mirror of
synced 2024-11-26 21:50:20 +00:00
Fix smart playlists and add support for smart collections
514 lines
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514 lines
18 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
import time
import pytest
from datetime import datetime
from PIL import Image, ImageStat
from plexapi.exceptions import BadRequest, NotFound
from plexapi.server import PlexServer
from plexapi.utils import download
from requests import Session
from . import conftest as utils
def test_server_attr(plex, account):
assert plex._baseurl == utils.SERVER_BASEURL
assert len(plex.friendlyName) >= 1
assert len(plex.machineIdentifier) == 40
assert plex.myPlex is True
# if you run the tests very shortly after server creation the state in rare cases may be `unknown`
assert plex.myPlexMappingState in ("mapped", "unknown")
assert plex.myPlexSigninState == "ok"
assert utils.is_int(plex.myPlexSubscription, gte=0)
assert re.match(utils.REGEX_EMAIL, plex.myPlexUsername)
assert plex.platform in ("Linux", "Windows")
assert len(plex.platformVersion) >= 5
assert plex._token == account.authenticationToken
assert utils.is_int(plex.transcoderActiveVideoSessions, gte=0)
assert utils.is_datetime(plex.updatedAt)
assert len(plex.version) >= 5
def test_server_alert_listener(plex, movies):
messages = []
listener = plex.startAlertListener(messages.append)
utils.wait_until(lambda: len(messages) >= 3, delay=1, timeout=30)
assert len(messages) >= 3
def test_server_session():
# TODO: Implement test_server_session
def test_server_library(plex):
# TODO: Implement test_server_library
assert plex.library
def test_server_url(plex):
assert "ohno" in plex.url("ohno")
def test_server_transcodeImage(tmpdir, plex, movie):
width, height = 500, 500
original_url = plex.url(movie.thumb)
resize_url = plex.transcodeImage(movie.thumb, height, width)
grayscale_url = plex.transcodeImage(movie.thumb, height, width, saturation=0)
original_img = download(
original_url, plex._token, savepath=str(tmpdir), filename="original_img",
resized_img = download(
resize_url, plex._token, savepath=str(tmpdir), filename="resize_image"
grayscale_img = download(
grayscale_url, plex._token, savepath=str(tmpdir), filename="grayscale_img"
with Image.open(resized_img) as image:
assert width, height == image.size
with Image.open(original_img) as image:
assert width, height != image.size
assert _detect_color_image(grayscale_img, thumb_size=150) == "grayscale"
def _detect_color_image(file, thumb_size=150, MSE_cutoff=22, adjust_color_bias=True):
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20068945/detect-if-image-is-color-grayscale-or-black-and-white-with-python-pil
pilimg = Image.open(file)
bands = pilimg.getbands()
if bands == ("R", "G", "B") or bands == ("R", "G", "B", "A"):
thumb = pilimg.resize((thumb_size, thumb_size))
sse, bias = 0, [0, 0, 0]
if adjust_color_bias:
bias = ImageStat.Stat(thumb).mean[:3]
bias = [b - sum(bias) / 3 for b in bias]
for pixel in thumb.getdata():
mu = sum(pixel) / 3
sse += sum(
(pixel[i] - mu - bias[i]) * (pixel[i] - mu - bias[i]) for i in [0, 1, 2]
mse = float(sse) / (thumb_size * thumb_size)
return "grayscale" if mse <= MSE_cutoff else "color"
elif len(bands) == 1:
return "blackandwhite"
def test_server_fetchitem_notfound(plex):
with pytest.raises(NotFound):
def test_server_search(plex, movie):
