
662 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env node
2022-02-04 21:24:39 -04:00
const fs = require( 'fs' );
const path = require( 'path' );
const util = require( 'util' );
const cheerio = require( 'cheerio' );
const lunr = require( 'lunr' );
const marked = require( 'marked' );
* Constants
2022-02-04 21:24:39 -04:00
const headingsRequired = [
'Company blurb',
const headingsOptional = [
2022-02-04 21:24:39 -04:00
'Company size',
'Remote status',
'Company technologies',
'Office locations',
'How to apply',
2022-02-04 21:24:39 -04:00
const headingsAll = headingsRequired.concat( headingsOptional );
* Utility functions
2022-02-04 21:24:39 -04:00
function companyNameToProfileFilename( companyName ) {
return companyName.toLowerCase()
.replace( /&/g, ' and ' )
.replace( /'/g, '' )
.replace( /[^a-z0-9]+/gi, '-' )
.replace( /^-|-$/g, '' );
exports.companyNameToProfileFilename = companyNameToProfileFilename;
// adapted from
2022-02-04 21:24:39 -04:00
function jsonStringifyUnicodeEscaped( obj ) {
return JSON.stringify( obj ).replace( /[\u007f-\uffff]/g, c => {
return '\\u' + ( '0000' + c.charCodeAt( 0 ).toString( 16 ) ).slice( -4 );
} );
exports.jsonStringifyUnicodeEscaped = jsonStringifyUnicodeEscaped;
2022-02-04 21:24:39 -04:00
function toIdentifierCase( text ) {
return text
.replace( /'/g, '' )
.replace( /[^a-z0-9]+/gi, ' ' )
.split( /\s+/ )
.map( ( word, i ) => {
if ( i === 0 ) {
return word.toLowerCase();
return (
word.slice( 0, 1 ).toUpperCase()
+ word.slice( 1 ).toLowerCase()
2022-02-04 21:24:39 -04:00
} )
.join( '' );
exports.toIdentifierCase = toIdentifierCase;
2022-02-04 21:24:39 -04:00
function stripExtraChars( text ) {
return text.replace( /\ufe0f/g, '' );
exports.stripExtraChars = stripExtraChars;
2022-02-04 21:24:39 -04:00
* Other exports
Add full profile search (#763) * Prevent duplicate company names * Fix output indentation * Search full profile content using lunr.js * Remove extra stop words This wasn't really working correctly - the stop word 'work' would leave instances of 'working' and 'works' in the index for example. * Change company name description from "Name" to "Company name" * Pre-process query: - Search for terms in AND mode, per - Discard non-alphanumeric characters from the search - Better handling of contractions and searching for stop words * Display search query and results in the console * Add special search token: _incomplete * Add a link to search for incomplete profiles * Revert "Add a link to search for incomplete profiles" This reverts commit f6384c90cb1790fdc7492b4e887127812db21f30. * Add link to search documentation * Improve search explanation appearance when it spans multiple lines * Fix searching for contractions Previously, searching for e.g. "don't" wasn't working correctly. After trimming the contraction, "do" is a stop word, so it should be ignored. * Improve "empty search" message * Prefer matches other than "company name" in search excerpts * Move inline scripts before external scripts This probably doesn't matter right now due to the way the scripts are currently structured, but it might matter one day and it's more logical this way. * Fix search engine index progress * Improve script indentation * I got 99 problems and they're all bots * Update script exit code When a Node.js error occurs the exit code is probably going to be 1, so we should use a different code. * Fix the tests * Update documentation This was wrong (out of date), but the correct version is obvious from reading the code. * Make download progress work in both Chrome and Firefox See
2020-05-06 06:42:21 +00:00
function getHeadingPropertyNames() {
2022-02-04 21:24:39 -04:00
return headingsAll.reduce( ( acc, val ) => {
acc[ toIdentifierCase( val ) ] = val;
return acc;
}, {} );
Add full profile search (#763) * Prevent duplicate company names * Fix output indentation * Search full profile content using lunr.js * Remove extra stop words This wasn't really working correctly - the stop word 'work' would leave instances of 'working' and 'works' in the index for example. * Change company name description from "Name" to "Company name" * Pre-process query: - Search for terms in AND mode, per - Discard non-alphanumeric characters from the search - Better handling of contractions and searching for stop words * Display search query and results in the console * Add special search token: _incomplete * Add a link to search for incomplete profiles * Revert "Add a link to search for incomplete profiles" This reverts commit f6384c90cb1790fdc7492b4e887127812db21f30. * Add link to search documentation * Improve search explanation appearance when it spans multiple lines * Fix searching for contractions Previously, searching for e.g. "don't" wasn't working correctly. After trimming the contraction, "do" is a stop word, so it should be ignored. * Improve "empty search" message * Prefer matches other than "company name" in search excerpts * Move inline scripts before external scripts This probably doesn't matter right now due to the way the scripts are currently structured, but it might matter one day and it's more logical this way. * Fix search engine index progress * Improve script indentation * I got 99 problems and they're all bots * Update script exit code When a Node.js error occurs the exit code is probably going to be 1, so we should use a different code. * Fix the tests * Update documentation This was wrong (out of date), but the correct version is obvious from reading the code. * Make download progress work in both Chrome and Firefox See
2020-05-06 06:42:21 +00:00
exports.headingPropertyNames = getHeadingPropertyNames();
2022-02-04 21:24:39 -04:00
* The main exported function
* Start with a directory including a and company-profiles/*.md
* files, and validate and parse the content of the Markdown files.
