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synced 2025-01-14 13:33:53 +00:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'jessicard/master'
This commit is contained in:
97 changed files with 3706 additions and 193 deletions
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# Contributor Code of Conduct
As contributors and maintainers of this project, and in the interest of fostering an open and welcoming community, we pledge to respect all people who contribute through reporting issues, posting feature requests, updating documentation, submitting pull requests or patches, and other activities.
We are committed to making participation in this project a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of level of experience, gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, personal appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, or nationality.
Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include:
* The use of sexualized language or imagery
* Personal attacks
* Trolling or insulting/derogatory comments
* Public or private harassment
* Publishing other's private information, such as physical or electronic addresses, without explicit permission
* Other unethical or unprofessional conduct.
Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct. By adopting this Code of Conduct, project maintainers commit themselves to fairly and consistently applying these principles to every aspect of managing this project. Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct may be permanently removed from the project team.
This code of conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces when an individual is representing the project or its community.
Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported by opening an issue or contacting one or more of the project maintainers.
This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant](http://contributor-covenant.org), version 1.2.0, available at [http://contributor-covenant.org/version/1/2/0/](http://contributor-covenant.org/version/1/2/0/)
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# Contributing Guidelines
Please send a pull request if you have any additions or changes. Pull requests will be accepted:
1. The pull request adheres to the repository's [Code of Conduct](/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md)
1. If the company is at least partially remote
1. If you add the company in alphabetical order in the list
1. If you submit the company with a website
1. If you submit the company with the regions that are accepted for remote positions (US only? Worldwide? Specific timezones?) \*
1. If you submit a company profile page and link the company name to it (see example [here](/company-profiles/example.md)) \*
1. If you are unable to complete any part of the profile, please use ``` \<Unknown\> ``` to allow for future completion
\* Optional, but highly recommended
Please adhere to the [Contributor Code of Conduct](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md).
Thanks for contributing!
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CC0 1.0 Universal
Statement of Purpose
The laws of most jurisdictions throughout the world automatically confer
exclusive Copyright and Related Rights (defined below) upon the creator and
subsequent owner(s) (each and all, an "owner") of an original work of
authorship and/or a database (each, a "Work").
Certain owners wish to permanently relinquish those rights to a Work for the
purpose of contributing to a commons of creative, cultural and scientific
works ("Commons") that the public can reliably and without fear of later
claims of infringement build upon, modify, incorporate in other works, reuse
and redistribute as freely as possible in any form whatsoever and for any
purposes, including without limitation commercial purposes. These owners may
contribute to the Commons to promote the ideal of a free culture and the
further production of creative, cultural and scientific works, or to gain
reputation or greater distribution for their Work in part through the use and
efforts of others.
For these and/or other purposes and motivations, and without any expectation
of additional consideration or compensation, the person associating CC0 with a
Work (the "Affirmer"), to the extent that he or she is an owner of Copyright
and Related Rights in the Work, voluntarily elects to apply CC0 to the Work
and publicly distribute the Work under its terms, with knowledge of his or her
Copyright and Related Rights in the Work and the meaning and intended legal
effect of CC0 on those rights.
1. Copyright and Related Rights. A Work made available under CC0 may be
protected by copyright and related or neighboring rights ("Copyright and
Related Rights"). Copyright and Related Rights include, but are not limited
to, the following:
i. the right to reproduce, adapt, distribute, perform, display, communicate,
and translate a Work;
ii. moral rights retained by the original author(s) and/or performer(s);
iii. publicity and privacy rights pertaining to a person's image or likeness
depicted in a Work;
iv. rights protecting against unfair competition in regards to a Work,
subject to the limitations in paragraph 4(a), below;
v. rights protecting the extraction, dissemination, use and reuse of data in
a Work;
vi. database rights (such as those arising under Directive 96/9/EC of the
European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 1996 on the legal
protection of databases, and under any national implementation thereof,
including any amended or successor version of such directive); and
vii. other similar, equivalent or corresponding rights throughout the world
based on applicable law or treaty, and any national implementations thereof.
2. Waiver. To the greatest extent permitted by, but not in contravention of,
applicable law, Affirmer hereby overtly, fully, permanently, irrevocably and
unconditionally waives, abandons, and surrenders all of Affirmer's Copyright
and Related Rights and associated claims and causes of action, whether now
known or unknown (including existing as well as future claims and causes of
action), in the Work (i) in all territories worldwide, (ii) for the maximum
duration provided by applicable law or treaty (including future time
extensions), (iii) in any current or future medium and for any number of
copies, and (iv) for any purpose whatsoever, including without limitation
commercial, advertising or promotional purposes (the "Waiver"). Affirmer makes
the Waiver for the benefit of each member of the public at large and to the
detriment of Affirmer's heirs and successors, fully intending that such Waiver
shall not be subject to revocation, rescission, cancellation, termination, or
any other legal or equitable action to disrupt the quiet enjoyment of the Work
by the public as contemplated by Affirmer's express Statement of Purpose.
3. Public License Fallback. Should any part of the Waiver for any reason be
judged legally invalid or ineffective under applicable law, then the Waiver
shall be preserved to the maximum extent permitted taking into account
Affirmer's express Statement of Purpose. In addition, to the extent the Waiver
is so judged Affirmer hereby grants to each affected person a royalty-free,
non transferable, non sublicensable, non exclusive, irrevocable and
unconditional license to exercise Affirmer's Copyright and Related Rights in
the Work (i) in all territories worldwide, (ii) for the maximum duration
provided by applicable law or treaty (including future time extensions), (iii)
in any current or future medium and for any number of copies, and (iv) for any
purpose whatsoever, including without limitation commercial, advertising or
promotional purposes (the "License"). The License shall be deemed effective as
of the date CC0 was applied by Affirmer to the Work. Should any part of the
License for any reason be judged legally invalid or ineffective under
applicable law, such partial invalidity or ineffectiveness shall not
invalidate the remainder of the License, and in such case Affirmer hereby
affirms that he or she will not (i) exercise any of his or her remaining
Copyright and Related Rights in the Work or (ii) assert any associated claims
and causes of action with respect to the Work, in either case contrary to
Affirmer's express Statement of Purpose.
4. Limitations and Disclaimers.
a. No trademark or patent rights held by Affirmer are waived, abandoned,
surrendered, licensed or otherwise affected by this document.
b. Affirmer offers the Work as-is and makes no representations or warranties
of any kind concerning the Work, express, implied, statutory or otherwise,
including without limitation warranties of title, merchantability, fitness
for a particular purpose, non infringement, or the absence of latent or
other defects, accuracy, or the present or absence of errors, whether or not
discoverable, all to the greatest extent permissible under applicable law.
c. Affirmer disclaims responsibility for clearing rights of other persons
that may apply to the Work or any use thereof, including without limitation
any person's Copyright and Related Rights in the Work. Further, Affirmer
disclaims responsibility for obtaining any necessary consents, permissions
or other rights required for any use of the Work.
d. Affirmer understands and acknowledges that Creative Commons is not a
party to this document and has no duty or obligation with respect to this
CC0 or use of the Work.
For more information, please see
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This is a modified version of the [Contributing Guidelines](/CONTRIBUTING.md).
This pull request adheres to the repository's [Code of Conduct](/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md)
- [ ] This PR contains housekeeping (URL edits, copy changes etc)
- [ ] You know your alphabet - company is listed in alphabetical order in the README
- [ ] A company profile is included - Not essential but it really helps!
- [ ] The company directly hires employees - This may sounds odd but while awesome, this list is not for coding bootcamps, "teaching" positions a network (Teacher positions employed directly, such as Treehouse, are allowed), or networking sites for listing a CV looking for gigs
- [ ] The company added hires remote employees, or positions are available to remote workers and are clearly illustrated as such
- [ ] A company-profile has been included for each addition to the list
- [ ] I am an employee of the company mentioned and confirm all details are correct
- [ ] __Remote status__ has details regarding how the culture includes remote employees, how the company integrated remote workers, etc
- [ ] __Region__ details any restrictions to applicants based on geography
- [ ] __How to apply__ details the best approach for new applications, link to open positions, and any other help available for job hunters
- [ ] Any missing parts from the profile, please use \<Unknown\> to allow for future completion
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# Remote-friendly companies
# Remote-friendly companies
An incomplete list of semi to fully remote-friendly companies in or around tech.
A list of semi to fully remote-friendly companies in or around tech.
## Contributing
Contributions are very welcome! Please read the [contribution guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.md), & complete a [Pull Request template](/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.MD) for all new submissions.
Please send a pull request if you have any additions or changes. Pull requests will be accepted if the company is:
1. At least partially remote
1. Added in alphabetical order in the list
1. Added with a website
1. Verified to be remote (and checked off in the table as verified)
Thanks for contributing!
## Companies
## Companies
Name | Website | Verified | Office Locations*
Name | Website | Region
------------ | ------- | :--------: | -------
------------ | ------- | -------
&yet | https://andyet.com | X |
[&yet](/company-profiles/andyet.md) | https://andyet.com | Worldwide
10up | http://10up.com/ | |
[10up](/company-profiles/10up.md) | http://10up.com/ | Worldwide
112 Tech | https://iTech.applytojob.com | |
[17hats](/company-profiles/17hats.md) | https://www.17hats.com/ | Worldwide
17hats | http://www.17hats.com | |
[18F](/company-profiles/18F.md) | https://18f.gsa.gov/ | USA
18F | https://18f.gsa.gov/ | |
45royale | http://45royale.com/ |
Acquia | http://www.acquia.com/ | |
[Acquia](/company-profiles/acquia.md) | https://www.acquia.com/ | Worldwide
Android Authority | http://www.androidauthority.com | |
Aerolab | https://aerolab.co/ |
apartment therapy | http://www.apartmenttherapy.com/ | X |
AngularClass | https://angularclass.com | PST Timezone
Appstractor Corporation | http://www.appstractor.com | |
Anomali | https://www.anomali.com/company/careers | United States
Arkency | http://arkency.com/ | |
[apartment therapy](/company-profiles/apartmenttherapy.md) | http://www.apartmenttherapy.com/ | USA
Articulate | https://www.articulate.com | |
appendTo | http://appendto.com/ |
Auth0 | https://auth0.com/ | |
[Appstractor Corporation](company-profiles/appstractor.md) | https://www.appstractor.com/ | USA, UK, Israel
Automattic | https://automattic.com/ | X |
Arkency | http://arkency.com/ |
Basecamp | https://basecamp.com/ | X |
[Artefactual Systems](/company-profiles/artefactual.md) | https://www.artefactual.com | UTC-8 to UTC+2
basho | http://basho.com/ | X |
[Articulate](/company-profiles/articulate.md) | https://www.articulate.com | Worldwide
BeBanjo | http://bebanjo.com/ | |
[Atomic Squirrel](/company-profiles/atomic-squirrel.md) | http://www.atomic-squirrel.net/ | Worldwide
Bizink | http://bizinkonline.com | |
[Auth0](/company-profiles/auth0.md) | https://auth0.com/ | Worldwide
Black Pixel | https://blackpixel.com/ | X |
[Automattic](/company-profiles/automattic.md) | https://automattic.com/ | Worldwide
Bloc | https://bloc.io/ | |
[Axelerant](/company-profiles/axelerant.md) | https://axelerant.com/ | Worldwide
Bluespark | https://www.bluespark.com/ | |
Azoolla | http://www.azoolla.com/ | Europe
Bright Funds | https://www.brightfunds.org | |
[Bandcamp](/company-profiles/bandcamp.md) | https://bandcamp.com/ | Worldwide
buffer | https://buffer.com/ | X |
[Bandzoogle](/company-profiles/bandzoogle.md) | https://bandzoogle.com/ | Worldwide
BuySellAds | https://buysellads.com | |
[Baremetrics](/company-profiles/baremetrics.md) | https://baremetrics.com/ | Worldwide
Canonical | http://www.canonical.com/ | |
[Basecamp](/company-profiles/basecamp.md) | https://basecamp.com/ | Worldwide
Cards Against Humanity | https://cardsagainsthumanity.com/ | |
[Basho](/company-profiles/basho.md) | http://basho.com/ | US, UK, Japan
CartoDB | https://cartodb.com/ | |
BeBanjo | http://bebanjo.com/ |
CartStack | http://cartstack.com | |
Betable | https://corp.betable.com/ |
Catalyze | https://catalyze.io/ | |
[Big Wheel Brigade](/company-profiles/bigwheelbrigade.md) | http://www.bigwheelbrigade.com/ | USA
charity: water | http://www.charitywater.org/ | |
[Bitovi](/company-profiles/bitovi.md) | http://bitovi.com/ | USA & Worldwide
Chef | http://chef.io/ | X |
Bizink | http://bizinkonline.com |
CircleCI | https://circleci.com/ | |
Black Pixel | https://blackpixel.com/ |
Clevertech | http://www.clevertech.biz/ | |
Bloc | https://www.bloc.io/ |
Close.io | http://close.io | |
[Blue Bottle Coffee](/company-profiles/bluebottlecoffee.md) | https://bluebottlecoffee.com/ | US & Japan
Codeship | https://codeship.com/ | |
Bluespark | https://www.bluespark.com/ |
Collabora | https://www.collabora.com/ | |
Bounty Most Wanted | https://bountymostwanted.com | Brazil & Germany
Compose | https://www.compose.io/ | |
Brave Investments | http://www.braveinvest.com.br | Brazil
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau | http://www.consumerfinance.gov | X | Anywhere in the US
Bright Funds | https://www.brightfunds.org |
CoreOS | https://www.coreos.com/ | X |
[Buffer](/company-profiles/buffer.md) | https://buffer.com/ | Worldwide
Coupa | http://www.coupa.com/ | |
Bulut Yazilim | https://bulutyazilim.com/ | WorldWide
DataStax | http://www.datastax.com/ | X |
BuySellAds | https://www.buysellads.com/ |
DealDash | http://www.dealdash.com | |
[Canonical](/company-profiles/canonical.md) | http://www.canonical.com/ | Worldwide
Delighted | https://delighted.com | |
Carbon Black | https://www.carbonblack.com/ | USA, Offices in Boston, MA
DigitalOcean | https://www.digitalocean.com/ | X |
Cards Against Humanity | https://cardsagainsthumanity.com/ |
DNSimple | https://dnsimple.com/ | |
[CartoDB](/company-profiles/cartodb.md) | https://cartodb.com/ | Worldwide
Docker | https://www.docker.com | X |
CartStack | http://www.cartstack.com/ |
Doist | https://doist.io | |
[Casumo](/company-profiles/casumo.md) | https://www.casumo.com/ | Europe
DuckDuckGo | https://duckduckgo.com/ | |
Catalyze | https://catalyze.io/ |
Emetech | http://www.emetech.net/ | |
[Chargify](/company-profiles/chargify.md) | https://www.chargify.com/ | US
EngineYard (Support Team) | https://www.engineyard.com/ | X |
charity: water | http://www.charitywater.org/ |
Estately | http://www.estately.com/ | |
[Chef](/company-profiles/chef.md) | https://www.chef.io/ | US, UK
Etsy | https://www.etsy.com/ | |
CircleCI | https://circleci.com/ |
EVELO | https://evelo.workable.com | |
[Citrusbyte](/company-profiles/citrusbyte.md) | https://citrusbyte.com/ | Worldwide
Eyeo | https://eyeo.com/ | |
[Clevertech](/company-profiles/clevertech.md) | https://clevertech.biz/ | Worldwide
Fastly | https://fastly.com/ | | SF, NYC, London, Tokyo
Close.io | http://close.io |
