SHELL=/bin/bash # ================================ Cargo ====================================== RUST_CHANNEL ?= stable CARGO_FLAGS = RUSTUP_INSTALLED = $(shell command -v rustup 2> /dev/null) ifndef RUSTUP_INSTALLED CARGO = cargo else ifdef CI CARGO = cargo else CARGO = rustup run $(RUST_CHANNEL) cargo endif endif # ================================ Help ======================================= .PHONY: help help: ## Print all the available commands @grep -E '^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | \ awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "\033[36m%-20s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}' # =============================== Build ======================================= .PHONY: check check: ## Validate the project code $(CARGO) check .PHONY: build build: ## Build the project in debug mode $(CARGO) build $(CARGO_FLAGS) .PHONY: release release: CARGO_FLAGS += --release release: build ## Build the project in release mode # ================================ Lint ======================================= .PHONY: lint lint: fmt clippy ## Lint project files .PHONY: fmt fmt: ## Check the format of the source code cargo fmt --all -- --check .PHONY: clippy clippy: ## Check the style of the source code and catch common errors $(CARGO) clippy --all-features # ================================ Test ======================================= .PHONY: test test: ## Run the tests $(CARGO) test --all-features # =============================== Examples ==================================== .PHONY: build-examples build-examples: ## Build all examples @$(CARGO) build --examples --all-features .PHONY: run-examples run-examples: ## Run all examples @for file in examples/*.rs; do \ name=$$(basename $${file/.rs/}); \ $(CARGO) run --all-features --example $$name; \ done; # ================================ Doc ======================================== .PHONY: doc doc: ## Build the documentation (available at ./target/doc) $(CARGO) doc # ================================= Watch ===================================== # Requires watchman and watchman-make ( .PHONY: watch watch: ## Watch file changes and build the project if any watchman-make -p 'src/**/*.rs' -t check build .PHONY: watch-test watch-test: ## Watch files changes and run the tests if any watchman-make -p 'src/**/*.rs' 'tests/**/*.rs' 'examples/**/*.rs' -t test .PHONY: watch-doc watch-doc: ## Watch file changes and rebuild the documentation if any watchman-make -p 'src/**/*.rs' -t doc # ================================= Pipelines ================================= .PHONY: stable stable: RUST_CHANNEL = stable stable: build test ## Run build and tests for stable .PHONY: beta beta: RUST_CHANNEL = beta beta: build test ## Run build and tests for beta .PHONY: nightly nightly: RUST_CHANNEL = nightly nightly: build lint test ## Run build, lint and tests for nightly