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8 changed files with 407 additions and 195 deletions
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# Contributing Guidelines
Please send a pull request if you have any additions or changes. Pull requests will be accepted:
1. The pull request adheres to the repository's [Code of Conduct](/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md)
1. If the company is at least partially remote
1. If you add the company in alphabetical order in the list
1. If you submit the company with a website
1. If you submit the company with the regions that are accepted for remote positions (US only? Worldwide? Specific timezones?) \*
1. If you submit a company profile page and link the company name to it (see example [here](/company-profiles/example.md)) \*
* Optional, but highly recommended
Please adhere to the [Contributor Code of Conduct](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md).
Thanks for contributing!
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# Remote-friendly companies
A list of *179* semi to fully remote-friendly companies in or around tech.
A list of semi to fully remote-friendly companies in or around tech.
## Contributing Guidelines
Please send a pull request if you have any additions or changes. Pull requests will be accepted:
1. The pull request adheres to the repository's [Code of Conduct](/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md)
1. If the company is at least partially remote
1. If you add the company in alphabetical order in the list
1. If you submit the company with a website
1. If you submit the company with the regions that are accepted for remote positions (US only? Worldwide? Specific timezones?)
1. If you submit a company profile page and link to it in the Company Profile column (see example [here](/company-profiles/example.md))
1. If you increment the company count in the README
Thanks for contributing!
Contributions are very welcome! Please read the [contribution guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.md).
## Companies
Name | Website | Region | Company Profile
------------ | ------- | ------- | -------
&yet | https://andyet.com | Worldwide | [Profile](/company-profiles/andyet.md)
10up | http://10up.com/ | |
112 Tech | https://iTech.applytojob.com | |
17hats | http://www.17hats.com | |
18F | https://18f.gsa.gov/ | |
Acquia | http://www.acquia.com/ | |
Android Authority | http://www.androidauthority.com | |
apartment therapy | http://www.apartmenttherapy.com/ | |
Appstractor Corporation | http://www.appstractor.com | |
Arkency | http://arkency.com/ | |
Articulate | https://www.articulate.com | |
Auth0 | https://auth0.com/ | |
Automattic | https://automattic.com/ | |
Basecamp | https://basecamp.com/ | |
basho | http://basho.com/ | |
BeBanjo | http://bebanjo.com/ | |
Bizink | http://bizinkonline.com | |
Black Pixel | https://blackpixel.com/ | |
Bloc | https://bloc.io/ | |
Blue Bottle Coffee | https://bluebottlecoffee.com/ | USA & Japan | [Profile](/company-profiles/bluebottlecoffee.md)
Bluespark | https://www.bluespark.com/ | |
Bright Funds | https://www.brightfunds.org | |
buffer | https://buffer.com/ | |
BuySellAds | https://buysellads.com | |
Canonical | http://www.canonical.com/ | |
Cards Against Humanity | https://cardsagainsthumanity.com/ | |
CartoDB | https://cartodb.com/ | |
CartStack | http://cartstack.com | |
Catalyze | https://catalyze.io/ | |
charity: water | http://www.charitywater.org/ | |
Chef | http://chef.io/ | |
CircleCI | https://circleci.com/ | |
Clevertech | http://www.clevertech.biz/ | |
Close.io | http://close.io | |
Codeship | https://codeship.com/ | |