Filament Group | https://www.filamentgroup.com/ | |
Codeship | https://codeship.com/ |
Fire Engine Red | http://fire-engine-red.com/ | |
[Colivre](/company-profiles/colivre.md) | http://colivre.coop.br/ | Worldwide
Functionite | http://functionite.com/ | |
Collabora | https://www.collabora.com/ |
General Assembly | http://generalassemb.ly | X |
Compose | https://www.compose.io/ |
Ghost | https://ghost.org/ | |
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau | http://www.consumerfinance.gov |
Gitbook | https://www.gitbook.com/ | |
Continu | https://www.continu.co/ |
GitHub | https://github.com/ | X | San Francisco
Core-Apps | http://www.core-apps.com/ | USA
GitLab | https://about.gitlab.com/ | X |
CoreOS | https://coreos.com/ |
Glue Networks | http://gluenetworks.com/ | |
[Corgibytes](/company-profiles/corgibytes.md) | http://corgibytes.com | US East Coast
Google | https://www.google.com/ | |
Costumer | https://customer.io |
GotSoccer, LLC | http://www.gotsoccerpro.com | |
[Crew](/company-profiles/crew.md) | https://crew.co | Worldwide
Haiku Learning | http://www.haikulearning.com/ | |
Crossover | https://www.crossover.com | Worldwide
Harvest | https://www.getharvest.com/ | |
Datadog | https://www.datadoghq.com/ | Worldwide (offices in NY, Boston, Paris and many remote around the world)
HashiCorp | https://www.hashicorp.com/ | |
DataStax | http://www.datastax.com/ |
Healthfinch | http://www.healthfinch.com/ | |
DealDash | http://www.dealdash.com |
Heap | https://heapanalytics.com/ | |
Delighted | https://delighted.com |
Helpscout | http://www.helpscout.net/ | |
[DigitalOcean](/company-profiles/digitalocean.md) | https://www.digitalocean.com/ | Worldwide
Heroku | https://www.heroku.com/ | X |
[Discourse](/company-profiles/discourse.md) | http://www.discourse.org/ | Worldwide
Honeybadger | https://www.honeybadger.io/ | |
[DNSimple](/company-profiles/dnsimple.md) | https://dnsimple.com/ | Worldwide
Hugo | https://hugo.homerun.hr | |
Docker | https://www.docker.com |
IBM | http://www.ibm.com/ | |
[Doist](/company-profiles/doist.md) | https://doist.com | Worldwide
Igalia | http://www.igalia.com/ | |
[DramaFever](/company-profiles/dramafever.md) | https://www.dramafever.com/ | US
InfluxDB | https://influxdb.com/ | |
DuckDuckGo | https://duckduckgo.com/ |
Inpsyde | http://inpsyde.com/en/ | |
[Edgar](/company-profiles/edgar.md) | http://meetedgar.com/ | US & Canada
Intellum | http://www.intellum.com | |
[Elastic](/company-profiles/elastic.md) | https://www.elastic.co/ | Worldwide
Interpersonal Frequency (I.F.) | https://ifsight.com/ | |
Emetech | http://www.emetech.net/ |
InVision | http://www.invisionapp.com/ | |
EngineYard (Support Team) | https://www.engineyard.com/ |
IPS Group, Inc. | http://www.ipsgroupinc.com/ | |
Enjoei | https://www.enjoei.com.br/ | Brazil
iwantmyname | https://iwantmyname.com/ | |
[Envato](/company-profiles/envato.md) | https://envato.com/ | Australia & Worldwide
Jolly Good Code | http://www.jollygoodcode.com | X |
Estately | http://www.estately.com/ |
Keen IO | https://keen.io/ | X |
[Etsy](company-profiles/etsy.md) | https://www.etsy.com/ | Worldwide
Khan Academy | https://www.khanacademy.org/ | X |
EVELO | https://evelo.workable.com |
KickBack Rewards Systems | http://careers.kickbacksystems.com | |
[Eyeo (Adblock Plus)](company-profiles/eyeo.md) | https://eyeo.com/ | Worldwide
LaterPay | https://www.laterpay.net/ | |
Fastly | https://www.fastly.com/ |
Librato | https://www.librato.com/ | |
Featurist | http://www.featurist.co.uk/ |
Linaro | https://www.linaro.org/ | |
Fetlife | https://fetlife.com/ | Worldwide
Linux Foundation | https://linuxfoundation.org | |
Filament Group | https://www.filamentgroup.com/ |
LivingSocial | https://www.livingsocial.com/ | |
Fire Engine Red | http://fire-engine-red.com/ |
Lullabot | https://www.lullabot.com/ | |
[Formstack](/company-profiles/formstack.md) | https://www.formstack.com/ | Worldwide
Mapbox | https://www.mapbox.com/ | |
Four Kitchens | https://fourkitchens.com/ |
Marketade | http://www.marketade.com | |
[Freeagent](/company-profiles/freeagent.md) | http://www.freeagent.com/ | Worldwide
Memberful | https://memberful.com | |
Fuel Made | http://fuelmade.com/ |
MetaLab | http://metalab.co | |
[FullFabric](/company-profiles/fullfabric.md) | http://fullfabric.com/ | Europe
Mokriya | http://mokriya.com | |
Functionite | http://functionite.com/ |
Mokriya Inc | http://www.mokriya.com | |
General Assembly | https://generalassemb.ly/ |
Mozilla | https://www.mozilla.org/ | X |
[Ghost Foundation](/company-profiles/ghost.md) | https://ghost.org/ | Worldwide
Mycelium | https://mycelium.com | |
Giant Swarm | https://giantswarm.io | Worldwide
Next Big Sound | https://www.nextbigsound.com/ | |
[GigSalad](/company-profiles/gigsalad.md) | https://www.gigsalad.com/ | US
NodeSource | https://nodesource.com/ | |
Gitbook | https://www.gitbook.com/ |
npm | https://www.npmjs.com/ | |
[GitHub](/company-profiles/github.md) | https://github.com/ | Worldwide
O'Reilly Media | http://www.oreilly.com/ | |
GitLab | https://about.gitlab.com/ | Worldwide
OpenCraft | http://opencraft.com/ | |
[GitPrime](/company-profiles/gitprime.md) | https://gitprime.com/ | Worldwide
Parker Wallace | http://parkerwallace.com | |
Glue Networks | http://gluenetworks.com/ |
Parsely | http://www.parsely.com/ | |
GoHiring | http://www.gohiring.com/ | Worldwide
Particular Software | http://particular.net | |
[Gorman Health Group](/company-profiles/gormanhealthgroup.md) | https://www.gormanhealthgroup.com/ | US
Pathable, Inc. | http://www.jsco.re | |
GotSoccer, LLC | http://www.gotsoccerpro.com |
Paylocity | http://www.paylocity.com/ | |
Graylog | https://www.graylog.org/ |
PeachWorks | http://www.peachworks.com | |
[Gridium](/company-profiles/gridium.md) | http://gridium.com | US
Pelagicore | http://www.pelagicore.com | |
Haiku Learning | http://www.haikulearning.com/ |
PhishMe, Inc | http://phishme.com | |
Hanno | https://hanno.co/ |
php \[architect\] | https://www.phparch.com/ | |
Happy Cog | http://happycog.com/ | USA
Precision Nutrition | http://www.precisionnutrition.com/ | |
[Harvest](/company-profiles/harvest.md) | https://www.getharvest.com/ | Worldwide
Railsdog | http://www.railsdog.com/ | |
HashiCorp | https://www.hashicorp.com/ |
Rainforest HQ | https://www.rainforestqa.com/jobs | X | San Francisco
Healthfinch | http://www.healthfinch.com/ |
RealHQ | http://www.realhq.com/ | |
Heap | https://heapanalytics.com/ | Worldwide
RebelMouse | https://www.rebelmouse.com/ | |
Helpscout | https://www.helpscout.net/ |
Receiptful | https://receiptful.com | |
Heroku | https://www.heroku.com/ |
Recurly | https://recurly.com/ | X |
Hireology | https://www.hireology.com | US
Red Hat | http://www.redhat.com/ | |
Honeybadger | https://www.honeybadger.io/ |
RedMonk | http://redmonk.com/ | |
[Hudl](/company-profiles/hudl.md) | http://www.hudl.com/ | US & UK
reinteractive | https://reinteractive.net/ | |
[Hugo](/company-profiles/hugo.md) | https://hugo.events | Worldwide
RightScale | http://www.rightscale.com/ | |
[Hypothesis](/company-profiles/hypothesis.md) | https://hypothes.is | Worldwide
Rivalfox | https://rivalfox.com/ | |
IBM | http://www.ibm.com/ |
Rocana | https://www.rocana.com/ | |
IDoneThis | https://idonethis.com/ |
Sawhorse Media | http://sawhorsemedia.com | |
Igalia | http://www.igalia.com/ |
Scrapinghub | http://scrapinghub.com/ | |
[Incsub](company-profiles/incsub.md) | https://incsub.com/ | Worldwide
SecurityScorecard Inc. | http://securityscorecard.com | |
InfluxData | https://influxdata.com |
SignEasy | http://getsigneasy.com | |
Inpsyde | http://inpsyde.com/en/ |
Simple | https://www.simple.com/ | X |
Intellum | http://www.intellum.com |
Skillshare | http://bit.ly | |
[Interactive Intelligence](/company-profiles/inin.md) | https://www.inin.com/ | Worldwide
SmugMug | https://www.smugmug.com/ | |
[Intercom](/company-profiles/intercom.md) | https://www.intercom.io/ | Worldwide
SoftwareMill | https://softwaremill.com/ | |
Interpersonal Frequency (I.F.) | https://ifsight.com/ |
Soostone | http://www.soostone.com/ | |
InVision | http://www.invisionapp.com/ |
Sqwiggle | https://www.sqwiggle.com/ | |
IPS Group, Inc. | http://www.ipsgroupinc.com/ |
StackExchange | http://stackexchange.com/ | |
[iwantmyname](/company-profiles/iwantmyname.md) | https://iwantmyname.com/ | Worldwide
Stitch Fix | https://www.stitchfix.com | |
[Jackson River](/company-profiles/jackson-river.md) | http://jacksonriver.com/ | US
Stripe | https://stripe.com/ | X |
Jolly Good Code | http://www.jollygoodcode.com |
Strongloop | https://strongloop.com/ | |
Keen IO | https://keen.io/ |
Surevine | https://www.surevine.com/ | |
Khan Academy | https://www.khanacademy.org/ |
Sutherland Global Services - CloudSource | https://www.sutherlandcloudsource.com | |
KickBack Rewards Systems | http://careers.kickbacksystems.com |
SweetRush | http://www.sweetrush.com | |
[Kiprosh](/company-profiles/kiprosh.md) | http://kiprosh.com | USA & India
Sysdig | http://www.sysdig.org/ | |
[Kissmetrics](/company-profiles/kissmetrics.md) | https://www.kissmetrics.com/ | USA & Worldwide
teamed. | http://www.teamed.io/ | |
[Knack](/company-profiles/knack.md) | https://www.knackhq.com | US
TeamSnap | https://www.teamsnap.com | |
Koding | https://koding.com | US, Turkey, Denmark, Romania, Russia & Poland
TED | https://www.ted.com/ | |
LaterPay | https://www.laterpay.net/ |
Teleport | http://teleport.org/ | |
Let's Encrypt | https://letsencrypt.org | US and Canada
Telerik | http://www.telerik.com/ | |
Librato | https://www.librato.com/ |
Tenable | http://www.tenable.com/ | |
Lightbend | http://www.lightbend.com/ | Worldwide
Test Double | http://testdouble.com/ | X |
Linaro | https://www.linaro.org/ |
The Grid | https://thegrid.io/ | |
Lincoln Loop | https://lincolnloop.com/ |
The Publisher Desk | http://www.publisherdesk.com | |
Linux Foundation | http://www.linuxfoundation.org/ |
The Remote Lab | http://theremotelab.io | |
LivingSocial | https://www.livingsocial.com/ |
ThreatSim | http://threatsim.com/ | |
[Loadsys Web Strategies](/company-profiles/loadsys.md) | https://www.loadsys.com | US Only
toggl | https://toggl.com/ | |
[Localistico](/company-profiles/localistico.md) | [https://localistico.com](http://localistico.com/team/#hiring) | Worldwide
Toptal | http://www.toptal.com/ | |
[Lullabot](/company-profiles/lullabot.md) | https://www.lullabot.com/ | Worldwide
Travis CI | https://travis-ci.org/ | X |
[Mapbox](/company-profiles/mapbox.md) | https://www.mapbox.com/ | Worldwide
Treehouse | https://teamtreehouse.com/ | X |
Marketade | http://www.marketade.com |
Trello | https://trello.com/ | |
Meetedgar | http://meetedgar.com | USA/Canada
Tribe | http://www.tribe.net/welcome | |
Memberful | https://memberful.com |
Twin Technologies | https://www.twintechs.com/ | |
MetaLab | http://metalab.co |
UpTrending | http://uptrending.com | |
Mixcloud | https://www.mixcloud.com/ |
Upwork Pro | https://pro.upwork.com | |
Mokriya | http://mokriya.com |
Vox Media (Product Team) | http://www.voxmedia.com/ | X |
Mozilla | https://www.mozilla.org/ |
WebDevStudios | https://webdevstudios.com/ | |
Mycelium | https://mycelium.com |
WellMatch | https://wellmatchhealth.com/ | |
MySQL | https://www.mysql.com/ |
Whitecap SEO | http://www.whitecapseo.com/ | |
Netguru | https://www.netguru.co |
Whitespectre | http://whitespectre.com | |
[Netsparker](/company-profiles/netsparker.md) | https://www.netsparker.com/ | Worldwide
WikiHow | http://www.wikihow.com/wikiHow:About-wikiHow | |
Next Big Sound | https://www.nextbigsound.com/ |
Wikimedia | https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Main_Page | X |
NodeSource | https://nodesource.com/ |
Word to the Wise | https://wordtothewise.com | |
npm | https://www.npmjs.com/ |
Wordpress | https://wordpress.com/ | |
O'Reilly Media | http://www.oreilly.com/ |
X-Team | http://x-team.com/ | |
[Olark](/company-profiles/olark.md) | https://www.olark.com/ | UTC-8 to UTC+1
YouCanBook.me Ltd | https://youcanbook.me | |
[OmniTI](/company-profiles/omniti.md) | https://omniti.com/ | US
Zapier | https://zapier.com/ | X |
OpenCraft | http://opencraft.com/ |
Oracle | http://www.oracle.com/ | Worldwide
* Office locations may be an incomplete list, please check the company's website to verify
Our-Hometown Inc. | http://our-hometown.com/ | US
Parker Wallace | http://www.parkerwallace.com/ |
Parsely | http://www.parsely.com/ |
Particular Software | http://particular.net |
Pathable, Inc. | https://www.jobscore.com/ |
Paylocity | http://www.paylocity.com/ |
PeachWorks | https://peachworks.com/ |
Pelagicore | http://www.pelagicore.com |
PeopleDoc | http://www.people-doc.com |
PhishMe, Inc | http://phishme.com |
[Platform.sh](/company-profiles/platformsh.md) | https://platform.sh/ | Worldwide
Precision Nutrition | http://www.precisionnutrition.com/ |
PreviousNext | https://www.previousnext.com.au/ |
[Puppet Labs](/company-profiles/puppetlabs.md) | https://puppetlabs.com/ | NA, APAC, EMEA
QuantifiedCode | https://www.quantifiedcode.com/ |
Railsdog | http://www.railsdog.com/ |
Rainforest QA | https://www.rainforestqa.com/jobs/ |
RealHQ | https://realhq.com/ |
RebelMouse | https://www.rebelmouse.com/ |
Receiptful | https://receiptful.com |
Recurly | https://recurly.com/ |
Red Hat | http://www.redhat.com/ |
RedMonk | http://redmonk.com/ |
reinteractive | https://reinteractive.net/ |
Research Square | https://www.researchsquare.com/ |
RightScale | http://www.rightscale.com/ |
Rivalfox | https://rivalfox.com/ |
Rocana | https://www.rocana.com/ |
[rtCamp](/company-profiles/rtCamp.md) | https://rtcamp.com | India
Safari Books Online | https://www.safaribooksonline.com |
Salesforce | https://www.salesforce.com/ |
Sawhorse Media | http://sawhorsemedia.com |
Scrapinghub | http://scrapinghub.com/ |
SecurityScorecard Inc. | https://securityscorecard.com/ |
SEED | https://seed.co/ |
SignEasy | http://getsigneasy.com |
[simplabs](/company-profiles/simplabs.md) | http://simplabs.com/ | Europe and Americas
Simple | https://www.simple.com/ |
Skillshare | https://www.skillshare.com/teach |
SmugMug | https://www.smugmug.com/ |
SocialBro | http://www.socialbro.com/ |
SoftwareMill | https://softwaremill.com/ |
Soostone | http://www.soostone.com/ |
[Spoqa](/company-profiles/spoqa.md) | http://www.spoqa.com/ | South Korea and Japan
Sqwiggle | https://www.sqwiggle.com/ |
[Stack Exchange](/company-profiles/stackexchange.md) | http://stackexchange.com/ | Worldwide
Stitch Fix | https://www.stitchfix.com |
[Stripe](/company-profiles/stripe.md) | https://stripe.com/ | Worldwide
Strongloop | https://strongloop.com/ |
[StudySoup](/company-profiles/studysoup.md) | https://studysoup.com/ | Worldwide
Surevine | https://www.surevine.com/ |
SUSE | https://www.suse.com/ | Worldwide
Sutherland Global Services - CloudSource | https://www.sutherlandcloudsource.com |
SweetRush | http://www.sweetrush.com |
Sysdig | http://www.sysdig.org/ |
Tag1 Consulting | https://tag1consulting.com/ | Worldwide
Taplytics | https://taplytics.com/ |
teamed. | http://www.teamed.io/ |
TeamSnap | https://www.teamsnap.com |
[Tech-Angels](/company-profiles/tech-angels.md) | http://www.tech-angels.com | United States, Canada, and France
TED | https://www.ted.com/ |
Teleport | http://teleport.org/ |
Telerik | http://www.telerik.com/ |
Tenable | http://www.tenable.com/ |
Test Double | http://testdouble.com/ |
The Grid | https://thegrid.io/ |
The Publisher Desk | http://www.publisherdesk.com |
The Remote Lab | http://theremotelab.io |
TIDY Homekeeping | http://tidy.com/ | United States
[toggl](/company-profiles/toggl.md) | https://toggl.com/ | Worldwide
[Toptal](company-profiles/toptal.md) | https://www.toptal.com/ | Worldwide
Tower / fournova | https://www.fournova.com/ |
Tractionboard | https://tractionboard.io/ |
[Transloadit](/company-profiles/transloadit.md) | https://transloadit.com/ | Worldwide
Travis CI | https://travis-ci.org/ |
[Treehouse](/company-profiles/treehouse.md) | https://teamtreehouse.com/ | United States
Trello | https://trello.com/ |
Tribe | http://www.tribe.net/welcome |
Twin Technologies | https://www.twintechs.com/ |
UpTrending | http://uptrending.com |
Upwork Pro | https://www.upwork.com |
Upworthy | https://www.upworthy.com/ | Worldwide (U.S. Timezone)
Varnish Software | https://www.varnish-software.com/about-us | Worldwide
Vox Media (Product Team) | http://www.voxmedia.com/ |
WebDevStudios | https://webdevstudios.com/ |
[Webikon](/company-profiles/Webikon.md) | http://www.webikon.sk/en/ | Worldwide
WellMatch | https://www.wellmatchhealth.com/ |
Whitecap SEO | http://www.whitecapseo.com/ |
Whitespectre | http://whitespectre.com |
WikiHow | http://www.wikihow.com/wikiHow:About-wikiHow | PST Timezone
[Wikimedia Foundation](/company-profiles/wikimediafoundation.md) | https://wikimediafoundation.org | Worldwide
[Wildbit](/company-profiles/wildbit.md) | http://wildbit.com/ | USA & Worldwide
[Wolfram](/company-profiles/wolfram.md) | https://www.wolfram.com | Worldwide
Wombat Security Technologies | https://www.wombatsecurity.com/ | USA
Word to the Wise | https://wordtothewise.com |
X-Team | http://x-team.com/ |
YouCanBook.me Ltd | https://youcanbook.me |
[Zapier](/company-profiles/zapier.md) | https://zapier.com/ | Worldwide
[Zeit.io](/company-profiles/zeitio.md) | http://zeit.io/ | Germany, The Netherlands, Spain, Chile
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# 10up
## Company blurb
We make websites and content management simple and fun with premiere web design & development consulting services, by contributing to open platforms like WordPress, and by providing tools and products (like [PushUp](pushupnotifications.com)) that make web publishing a cinch.
