ️ | https://www.intevity.com/ | USA
[InVision](/company-profiles/invision.md) | https://www.invisionapp.com/ | Worldwide
[IOHK](/company-profiles/iohk.md) | https://iohk.io/ | Worldwide
[IOpipe](/company-profiles/iopipe.md) | https://www.iopipe.com | USA
[iOS App Templates](/company-profiles/ios-app-templates.md) | https://www.iosapptemplates.com/ |
[iOS App Templates](/company-profiles/ios-app-templates.md) | https://www.iosapptemplates.com/ | Worldwide
[IPInfo](/company-profiles/ipinfo.md) | https://ipinfo.io/ | Worldwide
[IPS Group, Inc.](/company-profiles/ips-group-inc.md) ⚠️️ | http://www.ipsgroupinc.com/ |
[IPS Group, Inc.](/company-profiles/ips-group-inc.md) | https://www.ipsgroupinc.com/ | USA
[iwantmyname](/company-profiles/iwantmyname.md) | https://iwantmyname.com/ | Worldwide
[Jackson River](/company-profiles/jackson-river.md) | http://jacksonriver.com/ | USA
[Jackson River](/company-profiles/jackson-river.md) | https://jacksonriver.com/ | USA
[Jaya Tech](/company-profiles/jaya-tech.md) | https://jaya.tech/ | Worldwide
[JBS Custom Software Solutions](/company-profiles/jbs-custom-software-solutions.md) | https://www.jbssolutions.com/ | USA
[Jitbit](/company-profiles/jitbit.md) | https://www.jitbit.com/ | Worldwide
[Jolly Good Code](/company-profiles/jolly-good-code.md) ⚠️️ | http://www.jollygoodcode.com |
[Jolly Good Code](/company-profiles/jolly-good-code.md) | https://www.jollygoodcode.com | Worldwide
[journy.io](/company-profiles/journy-io.md) | https://www.journy.io | Europe
[Joyent](/company-profiles/joyent.md) | https://www.joyent.com/careers/ | USA, UK, Canada, SK, SG
[Kaggle](/company-profiles/kaggle.md) | https://kaggle.com/ | Worldwide
[Keen IO](/company-profiles/keen-io.md) ⚠️️ | https://keen.io/ |
[Keen IO](/company-profiles/keen-io.md) | https://keen.io/ |
[Khan Academy](/company-profiles/khan-academy.md) | https://www.khanacademy.org/ | USA
[KickBack Rewards Systems](/company-profiles/kickback-rewards-systems.md) ⚠️️ | http://careers.kickbacksystems.com |
[Kiprosh](/company-profiles/kiprosh.md) | http://kiprosh.com | USA & India
[KickBack Rewards Systems](/company-profiles/kickback-rewards-systems.md) ⚠️️ | https://careers.kickbacksystems.com |
[Kiprosh](/company-profiles/kiprosh.md) | https://kiprosh.com | USA & India
[Kissmetrics](/company-profiles/kissmetrics.md) | https://www.kissmetrics.com/ | USA & Worldwide
[Klaviyo](/company-profiles/klaviyo.md) | https://www.klaviyo.com/ | USA & UK
[Knack](/company-profiles/knack.md) | https://www.knack.com | USA
[Kodify](/company-profiles/kodify.md) | https://kodify.io | EU & Worldwide
[Koding](/company-profiles/koding.md) | https://koding.com | Worldwide
[Komoot](/company-profiles/komoot.md) | https://www.komoot.com | Worldwide
[Konkurenta](/company-profiles/konkurenta.md) | https://konkurenta.com | EU
[Kraken](/company-profiles/kraken.md) | https://kraken.com | Worldwide
[Kuali](/company-profiles/kuali.md) | https://kuali.co | USA
[Lambda School](/company-profiles/lambda-school.md) | https://www.lambdaschool.com/ | USA & Europe
[LaterPay](/company-profiles/laterpay.md) | https://www.laterpay.net/ |
[LaterPay](/company-profiles/laterpay.md) | https://www.laterpay.net/ | Worldwide
[Leadership Success](/company-profiles/leadership-success.md) | https://www.leadershipsuccess.co/ | Worldwide
[Leadfeeder](/company-profiles/leadfeeder.md) | https://www.leadfeeder.com | Europe & North America
[Let's Encrypt](/company-profiles/lets-encrypt.md) | https://letsencrypt.org | USA and Canada
[Librato](/company-profiles/librato.md) ⚠️️ | https://www.librato.com/ |
[Lifetime Value Company](/company-profiles/lifetime-value-company.md) | https://www.ltvco.com/ | Worldwide
[Lightbend](/company-profiles/lightbend.md) | http://www.lightbend.com/ | Worldwide
[Linaro](/company-profiles/linaro.md) ⚠️ | https://www.linaro.org/ |
[Lightbend](/company-profiles/lightbend.md) | https://www.lightbend.com/ | Worldwide
[Linaro](/company-profiles/linaro.md) | https://www.linaro.org/ | Worldwide
[Lincoln Loop](/company-profiles/lincoln-loop.md) ⚠️ | https://lincolnloop.com/ |
[LINE Plus Corporation](/company-profiles/line-plus-corporation.md) | https://linepluscorp.com/ | Republic of Korea
[Linux Foundation](/company-profiles/linux-foundation.md) | http://www.linuxfoundation.org/ |
[Linux Foundation](/company-profiles/linux-foundation.md) | https://www.linuxfoundation.org/ | Worldwide
[Litmus](/company-profiles/litmus.md) | https://litmus.com/ | Worldwide
[LivingSocial](/company-profiles/livingsocial.md) ⚠️️ | https://www.livingsocial.com/ |
[Loadsys Web Strategies](/company-profiles/loadsys.md) | https://www.loadsys.com | USA
[Localistico](/company-profiles/localistico.md) | [https://localistico.com](http://localistico.com/team/#hiring) | Worldwide
[Localistico](/company-profiles/localistico.md) | [https://localistico.com](https://localistico.com/team/#hiring) | Worldwide
[LogDNA](/company-profiles/logdna.md) | [https://logdna.com](https://logdna.com/culture-and-career/) | Worldwide
[Lullabot](/company-profiles/lullabot.md) | https://www.lullabot.com/ | Worldwide
[Lyseon Tech](/company-profiles/lyseon-tech.md) | http://lt.coop.br/ | Brazil
[Luxoft](/company-profiles/luxoft.md) | https://www.luxoft.com/ | Worldwide
[Lyseon Tech](/company-profiles/lyseon-tech.md) | https://lt.coop.br/ | Brazil
[Lytx](/company-profiles/lytx.md) | https://www.lytx.com/en-us/about-us/careers | USA
[madewithlove](/company-profiles/madewithlove.md) | https://madewithlove.be | UTC-5 to UTC+3
[MailerLite](/company-profiles/mailerlite.md) | https://www.mailerlite.com | Worldwide
[Manifold](/company-profiles/manifold.md) | https://manifold.co | UTC-9 to UTC+1
[Mapbox](/company-profiles/mapbox.md) | https://www.mapbox.com/ | Worldwide
[Marketade](/company-profiles/marketade.md) ⚠️️ | http://www.marketade.com |
[Marketade](/company-profiles/marketade.md) ️ | https://www.marketade.com | USA
[MarsBased](/company-profiles/marsbased.md) | https://marsbased.com/ | Worldwide
[Mediacurrent](/company-profiles/mediacurrent.md) | https://www.mediacurrent.com/ | USA
[Mediavine]( /company-profiles/mediavine.md) | https://www.mediavine.com/ | USA
[Medium](/company-profiles/medium.md) | https://medium.com/ | USA
[Memberful](/company-profiles/memberful.md) ⚠️️ | https://memberful.com |
[Memberful](/company-profiles/memberful.md) | https://memberful.com | Worldwide
[Memory](/company-profiles/memory.md) | https://memory.ai/ | Worldwide
[MetaLab](/company-profiles/metalab.md) | http://metalab.co | Worldwide
[MetaMask](/company-profiles/metamask.md) | https://metamask.io |
[Merico](/company-profiles/merico.md) | https://merico.dev/ | Worldwide
[MetaLab](/company-profiles/metalab.md) | https://metalab.co | Worldwide
[MetaMask](/company-profiles/metamask.md) | https://metamask.io | Worldwide
[Microsoft](/company-profiles/microsoft.md) | https://www.microsoft.com/ | Worldwide
[Mixcloud](/company-profiles/mixcloud.md)| https://www.mixcloud.com/ | Europe
[Mixmax](/company-profiles/mixmax.md) | https://mixmax.com | Worldwide
[Mobile Jazz](/company-profiles/mobile-jazz.md) | https://mobilejazz.com | Worldwide
[Mokriya](/company-profiles/mokriya.md) ⚠️️ | http://mokriya.com |
[Modsquad](/company-profiles/modsquad.md) | https://modsquad.com/ | WorldWide
[Mokriya](/company-profiles/mokriya.md) ⚠️️ | https://mokriya.com |
[Molteo](/company-profiles/molteo.md) | https://molteo.com/ | Worldwide
[MongoDB](/company-profiles/mongodb.md) | https://mongodb.com | Worldwide
[Mozilla](/company-profiles/mozilla.md) | https://www.mozilla.org/ | North America
[mtc.](/company-profiles/mtc.md) | http://www.mtcmedia.co.uk | UK & Europe
[mtc.](/company-profiles/mtc.md) | https://www.mtcmedia.co.uk | UK & Europe
[Muck Rack](/company-profiles/muck-rack.md) | https://muckrack.com | Worldwide
[Mux](/company-profiles/mux.md) | https://mux.com | Worldwide
[Mycelium](/company-profiles/mycelium.md) ⚠️️ | https://mycelium.com |
[MySQL](/company-profiles/mysql.md) ⚠️️ | https://www.mysql.com/ |
[Netguru](/company-profiles/netguru.md) | https://www.netguru.com |
[MySQL](/company-profiles/mysql.md) | https://www.mysql.com/ | Worldwide
[Netguru](/company-profiles/netguru.md) | https://www.netguru.com | Worldwide
[Netsparker](/company-profiles/netsparker.md) | https://www.netsparker.com/ | Worldwide
[Nettl Edinburgh](/company-profiles/nettl-edinburgh.md) | http://www.webdesignedinburgh.com | UK & Europe
[Nettl Edinburgh](/company-profiles/nettl-edinburgh.md) | https://www.webdesignedinburgh.com | UK & Europe
[New Context](/company-profiles/new-context.md) | https://www.newcontext.com/ | USA
[NEXT](/company-profiles/next.md) | https://www.nexttrucking.com/ | USA
[Next Big Sound](/company-profiles/next-big-sound.md) ⚠️️ | https://www.nextbigsound.com/ |
@ -326,49 +366,54 @@ Name | Website | Region
[Novoda](/company-profiles/novoda.md) | https://www.novoda.com/ | UK & Europe
[npm](/company-profiles/npm.md) | https://www.npmjs.com/ | USA
[Nuna](/company-profiles/nuna.md) | https://www.nuna.com/ | USA
[O'Reilly Media](/company-profiles/oreilly-media.md) | http://www.oreilly.com/ |
[O'Reilly Media](/company-profiles/oreilly-media.md) | https://www.oreilly.com/ | USA, UK, JPN, CHN
[Octopus Deploy](/company-profiles/octopus-deploy.md) | https://octopus.com/ | Worldwide
[Oddball](/company-profiles/oddball.md) | https://oddball.io/ | USA
[Olark](/company-profiles/olark.md) | https://www.olark.com/ | UTC-8 to UTC+1
[Olist](/company-profiles/olist.md) | https://olist.com/ | Brazil
[Ollie](/company-profiles/ollie.md) | https://www.myollie.com | USA
[Ollie Order](/company-profiles/ollie-order.md) | https://ollieorder.com/ | Canada
[Olo](/company-profiles/olo.md) | https://www.olo.com/ | USA
[OmbuLabs](/company-profiles/ombu-labs.md) | https://www.ombulabs.com/ | Worldwide
[OmniTI](/company-profiles/omniti.md) | https://omniti.com/ | USA
[OnTheGoSystems](/company-profiles/on-the-go-systems.md) | https://onthegosystems.com/ | Worldwide
[OpenCraft](/company-profiles/opencraft.md) ⚠️️ | http://opencraft.com/ |
[OpenCraft](/company-profiles/opencraft.md) | https://opencraft.com/ | Worldwide
[OpenZeppelin](/company-profiles/openzeppelin.md) | https://openzeppelin.com/ | Worldwide
[Optoro](/company-profiles/optoro.md) | https://www.optoro.com/ | Worldwide
[Oracle](/company-profiles/oracle.md) | http://www.oracle.com/ | Worldwide
[Our-Hometown Inc.](/company-profiles/our-hometown-inc.md) ⚠️️ | http://our-hometown.com/ | USA
[Oracle](/company-profiles/oracle.md) | https://www.oracle.com/ | Worldwide
[Our-Hometown Inc.](/company-profiles/our-hometown-inc.md) | https://our-hometown.com/ | USA
[OutsourcingDev](/company-profiles/outsourcingdev.md) | https://www.outsourcingdev.com/ | Worldwide
[Over](/company-profiles/over.md) | https://www.madewithover.com/ | Worldwide
[Pagepro](/company-profiles/pagepro.md) | https://pagepro.co | UK, PL, Europe
[PagerDuty](/company-profiles/pagerduty.md) | https://pagerduty.com | USA
[Paktor](/company-profiles/paktor.md) | https://www.gopaktor.com/ | Worldwide
[Palantir.net](/company-profiles/palantir-net.md) | https://www.palantir.net/ | USA
[Park Assist](/company-profiles/park-assist.md) | http://tech.parkassist.com | UTC-8 to UTC+2
[Parker Wallace](/company-profiles/parker-wallace.md) ⚠️️ | http://www.parkerwallace.com/ |
[Parsely](/company-profiles/parsely.md) | http://www.parse.ly/ | Worldwide
[Particular Software](/company-profiles/particular-software.md) ⚠️️ | http://particular.net |
[Park Assist](/company-profiles/park-assist.md) | https://tech.parkassist.com | UTC-8 to UTC+2
[Parker Wallace](/company-profiles/parker-wallace.md) ⚠️️ | https://www.parkerwallace.com/ |
[Parsely](/company-profiles/parsely.md) | https://www.parse.ly/ | Worldwide
[Particular Software](/company-profiles/particular-software.md) | https://particular.net | Worldwide
[Pathable](/company-profiles/pathable.md) | https://pathable.com/ | Worldwide
[Payfully](/company-profiles/payfully.md) | https://www.payfully.co | Worldwide
[Paylocity](/company-profiles/paylocity.md) ⚠️️ | http://www.paylocity.com/ |
[Paylocity](/company-profiles/paylocity.md) | https://www.paylocity.com/ | USA
[PeachWorks](/company-profiles/peachworks.md) ⚠️️ | https://peachworks.com/ |
[Pelagicore](/company-profiles/pelagicore.md) ⚠️️ | http://www.pelagicore.com |
[PeopleDoc](/company-profiles/peopledoc.md) ⚠️️ | http://www.people-doc.com |
[PeopleDoc](/company-profiles/peopledoc.md) | https://www.people-doc.com | Europe
[Percona](/company-profiles/percona.md) | https://www.percona.com | Worldwide
[PicksCo](/company-profiles/picksco.md) | http://interchangehq.com/ | UTC-7 to UTC+1
[PicksCo](/company-profiles/picksco.md) | https://interchangehq.com/ | UTC-7 to UTC+1
[Plai](/company-profiles/plai.md) | https://plai.team | Europe, North America
