**All** pull requests opened on the original repository have been imported. We'll be going through any open PRs in a timely manner, starting with the **smallest bug fixes and README updates**. If you have an open PR make sure to let us know about it on our [discord](https://discord.gg/pMCEU9hNEj) as it helps to know you are still active.
If you close an issue that you have "imported" to this fork, please make sure that you add the issue to the **CLOSED_ISSUES.md**. This will enable us to keep track of which issues have been closed from the original repo, in case we are able to have the original repository transferred.
**Do not** use unsafe to achieve better performances. This is subject to change, [see.](https://github.com/tui-rs-revival/tui-rs-revival/discussions/66)
The only exception to this rule is if it's to fix **reproducible slowness.**
To avoid any issues that may arrise with the CI/CD by not following the [conventional commit](https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0/) syntax, we recommend to install [Commitizen](https://commitizen-tools.github.io/commitizen/).\
By using this tool you automatically follow the configuration defined in [.cz.toml](.cz.toml).