At 10up, we don’t just “make” things – we engineer them. We’re a group of people built to solve problems; made to create; wired to delight. From beautiful pixels to beautiful code, we constantly improve the things around us, applying our passions to our clients’ projects and goals.
We’ve had the privilege of working on big web projects for clients as diverse as TechCrunch, ESPN’s FiveThirtyEight and Grantland, SurveyMonkey, Junior Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF), and Google.
## Company size
125 and growing, spread across web engineering, systems, design, project management, strategy/accounts, and operations.
## Remote status
10up didn’t integrate remote work – we intended to be remote from the start! Being remote allows us to find talent no matter where they're located, scale up to meet needs with relative fluidity, and have been bootstrapped from the start. We also recognize the challenges of working remotely, and put a lot of effort into in-person meetups, communication tools, and ensuring that employees have the benefits and support they need no matter where they are.
## Region
We have employees all around the world, from across the US to the UK to South Africa to the Philippines. Most are currently located in North America, a number travel frequently, and some even work nomadically.
## Company technologies
* WordPress
* Sass
* Git
* Vagrant
* Nginx
* Memcache
## Office Locations
None; or everywhere!
## How to apply
Check out our [careers page](http://10up.com/careers/) and send an email to jobs@10up.com. Our amazing Recruitment Manager Christine Garrison will be on the other end.
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# 17hats
## Company blurb
Are you ready to stop juggling multiple apps to manage your business? From booking clients, to managing projects, to controlling your finances, with 17hats you have everything you need to manage your business and clients anytime, anywhere. Pretty neat if we say so ourselves! We created 17hats specifically for “businesses of one” with a focus on simplicity and ease of use.
## Company size
## Remote status
Every engineer on our team works remotely. That being said, we do need someone who can work California business hours (9am-6pm PST) and who is available for emergencies at night. If you live in the LA area, you are welcome to be in our cool office in Pasadena. Bonus points if you can curse in Dutch.
## Region
## Company technologies
iOS, React, Knockout, Rails, Perl, HTML, Sql, Ruby, JQuery
## Office Locations
Not known
## How to apply
Email buford@17hats.com with github and/or CV
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# 18F
## Company blurb
18F is a civic consultancy for the government, inside the government, working with agencies to rapidly deploy tools and services that are easy to use, cost efficient, and reusable. Our goal is to change how the government buys and develops digital services by helping agencies adopt modern techniques that deliver superior products.
We are transforming government from the inside out, creating cultural change by working with teams inside agencies who want to create great services for the public.
We are a trusted partner for agencies working to transform how they build and buy tools and services in a user-centered way.
We will accomplish our mission by:
putting the needs of the public first
being design-centric, agile, open, and data-driven
deploying tools and services early and often
## Company size
## Remote status
18F employees live all over the country. We work out of homes in Dayton and Tucson, St. Louis and Chapel Hill — and in federal buildings in San Francisco, Chicago, New York City, and Washington D.C.
That means many of our project teams are also made up of distributed employees working all over the country. For example, you may have a developer in Austin, a designer in Washington D.C., and a content strategist in Portland — but they’re all working on the same team and with the same partners.
Because we work on distributed teams so frequently, we've developed certain strategies for working well as a collaborative operation.
[We have a “remote first” mindset.](https://18f.gsa.gov/2015/10/15/best-practices-for-distributed-teams/)
## Region
U.S. citizens, non-citizens who are nationals of the U.S., or people who have been admitted to the U.S. for permanent residence and hold a valid green card.
## Company technologies
Ruby, Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
## Office Locations
Federal buildings in San Francisco, Chicago, New York City, and Washington D.C.
## How to apply
[Open positions](https://pages.18f.gov/joining-18f/open-positions/)
If you want to apply directly to 18F please email join18f@gsa.gov. We don’t require a formal cover letter, but let us know more about you:
Send your current resume, preferably as a PDF.
Link to your GitHub profile, design portfolio, or attach a writing sample.
Specify what role you’d like to be considered for. Check out our openings here.
If you're a Veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces or if you are eligible for "derived" preference, please mention that in your email so we can give you priority consideration.
Don't see an opening that suits you? Tell us what you want to do!
[How to apply](https://pages.18f.gov/joining-18f/how-to-apply/)
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# Webikon
## Company blurb
* We Love WordPress
* We Do WordPress
* We Live WordPress
Creating web apps, modern WordPress solutions and responsive themes. Open source is what we do and how we work together.
## Company size
Small team, up to 10 people right now. Still looking for a passionate colleges.
## Remote status
Can you use Slack and Hangouts? If the answer is "yes", you are quite ready to work with us. We organize the meetups and team-buildings regularly, so don't worry, we aren't just the voice in your computer.
## Region
We are company from Slovakia (EU).
## Company technologies
* WordPress
* Sass
* React
* Git
* Vagrant/Docker
* Nginx
* Redis/Memcache
* Solr
## Office Locations
None; or everywhere!
## How to apply
Check out our [job opportunities](http://www.webikon.sk/pracovne-pozicie/) and/or send an email to jobs@webikon.sk.
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# Acquia
## Company blurb
Acquia provides the leading cloud platform for building, delivering, and optimizing digital experiences. Global 2000 enterprises, government agencies and NGOs rely on Acquia’s open cloud platform to create new revenue streams, lower costs, and engage audiences more deeply through content, community, commerce and context.
## Company size
700+ employees
## Remote status
Remote-eligible roles are based on the title, requirement and responsibities of the individual. Many teams at Acquia are 100% distributed. Distributed teams rely on a combination of IRC, email, messaging and video applications, as well as voice calls, meetings, and possibly annual on-site weeks at headquarters.
## Region
Worldwide - Acquia is an international company with office locations around the world. Remote positions are available globally.
## Company technologies
- Drupal
- Git
- JavaScript
- Ruby
## Office Locations
- Boston, MA, USA (Headquarters)
- Gent, Belgium
- Munich, Germany
- Paris, France
- Portland, OR, USA
- Reading, UK
- San Francisco, CA, USA
- Sydney, Australia
- Toronto, Canada
- Washington, D.C., USA
## How to apply
Visit [Acquia careers](https://www.acquia.com/careers/open-positions)
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# &yet
## Company blurb
&yet is a consultancy specializing in [Node](https://andyet.com/node), [security](https://liftsecurity.io/) and [realtime](https://andyet.com/realtime). Moreover we make products of our own—[Talky](https://talky.io), [requireSafe](https://requiresafe.com/) and [Human Javascript](http://humanjavascript.com/). In the meantime we also run events such as [RealtimeConf](http://experience.realtimeconf.com/) and more recently–[&yetConf](http://andyetconf.com/).
[Read more about our name and the backstory](https://andyet.com/about).
## Company size
## Remote status
We employ several strategies that ensure inclusive and collaborative environment for all employees. To communicate we use Slack (text-chat), our own [Talky](https://talky.io) (video chat and meetings), [Ginger](https://gingerhq.com) (daily check-ins) and Github (organisation wide discussions). One-on-ones and bi-weekly company-wide updates are crucial part of not only staying connected but also understanding process, structure as well as employees' wellbeing. Furthermore, at least once per year we organize an all-hands team week.
## Region
&yet has one office located in Richland, WA. Currently ten people are working remotely out of Portland, Chandler, Payson, Parker, Kootenai, Minden (Canada), New York, Croydon, Edinburgh (UK) and Kraków (Poland). The most significant timezone difference is 9 hours.
## Company technologies
* Node.js
* WebRTC
* Jade
* Stylus
## Office Locations
[Richland, WA](https://www.google.com/maps/place/110+Gage+Blvd,+Richland,+WA+99352)
## How to apply
No current openings.
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# Apartment Therapy
## Company blurb
Helping people make their homes more beautiful, organized and healthy by connecting them to a wealth of resources, ideas and community online.
What We Believe
A calm, healthy, beautiful home is a necessary foundation for happiness and success in the world.
Creating this home doesn't require large amounts of money or space. It requires inspiration, connection to resources and motivation to do something about it.
The basic elements of good home design can be learned and achieved by all.
Simplicity and luxury are not mutually exclusive.
## Company size
[40+ contributors](http://www.apartmenttherapy.com/team)
## Remote status
Our engineering & design teams work remotely. We all wear many hats and maintain a collaborative and supportive environment. You may work remotely or in our New York City office, however you must be able to work effectively with a remote team and coworkers. Excellent communication skills and self-direction are critical for success.
## Region
US-based employees only.
## Company technologies
CTO Scott Trudeau wrote a gist about their [stack, product team, and mentions working remotely](https://gist.github.com/sstrudeau/f563dc72739e9e047de5)
## Office Locations
Company office in [NYC - 270 Lafayette St Fl 12 (Prince St.), New York, NY 10012, United States](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Apartment+Therapy/@40.7240504,-73.9965837,20z/data=!4m7!1m4!3m3!1s0x89c27c75f5d73d85:0x4fd9ab773fad77d1!2sProject+Real+Apartment+Treatment,+55+N+Ocean+Ave+%23+2,+Freeport,+NY+11520!3b1!3m1!1s0x0000000000000000:0x9f96cb380f7dbcf7)
## How to apply
[Apartment Therapy jobs page](http://www.apartmenttherapy.com/jobs).
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# Appstractor
## Company blurb
Reliable Data Solutions For The Digital Marketing Industries
Innovative technology for complex marketing problems.
Appstractor Corporation is the home for next generation Business Intelligence, Search and Inbound Marketing tools. Our team of talented people in six countries specializes in building tech solutions for the trickiest marketing problems.
## Company size
## Remote status
Employees remote across six countries.
## Region
## Company technologies
## Office Locations
US, UK, Israel offices
## How to apply
Appstractor [careers](https://www.appstractor.com/careers/)
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# Artefactual Systems Inc.
## Company blurb
Artefactual Systems Inc. is a privately owned company incorporated in British Columbia, Canada. We are experts in open-source, open-standard technologies for archival collections and digital repositories. The company was founded in January 2001 and has been providing archives technology and digital preservation consulting services since that time.
Artefactual provides a comprehensive suite of consulting, development, technical support, and hosting services, but is best known for developing two open-source software tools, the Archivematica digital preservation system and the AtoM onne access system.
As free and open-source software tools, Archivematica and AtoM are also used by both client and non-client institutions around the world. Artefactual has deep ties to the open-source and digital preservation communities and is a member of the Open Preservation Foundation.
## Company size
18 employees listed on the [team page](https://www.artefactual.com/team/).
## Remote status
Our philosophy is collaboration-focused, remote-friendly, and flexible. We care deeply about supporting the growth of all our employees and making sure they feel professionally fulfilled.
## Region
UTC-8 to UTC+2
## Company technologies
PHP, Python, JavaScript, git, MySQL, HTML, CSS, Django, Symfony, Ansible, Docker, Jenkins, Nginx, Azure, AWS, Ubuntu, CentOS, RedHat.
## Office Locations
New Westminster, BC.
## How to apply
Check out our [careers page](https://artefactual-systems.breezy.hr/).
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# Articulate
## Company blurb
E-Learning Heroes. All the help you need — a click away.
We get it. It takes more than great software to create engaging courses. That’s why we built E-Learning Heroes, the world’s #1 e-learning community. It puts practical tips, inspirational examples, free downloads, and expert advice right at your fingertips. Create compelling e-learning courses with stunningly simple, remarkably powerful software from Articulate.
## Company size
## Remote status
Work from anywhere. We’re distributed, and happily so. You choose when, where, and how you work. It’s all about delivering results.
## Region
## Company technologies
.NET, C#
## Office Locations
244 5th Avenue, Suite 2960, New York, NY 10001
## How to apply
Careers are listed on the [careers webpage](https://en-uk.articulate.com/company/careers.php)
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# Atomic Squirrel
## Company blurb
[Atomic Squirrel](http://www.atomic-squirrel.net/) specializes in helping startups get off the ground.
Launching a startup is a long, complicated, and confusing process. Most startups hire an experienced lawyer who they can call every time they have a legal question. Now you can hire an experienced startup team who you can call every time you have a product, technology, or team question. You can think of Atomic Squirrel as a "co-founder as a service."
We have helped many companies with product design, marketing strategy, data-driven development, system architecture, infrastructure development, coding practices, production deployment, scalability, research, recruiting, training, and much more. So no matter what your startup is struggling with, we can fill in the gaps.
## Company size
The core team is 2 people:
* [Yevgeniy Brikman](http://www.ybrikman.com) is the founder of [Atomic Squirrel](http://www.atomic-squirrel.net/). He is the author of [Hello, Startup](http://www.hello-startup.net/), a comprehensive guide to building products, technologies, and teams in a startup environment. Jim has more than a decade of experience building infrastructure and products at LinkedIn, TripAdvisor, Cisco Systems, and Thomson Financial. He's also active in the [open source community](https://github.com/brikis98/), maintains a [popular blog](http://www.ybrikman.com/writing), and has given [talks](http://www.ybrikman.com/speaking/) at conferences all over the world. See [ybrikman.com](http://www.ybrikman.com) for more info.
* [Josh Padnick](https://joshpadnick.com/) is the founder of [Phoenix DevOps](http://phoenixdevops.com/) and [Omedix](https://omedix.com/), and is a professional DevOps + AWS Consultant. He has helped a wide range of software teams to achieve DevOps success, including Intel, Infusionsoft, American Bible Society, and many others. He recently published a [12,000+ Word Guide to Building Scalable Web Apps on AWS](https://www.airpair.com/aws/posts/building-a-scalable-web-app-on-amazon-web-services-p1) which garnered 500+ upvotes on Hacker News, has hosted 150+ websites on AWS, and built cloud apps on AWS for 100,000+ users. See [JoshPadnick.com](https://joshpadnick.com/) for more info.
## Remote status
The company has been distributed since day one and probably always will be. The two founders live thousands of miles apart and our customers are all over the world.
## Region
To keep things simple from a legal perspective, we are currently hiring from anywhere in the US.
## Company technologies
We specialize in building infrastructure. Some of the tools we use include [Docker](https://www.docker.com/), [AWS](http://aws.amazon.com), [Terraform](https://www.terraform.io/), [Ansible](http://www.ansible.com/), [Consul](https://www.consul.io/), [Kafka](http://kafka.apache.org/), [Play](https://playframework.com/), [Circle CI](http://www.circleci.com), and [Jenkins](https://jenkins-ci.org/).
## Office Locations
No offices. Everyone works from home.
## How to apply
Atomic Squirrel is hiring for both full-time developer and part-time consultant roles. We're looking for DevOps people with experience building products from start to finish and deploying them to production. If you're interested, email us at [info@atomic-squirrel.net](mailto:info@atomic-squirrel.net)
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# Auth0
## Company blurb
#### About Us
We're a team of developers that got tired of the friction caused by complex identity environments. So we built a zero-friction, infinitely extensible, enterprise-class web-scale cloud solution that makes identity easy.
#### Our Mission
Zero-friction authentication and authorization for developers.
## Company size
64 team mates listed under [meet the team](https://auth0.com/about#meet-the-team)
## Remote status
Partly remote, all jobs listed as remote being an option. Described as "Embrace Distributed Work" under [Who We Are on the job page](https://auth0.com/jobs).
## Region
Worldwide, company offices are spread throughout the world and all open job listing offer remote.
## Company technologies
Current stack is node.js, mongodb, ElasticSearch, CoreOS, Docker, Puppet and the service runs in AWS, Azure and Google Cloud in multiple regions.
Also be familiar with:
* JavaScript
* Python
* Ruby
* Puppet, Chef, Ansible
* Docker
* PostgreSQL
* Node.js
* JSON Web Tokens
* OAuth, OpenID Connect
## Office Locations
8 office locations
## How to apply
[Auth0 careers page](https://auth0.com/jobs)
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# Automattic
## Company blurb
We are a distributed company, democratizing publishing and development.
We are the people behind WordPress.com, which serves more than 15.8 billion pages a month, as well as a host of other popular services, such as Akismet, Jetpack, and VaultPress. We are strong believers in Open Source, and the vast majority of our work is available under licenses like the GPL.
## Company size
Around 400 [Automatticans](https://automattic.com/about/).
## Remote status
Choose your own adventure · Everyone works from their own home or office, and we’re spread out all over the world—United States, Canada, Ireland, Scotland, Japan, Iceland, Bulgaria, Australia, and more.
Home office setup and co-working allowances. Working from a coffee shop? You can use your co-working allowance for the requisite latte!
Around 300 employees work from [homes in one of 36 countries](https://automattic.com/map/)
## Region
Worldwide - our team members hail from nearly every continent and 43 countries around the world.