[Platform Builders](/company-profiles/platform-builders.md) | https://platformbuilders.io/ | Worldwide
[Platform.sh](/company-profiles/platform-sh.md) | https://platform.sh/ | Worldwide
[Pleo](/company-profiles/pleo.md) | https://www.pleo.io/ | East American / European / African timezones
[Plex](/company-profiles/plex.md) | https://plex.tv | Worldwide
[PNC Financial Services ](/company-profiles/pnc-financial-services.md) | https://www.pnc.com/ | USA
[PowerSchool](/company-profiles/powerschool.md) | https://www.powerschool.com/ | North America
[Precision Nutrition](/company-profiles/precision-nutrition.md) ⚠️️ | http://www.precisionnutrition.com/ |
[Precision Nutrition](/company-profiles/precision-nutrition.md) | https://www.precisionnutrition.com/ | Worldwide
[Predict Mobile](/company-profiles/predict-mobile.md) | https://predictmobile.com/ | UK
[PreviousNext](/company-profiles/previousnext.md) ⚠️️ | https://www.previousnext.com.au/ |
[PreviousNext](/company-profiles/previousnext.md) | https://www.previousnext.com.au/ | Australia
[Prezly](/company-profiles/prezly.md) | https://www.prezly.com/ | Worldwide
[PrivacyCloud](/company-profiles/privacycloud.md) | https://www.privacycloud.com/en | Spain
[Procenge Tecnologia](/company-profiles/procenge.md) | https://www.procenge.com.br | Brazil
[Procurify](/company-profiles/procurify.md) | https://procurify.com/careers | Canada
[Progress Engine](/company-profiles/progress-engine.md) | https://www.progress-engine.com/en | Worldwide
[Prominent Edge](/company-profiles/prominent-edge.md) | https://prominentedge.com/careers | Worldwide
[Puppet](/company-profiles/puppet.md) | https://puppet.com/ | Worldwide
[Quaderno](/company-profiles/quaderno.md) | https://quaderno.io/ | Europe
@ -381,50 +426,60 @@ Name | Website | Region
[real.digital](/company-profiles/real-digital.md) | https://www.real-digital.de|Europe UTC-1 to UTC+2
[RealHQ](/company-profiles/realhq.md) ⚠️️ | https://realhq.com/ |
[RealtimeCRM](/company-profiles/realtimecrm.md) | https://realtimecrm.co.uk/ | Worldwide
[RebelMouse](/company-profiles/rebelmouse.md) | https://www.rebelmouse.com/ |
[RebelMouse](/company-profiles/rebelmouse.md) | https://www.rebelmouse.com/ | Worldwide
[Reboot Studio](/company-profiles/reboot-studio.md) | https://www.reboot.studio/ | Worldwide
[Receiptful](/company-profiles/receiptful.md) ⚠️️ | https://receiptful.com |
[ReCharge](/company-profiles/recharge.md) | http://rechargepayments.com/ | Worldwide
[Recurly](/company-profiles/recurly.md) ⚠️️ | https://recurly.com/ |
[ReCharge](/company-profiles/recharge.md) | https://rechargepayments.com/ | Worldwide
[Recurly](/company-profiles/recurly.md) | https://recurly.com/ | USA
[Red Hat](/company-profiles/red-hat.md) | https://www.redhat.com | Worldwide
[RedMonk](/company-profiles/redmonk.md) ⚠️️ | http://redmonk.com/ |
[Reddit](/company-profiles/reddit.md) | https://www.redditinc.com | USA
[RedMonk](/company-profiles/redmonk.md) | https://redmonk.com | Worldwide
[Redox](/company-profiles/redox.md) | https://www.redoxengine.com/ | USA
[Reducer](/company-profiles/reducer.md) | https://reducer.co.uk | UK
[reinteractive](/company-profiles/reinteractive.md) ⚠️️ | https://reinteractive.net/ |
[RenoFi](/company-profiles/renofi.md) | https://renofi.com/ |
[Remote Garage](/company-profiles/remote-garage.md) | http://www.remotegarage.club/ | India
[RenoFi](/company-profiles/renofi.md) | https://renofi.com/ | Worldwide
[Research Square](/company-profiles/research-square.md) | https://www.researchsquare.com/ | USA
[RightScale](/company-profiles/rightscale.md) ⚠️️ | http://www.rightscale.com/ |
[RightScale](/company-profiles/rightscale.md) ⚠️️ | https://www.rightscale.com/ |
[Roadtrippers](/company-profiles/roadtrippers.md) | https://www.roadtrippers.com | USA
[rtCamp](/company-profiles/rtcamp-solutions.md) | https://rtcamp.com | Worldwide
[Safari Books Online](/company-profiles/safari-books-online.md) ⚠️️ | https://www.safaribooksonline.com |
[Salesforce](/company-profiles/salesforce.md) ⚠️️ | https://www.salesforce.com/ |
[Sandhills Development](/company-profiles/sandhills-development.md) | http://sandhillsdev.com | Worldwide
[Sawhorse Media](/company-profiles/sawhorse-media.md) ⚠️️ | http://sawhorsemedia.com |
[Salesforce](/company-profiles/salesforce.md) | https://www.salesforce.com/ | Worldwide
[Sandhills Development](/company-profiles/sandhills-development.md) | https://sandhillsdev.com | Worldwide
[Sawhorse Media](/company-profiles/sawhorse-media.md) ⚠️️ | https://sawhorsemedia.com |
[Scalac](/company-profiles/scalac.md) | https://scalac.io/ | Worldwide
[Scopic Software](/company-profiles/scopic-software.md) | http://scopicsoftware.com/ | Worldwide
[Scandit](/company-profiles/scandit.md) | https://scandit.com| Worldwide
[Scopic Software](/company-profiles/scopic-software.md) | https://scopicsoftware.com/ | Worldwide
[ScrapingBee](/company-profiles/scrapingbee.md) | https://www.scrapingbee.com/ | Worldwide
[Scrapinghub](/company-profiles/scrapinghub.md) ⚠️️ | http://scrapinghub.com/ |
[Scrapinghub](/company-profiles/scrapinghub.md) | https://scrapinghub.com/ | Worldwide
[ScyllaDB](/company-profiles/scylladb.md) | https://scylladb.com/ | Worldwide
[Seaplane](/company-profiles/seaplane.md) | https://www.seaplane.io/ | Worldwide
[SecurityScorecard](/company-profiles/securityscorecard.md) ⚠️️ | https://securityscorecard.com/ |
[SEED](/company-profiles/seed.md) ⚠️️ | https://seed.co/ |
[SecurityScorecard](/company-profiles/securityscorecard.md) | https://securityscorecard.com/ | UTC -3 to -5
[Seeq](/company-profiles/seeq.md) | https://www.seeq.com | USA, Worldwide
[Semaphore](/company-profiles/semaphore.md) | https://semaphoreci.com | Europe
[Sensu](/company-profiles/sensu.md) | https://sensuapp.org | USA and Canada
[SerpApi](/company-profiles/serpapi.md) | https://serpapi.com/ | Worldwide
[Server Density](/company-profiles/server-density.md) | https://www.serverdensity.com | Europe
[ServMask](/company-profiles/servmask.md) | https://servmask.com | Worldwide
[Shogun](/company-profiles/shogun.md) | https://getshogun.com | Worldwide
[SignEasy](/company-profiles/signeasy.md) | http://getsigneasy.com | Worldwide
[simplabs](/company-profiles/simplabs.md) | http://simplabs.com/ | Europe and Americas
[Shopify](/company-profiles/shopify.md) | https://www.shopify.com | Worldwide
[SignEasy](/company-profiles/signeasy.md) | https://getsigneasy.com | Worldwide
[simplabs](/company-profiles/simplabs.md) | https://simplabs.com/ | Europe and Americas
[Simple](/company-profiles/simple.md) | https://www.simple.com/ | USA
[SimpleTexting](/company-profiles/simpletexting.md) | https://simpletexting.com/ | Worldwide
[Six to Start](/company-profiles/six-to-start.md) | http://sixtostart.com | Worldwide
[Skillcrush](/company-profiles/skillcrush.md) | http://skillcrush.com | Worldwide
[Six to Start](/company-profiles/six-to-start.md) | https://sixtostart.com | Worldwide
[Skillcrush](/company-profiles/skillcrush.md) | https://skillcrush.com | Worldwide
[Skillshare](/company-profiles/skillshare.md) | https://www.skillshare.com/teach | Worldwide
[Skyrocket Ventures](/company-profiles/skyrocket-ventures.md) | https://www.skyrocketventures.com/ | Worldwide
[SmartCash](/company-profiles/smartcash.md) | https://www.smartcash.cc/ | Worldwide
[Smile.io](/company-profiles/smile.md) | https://smile.io | Worldwide
[SmugMug](/company-profiles/smugmug.md) | https://www.smugmug.com/ | Worldwide
[SoftwareMill](/company-profiles/softwaremill.md) | https://softwaremill.com/ |
[Soostone](/company-profiles/soostone.md) ⚠️️ | http://www.soostone.com/ |
[Soshace](/company-profiles/soshace.md) | http://www.soshace.com/ | Worldwide
[Spoqa](/company-profiles/spoqa.md) | http://www.spoqa.com/ | Republic of Korea, Japan
[SoftwareMill](/company-profiles/softwaremill.md) | https://softwaremill.com/ | Europe
[Soostone](/company-profiles/soostone.md) | https://www.soostone.com/ | USA
[Soshace](/company-profiles/soshace.md) | https://www.soshace.com/ | Worldwide
[Spoqa](/company-profiles/spoqa.md) | https://www.spoqa.com/ | Republic of Korea, Japan
[Spreedly](/company-profiles/spreedly.md) | https://spreedly.com/ | USA
[Stack Exchange](/company-profiles/stack-exchange.md) | http://stackexchange.com/ | Worldwide
[Stack Exchange](/company-profiles/stack-exchange.md) | https://stackexchange.com/ | Worldwide
[Stairlin](/company-profiles/stairlin.md) | https://www.stairlin.com/ | Worldwide
[Status](/company-profiles/status.md) | https://www.status.im/ | Worldwide
[Stencil](/company-profiles/stencil.md) | https://getstencil.com/ | USA and Canada
@ -433,76 +488,86 @@ Name | Website | Region
[Stripe](/company-profiles/stripe.md) | https://stripe.com/ | Worldwide
[Strongloop](/company-profiles/strongloop.md) ⚠️️ | https://strongloop.com/ |
[StudySoup](/company-profiles/studysoup.md) | https://studysoup.com/ | Worldwide
[Superplayer & Co](/company-profiles/superplayer-and-co.md) | https://www.superplayer.co |
[Surevine](/company-profiles/surevine.md) ⚠️️ | https://www.surevine.com/ |
[SUSE](/company-profiles/suse.md) ⚠️️ | https://www.suse.com/ | Worldwide
[Sutherland CloudSource](/company-profiles/sutherland-cloudsource.md) ⚠️️ | https://www.sutherlandcloudsource.com |
[SweetRush](/company-profiles/sweetrush.md) ⚠️️ | http://www.sweetrush.com |
[Sysdig](/company-profiles/sysdig.md) ⚠️️ | http://www.sysdig.org/ |
[Superplayer & Co](/company-profiles/superplayer-and-co.md) | https://www.superplayer.co | Brazil, Latin America
[Surevine](/company-profiles/surevine.md) | https://www.surevine.com/ | United Kingdom
[SUSE](/company-profiles/suse.md) | https://www.suse.com/ | Worldwide
[Sutherland CloudSource](/company-profiles/sutherland-cloudsource.md) | https://www.sutherlandcloudsource.com | Worldwide
[SweetRush](/company-profiles/sweetrush.md) | https://www.sweetrush.com | Worldwide
[Sysdig](/company-profiles/sysdig.md)️ | https://www.sysdig.org/ |
[Tag1 Consulting](/company-profiles/tag1-consulting.md) ⚠️️ | https://tag1consulting.com/ | Worldwide
[Taplytics](/company-profiles/taplytics.md) ⚠️️ | https://taplytics.com/ |
[Taplytics](/company-profiles/taplytics.md) | https://taplytics.com/ | USA, Canada
[Taskade](/company-profiles/taskade.md) | https://taskade.com/ | Worldwide
[TaxJar](/company-profiles/taxjar.md) | https://www.taxjar.com | USA
[teamed.](/company-profiles/teamed.md) ⚠️️ | http://www.teamed.io/ |
[teamed.](/company-profiles/teamed.md) ⚠️️ | https://www.teamed.io/ |
[TeamSnap](/company-profiles/teamsnap.md) | https://www.teamsnap.com | USA
[TeamUltra](/company-profiles/teamultra.md) | https://www.teamultra.net/ | UK
[TED](/company-profiles/ted.md) | https://www.ted.com/ |
[Teleport](/company-profiles/teleport.md) ⚠️️ | http://teleport.org/ |
[Telerik](/company-profiles/telerik.md) ⚠️️ | http://www.telerik.com/ |
[TED](/company-profiles/ted.md) | https://www.ted.com/ | USA, CA, Brazil
[Teleport](/company-profiles/teleport.md) | https://teleport.org/ | USA< Europe
[Telerik](/company-profiles/telerik.md) | https://www.telerik.com/ | Worldwide
[Telestax](/company-profiles/telestax.md) | https://telestax.com/ | Worldwide
[Tenable](/company-profiles/tenable.md) ⚠️️ | http://www.tenable.com/ |
[Test Double](/company-profiles/test-double.md) ⚠️️ | http://testdouble.com/ |
[Tenable](/company-profiles/tenable.md) | https://www.tenable.com/ | Worldwide, Primarily USA
[Test Double](/company-profiles/test-double.md) | https://testdouble.com/ | North America
[The Grid](/company-profiles/the-grid.md) | https://thegrid.io/ | Worldwide
[The Publisher Desk](/company-profiles/the-publisher-desk.md) ⚠️️ | http://www.publisherdesk.com |
[The Remote Lab](/company-profiles/the-remote-lab.md) ⚠️️ | http://theremotelab.io |
[The Scale Factory](/company-profiles/the-scale-factory.md) | http://www.scalefactory.com/ | UK
[The Wirecutter](/company-profiles/the-wirecutter.md) | http://thewirecutter.com/ | Worldwide
[The Publisher Desk](/company-profiles/the-publisher-desk.md) | https://www.publisherdesk.com | UK and US
[The Scale Factory](/company-profiles/the-scale-factory.md) | https://www.scalefactory.com/ | UK
[The Wirecutter](/company-profiles/the-wirecutter.md) | https://thewirecutter.com/ | Worldwide
[Theorem](/company-profiles/theorem.md) | https://theorem.co/ | UTC-10 to UTC+2
[Thinkful](/company-profiles/thinkful.md) | https://www.thinkful.com/ | WorldWide
[Third Iron](/company-profiles/third-iron.md) | https://thirdiron.com/ | USA
[TIDY Homekeeping](/company-profiles/tidy-homekeeping.md) ⚠️️ | http://tidy.com/ | USA
[Thorn](/company-profiles/thorn.md) | https://thorn.org/ | USA
[TIDY Homekeeping](/company-profiles/tidy-homekeeping.md) ⚠️️ | https://tidy.com/ | USA
[TimeSpot](/company-profiles/timespot.md) | https://timespothq.com/ | Worldwide
[Tipe](/company-profiles/tipe.md) | https://tipe.io | USA
