use std::{error::Error, io}; use crossterm::{ event::{self, Event, KeyCode}, execute, terminal::{disable_raw_mode, enable_raw_mode, EnterAlternateScreen, LeaveAlternateScreen}, }; use ratatui::{ layout::{Constraint::*, Flex}, prelude::*, widgets::{block::Title, *}, }; const EXAMPLE_HEIGHT: u16 = 5; const N_EXAMPLES_PER_TAB: u16 = 11; fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { // setup terminal enable_raw_mode()?; let mut stdout = io::stdout(); execute!(stdout, EnterAlternateScreen)?; let backend = CrosstermBackend::new(stdout); let mut terminal = Terminal::new(backend)?; // create app and run it let res = run_app(&mut terminal); // restore terminal disable_raw_mode()?; execute!(terminal.backend_mut(), LeaveAlternateScreen)?; terminal.show_cursor()?; if let Err(err) = res { println!("{err:?}"); } Ok(()) } fn run_app(terminal: &mut Terminal) -> io::Result<()> { // we always want to show the last example when scrolling let mut app = App::default().max_scroll_offset((N_EXAMPLES_PER_TAB - 1) * EXAMPLE_HEIGHT); loop { terminal.draw(|f| f.render_widget(app, f.size()))?; if let Event::Key(key) = event::read()? { use KeyCode::*; match key.code { Char('q') => break Ok(()), Char('l') | Right =>, Char('h') | Left => app.previous(), Char('j') | Down => app.down(), Char('k') | Up => app.up(), _ => (), } } } } #[derive(Default, Clone, Copy)] struct App { selected_example: ExampleSelection, scroll_offset: u16, max_scroll_offset: u16, } impl App { fn max_scroll_offset(mut self, max_scroll_offset: u16) -> Self { self.max_scroll_offset = max_scroll_offset; self } fn next(&mut self) { self.selected_example =; } fn previous(&mut self) { self.selected_example = self.selected_example.previous(); } fn up(&mut self) { self.scroll_offset = self.scroll_offset.saturating_sub(1) } fn down(&mut self) { self.scroll_offset = self .scroll_offset .saturating_add(1) .min(self.max_scroll_offset) } fn render_tabs(&self, area: Rect, buf: &mut Buffer) { Tabs::new( [ ExampleSelection::Stretch, ExampleSelection::StretchLast, ExampleSelection::Start, ExampleSelection::Center, ExampleSelection::End, ExampleSelection::SpaceAround, ExampleSelection::SpaceBetween, ] .iter() .map(|e| format!("{:?}", e)), ) .block( Block::bordered() .title(Title::from("Flex Layouts ".bold())) .title(" Use h l or ◄ ► to change tab and j k or ▲ ▼ to scroll".bold()), ) .highlight_style(Style::default().yellow().bold()) .select(self.selected_example.selected()) .padding(" ", " ") .render(area, buf); } } impl Widget for App { fn render(self, area: Rect, buf: &mut Buffer) { let [tabs_area, demo_area] = area.split(&Layout::vertical([Fixed(3), Proportional(0)])); // render demo content into a separate buffer so all examples fit let mut demo_buf = Buffer::empty(Rect::new( 0, 0, buf.area.width, N_EXAMPLES_PER_TAB * EXAMPLE_HEIGHT, )); self.selected_example.render(demo_buf.area, &mut demo_buf); // render tabs into a separate buffer let mut tabs_buf = Buffer::empty(tabs_area); self.render_tabs(tabs_area, &mut tabs_buf); // Assemble both buffers // NOTE: You shouldn't do this in a production app buf.content = tabs_buf.content; buf.content.append( &mut demo_buf .content .into_iter() .skip((buf.area.width * self.scroll_offset) as usize) .take(demo_area.area() as usize) .collect(), ); buf.resize(buf.area); } } #[derive(Default, Debug, Copy, Clone)] enum ExampleSelection { #[default] Stretch, StretchLast, Start, Center, End, SpaceAround, SpaceBetween, } impl ExampleSelection { fn previous(&self) -> Self { use ExampleSelection::*; match *self { Stretch => Stretch, StretchLast => Stretch, Start => StretchLast, Center => Start, End => Center, SpaceAround => End, SpaceBetween => SpaceAround, } } fn next(&self) -> Self { use ExampleSelection::*; match *self { Stretch => StretchLast, StretchLast => Start, Start => Center, Center => End, End => SpaceAround, SpaceAround => SpaceBetween, SpaceBetween => SpaceBetween, } } fn selected(&self) -> usize { use ExampleSelection::*; match self { Stretch => 0, StretchLast => 1, Start => 2, Center => 3, End => 4, SpaceAround => 5, SpaceBetween => 6, } } } impl Widget for ExampleSelection { fn render(self, area: Rect, buf: &mut Buffer) { match self { ExampleSelection::Stretch => self.render_example(area, buf, Flex::Stretch), ExampleSelection::StretchLast => self.render_example(area, buf, Flex::StretchLast), ExampleSelection::Start => self.render_example(area, buf, Flex::Start), ExampleSelection::Center => self.render_example(area, buf, Flex::Center), ExampleSelection::End => self.render_example(area, buf, Flex::End), ExampleSelection::SpaceAround => self.render_example(area, buf, Flex::SpaceAround), ExampleSelection::SpaceBetween => self.render_example(area, buf, Flex::SpaceBetween), } } } impl ExampleSelection { fn render_example(&self, area: Rect, buf: &mut Buffer, flex: Flex) { let areas = &Layout::vertical([Fixed(EXAMPLE_HEIGHT); N_EXAMPLES_PER_TAB as usize]) .flex(Flex::Start) .split(area); let examples = [ vec![Length(20), Fixed(20), Percentage(20)], vec![Fixed(20), Percentage(20), Length(20)], vec![Percentage(20), Length(20), Fixed(20)], vec![Length(20), Length(15)], vec![Length(20), Fixed(20)], vec![Min(20), Max(20)], vec![Max(20)], vec![Min(20), Max(20), Length(20), Fixed(20)], vec![Proportional(0), Proportional(0)], vec![Proportional(1), Proportional(1), Length(20), Fixed(20)], vec![ Min(10), Proportional(3), Proportional(2), Length(15), Fixed(15), ], ]; for (area, constraints) in areas.iter().zip(examples) { Example::new(constraints).flex(flex).render(*area, buf); } } } struct Example { constraints: Vec, flex: Flex, } impl Example { fn new(constraints: C) -> Self where C: Into>, { Self { constraints: constraints.into(), flex: Flex::default(), } } fn flex(mut self, flex: Flex) -> Self { self.flex = flex; self } } impl Widget for Example { fn render(self, area: Rect, buf: &mut Buffer) { let [legend, area] = area.split(&Layout::vertical([Ratio(1, 3); 2])); let blocks = Layout::horizontal(&self.constraints) .flex(self.flex) .split(area); self.legend(legend.width as usize).render(legend, buf); for (block, constraint) in blocks.iter().zip(&self.constraints) { let text = format!("{} px", block.width); let fg = match constraint { Constraint::Ratio(_, _) => Color::Indexed(1), Constraint::Percentage(_) => Color::Indexed(2), Constraint::Max(_) => Color::Indexed(3), Constraint::Min(_) => Color::Indexed(4), Constraint::Length(_) => Color::Indexed(5), Constraint::Fixed(_) => Color::Indexed(6), Constraint::Proportional(_) => Color::Indexed(7), }; self.illustration(*constraint, text, fg).render(*block, buf); } } } impl Example { fn legend(&self, width: usize) -> Paragraph { // a bar like `<----- 80 px ----->` let width_label = format!("{} px", width); let width_bar = format!( "<{width_label:-^width$}>", width = width - width_label.len() / 2 ); Paragraph::new(width_bar.dark_gray()) .alignment(Alignment::Center) .block(Block::default().padding(Padding { left: 0, right: 0, top: 1, bottom: 0, })) } fn illustration(&self, constraint: Constraint, text: String, fg: Color) -> Paragraph { Paragraph::new(format!("{:?}", constraint)) .alignment(Alignment::Center) .block( Block::bordered() .style(Style::default().fg(fg)) .title(block::Title::from(text).alignment(Alignment::Center)), ) } }