
1065 lines
34 KiB

use std::{
fmt::{Debug, Formatter, Result},
use unicode_segmentation::UnicodeSegmentation;
use unicode_width::UnicodeWidthStr;
use crate::{
style::{Color, Modifier, Style},
text::{Line, Span},
/// A buffer cell
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))]
pub struct Cell {
since = "0.24.1",
note = "This field will be hidden at next major version. Use `Cell::symbol` method to get \
the value. Use `Cell::set_symbol` to update the field. Use `Cell::default` to \
create `Cell` instance"
pub symbol: String,
pub fg: Color,
pub bg: Color,
#[cfg(feature = "underline-color")]
pub underline_color: Color,
pub modifier: Modifier,
pub skip: bool,
#[allow(deprecated)] // For Cell::symbol
impl Cell {
pub fn symbol(&self) -> &str {
pub fn set_symbol(&mut self, symbol: &str) -> &mut Cell {
pub fn set_char(&mut self, ch: char) -> &mut Cell {
pub fn set_fg(&mut self, color: Color) -> &mut Cell {
self.fg = color;
pub fn set_bg(&mut self, color: Color) -> &mut Cell {
self.bg = color;
pub fn set_style(&mut self, style: Style) -> &mut Cell {
if let Some(c) = style.fg {
self.fg = c;
if let Some(c) = style.bg {
self.bg = c;
#[cfg(feature = "underline-color")]
if let Some(c) = style.underline_color {
self.underline_color = c;
#[cfg(feature = "underline-color")]
pub fn style(&self) -> Style {
#[cfg(not(feature = "underline-color"))]
pub fn style(&self) -> Style {
/// Sets the cell to be skipped when copying (diffing) the buffer to the screen.
/// This is helpful when it is necessary to prevent the buffer from overwriting a cell that is
/// covered by an image from some terminal graphics protocol (Sixel / iTerm / Kitty ...).
pub fn set_skip(&mut self, skip: bool) -> &mut Cell {
self.skip = skip;
pub fn reset(&mut self) {
self.symbol.push(' ');
self.fg = Color::Reset;
self.bg = Color::Reset;
#[cfg(feature = "underline-color")]
self.underline_color = Color::Reset;
self.modifier = Modifier::empty();
self.skip = false;
impl Default for Cell {
fn default() -> Cell {
#[allow(deprecated)] // For Cell::symbol
Cell {
symbol: " ".into(),
fg: Color::Reset,
bg: Color::Reset,
#[cfg(feature = "underline-color")]
underline_color: Color::Reset,
modifier: Modifier::empty(),
skip: false,
/// A buffer that maps to the desired content of the terminal after the draw call
/// No widget in the library interacts directly with the terminal. Instead each of them is required
/// to draw their state to an intermediate buffer. It is basically a grid where each cell contains
/// a grapheme, a foreground color and a background color. This grid will then be used to output
/// the appropriate escape sequences and characters to draw the UI as the user has defined it.