2022-02-04 21:24:39 -04:00
exports.parseFromDirectory = contentPath => {
const companyNamesSeen = {};
let errors = [];
function error( filename, msg, ...params ) {
errors.push( {
message: util.format( msg, ...params ),
} );
// Build list of Markdown files containing company profiles.
const profilesPath = path.join( contentPath, 'company-profiles' );
const profileFilenames = fs.readdirSync( profilesPath );
// Scan the company table in the readme.
const readmeCompanies = [];
const readmeMarkdown = stripExtraChars( fs.readFileSync(
path.join( contentPath, '' ),
) );
let inTable = false;
readmeMarkdown.split( '\n' ).forEach( line => {
if ( /^\s*-+\s*\|\s*-+\s*\|\s*-+\s*$/.test( line ) ) {
inTable = true;
} else if ( /^\s*$/.test( line ) ) {
inTable = false;
} else if ( inTable ) {
const fields = line.split( '|' );
if ( fields.length !== 3 ) {
'Expected 3 table cells but found %d: %s',
} );
const $ = cheerio.load( marked.parse( readmeMarkdown ) );
function readmeError( msg, ...params ) {
error( '', msg, ...params );
const mainUrl = ''
function addTargetBlankAndExternalLinkIcons (el) {
if (el.type === 'tag') {
const anchorTagElements = el.children.filter(element => === 'a')
if (anchorTagElements.length > 0) {
anchorTagElements.forEach(element => {
const url = element.attribs.href
const urlInfo = getUrlInfo(url)
if (urlInfo.is_email || urlInfo.is_internal) {
} = '_blank'
$element = $( element )
$element.append('<span style="vertical-align: text-top;"> <img src="/assets/external-link.svg" /> </span>')
if (el.children && el.children.length) {
el.children.forEach(element => {
* Getting info about the url. It includes checking isEmail of isInternal
* @param {*} url
function getUrlInfo (url) {
const data = {}
if (url.match(/^mailto:/)) { // checking url email or not
data.is_email = true
return data
const mainDomainFromGivenUrl = extractMainDomainFromUrl(url)
// checking url is email or not
if (mainDomainFromGivenUrl !== mainUrl) {
data.is_internal = false
return data
} else {
data.is_internal = true
return data
* Extracting main domain from the url
* @param {*} url
function extractMainDomainFromUrl (url) {
const domainRe = /(https?:\/\/){0,1}((?:[\w\d-]+\.)+[\w\d]{2,})/i; // taken example from
const data = domainRe.exec(url)
const splittedDomain = data[2].split('.')
if (splittedDomain.length === 2) { // check extra subdomain is present or not
return data[2]
return splittedDomain[splittedDomain.length - 2] + '.' + splittedDomain[splittedDomain.length - 1] // return only main domain address
let lastCompanyName = null;
$( 'tr' ).each( ( i, tr ) => {
const $tr = $( tr );
if ( i === 0 ) {
// Assign an ID to the table.
