
279 lines
10 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import logging
import os
import re
import requests
import time
import zipfile
from datetime import datetime
from threading import Thread
from plexapi import compat
from plexapi.exceptions import NotFound
# Search Types - Plex uses these to filter specific media types when searching.
# Library Types - Populated at runtime
SEARCHTYPES = {'movie': 1, 'show': 2, 'season': 3, 'episode': 4,
'artist': 8, 'album': 9, 'track': 10, 'photo': 14}
class SecretsFilter(logging.Filter):
""" Logging filter to hide secrets. """
def __init__(self, secrets=None):
self.secrets = secrets or set()
def add_secret(self, secret):
if secret is not None:
return secret
def filter(self, record):
cleanargs = list(record.args)
for i in range(len(cleanargs)):
if isinstance(cleanargs[i], compat.string_type):
for secret in self.secrets:
cleanargs[i] = cleanargs[i].replace(secret, '<hidden>')
record.args = tuple(cleanargs)
return True
def registerPlexObject(cls):
""" Registry of library types we may come across when parsing XML. This allows us to
define a few helper functions to dynamically convery the XML into objects. See
buildItem() below for an example.
etype = getattr(cls, 'STREAMTYPE', cls.TYPE)
ehash = '%s.%s' % (cls.TAG, etype) if etype else cls.TAG
if ehash in PLEXOBJECTS:
raise Exception('Ambiguous PlexObject definition %s(tag=%s, type=%s) with %s' %
(cls.__name__, cls.TAG, etype, PLEXOBJECTS[ehash].__name__))
PLEXOBJECTS[ehash] = cls
return cls
def cast(func, value):
""" Cast the specified value to the specified type (returned by func). Currently this
only support int, float, bool. Should be extended if needed.
func (func): Calback function to used cast to type (int, bool, float).
value (any): value to be cast and returned.
if value is not None:
if func == bool:
return bool(int(value))
elif func in (int, float):
return func(value)
except ValueError:
return float('nan')
return func(value)
return value
def getattributeOrNone(obj, self, attr):
""" Returns result from __getattribute__ or None if not found. """
return super(obj, self).__getattribute__(attr)
except AttributeError:
return None
def joinArgs(args):
""" Returns a query string (uses for HTTP URLs) where only the value is URL encoded.
Example return value: '?genre=action&type=1337'.
args (dict): Arguments to include in query string.
if not args:
return ''
arglist = []
for key in sorted(args, key=lambda x: x.lower()):
value = str(args[key])
arglist.append('%s=%s' % (key, compat.quote(value)))
return '?%s' % '&'.join(arglist)
def lowerFirst(s):
return s[0].lower() + s[1:]
def rget(obj, attrstr, default=None, delim='.'): # pragma: no cover
""" Returns the value at the specified attrstr location within a nexted tree of
dicts, lists, tuples, functions, classes, etc. The lookup is done recursivley
for each key in attrstr (split by by the delimiter) This function is heavily
influenced by the lookups used in Django templates.
obj (any): Object to start the lookup in (dict, obj, list, tuple, etc).
attrstr (str): String to lookup (ex: '')
default (any): Default value to return if not found.
delim (str): Delimiter separating keys in attrstr.
parts = attrstr.split(delim, 1)
attr = parts[0]
attrstr = parts[1] if len(parts) == 2 else None
if isinstance(obj, dict):
value = obj[attr]
elif isinstance(obj, list):
value = obj[int(attr)]
elif isinstance(obj, tuple):
value = obj[int(attr)]
elif isinstance(obj, object):
value = getattr(obj, attr)
if attrstr:
return rget(value, attrstr, default, delim)
return value
return default
def searchType(libtype):
""" Returns the integer value of the library string type.
libtype (str): LibType to lookup (movie, show, season, episode, artist, album, track)
NotFound: Unknown libtype
libtype = str(libtype)
if libtype in [str(v) for v in SEARCHTYPES.values()]:
return libtype
if SEARCHTYPES.get(libtype) is not None:
return SEARCHTYPES[libtype]
raise NotFound('Unknown libtype: %s' % libtype)
def threaded(callback, listargs):
""" Returns the result of <callback> for each set of \*args in listargs. Each call
to <callback. is called concurrently in their own separate threads.