## Company technologies
Spark, Kafka, Elasticsearch, Impala/Hive, and MySQL, PHP, Java, Python
## Office Locations
[The Lounge](https://lounge.automattic.com/) is the home away from home for Automatticans located at [132 Hawthorne](132 Hawthorne St, San Francisco, CA 94107)
## How to apply
Come and [work with us](https://automattic.com/work-with-us/)
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# Axelerant
## Company blurb
Axelerant is a full-service software development company that focuses on open-source technologies. Top technical talent who are passionate, giving, and communicative demonstrates our backbone. We provide high-end Strategy, Implementation, and Support services for our clients and agencies with whom we partner.
## Company size
50-100 employees
## Remote status
Our team members span the world, and we follow agile delivery and working processes. Further, we're actively giving back to many open-source communities and have fostered an innovative, incubator culture to give ideas a chance to succeed.
## Region
Worldwide - Axelerant team members work from home, cafes, or co-working spaces.
## Company technologies
* Drupal
* WordPress
* Git
* JavaScript
* Ruby
## Office Locations
* Atlanta, United States
* Gurgaon, India
## How to apply
Vist [Axelerant Careers page](https://axelerant.com/careers/) for information on how to apply.
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# Bandcamp
## Company blurb
Bandcamp makes it easy for fans to directly connect with and support the artists they love. We treat music as art, not content, and we tie the success of our business to the success of the artists who we serve.
## Company size
## Remote status
We're now a team of 28, spread throughout libraries, cafes, co-working spaces and home offices all over the world, but united by a love of music and a desire to help those who make it.
There is no Bandcamp office. Our team is sprinkled throughout the world, with arms, cells, pods, what-have-yous in San Francisco, Montreal, The City of Angels, the Pacific NW, a Carolina, Pittsburgh, Vermont, the British Isles, Montreal, Berlin and I’m probably forgetting a few. We get together all day and night on slack, design and document everything in a wiki, do a short daily hangout that is exactly like the start of Hill Street Blues, and meet in person a few times a year for strategizing, working head-to-head, and laser bowling. If you do not have a strong social structure outside of work then employment at Bandcamp will likely lead to heart disease and an early death. We’re hiring!
## Region
## Company technologies
## Office Locations
There is no Bandcamp office. Our team is sprinkled throughout the world.
## How to apply
[Bandcamp Jobs page](https://bandcamp.com/jobs)
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# Bandzoogle
## Company blurb
The website builder created by musicians for musicians.
From the beginning, we've had a simple goal: to empower musicians to build effective websites for their music.
## Company size
16 team members listed on the [about us page](https://bandzoogle.com/about-us), 21 mentioned on a [job listing](https://bandzoogle.com/jobs/201510-javascript-developer)
## Remote status
Work from anywhere.
Bandzoogle is a "virtual office"; everyone works from where they love to be. We don't let physical distance keep us apart: we're always in close contact through our busy company chat rooms, meetings / screensharing via Skype, as well as yearly face-to-face meetups in fun places (last year was in at Chateau Montebello in Quebec).
Bandzoogle has been remote-only for 11 years, and we've made flexibility and work/life balance a priority. Our 21-member team are smart, friendly, pragmatic problem-solvers. Over the years, we've learned how to create a work environment where everyone can contribute and get things done, with minimal overhead.
## Region
Worldwide - Bandzoogle is remote-only.
## Company technologies
RoR, Ember.js, APIs
## Office Locations
No physical location.
## How to apply
Information and job listings are listed on [Join the team](https://bandzoogle.com/jobs)
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# Baremetrics
## Company blurb
Who we are, what we’re about & what we do, yo. Baremetrics is pretty much the bee’s knees. We're the best Stripe analytics tool out there. Period.
We are a small, tightknit team. We are proud of every piece of work that rolls out. We know what we want to build, where it should go and how we’ll get there. We go out, kill it and drag it home.
Since launching, we’ve added some great customers, received some killer press and are hiring like crazy. We’re growing fast, and have been since day 1. So, if you’d like to chat about what it’s like here, who works here, why it matters and what our favorite snacks are...just reach out.
## Company size
## Remote status
[100% Remote](https://baremetrics.com/jobs)
## Region
## Company technologies
PHP, jQuery
## Office Locations
None, 100% remote.
## How to apply
Jobs and info is posted at the [jobs page](https://baremetrics.com/jobs)
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# Basecamp
## Company blurb
Chaos, organized.
Basecamp keeps people on the same page. No matter what your role is, everyone works toward a common goal: finishing a project together.
## Company size
48 team members shown on the [team page](https://basecamp.com/team)
## Remote status
Basecamp are a big supporter of Remote Working, they created the job board [WeWorkRemotely](https://weworkremotely.com) and wrote a book about it called, [Remote](https://37signals.com/remote)
## Region
## Company technologies
Ruby, Rails, CoffeeScript, Backbone.js, Memcached, MySQL, S3
## Office Locations
While people who work at Basecamp can live and work anywhere they want, about 14 of us work out of our Chicago headquarters.
## How to apply
Care to join us? We don’t always have job openings, but when we do, we'll post them to [WeWorkRemotely](https://weworkremotely.com)
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# Basho
## Company blurb
Basho Technologies makes highly available, fault tolerant solutions for distributed systems that are easy to operate at scale for managing massive amounts of active, unstructured data. Riak from Basho is used by businesses to power their critical Web, mobile and social applications. The Basho Data Platform helps enterprises reduce the complexity of supporting Big Data applications.
Basho is the organizer of RICON — a distributed systems conference.
## Company size
## Remote status
"Work at a job you love, with an internationally distributed team on the future of technology.""
## Region
US, UK, Japan
## Company technologies
Riak, Apache Solr, Redis
## Office Locations
Washington, DC
London, UK
Tokyo, Japan
## How to apply
[Basho careers page](http://basho.com/careers/)
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# Big Wheel Brigade
## Company blurb
Big Wheel Brigade is a web application development shop and also runs a code boot camp, [Omaha Code School](http://www.omahacodeschool.com).
We reserve 10% of our gross revenue for social good. In 2015, we're planning to use 5% for anti-slavery orgs, 2.5% to foster a diverse and inclusive tech community, and the balance for this and that.
## Company size
7, with some overlap between the code school and dev sides of our org.
## Remote status
Except for instructors, the everyone else can work from home or from a company-paid co-working space. When the instructors are between sessions, they often provide dev support on the consulting side (which can be done remotely).
## Region
US, currently.
## Company technologies
Rails, primarily, with some Wordpress clients.
## Office Locations
Omaha, Nebraska, yo!
## How to apply
We currently aren't hiring for a dev position, but are [taking applications for an educator position](http://omahacodeschool.com/educator) for the code school (not remote).
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# Bitovi
## Company blurb
Bitovi simplifies JavaScript development and UX design. We teach people how to create amazing web apps, the right way. After years of solving complex front-end engineering problems, we know what works and what doesn't. And we've baked that experience into our tools, consulting, and training.
## Company size
30-40 employees
## Remote status
## Region
A team of developers (and designers) located around the US, Canada, and Croatia.
## Company technologies
JavaScript, HTML, CSS, etc.
## Office Locations
Headquarters in Chicago, USA.
## How to apply
[Jobs site](http://bitovi.com/jobs)
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# Blue Bottle Coffee
## Company blurb
[Blue Bottle Coffee](https://bluebottlecoffee.com) is a network of cafes, wholesale partners, and online experiences united by the simple purpose of getting great coffee to everyone who asks for it. We roast coffee on vintage gear, put it in compostable bags, and still get it to our customers within 48 hours. Improbably and delightfully, there are hundreds of us now. We roast on two coasts, make great drinks, clean up after ourselves, bake cookies, type up invoices, get change at the bank, and say please and thank you. We offer the elderly and pregnant our seats on the bus and brush and floss daily. We look forward to seeing you soon.
You’ll be helping our growing digital team build amazing experiences for lovers of coffee around the world. We craft easytouse tools that allow our guests to shop for coffee and merchandise online, learn about brewing coffee at home, and share their coffee drinking experiences with friends and followers. We also build powerful automated tools that magically help our production teams deliver fresh-roasted coffee to the right person, at the right time.
## Company size
450 employees, made up mostly of professional retail baristas. Digital team of ~15 software engineers, designers, and product managers.
## Remote status
Our digital team is sprinkled throughout the United States, with co-workers living in Oakland, San Francisco, Palo Alto, Los Angeles, Denver, Atlanta, and Portland. We embrace real-time communication using Slack, meet a few times a week for standup on Google Hangout, and frequently enjoy 1:1 chats using whatever technology lets us hear (or see) each other. A few times a year, much of the team meets at the Blue Bottle offices in Oakland to catch up, socialize, and strategize our future.
## Region
Our digital team is based in the USA but spread across all time zones. Having expanded to Tokyo, we are also open to digital team members based in Japan.
## Company technologies
- Ruby and Rails (latest versions)
- Go
- Angular
- HTML, CSS, and Javascript
- Postgres
- Memcached, Redis, Resque
- Heroku
## Office Locations
Oakland, California
## How to apply
See our [careers page](https://bluebottlecoffee.com/careers) for open positions on the digital team.
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# Buffer
## Company blurb
Buffer is the best way to drive traffic, increase fan engagement and save time on social media.
We're a fully distributed team, meaning that we'll be fixing bugs and replying to your questions from around the world!
The Buffer team works from multiple countries and continents. Living in a place that makes you happy is one of our core beliefs, and has stayed with the company since the beginning.
## Company size
## Remote status
Buffer is a 100% remote company and fully encourages remote friendly work.
## Region
Buffer employs people worldwide
## Company technologies
Redshift, Hadoop, MongoDB JavaScript, PHP, Underscore, Backbone.
## Office Locations
No physical office, recently sold HQ and all employees work remotely.
## How to apply
The full story and roles overview is on the Buffer [Journey page](https://buffer.com/journey)
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# Canonical
## Company blurb
At Canonical, we believe in the power of open source to change the world
Canonical was created alongside Ubuntu to help it reach a wider market. Our services help governments and businesses the world over with migrations, management and support for their Ubuntu deployments. Together with our partners, we ensure that Ubuntu runs reliably on every platform from the PC and the smartphone to the server and, crucially, the cloud.
## Company size
Over 700 employees
## Remote status
Canonical offers many remote positions across a variety of roles.
## Region
Worldwide, or "home based", their open vacancies can be search by [location or role](https://ldd.tbe.taleo.net/ldd03/ats/careers/jobSearch.jsp?org=CANONICAL&cws=1&rid=86&org=CANONICAL)
## Company technologies
Canonical use a variety of technologies across their range of products or services, the company are behind Ubuntu, the server, Desktop, and mobile operating system.
Canonical has also created several important tools to help customers build, manage and scale their clouds. For telcos and enterprises, Landscape helps administrators deploy and manage Ubuntu clouds cost-effectively. And whether you are using your own cloud or someone else’s, Juju and MAAS drastically reduce the time, cost and complexity of deploying and scaling in any cloud environment.
## Office Locations
Canonical Ltd - Douglas, IOM
Canonical Group Ltd - London, UK
Canonical USA Inc - Lexington, MA, USA
## How to apply
All current vacancies are listed on the [jobs page](http://www.canonical.com/careers/all-vacancies)
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# CartoDB
## Company blurb
It's a location intelligence tool to create amazing visualizations of geospatial data in the cloud. Upload your data, create your visualizations without a line of code and share them with the world.
## Company size
67 team members listed on the [team page](https://cartodb.com/team/)
## Remote status
CartoDB can be described as "remote-friendly". From a current employee when [discussing in this repo](https://github.com/jessicard/remote-jobs/issues/153#issuecomment-155384024)
> While it's true that we don't explicitly announce the possibility to work remotely in our job openings, any employee can work wherever he or she wants.
>We currently have several people working 100% remote and also several other people work partially remote (i.e: they come to the Madrid office once every one or two weeks).
>It's true that we aren't a 100% remote company, but we are definitely remote-friendly.
## Region
Remote friendly worldwide
## Company technologies
CartoDB has a lovely [attributions page](https://cartodb.com/attributions/) with a lot of information.
| Frontend | Backend | Other features |
| ------------- | ------------- | ------- |
| Leaflet | Ubuntu | Chef |
| Wax | PostGIS | Munin |
| jQuery & plugins | Nginx | Nagios |
| Backbone | Node | Monit |
| Underscore | Varnish | |
| CodeMirror | Unicorn | |
| Mustache | Ruby on Rails | |
| | Redis | |
| | Mapnik | |
| | CartoCSS | |
## Office Locations
Madrid & NYC
## How to apply
CartoDB open vacancies are listed on their [Jobs page](https://cartodb.com/jobs/)
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# Casumo
## Company blurb
Casumo is a technology startup founded on the premise and belief that technology not only drives innovation in products but also disrupts markets and industries. In a commoditised market, differentiation and innovation are paramount.
We are dedicated to change the world of igaming forever and we are founded upon a single promise: to deliver the world’s best gaming experience. No, it’s not just a bullet in our brand book, it’s a promise. We believe that owning our own technology plays a key part in reaching that goal.
Casumo as a product is a recognized, award winning online casino. We’re not working with casino, we’re working with challenging and changing the common perception of what casino is. Through design, technology & innovation we aim to disrupt a young, and in many ways immature industry, by ignoring the rules.
We structure our company on the promise of freedom and responsibility. We hire great people and get out of their way. We work to remove obstacles, to provide framework and to lead by providing context.
## Company size
Around 80 employees.
## Remote status
Our headquarters is located in Tal-Ibragg, Malta. We communicate through GitHub, Slack, and our own internal blog.
## Region
We have employees in several different countries around Europe, regardless of their physical location. We have some nomadic employees as well!
## Company technologies
Our technology stack is not set in stone, but this is what we are currently using:
- JavaScript (Knockout, Durandal, Karma, Intern, Gulp, lodash)
- Sass
- Java (Spring, Hibernate, Axon, Dropwizard)
- Python
- Scala
- Swift
- Bash
- RabbitMQ
## Office Locations
- Tal-Ibragg, Malta
## How to apply
Apply for any of the jobs listed on [our Jobs page](http://www.casumocareers.com/)!
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# Chargify
## Company blurb
We've been around for 6 years, supporting almost every kind of organization that needs to bill people over and over: online software businesses, churches, schools, storage unit owners, shippers of recurring packages, and many others.
And over that time, with that variety of merchants using Chargify, we've developed our software to support just about every common business model and pricing model. Chargify is a recurring billing system designed for Web 2.0 and SaaS companies. Chargify frees you from worrying about billing so you can focus on building innovative web applications.
## Company size
24 employees listed on the [About Us](https://www.chargify.com/about-us/) page.
## Remote status
[Development team is 100% remote. Remote positions for applicants based in the US. You are free to work anywhere.
You're expected to maintain a regular day-to-day schedule and be in the 'office' & responsive during your chosen worktime. That said, we offer lots of flexibility for adjusting your schedule based on personal/family needs. Some travel is required (typically 2 or 3 week-long trips a year).](http://chargify.theresumator.com/apply/GdC1L7/Junior-Developer-USA-Remote)
## Region
Worldwide - Mainly US based employees but with one in Brazil and another in Australia. A [map](https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=zLsPehD3_vdo.k8yC1yRzgqKU&usp=sharing) shows employee rough locations on the [About Us](https://www.chargify.com/about-us/) page
## Company technologies
RoR, AWS, Docker
## Office Locations
Head office is located in Needham, MA
## How to apply
Chargify openings are listed on the [jobs](https://www.chargify.com/jobs) page.
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# Chef
## Company blurb
We are Chef. We are IT automation for speed and awesomeness. We give you a model for automating IT infrastructure and applications that drive self-reliance across your development and operations teams. We are the Chef Community. We are tens of thousands strong. We are helping your businesses become faster, safer and more flexible, so you win in today's 24x7 digital economy. Join our movement today.
## Company size
## Remote status
We're based in Seattle, WA but have employees from coast to coast.
## Region
Mainly USA but some UK
## Company technologies
## Office Locations
Chef Seattle
619 Western Ave, Suite 400
Seattle, WA 98104
Chef San Francisco
48 2nd St., 4th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94105
## How to apply
[Chef careers](https://www.chef.io/careers/)
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# Citrusbyte
## Company blurb
Citrusbyte was founded in 2007 and is 50+ people strong. We have considerable experience building custom systems for both startups and enterprises - here's one example of our work: https://citrusbyte.com/portfolio/att-m2x
We work in tight-knit teams (2-6) and collaborate with product designers, visual designers and the client to design, plan, implement and improve a product. Our developers prefer lightweight tools in Ruby, Python and Javascript.
[Read more about us](https://citrusbyte.com/about-us).
## Company size
## Remote status
We communicate through GitHub, Slack, Invision and Google hangouts.
## Region
The main offices are in New York, San Francisco, Santa Monica, Portland and Seattle but we also have many team members working remotely from Asia, Europe and North/South America.
## Company technologies
* Ruby
* Python
* Javascript
## Office Locations
The main offices are in New York, San Francisco, Santa Monica, Portland and Seattle.
## How to apply
Visit our careers [website](http://careers.citrusbyte.com/apply/).
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# Clevertech
## Company blurb
Clevertech have been developing apps since 2000. Clevertech is a team of business analysts, developers and designers. We tackle complex business issues and engineer simplicity. We work with visionary leaders who want full service partners for successful product launches.
## Company size
Nearly 100 employees
## Remote status
100% remote over 6 continents. Schedules are flexible—you work when you're in flow, from wherever you wish.
## Region
[Worldwide](https://clevertech.biz/meet#map-canvas) - A globally located community of talented business analysts, developers and designers.
## Company technologies
JS, node, Python, RoR, PHP, Java,
## Office Locations
379 W Broadway, 2nd Floor, New York, NY
## How to apply
Learn [why](https://clevertech.biz/join) you'd want to work at Clevertech, then look to see what the team are [hiring](https://clevertech.biz/careers) for.