/// # Examples:
/// ```
/// use ratatui::{prelude::*, buffer::Cell};
/// let mut buf = Buffer::empty(Rect{x: 0, y: 0, width: 10, height: 5});
/// buf.get_mut(0, 2).set_symbol("x");
/// assert_eq!(buf.get(0, 2).symbol(), "x");
/// buf.set_string(3, 0, "string", Style::default().fg(Color::Red).bg(Color::White));
/// let cell = buf.get_mut(5, 0);
/// assert_eq!(cell.symbol(), "r");
/// assert_eq!(cell.fg, Color::Red);
/// assert_eq!(cell.bg, Color::White);
/// buf.get_mut(5, 0).set_char('x');
/// assert_eq!(buf.get(5, 0).symbol(), "x");
/// ```
#[derive(Default, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))]
pub struct Buffer {
/// The area represented by this buffer
pub area: Rect,
/// The content of the buffer. The length of this Vec should always be equal to area.width *
/// area.height
pub content: Vec<Cell>,
impl Buffer {
/// Returns a Buffer with all cells set to the default one
pub fn empty(area: Rect) -> Buffer {
let cell = Cell::default();
Buffer::filled(area, &cell)
/// Returns a Buffer with all cells initialized with the attributes of the given Cell
pub fn filled(area: Rect, cell: &Cell) -> Buffer {
let size = area.area() as usize;
let mut content = Vec::with_capacity(size);
for _ in 0..size {
Buffer { area, content }
/// Returns a Buffer containing the given lines
pub fn with_lines<'a, S>(lines: Vec<S>) -> Buffer
S: Into<Line<'a>>,
let lines = lines.into_iter().map(Into::into).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let height = lines.len() as u16;
let width = lines.iter().map(Line::width).max().unwrap_or_default() as u16;
let mut buffer = Buffer::empty(Rect::new(0, 0, width, height));
for (y, line) in lines.iter().enumerate() {
buffer.set_line(0, y as u16, line, width);
/// Returns the content of the buffer as a slice
pub fn content(&self) -> &[Cell] {
/// Returns the area covered by this buffer
pub fn area(&self) -> &Rect {
/// Returns a reference to Cell at the given coordinates
pub fn get(&self, x: u16, y: u16) -> &Cell {
let i = self.index_of(x, y);
/// Returns a mutable reference to Cell at the given coordinates
pub fn get_mut(&mut self, x: u16, y: u16) -> &mut Cell {
let i = self.index_of(x, y);
&mut self.content[i]
/// Returns the index in the `Vec<Cell>` for the given global (x, y) coordinates.
/// Global coordinates are offset by the Buffer's area offset (`x`/`y`).
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use ratatui::prelude::*;
/// let rect = Rect::new(200, 100, 10, 10);
/// let buffer = Buffer::empty(rect);
/// // Global coordinates to the top corner of this buffer's area
/// assert_eq!(buffer.index_of(200, 100), 0);
/// ```
/// # Panics
/// Panics when given an coordinate that is outside of this Buffer's area.
/// ```should_panic
/// # use ratatui::prelude::*;
/// let rect = Rect::new(200, 100, 10, 10);
/// let buffer = Buffer::empty(rect);
/// // Top coordinate is outside of the buffer in global coordinate space, as the Buffer's area
/// // starts at (200, 100).
/// buffer.index_of(0, 0); // Panics
/// ```
pub fn index_of(&self, x: u16, y: u16) -> usize {
x >= self.area.left()
&& x < self.area.right()
&& y >= self.area.top()
&& y < self.area.bottom(),
"Trying to access position outside the buffer: x={x}, y={y}, area={:?}",
((y - self.area.y) * self.area.width + (x - self.area.x)) as usize
/// Returns the (global) coordinates of a cell given its index
/// Global coordinates are offset by the Buffer's area offset (`x`/`y`).
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use ratatui::prelude::*;
/// let rect = Rect::new(200, 100, 10, 10);
/// let buffer = Buffer::empty(rect);
/// assert_eq!(buffer.pos_of(0), (200, 100));
/// assert_eq!(buffer.pos_of(14), (204, 101));
/// ```
/// # Panics
/// Panics when given an index that is outside the Buffer's content.
/// ```should_panic
/// # use ratatui::prelude::*;
/// let rect = Rect::new(0, 0, 10, 10); // 100 cells in total
/// let buffer = Buffer::empty(rect);
/// // Index 100 is the 101th cell, which lies outside of the area of this Buffer.
