Eeelco d726e928d2
feat(Paragraph): add alignment convenience functions (#866)
Added convenience functions left_aligned(), centered() and
right_aligned() plus unit tests. Updated example code.

Signed-off-by: Eelco Empting <me@eelco.de>
2024-01-24 03:31:52 -08:00

471 lines
15 KiB

use std::io::{self, stdout};
use color_eyre::{config::HookBuilder, Result};
use crossterm::{
event::{self, Event, KeyCode, KeyEventKind},
terminal::{disable_raw_mode, enable_raw_mode, EnterAlternateScreen, LeaveAlternateScreen},
use ratatui::{
layout::{Constraint::*, Flex},
widgets::{block::Title, *},
use strum::{Display, EnumIter, FromRepr, IntoEnumIterator};
const EXAMPLE_DATA: &[(&str, &[Constraint])] = &[
"Min(u16) takes any excess space when using `Stretch` or `StretchLast`",
&[Fixed(20), Min(20), Max(20)],
"Proportional(u16) takes any excess space in all `Flex` layouts",
&[Length(20), Percentage(20), Ratio(1, 5), Proportional(1)],
"In `StretchLast`, last constraint of lowest priority takes excess space",
&[Length(20), Fixed(20), Percentage(20)],
("", &[Fixed(20), Percentage(20), Length(20)]),
("", &[Percentage(20), Length(20), Fixed(20)]),
("", &[Length(20), Length(15)]),
("Spacing has no effect in `SpaceAround` and `SpaceBetween`", &[Proportional(1), Proportional(1)]),
("", &[Length(20), Fixed(20)]),
"When not using `Flex::Stretch` or `Flex::StretchLast`,\n`Min(u16)` and `Max(u16)` collapse to their lowest values",
&[Min(20), Max(20)],
"`SpaceBetween` stretches when there's only one constraint",
("", &[Min(20), Max(20), Length(20), Fixed(20)]),
("`Proportional(u16)` always fills up space in every `Flex` layout", &[Proportional(0), Proportional(0)]),
"`Proportional(1)` can be to scale with respect to other `Proportional(2)`",
&[Proportional(1), Proportional(2)],
"`Proportional(0)` collapses if there are other non-zero `Proportional(_)`\nconstraints. e.g. `[Proportional(0), Proportional(0), Proportional(1)]`:",
#[derive(Default, Clone, Copy)]
struct App {
selected_tab: SelectedTab,
scroll_offset: u16,
spacing: u16,
state: AppState,
#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum AppState {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct Example {
constraints: Vec<Constraint>,
description: String,
flex: Flex,
spacing: u16,
/// Tabs for the different layouts
/// Note: the order of the variants will determine the order of the tabs this uses several derive
/// macros from the `strum` crate to make it easier to iterate over the variants.
/// (`FromRepr`,`Display`,`EnumIter`).
#[derive(Default, Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, FromRepr, Display, EnumIter)]
enum SelectedTab {
fn main() -> Result<()> {
// assuming the user changes spacing about a 100 times or so
Layout::init_cache(EXAMPLE_DATA.len() * SelectedTab::iter().len() * 100);
let terminal = init_terminal()?;
// Each line in the example is a layout
// so 13 examples * 7 = 91 currently
// Plus additional layout for tabs ...