Collabora | https://www.collabora.com/ | |
Compose | https://www.compose.io/ | |
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau | http://www.consumerfinance.gov | |
CoreOS | https://www.coreos.com/ | |
Coupa | http://www.coupa.com/ | |
DataStax | http://www.datastax.com/ | |
DealDash | http://www.dealdash.com | |
Delighted | https://delighted.com | |
DigitalOcean | https://www.digitalocean.com/ | |
DNSimple | https://dnsimple.com/ | |
Docker | https://www.docker.com | |
Doist | https://doist.io | |
DuckDuckGo | https://duckduckgo.com/ | |
Emetech | http://www.emetech.net/ | |
EngineYard (Support Team) | https://www.engineyard.com/ | |
Estately | http://www.estately.com/ | |
Etsy | https://www.etsy.com/ | |
EVELO | https://evelo.workable.com | |
Eyeo | https://eyeo.com/ | |
Fastly | https://fastly.com/ | |
Filament Group | https://www.filamentgroup.com/ | |
Fire Engine Red | http://fire-engine-red.com/ | |
Functionite | http://functionite.com/ | |
General Assembly | http://generalassemb.ly | |
Ghost | https://ghost.org/ | |
Gitbook | https://www.gitbook.com/ | |
GitHub | https://github.com/ | Everywhere | [Profile](/company-profiles/github.md)
GitLab | https://about.gitlab.com/ | |
Glue Networks | http://gluenetworks.com/ | |
Google | https://www.google.com/ | |
GotSoccer, LLC | http://www.gotsoccerpro.com | |
Haiku Learning | http://www.haikulearning.com/ | |
Harvest | https://www.getharvest.com/ | |
HashiCorp | https://www.hashicorp.com/ | |
Healthfinch | http://www.healthfinch.com/ | |
Heap | https://heapanalytics.com/ | |
Helpscout | http://www.helpscout.net/ | |
Heroku | https://www.heroku.com/ | |
Honeybadger | https://www.honeybadger.io/ | |
Hugo | https://hugo.homerun.hr | |
IBM | http://www.ibm.com/ | |
Igalia | http://www.igalia.com/ | |
InfluxDB | https://influxdb.com/ | |
Inpsyde | http://inpsyde.com/en/ | |
Intellum | http://www.intellum.com | |
Interpersonal Frequency (I.F.) | https://ifsight.com/ | |
InVision | http://www.invisionapp.com/ | |
IPS Group, Inc. | http://www.ipsgroupinc.com/ | |
iwantmyname | https://iwantmyname.com/ | |
Jolly Good Code | http://www.jollygoodcode.com | |
Keen IO | https://keen.io/ | |
Khan Academy | https://www.khanacademy.org/ | |
KickBack Rewards Systems | http://careers.kickbacksystems.com | |
LaterPay | https://www.laterpay.net/ | |
Librato | https://www.librato.com/ | |
Linaro | https://www.linaro.org/ | |
Linux Foundation | https://linuxfoundation.org | |
LivingSocial | https://www.livingsocial.com/ | |
Lullabot | https://www.lullabot.com/ | |
Mapbox | https://www.mapbox.com/ | |
Marketade | http://www.marketade.com | |
Memberful | https://memberful.com | |
MetaLab | http://metalab.co | |
Mokriya | http://mokriya.com | |
Mokriya Inc | http://www.mokriya.com | |
Mozilla | https://www.mozilla.org/ | |
Mycelium | https://mycelium.com | |
Next Big Sound | https://www.nextbigsound.com/ | |
NodeSource | https://nodesource.com/ | |
npm | https://www.npmjs.com/ | |
O'Reilly Media | http://www.oreilly.com/ | |
OpenCraft | http://opencraft.com/ | |
Parker Wallace | http://parkerwallace.com | |
Parsely | http://www.parsely.com/ | |
Particular Software | http://particular.net | |
Pathable, Inc. | http://www.jsco.re | |
Paylocity | http://www.paylocity.com/ | |
PeachWorks | http://www.peachworks.com | |
Pelagicore | http://www.pelagicore.com | |
PhishMe, Inc | http://phishme.com | |
php \[architect\] | https://www.phparch.com/ | |
Precision Nutrition | http://www.precisionnutrition.com/ | |
Puppet Labs | http://puppetlabs.com/ | NA, APAC, EMEA | [Profile](/company-profiles/puppetlabs.md)
Railsdog | http://www.railsdog.com/ | |
Rainforest HQ | https://www.rainforestqa.com/jobs | |