/// buffer.pos_of(100); // Panics
/// ```
pub fn pos_of(&self, i: usize) -> (u16, u16) {
i < self.content.len(),
"Trying to get the coords of a cell outside the buffer: i={i} len={}",
self.area.x + (i as u16) % self.area.width,
self.area.y + (i as u16) / self.area.width,
/// Print a string, starting at the position (x, y)
pub fn set_string<S>(&mut self, x: u16, y: u16, string: S, style: Style)
S: AsRef<str>,
self.set_stringn(x, y, string, usize::MAX, style);
/// Print at most the first n characters of a string if enough space is available
/// until the end of the line
pub fn set_stringn<S>(
&mut self,
x: u16,
y: u16,
string: S,
width: usize,
style: Style,
) -> (u16, u16)
S: AsRef<str>,
let mut index = self.index_of(x, y);
let mut x_offset = x as usize;
let graphemes = UnicodeSegmentation::graphemes(string.as_ref(), true);
let max_offset = min(self.area.right() as usize, width.saturating_add(x as usize));
for s in graphemes {
let width = s.width();
if width == 0 {
// `x_offset + width > max_offset` could be integer overflow on 32-bit machines if we
// change dimensions to usize or u32 and someone resizes the terminal to 1x2^32.
if width > max_offset.saturating_sub(x_offset) {
// Reset following cells if multi-width (they would be hidden by the grapheme),
for i in index + 1..index + width {
index += width;
x_offset += width;
(x_offset as u16, y)
pub fn set_line(&mut self, x: u16, y: u16, line: &Line<'_>, width: u16) -> (u16, u16) {
let mut remaining_width = width;
let mut x = x;
for span in &line.spans {
if remaining_width == 0 {
let pos = self.set_stringn(
remaining_width as usize,
let w = pos.0.saturating_sub(x);
x = pos.0;
remaining_width = remaining_width.saturating_sub(w);
(x, y)
pub fn set_span(&mut self, x: u16, y: u16, span: &Span<'_>, width: u16) -> (u16, u16) {
self.set_stringn(x, y, span.content.as_ref(), width as usize, span.style)
since = "0.10.0",
note = "You should use styling capabilities of `Buffer::set_style`"
pub fn set_background(&mut self, area: Rect, color: Color) {
for y in area.top()..area.bottom() {
for x in area.left()..area.right() {
self.get_mut(x, y).set_bg(color);
pub fn set_style(&mut self, area: Rect, style: Style) {
for y in area.top()..area.bottom() {
for x in area.left()..area.right() {
self.get_mut(x, y).set_style(style);
/// Resize the buffer so that the mapped area matches the given area and that the buffer
/// length is equal to area.width * area.height
pub fn resize(&mut self, area: Rect) {
let length = area.area() as usize;
if self.content.len() > length {
} else {
self.content.resize(length, Cell::default());
self.area = area;
/// Reset all cells in the buffer
pub fn reset(&mut self) {
for c in &mut self.content {
/// Merge an other buffer into this one
pub fn merge(&mut self, other: &Buffer) {
let area = self.area.union(other.area);
let cell = Cell::default();
self.content.resize(area.area() as usize, cell.clone());
// Move original content to the appropriate space
let size = self.area.area() as usize;
for i in (0..size).rev() {
let (x, y) = self.pos_of(i);
// New index in content
let k = ((y - area.y) * area.width + x - area.x) as usize;
if i != k {
self.content[k] = self.content[i].clone();
self.content[i] = cell.clone();
// Push content of the other buffer into this one (may erase previous
// data)
let size = other.area.area() as usize;
for i in 0..size {
let (x, y) = other.pos_of(i);
// New index in content
let k = ((y - area.y) * area.width + x - area.x) as usize;
self.content[k] = other.content[i].clone();
self.area = area;
/// Builds a minimal sequence of coordinates and Cells necessary to update the UI from
/// self to other.
/// We're assuming that buffers are well-formed, that is no double-width cell is followed by
/// a non-blank cell.
