**All** pull requests opened on the original repository have been imported. We'll be going through any open PRs in a timely manner, starting with the **smallest bug fixes and README updates**. If you have an open PR make sure to let us know about it on our [discord](https://discord.gg/pMCEU9hNEj) as it helps to know you are still active.
If you close an issue that you have "imported" to this fork, please make sure that you add the issue to the **CLOSED_ISSUES.md**. This will enable us to keep track of which issues have been closed from the original repo, in case we are able to have the original repository transferred.
**Do not** use unsafe to achieve better performances. This is subject to change, [see.](https://github.com/tui-rs-revival/tui-rs-revival/discussions/66)
The only exception to this rule is if it's to fix **reproducible slowness.**
To avoid any issues that may arrise with the CI/CD by not following the [conventional commit](https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0/) syntax, we recommend to install [Commitizen](https://commitizen-tools.github.io/commitizen/).\
By using this tool you automatically follow the configuration defined in [.cz.toml](.cz.toml).
Additionally, we're using [cargo-husky](https://github.com/rhysd/cargo-husky) to automatically load pre-push hook, which will run `cargo make ci` before each push. It will load the hook automatically when you run `cargo test`. If `cargo-make` is not installed, it will install it for you.\
This will ensure that your code is formatted, compiles and passes all tests before you push. If you want to skip this check, you can use `git push --no-verify`.