$tr.closest( 'table' ).attr( 'id', 'companies-table' );
// Skip the table header row.
const $td = $tr.children( 'td' );
const websiteUrl = $td.eq( 1 ).text();
const websiteText = websiteUrl
.replace( /^https?:\/\//, '' )
.replace( /^www\./, '' )
.replace( /\/$/, '' );
const readmeEntry = {
// Strip out warning emoji indicating that this profile is incomplete
name: $td.eq( 0 ).text().replace( /\u26a0/, '' ).trim(),
// Detect warning emoji next to company name
isIncomplete: /\u26a0/.test( $td.eq( 0 ).text() ),
shortRegion: $td.eq( 2 ).text().trim(),
if ( ! websiteText ) {
'Missing website for company: %s',
if ( ) {
if ( companyNamesSeen[ ] ) {
'Duplicate company: %s',
companyNamesSeen[ ] = true;
} else {
'Missing company name: %s',
$tr.html().replace( /\n/g, '' )
if (
$td.eq( 1 ).children().length !== 1 ||
! $td.eq( 1 ).children().eq( 0 ).is( 'a' )
) {
'Invalid content in Website column: %s',
$tr.html().replace( /\n/g, '' )
if ( $td.eq( 2 ).children().length > 0 ) {
'Extra content in Region column: %s',
$tr.html().replace( /\n/g, '' )
if (
lastCompanyName && < lastCompanyName.toLowerCase()
) {
'Company is listed out of order: "%s" (should be before "%s")',,
lastCompanyName =;
const $profileLink = $td.eq( 0 ).find( 'a' );
if ( $profileLink.length === 1 ) {
const match = $profileLink.attr( 'href' ).match( /^\/company-profiles\/(.*\.md)$/ );
if ( match ) {
readmeEntry.linkedFilename = match[ 1 ];
if ( profileFilenames.indexOf( readmeEntry.linkedFilename ) === -1 ) {
'Missing company profile for "%s", or broken link: "%s"',,
$profileLink.attr( 'href' )
const nameCheck = $profileLink.text().trim();
if ( nameCheck !== ) {
'Extra text in company name: %s, %s',
jsonStringifyUnicodeEscaped( nameCheck ),
jsonStringifyUnicodeEscaped( )
} else {
'Invalid link to company profile for "%s": "%s"',,
$profileLink.attr( 'href' )
} else {
'Company "%s" has no linked Markdown profile ("/company-profiles/")',,
companyNameToProfileFilename( )
// Set identifying attributes on table elements
.attr( 'class', 'company-row' )
.attr( 'id', 'company-row-' + ( i - 1 ) );
$td.eq( 0 ).attr( 'class', 'company-name' );
$td.eq( 1 ).attr( 'class', 'company-website' );
$td.eq( 2 ).attr( 'class', 'company-region' );
// Rewrite company profile link to the correct URL for the static site
if ( $profileLink.length ) {
$profileLink.attr( 'href' )
.replace( /^\/company-profiles\//, '/' )
.replace( /\.md$/, '/' )
// Rewrite external website link (target="_blank" etc, shorter text)
const $websiteLink = $td.eq( 1 ).children().eq( 0 );
.attr( 'target', '_blank' )
.attr( 'rel', 'noopener noreferrer' )
.text( websiteText );
readmeCompanies.push( readmeEntry );
} );
const readmeContent = $( 'body' ).html();
// Scan the individual Markdown files containing the company profiles.
const allProfileHeadings = {};
profileFilenames.forEach( filename => {
function profileError( msg, ...params ) {
error( filename, msg, ...params );
const profileMarkdown = stripExtraChars( fs.readFileSync(
path.join( profilesPath, filename ),
) );
const $ = cheerio.load( marked.parse( profileMarkdown ) );
let hasTitleError = false;
if ( $( 'h1' ).length !== 1 ) {
'Expected 1 first-level heading but found %d',
$( 'h1' ).length
hasTitleError = true;
if ( ! $( 'h1' ).parent().is( 'body' ) ) {
'The main title is wrapped inside of another element.'
const companyName = $( 'h1' ).text();
if ( ! /[a-z]/i.test( companyName ) ) {
'Company name looks wrong: "%s"',
hasTitleError = true;
const filenameBase = filename.replace( /\.md$/, '' );
const filenameExpected = companyNameToProfileFilename( companyName );
if (
! hasTitleError &&
filenameBase !== filenameExpected &&
// Some profile files just have shorter names than the company name,
// which is fine.
filenameExpected.substring( 0, filenameBase.length + 1 ) !== filenameBase + '-'
) {
'Company title "%s" doesn\'t match filename (expected ~ "")',
const readmeEntry = readmeCompanies.find(
readmeEntry => readmeEntry.linkedFilename === filename
if ( filename !== '' && ! readmeEntry ) {
profileError( 'No link to company profile from readme' );
// Build and validate list of headings contained in this Markdown profile.