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# Colivre — Free (as in freedom) Technologies Cooperative
## Company blurb
[We are](http://colivre.coop.br/sobre/) a cooperative dedicated to FOSS as business model and as way of life, founded in 2006, at Salvador, Brazil.
## Company size
Our small size floats. We are approximately 20 persons, and *almost* all are associated to the cooperative.
## Remote status
We have remote members working normally since the second year of life of this cooperative. Our default meeting is online, we work connected to IRC (also non IT people), and we always have a remote presence on our local meetings.
## Region
We are open to members anywhere. *(We know the possible Mars One members will have problems with real-time communication but we are planning a tachyon beam or a wormhole bridge.)* Talking seriously, There are legal issues for associating people living outside Brazil, but that is a problem that we will be happy to solve when needed. Besides that we must consider language limitations on the role you will play at Colivre. Our primary language is Portuguese.
## Company technologies
* Ruby on Rails
* HTML, CSS, SCSS, Javascript, jQuery
* Postgress
* Git
* Server administration *(all meanings that could put here)*
## Office Locations
Salvador, Bahia, Brasil.
## How to apply
Write to contato@colivre.coop.br and point to your FOSS contributions.
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# Corgibytes
## Our mission
To maintain and improve the world's existing code.
## Company blurb
**Fixing & updating existing code is our speciality**
Every member of the Corgibytes team is a consummate problem solver. We love tinkering, testing, and turning frustration into relief. Some call us craftsman. Others, code whisperers. We just have a knack for identifying problems and building solutions. Spaghetti code? We love it. Or, at least making it better.
**Our vision**
Codebases are nurtured to provide the highest value for the longest time.
**Core values**
*Adopt a Growth Mindset*
Constantly find ways to expand your knowledge and learn new things. Your intelligence and talent is not fixed, it’s developed over time through perseverance, dedication and hard work.
*Calm the Chaos*
Urgency leads to errors; frenzy to frustration. Focus on developing the steady working rhythm and calm mind that works best for solving complex problems.
*Communication Is Just as Important as Code*
No one at Corgibytes identifies as a “technical” or “non-technical” because everyone is both. Practice both types of skills regularly.
*Think of Others*
Coding doesn’t happen in a vacuum. Consider the other people who are impacted by your work: your clients, your users, your teammates, and even your future self.
*Craftsmanship in Context*
Match your solution to the situation. Sometimes, it’s a quick and dirty prototype to prove a concept. When the stakes are high, spending extra time getting it right is the best way to go.
## Company size
0-10 Employees
## Remote status
Taken from their [Careers page](http://corgibytes.com/careers/):
*Work where & when you want*
Corgibytes is set up as a distributed team. Our focus is on results, not micromanagement. We use collaboration tools such as Slack, Github, and LeanKit (along with an internal tool we built called Einbot) to stay connected and give each team member a high degree of autonomy.
## Region
Most of the team in East Coast. Preference for people in the same timezone.
## How to apply
Check their [careers page](http://corgibytes.com/careers/)!
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# Crew
## Company blurb
Crew connects vetted projects with a handpicked community of independent designers and developers who have worked on products like Hotel Tonight, Dropbox, and Path.
1. Submit your idea
2. Get a budget recommendation
3. Start working with the best maker for your project
Within a day.
We are at the start of the most significant economic movement since the Industrial Revolution. With the tools available today, work is being redefined.
We have more power than ever before to be our own bosses. To stay independent. To develop our own passions. And work from any space, any place, anytime, anywhere.
At Crew, we're building a system for this new economy. One that values the results of the work done, not just the dollar price. Where people receive quality results, independent professionals get consistent quality work, and products are created that both client and maker can be proud of.
## Company size
11-50 according to [Angel.co](https://angel.co/crew/jobs)
## Remote status
Open to remote for most positions.
## Region
Remote worldwide possibly for most positions
## Company technologies
We use CakePHP, Rails, MySQL, LESS, and jQuery.
And/or: Rails, Postgres, Redis, RSpec + Capybara, Sidekiq
And/or: HTML, CSS/LESS, JS/jQuery
## Office Locations
Montreal, Canada
## How to apply
[Hiring](https://crew.co/hiring) page on the Crew website, each opening has the details of the role and a link to email the team.
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# DigitalOcean
## Company blurb
We're a fast-growing, New York-based cloud infrastructure provider, and our talented team is at the center of everything we do.
## Company size
165 employees listed on the [team page](https://www.digitalocean.com/company/about/)
## Remote status
Our philosophy is collaboration-focused, remote-friendly, and flexible. We care deeply about supporting the growth of all our employees and making sure they feel professionally fulfilled.
## Region
## Company technologies
Go, Perl, Ruby, Kafka, Consul, Chef, Prometheus, MemSQL, MySQL, Looker, Rsyslog, Open vSwitch, Libvirt, KVM, chef, git
## Office Locations
DigitalOcean, Inc. 101 Ave of the Americas 10th Floor New York
## How to apply
[DigitalOcean careers](https://www.digitalocean.com/company/careers/)
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# Discourse
## Company blurb
Discourse is built by Civilized Discourse Construction Kit, Inc.
What is Discourse?
Discourse is the 100% open source discussion platform built for the next decade of the Internet. It works as:
* a mailing list
* a discussion forum
* a long-form chat room
## Company size
Less than 10 employees but [it is an open source project built with the help of the community.](http://www.discourse.org/faq/#team)
## Remote status
Employees can be remote, but there are not many openings.
## Region
## Company technologies
Discourse is a JavaScript application that runs in your web browser, using the Ember.js framework.
The server side of Discourse is Ruby on Rails backed by a Postgres database and Redis cache. You can deploy our standard Discourse Docker container on any virtualized cloud server (digital ocean, amazon ec2, rackspace, azure) with 1 GB RAM.
## Office Locations
## How to apply
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# DNSimple
## Company blurb
[DNSimple](https://dnsimple.com) provides DNS, domain registration and SSL certificates for developers and small businesses worldwide.
## Company size
We are currently 9 people. Here is a bit more about the team: [https://dnsimple.com/about](https://dnsimple.com/about)
## Remote status
Our team is 100% distributed, with team members in the US, Canada, France, Spain and Italy.
We write about how we work as a distributed team on our blog:
- [DNSimple Team Retreat in Avignon, August 2015](http://blog.dnsimple.com/2015/09/retreat-avignon-august-2015/)
- [The DNSimple Team on Remote Working](http://blog.dnsimple.com/2015/04/the-dnsimple-team-on-remote-working/)
## Region
We are open to new team members living anywhere in the world.
## Company technologies
Our web applications are typically developed in Ruby or Go. Our DNS servers are written in Erlang. We use Chef for automating our operational environments.
## Office Locations
We have none.
## How to apply
We are a bootstrapped company, so we hire very slowly and intentionally, which means we only hire a few people, at most, each year. If you are interested in having a conversation about what we might be able to do together, and why you'd like to help make the world of domain names and DNS better for developers around the world, email Anthony: [anthony.eden@dnsimple.com](mailto:anthony.eden@dnsimple.com).
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# Doist
## Company blurb
At Doist, we specialize in productivity software.
We create tools like Todoist and Todoist Business that simplify and organize the day. When software tames the chaos and streamlines the little things, it frees you to focus on the big things.
We’re a chiefly remote team from all around the world, and our mission is to help people do more each day so they can make the most of their potential.
## Company size
50 people in 25 countries
## Remote status
Fully remote
## Region
## Company technologies
Android, iOS/OS X, Windows, Python, Django, Ruby on Rails, Javascript, HTML, CSS, CoffeeScript, React, MYSQL, Redis, GIT, Wordpress, C#, C++
## Office Locations
R&D office in Porto, Portugal
## How to apply
Check out our [careers page](https://doist.com/jobs/).
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# \<DramaFever\>
## Company blurb
DramaFever is on the forefront of revolutionizing internet TV. Work with a high performance team that always seems to find a way to make the impossible, possible. We create systems at scale and use data driven decisions to license and market the best TV shows and Movies from around the world.
## Company size
Approximately 100+ employees split between our NY and Philadelphia offices (as well as remotely).
## Remote status
Remote friendly! (We use Slack, GitHub, etc.)
## Company technologies
Python, Golang, AngularJS, AWS
## Office Locations
New York, NY & Philadelphia, PA
## How to apply
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# Edgar
## Company blurb
We created Edgar in 2014 so that entrepreneurs, bloggers, and marketers could manage their social media with more consistency and in less time. We add more than 50 new users daily, and we’re only picking up steam.
That’s the business. And us? We’re a small team of thing-doers, fun-havers, and word-maker-uppers. We plan for big successes, because those are just way more fun. We don’t bother with office politics, both because that’s way too cliche, and also, because we don’t have an office. (So, you can wear stretchy pants to work and no one will judge.)
We know we’re ridiculously lucky to have this group of ambitious, kind, independent little nerds, and we want to keep that going by bringing in even more people who love geeking out about what they do and doing work they’ll be super proud of.
## Company size
We’re a small team of 13 people, all working remotely across the US.
## Remote status
*100% Remote*
Want a commute that's only 30 seconds long? Think cats make the best officemates? Work with us, and work from home. We’re a small team of 13 people, all working remotely across the US. We do a lot of collaborating and meme-swapping on Slack, along with virtual team meetings and futuristic video calls. We also do a twice-annual meetup week where we work together on cool projects all day and generally make fools of ourselves all night.
## Region
US and Canada
## Company technologies
Wordpress + Ruby on Rails (based on [careers page](http://meetedgar.com/careers/)).
## Office Locations
We don't even HAVE a headquarters, unless you count our secret undersea laboratory.
## How to apply
Edgar has a [careers page](http://meetedgar.com/careers/)
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# Elastic
## Company blurb
Founded in 2012 by the people behind the Elasticsearch and Apache Lucene open source projects, Elastic provides real-time insights and makes massive amounts of structured and unstructured data usable for developers and enterprises. By focusing on scalability, ease-of-use, and ease-of-integration, Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana power many of the world’s leading mobile, social, consumer and business applications. Since its initial release, the open source stack has achieved more than 20 million cumulative downloads.
Elastic is backed by Benchmark Capital, Index Ventures, and NEA with headquarters in Amsterdam and Mountain View, California, and offices and employees around the world. To learn more, visit [www.elastic.co](www.elastic.co).
## Company size
Around 280 employees.
## Remote status
Our headquarters are located in San Francisco, CA, Amsterdam and Netherland, and we have employees all over the world.
## Region
We have employees in all around the world.
## Company technologies
- Java: Elasticsearch
- HTML, Javascript, CSS: Kibana
- Ruby: Logstash
- APIs: Perl, Python, Ruby, Golang ...
## Office Locations
- San Francisco, CA
- Amsterdam
## How to apply
Check out our [careers page](https://www.elastic.co/about/careers)
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# Envato
## Company blurb
Founded in 2006, Australian start-up [Envato](https://envato.com/) is a creative ecosystem with over 5 million members.
The network includes [Envato Market](http://market.envato.com/), [Envato Studio](http://studio.envato.com/) and [Tuts+](http://tutsplus.com/).
Envato Market offers users millions of creative assets, project files and kits to use for web, print and video projects. Envato Studio connects users with a community of freelance talent. Tuts+ helps people learn creative skills online with video courses and free tutorials.
## Company size
201-500 employees
## Remote status
Many roles within Envato are able to work from anywhere (usually from home) if you want to for any reason. Freedom is a beautiful thing.
## Region
Envato is a fast growing company with headquarters in Melbourne.
## Company technologies
## Office Locations
Headquarters in Melbourne, Australia. Team located around the world.
## How to apply
[Careers website](http://careers.envato.com/)
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# Etsy
## Company blurb
Etsy is a marketplace where people around the world connect, both online and offline, to make, sell and buy unique goods.
The heart and soul of Etsy is our global community: the creative entrepreneurs who use Etsy to sell what they make or curate, the shoppers looking for things they can’t find anywhere else, the manufacturers who partner with Etsy sellers to help them grow, and the Etsy employees who maintain and nurture our marketplace.
## Company size
## Remote status
Remote-friendly, some positions available Worldwide. There is recent interview with a remote working Software Engineer on the [Fogcreek Blog](http://blog.fogcreek.com/secrets-behind-etsys-remote-working-success-interview-with-brad-greenlee/)
## Region
## Company technologies
PHP, Postgres, Solr, Ruby, Hadoop, Go, JavaScript, CSS, Chef
## Office Locations
Brooklyn, NY
## How to apply
Etsy have a [careers page](https://www.etsy.com/careers)
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## Region
## Region
Is your company open to US-based remote employees only? Other countries? Everywhere? Explain here.
Is your company open to US-based remote employees only? Other countries? Worldwide? Explain here.
## Company technologies
## Company technologies
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# Eyeo
## Company blurb
Eyeo is the company behind the world's most popular browser extension: [Adblock Plus](https://adblockplus.org/). It maintains Adblock Plus versions for Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari and Internet Explorer; also standalone Adblock Plus applications for Android and iOS as well as [Adblock Browser](https://adblockbrowser.org/) for Android and iOS. Almost everything that the company does is open source, and the primary directive is delivering great products that will improve the web as a whole.
In order to achieve our goal of creating a sustainable web ecosystem we developed the [Acceptable Ads program](https://acceptableads.org/). Mediating between user and publisher interests, providing the former with a good web experience and allowing the latter to retain revenue sources, is a complicated task and we don't always make friends. However, we feel strongly that this is an important task to be done, and we've already achieved significant successes.
## Company size
[Around 50 employees](https://eyeo.com/en/team)
## Remote status
Most our developers are working remotely, even the ones living in the region. With the communication mostly happening over the Internet (IRC, Discourse, issue tracker, code reviews) coming into the office is optional. There is a weekly All Hands meeting where everybody should attend (people living in the area normally in person), otherwise we are completely flexible.
The company sponsors team meetings twice a year where everybody is invited - you can fly in and have fun together. If you want to come in at some other time, the company will usually pay the expenses as well. We'll also help you relocate if you decide to move to Cologne. All of this is merely an offer however, you decide what you want to do.
## Region
It doesn't matter where our team members are located, as long as they are passionate about what they do.
## Company technologies
JavaScript, Python, HTML, CSS, XUL, Java (Android), C++, Objective-C
## Office Locations
The company is located in Cologne, Germany. We pay for coworking space elsewhere if remote workers want it.
## How to apply
[Eyeo jobs](https://eyeo.com/en/jobs/)
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# Formstack
## Company Blurb
Formstack's birthday is February 28, 2006. We started as one guy trying to provide a simple data capture solution. Since then, our product has evolved into a robust platform that helps users of all industries better engage with their customers and manage data. Formstack is headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana, but our 500,000+ users live and work all over the world.
## Company size
60 staff and growing!
## Remote Status
Formstack is a remote company, with employees in several states and countries. While, yes, this means 'stackers can work at home in their PJs, it also means we've developed a unique culture that thrives on transparency, communication, and fun. We know how to work hard and play hard from wherever we feel most productive - whether that's on a living room couch, in the Formstack office, or on a beach in Thailand.
## Region
## Office Locations
8604 Allisonville Rd. Suite 300
Indianapolis, IN 46250
## How to Apply
[Formstack Careers](https://www.formstack.com/careers)
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# Freeagent
## Company blurb
FreeAgent is one of the UK's largest, and most popular, online accounting services, helping thousands of freelancers and small businesses manage their company accounts in our unique, simple, stress-free way. We're going from strength to strength, and we're on track to fundamentally change the relationship small businesses have with their accounts.
## Company size
61 listed on Freeagent [About Us](http://www.freeagent.com/company/about-us)
## Remote status
## Region
Scotland, UK based company, remote worldwide
## Company technologies
## Office Locations
One Edinburgh Quay
133 Fountainbridge
Scotland United Kingdom
## How to apply
Freeagent [jobs](http://www.freeagent.com/company/jobs/)
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# Full Fabric
## Company blurb
Full Fabric helps top universities around the globe to deliver a world-class education experience. An integrated solution for the university that understands the need to refocus on the student experience.
## Company size
0-20 employees.
## Remote status
We are headquartered in London but have developers in Europe. We communicate through Slack, Google Hangouts, Screenhero, or Asana.
## Region
## Company technologies
- Ruby/Rails
- MongoDB
- Backbone w/ Marionette
- Coffeescript
- Sass
## Office Locations
London, UK
## How to apply
Join us [anytime](http://fullfabric.com/careers)!
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# The Ghost Foundation
## Company blurb
Ghost is a design-led Open Source project. We're focused on the details. The end user. The experience from start to finish. We believe that free and open don't need to be synonymous with "clunky". We're creating a sustainable Open Source company with a full time team dedicated to enabling beautiful publishing around the world.
Here are just a few of the perks of working with us:
• Work with a world-class team of designers, developers & writers.
• Choose where you work and how you work. It's entirely up to you.
• We don't count hours. Take flexible time off when you need it.
• Conferences, books, and memberships covered
• Remote office costs covered
• Retreats abroad a few times a year with the entire company
[The Ghost Foundation](https://ghost.org/about/) oversees the Ghost project and and run the hosted platform for Ghost(Pro).
## Company size
Less than 20 employees.
## Remote status
Our headquarters is the internet. If you have a wifi connection, we have an office near you. We're a distributed team working online from all corners of the planet. We don't care about counting the number of hours you spend in a chair at a desk in a small room each week. You can live wherever you want, and work however you like. As long as you're online, you can be "at work".
## Region
Worldwide (See above)
## Company technologies
Ember.js, node.js, Grunt,
## Office Locations
No physical office.
