2017-01-22 01:37:39 -05:00

262 lines
12 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from plexapi import media, utils
from plexapi.utils import Playable, PlexPartialObject
NA = utils.NA
class Audio(PlexPartialObject):
""" Base class for audio :class:``, :class:``
and :class:`` objects.
addedAt (datetime): Datetime this item was added to the library.
index (sting): Index Number (often the track number).
key (str): API URL (/library/metadata/<ratingkey>).
lastViewedAt (datetime): Datetime item was last accessed.
librarySectionID (int): :class:`~plexapi.library.LibrarySection` ID.
listType (str): Hardcoded as 'audio' (useful for search filters).
ratingKey (int): Unique key identifying this item.
summary (str): Summary of the artist, track, or album.
thumb (str): URL to thumbnail image.
title (str): Artist, Album or Track title. (Jason Mraz, We Sing, Lucky, etc.)
titleSort (str): Title to use when sorting (defaults to title).
type (str): 'artist', 'album', or 'track'.
updatedAt (datatime): Datetime this item was updated.
viewCount (int): Count of times this item was accessed.
TYPE = None
def __init__(self, server, data, initpath):
super(Audio, self).__init__(data, initpath, server)
def _loadData(self, data):
""" Load attribute values from Plex XML response. """
self.listType = 'audio'
self.addedAt = utils.toDatetime(data.attrib.get('addedAt', NA))
self.index = data.attrib.get('index', NA)
self.key = data.attrib.get('key', NA)
self.lastViewedAt = utils.toDatetime(data.attrib.get('lastViewedAt', NA))
self.librarySectionID = data.attrib.get('librarySectionID', NA)
self.ratingKey = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('ratingKey', NA))
self.summary = data.attrib.get('summary', NA)
self.thumb = data.attrib.get('thumb', NA)
self.title = data.attrib.get('title', NA)
self.titleSort = data.attrib.get('titleSort', self.title)
self.type = data.attrib.get('type', NA)
self.updatedAt = utils.toDatetime(data.attrib.get('updatedAt', NA))
self.viewCount = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('viewCount', 0))
def thumbUrl(self):
""" Returns the URL to this items thumbnail image. """
if self.thumb:
return self.server.url(self.thumb)
def refresh(self):
""" Tells Plex to refresh the metadata for this and all subitems. """
self.server.query('%s/refresh' % self.key, method=self.server.session.put)
def section(self):
""" Returns the :class:`~plexapi.library.LibrarySection` this item belongs to. """
return self.server.library.sectionByID(self.librarySectionID)
class Artist(Audio):
""" Represents a single audio artist.
art (str): Artist artwork (/library/metadata/<ratingkey>/art/<artid>)
countries (list): List of :class:`` objects this artist respresents.
genres (list): List of :class:`` objects this artist respresents.
guid (str): Unknown (unique ID; com.plexapp.agents.plexmusic://gracenote/artist/05517B8701668D28?lang=en)
key (str): API URL (/library/metadata/<ratingkey>).
location (str): Filepath this artist is found on disk.
similar (list): List of :class:`` artists.
TYPE = 'artist'
def _loadData(self, data):
""" Load attribute values from Plex XML response. """
Audio._loadData(self, data) = data.attrib.get('art', NA)
self.guid = data.attrib.get('guid', NA)
self.key = self.key.replace('/children', '') # FIX_BUG_50
self.location = utils.findLocations(data, single=True)
if self.isFullObject(): # check if this is needed
self.countries = [media.Country(self.server, e) for e in data if e.tag == media.Country.TYPE]
self.genres = [media.Genre(self.server, e) for e in data if e.tag == media.Genre.TYPE]
self.similar = [media.Similar(self.server, e) for e in data if e.tag == media.Similar.TYPE]
def albums(self):
""" Returns a list of :class:`` objects by this artist. """
path = '%s/children' % self.key
return utils.listItems(self.server, path, Album.TYPE)
def album(self, title):
""" Returns the :class:`` that matches the specified title.
title (str): Title of the album to return.
path = '%s/children' % self.key
return utils.findItem(self.server, path, title)
def tracks(self):
""" Returns a list of :class:`` objects by this artist. """
path = '%s/allLeaves' % self.key
return utils.listItems(self.server, path)
def track(self, title):
""" Returns the :class:`` that matches the specified title.
title (str): Title of the track to return.
path = '%s/allLeaves' % self.key
return utils.findItem(self.server, path, title)
def get(self, title):
""" Alias of :func:``. """
return self.track(title)
class Album(Audio):
""" Represents a single audio album.
art (str): Album artwork (/library/metadata/<ratingkey>/art/<artid>)
genres (list): List of :class:`` objects this album respresents.
key (str): API URL (/library/metadata/<ratingkey>).
originallyAvailableAt (datetime): Datetime this album was released.
parentKey (str): API URL of this artist.
parentRatingKey (int): Unique key identifying artist.
parentThumb (str): URL to artist thumbnail image.
parentTitle (str): Name of the artist for this album.
studio (str): Studio that released this album.
year (int): Year this album was released.