const profileHeadings = [];
$( 'h2' ).each( ( i, el ) => {
const headingName = $( el ).html();
if ( ! $( el ).parent().is( 'body' ) ) {
'The section heading for "%s" is wrapped inside of another element.',
if ( profileHeadings.indexOf( headingName ) >= 0 ) {
'Duplicate section: "%s".',
} else {
// Track headings for this profile
profileHeadings.push( headingName );
// Track heading counts across all profiles
if ( ! allProfileHeadings[ headingName ] ) {
allProfileHeadings[ headingName ] = [];
allProfileHeadings[ headingName ].push( filename );
if ( headingsAll.indexOf( headingName ) === -1 ) {
'Invalid section: "%s". Expected one of: %s',
JSON.stringify( headingsAll )
} );
headingsRequired.forEach( headingName => {
if ( profileHeadings.indexOf( headingName ) === -1 ) {
'Required section "%s" not found.',
} );
// Build and validate the content of each section in this profile.
const profileContent = {};
if ( readmeEntry ) {
readmeEntry.profileContent = profileContent;
let currentHeading = null;
$( 'body' ).children().each( ( i, el ) => {
const $el = $( el );
if ( $ 'h1' ) ) {
if ( $ 'h2' ) ) {
currentHeading = $el.html();
profileContent[ currentHeading ] = '';
} else if ( currentHeading ) {
// Note: This assumes that the only possible children of the
// 'body' are block-level elements. I think this is correct,
// because from what I've seen, any inline content is wrapped
// in a <p>.
profileContent[ currentHeading ] = (
profileContent[ currentHeading ]
+ '\n\n' + $.html( el )
} else {
'Content is not part of any section: %s',
$.html( el ).replace( /\n/g, '' )
} );
Object.keys( profileContent ).forEach( heading => {
const sectionText = profileContent[ heading ]
.replace( /<[^>]+>/g, '' )
if ( ! sectionText ) {
'Empty section: "%s". Fill it in or leave it out instead.',
} );
// Rewrite profile content to use more code-friendly heading names.
Object.keys( profileContent ).forEach( headingName => {
const headingIdentifier = toIdentifierCase( headingName );
profileContent[ headingIdentifier ] = profileContent[ headingName ];
delete profileContent[ headingName ];
} );
if ( readmeEntry && profileContent.companyBlurb ) {
// Check for company profiles that were filled in, but the "incomplete"
// mark was left in the readme, or vice versa.
const isIncomplete = {
readme: readmeEntry.isIncomplete,
sections: (
profileHeadings.length === 1 &&
profileHeadings[ 0 ] === 'Company blurb'
content: /&#x26A0;/.test( profileContent.companyBlurb ),
const incompleteCount = Object.values( isIncomplete )
.reduce( ( sum, v ) => sum + ( v ? 1 : 0 ), 0 );
// incompleteCount === 0: Profile is incomplete; all 3 indicators are consistent
// incompleteCount === 3: Profile is "complete"; all 3 indicators are consistent
if ( incompleteCount === 1 ) {
if ( isIncomplete.readme ) {
'Profile looks complete, but the main readme contains a warning emoji.'
} else if ( isIncomplete.sections ) {
'Profile is marked as complete, but it only contains a "Company blurb" heading.'
} else { // isIncomplete.content
'Profile looks complete, but the "Company blurb" contains a warning emoji.'
} else if ( incompleteCount === 2 ) {
if ( ! isIncomplete.readme ) {
'Profile looks incomplete, but the main readme does not contain a warning emoji.'
} else if ( ! isIncomplete.sections ) {
'Profile is marked as incomplete, but it contains multiple sections.'
+ '\nPlease remove the warning emoji from the "Company blurb" section and the main readme.'
} else { // ! isIncomplete.content
'Profile looks incomplete, but the "Company blurb" does not contain a warning emoji.'