The Ghost foundation is a Not for Profit Organisation registered in the United Kingdom (company number 8540663), who can be contacted by post at the following address:
Ghost Foundation
145 - 157 St John Street
United Kingdom
## How to apply
Jobs with The Ghost Foundation are listed on the [careers](https://ghost.org/careers/) page.
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# GigSalad
## Company blurb
GigSalad is an entertainment marketplace where event planners (private or professional) can hire entertainment for events.
With over 70,000 entertainers and almost 1,000,000 event planners, we want to bring professional entertainment to the masses.
## Company size
## Remote status
We have offices in Springfield, MO and Wilmington, NC, but we have (and are open to) employees elsewhere in the United States. We communicate via Slack and hold video meetings as necessary.
## Region
We are primarily interested in hiring U.S. remote employees.
## Company technologies
- Redis
- Sass
- Git
- NodeJS
## Office Locations
- Springfield, MO
- Wilmington, NC
## How to apply
Contact us at jobs@gigsalad.com and let us know a bit about you!
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# GitHub
## Company blurb
GitHub is how people build software. With a community of more than 11 million people, developers can discover, use, and contribute to over 28 million projects using a powerful collaborative development workflow.
Come help us make collaboration even better. At GitHub we build the tools that make collaborating and writing software easier. We’ve built a company we truly love working for, and we think you will too. [Here’s why](https://github.com/about/jobs).
## Company size
Around 400 employees.
## Remote status
Our flagship office is located in San Francisco, CA, but we have employees all over the world. We communicate through GitHub, Campfire, e-mail, and our own internal apps.
## Region
Worldwide - We have employees in almost every time zone in the world! From San Francisco to London to Australia, we hire people regardless of their physical location. We even have nomadic employees!
## Company technologies
- Ruby on Rails
- CoffeeScript
- Sass
- Git
## Office Locations
- San Francisco, CA
- Boulder, CO
- Portland, OR
- Tokyo, Japan
## How to apply
Apply for any of the jobs listed on [our Jobs page](https://github.com/about/jobs)!
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# GitPrime
## Company blurb
GitPrime is an analytics platform for software engineering performance.
## Company size
0 – 20
## Remote status
We are very remote friendly, with the majority of our engineering team
currently remotely located.
## Region
We are region-agnostic, and simply look to hire the best engineers in the
world, regardless of location.
## Company technologies
Python, Django, JavaScript, Angular, D3.js
## Office Locations
Colorado, USA
## How to apply
Go to https://gitprime.com/jobs/
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# Gorman Health Group
## Company blurb
Ever imagine working for a start-up that’s not a startup? How about leading the effort to renovate a crusty Enterprise (capital "E") industry with modern web development tactics and tools?
Gorman Health Group is a long-time leader in US healthcare consulting, and we recently acquired a boutique development agency. Utilizing this agency’s contemporary workflow and toolchain, we are bootstrapping a new Software Engineering Department, designed to deliver contemporary web applications to an industry mired in late 90’s technology.
We're looking for passionate, creative developers who are excited about writing code that solves new problems. But we’re also looking for leadership: trailblazers attracted to green-field opportunities, who thrive when there’s a personal stake in their work and the outcome.
## Company size
200-250 (but less than 10 in our new and [growing][careers] engineering department).
## Remote status
We work fully remotely, so you’ll interact with the team over GoToMeeting, Skype, and chat. We’ll help you create your dream development machine, wherever that might be.
## Region
Gorman Health Group employs talented brainmatter throughout the United States.
## Company technologies
While we don't take new dependencies lightly, we do aggressively scout for new technology and ultimately, use whatever tool is right for a given job.
That said, we do standardize when and where it makes sense. So far that's meant: Gitlab, Ubuntu, Vagrant, Salt, Docker, Ruby on Rails, JavaScript (Coffeescript), CSS (Stylus, LESS, Sass), HTML (Haml), Bash, some C#.NET MVC, and the typical myriad browser libraries including but not limited to `{jQuery, Bootstrap, Underscore, Backbone, Moment, Chart, Modernizr}.js`
## Office Locations
Meatspace headquarters are allegedly in Washington, DC. Many of us have never ventured out to confirm this rumor, and those who have can't be trusted.
## How to apply
1. Visit [careers][careers] page
2. Get career
3. Profit
[careers]: https://www.gormanhealthgroup.com/careers/
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# Gridium
## Company blurb
We make modern software for modern buildings.
Currently half the world lives in a city; soon 70% will. Buildings use 40% of the world’s electricity. In the U.S. alone, the value of commercial real estate tops a trillion dollars. And much of this asset class is still run with spreadsheets, clipboards, and outdated software.
Meanwhile, property managers and facility engineers are being asked to do more with less. Mobile workforces, climbing energy costs, complex IT needs, and rising tenant expectations are forcing operational staff to find better ways to work.
Gridium crafts beautiful, easy-to-use tools for the way buildings work now: mobile, always-on, and data-driven. Whether you are managing energy use, coordinating vendors, or communicating with tenants, your software should make your job simpler, not more complex.
## Company size
19 so far.
## Remote status
We're entirely remote, including our founders - one lives in the Bay area, the other in Chicago. We use best-in-class tools to make this not only possible, but great.
We also know that face-time and bonding are important, so we have Camp every 3 months. We fly everyone to an interesting place for three days of meetings, food, and adventures. There's more at [our careers page](http://gridium.com/about/working-at-gridium/).
## Region
About a third of us are in the Bay area, but we have several other US locales represented, including Los Angeles, Portland, Milwaukee, Miami, and Las Vegas.
## Company technologies
* Python
* Ember.js
* Docker
* Kubernetes
* Postgres, Redis, etc.
## Office Locations
There is no office. Work from where you work best.
## How to apply
Check out our [careers page](http://gridium.com/about/working-at-gridium/) and send us an email.
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# Harvest
## Company blurb
We believe software should be useful, simple, and fast – so you can work better, get more accomplished, and make smarter decisions for your business.
Harvest was founded by Danny Wen and Shawn Liu in 2006, at a small office in downtown New York City. During the years leading up to launching Harvest, we ran a web design studio called Iridesco. As our business grew, we looked for tools to help us scale. We searched for a way to easily track time and invoice for our services. We wanted a well designed application that took user experience seriously. We wanted a service that innovated with technology. We couldn’t find one...
So we decided to invest our own time, energy and money into creating what we knew was a better way to run our business – and Harvest was born.
## Company size
44 based on the team shown on Harvest's [meet the team page](https://www.getharvest.com/about/meet-the-team)
## Remote status
The team is remote across most functions within the company, an [employee map](https://www.getharvest.com/made-on-earth) is available on the webiste.
## Region
## Company technologies
Docker, Chef, Ansible, Ruby, AWS & Rackspace Cloud, MySQL, Nginx, Graphite, StatsD, Sensu, Git, Redis
## Office Locations
[Harvest, 16 W 22nd St, 8th Floor New York, NY 10010](https://www.google.com/maps/place/16+W+22nd+St,+New+York,+NY+10010/@40.7412079,-73.9934994,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x89c259a386c20bd5:0x6da26b75635d4e84?hl=en)
## How to apply
Harvest [careers](https://www.getharvest.com/careers) page
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# Heap
## Company blurb
Heap is building analytics infrastructure for the web. Our goal is to make data science accessible to every online business. Our product help 3,000+ companies make data-driven decisions about their users.
## Company size
~25. [Meet us!](https://heapanalytics.com/about)
## Remote status
We care about hiring the best engineers, no matter where they live. Our engineers live all around the world: Estonia, Australia, Canada, Austin TX, Orange County CA, and San Francisco CA.
We also have a writing-heavy culture, which lends itself well to remote work. Instead of sitting in meetings, we develop our ideas in writing, asynchronously. We think written proposals encourage clearer thought and more thorough deliberation. A useful side-effect is that our plans are always documented.
## Region
We hire engineers worldwide.
## Company technologies
Our app-layer stack is TypeScript, Backbone, Marionette, Node.js, Redis, and PostgreSQL. Under the hood, Heap is powered by CoffeeScript, Scala, ZooKeeper, Kafka, Akka, and CitusDB.
## Office Locations
San Francisco, CA, USA
## How to apply
Fill out the form at the bottom of our [job post](https://heapanalytics.com/jobs#engineer).
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# Hudl
## Company blurb
Online video analysis tools that help coaches at any level in every sport win.
Hudl is a sports + technology company. We create software that helps coaches win, athletes look like pros, and recruiters find more talent.
## Company size
393 team members listed by department on the [about/team](http://get.hudl.com/about/team/) page.
## Remote status
Currently, working remotely is available to product team members in six states and the United Kingdom: CA, MA, NE, NY, TX, WA
## Region
US and UK based employees.
## Company technologies
Hudl keep a GitHub pages site [hudl.github.io](http://hudl.github.io/) showing their Open Source projects and technology
## Office Locations
We’re headquartered in the Haymarket District of Lincoln, Nebraska.
## How to apply
All Hudl jobs are on the [Join us](http://public.hudl.com/jobs) page.
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# Hugo
## Company blurb
Hugo is to events what Tripadvisor is to hotels. Fans sharing their event expectations and experiences, help other fans having great experiences too and provide enriched business analytics for organizers allowing Hugo to be the industry’s BI platform.
## Company size
"Small" - unknown size.
## Remote status
Working at Hugo is fun. We're a diverse international team of skilled professionals who like to work together and make fun together. You are able to work where and when you want.
## Region
Worldwide - You have an European nationality, or your already in the possession of a Dutch working permit, or you are willing to work remote.
## Company technologies
Our applications are developed in PHP, Node.JS and Spark with Elasticsearch, Open Streep Map, MySQL, S3 and SQS. We host our apps in a Mesosphere cluster using Docker images in Amazon EC2. Full details on [stackshare.io](http://stackshare.io/hugo-events/hugo-events)
## Office Locations
Hugo office is located in [Amsterdam](https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/Papaverweg+46,+1032+KJ+Amsterdam,+Netherlands/@52.3976029,4.9036541,18z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x47c6084897c0f28b:0x743169995e5067c6)
## How to apply
Visit the Hugo [careers page](http://hugo.events/careers)
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# Hypothesis
## Company blurb
Our team is building an open platform for discussion on the web. It leverages annotation to enable sentence-level critique or note-taking on top of news, scientific articles, books, and more. We're a small non-profit building open source software.
## Company size
## Remote status
We all work remotely from the SF Bay Area, Berlin, London, Edinburgh, New York, Austin and more.
## Region
Most of us are in the US and Europe, but we're open to consider other locations as long as we have some timezone overlap.
## Company technologies
Python, Javascript, some Angular, so much more!
## Office Locations
We have a small co-working space in SF and another in Berlin.
## How to apply
Our open positions and instructions to apply are here https://hypothes.is/jobs/
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# Incsub
## Company blurb
We are Incsub, and we are behind WordPress projects [WPMU DEV](http://wpmudev.org) and [Edublogs](http://edublogs.org).
Incsub is short for 'Incorporated Subversion', which is what we build into everything we make.
WPMU DEV is the largest premium WordPress site on the web. More developers, more support staff and more WordPress love than anywhere else - it's like having your own dedicated team.
Edublogs the second largest WordPress site in the World, providing millions of blogs for teachers, students and institutions.
## Company size
Around 60 employees.
## Remote status
The Team is mostly everywhere... literally. Incsub staff is all over the world. We're based out of Melbourne Australia, but have staff in every timezone (except Adelaide).
## Region
We have employees in many different countries around Europe, America and Asia, some of them are located at Melbourne but location is not important.
## Company technologies
- WordPress
- Nodejs
- Vagrant
- Git
## Office Locations
- Melbourne, Australia
## How to apply
Apply on [our Careers page](http://incsub.com/careers/)!
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# Interactive Intelligence
## Company blurb
Interactive Intelligence provides software and cloud services for customer engagement, unified communications and collaboration to help businesses worldwide improve service, grow their business faster and reduce costs.
## Company size
## Remote status
We don't typically hire remotes. Usually people whom have worked with the company and moved afterwards.
## Region
Remotes are preferred to be on New York time or similar, as our main offices are on New York time, but there are various remotes throughout the globe.
## Office Locations
Main developer locations: Indianapolis, IN; Raleigh, NC;
We also have other various worldwide business office locations.
## How to apply
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# Intercom
## Company blurb
A fundamentally new way to communicate with your customer. Intercom is one place for every team in an internet business to communicate with customers, personally, at scale—on your website, inside web and mobile apps, and by email.
## Company size
126 shown on Intercom's [company page](https://www.intercom.io/company).
## Remote status
Some roles remote across the company.
## Region
Dependent on position.
## Company technologies
Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Ember.js, MongoDB, MySQL, Redis, Pusher, nginx, Sinatra, Sidekiq, and lots more
## Office Locations
SF: [55 2nd St, 4th Fl. San Francisco, CA 94105](https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/Intercom/@37.788802,-122.400318,15z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x305f890d78b83852?hl=en)
Dublin: [2nd Floor, Stephen Court, 18-21 St Stephen's Green, Dublin 2, Ireland](https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/Intercom/@53.339371,-6.259684,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x48670e9fe8e64383:0x7a290f5513b3aacd?hl=en)
## How to apply
Intercom [careers](https://www.intercom.io/careers) page
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# iwantmyname
## Company blurb
iwantmyname is a pure domain management service offering domain registration and DNS hosting.
We believe that any person, organisation or company should have complete control over their web address. You should be able to own it, use it the way you want and move it if necessary. This can all be achieved by registering a domain name.
Until now, the process of buying and managing domains has been far too difficult, confusing and non-transparent. Consequently, we have set out to create a much better experience for domain seekers in order to make it simple to find, register and set up domains.
## Company size
12 members listed on [iwantmyname's about page](https://iwantmyname.com/about)
## Remote status
iwantmyname is very supportive of remote work. Nomad Stories has [an interview](https://nomadlist.com/stories/iwantmyname-works-remotely) about how we built our company around remote working from day one. There is also more information on the [blog](https://iwantmyname.com/blog/2014/05/culture-at-iwmn-part-two.html)
## Region
Worldwide - iwantmyname has been remote since day one.
## Company technologies
We're currently using modern Perl, Erlang, Python, node, CouchDB, RabbitMQ, Kyoto Tycoon, Puppet, Vagrant, Docker and are looking at a whole lot of new toys to build the best possible experience for our customers.
## Office Locations
167B Vivian St, Wellington 6011, NZ. [street view](https://www.google.com/maps/preview#!q=167+Vivian+St&data=!1m8!1m3!1d3!2d174.774182!3d-41.294553!2m2!1f233.46!2f102.15!4f75!2m4!1e1!2m2!1sCT-0ePfA5A3F3GKEoOX9sQ!2e0!4m15!2m14!1m13!1s0x6d38afd86ffac675%3A0xa1a853e42fca0b80!3m8!1m3!1d429156!2d-117.1089785!3d32.8245525!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!4m2!3d-41.2946876!4d174.7740194&fid=5)
## How to apply
Current openings are on the [jobs](https://iwantmyname.com/jobs) page.
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# Jackson River
## Company blurb
Jackson River provides web technology services including Drupal development, Salesforce integration, and the company's own web platform, [Springboard](http://jacksonriver.com/springboard).
## Company size
## Remote status
Jackson River was built around remote working. The blog post "[How To Be A Virtual Company](http://jacksonriver.com/news/how-be-virtual-company)" describes the company's culture in detail.
## Region
Jackson River currently only has US-based employees.
## Company technologies
Apache, MySQL, PHP, Drupal, HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
## Office Locations
Washington, DC.
## How to apply
See the [jobs page](http://jacksonriver.com/about/jobs) for available positions.
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# Kiprosh
## Company blurb
[Kiprosh](http://kiprosh.com) is software product development firm building powerful Web & Mobile applications for everyone from multinational corporations to startups and consultancy companies. We specialise in Ruby on Rails, React.js, Ember.js, iOS, Android, .NET and Agile way of application development.
Our happy clients are our best credentials. Our clients are consultancy firms, non-profit organisation, small to medium businesses and startups like [Realvolve](http://realvolve.com/), [CrossRoads](http://crossroads.org.hk/), [GoGoVan](http://gogovan.com.hk/en/), [Thought-Sauce](http://thought-sauce.com/), [Rayku](http://rayku.com/home) and [Renatus](http://www.myrenatus.com/). Here is our [Client List](http://kiprosh.com/clients) with details of our work.
We also build our own products like the recently launched mobile app [Criticgiri](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kiprosh.criticgiri).
We also organize [Meetups](http://www.meetup.com/Techgravy-Kiprosh) and [Techathons](http://on.fb.me/1NwaeNQ) at our office in Mumbai, India. Check our pics on our [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/kiprosh/) page. Not bragging, but we have 1000+ followers on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/KiproshCareers) now.
## Company size
A team of highly technical and collaborative 20+ Craftsmen.
## Remote status
We are headquartered in Mumbai, INDIA with an office in Chicago, USA.
In India, our team is spread across multiple cities with co-workers operating from Mumbai and Nagpur. To communicate and collaborate we use [Flowdock](http://flowdock.com/), [Slack](https://slack.com/), [Github](https://github.com/), [Google Hangouts](https://hangouts.google.com/), [Skype](http://www.skype.com/en/) and [GoToMeeting](http://www.gotomeeting.com/). We craft web & mobile applications using [Agile Methodologies](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agile_software_development).
We have frequent weekend outings, lunch & dinner parties and lot of fun events.
## Region
Kiprosh is an international company with office locations in Chicago, USA and Mumbai, INDIA. We have clients from USA, Canada and Hong Kong and thus we work in timezone that has overlap with our client's timezone.
## Company technologies
We specialize in developing high performance, medium to large enterprise web & mobile applications.
