import { DEFAULT_ZOOM_LEVEL } from "./config"; import { getMap } from "./map"; export const initializeForms = () => { const forms = document.querySelectorAll("form"); forms.forEach((f) => initializeForm(f)); }; function initializeForm(form: HTMLFormElement) { form.addEventListener("submit", async (e) => { const val = form.querySelector("input[name=city]")!.value; e.preventDefault(); // Documentation: const u = new URL(""); = new URLSearchParams({ q: val, format: "json", countrycodes: "de,at,ch", // comma-separated list of supported countries. limit: "1", // only interested for first entry }).toString(); try { const resp = await fetch(u); const json = await resp.json(); if (!json || !Array.isArray(json)) { console.error("expected array as JSON, got: ", json); return; } if (json.length === 0) { // TODO: report no results to user! return; } const first = json[0]; getMap().setView([, first.lon], DEFAULT_ZOOM_LEVEL); } catch (error) { console.error("fetching information for search input failed:", error); } }); }