RealHQ | http://www.realhq.com/ | |
RebelMouse | https://www.rebelmouse.com/ | |
Receiptful | https://receiptful.com | |
Recurly | https://recurly.com/ | |
Red Hat | http://www.redhat.com/ | |
RedMonk | http://redmonk.com/ | |
reinteractive | https://reinteractive.net/ | |
RightScale | http://www.rightscale.com/ | |
Rivalfox | https://rivalfox.com/ | |
Rocana | https://www.rocana.com/ | |
Sawhorse Media | http://sawhorsemedia.com | |
Scrapinghub | http://scrapinghub.com/ | |
SecurityScorecard Inc. | http://securityscorecard.com | |
SignEasy | http://getsigneasy.com | |
Simple | https://www.simple.com/ | |
Skillshare | http://bit.ly | |
SmugMug | https://www.smugmug.com/ | |
SoftwareMill | https://softwaremill.com/ | |
Soostone | http://www.soostone.com/ | |
Sqwiggle | https://www.sqwiggle.com/ | |
StackExchange | http://stackexchange.com/ | |
Stitch Fix | https://www.stitchfix.com | |
Stripe | https://stripe.com/ | |
Strongloop | https://strongloop.com/ | |
Surevine | https://www.surevine.com/ | |
Sutherland Global Services - CloudSource | https://www.sutherlandcloudsource.com | |
SweetRush | http://www.sweetrush.com | |
Sysdig | http://www.sysdig.org/ | |
teamed. | http://www.teamed.io/ | |
TeamSnap | https://www.teamsnap.com | |
TED | https://www.ted.com/ | |
Teleport | http://teleport.org/ | |
Telerik | http://www.telerik.com/ | |
Tenable | http://www.tenable.com/ | |
Test Double | http://testdouble.com/ | |
The Grid | https://thegrid.io/ | |
The Publisher Desk | http://www.publisherdesk.com | |
The Remote Lab | http://theremotelab.io | |
ThreatSim | http://threatsim.com/ | |
toggl | https://toggl.com/ | |
Toptal | http://www.toptal.com/ | |
Travis CI | https://travis-ci.org/ | |
Treehouse | https://teamtreehouse.com/ | |
Trello | https://trello.com/ | |
Tribe | http://www.tribe.net/welcome | |
Twin Technologies | https://www.twintechs.com/ | |
UpTrending | http://uptrending.com | |
Upwork Pro | https://pro.upwork.com | |
Vox Media (Product Team) | http://www.voxmedia.com/ | |
WebDevStudios | https://webdevstudios.com/ | |
WellMatch | https://wellmatchhealth.com/ | |
Whitecap SEO | http://www.whitecapseo.com/ | |
Whitespectre | http://whitespectre.com | |
WikiHow | http://www.wikihow.com/wikiHow:About-wikiHow | |
Wikimedia | https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Main_Page | |
Word to the Wise | https://wordtothewise.com | |
Wordpress | https://wordpress.com/ | |
X-Team | http://x-team.com/ | |
YouCanBook.me Ltd | https://youcanbook.me | |
Zapier | https://zapier.com/ | |
Name | Website | Region
------------ | ------- | -------
[&yet](/company-profiles/andyet.md) | https://andyet.com | Everywhere
[10up](/company-profiles/10up.md) | http://10up.com/ | Everywhere
112 Tech | https://iTech.applytojob.com |
17hats | http://www.17hats.com |
18F | https://18f.gsa.gov/ |
Acquia | http://www.acquia.com/ |
Android Authority | http://www.androidauthority.com |
apartment therapy | http://www.apartmenttherapy.com/ |
Appstractor Corporation | http://www.appstractor.com |
Arkency | http://arkency.com/ |
Articulate | https://www.articulate.com |
Auth0 | https://auth0.com/ |
Automattic | https://automattic.com/ |
Basecamp | https://basecamp.com/ |
basho | http://basho.com/ |
BeBanjo | http://bebanjo.com/ |
Bizink | http://bizinkonline.com |
Black Pixel | https://blackpixel.com/ |
Bloc | https://bloc.io/ |
[Blue Bottle Coffee](/company-profiles/bluebottlecoffee.md) | https://bluebottlecoffee.com/ | USA & Japan
Bluespark | https://www.bluespark.com/ |
Bright Funds | https://www.brightfunds.org |
buffer | https://buffer.com/ |
BuySellAds | https://buysellads.com |
Canonical | http://www.canonical.com/ |