} );
const profileHeadingCounts = {};
Object.keys( allProfileHeadings ).forEach( heading => {
profileHeadingCounts[ heading ] = allProfileHeadings[ heading ].length;
} );
if ( errors.length > 0 ) {
return {
ok: false,
return {
ok: true,
companies: readmeCompanies,
Add full profile search (#763) * Prevent duplicate company names * Fix output indentation * Search full profile content using lunr.js * Remove extra stop words This wasn't really working correctly - the stop word 'work' would leave instances of 'working' and 'works' in the index for example. * Change company name description from "Name" to "Company name" * Pre-process query: - Search for terms in AND mode, per - Discard non-alphanumeric characters from the search - Better handling of contractions and searching for stop words * Display search query and results in the console * Add special search token: _incomplete * Add a link to search for incomplete profiles * Revert "Add a link to search for incomplete profiles" This reverts commit f6384c90cb1790fdc7492b4e887127812db21f30. * Add link to search documentation * Improve search explanation appearance when it spans multiple lines * Fix searching for contractions Previously, searching for e.g. "don't" wasn't working correctly. After trimming the contraction, "do" is a stop word, so it should be ignored. * Improve "empty search" message * Prefer matches other than "company name" in search excerpts * Move inline scripts before external scripts This probably doesn't matter right now due to the way the scripts are currently structured, but it might matter one day and it's more logical this way. * Fix search engine index progress * Improve script indentation * I got 99 problems and they're all bots * Update script exit code When a Node.js error occurs the exit code is probably going to be 1, so we should use a different code. * Fix the tests * Update documentation This was wrong (out of date), but the correct version is obvious from reading the code. * Make download progress work in both Chrome and Firefox See
2020-05-06 06:42:21 +00:00
* Build search index data from the result of parseFromDirectory().
2022-02-04 21:24:39 -04:00
exports.buildSearchData = data => {
const textData = [];
data.companies.forEach( ( company, i ) => {
const thisTextData = {
id: String( i ),
websiteText: company.websiteText,
if ( company.shortRegion ) {
thisTextData.shortRegion = company.shortRegion;
Object.keys( exports.headingPropertyNames ).forEach( h => {
if ( company.profileContent[ h ] ) {
const text = cheerio.load( company.profileContent[ h ] ).text()
// Replace warning emoji with a searchable token
.replace( /\u26a0/, '(_incomplete)' );
thisTextData[ h ] = text;
} );
textData.push( thisTextData );
} );
const index = lunr( function() {
this.field( 'nameText' );
this.field( 'websiteText' );
this.field( 'shortRegion' );
Object.keys( exports.headingPropertyNames ).forEach( h => {
this.field( h );
} );
this.metadataWhitelist = ['position'];
function contractionTrimmer( token ) {
return token.update( str => {
return str.replace( /('m|'ve|n't|'d|'ll|'ve|'s|'re)$/, '' );
} );
lunr.Pipeline.registerFunction( contractionTrimmer, 'contractionTrimmer' );
this.pipeline.after( lunr.trimmer, contractionTrimmer );
Object.keys( textData ).forEach( c => this.add( textData[ c ] ) );
} );
const headings = getHeadingPropertyNames();
headings.nameText = 'Company name';
headings.websiteText = 'Website';
headings.shortRegion = 'Region';
return { index, textData, headings };
Add full profile search (#763) * Prevent duplicate company names * Fix output indentation * Search full profile content using lunr.js * Remove extra stop words This wasn't really working correctly - the stop word 'work' would leave instances of 'working' and 'works' in the index for example. * Change company name description from "Name" to "Company name" * Pre-process query: - Search for terms in AND mode, per - Discard non-alphanumeric characters from the search - Better handling of contractions and searching for stop words * Display search query and results in the console * Add special search token: _incomplete * Add a link to search for incomplete profiles * Revert "Add a link to search for incomplete profiles" This reverts commit f6384c90cb1790fdc7492b4e887127812db21f30. * Add link to search documentation * Improve search explanation appearance when it spans multiple lines * Fix searching for contractions Previously, searching for e.g. "don't" wasn't working correctly. After trimming the contraction, "do" is a stop word, so it should be ignored. * Improve "empty search" message * Prefer matches other than "company name" in search excerpts * Move inline scripts before external scripts This probably doesn't matter right now due to the way the scripts are currently structured, but it might matter one day and it's more logical this way. * Fix search engine index progress * Improve script indentation * I got 99 problems and they're all bots * Update script exit code When a Node.js error occurs the exit code is probably going to be 1, so we should use a different code. * Fix the tests * Update documentation This was wrong (out of date), but the correct version is obvious from reading the code. * Make download progress work in both Chrome and Firefox See
2020-05-06 06:42:21 +00:00