/// # Multi-width characters handling:
/// ```text
/// (Index:) `01`
/// Prev: `コ`
/// Next: `aa`
/// Updates: `0: a, 1: a'
/// ```
/// ```text
/// (Index:) `01`
/// Prev: `a `
/// Next: `コ`
/// Updates: `0: コ` (double width symbol at index 0 - skip index 1)
/// ```
/// ```text
/// (Index:) `012`
/// Prev: `aaa`
/// Next: `aコ`
/// Updates: `0: a, 1: コ` (double width symbol at index 1 - skip index 2)
/// ```
pub fn diff<'a>(&self, other: &'a Buffer) -> Vec<(u16, u16, &'a Cell)> {
let previous_buffer = &self.content;
let next_buffer = &other.content;
let mut updates: Vec<(u16, u16, &Cell)> = vec![];
// Cells invalidated by drawing/replacing preceding multi-width characters:
let mut invalidated: usize = 0;
// Cells from the current buffer to skip due to preceding multi-width characters taking
// their place (the skipped cells should be blank anyway), or due to per-cell-skipping:
let mut to_skip: usize = 0;
for (i, (current, previous)) in next_buffer.iter().zip(previous_buffer.iter()).enumerate() {
if !current.skip && (current != previous || invalidated > 0) && to_skip == 0 {
let (x, y) = self.pos_of(i);
updates.push((x, y, &next_buffer[i]));
to_skip = current.symbol().width().saturating_sub(1);
let affected_width = std::cmp::max(current.symbol().width(), previous.symbol().width());
invalidated = std::cmp::max(affected_width, invalidated).saturating_sub(1);
/// Assert that two buffers are equal by comparing their areas and content.
/// On panic, displays the areas or the content and a diff of the contents.
macro_rules! assert_buffer_eq {
($actual_expr:expr, $expected_expr:expr) => {
match (&$actual_expr, &$expected_expr) {
(actual, expected) => {
if actual.area != expected.area {
buffer areas not equal
expected: {:?}
actual: {:?}"
expected, actual
let diff = expected.diff(&actual);
if !diff.is_empty() {
let nice_diff = diff
.map(|(i, (x, y, cell))| {
let expected_cell = expected.get(*x, *y);
indoc::formatdoc! {"
{i}: at ({x}, {y})
expected: {expected_cell:?}
actual: {cell:?}
buffer contents not equal
expected: {:?}
actual: {:?}
expected, actual, nice_diff
// shouldn't get here, but this guards against future behavior
// that changes equality but not area or content
assert_eq!(actual, expected, "buffers not equal");
impl Debug for Buffer {
/// Writes a debug representation of the buffer to the given formatter.
/// The format is like a pretty printed struct, with the following fields:
/// * `area`: displayed as `Rect { x: 1, y: 2, width: 3, height: 4 }`
/// * `content`: displayed as a list of strings representing the content of the buffer
/// * `styles`: displayed as a list of: `{ x: 1, y: 2, fg: Color::Red, bg: Color::Blue,
/// modifier: Modifier::BOLD }` only showing a value when there is a change in style.