Cards Against Humanity | https://cardsagainsthumanity.com/ |
CartoDB | https://cartodb.com/ |
CartStack | http://cartstack.com |
Catalyze | https://catalyze.io/ |
charity: water | http://www.charitywater.org/ |
Chef | http://chef.io/ |
CircleCI | https://circleci.com/ |
Clevertech | http://www.clevertech.biz/ |
Close.io | http://close.io |
Codeship | https://codeship.com/ |
Collabora | https://www.collabora.com/ |
Compose | https://www.compose.io/ |
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau | http://www.consumerfinance.gov |
CoreOS | https://www.coreos.com/ |
Coupa | http://www.coupa.com/ |
DataStax | http://www.datastax.com/ |
DealDash | http://www.dealdash.com |
Delighted | https://delighted.com |
DigitalOcean | https://www.digitalocean.com/ |
DNSimple | https://dnsimple.com/ |
Docker | https://www.docker.com |
Doist | https://doist.io |
[DramaFever](/company-profiles/dramafever.md) | http://www.dramafever.com | USA
DuckDuckGo | https://duckduckgo.com/ |
Emetech | http://www.emetech.net/ |
EngineYard (Support Team) | https://www.engineyard.com/ |
Estately | http://www.estately.com/ |
Etsy | https://www.etsy.com/ |
EVELO | https://evelo.workable.com |
Eyeo | https://eyeo.com/ |
Fastly | https://fastly.com/ |
Filament Group | https://www.filamentgroup.com/ |
Fire Engine Red | http://fire-engine-red.com/ |
[FullFabric](/company-profiles/fullfabric.md) | http://fullfabric.com/ | Europe
Functionite | http://functionite.com/ |
General Assembly | http://generalassemb.ly |
Ghost | https://ghost.org/ |
[GigSalad](/company-profiles/gigsalad.md) | https://www.gigsalad.com/ | USA
Gitbook | https://www.gitbook.com/ |
[GitHub](/company-profiles/github.md) | https://github.com/ | Everywhere
GitLab | https://about.gitlab.com/ |
Glue Networks | http://gluenetworks.com/ |
Google | https://www.google.com/ |
GotSoccer, LLC | http://www.gotsoccerpro.com |
Haiku Learning | http://www.haikulearning.com/ |
Harvest | https://www.getharvest.com/ |
HashiCorp | https://www.hashicorp.com/ |
Healthfinch | http://www.healthfinch.com/ |
Heap | https://heapanalytics.com/ |
Helpscout | http://www.helpscout.net/ |
Heroku | https://www.heroku.com/ |
Honeybadger | https://www.honeybadger.io/ |
Hugo | https://hugo.homerun.hr |
IBM | http://www.ibm.com/ |
Igalia | http://www.igalia.com/ |
InfluxDB | https://influxdb.com/ |
Inpsyde | http://inpsyde.com/en/ |
Intellum | http://www.intellum.com |
[Interactive Intelligence](/company-profiles/inin.md) | http://www.inin.com | Everywhere
Interpersonal Frequency (I.F.) | https://ifsight.com/ |
InVision | http://www.invisionapp.com/ |
IPS Group, Inc. | http://www.ipsgroupinc.com/ |
iwantmyname | https://iwantmyname.com/ |
Jolly Good Code | http://www.jollygoodcode.com |
Keen IO | https://keen.io/ |
Khan Academy | https://www.khanacademy.org/ |
KickBack Rewards Systems | http://careers.kickbacksystems.com |
Koding | https://koding.com | US, Turkey, Denmark, Romania, Russia & Poland
LaterPay | https://www.laterpay.net/ |
Librato | https://www.librato.com/ |
Linaro | https://www.linaro.org/ |
Linux Foundation | https://linuxfoundation.org |
LivingSocial | https://www.livingsocial.com/ |
Lullabot | https://www.lullabot.com/ |
Mapbox | https://www.mapbox.com/ |
Marketade | http://www.marketade.com |
Memberful | https://memberful.com |
MetaLab | http://metalab.co |
Mokriya | http://mokriya.com |
Mokriya Inc | http://www.mokriya.com |
Mozilla | https://www.mozilla.org/ |
Mycelium | https://mycelium.com |
Next Big Sound | https://www.nextbigsound.com/ |
NodeSource | https://nodesource.com/ |
npm | https://www.npmjs.com/ |
O'Reilly Media | http://www.oreilly.com/ |
OpenCraft | http://opencraft.com/ |
Parker Wallace | http://parkerwallace.com |