#### Technology Expertise
- Ruby on Rails
- React.js
- Ember.js
- iOS
- Android
- Javascript
- PostgreSQL
- C#.NET
#### Industry Domains
E-Commerce, Accounting, Automotive, Education, Health Care, Real Estate, Lifestyle and Social Media.
#### Web Technologies
Ruby on Rails, React.js, Ember.js, Node.js, HAML5, SASS, SCSS, Javascript, jQuery, extJS, capybara, rspec, cucumber, Redis, Sidekiq, Solr, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Sequelize, CircleCI, CodeClimate, Codeship, RabbitMQ, BIRT, Crystal Reports, TorqueBox, Sinatra, couchDB, FB Graph API, BoilerPlate, Memcached, Resque, TDD, CI, Selenium etc. Heroku, GitHub, Mercurial Bitbucket, Skylight, NewRelic, Trello, Agilezen, Pivotal Tracker, Sprint.ly, Heroku, Ansible, Zendesk, Amazon, AWS, EC2, Rackspace, EngineYard, CDN Cloudfront, Cloud management and deployments.
#### Mobile Technologies
Objective-C, Cocoa, XCode, Titanium, PhoneGap, SenchaTouch, jqTouch, Android, FoneMonkey, GHUnit, Hudson with xcodebuild, gcovr etc.
#### Integration with Payment Gateways and Others
Integration with Payment gateways like - Stripe, Authorize.Net, BrainTree, Chargify and Paypal. Other Integration - Kaltura and Panda integration for video delivery platforms, RTMP integration with Kaltura for securing videos, ExactTarget integration, RabbitMQ Hornet integration for EDI, B2C B2B business development expertise, CMS Refinery and Active_Admin integration, Spree integration for E-Commerce, Canvas integration for E-Learning, Ambassador integration for Referrals, BIRT integration with jRuby applications, Twilio and Clickatell integration for SMS, Zapier integration. Postmark, Cloudinary, Mandrill and SendGrid etc.
#### Agile Management Tools We Use
Trello, Pivotal Tracker, AgileZen and Sprint.ly
## Office Locations
- Mumbai, India (Headquarters)
- Chicago, USA
## How to apply
- Visit [Kiprosh careers](http://kiprosh.com/careers) page.
- To apply through emails, send us your resumes directly at [careers@kiprosh.com](mailto:careers@kiprosh.com)
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# KissMetrics
## Company blurb
KissMetrics is focused on helping marketers improve their performance.
## Company size
## Remote status
Most of the team works remotely and everyone has the option of working remotely or from the Headquarters in San Francisco (snacks, nap room, video game room, and a puppy included at HQ!).
## Region
Primarily based out of San Francisco, but KissMetrics have a strong remote presence all throughout the world.
## Company technologies
Javascript, React, jQuery, Backbone, Git, Distributed systems, PostgresSQL, MySQL, Key-Value Stores, R, Ruby, Python, etc.
## Office Locations
Headquarters in San Francisco, USA.
## How to apply
[careers site](https://www.kissmetrics.com/careers/)
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# Knack
## Company blurb
Knack is the easiest way to build your own online database. With Knack anyone can build apps to access your data from anywhere, run reports and analytics, and share it with your users, employees, or customers. You can publish your apps to any website or blog.
## Who we are
We've spent over 3 years thinking about online databases so you don't have to. Our founders have decades of experience building thousands of web applications and online databases. We've poured this experience into a product that is both easy to use but packed with the features you need.
## Our mission
Our mission is simple: to empower you to make the most of your data by easily building online databases and web apps.
We're dedicated to building the best tools for making your data more accessible, more mobile, and more actionable.
At the end of the day, we get a huge thrill whenever we see a new app or online database built with Knack. It's a genuine pleasure to work on a product that can help make your lives and business easier and more productive.
## Remote status
Taken from their [Jobs page](https://www.knackhq.com/jobs/):
Please check all that apply:
- I want to have a major impact.
- I want to work in a fun, remote environment with a great team of genuinely nice people.
- I want to help build an exciting product loved by thousands of users.
- I want to go as far as my ambition will let me.
4 for 4? Then you're exactly who we want to talk to. Apply below and join us!
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# Let's Encrypt
## Company blurb
Let’s Encrypt is a free, automated, and open certificate authority brought to you by the Internet Security Research Group (ISRG). ISRG is a California public benefit corporation, and is recognized by the IRS as a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
## Company size
An approximate size of your company. 0-20, 20-50, 50-100, 100-200, etc.
## Remote status
Explain a bit about your remote culture here.
## Region
Is your company open to US-based remote employees only? Other countries? Worldwide? Explain here.
## Company technologies
Insert some of the technologies used in your company here.
## Office Locations
Insert your physical office locations here.
## How to apply
[Let's Encrypt](https://letsencrypt.org/jobs/)
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# Loadsys Web Strategies
## Company blurb
[Loadsys Web Strategies](https://www.loadsys.com.com) is a web development company that specializes in custom web application development and WordPress websites. Our process includes requirements determination, wireframing, product development, testing / QA, deployment and ongoing support. We are a team of 7 full-time developers, all located in the United States.
## Company size
7 Developers
## Remote status
Our team is fully virtual with all members located in the United States. As we formed in the Chicagoland area, we have more members located in the Midwest region, but also have one in Vegas and North Carolina.
## Company technologies and requirements
- CakePHP (supporting v2.X and 3.X and upgrades from 1.3)
- Ember.js
- Unit Testing and TDD
- Vagrant
- HTML, CSS, and Javascript
- Wordpress
## Benefits
- Competitive Pay
- 4 weeks of vacation
- 401k options
- Cutting edge learning environment
- 2 company retreats each year
## How to apply
We are always looking for skilled developers. Contact us at info at loadsys dot com
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# Localistico
## Company blurb
We are a local marketing platform. We help business owners and marketing teams to manage and track how their locations look across different mapping and local platforms, from Google Maps to Yelp. We’re generating early revenue and our current clients include brands like El Corte Inglés, Sabadell Bank, Jurys Inn and Foxtons.
## Company size
## Remote status
We're a fully remote team, literally every one of us is living on a different city: London, Madrid, Salamanca and Girona.
We use Github issues and Codetree to organize our work, Slack is our office and we often use ScreenHero or Google Hangouts when we need to work together. We welcome however an asynchronous culture.
## Region
Localistico is focused in UK and Spain currently, but you can work from wherever part of the world you like.
## Company technologies
Localistico is based on Ruby on Rails, with some Go components. Data storage is PostgreSQL, Redis/resque and ElasticSearch. Our frontend is a web app in Ember.js. Our whole deployment is cloud based with Codeship+Heroku. We use Github as code repository and issues platform.
## Office Locations
We have offices in London and Madrid.
## How to apply
Please send us a link to your Github and LinkedIn profiles, or an up-to-date copy of your CV and a short note/email intro to contact@localistico.com
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# Lullabot
## Company blurb
Lullabot is one of the top open source, interactive agencies in the world. We employ talented developers, designers, project managers, trainers, unicyclers, and more to make amazing websites, mobile apps and all manner of delightful tech.
## Company size
## Remote status
At Lullabot our virtual employees are our physical employees. We do not have a central office we work from. We won’t put you on speakerphone and you won’t be the last to know when something important happens. In fact, we all use the same tools to communicate on a daily basis. Tools like Google Docs, Yammer, GitHub and even Drupal enable our conversations and our work to end up having a URL. These tools may change but the culture of inclusion and empowerment is key for a distributed team to have fun and be successful.
## Region
- 6 countries
- 52 cities
## Company technologies
- Drupal
- Sass
- JavaScript
- Ruby
- Phone Gap
- Titanium
## Office Locations
Completely distributed!
## How to apply
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# Mapbox
## Company blurb
Mapbox is a mapping platform for developers. Our building blocks make it easy to integrate location into any mobile or online application. We want to change the way people move around cities and understand our planet.
From finding a coffee spot on Foursquare, to pinning a vacation spot on Pinterest, to geo-tagging notes in Evernote – we do the geo stuff so developers can focus on building their app. Mapbox is the foundation for other platforms, letting enterprises analyze their data, drone companies publish flyovers, real estate sites visualize properties, satellite companies process cloud-free imagery, and insurance companies track assets.
Mapbox is an open source company. We build our product with open source parts, work in the open, and release as much code as possible – [it's the right thing for people, technology, and business.](https://www.mapbox.com/about/open/)
## Company size
## Remote status
The team are partly remote - [about a dozen of us are remote in the U.S. and Canada, Europe, and South America](https://opensource.com/life/14/7/interview-justin-miller-mapbox)
## Region
Remote location include U.S., Canada, Europe, and South America.
## Company technologies
### Software
Our focus for releasing software as open source is on reusable, general-purpose parts. In many cases, this means modules, rather than applications. We distribute these modules for other developers to use on websites like [npm](https://www.npmjs.com/) and [PyPI](https://pypi.python.org/pypi). For instance, [rasterio](https://github.com/mapbox/rasterio) is a core part of our image processing pipeline that we make available for any Python programmer to use.
A minority of our software is closed-source:
* Software that connects server processes and is heavily dependent on our configuration. This is a prevalent category but tends to be very small, in terms of code.
* Software that packages up business workflows. Software highly specific to Mapbox’s product, tied into our design, and core to our competitive advantage is often kept closed. These projects are usually applications and servers composed of parts that we release as open source so that others can build from the same foundations.
### Standards
Standards make modern software possible by connecting modular parts into systems. Open formats are the groundwork of open data. Mapbox is built on open standards: we adopt existing specs like GeoJSON and author new standards for new purposes, like [MBTiles](https://github.com/mapbox/mbtiles-spec) and [GL Style Spec](https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-style-spec). We release them under [permissive licenses](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/us/) that enable everyone to freely implement them in products and software, and to improve upon them.
### Design
Design components that are **reusable, general purpose, and not explicitly tied to the Mapbox brand**, like [Maki](https://www.mapbox.com/maki/), make sense as open source. We also release templates that show how to use our tools, like those in [Guides](https://www.mapbox.com/guides/).
Most of our artwork is copyrighted and not placed under any open license. It’s tied to the Mapbox identity: reusing the Mapbox.com website style isn’t a use-case we want to support. The uniqueness and specificity of our style is important to how customers identify “oh, this is Mapbox”.
### Data
The vast majority of Mapbox’s data is in the open. Large sources include [OpenStreetMap](http://www.openstreetmap.org/), [USGS](http://www.usgs.gov/), [Landsat](http://landsat.usgs.gov/), [Natural Earth](http://www.naturalearthdata.com/), and [OpenAddresses](http://openaddresses.io/). We contribute to these sources, participate in their communities, and invest in tools that help improve them.
We also work extensively with proprietary sets of data that we buy: we legally can’t open these. Nor do we release heavily processed data. Processing data and delivering the final products has obvious and real costs: server infrastructure and bandwidth, as well as labor. Our ability to distill meaning out of raw material is a core part of our product.
## Office Locations
We are located in DC, SF, Ayacucho, Bangalore and Berlin.
## How to apply
Check the [job listings](https://www.mapbox.com/jobs/)
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# Netsparker
## Company blurb
We are a small company with great technical skills and a passion for web application security. We are currently developing one of the most innovative security scanners in the market, used by thousands around the world, including an impressive list of leading companies and government agencies.
Although the company is based in London (UK), its entire workforce is virtual, with team members around the world using the latest tools and techniques to contribute, collaborate and get their jobs done.
To keep it real, we meet up occasionally (most recently in Istanbul) but, for the most part, we prefer to sidestep the outdated rituals of old-school business. We have no dress code or fixed working hours and we don’t suffer from micro-management; just a shared determination to make our product better and to satisfy the needs of our enthusiastic customer base.
Every aspect of our business operates within an agile results-driven “startup” mindset. We exchange information freely within our team and encourage every member to take risks that will give us an edge on our competition.
## Company size
18 employees listed on the [about page](https://www.netsparker.com/about/)
## Remote status
We are a fully distributed team. We communicate through Flowdock, Skype, and e-mail.
## Region
## Company technologies
.NET Framework, Winforms
## Office Locations
- London, UK
- Istanbul, Turkey
## How to apply
[Career Opportunities at Netsparker] (https://www.netsparker.com/jobs/)
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# Olark
## Company blurb
Since 2009, Olark has built industry-leading tools and deep expertise in customer happiness that 10,000+ businesses rely on each day. Every one of us regularly chats directly with our customers to learn their needs and help us continue leading the way!
## Company size
30-50 team members (see [here](https://www.olark.com/about/ for the current count)
## Remote status
About half our team is remote, and the other half is roughly evenly distributed between our two offices. We support remote work in all but a small number of positions and welcome talented people from everywhere.
## Region
UTC-8 (Pacific) to UTC+1 (Central Europe)
## Company technologies
Python, node.js, ECMAScript 5/6, CoffeeScript, Ruby/Rails, Go, redis, SQL
## Office Locations
San Francisco, CA and Ann Arbor, MI
## How to apply
All of our current listings are at [https://www.olark.com/jobs](https://www.olark.com/jobs), so check out that page to see what we're looking for and how to apply.
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# OmniTI
## Company blurb
OmniTI was born on 4th September, 1997. In just over a decade, and with no outside financing, we have grown to over forty employees. Many are leading figures in web development and Internet architectures. In early 2008, after developing the world's fastest mail transfer agent, we launched Message Systems, which has quickly become a leader in its sector.
We provide a full service, from sustainable architectures that can support hundreds of millions of users, to web application development – winning multiple Webby awards – and user interface design. All of us are dedicated to creating exceptional experiences for our clients and their audience.
We work on some of the largest sites and toughest challenges available on the Internet, and we've executed successfully on that mission for more than 10 years. That type of track record does not come easily; we are constantly searching for people who share our passion for technology and excellence. Pride in your work, intellectual curiosity, and a drive to learn and self-improve are essential. [Does this sound like you](https://omniti.com/is/hiring)?
## Company size
About 45 employees.
## Remote status
We're very friendly to working remotely. Nearly half of the company telecommutes from across the US. We like to get together in person a few times a year.
## Region
OmniTI is open to hiring worldwide, though some projects may prefer team members located in Western Hemisphere time zones. Don't be afraid to ask!
## Company technologies
- Perl
- Python
- Ruby
- Go
- Node.js
- Angular, jQuery
- Nginx, memcached, Redis
- Postgres
- illumos/[OmniOS](https://omnios.omniti.com), Linux
- Ansible, Chef
- Git, Subversion
## Office Locations
- Fulton, MD
- New York City, NY
## How to apply
[Find your new job here](https://omniti.com/is/hiring). If you know someone at OmniTI through a technical community, feel free to reach out for a referral.
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# platform.sh
## Company blurb
platform.sh is a fully distributed startup creating a [fully distributed Second
Generation Platform as a Service](https://platform.sh/). It is a spin-off of[ Commerce Guy](https://www.commerceguys.com) an Open Source company that created
Drupal Commerce, an ecommerce solution used by more than 65 thousand merchants.
## Company size
## Remote status
We are a fully distributed team, our headoffice is in Paris, but often there
won't be more than 3/4 persons permanently there. Our CTO is bathing in the
sun in southern France. Our sales director lives in a nice house south to London. One of the support guys lives in Cairo. There are a couple of people
around Cologne. We have one guy in northern Canada. Brr must be cold there.
Than there's Salt-Lake City and Ann-Arbor, Los Angeles and a couple of other
cities both on the east and west coast. One guy, travels all the time, we
never know where he is (last sighting was in Novi Sad I believe).
In aggregate we speak 20 languages (including English, French, German, Spanish,
Russian, and Italian.. but also Chinese, Hebrew, Serbian, Greek and Latin). We
do all team communications in English.
We do daily standups through Google Hangouts, and rely extensively on HipChat
for team communication. Everything. Everything goes through a Jira ticket.
Everything is in Git. Everything is in the cloud. We don't own servers.
Everything is done pull-style, nobody assigns stuff, we don't control working
hours (although there are on-call schedules). So coordination overhead is minimal.
Every year get together in a beautiful mansion in the French country side. From time to time we make smaller gatherings in the Paris office (for architecture
sessions or on-boarding new developers).
We participate in many international conferences (we encourage developers to
submit sessions) which is another moment team members have the occasion to meet
face to face. Which is very important.
From time to time people aggregate ad-hoc in a city (Cologne just became an
We offer internships, but those __must__ be in the Paris office, we do not
believe in the concept of remote internships.
## Region
Our main office is in Paris and we can help on relocation, but most people in
the company work remotely. Currently we have people in north-america (where we
have offices in Ann Arbor MI), Western and Eastern Europe and the Middle-East,
but we hire on competency alone, not on time-zone affiliation.
## Company technologies
* Python
* Go Lang
* Angular.js
* LXC/Zookeeper/Kafka/Riemann/Ceph/Influxdb
## Office Locations
[Paris Center](https://www.google.fr/maps/place/Commerce+Guys/@48.8706972,2.3444958,17z/data=!4m7!1m4!3m3!1s0x47e66e1611f61889:0x6559e547fc0c89ef!2sCommerce+Guys!3b1!3m1!1s0x47e66e1611f61889:0x6559e547fc0c89ef)
## How to apply
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# Puppet Labs
## Company blurb
Puppet Labs is the leader in IT automation. Our software helps sysadmins
automate configuration and management of machines and the software running on
them. With our software, businesses can make rapid, repeatable changes and
automatically enforce the consistency of systems and devices, across physical
and virtual machines, on prem or in the cloud.
We help tens of thousands of the world’s leading companies manage millions of
machines and devices. Companies like Bank of America, Cisco, NYSE, and
salesforce.com rely on our software to deploy their own software faster, be
more productive, and gain insight into infrastructure configurations and
## Company size
## Remote status
We do have a distributed team across the globe. Depending upon which team you
are applying for, working remotely is a possibility. Previous experience
working with remote teams is a prerequisite for consideration.