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result {
"Buffer {{\n area: {:?},\n content: [\n",
let mut last_style = None;
let mut styles = vec![];
for (y, line) in self.content.chunks(self.area.width as usize).enumerate() {
let mut overwritten = vec![];
let mut skip: usize = 0;
f.write_str(" \"")?;
for (x, c) in line.iter().enumerate() {
if skip == 0 {
} else {
overwritten.push((x, c.symbol()));
skip = std::cmp::max(skip, c.symbol().width()).saturating_sub(1);
#[cfg(feature = "underline-color")]
let style = (c.fg, c.bg, c.underline_color, c.modifier);
if last_style != Some(style) {
last_style = Some(style);
styles.push((x, y, c.fg, c.bg, c.underline_color, c.modifier));
#[cfg(not(feature = "underline-color"))]
let style = (c.fg, c.bg, c.modifier);
if last_style != Some(style) {
last_style = Some(style);
styles.push((x, y, c.fg, c.bg, c.modifier));
if !overwritten.is_empty() {
"// hidden by multi-width symbols: {overwritten:?}"
f.write_str(" ],\n styles: [\n")?;
for s in styles {
#[cfg(feature = "underline-color")]
" x: {}, y: {}, fg: {:?}, bg: {:?}, underline: {:?}, modifier: {:?},\n",
s.0, s.1, s.2, s.3, s.4, s.5
#[cfg(not(feature = "underline-color"))]
" x: {}, y: {}, fg: {:?}, bg: {:?}, modifier: {:?},\n",
s.0, s.1, s.2, s.3, s.4
f.write_str(" ]\n}")?;
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn cell(s: &str) -> Cell {
let mut cell = Cell::default();
fn it_implements_debug() {
let mut buf = Buffer::empty(Rect::new(0, 0, 12, 2));
buf.set_string(0, 0, "Hello World!", Style::default());
"G'day World!",
#[cfg(feature = "underline-color")]
Buffer {
area: Rect { x: 0, y: 0, width: 12, height: 2 },
content: [
\"Hello World!\",
\"G'day World!\",
styles: [
x: 0, y: 0, fg: Reset, bg: Reset, underline: Reset, modifier: NONE,
x: 0, y: 1, fg: Green, bg: Yellow, underline: Reset, modifier: BOLD,
#[cfg(not(feature = "underline-color"))]
Buffer {
area: Rect { x: 0, y: 0, width: 12, height: 2 },
content: [
\"Hello World!\",
\"G'day World!\",
styles: [
x: 0, y: 0, fg: Reset, bg: Reset, modifier: NONE,
x: 0, y: 1, fg: Green, bg: Yellow, modifier: BOLD,
fn assert_buffer_eq_does_not_panic_on_equal_buffers() {
let buffer = Buffer::empty(Rect::new(0, 0, 5, 1));
let other_buffer = Buffer::empty(Rect::new(0, 0, 5, 1));
assert_buffer_eq!(buffer, other_buffer);
fn assert_buffer_eq_panics_on_unequal_area() {
let buffer = Buffer::empty(Rect::new(0, 0, 5, 1));
let other_buffer = Buffer::empty(Rect::new(0, 0, 6, 1));
assert_buffer_eq!(buffer, other_buffer);
fn assert_buffer_eq_panics_on_unequal_style() {
let buffer = Buffer::empty(Rect::new(0, 0, 5, 1));
let mut other_buffer = Buffer::empty(Rect::new(0, 0, 5, 1));
other_buffer.set_string(0, 0, " ", Style::default().fg(Color::Red));
assert_buffer_eq!(buffer, other_buffer);
fn it_translates_to_and_from_coordinates() {
let rect = Rect::new(200, 100, 50, 80);
let buf = Buffer::empty(rect);
// First cell is at the upper left corner.
assert_eq!(buf.pos_of(0), (200, 100));
assert_eq!(buf.index_of(200, 100), 0);
// Last cell is in the lower right.
assert_eq!(buf.pos_of(buf.content.len() - 1), (249, 179));
assert_eq!(buf.index_of(249, 179), buf.content.len() - 1);
#[should_panic(expected = "outside the buffer")]
fn pos_of_panics_on_out_of_bounds() {
let rect = Rect::new(0, 0, 10, 10);
let buf = Buffer::empty(rect);
// There are a total of 100 cells; zero-indexed means that 100 would be the 101st cell.
#[should_panic(expected = "outside the buffer")]
fn index_of_panics_on_out_of_bounds() {
let rect = Rect::new(0, 0, 10, 10);
let buf = Buffer::empty(rect);
// width is 10; zero-indexed means that 10 would be the 11th cell.