Parsely | http://www.parsely.com/ |
Particular Software | http://particular.net |
Pathable, Inc. | http://www.jsco.re |
Paylocity | http://www.paylocity.com/ |
PeachWorks | http://www.peachworks.com |
Pelagicore | http://www.pelagicore.com |
PhishMe, Inc | http://phishme.com |
php \[architect\] | https://www.phparch.com/ |
Precision Nutrition | http://www.precisionnutrition.com/ |
[Puppet Labs](/company-profiles/puppetlabs.md) | http://puppetlabs.com/ | NA, APAC, EMEA
Railsdog | http://www.railsdog.com/ |
Rainforest HQ | https://www.rainforestqa.com/jobs |
RealHQ | http://www.realhq.com/ |
RebelMouse | https://www.rebelmouse.com/ |
Receiptful | https://receiptful.com |
Recurly | https://recurly.com/ |
Red Hat | http://www.redhat.com/ |
RedMonk | http://redmonk.com/ |
reinteractive | https://reinteractive.net/ |
RightScale | http://www.rightscale.com/ |
Rivalfox | https://rivalfox.com/ |
Rocana | https://www.rocana.com/ |
Sawhorse Media | http://sawhorsemedia.com |
Scrapinghub | http://scrapinghub.com/ |
SecurityScorecard Inc. | http://securityscorecard.com |
SignEasy | http://getsigneasy.com |
Simple | https://www.simple.com/ |
Skillshare | http://bit.ly |
SmugMug | https://www.smugmug.com/ |
SoftwareMill | https://softwaremill.com/ |
Soostone | http://www.soostone.com/ |
[Spoqa](/company-profiles/spoqa.md) | http://www.spoqa.com/ | South Korea and Japan
Sqwiggle | https://www.sqwiggle.com/ |
StackExchange | http://stackexchange.com/ |
Stitch Fix | https://www.stitchfix.com |
Stripe | https://stripe.com/ |
Strongloop | https://strongloop.com/ |
Surevine | https://www.surevine.com/ |
Sutherland Global Services - CloudSource | https://www.sutherlandcloudsource.com |
SweetRush | http://www.sweetrush.com |
Sysdig | http://www.sysdig.org/ |
teamed. | http://www.teamed.io/ |
TeamSnap | https://www.teamsnap.com |
TED | https://www.ted.com/ |
Teleport | http://teleport.org/ |
Telerik | http://www.telerik.com/ |
Tenable | http://www.tenable.com/ |
Test Double | http://testdouble.com/ |
The Grid | https://thegrid.io/ |
The Publisher Desk | http://www.publisherdesk.com |
The Remote Lab | http://theremotelab.io |
ThreatSim | http://threatsim.com/ |
toggl | https://toggl.com/ |
Toptal | http://www.toptal.com/ |
Travis CI | https://travis-ci.org/ |
Treehouse | https://teamtreehouse.com/ |
Trello | https://trello.com/ |
Tribe | http://www.tribe.net/welcome |
Twin Technologies | https://www.twintechs.com/ |
UpTrending | http://uptrending.com |
Upwork Pro | https://pro.upwork.com |
Vox Media (Product Team) | http://www.voxmedia.com/ |
WebDevStudios | https://webdevstudios.com/ |
WellMatch | https://wellmatchhealth.com/ |
Whitecap SEO | http://www.whitecapseo.com/ |
Whitespectre | http://whitespectre.com |
WikiHow | http://www.wikihow.com/wikiHow:About-wikiHow | PST Timezone
Wikimedia | https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Main_Page |
Word to the Wise | https://wordtothewise.com |
X-Team | http://x-team.com/ |
YouCanBook.me Ltd | https://youcanbook.me |
Zapier | https://zapier.com/ |
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# 10up
## Company blurb
We make websites and content management simple and fun with premiere web design & development consulting services, by contributing to open platforms like WordPress, and by providing tools and products (like [PushUp](pushupnotifications.com)) that make web publishing a cinch.
At 10up, we don’t just “make” things – we engineer them. We’re a group of people built to solve problems; made to create; wired to delight. From beautiful pixels to beautiful code, we constantly improve the things around us, applying our passions to our clients’ projects and goals.