## Region
## Company technologies
Puppet, Ruby, Clojure, and whole lot more.
## Office Locations
We are located in the Block 300 Building in downtown Portland, one block from
the Tom McCall Waterfront Park and a multitude of food carts! We also have
offices located in Belfast, London, and the Czech Republic.
## How to apply
[Apply here](https://puppetlabs.com/about/careers).
We have a [FAQ](https://puppetlabs.com/about/careers/faq) that will answer most
questions about applying at Puppet Labs.
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# rtCamp Solutions
## Company blurb
rtCamp is a web solutions provider company, prominently working on open-source projects.
The entrepreneurial spirit, employee friendly work-culture and passion to deliver the best results are the key factors of rtCamp’s growth. With dedication to offer excellent quality and a desire to serve the premier clients, rtCamp has carved a niche in WordPress ecosystem.
### Vision
A vision of delivering the value proposition to customers has gradually evolved as a brand today. rtCamp’s key values of transparent business process and delivering rich customer experience is well reflected in its work across different domains.
## Company size
An intellectual team of more than 45 members.
## Remote status
Our team is spread across the Indian subcontinent with co-workers operating from Gujarat, Kerala, Surat, Punjab and Maharashtra. We encourage the use of Slack and Google Hangouts for communication, concurrently we are open to any new technology that serves our purpose. We plan an outing every year to celebrate rtCamp's success. We provide remote working status to WordPress Developers.
## Region
Our Team is spread all across India.
## Company technologies
- HTML, CSS, and Javascript
- WordPress
## Office Locations
Pune, India
## How to apply
See our [careers page](https://rtcamp.com/careers/) for open positions on the digital team.
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# simplabs
## Company blurb
Our services include:
### Custom Engineering
simplabs builds solutions for the web and mobile devices for everyone from small startup to big enterprise. Our solutions are well architected and easy to maintain and extend by our customers once we're gone. We follow agile methodologies and integrate our customers into the development process.
### Consulting
We also offer consulting services to help you build your own project. Having years of experience with Ruby on Rails, Ember.js, REST interfaces, scalability of large systems etc. we can help you find performance bottlenecks in existing applications, review architectures or design complex client server systems.
### Training
simplabs offers individual and group training by tutors with extensive experience in the respective technology. From introductory workshops on frameworks like Ruby on Rails or Ember.js to advanced classes on REST API design or systems scalability we can setup coaching sessions that suit the needs of you and your team.
## Company size
5 and growing
## Remote status
Most of the team is in Munich, Germany. One developer is moving soon to Berlin. Another is based in São Paulo, Brazil.
We currently have clients in Germany and the US.
## Region
We support working remotely from Europe and the Americas.
## Company technologies
Emberjs, Elixir/Phoenix, Ruby/Rails
## Office Locations
simplabs GmbH
Claude-Lorrain-Str. 7
München, 81543 Germany
## How to apply
If you feel you are a good fit, send us a message to [info@simplabs.com](info@simplabs.com) or contact us on twitter at [@simplabs](https://twitter.com/simplabs). Please make sure to include your github account.
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# Spoqa, Inc.
## Company blurb
Spoqa provides tablet-based points system named [dodo point][1].
## Company size
## Remote status
We are now providing remote system for employees about 2 days a week. If you want to work remotely, just share your plan to your team and it's ok. Every information is shared by online (Slack, Jira, Confluence) so that you can do every tasks remotely.
## Region
We have Seoul, Busan, and Tokyo office but if you want to work remotely, it doesn't matter.
## Company technologies
Python, Swift, Kotlin
## Office Locations
### Seoul
420, Teheran-ro,
Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea
### Tokyo
ヤマノ26ビル 3F
## How to apply
[1]: https://www.dodopoint.com/
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# Stack Exchange
## Company blurb
We help millions of people find expert answers and amazing jobs every day. Join us.
We’re committed to making the internet a better place. Our products aim to enrich the lives of developers as they grow and mature in their careers.
## Company size
200+ employees in the [team](http://stackexchange.com/about/team)
## Remote status
For many teams and openings, we also offer remote work.
We strongly believe that diverse experience contributes to a broader collective perspective that will consistently lead to better products. We’re continuously working hard to increase the diversity of our team wherever we can. We actively encourage all candidates to get to know us and consider becoming part of our team. We believe teams perform their best when people enjoy their jobs and the people they work with. We offer multiple ways for team members to interact with each other after-hours, whether you work in the office or remotely.
## Region
Worldwide - "Work Where You Want"
## Company technologies
The tools and technologies used to build the Stack Exchange network are listed in a questions on [meta.stackexchange.com](http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/10369/which-tools-and-technologies-are-used-to-build-the-stack-exchange-network)
## Office Locations
We have offices in New York, London, and Denver.
## How to apply
[Work here](http://stackexchange.com/work-here) at Stack Exchange
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# Stripe
## Company blurb
Stripe is the best way to accept payments online and in mobile apps. We handle billions of dollars every year for forward-thinking businesses around the world.
## Company size
## Remote status
There are remote employees across a [range of roles](https://www.quora.com/Does-Stripe-allow-or-look-for-remote-only-workers).
## Region
Stripe support remote working, according to [Cristina Cordova - BD @ Stripe](https://www.quora.com/Does-Stripe-hire-telecommuters?srid=3NK&share=1) "From Seattle to New York to Europe".
## Company technologies
Ruby, CoffeeScript, Backbone.js, Sinatra, PostgreSQL, hadoop, redis, AWS
## Office Locations
Headquarters are:
3180 18th St
San Francisco, CA 94110
## How to apply
Stripe list all open vacancies on their [jobs page](https://stripe.com/jobs).
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# StudySoup
## Company blurb
[StudySoup](https://studysoup.com) is a peer-to-peer marketplace that enables students to buy and sell the study materials they need to succeed.
## Company size
0-20 full-time employees
2,000+ student notetakers
## Remote status
StudySoup has headquarters in San Francisco, but only two full-time employees work there regularly.
The rest of us work from various parts of California, Utah, Oregon, and Toronto.
On top of that, we have thousands of student-notetakers spread across campuses nationwide.
## Region
Both full-time employees and student notetakers are spread worldwide.
## Company technologies
###For Remote Working:
Google Docs
Google Hangouts
## Office Locations
1381 9th Ave, San Francisco, CA 94122
## How to apply
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# Tech-Angels
## Company blurb
Tech-Angels is a Services and Software company.
We excel in web and software development, and creating innovating services using Go (http://golang.org) + Angularjs.
Tech-Angels features 3 kind of activities:
* Consulting (engineering, code, audits, etc.)
* Hosting
* SaaS
We're the guys behind https://gemnasium.com
## Company size
We want to keep the company small, to remain experts in what we do.
We are currently less than 10, and will grow to 20 in the future.
## Remote status
Tech-Angels doesn't have any office. We are all working remotely, except the ones behing on clients premises.
We use online tools to synchronize.
## Region
We're based in Paris (France), Miami (FL, USA), and Québec City (Canada)
## Company technologies
We are coming from the Ruby On Rails world.
While we have been doing a lot of development in the 5 first years of the company, we have switched
recently to [Go](http://golang.org) and [Angular.js](https://angularjs.org/).
We are relying on [openshift](https://github.com/openshift/origin) (/docker) and vsphere for our infrastructure, and [PostgreSQL](http://postgresql.org).
## Office Locations
Our main office is in Paris (France) and we have a subsidiary in Florida.
## How to apply
Send your application to am9ic0B0ZWNoLWFuZ2Vscy5jb20=
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# toggl
## Company blurb
Toggl is a leading online time tracking tool, which is extremely popular among freelancers, consultants, and small companies. It allows users to track the time spent on various projects and analyze productivity. It’s internet-based and can be up and running from scratch in less than a minute. Toggl has real time sync with web tracker, desktop widgets and mobile Apps.
## Company size
Less than 50
## Remote status
We believe great people will make awesome stuff anywhere. New York, São Paulo, or a quiet village near Florence. No need to move for your dream job. We hire globally. You work locally.
## Region
Worldwide - Toggl don't hire on location
## Company technologies
Sass, CoffeeScript, jQuery, Underscore, Bower
## Office Locations
No physical office
## How to apply
Jobs and information can be found on the [jobs page](http://jobs.toggl.com)
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# Toptal
## Company blurb
We created Toptal to solve an extremely difficult, real-world problem: the talent shortage. Toptal's distinct working environment is one of novelty. We've created a culture that prides itself on extreme innovation — continuously pushing the boundaries of what's possible in both software and business.
Toptal is a large and rapidly growing network comprised of the most thoroughly screened, talented freelance engineers and designers in the world. Hire Toptal freelancers to build advanced custom software and design projects and see how Toptal is different.
## Company size
## Remote status
Toptal are fully remote
>No offices, no useless meetings, no mandatory hours. You’re recognized for what you do, not your time in a chair.
>Being fully remote allows us to work with the best people from around the globe with unparalled flexibility. Check out a few of the places where we’re [currently working.](https://www.toptal.com/careers#remote-team)
## Region
Toptal employees are spread throughout the world.
## Company technologies
RoR, JavaScript, CoffeeScript, Sass, Haml, Slim, Underscore.js, Backbone.js, React.js, Google Closure, Cucumber, Waiter, PhantomJS,
## Office Locations
Toptal are 100% remote.
## How to apply
Toptal careers page list any [open vacancies](https://www.toptal.com/careers) but also advise if ["...you feel you have what it takes, send us an email, and tell us why you’d be a good fit."](join@toptal.com)
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# Transloadit
## Company blurb
Transloadit is a file uploading & encoding service. Launched by 3 developers who met through open source in 2009, customers have loved our clever API and top-notch support ever since.
We're the company that has been running Node.js in production the longest. As such we had to invent a few wheels. Wheels we shared with the world. Most notably: node-mysql, node-formidable, and node-retry. These are modules that are now industry standards for dealing with MySQL, file uploads, and networked/unreliable systems. We also contributed to Node.js itself a lot.
Our latest open source project is 'tus'. tus is our most ambitious open source project yet: its goal is to change how the world does file uploading. tus is an open standard for resumable file uploads that has been started by Transloadit, and collaborated on by employees at Google, Yahoo, the director of engineering at Vimeo, an author of HTTP/1.1, and the creator of ZeroMQ. We're writing implementations of this protocol for all popular languages, so that developers around the globe can have drop-in reliable uploads for their projects.
Strongly rooted in the open source community, we try to give back in as many ways we can:
- Open sourcing our juicy bits
- Talking on conferences and sponsoring them
- Giving away free tickets to conferences on Twitter every month
- Sharing our tech in articles
- Contributing back (cash & code) to the giants whose shoulders we're standing on, such as ImageMagick, Node.js, and tus.io.
Working for Transloadit means no deadlines, no shortcuts, working on open source for 80% of the time, being
flexible with your hours, and getting really excited about new tech we push out.
## Company size
0-10 Employees
## Remote status
Our two cofounders Tim & Kevin live in Berlin and Amsterdam.
The rest of the team mostly consists of freelancers and part-timers and are spread across the globe.
This means there is no shared office space outside of Slack, Basecamp, Skype.
We meet up for company sponsored drinks & hacks in real life about 4 times a year.
## Region
Work from anywhere in the world : )
## Company technologies
- JavaScript
- Node.js
- CoffeeScript
- Ubuntu
## Office Locations
- Berlin, Germany
- Amsterdam, The Netherlands
## How to apply
Send your GitHub profile to [@transloadit](https://twitter.com/transloadit)!
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# Treehouse
## Company blurb
Treehouse creates affordable technology education. We're out to revolutionize how people learn web design, web development, and iOS development taking students from [zero to job-ready.](https://teamtreehouse.com/stories)
## Company size
[~100 men and women work on Treehouse.](https://teamtreehouse.com/about)
## Remote status
Certain positions are remote friendly within the United States. Everyone gets the same benefits including [4 day (32 hour) work weeks](http://www.theatlantic.com/video/index/396527/case-32-hour-workweek/), home office set-up budget, co-working allowance, annual education budget (for conferences, books, classes, etc.), phone allowance, and free lunch.
## Region
United States
## Office Locations
* Portland, OR
* Orlando, FL
## How to apply
Check [Careers at Treehouse](https://teamtreehouse.com/jobs) for current openings.
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# Wikimedia Foundation
## Company blurb
Work with the foundation that supports Wikipedia and its sister projects in more than 285 languages
Some of our favorite reasons to work for the Wikimedia Foundation
- Influence hundreds of millions of readers all over the globe
- Work with talented, mission-driven people
- Support the 5th-most visited web properties in the world
- Collaborate in an open, transparent environment
- Innovate solutions to problems that impact millions of people
- Do work that actually makes the world a better place
- Work in small teams on huge and important projects
- Interact with a global community with diverse cultures
## Company size
200 - 500 employees. All listed on the [Staff and contractors page](https://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Staff_and_contractors), per teams.
## Remote status
Not all jobs are available to remote, however the posting will advise this.
## Region
From the Work with us [FAQ](https://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Work_with_us#Frequently_asked_questions)
[Can international applicants apply for positions with the Wikimedia Foundation?](https://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Work_with_us#Can_international_applicants_apply_for_positions_with_the_Wikimedia_Foundation.3F)
We are a global organization and welcome international applicants for positions with the Wikimedia Foundation. Please see our [“Pluralism, internationalism, and diversity” policy](https://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Pluralism,_internationalism,_and_diversity_policy).
## Company technologies
PHP, Varnish, Nginx, Hadoop, R, Java, and Bayesian Analysis, MariaDB, MySQL, NoSQL, Puppet
## Office Locations
The Wikimedia Foundation's head office is in San Francisco
## How to apply
Any job openings will appear on the [Work with us page](https://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Work_with_us#Wikimedia_Careers)
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# Wildbit
## Company blurb
A small software company, focusing on three popular and profitable web products: [Beanstalk](http://beanstalkapp.com/), [Postmark](https://postmarkapp.com/), and [DeployBot](http://deploybot.com/).
## Company size
20-30 employees
## Remote status
Wildbit have been doing the “remote thing” for 15 years. About half of the team works out at the Philadelphia office, with the rest spread around the globe. Culture, communication process and strategy is specifically tailored around a remote team.
## Region
Most of the team work out at the office in Old City, Philadelphia, and others spread from Arizona to Serbia.
## Company technologies
Ruby on Rails, .NET MVC, RabbitMQ, MySQL, ElasticSearch, etc.
## Office Locations
Headquarters in Philadelphia, USA.
## How to apply
[Jobs site](http://wildbit.com/jobs)
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# Wolfram
## Company blurb
Over the past quarter of a century, Wolfram has established itself as a powerhouse of technical innovation and a unique organization respected and admired for its products, people, and long-term strategic vision. Building on its technology and achievements, Wolfram has today reached a position of remarkable opportunity and is poised for major growth and transformation.
## Company size
## Remote status
> Whether it's remote working, flexible schedules, or modern project management, Wolfram has long been a pioneer in employee-oriented workplace practices...More than two decades ago, Wolfram was already a pioneer in geographically distributed teams. Today, some positions require being based at one of our corporate locations around the world, but many have full geographic flexibility after an initial training period.
## Region
[Worldwide](https://www.wolfram.com/company/careers/) -
> Work anywhere
> More than two decades ago, Wolfram was already a pioneer in geographically distributed teams. Today, some positions require being based at one of our corporate locations around the world, but many have full geographic flexibility after an initial training period.
## Company technologies
Insert some of the technologies used in your company here.
## Office Locations
- London, UK
- Champaign, United States
- Boston, United States
- Paris, France
- Tokyo, Japan
- Lima, Peru
- Linköping, Sweden
- Bangalore, India
## How to apply
[Wolfram careers page](https://www.wolfram.com/company/careers/) lists features opportunities and details about the company.
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# Zapier
## Company blurb
For the past four years, Zapier has been helping people across the world automate the boring and tedious parts of their job. We do that by helping everyone connect the web applications they already use and love.
## Company size
30 team members listed on the [about page](https://zapier.com/about/)
## Remote status
If you want to work remote, that's great. If you want to work near others, that's cool too. Our team is distributed across California, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Illinois and the UK because it lets us work with the best people. You don't have to be located in the USA either. Some of the team live in the United Kingdom, Thailand, New Zealand and Australia. You just have to be talented!
## Region
## Company technologies
Python/Django, Backbone.js, Linode, nginx, Gunicorn, MySQL, Redis and RabbitMQ
## Office Locations
## How to apply
Applying is fairly straightforward:
Send an email to [platformjobs@zapier.com](platformjobs@zapier.com) (be sure to include the title of the role you are applying for!)
Tell us about yourself (include how you heard about Zapier and the position)
Tell us about the most difficult API/library/software bug you've tackled (we love real life stories!)
Tell us about a time you helped a customer or a partner be successful
Tell us about something you've maintained after the initial development was complete
Include links to your portfolio/Github profile (or provide us with 500+ LOC)
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# Zeit.io
## Company blurb
Zeit.io creates amazing software with modern, battle-approved technologies.
## Company size
0-20 employees.
## Remote status
We are working almost 100% remotely. We use Slack, Google Hangouts, Skype,
Github, Jira and Trello to communicate.
## Region
We have offices in Göttingen and Hamburg in Germany.
## Company technologies
Ruby, Rails, Node.js, Elixir, C/C++, PostgreSQL and more...
## Office Locations
### Göttingen, Germany
Weender Landstraße
3-7, 37073 Göttingen
+49 1523 3587 203
## How to apply
Currently we don't have available positions. We might post about job
opportunities in [our blog](http://blog.zeit.io).
Reference in a new issue