[Toast](/company-profiles/toast.md) | https://pos.toasttab.com/ | USA and Ireland
[toggl](/company-profiles/toggl.md) | https://toggl.com/ | Worldwide
[Toptal](/company-profiles/toptal.md) | https://www.toptal.com/ | Worldwide
[Tractionboard](/company-profiles/tractionboard.md) ⚠️️ | https://tractionboard.com/ |
[Tower](/company-profiles/tower.md) | https://www.git-tower.com/ | Worldwide
[Tractionboard](/company-profiles/tractionboard.md) ️ | https://tractionboard.io/ | USA
[Transition Technologies - Advanced Solutions](/company-profiles/transition-technologies-advanced-solutions.md) | https://www.ttas.pl/ | Poland
[Transloadit](/company-profiles/transloadit.md) | https://transloadit.com/ | Worldwide
[Travis CI](/company-profiles/travis-ci.md) ⚠️️ | https://travis-ci.org/ |
[Travis](/company-profiles/travis.md) | https://travistravis.co | Worldwide
[Travis CI](/company-profiles/travis-ci.md) | https://travis-ci.org/ | Worldwide
[Treehouse](/company-profiles/treehouse.md) | https://teamtreehouse.com/ | USA
[Trello](/company-profiles/trello.md) | https://trello.com/ |
[Trello](/company-profiles/trello.md) | https://trello.com/ | Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania
[Truelogic](/company-profiles/truelogic.md) | https://www.truelogicsoftware.com/ | Latin America
[TrussWorks](/company-profiles/trussworks.md) | https://truss.works | USA
[Tuft & Needle](/company-profiles/tuft-and-needle.md) | https://www.tuftandneedle.com/ | USA
[Twin Technologies](/company-profiles/twin-technologies.md) ⚠️️ | https://www.twintechs.com/ |
[Udacity](/company-profiles/udacity.md) | https://www.udacity.com/ | Worldwide
[UpTrending](/company-profiles/uptrending.md) ⚠️️ | http://uptrending.com |
[Upwork Pro](/company-profiles/upwork-pro.md) | https://www.upwork.com |
[Upworthy](/company-profiles/upworthy.md) ⚠️️ | https://www.upworthy.com/ | Worldwide (U.S. Timezone)
[Uhuru](/company-profiles/uhuru.md) | https://uhurunetwork.com/ | Worldwide
[Upwork Pro](/company-profiles/upwork-pro.md) | https://www.upwork.com | North America
[Upworthy](/company-profiles/upworthy.md) | https://www.upworthy.com/ | Worldwide, Time Zone: PST, PDT
[Ushahidi](/company-profiles/ushahidi.md) | https://www.ushahidi.com | Worldwide
[Varnish Software](/company-profiles/varnish-software.md) | https://www.varnish-software.com/about-us | Worldwide
[vast limits](/company-profiles/vast-limits.md) | https://vastlimits.com/ | Germany
[Vercel](/company-profiles/vercel.md) | https://vercel.com/ | Worldwide
[Vox Media (Product Team)](/company-profiles/vox-media.md) ⚠️️ | http://www.voxmedia.com/ |
[Voxy](/company-profiles/voxy.md)️️ | https://boards.greenhouse.io/voxy |
[WalletHub](/company-profiles/wallethub.md) | https://wallethub.com/jobs/ |
[WebDevStudios](/company-profiles/webdevstudios.md) | https://webdevstudios.com/ |
[Veryfi](/company-profiles/veryfi.md) | https://veryfi.com/about | Worldwide
[Viperdev](/company-profiles/viperdev.md) | https://viperdev.io | Worldwide
[Vox Media (Product Team)](/company-profiles/vox-media.md) | https://www.voxmedia.com/ | USA, UK
[Voxy](/company-profiles/voxy.md)️️ | https://boards.greenhouse.io/voxy | Brazil, USA
[WalletHub](/company-profiles/wallethub.md) | https://wallethub.com/jobs/ | USA
[WebDevStudios](/company-profiles/webdevstudios.md) | https://webdevstudios.com/ | USA
[WebFX](/company-profiles/webfx.md) | https://www.webfx.com | Worldwide
[Webikon](/company-profiles/webikon.md) | http://www.webikon.sk/en/ | Worldwide
[Webikon](/company-profiles/webikon.md) | https://www.webikon.sk/en/ | Worldwide
[WellMatch](/company-profiles/wellmatch.md) ⚠️️ | https://www.wellmatchhealth.com/ |
[Wells Fargo](/company-profiles/wells-fargo.md) | https://www.wellsfargo.com/ |
[wemake.services](/company-profiles/wemake-services.md) | https://wemake.services/ | Worldwide
[Whitecap SEO](/company-profiles/whitecap-seo.md) | http://www.whitecapseo.com/ | USA
[Whitespectre](/company-profiles/whitespectre.md) | http://whitespectre.com | Worldwide
[WikiHow](/company-profiles/wikihow.md) ️ | http://www.wikihow.com/wikiHow:About-wikiHow | PST Timezone
[Whitecap SEO](/company-profiles/whitecap-seo.md) | https://www.whitecapseo.com/ | USA
[Whitespectre](/company-profiles/whitespectre.md) | https://whitespectre.com | Worldwide
[WikiHow](/company-profiles/wikihow.md) ️ | https://www.wikihow.com/wikiHow:About-wikiHow | PST Timezone
[Wikimedia Foundation](/company-profiles/wikimedia-foundation.md) | https://wikimediafoundation.org | Worldwide
[Wildbit](/company-profiles/wildbit.md) | http://wildbit.com/ | USA & Worldwide
[Wildbit](/company-profiles/wildbit.md) | https://wildbit.com/ | USA & Worldwide
[Wizeline](/company-profiles/wizeline.md) | https://www.wizeline.com/ | Worldwide
[Wolfram](/company-profiles/wolfram.md) | https://www.wolfram.com | Worldwide
[Wombat Security Technologies](/company-profiles/wombat-security.md) | https://www.wombatsecurity.com/ | USA
[X-Team](/company-profiles/x-team.md) | http://x-team.com/ | Worldwide
[X-Team](/company-profiles/x-team.md) | https://x-team.com/ | Worldwide
[Xapo](/company-profiles/xapo.md) | https://xapo.com/en/ | Worldwide
[XP Inc](/company-profiles/xp-inc.md) | https://www.xpi.com.br/ | Brazil
[Yandex](/company-profiles/yandex.md) | https://yandex.com/ | Worldwide
[YAZIO](/company-profiles/yazio.md) | https://www.yazio.com/en/jobs | Europe
[Yodo1](/company-profiles/yodo1.md) | https://www.yodo1.com/en/ | Worldwide
[Yonder](/company-profiles/yonder.md) | https://www.yonder.io | Worldwide
[You Need A Budget](/company-profiles/you-need-a-budget.md) | https://www.youneedabudget.com/ | Worldwide
[YouCanBook.me Ltd](/company-profiles/youcanbook-me.md) | https://youcanbook.me | Worldwide
[Zapier](/company-profiles/zapier.md) | https://zapier.com/ | Worldwide
[Zeit.io](/company-profiles/zeit-io.md) | http://zeit.io/ | Germany, The Netherlands, Spain, Chile
[Zeit.io](/company-profiles/zeit-io.md) | https://zeit.io/ | Germany, The Netherlands, Spain, Chile
[Zignaly.com](/company-profiles/zignaly.md) | https://zignaly.io/ | Worldwide
@ -197,6 +197,7 @@ async function buildSite() {
fs.mkdirSync( siteBuildPath );
fs.mkdirSync( path.join( siteBuildPath, 'assets' ) );
copyAssetToBuild( 'remoteintech.png', null, false );
copyAssetToBuild( 'external-link.svg', null, false );
// Set up styles/scripts to be included on all pages
const stylesheets = [ {
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Almost all of us are remote. We also have an office in downtown Toronto that eve
## Region
Worldwide. Right now we have folks distributed throughout North America and Europe. We have one brave soul in New Zealand and others in the SEA timezone. More are welcome!
Current openings are for remote positions in US, UK, and Canada.
## Company technologies
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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
# activecampaign
## Company blurb
Go beyond email marketing with true marketing automation
## Company size
## Remote status
Director of Deliverability; Product Support Specialist (Contract)
## Region
Dublin, Ireland; USA
## Company technologies
Our Artificial Intelligence finds freelance and remote jobs for you automatically
## How to apply
Visit https://www.activecampaign.com/about/careers#openings
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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
# addstructure
## Company blurb
We bring a people-first approach to advanced technology, connecting thougsands of brands and retailers to the voices of their customers.
## Company size
## Remote status
Redefining how brands and consumers connect, create and innovate
## Region
## Company technologies
iOS, React, Knockout, Rails, Perl, HTML, Sql, Ruby, JQuery
## How to apply
Visti https://www.bazaarvoice.com/
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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
# airtreks
## Company blurb
Since 1987, AirTreks has been a leader in multi-stop international travel, especially complex routes with up to 25 stops. We believe travel is vital: our core values are making meaningful connections, embracing change, working and playing with passion, loving learning, and owning our experience.
## Company size
## Remote status
Multi-stop international flight planner with a distributed team.
## Region
## Company technologies
Full-Stack Developer, Travel Service Expert,Experienced Travel Agent,Travel Ambassador
## How to apply
Visit https://tripplanner.airtreks.com/route?AFFID=AIRTREKS&DST=AIRFARE_MENU
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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
## Company blurb
[AIVITEX](https://en.aivitex.de/)<sup>\[1\]</sup> offers a new dimension for customer support - with AI/AR supported video calls.
We’re on the lookout for skilled, collaborative, and passionate people who are excited about AI/AR powered video calls for outstanding remote support.
## Company size
6 team members
## Remote status
Remote only for now. We plan to open an office in Berlin/Germany in the future.
## Region
Germany, European Union
## Company technologies
**Programming:** Swift, Kotlin, Javascript/Typescript
**DevOps:** Git, Google Cloud, AWS
**Business tools:** GitHub, Asana, Google Hangouts, Slack
## How to apply
Visit our [careers page](https://en.aivitex.de/hiring)<sup>\[2\]</sup> for career opportunities.
\[1\]: https://en.aivitex.de/
\[2\]: https://en.aivitex.de/hiring
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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
# Amazon
## Company blurb
When Amazon.com launched in 1995, it was with the mission “to be Earth’s most customer-centric company, where customers can find and discover anything they might want to buy online, and endeavors to offer its customers the lowest possible prices.” This goal continues today, but Amazon’s customers are worldwide now, and have grown to include millions of Consumers, Sellers, Content Creators, and Developers & Enterprises. Each of these groups has different needs, and we always work to meet those needs, innovating new solutions to make things easier, faster, better, and more cost-effective. [Learn about working at Amazon](https://www.amazon.jobs/en/working/working-amazon)
## Company size
## Remote status
Some [remote opportunities](https://www.amazon.jobs/en/locations/virtual-locations)
## Region
Worldwide [locations](https://www.amazon.jobs/en/locations/virtual-locations)
## Company technologies
We do not require that you know any specific programming language before interviewing for a tech position. However, familiarity with a prominent language is generally a prerequisite for success. You should be familiar with the syntax of languages such as Java, Python, C#, C/C++, or Ruby. You should also know some of the languages’ nuances, such as how memory management works, or the most commonly used collections, libraries, etc. [More info](https://www.amazon.jobs/en/landing_pages/software-development-topics)
## Office locations
[Worldwide locations](https://www.amazon.jobs/en/locations/?&continent=all&cache)
## How to apply
Find jobs: [careers website](https://www.amazon.jobs/)
Remote opportunities: [virtual locations](https://www.amazon.jobs/en/locations/virtual-locations)
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
# BTownWeb
# Ambaum
## Company blurb
[BTownWeb](https://www.btownweb.com) is a Web Development agency with a focus on Ecommerce.
[Ambaum](https://ambaum.com) is a Web Development agency with a focus on Ecommerce.
## Company size
@ -26,4 +26,4 @@ Seattle, Washington, USA
## How to apply
[BTownWeb Contact](https://www.btownweb.com/contact-us/)
[Ambaum Careers](https://ambaum.com/careers)
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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
# animalz
## Company blurb
Animalz provides high-end content marketing and SEO solutions to startups, VC firms and enterprise companies.
## Company size
## Remote status
Every engineer on our team works remotely.
## Region
## Company technologies
Content Marketing Manager, Content Analyst
## How to apply
Visit the link to apply in your field of interest https://www.animalz.co/jobs/
@ -50,4 +50,4 @@ None 🌎
## How to apply
Have a look at our openings here: https://aula.education/careers.html
Have a look at our openings here: https://aula.education/careers
@ -4,31 +4,29 @@
We are a distributed company, democratizing publishing and development.
We are the people behind WordPress.com, which serves more than 15.8 billion pages a month, as well as a host of other popular services, such as Akismet, Jetpack, VaultPress, and WooCommerce. We are strong believers in Open Source, and the vast majority of our work is available under licenses like the GPL.