callback (func): Callback function to apply to each set of \*args.
listargs (list): List of lists; \*args to pass each thread.
threads, results = [], []
for args in listargs:
args += [results, len(results)]
threads.append(Thread(target=callback, args=args))
for thread in threads:
return results
def toDatetime(value, format=None):
""" Returns a datetime object from the specified value.
value (str): value to return as a datetime
format (str): Format to pass strftime (optional; if value is a str).
if value and value is not None:
if format:
value = datetime.strptime(value, format)
value = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(value))
return value
def toList(value, itemcast=None, delim=','):
""" Returns a list of strings from the specified value.
value (str): comma delimited string to convert to list.
itemcast (func): Function to cast each list item to (default str).
delim (str): string delimiter (optional; default ',').
value = value or ''
itemcast = itemcast or str
return [itemcast(item) for item in value.split(delim) if item != '']
def downloadSessionImages(server, filename=None, height=150, width=150, opacity=100, saturation=100):
""" Helper to download a bif image or thumb.url from plex.server.sessions.
filename (str): default to None,
height (int): Height of the image.
width (int): width of the image.
opacity (int): Opacity of the resulting image (possibly deprecated).
saturation (int): Saturating of the resulting image.
{'hellowlol': {'filepath': '<filepath>', 'url': 'http://<url>'},
{'<username>': {filepath, url}}, ...
info = {}
for media in server.sessions():
url = None
for part in media.iterParts():
if media.thumb:
url = media.thumb
if part.indexes: # always use bif images if available.
url = '/library/parts/%s/indexes/%s/%s' % (, part.indexes.lower(), media.viewOffset)
if url:
if filename is None:
prettyname = media._prettyfilename()
filename = 'session_transcode_%s_%s_%s' % (media.usernames[0], prettyname, int(time.time()))
url = server.transcodeImage(url, height, width, opacity, saturation)
filepath = download(url, filename=filename)
info['username'] = {'filepath': filepath, 'url': url}
return info
def download(url, filename=None, savepath=None, session=None, chunksize=4024, unpack=False, mocked=False):
""" Helper to download a thumb, videofile or other media item. Returns the local
path to the downloaded file.
url (str): URL where the content be reached.
filename (str): Filename of the downloaded file, default None.
savepath (str): Defaults to current working dir.
chunksize (int): What chunksize read/write at the time.
mocked (bool): Helper to do evertything except write the file.
unpack (bool): Unpack the zip file.
>>> download(a_episode.getStreamURL(), a_episode.location)
from plexapi import log
# fetch the data to be saved
session = session or requests.Session()
response = session.get(url, stream=True)
# make sure the savepath directory exists
savepath = savepath or os.getcwd()
compat.makedirs(savepath, exist_ok=True)
# try getting filename from header if not specified in arguments (used for logs, db)
if not filename and response.headers.get('Content-Disposition'):
filename = re.findall(r'filename=\"(.+)\"', response.headers.get('Content-Disposition'))
filename = filename[0] if filename[0] else None
filename = os.path.basename(filename)
fullpath = os.path.join(savepath, filename)
# append file.ext from content-type if not already there
extension = os.path.splitext(fullpath)[-1]
if not extension:
contenttype = response.headers.get('content-type')
if contenttype and 'image' in contenttype:
fullpath += contenttype.split('/')[1]
# check this is a mocked download (testing)
if mocked:
log.debug('Mocked download %s', fullpath)
return fullpath
# save the file to disk'Downloading: %s', fullpath)
with open(fullpath, 'wb') as handle:
for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=chunksize):
# check we want to unzip the contents
if fullpath.endswith('zip') and unpack:
with zipfile.ZipFile(fullpath, 'r') as handle:
# finished; return fillpath
return fullpath