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synced 2025-03-07 00:27:23 +00:00
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from plexapi import media, utils
from plexapi.base import PlexPartialObject
from plexapi.exceptions import BadRequest
from plexapi.mixins import ArtMixin, PosterMixin
from plexapi.mixins import LabelMixin
from plexapi.settings import Setting
from plexapi.utils import deprecated
class Collection(PlexPartialObject, ArtMixin, PosterMixin, LabelMixin):
""" Represents a single Collection.
TAG (str): 'Directory'
TYPE (str): 'collection'
addedAt (datetime): Datetime the collection was added to the library.
art (str): URL to artwork image (/library/metadata/<ratingKey>/art/<artid>).
artBlurHash (str): BlurHash string for artwork image.
childCount (int): Number of items in the collection.
collectionMode (str): How the items in the collection are displayed.
collectionPublished (bool): True if the collection is published to the Plex homepage.
collectionSort (str): How to sort the items in the collection.
content (str): The filter URI string for smart collections.
contentRating (str) Content rating (PG-13; NR; TV-G).
fields (List<:class:`~plexapi.media.Field`>): List of field objects.
guid (str): Plex GUID for the collection (collection://XXXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXX).
index (int): Plex index number for the collection.
key (str): API URL (/library/metadata/<ratingkey>).
labels (List<:class:`~plexapi.media.Label`>): List of label objects.
librarySectionID (int): :class:`~plexapi.library.LibrarySection` ID.
librarySectionKey (str): :class:`~plexapi.library.LibrarySection` key.
librarySectionTitle (str): :class:`~plexapi.library.LibrarySection` title.
maxYear (int): Maximum year for the items in the collection.
minYear (int): Minimum year for the items in the collection.
ratingCount (int): The number of ratings.
ratingKey (int): Unique key identifying the collection.
smart (bool): True if the collection is a smart collection.
subtype (str): Media type of the items in the collection (movie, show, artist, or album).
summary (str): Summary of the collection.
thumb (str): URL to thumbnail image (/library/metadata/<ratingKey>/thumb/<thumbid>).
thumbBlurHash (str): BlurHash string for thumbnail image.
title (str): Name of the collection.
titleSort (str): Title to use when sorting (defaults to title).
type (str): 'collection'
updatedAt (datatime): Datetime the collection was updated.
TAG = 'Directory'
TYPE = 'collection'
def _loadData(self, data):
self.addedAt = utils.toDatetime(data.attrib.get('addedAt'))
self.art = data.attrib.get('art')
self.artBlurHash = data.attrib.get('artBlurHash')
self.childCount = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('childCount'))
self.collectionMode = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('collectionMode', '-1'))
self.collectionPublished = utils.cast(bool, data.attrib.get('collectionPublished', '0'))
self.collectionSort = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('collectionSort', '0'))
self.content = data.attrib.get('content')
self.contentRating = data.attrib.get('contentRating')
self.fields = self.findItems(data, media.Field)
self.guid = data.attrib.get('guid')
self.index = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('index'))
self.key = data.attrib.get('key', '').replace('/children', '') # FIX_BUG_50
self.labels = self.findItems(data, media.Label)
self.librarySectionID = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('librarySectionID'))
self.librarySectionKey = data.attrib.get('librarySectionKey')
self.librarySectionTitle = data.attrib.get('librarySectionTitle')
self.maxYear = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('maxYear'))
self.minYear = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('minYear'))
self.ratingCount = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('ratingCount'))
self.ratingKey = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('ratingKey'))
self.smart = utils.cast(bool, data.attrib.get('smart', '0'))
self.subtype = data.attrib.get('subtype')
self.summary = data.attrib.get('summary')
self.thumb = data.attrib.get('thumb')
self.thumbBlurHash = data.attrib.get('thumbBlurHash')
self.title = data.attrib.get('title')
self.titleSort = data.attrib.get('titleSort', self.title)
self.type = data.attrib.get('type')
self.updatedAt = utils.toDatetime(data.attrib.get('updatedAt'))
@deprecated('use "items" instead', stacklevel=3)
def children(self):
return self.items()
def item(self, title):
""" Returns the item in the collection that matches the specified title.
title (str): Title of the item to return.
key = '/library/metadata/%s/children' % self.ratingKey
return self.fetchItem(key, title__iexact=title)
def items(self):
""" Returns a list of all items in the collection. """
key = '/library/metadata/%s/children' % self.ratingKey
return self.fetchItems(key)
def get(self, title):
""" Alias to :func:`~plexapi.library.Collection.item`. """
return self.item(title)
def __len__(self):
return self.childCount
def _preferences(self):
""" Returns a list of :class:`~plexapi.settings.Preferences` objects. """
items = []
data = self._server.query(self._details_key)
for item in data.iter('Setting'):
items.append(Setting(data=item, server=self._server))
return items
def modeUpdate(self, mode=None):
""" Update Collection Mode
mode: default (Library default)
hide (Hide Collection)
hideItems (Hide Items in this Collection)
showItems (Show this Collection and its Items)
collection = 'plexapi.collection.Collection'
mode_dict = {'default': -1,
'hide': 0,
'hideItems': 1,
'showItems': 2}
key = mode_dict.get(mode)
if key is None:
raise BadRequest('Unknown collection mode : %s. Options %s' % (mode, list(mode_dict)))
part = '/library/metadata/%s/prefs?collectionMode=%s' % (self.ratingKey, key)
return self._server.query(part, method=self._server._session.put)
def sortUpdate(self, sort=None):
""" Update Collection Sorting
sort: realease (Order Collection by realease dates)
alpha (Order Collection alphabetically)
custom (Custom collection order)
colleciton = 'plexapi.collection.Collection'
sort_dict = {'release': 0,
'alpha': 1,
'custom': 2}
key = sort_dict.get(sort)
if key is None:
raise BadRequest('Unknown sort dir: %s. Options: %s' % (sort, list(sort_dict)))
part = '/library/metadata/%s/prefs?collectionSort=%s' % (self.ratingKey, key)
return self._server.query(part, method=self._server._session.put)