We are the people behind WordPress.com, WooCommerce, Jetpack, Simplenote, Longreads, VaultPress, Akismet, Gravatar, Crowdsignal, Cloudup, Tumblr, and more. We believe in making the web a better place.
## Company size
Over 750+ [Automatticians](https://automattic.com/about/).
1200 and growing, we call ourselves [Automatticians](https://automattic.com/about/).
## Remote status
Choose your own adventure · Everyone works from their own home or office, and we’re spread out all over the world.
We've been distributed since day one so [we understand remote work](https://automattic.com/work-with-us/).
Home office setup and co-working allowances. Working from a coffee shop? You can use your co-working allowance for the requisite latte!
All of our employees work from homes / co-working locations / coffee shops / wherever they want in [one of 50 countries](https://automattic.com/map/).
Choose your own adventure · Everyone works from where they feel works for them.
## Region
Worldwide - our team members hail from all over, every continent except Antarctica (so far!) - this means over 50 countries around the world.
Worldwide - our team members hail from all over, every continent except Antarctica (so far!) - this means [over 70 countries](https://automattic.com/map/).
## Company technologies
WordPress, [JavaScript (Node/React/Redux)](https://ma.tt/2015/11/dance-to-calypso/), PHP, Spark, Kafka, Elasticsearch, Impala/Hive, MySQL, Java, Python
WordPress, JavaScript (Node/React/Redux), PHP, Spark, Kafka, Elasticsearch, Impala/Hive, MySQL, Java, Python
## Office locations
We no longer have an official physical office.
We have no official physical office.
## How to apply
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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
# Bear Group
## Company blurb
We’re a 26-person website development firm focused on building and supporting
top-notch Magento, Drupal, and Shopify solutions that help businesses grow. We
work with some amazing organizations across many industries, and are proud to
play a part in their successes and—in many cases—their transformations.
## Company size
## Remote status
We’re a remote-first, US-based company with headquarters in Seattle. Being
fully remote, we come together in Slack and Jira most often, with the occasional
meeting in Zoom. We believe in creating the space—and freedom—for our team to
focus, and really appreciate how we can do that remotely (with some lighthearted
fun in the mix, of course!).
## Region
## Company technologies
- Drupal
- Magento
- Shopify
## Office locations
Seattle, WA - Headquarters
## How to apply
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ We have flexible working hours and scheduled team/dev meeting over video chat.
## Region
USA, Europe
## Company technologies
@ -37,3 +37,4 @@ We then integrate with dozens of external platforms to automatically sync prices
## How to apply
Send email to jobs@beyondpricing.com
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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
# Bill
## Company blurb
Bill.com is a leading provider of cloud-based software that simplifies, digitizes, and automates complex, back-office financial operations for small and midsize businesses.
## Company size
0 - 1000
## Remote status
Bill.com works to provide a “casual, fun environment” at its Palo Alto office, including healthy snacks; an open, inclusive workspace; onsite fitness and running trails; and, for all employees, flexible work schedules.
## Region
Currently we are only set up for US-based remote employees.
## Company technologies
Java, AWS, DynamoDB
## Office locations
## How to apply
[Bill Jobs](https://www.bill.com/about-us/careers/)
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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
# Boldare
## Company blurb
Boldare is a design and digital product development company. We create beautiful and functional web platforms, apps and custom software solutions since 2004.
Boldare is home to brave and team-oriented people who offer much more than just technical skills. We work using the holacracy management framework. It allows us to liberate purpose-driven/goal-oriented spirit, share the decision-making powers across all of our 160 employees, and provide a unique mix of proactivity and responsibility.
We are based in Poland - the home of the top engineers in the world - and operate in four different locations, including Warsaw.
## Company size
170+ employees
## Remote status
We work fully remotely, however, offer office spaces in Gliwice (our headquarters), Warsaw, Wrocław and Cracow.
## Region
## Company technologies
Java, JavaScript, Python, PHP, Node.js, Angular, React, Django, Symfony, Xamarin, React Native, .NET, AWS
## Office locations
Gliwice, Warsaw, Wrocław, Cracow
## How to apply
@ -2,10 +2,30 @@
## Company blurb
⚠ We don't have much information about this company yet!
The company invests in venture capital within Brazil. Brave looks fore investments in companies with high growth perspectives and the potential to revolutionize urban environments. We believe technology is the most likely solution for problems in our modern day metropolis.
If you know something we don't, help us fill it in! Here's how:
We do not restrict our business solely to investments. Our partners are constantly developing projects in-house and testing them in the market.
- Read our [Contributing Guidelines](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md)
- Have a look at our [example company profile](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/company-profiles/example.md)
- Follow the structure of the example profile and [send us a pull request with your changes to this file!](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/edit/master/company-profiles/brave-investments.md)
## Company size
## Remote status
The remote status is mainly centered around the tech team, that is currently spread across Europe, including UK, Greece, Poland, Germany. Our job descriptions clearly state location expectations and are always welcome to ask.
## Region
The tech team usually works from UTC to UTC +3 timezones, but we are also flexible on moving backward or forward your working hours. Feel free to ask if in doubt!
## Company technologies
Linux, perl, python, mysql, elasticsearch, gearman, rabbitMQ, nginx, apache, memcached, AWS, terraform, chef.
## Office locations
- Brazil
## How to apply
[apply here](https://www.linkedin.com/company/brave-investments/)
@ -18,6 +18,10 @@ We're a fully remote company with team members from Spain, Germany, England, Arg
## Company technologies
Kotlin, Kotlin Native, Swift, ObjectiveC, Angular, Ionic, Nest.js, Yii2, Laravel, AWS, Linux, Data Encryption, TensorFlow, CoreML
## Office locations
@ -1,11 +1,23 @@
# Bulut Yazilim
## Company blurb
We're superb about cloud software development, optimization and scale.
## Company size
A total of 51 to 100 people work in the company
## Remote status
Bulut Yazilim commits work in software. The CEO ois Huseyin Mert.Company offers a balanced work-life opportunity.
## Region
HeadQuarters is in Istanbul,Turkey
## How to apply
Visit site [bulutyazilim](https://bulutyazilim.com) or contact through email: hi@bulutyazilim.com
⚠ We don't have much information about this company yet!
If you know something we don't, help us fill it in! Here's how:
- Read our [Contributing Guidelines](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md)
- Have a look at our [example company profile](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/company-profiles/example.md)
- Follow the structure of the example profile and [send us a pull request with your changes to this file!](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/edit/master/company-profiles/bulut-yazilim.md)
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
# BuySellAds
## Company blurb
We are the monetization solutions for the content creators. It’s been our mission to build monetization tools that we would use ourselves. We help publishers grow through scalable monetization tools and access to relevant advertisers. We also connect relevant marketers with curated, passionate publisher audiences at scale.
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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
# Calamari
## Company blurb
Calamari is an HR management software creater to support HR department and managers in people management. It allows planning and tracking all types of absences and attendance in work. You can track work-time QR codes and iBeacons. You can also get notification about upcoming absences, time off requests, and special event like employees' birthdays or holidays. Calamari supports companies with offices based in multiple locations - different cities and countries. It also supportos role-based security. Calamari provides web app, mobile app and is integrated with project management tools like JIRA, Slack, Office265, GSuite, Microsoft Teams, Basecamp, and Asana.
## Company size
## Remote status
Part of employees. Each employee can discuss the terms of employment and determine their scope of remote work. We have an office in Białystok and Warsaw, and our employees also come from other cities and they work remotely. The company is partialy remote.
## Region
Poland, 616
## Company technologies
React, jQuery, jsp, typescript, JavaScript, Java, Spring
## Office locations
Białystok, Warsaw
## How to apply
Check our job page: [Kariera](https://calamari.pl/kariera)
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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
# ChatGen
## Company blurb
ChatGen is a Smart Conversational Sales and Marketing Chatbot platform that drives immediate business impact with Sales. Our ChatGen solution is just not an ordinary chatbot but an advanced chatbot clubbed with features like automatic scheduling, extensive analytics, automatic routing, and a host of other features.
## Company size
<30 (as of February 2021)
## Remote status
Almost all of us are remote, distributed around Asia and USA.
## Company technologies
JavaScript, AWS Lambda, Cloudwatch, Node.js, React.js, MongoDB, Django
## Office locations
## How to apply
See our job listings at https://www.linkedin.com/company/chatgen/jobs/
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ We are a profitable company and our KPIs are growing year over year. We\'ve doub
Our team consists of 33 members: 7 softwares engineers, 7 c-levels and others amazing colleagues distributed on trade, customer service, marketing, operation and administration teams. Every team member is eligible for our stock option plan.
Our investors team have impressive names from internet and restaurant industries. Take a look at our [LinkedIn page](www.linkedin.com/company/chefsclub/people).
Our investors team have impressive names from internet and restaurant industries. Take a look at our [LinkedIn page](https://www.linkedin.com/company/chefsclub/people).
## Remote status
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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
# CodeSandbox
## Company blurb
#### About
CodeSandbox aims at building more accessible and collaborative applications, so we are building a next-generation platform where everyone can build and contribute. Our goal is to improve collaboration between developers and other team members, to make the development cycle faster and easier.
Founded in 2017, and headquartered in Amsterdam, CodeSandbox provides free, instant, collaborative sandboxes for rapid web development. Used by over 2M developers each month, including within organizations like Shopify, Atlassian, and Stripe, creators have crafted over 10M apps on the platform since launch. It’s used by thousands of open source projects, including React, Vue, and Babel, among others.
## Company size
Approx 20-50.
## Remote status
We are a remote first company.
## Region
## How to apply
Check out our open positions at [CodeSandbox Careers](https://codesandbox.io/jobs).
@ -2,10 +2,51 @@
## Company blurb
⚠ We don't have much information about this company yet!
Easily set-up your builds, with no infrastructure to manage. No Ops. No Admins.
Increase your throughput. CloudBees CodeShip is fast, so you never have to wait.
Configure your build anyway you want and deploy anywhere.
If you know something we don't, help us fill it in! Here's how:
Codeship's continuous integration platform operates B2D portal that delivers hosted continuous integration and deployment for web applications. It shortens the development cycles thus reducing the risk of bugs and increasing innovation. It helps software companies to develop a better product faster by taking care of the testing and release process.
Codeship automates software deployment and all the necessary tasks involved with it.
- Read our [Contributing Guidelines](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md)
- Have a look at our [example company profile](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/company-profiles/example.md)
- Follow the structure of the example profile and [send us a pull request with your changes to this file!](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/edit/master/company-profiles/codeship.md)
## Company size
## Remote status
Codeship has roots in the US and Austria. We were founded in Austria and then grew as part of the Techstars Accelerator program, Spring 2013 class, in Boston. We strive to have a team full of smart people from all around the world, and we work remotely to enable this. Our team is spread across six countries in North America and Europe. We'll make sure you have all of the office equipment you need to be a successful member of a remote team, either at home or in a coworking space. You'll also be able to travel to meet your colleagues throughout the year, and we typically alternate between North America and Europe.
## Region
## Company technologies
## Office locations
535 Mission St, San Francisco, CA, USA 94105
33 Rothschild Boulevard, Tel-Aviv, Israel 6688302
## How to apply
@ -1,11 +1,30 @@
# Compose
# Compose, an IBM Company
## Company blurb
⚠ We don't have much information about this company yet!
We created MongoHQ, the first DBaaS (Database as a Service) of its kind, to help devs get their time back by providing an easy to deploy and scale data store. As we expanded our other database offerings to developers, we took on the name Compose.
If you know something we don't, help us fill it in! Here's how:
We’ve spent the last 7 years helping developers ship applications with production grade databases. Our expert team of database engineers have seen it all and worked hard to build a highly-repeatable deployment process.
- Read our [Contributing Guidelines](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md)
- Have a look at our [example company profile](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/company-profiles/example.md)
- Follow the structure of the example profile and [send us a pull request with your changes to this file!](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/edit/master/company-profiles/compose.md)
Using Compose, companies can now deploy databases instantly with backups, monitoring, performance tuning, and a full-suite of management tools.
In 2014, we introduced Transporter, an open source tool for helping companies deploy polyglot persistence architectures to take advantage of each database's strength and capabilities.
Compose was founded in 2010 and participated in the Summer 2011 Y Combinator class. In 2015, Compose was acquired by IBM becoming part of the IBM Cloud group.
## Company size
21 employees
## Company technologies
MongoDB, Redis, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Elasticsearch, ScyllaDB, RabbitMQ, etcd, RethinkDB
## Office locations
Our highly distributed team is proof positive that the best talent isn’t found in a single zip code.
From London to Johannesburg to Montreal, we’re everywhere you are.
## How to apply
@ -12,5 +12,5 @@ Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
1700 G St. NW Washington, DC 20552
## How to apply
1. Email [CFPB_Jobs@consumerfinance.gov](CFPB_Jobs@consumerfinance.gov) OR
1. Email [CFPB_Jobs@consumerfinance.gov](mailto:CFPB_Jobs@consumerfinance.gov) OR
2. Apply here - [https://www.consumerfinance.gov/about-us/careers/current-openings/](https://www.consumerfinance.gov/about-us/careers/current-openings/)
@ -2,10 +2,32 @@
## Company blurb
⚠ We don't have much information about this company yet!
Continu helps you create a learning experience that engages and connects small teams and large enterprises.
If you know something we don't, help us fill it in! Here's how:
## Remote status
- Read our [Contributing Guidelines](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md)
- Have a look at our [example company profile](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/company-profiles/example.md)
- Follow the structure of the example profile and [send us a pull request with your changes to this file!](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/edit/master/company-profiles/continu.md)
You'll work where you feel most creative. Either with us in San Francisco, Santa Monica or from your own location (depending on your role).
## Region
## Company technologies
- Node.js
- React
- AngularJS
- Amazon Web Services
- Jira
- Github
- Docker
- MongoDB
## Office locations
Santa Monica, USA
San Francisco, USA
## How to apply
[Careers at Continu](https://careers.continu.co)
@ -2,10 +2,38 @@
## Company blurb
⚠ We don't have much information about this company yet!
**Event Apps for Conferences and Trade Shows**
If you know something we don't, help us fill it in! Here's how:
Core-apps is the leading provider of technology for the Trade Show and Events Industry specializing in robust event apps designed to be scalable, innovative and cost effective. Our company supports more than 50% of the Top 250 Trade Shows and is the only technology platform offering Event Apps, Event Management Software, Beacons and Kiosks as 4 tier-one solutions. Founded in 2009, the company is headquartered in Arnold, Maryland and serves customers around the globe.