impl App {
fn run(&mut self, mut terminal: Terminal<impl Backend>) -> Result<()> {
self.draw(&mut terminal)?;
while self.is_running() {
self.draw(&mut terminal)?;
fn is_running(&self) -> bool {
self.state == AppState::Running
fn draw(self, terminal: &mut Terminal<impl Backend>) -> io::Result<()> {
terminal.draw(|frame| frame.render_widget(self, frame.size()))?;
fn handle_events(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
use KeyCode::*;
match event::read()? {
Event::Key(key) if key.kind == KeyEventKind::Press => match key.code {
Char('q') | Esc => self.quit(),
Char('l') | Right => self.next(),
Char('h') | Left => self.previous(),
Char('j') | Down => self.down(),
Char('k') | Up => self.up(),
Char('g') | Home => self.top(),
Char('G') | End => self.bottom(),
Char('+') => self.increment_spacing(),
Char('-') => self.decrement_spacing(),
_ => (),
_ => {}
fn next(&mut self) {
self.selected_tab = self.selected_tab.next();
fn previous(&mut self) {
self.selected_tab = self.selected_tab.previous();
fn up(&mut self) {
self.scroll_offset = self.scroll_offset.saturating_sub(1)
fn down(&mut self) {
self.scroll_offset = self
fn top(&mut self) {
self.scroll_offset = 0;
fn bottom(&mut self) {
self.scroll_offset = max_scroll_offset();
fn increment_spacing(&mut self) {
self.spacing = self.spacing.saturating_add(1);
fn decrement_spacing(&mut self) {
self.spacing = self.spacing.saturating_sub(1);
fn quit(&mut self) {
self.state = AppState::Quit;
// when scrolling, make sure we don't scroll past the last example
fn max_scroll_offset() -> u16 {
.map(|(desc, _)| get_description_height(desc) + 4)
/// The height of all examples combined
/// Each may or may not have a title so we need to account for that.
fn example_height() -> u16 {
.map(|(desc, _)| get_description_height(desc) + 4)
impl Widget for App {
fn render(self, area: Rect, buf: &mut Buffer) {
let layout = Layout::vertical([Fixed(3), Fixed(1), Proportional(0)]);
let [tabs, axis, demo] = area.split(&layout);
self.tabs().render(tabs, buf);
let scroll_needed = self.render_demo(demo, buf);
let axis_width = if scroll_needed {
axis.width - 1
} else {
self.axis(axis_width, self.spacing).render(axis, buf);
impl App {
fn tabs(&self) -> impl Widget {
let tab_titles = SelectedTab::iter().map(SelectedTab::to_tab_title);
let block = Block::new()
.title(Title::from("Flex Layouts ".bold()))
.title(" Use ◄ ► to change tab, ▲ ▼ to scroll, - + to change spacing ");
.select(self.selected_tab as usize)
.divider(" ")
.padding("", "")
/// a bar like `<----- 80 px (gap: 2 px)? ----->`
fn axis(&self, width: u16, spacing: u16) -> impl Widget {
let width = width as usize;
// only show gap when spacing is not zero
let label = if spacing != 0 {
format!("{} px (gap: {} px)", width, spacing)
} else {
format!("{} px", width)
let bar_width = width - 2; // we want to `<` and `>` at the ends
let width_bar = format!("<{label:-^bar_width$}>");
/// Render the demo content
/// This function renders the demo content into a separate buffer and then splices the buffer
/// into the main buffer. This is done to make it possible to handle scrolling easily.
/// Returns bool indicating whether scroll was needed
fn render_demo(self, area: Rect, buf: &mut Buffer) -> bool {
// render demo content into a separate buffer so all examples fit we add an extra
// area.height to make sure the last example is fully visible even when the scroll offset is
// at the max
let height = example_height();
let demo_area = Rect::new(0, 0, area.width, height);
let mut demo_buf = Buffer::empty(demo_area);
let scrollbar_needed = self.scroll_offset != 0 || height > area.height;
let content_area = if scrollbar_needed {
Rect {
width: demo_area.width - 1,
} else {
let mut spacing = self.spacing;
.render(content_area, &mut demo_buf, &mut spacing);
let visible_content = demo_buf
.skip((area.width * self.scroll_offset) as usize)
.take(area.area() as usize);
for (i, cell) in visible_content.enumerate() {
let x = i as u16 % area.width;
let y = i as u16 / area.width;
*buf.get_mut(area.x + x, area.y + y) = cell;
if scrollbar_needed {
let area = area.intersection(buf.area);
let mut state = ScrollbarState::new(max_scroll_offset() as usize)
.position(self.scroll_offset as usize);
Scrollbar::new(ScrollbarOrientation::VerticalRight).render(area, buf, &mut state);
impl SelectedTab {
/// Get the previous tab, if there is no previous tab return the current tab.
fn previous(&self) -> Self {
let current_index: usize = *self as usize;
let previous_index = current_index.saturating_sub(1);
/// Get the next tab, if there is no next tab return the current tab.