buf.index_of(10, 0);
fn buffer_set_string() {
let area = Rect::new(0, 0, 5, 1);
let mut buffer = Buffer::empty(area);
// Zero-width
buffer.set_stringn(0, 0, "aaa", 0, Style::default());
assert_buffer_eq!(buffer, Buffer::with_lines(vec![" "]));
buffer.set_string(0, 0, "aaa", Style::default());
assert_buffer_eq!(buffer, Buffer::with_lines(vec!["aaa "]));
// Width limit:
buffer.set_stringn(0, 0, "bbbbbbbbbbbbbb", 4, Style::default());
assert_buffer_eq!(buffer, Buffer::with_lines(vec!["bbbb "]));
buffer.set_string(0, 0, "12345", Style::default());
assert_buffer_eq!(buffer, Buffer::with_lines(vec!["12345"]));
// Width truncation:
buffer.set_string(0, 0, "123456", Style::default());
assert_buffer_eq!(buffer, Buffer::with_lines(vec!["12345"]));
// multi-line
buffer = Buffer::empty(Rect::new(0, 0, 5, 2));
buffer.set_string(0, 0, "12345", Style::default());
buffer.set_string(0, 1, "67890", Style::default());
assert_buffer_eq!(buffer, Buffer::with_lines(vec!["12345", "67890"]));
fn buffer_set_string_multi_width_overwrite() {
let area = Rect::new(0, 0, 5, 1);
let mut buffer = Buffer::empty(area);
// multi-width overwrite
buffer.set_string(0, 0, "aaaaa", Style::default());
buffer.set_string(0, 0, "称号", Style::default());
assert_buffer_eq!(buffer, Buffer::with_lines(vec!["称号a"]));
fn buffer_set_string_zero_width() {
let area = Rect::new(0, 0, 1, 1);
let mut buffer = Buffer::empty(area);
// Leading grapheme with zero width
let s = "\u{1}a";
buffer.set_stringn(0, 0, s, 1, Style::default());
assert_buffer_eq!(buffer, Buffer::with_lines(vec!["a"]));
// Trailing grapheme with zero with
let s = "a\u{1}";
buffer.set_stringn(0, 0, s, 1, Style::default());
assert_buffer_eq!(buffer, Buffer::with_lines(vec!["a"]));
fn buffer_set_string_double_width() {
let area = Rect::new(0, 0, 5, 1);
let mut buffer = Buffer::empty(area);
buffer.set_string(0, 0, "コン", Style::default());
assert_buffer_eq!(buffer, Buffer::with_lines(vec!["コン "]));
// Only 1 space left.
buffer.set_string(0, 0, "コンピ", Style::default());
assert_buffer_eq!(buffer, Buffer::with_lines(vec!["コン "]));
fn buffer_with_lines() {
let buffer =
Buffer::with_lines(vec!["┌────────┐", "│コンピュ│", "│ーa 上で│", "└────────┘"]);
assert_eq!(buffer.area.x, 0);
assert_eq!(buffer.area.y, 0);
assert_eq!(buffer.area.width, 10);
assert_eq!(buffer.area.height, 4);
fn buffer_diffing_empty_empty() {
let area = Rect::new(0, 0, 40, 40);
let prev = Buffer::empty(area);
let next = Buffer::empty(area);
let diff = prev.diff(&next);
assert_eq!(diff, vec![]);
fn buffer_diffing_empty_filled() {
let area = Rect::new(0, 0, 40, 40);
let prev = Buffer::empty(area);
let next = Buffer::filled(area, Cell::default().set_symbol("a"));
let diff = prev.diff(&next);
assert_eq!(diff.len(), 40 * 40);
fn buffer_diffing_filled_filled() {
let area = Rect::new(0, 0, 40, 40);
let prev = Buffer::filled(area, Cell::default().set_symbol("a"));
let next = Buffer::filled(area, Cell::default().set_symbol("a"));
let diff = prev.diff(&next);
assert_eq!(diff, vec![]);
fn buffer_diffing_single_width() {