- Read our [Contributing Guidelines](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md)
- Have a look at our [example company profile](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/company-profiles/example.md)
- Follow the structure of the example profile and [send us a pull request with your changes to this file!](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/edit/master/company-profiles/core-apps.md)
## Company size
No. of current employees: 20-50
## Remote status
We are a virtual company, and while you’re able to work from anywhere, most of our team members are in the United States.
## Region
## Company technologies
GoExpo is flexible Event Management Software designed to improve efficiency and increase revenue while maintaining the integrity of your existing event processes. Simply put, you won’t have to upend your event processes to use GoExpo, but GoExpo will provide the ability to improve the efficiency of your processes.
GoExpo can be utilized to fill a simple gap in your event technology ecosystem, or can be the complete source for all of your event management needs. GoExpo offers several packages and modules from an interactive floor plan and exhibitor directory, to booth applications and invoicing.
The platform also includes an ecommerce shopping cart to generate revenue for booth and sponsorship sales. To complete the technology ecosystem, GoExpo provides session/speaker data management along with an attendee planner and matchmaking networking tool.
APIs, webservices, and iFrames are provided free of charge to display your event information, all of which also passes over to our mobile app and wayfinders for consistency across the board. There are no fees for seat licenses with GoExpo and all of the training and support is provided by our dedicated Account Manager.
## Office locations
Core-apps Corporate Headquarters
1290 Bay Dale Drive, #319
Arnold, MD 21012
## How to apply
Visit the following site for more details: [Jobs](https://www.core-apps.com/event-technology-company/jobs/)
@ -2,10 +2,31 @@
## Company blurb
⚠ We don't have much information about this company yet!
CoreOS builds industry-leading infrastructure software to securely run application containers anywhere.
If you know something we don't, help us fill it in! Here's how:
## Company size
- Read our [Contributing Guidelines](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md)
- Have a look at our [example company profile](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/company-profiles/example.md)
- Follow the structure of the example profile and [send us a pull request with your changes to this file!](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/edit/master/company-profiles/coreos.md)
An approximate size of CoreOS is between 51 - 100.
## Remote status
No current job openings on their website.
## Region
United States.
## Company technologies
Linux (based on Gentoo Linux)
## Office locations
101 New Montgomery
San Francisco, CA 94105
United States
## How to apply
Please visit their website for job openings [CoreOS](https://coreos.com/).
@ -45,4 +45,4 @@ Paris (Levallois-Perret) : 55 rue Raspail, 92300, Levallois-Perret, France
## How to apply
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# DataCamp
## Company blurb
[DataCamp](https://datacamp.com) is building the best platform to learn and teach data skills. We create technology for personalized learning experiences and bring the power of data fluency to millions of people around the world. Our learners get real hands-on experience by completing self-paced, interactive data science courses, practice, and projects from the best instructors in the world, right in the browser.
We are an international team with backgrounds in education, data science, design, psychology, biology, linguistics, engineering, and more. We are united by our passion for impacting the future of education
## Company size
100-200 (as of April 2021)
## Remote status
Fully remote positions are available. We also have located positions available with flexible working from home policy.
## Region
Europe or comparable timezone.
## Company technologies
TypeScript, React, React-Native, Ruby, Kubernetes, Terraform, JavaScript, and others depending on the team.
## Office locations
Leuven (BE), London (UK), New York (USA)
## How to apply
Visit [DataCamp's careers](https://datacamp.com/careers) page.
@ -2,10 +2,62 @@
## Company blurb
⚠ We don't have much information about this company yet!
Delighted is a company which provides software that can gather actionable feedback from your customers. Customers take a single question survey. They rate your product/service and provide feedback in their own words. Feedback appears instantly in your dashboard.
If you know something we don't, help us fill it in! Here's how:
## Company size
- Read our [Contributing Guidelines](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md)
- Have a look at our [example company profile](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/company-profiles/example.md)
- Follow the structure of the example profile and [send us a pull request with your changes to this file!](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/edit/master/company-profiles/delighted.md)
## Region
* Asia
* Europe
## Company technologies
## Office locations
Buenos Aires,
Mexico City,
New York,
São Paulo,
South Korea,
Washington D.C.
## How to apply
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# Designcode
## Company blurb
This company offers various courses and prepares you to further jobs.
## Company size
An approximate size of company 50-100.
## Remote status
We employ several strategies to ensure an inclusive and collaborative environment for all our employees.
At least once a year we organize an in-person all-hands team week. It’s the best.
## Region
## Company technologies
## Office locations
We receive post at Egerlandstrasse 9, 71236 Weil der Stadt, Germany
## How to apply
No openings currently
@ -26,5 +26,5 @@ We don't have a central office. Most of the team would work out of SF or Vancouv
## How to apply
Have a look at the [jobs](http://dgraph.io/#jobs) section on our website. If this looks interesting drop us an email at [join@dgraph.io](join@dgraph.io).
Have a look at the [jobs](http://dgraph.io/#jobs) section on our website. If this looks interesting drop us an email at [join@dgraph.io](mailto:join@dgraph.io).
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
Founded in 2012 by the people behind the Elasticsearch and Apache Lucene open source projects, Elastic provides real-time insights and makes massive amounts of structured and unstructured data usable for developers and enterprises. By focusing on scalability, ease-of-use, and ease-of-integration, Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana power many of the world’s leading mobile, social, consumer and business applications. Since its initial release, the open source stack has achieved more than 20 million cumulative downloads.
Elastic is backed by Benchmark Capital, Index Ventures, and NEA with headquarters in Amsterdam and Mountain View, California, and offices and employees around the world. To learn more, visit [www.elastic.co](www.elastic.co).
Elastic is backed by Benchmark Capital, Index Ventures, and NEA with headquarters in Amsterdam and Mountain View, California, and offices and employees around the world. To learn more, visit [www.elastic.co](https://www.elastic.co).
## Company size
@ -2,10 +2,28 @@
## Company blurb
⚠ We don't have much information about this company yet!
Engine Yard is a data-driven, NoOps, PaaS solution for deploying and managing applications on AWS.
If you know something we don't, help us fill it in! Here's how:
## Company size
- Read our [Contributing Guidelines](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md)
- Have a look at our [example company profile](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/company-profiles/example.md)
- Follow the structure of the example profile and [send us a pull request with your changes to this file!](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/edit/master/company-profiles/engineyard.md)
50-200 employees
## Remote status
Remote friendly
## Region
## Company technologies
Rails, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Cloud Computing, Open Source, PaaS, Node.js, Cloud, DevOps, AWS, Support, Linux, AWS Certified Solutions Architects, AWS Advanced Partner, Support Team as a Service, MySQL, and PostgreSQL
## Office locations
401 Congress Ave, Austin, Texas 78701, US
## How to apply
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## Company blurb
⚠ We don't have much information about this company yet!
Enjoei is a marketplace focused on fashion, but there are many different things available, such as furniture, accessories and household appliances. People can sell and buy secondhand items using the site and the app.
If you know something we don't, help us fill it in! Here's how:
## Company size
- Read our [Contributing Guidelines](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md)
- Have a look at our [example company profile](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/company-profiles/example.md)
- Follow the structure of the example profile and [send us a pull request with your changes to this file!](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/edit/master/company-profiles/enjoei.md)
Between 51-200, according to [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/company/enjoei).
## Remote status
Partially remote. Some jobs vacancies are 100% remote while some are presential.
## Region
The region is not mentioned anywhere, but there are some things to consider: the description of their job opportunities are in Brazilian Portuguese and only a few of them mention the ability to speak English. Therefore, it is likely that the candidate needs to be able to communicate in Portuguese for some vacancies.
## Company technologies
E-commerce Business Implementation, Financial Planning and Analysis, Android, Front-end and Back-end Development for E-commerce Business, E-commerce Security
- rest API
- http
- Kotlin
- Git and GitHub
- Ruby/Ruby on Rails
- JavaScript and jQuery
- postgresSQL
- sidekiq
- go
- Docker
- Ansible
- Pulumi
## Office locations
São Paulo, Brazil
## How to apply
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# Enok Collective
## Company blurb
We are passionate about launching people and launching products. We amplify the human experience. Our designers, developers, & storytellers deliver exceptional solutions for digital advantage. We discover, experiment, and launch. Time-traveling with interdisciplinary teams, we generate new ideas and breakthroughs.
## Company size
## Remote status
We are a remote-first company with "hubs" in Peoria, IL and Greenville, SC.
## Region
Employees are accepted within a 3-hour radius of our hubs in **USA**
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# Entrision
## Company blurb
Entrision is a software development agency that partners with innovative organizations to create unique, hand-crafted software applications for web and mobile platforms.
Our product designers and software engineers work with our clients to design and build web and mobile applications that meet the unique needs of your business and solve real-world problems.
## Company size
## Remote status
The majority of our team works remotely, and our team members are currently spread across 6 different states.
## Region
## Company technologies
Ruby on Rails, Javascript, Node, Swift, Kotlin
## Office locations
HQ in Milwaukee, WI
## How to apply
Email your resume to theteam@entrision.com and tell us about your favorite pizza topping.
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## Company blurb
Founded in 2006, Australian start-up [Envato](https://envato.com/) is a creative ecosystem with over 5 million members.
Envato is a world-leading online community for creative assets, tools and talent.
The network includes [Envato Market](http://market.envato.com/), [Envato Studio](http://studio.envato.com/) and [Tuts+](http://tutsplus.com/).
Millions of people around the world visit Envato to buy and sell creative assets, use smart design templates, learn creative skills or even hire freelancers. With an industry-leading marketplace paired with an unlimited subscription service, Envato helps creatives like you get projects done faster.
Envato Market offers users millions of creative assets, project files and kits to use for web, print and video projects. Envato Studio connects users with a community of freelance talent. Tuts+ helps people learn creative skills online with video courses and free tutorials.
Whether it's graphic templates, website themes, photos, video or audio, there's every chance you’ll spot something from Envato today, from a café logo to a Hollywood title sequence!
## Company size
201-500 employees
501-1000 employees
## Remote status
@ -18,12 +18,23 @@ Many roles within Envato are able to work from anywhere (usually from home) if y
## Region
Envato is a fast growing company with headquarters in Melbourne.
Oceania, North America.
## Company technologies
- Ruby on Rails
- React
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
## Office locations
Headquarters in Melbourne, Australia. Team located around the world.
- Melbourne, Australia (Headquarters)
- Los Angeles, USA
- Guadalajara, Mexico
- Team located around the world
## How to apply
[Careers website](http://careers.envato.com/)
[Careers website](https://careers.envato.com/)
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# Envoy
## Company blurb
Envoy is transforming modern workplaces, challenging the status quo with products that make office life and work more meaningful. Envoy’s workplace platform has redefined how offices interact with visitors, keep employees safe and healthy, manage deliveries, and book conference rooms in over 13,000 locations around the globe while building products for a new era of workplace experience. Companies like Slack, Asana, Pinterest, and Warby Parker rely on
Envoy to create an unrivaled first impression and keep their offices safe and compliant
Learn more about our mission and what it's like to work at Envoy at [envoy.com](https://envoy.com/about/)!
## Company size
145+ full-time staff across engineering, data science, product, marketing, operations, sales, support, etc. And 8 cool dogs.
## Remote status
A remote-first culture with many positions 100% remote (varying by project and position).
## Region
USA, Canada & Colombia
## Company technologies
- **Languages**: Ruby (Rails), JavaScript (Ember.js), Elixir, Kotlin, Python
- **Data**: PostgreSQL, Redshift
- **Cloud**: AWS, Google Cloud, Heroku
For remote communication, Slack and Zoom.
## Office locations
San Francisco, New York & Denver
## How to apply
View open positions and apply at [envoy.com/jobs/](https://grnh.se/83f7cd0f2us)!
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# Epic Games
## Company blurb
Founded in 1991, Epic Games is a leading interactive entertainment company and provider of 3D engine technology. Epic operates Fortnite, one of the world’s largest games with over 350 million accounts and 2.5 billion friend connections. Epic also develops Unreal Engine, which powers the world’s leading games and is adopted across industries such as film and television, architecture, automotive, manufacturing, and simulation. Through Unreal Engine, Epic Games Store, and Epic Online Services, Epic provides an end-to-end digital ecosystem for developers and creators to build, distribute, and operate games and other content. Epic has over 40 offices worldwide with headquarters in Cary, North Carolina.
## Company size
1001-5000 employees
## Remote status
Fully remote available. Look for positions quoting 'remote internship' within their post.
## Region
## How to apply
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# Epilocal
## Company blurb
Epilocal builds affordable digital tools for local news and other small and independent publishers.
We are developing a platform that brings the latest in open-source publishing and cloud architecture to local news companies, which will help them reduce costs while providing a modern, digital experience. We also develop themes, plugins and integrations for a wide range of small publications.
## Company size
## Remote status
The team is currently fully remote, with the founder in Greece and freelancers worldwide.
We are planning on hiring more people in Europe in mid to late 2021.
## Region
## Company technologies
React, Gatsby, Node, AWS, Google App Script
## How to apply
Email info@epilocal.com or contact us at [https://www.epilocal.com/contact/](https://www.epilocal.com/contact/)
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# Episource
## Company blurb
SIMPLIFYING HEALTHCARE - We are reinventing the way healthcare organizations manage their member populations through technology and innovation.
## Company size
500+ Employees
## Remote status
Remote-first engineering team distributed throughout USA.
## Region
## Company technologies
ReactJS, NodeJS/TypeScript, Python, Scala, Golang, Kubernetes.
## Office locations
- Los Angeles, CA (Headquarters)
- Tampa Bay, FL
## How to apply
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# Estately
## Company blurb
Estately is a startup based in US that primarily focuses on rental apartments and property selling works.It is a national real estate company that’s revolutionizing the home buying experience. Home buyers can search through millions of listings in 39 states on Estately.com or with the Estately App for iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch. Shopping for a home doesn’t have to be stressful.
⚠ We don't have much information about this company yet!
With Estately it can be simple, reliable and fun.They focus on connecting people with the best real estate agents they can find in any given area. Unlike some of the big real estate sites, they aren’t ad-based, so agents don’t pay to be on our property pages.They focus on creating a simple experience with just the information that the customers need, and they’re updates their listings as fast as possible.
If you know something we don't, help us fill it in! Here's how:
## Company size
- Read our [Contributing Guidelines](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md)
- Have a look at our [example company profile](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/company-profiles/example.md)
- Follow the structure of the example profile and [send us a pull request with your changes to this file!](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/edit/master/company-profiles/estately.md)
## Remote status
Not completely remote,some of the employees are working from home.
## Region
## Company technologies
Head over to the given link to find more information.