TYPE = 'album'
def _loadData(self, data):
""" Load attribute values from Plex XML response. """
Audio._loadData(self, data) = data.attrib.get('art', NA)
self.key = self.key.replace('/children', '') # fixes bug #50
self.originallyAvailableAt = utils.toDatetime(data.attrib.get('originallyAvailableAt', NA), '%Y-%m-%d')
self.parentKey = data.attrib.get('parentKey', NA)
self.parentRatingKey = data.attrib.get('parentRatingKey', NA)
self.parentThumb = data.attrib.get('parentThumb', NA)
self.parentTitle = data.attrib.get('parentTitle', NA) = data.attrib.get('studio', NA)
self.year = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('year', NA))
if self.isFullObject():
self.genres = [media.Genre(self.server, e) for e in data if e.tag == media.Genre.TYPE]
def tracks(self, watched=None):
""" Returns a list of :class:`` objects in this album. """
path = '%s/children' % self.key
return utils.listItems(self.server, path, watched=watched)
def track(self, title):
""" Returns the :class:`` that matches the specified title.
title (str): Title of the track to return.
path = '%s/children' % self.key
return utils.findItem(self.server, path, title)
def get(self, title):
""" Alias of :func:``. """
return self.track(title)
def artist(self):
""" Return :func:`` of this album. """
return utils.listItems(self.server, self.parentKey)[0]
class Track(Audio, Playable):
""" Represents a single audio track.
art (str): Track artwork (/library/metadata/<ratingkey>/art/<artid>)
chapterSource (TYPE): Unknown
duration (int): Length of this album in seconds.
grandparentArt (str): Artist artowrk.
grandparentKey (str): Artist API URL.
grandparentRatingKey (str): Unique key identifying artist.
grandparentThumb (str): URL to artist thumbnail image.
grandparentTitle (str): Name of the artist for this track.
guid (str): Unknown (unique ID).
media (list): List of :class:`` objects for this track.
moods (list): List of :class:`` objects for this track.
originalTitle (str): Original track title (if translated).
parentIndex (int): Album index.
parentKey (str): Album API URL.
parentRatingKey (int): Unique key identifying album.
parentThumb (str): URL to album thumbnail image.
parentTitle (str): Name of the album for this track.
primaryExtraKey (str): Unknown
ratingCount (int): Rating of this track (1-10?)
viewOffset (int): Unknown
year (int): Year this track was released.
sessionKey (int): Session Key (active sessions only).
username (str): Username of person playing this track (active sessions only).
player (str): :class:`~plexapi.client.PlexClient` for playing track (active sessions only).
transcodeSession (None): :class:`` for playing track (active sessions only).
TYPE = 'track'
def _loadData(self, data):
""" Load attribute values from Plex XML response. """
Audio._loadData(self, data)
Playable._loadData(self, data) = data.attrib.get('art', NA)
self.chapterSource = data.attrib.get('chapterSource', NA)
self.duration = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('duration', NA))
self.grandparentArt = data.attrib.get('grandparentArt', NA)
self.grandparentKey = data.attrib.get('grandparentKey', NA)
self.grandparentRatingKey = data.attrib.get('grandparentRatingKey', NA)
self.grandparentThumb = data.attrib.get('grandparentThumb', NA)
self.grandparentTitle = data.attrib.get('grandparentTitle', NA)
self.guid = data.attrib.get('guid', NA)
self.originalTitle = data.attrib.get('originalTitle', NA)
self.parentIndex = data.attrib.get('parentIndex', NA)
self.parentKey = data.attrib.get('parentKey', NA)
self.parentRatingKey = data.attrib.get('parentRatingKey', NA)
self.parentThumb = data.attrib.get('parentThumb', NA)
self.parentTitle = data.attrib.get('parentTitle', NA)
self.primaryExtraKey = data.attrib.get('primaryExtraKey', NA)
self.ratingCount = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('ratingCount', NA))
self.viewOffset = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('viewOffset', 0))
self.year = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('year', NA))
if self.isFullObject(): # check me
self.moods = [media.Mood(self.server, e) for e in data if e.tag == media.Mood.TYPE] = [media.Media(self.server, e, self.initpath, self) for e in data if e.tag == media.Media.TYPE]
# data for active sessions and history
self.sessionKey = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('sessionKey', NA))
self.username = utils.findUsername(data)
self.player = utils.findPlayer(self.server, data)
self.transcodeSession = utils.findTranscodeSession(self.server, data)
def thumbUrl(self):
""" Returns the URL thumbnail image for this track's album. """
if self.parentThumb:
return self.server.url(self.parentThumb)
def album(self):
""" Return this track's :class:``. """
return utils.listItems(self.server, self.parentKey)[0]
def artist(self):
""" Return this track's :class:``. """
return utils.listItems(self.server, self.grandparentKey)[0]