2018-06-23 04:50:06 +00:00
const { expect } = require ( 'chai' ) ;
const { runValidationWithFixtures } = require ( './lib' ) ;
describe ( 'validation script errors' , ( ) => {
it ( 'should catch invalid table rows' , ( ) => {
expect ( runValidationWithFixtures ( 'bad-table-rows' ) ) . to . eql ( {
exitCode : 2 ,
output : [
'README.md: Expected 3 table cells but found 2: <td><a href="/company-profiles/10up.md">10up</a></td><td><a href="https://10up.com/">https://10up.com/</a></td>' ,
'README.md: Expected 3 table cells but found 4: <td><a href="/company-profiles/18f.md">18F</a></td><td><a href="https://18f.gsa.gov/">https://18f.gsa.gov/</a></td><td>USA</td><td>something else</td>' ,
] ,
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should catch missing company names' , ( ) => {
expect ( runValidationWithFixtures ( 'missing-company-names' ) ) . to . eql ( {
exitCode : 10 ,
output : [
'README.md: Company "⚠⚠⚠" has no linked Markdown profile (".md")' ,
'README.md: Missing company name: <td></td><td><a href="https://andyet.com">https://andyet.com</a></td><td>Worldwide</td>' ,
'README.md: Company is listed out of order: "" (should be before "⚠⚠⚠")' ,
'README.md: Company "" has no linked Markdown profile (".md")' ,
'README.md: Missing company name: <td><a href="/company-profiles/10up.md"></a> ⚠</td><td><a href="https://10up.com/">https://10up.com/</a></td><td>Worldwide</td>' ,
'README.md: Missing company name: <td><a href="/company-profiles/17hats.md"></a></td><td><a href="https://www.17hats.com/">https://www.17hats.com/</a></td><td>Worldwide</td>' ,
'README.md: Missing company name: <td></td><td><a href="https://18f.gsa.gov/">https://18f.gsa.gov/</a></td><td>USA</td>' ,
'README.md: Company "" has no linked Markdown profile (".md")' ,
'18f.md: No link to company profile from readme' ,
'and-yet.md: No link to company profile from readme' ,
] ,
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should catch unsorted company names' , ( ) => {
expect ( runValidationWithFixtures ( 'unsorted' ) ) . to . eql ( {
exitCode : 2 ,
output : [
'README.md: Company is listed out of order: "17hats" (should be before "18F")' ,
'README.md: Company is listed out of order: "&yet" (should be before "17hats")' ,
] ,
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should catch invalid profile links and missing profiles' , ( ) => {
expect ( runValidationWithFixtures ( 'bad-profile-links' ) ) . to . eql ( {
exitCode : 4 ,
output : [
'README.md: Invalid link to company "&yet": "company-profiles/and-yet.md"' ,
'README.md: Broken link to company "17hats": "/company-profiles/17hats-nonexistent.md"' ,
'README.md: Invalid link to company "18F": "/company-profiles/18f.js"' ,
'README.md: Company "My awesome company" has no linked Markdown profile ("my-awesome-company.md")' ,
] ,
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should catch invalid titles in company profiles' , ( ) => {
expect ( runValidationWithFixtures ( 'bad-profile-titles' ) ) . to . eql ( {
2018-06-23 05:20:24 +00:00
exitCode : 7 ,
2018-06-23 04:50:06 +00:00
output : [
'10up.md: Expected 1 first-level heading but found 0' ,
'10up.md: The main title is wrapped inside of another element.' ,
'10up.md: Company name looks wrong: ""' ,
'17hats.md: Expected filename "a-company-called-17hats.md" for company "A company called 17hats"' ,
'18f.md: Company name looks wrong: "$%$#%$"' ,
'and-yet.md: Expected 1 first-level heading but found 2' ,
2018-06-23 05:20:24 +00:00
'let-s-encrypt.md: Expected filename "lets-encrypt.md" for company "Let\'s Encrypt"' ,
2018-06-23 04:50:06 +00:00
] ,
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should catch orphaned company profiles' , ( ) => {
expect ( runValidationWithFixtures ( 'orphaned-profiles' ) ) . to . eql ( {
exitCode : 1 ,
output : [
'18f.md: No link to company profile from readme' ,
] ,
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should catch invalid section headings' , ( ) => {
expect ( runValidationWithFixtures ( 'bad-profile-headings' ) ) . to . eql ( {
exitCode : 10 ,
output : [
'10up.md: Required section "Company blurb" not found.' ,
'17hats.md: Invalid section: "A thing I made up". Expected one of: ["Company blurb","Company size","Remote status","Region","Company technologies","Office locations","How to apply"]' ,
'17hats.md: Content is not part of any section: <p>Some extra content.</p>' ,
'18f.md: Duplicate section: "Company size".' ,
'18f.md: Empty section: "Region". Leave it out instead.' ,
'18f.md: Empty section: "Remote status". Leave it out instead.' ,
'1password.md: The main title is wrapped inside of another element.' ,
'1password.md: The section heading for "Company size" is wrapped inside of another element.' ,
'1password.md: Content is not part of any section: <blockquote><h1 id="1password">1Password</h1></blockquote>' ,
'and-yet.md: Required section "Company blurb" not found.' ,
] ,
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;