## Office locations
Estately, Inc.
P.O. Box 23181
Seattle, WA, 98102
## How to apply
We’re not hiring right now, but we’re glad you’re considering joining our crew. Please send your resume to jobs@estately.com, and we’ll consider you in the future.
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## Company blurb
EVELO Electric Bicycle Company develops and distributes long-range, stylish electric bicycles for recreation and commuting. Their electric bikes remove the barriers that keep people from cycling, such as hills, distance, age or fitness levels. The mission is to get more people cycling more often by making bicycles accessible and simple to use.
⚠ We don't have much information about this company yet!
## Company size
It started with 2 team members.Currently the company is operating with 13 members.
If you know something we don't, help us fill it in! Here's how:
- Read our [Contributing Guidelines](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md)
- Have a look at our [example company profile](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/company-profiles/example.md)
- Follow the structure of the example profile and [send us a pull request with your changes to this file!](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/edit/master/company-profiles/evelo.md)
## Remote status
The company is a transportation based.So the web team is handling the work from home and logistics and the maintainence team are working as usual.
## Region
## Company technologies
Head over to the given link and go for the tech stack section.
## Office locations
1411 34th Ave, Seattle, Washington, 98122, United States
## How to apply
Shoot an email at contact@evelo.com for any queries.
@ -43,4 +43,4 @@ Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Python, Django, Erlang, Elixir, Go, Rust, React, Vue.js, Fl
## How to apply
Contact us via the contact form on our [website](https://evrone.com) or shoot us an e-mail [mail@evrone.com](<mail@evrone.com>)
Contact us via the contact form on our [website](https://evrone.com) or shoot us an e-mail [mail@evrone.com](<mailto:mail@evrone.com>)
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# ExportData
## Company blurb
[ExportData](https://www.exportdata.io/) is a Twitter data export & analysis tool. It is already trusted by over 3,000 organizations & marketers. We handle massive amount of data (200M+ Twitter profiles) and are expanding to influencer search, tweet monitoring and analytics.
## Company size
3 (as of May 2021).
## Remote status
We are a remote first company. We are big fans of Notion, Slack, Github, Zoom and async communication in general.
## Region
## Company technologies
Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Sidekiq + Redis, PostgreSQL, ElasticSearch, React.JS, Ghost, Terraform, Docker, AWS.
## Office locations
None, 100% remote.
## How to apply
You can view our open positions on [Exportdata team](https://www.exportdata.io/team) page.
@ -32,4 +32,4 @@ No physical office, but the founder and company registration are in Beijing, Chi
## How to apply
if you feel you are a good fit, send us a message to [contact@fentime.com](contact@fentime.com). Please make sure to include your github account.
if you feel you are a good fit, send us a message to [contact@fentime.com](mailto:contact@fentime.com). Please make sure to include your github account.
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# FingerprintJS
## Company blurb
Stop fraud, spam, and account takeovers with 99.5% accurate browser fingerprinting as a service.
Android and iOS fingerprinting are being developed as well as turn-key solutions based on fingerprinting.
The company works on [open-source](https://github.com/fingerprintjs) and proprietary products.
## Company size
10–20 employees
## Remote status
100% remote
## Region
## Company technologies
TypeScript, React, Node.js, Golang, PostgreSQL, AWS
## How to apply
See http://careers.fingerprintjs.com or https://angel.co/company/fpjs for the list of jobs.
Every job page tells how to apply.
@ -2,10 +2,30 @@
## Company blurb
⚠ We don't have much information about this company yet!
Fire Engine RED is a fully remote marketing, data, technology, and consulting services company that’s served the education market since 2001. Our services and products are used by more than 300 educational institutions.
If you know something we don't, help us fill it in! Here's how:
## Company size
- Read our [Contributing Guidelines](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md)
- Have a look at our [example company profile](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/company-profiles/example.md)
- Follow the structure of the example profile and [send us a pull request with your changes to this file!](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/edit/master/company-profiles/fire-engine-red.md)
70+ Employees
## Remote status
Fully remote compay with teammembers working/living in the U.S, Brazil, Canada and Peru. The goal ist to empower team members to do their best.
At Fire Engine RED, we value diversity and believe that employing people who have different perspectives and life experiences makes us a better, more innovative company. So, no matter your race, religion, ethnicity, nationality, culture, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, or disability, we value you and your skills, and hope you apply.
## Region
## Company technologies
No specific Information on what technologies are used and what is skill set they seek in new employees.
## Office locations
Headquarter in Havertown, U.S.
## How to apply
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# Flowing
## Company blurb
We design and implement projects to accelerate growth and innovation for our clients.
Our team are cross functional: business strategy, UX, development, operations, all working together with our clients
## Company size
40 (as of October 2020)
## Remote status
Full remote, you can choose to work wherever you like, being your home or a coworiking. We do have flexibile working hours, so it is important to have good communication skills, both synchronous and asynchronous.
We do do have a registered office in Ancona, but it is not used as operating office. When team's members feel the need to meet in person we exploit the most conveninent coworking nearby
## Region
Italy. We are distributed all across the region, thought the majority of us is located in central north
## Company technologies
We consider ourselves Agile and Lean pratictioners from top to bottom focusing on delivering the best value we can
We truly believe trust is the key for successful projects, we always aim to build a trust relationship with our clients
We feel confortable with several web related technologies
backend: Javascript, Typescript, Java, PHP
frontend: Javascript and Typescript
mobile: native and hybrid
cloud: AWS
## Office locations
The internet.
## How to apply
Contact Us: https://www.flowing.it/job-opportunity
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## Company blurb
[FMX][1] is a leading provider of facilities and maintenance management software that help organizations accelerate operational excellence.
We’re on the lookout for collaborative, hardworking, and passionate people who are excited about building software that solves real-life challenges.
## Company size
[60+ team members][2]
## Remote status
Remote-first. Team members are welcome to use our office in Columbus, Ohio, as you need.
## Region
## Company technologies
**Programming:** C#, .NET Framework 4, .NET Core, ASP.NET MVC 5, ASP.NET Core, Blazor, LINQ to SQL (ORM), T-SQL, JavaScript, jQuery Plugins, Azure Functions, MS Test
**DevOps:** SVN, Git, TeamCity, Azure DevOps, Microsoft Azure, AWS
**Business tools:** Our own software for bug / feature tracking, Google Hangouts, Slack
## Office locations
Columbus, Ohio
## How to apply
Visit our [careers page][3] for career opportunities.
[1]: https://www.gofmx.com/
[2]: https://www.gofmx.com/about/team/
[3]: https://www.gofmx.com/careers/
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## Company blurb
⚠ We don't have much information about this company yet!
Focusnetworks is a Digital Business Group that unites Marketing and Technology to help clients take their business to the next level using digital medium. In order to do that, many solutions are presented, like Project Development (such as systems, applications, portals and websites), Digital Strategic Planning, Web Projects, Digital Marketing, Apps for Social Networking , Mobile Apps, Social Media, Media Automation, Measurement, Innovation in Online Media: solutions with effective results.
If you know something we don't, help us fill it in! Here's how:
## Company size
- Read our [Contributing Guidelines](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md)
- Have a look at our [example company profile](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/company-profiles/example.md)
- Follow the structure of the example profile and [send us a pull request with your changes to this file!](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/edit/master/company-profiles/focusnetworks.md)
51-200, according to [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/company/focusnetworks-interactive/)
## Remote status
Remote job opportunities available.
## Region
## Company technologies
- Google Ads, Facebook Ads
- Google Analytics and Google Data Studio
- MS Office
## Office locations
Avenue Cassiano Ricardo, 401
São José dos Campos, São Paulo 12246870, Brazil
## How to apply
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# Fog Creek Software
## Company blurb
We Help the World's Best Developers Make Better Software.
Fog Creek Software is a small, friendly software company in New York City that was designed from the ground up to be a great place to work. We work on interesting projects with smart people,and treat everyone like royalty.
Some of the product born at Fog Creek include FogBugz, Kiln, and Trello. We had a hand in Stack Exchange, too!
## Company size
## Remote status
Unless a job listing says otherwise, Remote-friendly - Worldwide.
## Region
## Company technologies
- c#
- jquery
- python
- javascript
- sql-server
- elasticsearch
- redis
- mercurial
- git
- f#
- node.js
- mongodb
- websocket
- coffeescript
- html5
- express.js
- haproxy
- .net
- asp.net-mvc
- docker
- golang
- ruby
## Office locations
New York, NY
## How to apply
[Apply here](https://www.fogcreek.com/careers/)
We also list on [Stack Overflow Careers](https://stackoverflow.com/jobs/companies/fog-creek-software)
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# fournova
## Company blurb
⚠ We don't have much information about this company yet!
If you know something we don't, help us fill it in! Here's how:
- Read our [Contributing Guidelines](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md)
- Have a look at our [example company profile](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/company-profiles/example.md)
- Follow the structure of the example profile and [send us a pull request with your changes to this file!](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/edit/master/company-profiles/fournova.md)
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# GEO Jobe
## Company blurb
[GEO Jobe](https://www.geo-jobe.com/) is a tech company focused on geospatial technologies. The company has multiple divisions, including an Enterprise team that helps companies set up AWS or Azure environments, manage databases, and more - including working with spatial and temporal data.
The Custom Software Development Team builds unique widgets and applications that leverage geospatial technology to solve problems.
The Products team builds out-of-the box software to help companies manage their geospatial data, applications, and users.
## Company size
GEO Jobe has 20-50 employees and is growing.
## Remote status
GEO Jobe is growing, but maintains about half of its employees as remote and half as on-site. Employees are divided into teams that have regular check-ins to ensure that remote employees are aware of what is happening in the company, that the company is aware of what is going on with them, and to boost cultural inclusion and morale. Remote employees are often invited to attend conferences and other events, so they may meet their teammates as well. The company emphasizes communication amongst employees, and has numerous technologies and practices in place to encourage communication and ensure that remote employees are still included and embraced as part of the team.
## Region
USA (with some exceptions - see job postings for details where applicable)
## Company technologies
GIS, JavaScript, Esri, ArcGIS, AGOL, ArcPy, Jupytr Notebooks, AWS, Azure, Node.js, Dojo, Typescript, Python, ArcGIS Experience Builder, ArcGIS Web AppBuilder, iOS, Android, Arcade
## Office locations
GEO Jobe was founded in Nashville, TN. The Center for Research and Engineering is in Gulfport, MS.
## How to apply
To see GEO Jobe's current job openings, check their [careers](https://www.geo-jobe.com/careers/) webpage. Almost all jobs are open to remote employees. If there is an opening you want to apply for, instructions will be posted. Typically, you will be instructed to send your resume, cover letter, and link to GitHub (if applicable) to careers@geo-jobe.com.
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# Glitch
## Company blurb
We started out as Fog Creek Software, a pioneering independent tech company that has always put people first.
Our team invented Trello, co-created Stack Overflow, and launched many other groundbreaking apps that collectively have made us one of the most influential small tech companies ever.
## Company size
## Remote status
Unless a job listing says otherwise, Remote-friendly - Worldwide.
## Region
## Company technologies
- c#
- jquery
- python
- javascript
- sql-server
- elasticsearch
- redis
- mercurial
- git
- f#
- node.js
- mongodb
- websocket
- coffeescript
- html5
- express.js
- haproxy
- .net
- asp.net-mvc
- docker
- golang
- ruby
## Office locations
New York, NY
## How to apply
[Apply here](https://glitch.bamboohr.com/jobs/)
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## Company blurb
⚠ We don't have much information about this company yet!
GOhiring provides a digital infrastructure for companies, HR IT-systems, job portals and agencies to enable a more direct and productive cooperation. That way, job postings can be published via an API and managed with transparency via digital processes. We believe in open systems and are passionate about the digital possibilities in the recruiting world.
If you know something we don't, help us fill it in! Here's how:
## Company size
11 - 50 Employees
## Remote status
Remote culture - Work wherever you are most productive - at home, while traveling or in our office in Berlin. Benefit from processes and mindsets which are 100% oriented towards working flexible hours.
## Region
Thanks to state-of-the-art tools, we have also digitized our own working environment. Everything is set up for #remote work from anywhere in the world.
## Company technologies
- React.js
- Ruby
- More languages as a bonus
## Office locations
- Berlin, Germany
## How to apply
[GoHiring Careers](https://www.gohiring.com/jobs/#jobs)
- Read our [Contributing Guidelines](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md)
- Have a look at our [example company profile](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/company-profiles/example.md)
- Follow the structure of the example profile and [send us a pull request with your changes to this file!](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/edit/master/company-profiles/gohiring.md)
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# Got Soccer
## Company blurb
GotPro is used by some of the biggest and best professional sports organizations in the world. We combine over 20 years of experience in sports software with the latest cutting-edge technology to accelerate and automate organizational processes.
## Region
## Company technologies
Artificial Intelligence For Pro Sports
Use A.I. & Deep-Learning
## Office locations
750 Third Street, Neptune Beach, FL 32266
## How to apply
Send a Email for more info:
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# GotSoccer, LLC
## Company blurb
⚠ We don't have much information about this company yet!
If you know something we don't, help us fill it in! Here's how:
- Read our [Contributing Guidelines](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md)
- Have a look at our [example company profile](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/company-profiles/example.md)
- Follow the structure of the example profile and [send us a pull request with your changes to this file!](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/edit/master/company-profiles/gotsoccer-llc.md)
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## Company blurb
⚠ We don't have much information about this company yet!
Happy Cog has been designing digital experiences since the web began. As a full-service digital agency, we help organizations around the globe with design and branding strategies, web development projects, and digital marketing campaigns. We’ll help you design and build the perfect website for both your audience and your content creators – and then we’ll help bring the right audience to your site through paid and organic digital marketing strategies.
If you know something we don't, help us fill it in! Here's how:
## Company size
+ 51-100 on [Crunchbase](https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/happy-cog)
+ 70 profiles are announced on [Team](https://www.happycog.com/team) page.
## Remote status
Their team is distributed and remote friendly, with staff working across the United States.
See their [Careers](https://www.happycog.com/careers/) page for more information.
## Region
United States
## Company technologies
+ JavaScript
+ Dockerfile
+ Laravel
+ Mobile app design
+ Branding and marketing
## Office locations
+ Headquarter in New York, NY, US
+ Philadelphia, PA, US
## How to apply
Job openings will be posted on their [Careers](https://www.happycog.com/careers/) page.
- Read our [Contributing Guidelines](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md)
- Have a look at our [example company profile](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/company-profiles/example.md)
- Follow the structure of the example profile and [send us a pull request with your changes to this file!](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/edit/master/company-profiles/happy-cog.md)
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# Hopper
## Company blurb
Hopper is a company developing a mobile app for booking flights and hotels. It predicts and analyzes airfare and accommodation helping users to plan, book, and pay trips.