fn next(&self) -> Self {
let current_index = *self as usize;
let next_index = current_index.saturating_add(1);
/// Convert a `SelectedTab` into a `Line` to display it by the `Tabs` widget.
fn to_tab_title(value: SelectedTab) -> Line<'static> {
use tailwind::*;
use SelectedTab::*;
let text = value.to_string();
let color = match value {
StretchLast => ORANGE.c400,
Stretch => ORANGE.c300,
Start => SKY.c400,
Center => SKY.c300,
End => SKY.c200,
SpaceAround => INDIGO.c400,
SpaceBetween => INDIGO.c300,
format!(" {text} ").fg(color).bg(Color::Black).into()
impl StatefulWidget for SelectedTab {
type State = u16;
fn render(self, area: Rect, buf: &mut Buffer, spacing: &mut Self::State) {
let spacing = *spacing;
match self {
SelectedTab::StretchLast => self.render_examples(area, buf, Flex::StretchLast, spacing),
SelectedTab::Stretch => self.render_examples(area, buf, Flex::Stretch, spacing),
SelectedTab::Start => self.render_examples(area, buf, Flex::Start, spacing),
SelectedTab::Center => self.render_examples(area, buf, Flex::Center, spacing),
SelectedTab::End => self.render_examples(area, buf, Flex::End, spacing),
SelectedTab::SpaceAround => self.render_examples(area, buf, Flex::SpaceAround, spacing),
SelectedTab::SpaceBetween => {
self.render_examples(area, buf, Flex::SpaceBetween, spacing)
impl SelectedTab {
fn render_examples(&self, area: Rect, buf: &mut Buffer, flex: Flex, spacing: u16) {
let heights = EXAMPLE_DATA
.map(|(desc, _)| get_description_height(desc) + 4);
let areas = Layout::vertical(heights).flex(Flex::Start).split(area);
for (area, (description, constraints)) in areas.iter().zip(EXAMPLE_DATA.iter()) {
Example::new(constraints, description, flex, spacing).render(*area, buf);
impl Example {
fn new(constraints: &[Constraint], description: &str, flex: Flex, spacing: u16) -> Self {
Self {
constraints: constraints.into(),
description: description.into(),
impl Widget for Example {
fn render(self, area: Rect, buf: &mut Buffer) {
let title_height = get_description_height(&self.description);
let layout = Layout::vertical([Fixed(title_height), Proportional(0)]);
let [title, illustrations] = area.split(&layout);
let blocks = Layout::horizontal(&self.constraints)
if !self.description.is_empty() {
.map(|s| format!("// {}", s).italic().fg(tailwind::SLATE.c400))
.render(title, buf);
for (block, constraint) in blocks.iter().zip(&self.constraints) {
self.illustration(*constraint, block.width)
.render(*block, buf);
impl Example {
fn illustration(&self, constraint: Constraint, width: u16) -> Paragraph {
let main_color = color_for_constraint(constraint);
let fg_color = Color::White;
let title = format!("{constraint}");
let content = format!("{width} px");
let text = format!("{title}\n{content}");
let block = Block::bordered()
fn color_for_constraint(constraint: Constraint) -> Color {
use tailwind::*;
match constraint {
Constraint::Fixed(_) => RED.c900,
Constraint::Min(_) => BLUE.c900,
Constraint::Max(_) => BLUE.c800,
Constraint::Length(_) => SLATE.c700,
Constraint::Percentage(_) => SLATE.c800,
Constraint::Ratio(_, _) => SLATE.c900,
Constraint::Proportional(_) => SLATE.c950,
fn init_error_hooks() -> Result<()> {
let (panic, error) = HookBuilder::default().into_hooks();
let panic = panic.into_panic_hook();
let error = error.into_eyre_hook();
color_eyre::eyre::set_hook(Box::new(move |e| {
let _ = restore_terminal();
std::panic::set_hook(Box::new(move |info| {
let _ = restore_terminal();
fn init_terminal() -> Result<Terminal<impl Backend>> {
let backend = CrosstermBackend::new(stdout());
let terminal = Terminal::new(backend)?;
fn restore_terminal() -> Result<()> {
fn get_description_height(s: &str) -> u16 {
if s.is_empty() {
} else {
s.split('\n').count() as u16