let prev = Buffer::with_lines(vec![
" ",
"┌Title─┐ ",
"│ │ ",
"│ │ ",
"└──────┘ ",
let next = Buffer::with_lines(vec![
" ",
"┌TITLE─┐ ",
"│ │ ",
"│ │ ",
"└──────┘ ",
let diff = prev.diff(&next);
(2, 1, &cell("I")),
(3, 1, &cell("T")),
(4, 1, &cell("L")),
(5, 1, &cell("E")),
fn buffer_diffing_multi_width() {
let prev = Buffer::with_lines(vec![
"┌Title─┐ ",
"└──────┘ ",
let next = Buffer::with_lines(vec![
"┌称号──┐ ",
"└──────┘ ",
let diff = prev.diff(&next);
(1, 0, &cell("")),
// Skipped "i"
(3, 0, &cell("")),
// Skipped "l"
(5, 0, &cell("")),
fn buffer_diffing_multi_width_offset() {
let prev = Buffer::with_lines(vec!["┌称号──┐"]);
let next = Buffer::with_lines(vec!["┌─称号─┐"]);
let diff = prev.diff(&next);
vec![(1, 0, &cell("")), (2, 0, &cell("")), (4, 0, &cell("")),]
fn buffer_diffing_skip() {
let prev = Buffer::with_lines(vec!["123"]);
let mut next = Buffer::with_lines(vec!["456"]);
for i in 1..3 {
let diff = prev.diff(&next);
assert_eq!(diff, vec![(0, 0, &cell("4"))],);
fn buffer_merge() {
let mut one = Buffer::filled(
Rect {
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: 2,
height: 2,
let two = Buffer::filled(
Rect {
x: 0,
y: 2,
width: 2,
height: 2,
assert_buffer_eq!(one, Buffer::with_lines(vec!["11", "11", "22", "22"]));
fn buffer_merge2() {
let mut one = Buffer::filled(
Rect {
x: 2,
y: 2,
width: 2,
height: 2,
let two = Buffer::filled(
Rect {
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: 2,
height: 2,
Buffer::with_lines(vec!["22 ", "22 ", " 11", " 11"])
fn buffer_merge3() {
let mut one = Buffer::filled(
Rect {
x: 3,
y: 3,
width: 2,
height: 2,
let two = Buffer::filled(
Rect {
x: 1,
y: 1,
width: 3,
height: 4,
let mut merged = Buffer::with_lines(vec!["222 ", "222 ", "2221", "2221"]);
merged.area = Rect {
x: 1,
y: 1,
width: 4,
height: 4,
assert_buffer_eq!(one, merged);
fn buffer_merge_skip() {
let mut one = Buffer::filled(
Rect {
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: 2,
height: 2,
let two = Buffer::filled(
Rect {
x: 0,
y: 1,
width: 2,
height: 2,
let skipped: Vec<bool> = one.content().iter().map(|c| c.skip).collect();
assert_eq!(skipped, vec![false, false, true, true, true, true]);
fn buffer_merge_skip2() {
let mut one = Buffer::filled(
Rect {
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: 2,
height: 2,
let two = Buffer::filled(
Rect {
x: 0,
y: 1,
width: 2,
height: 2,
let skipped: Vec<bool> = one.content().iter().map(|c| c.skip).collect();
assert_eq!(skipped, vec![true, true, false, false, false, false]);
fn with_lines_accepts_into_lines() {
use crate::style::Stylize;
let mut buf = Buffer::empty(Rect::new(0, 0, 3, 2));
buf.set_string(0, 0, "foo", Style::new().red());
buf.set_string(0, 1, "bar", Style::new().blue());
assert_eq!(buf, Buffer::with_lines(vec!["foo".red(), "bar".blue()]));
fn cell_symbol_field() {
let mut cell = Cell::default();
assert_eq!(cell.symbol(), " ");
cell.set_symbol(""); // Multi-byte character
assert_eq!(cell.symbol(), "");
cell.set_symbol("👨‍👩‍👧‍👦"); // Multiple code units combined with ZWJ
assert_eq!(cell.symbol(), "👨‍👩‍👧‍👦");