## Company size
Hopper has 437 employees around the globe.
## Remote status
Some employees work full-time from our offices and some work remotely. There are a variety of hybrid and fully remote roles at Hopper.
## Region
USA, Canada, UK, Bulgaria, Philippines, Colombia
## Company technologies
iOS and/or Android Development
Pandas, R, SAS or other tools appropriate for large scale data preparation and analysis
Databases and SQL, especially Hive and Google Big Query
## Office locations
Boston, MA, USA
Montreal, Canada
Toronto, Canada
Vancouver, Canada
New York, NY, USA
Bogota, Colombia
London, UK
San Francisco, California,
Sofia, Bulgaria
Manila, Philippines
## How to apply
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# HUSL Digital
## Company blurb
HUSL Digital is a digital agency that work with clients on marketing strategy and implementation including digital strategy, branding, UI/UX, and website design and development among other services. Formerly known as UpTrending, it helps clients to create and implement digital solutions.
## Company size
## Remote status
HUSL Digital has a fully remote cultutre (pre and post COVID)
## Region
HUSL Digital headquarter is situated Reston, Virginia.
## Company technologies
Website Design - WordPress
## Office locations
[HUSL Digital Reston, Virginia](https://www.bing.com/maps?where=Reston%2C%20VA%2020190%2C%20US)
## How to apply
No current opening
@ -30,4 +30,4 @@ Must be proficient in at least one modern programming language (eg Java/Python/C
## How to apply
Hyperion is looking for motivated people who share their mission, spirit and excitement for the future of Computer Science and software development in South Africa.
If you think you tick these boxes and would be a good fit, visit the [Hyperion website](https://hyperiondev.com/jobs) or email them [here](/http://contact@hyperiondev.com/)
If you think you tick these boxes and would be a good fit, visit the [Hyperion website](https://hyperiondev.com/jobs) or email them [here](mailto:contact@hyperiondev.com/)
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## Company blurb
⚠ We don't have much information about this company yet!
[I Done This](http://idonethis.com) is the easiest way to share and celebrate what you get done at work, every day, that companies like Zappos, Foursquare, and Reddit use.
It's that simple. No hassle, no micromanagement. Get stuff done, and celebrate it with your team.
If you know something we don't, help us fill it in! Here's how:
## Company size
- Read our [Contributing Guidelines](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md)
- Have a look at our [example company profile](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/company-profiles/example.md)
- Follow the structure of the example profile and [send us a pull request with your changes to this file!](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/edit/master/company-profiles/idonethis.md)
2-10 employees
## Region
## Company technologies
productivity, management, reporting, fulfillment, performance management, coaching, employee recognition, leadership, social performance, status reports, snippets, enterprise, business software, and enterprise social software
## Office locations
San Francisco, CA
## How to apply
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## Company blurb
⚠ We don't have much information about this company yet!
Igalia is a Free Software consultancy with headquarters in Spain and developers all around the world. We are passionate about our work, active in our communities, eager to learn, and happy to contribute our knowledge. In short, we are inspired to make the world a better place through Free Software.
If you know something we don't, help us fill it in! Here's how:
## Company size
- Read our [Contributing Guidelines](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md)
- Have a look at our [example company profile](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/company-profiles/example.md)
- Follow the structure of the example profile and [send us a pull request with your changes to this file!](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/edit/master/company-profiles/igalia.md)
89 (as of October 2020)
## Remote status
We provide a very remote-friendly, collaborative and supportive environment in which Igalians from around the globe (our team includes employees based in the Americas, Asia, and Europe).
## Region
## Company technologies
WebKit and Blink browser engines, Mesa graphics drivers, V8 and JavaScriptCore language runtimes, GStreamer multimedia toolkit or high-speed software-defined networking with our work on Snabb Switch, etc.
## Office locations
Bugallal Marchesi, 22, 1º
15008 A Coruña
Galicia (Spain)
Pho.: +34 981 913991
Fax: +34 981 913949
## How to apply
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# Impira
## Company blurb
[Impira](https://www.impira.com/) was founded in 2017 and is backed by top institutional investors and industry leaders. Powered by artificial intelligence, Impira uses technologies like OCR, computer vision, and object recognition to help you extract, organize, search, and analyze invoices, contracts, and images.
As businesses become increasingly digital, visual forms of data such as images, videos, PDFs, and documents, have exploded in volume. However, traditional tools like databases, spreadsheets, and dashboards have been ill-equipped to manage such content. As a result, teams are left spending precious time searching, retyping, and recreating visual assets across multiple systems. At Impira, we realized that re-engineering the data processing stack, with AI at its core, could unlock the valuable information buried within visual data. Our product is ambitious — we believe that if we are successful, we can unleash incredible amounts of productivity by cataloging, analyzing, and interpreting visual data at scale.
## Company size
50 and growing.
## Remote status
Employees can work from anywhere in the USA.
## Region
Remote USA and On-Site positions in San Francisco.
## Company technologies
- NodeJS
- Go
- ReactJS
- Python
- Java
- C++
- Tensorflow
- Keras
## Office locations
- San Francisco HQ
## How to apply
[Visit our Impira careers page](https://www.impira.com/careers)
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## Company blurb
⚠ We don't have much information about this company yet!
Interpersonal Frequency (I.F.) builds and supports award-winning Drupal websites for civic institutions. We provide data-driven development and design consulting, open-source cloud hosting solutions and deeply insightful custom analytics tools.
If you know something we don't, help us fill it in! Here's how:
## Company size
- Read our [Contributing Guidelines](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md)
- Have a look at our [example company profile](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/company-profiles/example.md)
- Follow the structure of the example profile and [send us a pull request with your changes to this file!](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/edit/master/company-profiles/interpersonal-frequency-i-f.md)
< 50 employees (as of october 2020)
## Remote status
They are actually working via remote.
> I love working remote and not having a commute. But video conferencing rules mean we still "see" each other on screen. There is still a strong sense of 'team'. I'm not alone despite working from home. ~ Senior Project Manager @glassdoor.com.mx
## Region
## Company technologies
HTML5, Google Analytics, and jQuery, acording to G2 Stack.
## Office locations
McLean, Virginia and Seattle, WA
## How to apply
Check our website: https://ifsight.com or send an email to contact@ifsight.com
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# Intevity
## Company blurb
Founded in 2003, Intevity (previously Twin Technologies) is a **full-service, digitally-focused management consultancy** based in Boston, MA with remote offices and employees throughout the eastern and central US (Baltimore, Chicago, D.C., New York). Intevity focuses on both Commercial and Public Sector clients, with deep expertise in retail, software, and government. Intevity has key vendor partnerships with Adobe, AWS, and Salesforce.
We work on all phases of projects, from early discovery and design to strategy to execution. We are known for our vulnerability-based culture, high levels of craftsmanship, innovation, and trust; being able to truly connect with the needs and spot the real reasons why an organization is being held back from achieving their goals.
We specialize in digital transformation in retail, software, and government. We align audiences, optimize processes, and build custom, cutting-edge experiences on leading platforms—all while helping businesses increase velocity while reducing organizational risk.
As an agile company, Intevity is committed to continually growing and evolving with the market to provide an environment where creativity, leadership, mentoring, planning, and resources are in place to achieve our shared goals.
## Company size
~30 employees. All listed on the [about page](https://www.ushahidi.com/about).
## Remote status
Based out of Boston, MA but there are remote offices and employees through the eastern and central US
## Region
## Office locations
Boston, MA
## How to apply
***They are currently hiring! (as of 10/22/20)***
Apply on their [Careers page](https://www.intevity.com/careers)
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## Company blurb
⚠ We don't have much information about this company yet!
The company offers a Fully-Integrated Smart Parking Management Solution comprised of Single-Space Meters, Multi-Space Pay Stations, Upgrade Kits, Enforcement, Permitting, Vehicle Detection Sensors, Smart Cash Collection Systems, and SaaS management software with Advanced Data Analytics.
If you know something we don't, help us fill it in! Here's how:
## Company size
- Read our [Contributing Guidelines](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md)
- Have a look at our [example company profile](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/company-profiles/example.md)
- Follow the structure of the example profile and [send us a pull request with your changes to this file!](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/edit/master/company-profiles/ips-group-inc.md)
150 - 200 employees
## Remote status
Remote positions available
## Region
## Company technologies
.NET, SQL, JavaScript, JQuery, AJAX, XML, XSL, DTD, WCF, XML Web Services Integration, X/HTML, CSS and DHTML
## Office locations
San Diego, California
## How to apply
We are always on the lookout for talented professionals in sales, marketing, engineering, product support, customer support, warehouse and manufacturing. Please review [our openings](https://www.ipsgroupinc.com/careers/). If you don’t see an opening that fits, you can submit your resume to careers@ipsgroupinc.com. IPS Group is an EEO employer.
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# Jaya Tech
## Company blurb
We are a dev shop (more like a dev family) specialized on startups / disruptive projects. We deliver value by composing teams (squads) with our developers and client's product managers.
## Company size
70 - 100
## Remote status
The entire team works remotely from different cities around the world.
## Region
## Company technologies
Kotlin, Ruby, JS, Clojure and Elixir.
## Office locations
São Paulo, SP.
## How to apply
See the [site](http://jaya.tech) for available positions.
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# JBS Custom Software Solutions
## Company blurb
Founded in 1999, JBS is a group of highly skilled developers who work together in a virtual, fully remote environment distributed across the US. JBS provides custom software systems to technology driven companies.
## Company size
## Remote status
JBS has been fully remote for its entire 20+ year history.
## Region
## Company technologies
Python, Node.js, React, .NET, AWS, Azure, PostgreSql, MySql
## Office locations
100% Remote
## How to apply
Learn more about us and apply today! https://www.jbssolutions.com/careers/
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## Company blurb
⚠ We don't have much information about this company yet!
We have the passion and confidence to train you to be a software engineer.
If you know something we don't, help us fill it in! Here's how:
## Company size
- Read our [Contributing Guidelines](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md)
- Have a look at our [example company profile](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/company-profiles/example.md)
- Follow the structure of the example profile and [send us a pull request with your changes to this file!](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/edit/master/company-profiles/jolly-good-code.md)
## Region
## Company technologies
Ruby on rails
## Office locations
## How to apply
Send an E-mail to winston@jollygoodcode.com to get in contact
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# journy.io
## Company blurb
Empower marketing, sales and support teams to have more successful conversations with their customers, by adding contextual and behavioural intelligence in the tools they already use.
We like to keep the campground cleaner than we found it. We embrace a culture of quality: code reviews, pair programming & CI/CD.
[View company website](https://www.journy.io/engineering/)
## Company size
## Remote status
We started as a remote first company, we currently have people working from Barcelona, Ghent & Antwerp.
## Region
## Company technologies
TypeScript, React, Node.js, Elasticsearch, MySQL, AWS, Terraform, Kubernetes, Keras/Tensorflow, ...
## How to apply
[View jobs](https://angel.co/company/journy-io/jobs)
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# Keen IO
## Company blurb
There’s no need to rebuild a data pipeline, Keen already built one for you. Take advantage of our fully-managed, multi-tenant data architecture and get back to building awesome apps.
⚠ We don't have much information about this company yet!
Keen is the customer-facing metrics platform that makes shipping custom end-user analytics easy and seamless.
If you know something we don't, help us fill it in! Here's how:
## Company size
51-200 employees
- Read our [Contributing Guidelines](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md)
- Have a look at our [example company profile](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/company-profiles/example.md)
- Follow the structure of the example profile and [send us a pull request with your changes to this file!](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/edit/master/company-profiles/keen-io.md)
## Region
## Company technologies
Analytics, Big Data, Data Science, Developer Tools, APIs, and Data Visualization
## Office locations
San Antonio, Texas
## How to apply
Job listings:
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# Klaviyo
## Company blurb
Klaviyo is the world’s leading owned marketing platform known for accelerating revenue for online businesses using the channels they own like email, web, and mobile. Enabling companies to leverage these owned marketing channels, Klaviyo makes it easy to store, access, analyze and use transactional and behavioral data to power highly-targeted customer and prospect communications.
## Company size
400+ employees
## Remote status
There is a mix of full time remote employees and in-office employees, who take advantage of the flexible work from home culture. There is support to make sure you have the tools and resources to have a productive and appropriate work from home setup.
## Region
The Global Headquarters is in Boston, MA. Their secondary office is in London, UK.
## Company technologies
* Python, Django, Celery, Java
* MySQL, Cassandra, RabbitMQ, Redis
* HTML, JavaScript, LESS, Backbone.js, React, Amazon Web Services (EC2, RDS, Aurora, etc.)
* Terraform, Ansible, Packer, and other DevOps tools
## Office locations
* Boston, MA
* London, UK
## How to apply
Visit our [Careers page](https://www.klaviyo.com/careers#open-roles) for information on how to apply.
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# Konkurenta
## Company blurb
Konkurenta is the best way to learn and use the newest technologies in exiting projects. Currently, we focus on fulfilling our clients needs, but in the near future we're going to work on our internal projects.
We're mainly located at the central-eastern part of EU, but have a developer from Brazil. So we're overlapping 6 hours.
Living in a place that makes you happy is one of our core beliefs.
## Company size
## Remote status
Konkurenta is a 100% remote company, fully encourages remote friendly work.
Also, we also have a tiny office in Vilnius for personal work preference.
## Region
Mainly EU, we have one developer from Brazil.
## Company technologies
Javascript, React, React Native, Graphql, WebRTC, Node.js, RabbitMQ, MongoDB, MySQL, Redis
## Office locations
## How to apply
Look for open positions, or introduce yourself 🙌
[Konkurenta's jobs](https://konkurenta.com/jobs)
Or contact us directly: jobs@konkurenta.com with subject: "Github remote jobs"
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# Leadership Success
## Company blurb
[Leadership Success](https://www.leadershipsuccess.co/) provides remote leadership coaching and advisory to leaders and HR professionals worldwide. We've delivered nearly 90,000 hours of virtual coaching to over 15,000 participants from organisations of all shapes and sizes.
## Company size
## Remote status
Leadership success is committed to being 100% remote where possible. As our service is delivered remotely by staff distrubuted across Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States, we embrace this remote working culture across all aspects of our organisation.
