Karoline Pauls 8cdfc883b9 Feature: Autoresize
It basically never makes sense to render without syncing the size.

Without resizing, if shrinking, we get artefacts. If growing, we may get
panics (before this change the Rustbox sample (the only one which didn't
handle resizing on its own) panicked because the widget would get an
updated size, while the terminal would not).
2018-12-04 08:39:32 +01:00

174 lines
5.1 KiB

extern crate failure;
extern crate termion;
extern crate tui;
mod util;
use std::io;
use std::time::Duration;
use termion::event::Key;
use termion::input::MouseTerminal;
use termion::raw::IntoRawMode;
use termion::screen::AlternateScreen;
use tui::backend::TermionBackend;
use tui::layout::{Constraint, Direction, Layout, Rect};
use tui::style::Color;
use tui::widgets::canvas::{Canvas, Line, Map, MapResolution};
use tui::widgets::{Block, Borders, Widget};
use tui::Terminal;
use util::event::{Config, Event, Events};
struct App {
x: f64,
y: f64,
ball: Rect,
playground: Rect,
vx: u16,
vy: u16,
dir_x: bool,
dir_y: bool,
impl App {
fn new() -> App {
App {
x: 0.0,
y: 0.0,
ball: Rect::new(10, 30, 10, 10),
playground: Rect::new(10, 10, 100, 100),
vx: 1,
vy: 1,
dir_x: true,
dir_y: true,
fn update(&mut self) {
if self.ball.left() < self.playground.left() || self.ball.right() > self.playground.right()
self.dir_x = !self.dir_x;
if self.ball.top() < self.playground.top() || self.ball.bottom() > self.playground.bottom()
self.dir_y = !self.dir_y;
if self.dir_x {
self.ball.x += self.vx;
} else {
self.ball.x -= self.vx;
if self.dir_y {
self.ball.y += self.vy;
} else {
self.ball.y -= self.vy
fn main() -> Result<(), failure::Error> {
// Terminal initialization
let stdout = io::stdout().into_raw_mode()?;
let stdout = MouseTerminal::from(stdout);
let stdout = AlternateScreen::from(stdout);
let backend = TermionBackend::new(stdout);
let mut terminal = Terminal::new(backend)?;
// Setup event handlers
let config = Config {
tick_rate: Duration::from_millis(100),
let events = Events::with_config(config);
// App
let mut app = App::new();
loop {
let size = terminal.size()?;
terminal.draw(|mut f| {
let chunks = Layout::default()
.constraints([Constraint::Percentage(50), Constraint::Percentage(50)].as_ref())
.paint(|ctx| {
ctx.draw(&Map {
color: Color::White,
resolution: MapResolution::High,
ctx.print(app.x, -app.y, "You are here", Color::Yellow);
}).x_bounds([-180.0, 180.0])
.y_bounds([-90.0, 90.0])
.render(&mut f, chunks[0]);
.paint(|ctx| {
ctx.draw(&Line {
x1: f64::from(app.ball.left()),
y1: f64::from(app.ball.top()),
x2: f64::from(app.ball.right()),
y2: f64::from(app.ball.top()),
color: Color::Yellow,
ctx.draw(&Line {
x1: f64::from(app.ball.right()),
y1: f64::from(app.ball.top()),
x2: f64::from(app.ball.right()),
y2: f64::from(app.ball.bottom()),
color: Color::Yellow,
ctx.draw(&Line {
x1: f64::from(app.ball.right()),
y1: f64::from(app.ball.bottom()),
x2: f64::from(app.ball.left()),
y2: f64::from(app.ball.bottom()),
color: Color::Yellow,
ctx.draw(&Line {
x1: f64::from(app.ball.left()),
y1: f64::from(app.ball.bottom()),
x2: f64::from(app.ball.left()),
y2: f64::from(app.ball.top()),
color: Color::Yellow,
}).x_bounds([10.0, 110.0])
.y_bounds([10.0, 110.0])
.render(&mut f, chunks[1]);
match events.next()? {
Event::Input(input) => match input {
Key::Char('q') => {
Key::Down => {
app.y += 1.0;
Key::Up => {
app.y -= 1.0;
Key::Right => {
app.x += 1.0;
Key::Left => {
app.x -= 1.0;
_ => {}
Event::Tick => {