We’ve had the privilege of working on big web projects for clients as diverse as TechCrunch, ESPN’s FiveThirtyEight and Grantland, SurveyMonkey, Junior Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF), and Google.
## Company size
125 and growing, spread across web engineering, systems, design, project management, strategy/accounts, and operations.
## Remote status
10up didn’t integrate remote work – we intended to be remote from the start! Being remote allows us to find talent no matter where they're located, scale up to meet needs with relative fluidity, and have been bootstrapped from the start. We also recognize the challenges of working remotely, and put a lot of effort into in-person meetups, communication tools, and ensuring that employees have the benefits and support they need no matter where they are.
## Region
We have employees all around the world, from across the US to the UK to South Africa to the Philippines. Most are currently located in North America, a number travel frequently, and some even work nomadically.
## Company technologies
* WordPress
* Sass
* Git
* Vagrant
* Nginx
* Memcache
## Office Locations
None; or everywhere!
## How to apply
Check out our [careers page](http://10up.com/careers/) and send an email to jobs@10up.com. Our amazing Recruitment Manager Christine Garrison will be on the other end.
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# \<DramaFever\>
## Company blurb
DramaFever is on the forefront of revolutionizing internet TV. Work with a high performance team that always seems to find a way to make the impossible, possible. We create systems at scale and use data driven decisions to license and market the best TV shows and Movies from around the world.
## Company size
Approximately 100+ employees split between our NY and Philadelphia offices (as well as remotely).
## Remote status
Remote friendly! (We use Slack, GitHub, etc.)
## Company technologies
Python, Golang, AngularJS, AWS
## Office Locations
New York, NY & Philadelphia, PA
## How to apply
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# Full Fabric
## Company blurb
Full Fabric helps top universities around the globe to deliver a world-class education experience. An integrated solution for the university that understands the need to refocus on the student experience.
## Company size
0-20 employees.
## Remote status
We are headquartered in London but have developers in Europe. We communicate through Slack, Google Hangouts, Screenhero, or Asana.
## Region
## Company technologies
- Ruby/Rails
- MongoDB
- Backbone w/ Marionette
- Coffeescript
## Office Locations
London, UK
## How to apply
Join us [anytime](http://fullfabric.com/careers)!
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# GigSalad
## Company blurb
GigSalad is an entertainment marketplace where event planners (private or professional) can hire entertainment for events.
With over 70,000 entertainers and almost 1,000,000 event planners, we want to bring professional entertainment to the masses.
## Company size
## Remote status
We have offices in Springfield, MO and Wilmington, NC, but we have (and are open to) employees elsewhere in the United States. We communicate via Slack and hold video meetings as necessary.
## Region
We are primarily interested in hiring U.S. remote employees.
## Company technologies
- Redis
- Git
- NodeJS
## Office Locations
- Springfield, MO
- Wilmington, NC
## How to apply
Contact us at jobs@gigsalad.com and let us know a bit about you!
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# Interactive Intelligence
## Company blurb
Interactive Intelligence provides software and cloud services for customer engagement, unified communications and collaboration to help businesses worldwide improve service, grow their business faster and reduce costs.
## Company size
## Remote status
We don't typically hire remotes. Usually people whom have worked with the company and moved afterwards.
## Region
Remotes are preferred to be on New York time or similar, as our main offices are on New York time, but there are various remotes throughout the globe.
## Office Locations
Main developer locations: Indianapolis, IN; Raleigh, NC;
We also have other various worldwide business office locations.
## How to apply
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# Spoqa, Inc.
## Company blurb
Spoqa provides tablet-based points system named [dodo point][1].
## Company size
## Remote status
We are now providing remote system for employees about 2 days a week. If you want to work remotely, just share your plan to your team and it's ok. Every information is shared by online (Slack, Jira, Confluence) so that you can do every tasks remotely.
## Region
We have Seoul, Busan, and Tokyo office but if you want to work remotely, it doesn't matter.
## Company technologies
Python, Swift, Kotlin
## Office Locations
### Seoul
420, Teheran-ro,
Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea
### Tokyo
ヤマノ26ビル 3F
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[1]: https://www.dodopoint.com/
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