## Region
We currently provide services wordlwide
## Company technologies
Javascript, VueJS, Firebase, Node.js,
## Office locations
We have offices in Sydney Australia and we have offices in London UK & Austin, Texas US
## How to apply
Email us at hello@leadershipsuccess.co
Careers site coming soon
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# Leadfeeder
## Company blurb
[Leadfeeder](https://www.leadfeeder.com) is a fast growing international SaaS startup, headquartered in Helsinki. We are on a mission to bring web intelligence into business. Simply put, Leadfeeder helps companies know more about their website visitors, which enables them to convert promising visitors into sales leads.
## Company size
## Remote status
Currently, Leadfeeder is a buzzing remote international team of 80+ people and more than twenty nationalities. We have a strong data-driven and customer-centric culture, and we pride ourselves on our sustainable growth, ambition and resilience.
## Region
Europe and North America (depends on the job position)
## Company technologies
Ruby on Rails, Ember.js, Javascript, Python, Kubernetes, Terraform, MySQL, Postgresql, AWS, Elasticsearch
## Office locations
Helsinki, Finland
## How to apply
You can view our open positions here: https://www.leadfeeder.com/jobs/
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## Company blurb
⚠ We don't have much information about this company yet!
Linaro helps companies work with the latest open source technology, building support in upstream projects and ensuring smooth product roll outs and secure software updates. Instead of duplicating effort, members share engineering costs to accelerate innovation and time to market.
If you know something we don't, help us fill it in! Here's how:
## Company size
- Read our [Contributing Guidelines](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md)
- Have a look at our [example company profile](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/company-profiles/example.md)
- Follow the structure of the example profile and [send us a pull request with your changes to this file!](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/edit/master/company-profiles/linaro.md)
201-500 employees
## Region
## Company technologies
Linux Kernel, Open Source, Embedded Linux, software, collaboration, engineering, and Arm
## Office locations
Harston Mill Royston Road, Cambridge, England CB22 7GG, United Kingdom
## How to apply
[Linaro careers](https://www.linaro.org/careers/)
[Linaro Linkedin jobs](https://www.linkedin.com/company/linaro/jobs/)
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# Luxoft
## Company blurb
Insert a little bit about your company here.
## Company size
An approximate size of your company. 0-20, 20-50, 50-100, 100-200, etc.
## Remote status
Explain a bit about your remote culture here.
## Region
Where are remote employees accepted? List either 1 country (eg **USA**), 1 region (eg **North America**), a list of multiple regions, or **Worldwide**.
See the [UN Statistical Division's country codes](https://unstats.un.org/unsd/methodology/m49/) for a list of accepted countries.
The list of accepted regions is based on the UN Statistical Division's region codes, on the same page:
* Africa
* Asia
* Caribbean
* Europe
* Latin America
* North America
* Oceania (*this includes Australia*)
### Example region 1
### Example region 2
North America, Latin America, Caribbean
Below the country/region list you can have more text, if you want. Use this to explain timezone, travel, or other restrictions based on your company's location.
### Example region 3
## Company technologies
Insert some of the technologies used in your company here.
## Office locations
Insert your physical office locations here, if you have any.
## How to apply
Insert a specific webpage, email, or instructions to apply.
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# Lytx
## Company blurb
Lytx is a San Diego based company that uses machine learning to collect data and improve security for drivers.
## Company size
600+ (as of 2020)
## Remote status
Software Engineering roles are currently remote.
## Region
USA, UK, Israel
## Company technologies
Depends on role
## Office locations
San Diego, CA
## How to apply
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## Company blurb
⚠ We don't have much information about this company yet!
Marketade is a small remote agency that works with enterprise and mid-size organizations across the U.S. We specialize in collaborative user research that helps teams build better digital products (software, apps, websites).
If you know something we don't, help us fill it in! Here's how:
## Company size
- Read our [Contributing Guidelines](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md)
- Have a look at our [example company profile](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/company-profiles/example.md)
- Follow the structure of the example profile and [send us a pull request with your changes to this file!](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/edit/master/company-profiles/marketade.md)
At present, Marketade has a team of a 9-person team of user research consultants, usability experts, research trainers, ideation workshop facilitators and participant recruitment experts.
## Remote status
Remote work is an exciting role — you can work from anywhere, anytime, and you’re in charge of managing your workload and meeting deadlines. Workspaces look different for each Marketade team member – some work from a designated home office, some work at coworking spaces, and some change it up every few days. We offer the flexibility for you to do what works best for you, and provide the structure needed for success across multiple time zones with core working hours.
We use Slack and video conferencing tools to maintain regular check-ins throughout the week to get crucial face-to-face time, and schedule in time to just “hang out” with each other during the workweek.
## Region
## Company technologies
Usability testing
Information Architecture Research
Customer User Research
## Office locations
Washington DC, USA
## How to apply
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## Company blurb
⚠ We don't have much information about this company yet!
Memberful was founded in 2013. We help independent publishers, educators, and creators sell memberships to their audience and build sustainable businesses.
If you know something we don't, help us fill it in! Here's how:
## Company size
- Read our [Contributing Guidelines](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md)
- Have a look at our [example company profile](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/company-profiles/example.md)
- Follow the structure of the example profile and [send us a pull request with your changes to this file!](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/edit/master/company-profiles/memberful.md)
Memberful is a small team of self-starters focused on building great software and helping our customers succeed. We pay attention to the details, we treat people right, and we love learning and experimenting. There are only 11 employees.
## Remote status
Everyone at Memberful is free to live and work wherever they choose. Our internal process is built around remote communication and deep work.
## Region
Worldwide - work from anywhere
## Company technologies
- WordPress
- Google Analytics
- Campaign Monitor
- ConvertKit
- Drip
- Mailchimp
- Mailerlite
- Discourse
- Discord
- bbPress
- Tapfiliate
- LearnDash
- Sensei
- Zapier
- API & Webhooks
## How to apply
Visit https://memberful.com/jobs/ to see Open positions. For more info you can send an email to info@memberful.com .
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# Merico
## Company blurb
Merico is committed to empowering every developer in the world to create more value.
We believe the software development process and developer competence are reflected in developer contribution to software projects, so we built the most advanced and trusted contribution analysis engine for software development. Old analytics measure surface level signals. Merico directly analyzes the code, measuring what matters with deep program analysis.
Better software development empowered with deeper insights.
## Company size
1-50 Employees
## Remote status
We are working almost 100% remotely.
(We have been working remotely ever since the company was founded.)
## Region
## Company technologies
## Office locations
We have offices in San Francisco (US) and BeiJing (CN).
## How to apply
Please don't hesitate to send an email to: hello@merico.dev .
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# Microsoft
## Company blurb
"We’re on a mission to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more."
## Company size
144,000 employees
## Remote status
> Working from home at least part of the time is now standard.
## Region
Worldwide, depending on role requirements
## Company technologies
C++, C#, Java, .NET, React, Swift, Typescript
## Office locations
Headquarterd in Redmond, WA, but have offices [worldwide](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/worldwide.aspx)
## How to apply
See the [Microsoft Careers site](https://careers.microsoft.com/us/en)
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## Company blurb
ModSquad is a global digital engagement services company based in the United States.
ModSquad provides on-demand customer support, content moderation, social media, and community management services globally
## Company size
About 10,000
## Remote status
The company operates by providing services via 10,000+ multilingual Mods from 70 countries in its network via a series of outsource-provision contracts.
## Region
## Office locations
Headquarter in Sacramento, California, United States
## How to apply
Apply for at https://modsquad.com/careers/
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# MongoDB
## Company blurb
What on Earth is MongoDB? Only the coolest collection of dreamers and doers who share a relentless passion for creativity. We eagerly and expertly pursue new opportunities and markets through innovation and disruption. We have a wicked pioneering spirit––always ready to forge new paths and take smart risks. And we do it all very, very well.
We achieve this by bringing together a distinctive mix of diverse skills, experiences, and backgrounds. We work as a team––creating an open forum for innovative thought, candid discussion, and mutual respect. But in the end, we always put commitment over consensus, and value excellence in all its wonderful forms.
## Company size
## Remote status
Remote-friendly culture supporting employees worldwide
## Region
## Company technologies
1. NoSQL
2. Database as a Service
3. Cloud Platform
## Office locations
MongoDB is a global company with US headquarters in New York City and International headquarters in Dublin. We have offices throughout North America, Europe and the Asia-Pacific region.
- New York City
- Palo Alto
- Washington D.C.
- Atlanta
- Chicago
- Austin
- Dallas
- Seattle
- Philadelphia
- Boston
- Mexico City
- Toronto
- San Francisco
- Culver City
- Tampa
- Buenos Aires
- Houston
- Minnetonka
- Vancouver
**Europe, Middle East and Africa**
- Dublin
- London
- Amsterdam
- Paris
- Berlin
- Munich
- Tel Aviv
- Madrid
- Dubai
- Copenhagen
- Sydney
- Melbourne
- Hong Kong
- Shanghai
- Beijing
- Shenzhen
- Japan
- New Delhi / Gurgaon
- Bengaluru
- Seoul
- Taipei
## How to apply
[MongoDB Careers](https://www.mongodb.com/careers)
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# Mux
## Company blurb
#### About
Mux was founded in 2015 by Jon Dahl, Steve Heffernan, Matt McClure, and Adam Brown, four engineers and veterans of online video who are passionate about video technology and performance. The team now includes engineers from YouTube, Twitch, Brightcove, and Facebook.
At Zencoder, they helped move video encoding to the cloud, replacing stacks of encoding servers with a clean, powerful API for groups like Amazon, PBS, and the NFL. Zencoder was co-founded in 2010 by Jon, Steve, and a third founder, and was acquired two years later by Brightcove.
While at Zencoder, they also helped pioneer the move from Flash to HTML5 video by creating Video.js, which is now the most widely deployed open-source video player on the web. Today, Video.js is used by Instagram, Twitter, Microsoft, and hundreds of thousands of other websites.
The team behind Mux is also responsible for Demuxed, the premiere conference for engineers working on video. They blog, podcast, and have spoken about video and data technology around the world.
## Company size
Approx 60-100.
## Remote status
We are a remote first company.
## Region
Remote in US
## How to apply
Check out our open positions at [Mux Careers](https://mux.com/jobs).
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## Company blurb
⚠ We don't have much information about this company yet!
MySQL is the world's most popular open source database software. Many of the world's largest organizations, including Yahoo!, Alcatel, The Associated Press, Suzuki and NASA rely on MySQL for their critical business applications.
If you know something we don't, help us fill it in! Here's how:
## Company size
- Read our [Contributing Guidelines](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md)
- Have a look at our [example company profile](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/company-profiles/example.md)
- Follow the structure of the example profile and [send us a pull request with your changes to this file!](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/edit/master/company-profiles/mysql.md)
## Remote status
The MySQL team is a global distributed organization. About 70% of our employees work from home in 135 major locations in 35 countries across 18 timezones. We work, meet and collaborate online - and a few times a year we get together for in-person meetings across the globe.
## Region
## Company technologies
C, C++, C#, .NET, Java, PHP, Perl, Python
## Office locations
Headquarter in Downtown Redwood City, California.
## How to apply
[Visit our Job Opportunities page](https://www.mysql.com/about/jobs/)
@ -30,4 +30,4 @@ Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
Greenock, Glasgow, UK
## How to apply
Email hello@nettledinburgh.com or more information can be obtained by [our website](http:/www.webdesignedinburgh.com/)
Email hello@nettledinburgh.com or more information can be obtained by [our website](http://www.webdesignedinburgh.com/)
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Supporting a healthy remote culture requires investment and iteration and Nuna h
* In-person meet-ups: There’s no replacement for face-to-face time with others. Understanding that personal connections with others are crucial, Nuna holds a yearly offsite retreat for the entire company. Individual teams within the company can meet in person more frequently, and Nuna supports flying individuals to the office at least once per quarter.
## Region
Nuna is headquartered in San Francisco, but approximately 20% of our team works remotely across the U.S., including a large cohort in the D.C./Baltimore-area near government clients. Check out [www.nuna.com/careers](www.nuna.com/careers) to see what open roles are available to remote candidates.
Nuna is headquartered in San Francisco, but approximately 20% of our team works remotely across the U.S., including a large cohort in the D.C./Baltimore-area near government clients. Check out [www.nuna.com/careers](https://www.nuna.com/careers) to see what open roles are available to remote candidates.
## Company technologies
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# Ollie
## Company blurb
Ollie Pets is a subscription pet food company with a mission to empower customers to feed their dogs the healthiest fresh food on the market.
Our product allows customers to enter their dogs' information—weight, allergies, activity level—to calculate the right amount of food for your dog to keep them in tip-top shape.
On our account page after signup, you can fine-tune every part of your subscription—which recipes you get, how often you get them, and even how much of your dog's meals you want to be Ollie.
## Company size
## Remote status
The company is fully remote at the moment, and holds regular meetings remotely across departments on the day-to-day. We also hold virtual recreational meetups for company events and team-wide activities.
We also provide a one-time home office stipend to help you get set up with your remote workstation.
## Region
United States
## Company technologies
Styled Components
Testing Library
## Office locations
New York, NY
## How to apply
Take a look at our directory on Lever to see available positions: https://jobs.lever.co/myollie
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## Company blurb
⚠ We don't have much information about this company yet!
OpenCraft is the leading Open edX platform development provider with more than 1,000 contributions to the project. OpenCraft works closely with the edX organization, the world’s leading Massive Open Online Course provider. edX has worked with OpenCraft to develop key features to the platform and has publicly recognized OpenCraft as one of the leading Open edX specialists in the community.
If you know something we don't, help us fill it in! Here's how:
Services include:
- Setting up your own learning platform with self-service and enterprise hosting offerings
- Developing custom integrations and interactive exercises
- Receiving support, guidance and code reviews
- Designing courses based on expert advice and reviews
- Read our [Contributing Guidelines](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md)
- Have a look at our [example company profile](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/blob/master/company-profiles/example.md)
- Follow the structure of the example profile and [send us a pull request with your changes to this file!](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/edit/master/company-profiles/opencraft.md)
OpenCraft team members have extensive technical experience which allows us to work with customers to achieve their strategic goals of delivering innovative learning experiences and promote professional and life-long education.
Customers include:
- Harvard
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Arizona State University
- Cloudera
- LabXchange
- Australian National University
- Berkeley School of Information
OpenCraft is decentralized, which lets us recruit the best talent, no matter their location. If you want a team of proven experts to help you deliver online courses on the Open edX platform, contact us at contact@opencraft.com.
## Company size
## Remote status
All positions are remote, from Europe, North & South America, Asia & Australia.
## Region
## Company technologies
Open source, Open source software, Open edX, edX courses, Online training , Remote work, Software hosting, Elearning, Educational technology, Learning management systems, and Massive online open courses
## Office locations
Berlin, Germany
## How to apply
[Apply here!](https://opencraft.com/jobs/open-source-developer/)
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