# This is a vhs script. See https://github.com/charmbracelet/vhs for more info. # To run this script, install vhs and run `vhs ./examples/demo.tape` # NOTE: Requires VHS 0.6.1 or later for Screenshot support Output "target/docsrs.gif" Set Theme "Aardvark Blue" # The reason for this strange size is that the social preview image for this # demo is 1280x64 with 80 pixels of padding on each side. We want a version # without the padding for README.md, etc. Set Width 640 Set Height 160 Set Padding 0 Hide Type "cargo run --example docsrs --features crossterm" Enter Sleep 2s Show Sleep 1s Screenshot "target/docsrs-hello.png" Sleep 1s Hide Type "q" Type "cargo run --example docsrs --features crossterm -- layout" Enter Sleep 2s Show Sleep 1s Screenshot "target/docsrs-layout.png" Sleep 1s Hide Type "q" Type "cargo run --example docsrs --features crossterm -- styling" Enter Sleep 2s Show Sleep 1s Screenshot "target/docsrs-styling.png" Sleep 1s Hide Type "q"