title = movie.title
# this search seem to fail on my computer but not at travis, wtf.
assert plex.search(title)
results = plex.search(title, mediatype="movie")
assert results[0] == movie
# Test genre search
genre = movie.genres[0]
results = plex.search(genre.tag, mediatype="genre")
hub_tag = results[0]
assert utils.is_int(hub_tag.count)
assert hub_tag.filter == "genre={}".format(hub_tag.id)
assert utils.is_int(hub_tag.id)
assert utils.is_metadata(
assert utils.is_int(hub_tag.librarySectionID)
assert utils.is_metadata(hub_tag.librarySectionKey, prefix="/library/sections")
assert hub_tag.librarySectionTitle == "Movies"
assert hub_tag.librarySectionType == 1
assert hub_tag.reason == "section"
assert hub_tag.reasonID == hub_tag.librarySectionID
assert hub_tag.reasonTitle == hub_tag.librarySectionTitle
assert hub_tag.type == "tag"
assert hub_tag.tag == genre.tag
assert hub_tag.tagType == 1
assert hub_tag.tagValue is None
assert hub_tag.thumb is None
assert movie in hub_tag.items()
# Test director search
director = movie.directors[0]
assert plex.search(director.tag, mediatype="director")
# Test actor search
role = movie.roles[0]
assert plex.search(role.tag, mediatype="actor")
def test_server_playlist(plex, show):
episodes = show.episodes()
playlist = plex.createPlaylist("test_playlist", items=episodes[:3])
assert playlist.title == "test_playlist"
with pytest.raises(NotFound):
def test_server_playlists(plex, show):
playlists = plex.playlists()
count = len(playlists)
episodes = show.episodes()
playlist = plex.createPlaylist("test_playlist", items=episodes[:3])
playlists = plex.playlists()
assert len(playlists) == count + 1
assert playlist in plex.playlists(playlistType='video')
assert playlist not in plex.playlists(playlistType='audio')
def test_server_history(plex, movie):
history = plex.history()
assert len(history)
def test_server_Server_query(plex):
assert plex.query("/")
with pytest.raises(NotFound):
assert plex.query("/asdf/1234/asdf", headers={"random_headers": "1234"})
def test_server_Server_session(account):
# Mock Sesstion
class MySession(Session):
def __init__(self):
super(self.__class__, self).__init__()
self.plexapi_session_test = True
# Test Code
plex = PlexServer(
utils.SERVER_BASEURL, account.authenticationToken, session=MySession()
assert hasattr(plex._session, "plexapi_session_test")
def test_server_token_in_headers(plex):
headers = plex._headers()
assert "X-Plex-Token" in headers
assert len(headers["X-Plex-Token"]) >= 1
def test_server_createPlayQueue(plex, movie):
playqueue = plex.createPlayQueue(movie, shuffle=1, repeat=1)
assert "shuffle=1" in playqueue._initpath
assert "repeat=1" in playqueue._initpath
assert playqueue.playQueueShuffled is True
def test_server_client_not_found(plex):
with pytest.raises(NotFound):
def test_server_sessions(plex):
assert len(plex.sessions()) >= 0
def test_server_isLatest(plex, mocker):
from os import environ
is_latest = plex.isLatest()
if environ.get("PLEX_CONTAINER_TAG") and environ["PLEX_CONTAINER_TAG"] != "latest":
assert not is_latest
return pytest.skip(
"Do not forget to run with PLEX_CONTAINER_TAG != latest to ensure that update is available"
def test_server_installUpdate(plex, mocker):
m = mocker.MagicMock(release="aa")
with utils.patch('plexapi.server.PlexServer.check_for_update', return_value=m):
with utils.callable_http_patch():
def test_server_check_for_update(plex, mocker):
class R:
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.download_key = "plex.tv/release/1337"
self.version = "1337"
self.added = "gpu transcode"
self.fixed = "fixed rare bug"
self.downloadURL = "http://path-to-update"
self.state = "downloaded"
with utils.patch('plexapi.server.PlexServer.check_for_update', return_value=R()):
rel = plex.check_for_update(force=False, download=True)
assert rel.download_key == "plex.tv/release/1337"
assert rel.version == "1337"
assert rel.added == "gpu transcode"
assert rel.fixed == "fixed rare bug"
assert rel.downloadURL == "http://path-to-update"
assert rel.state == "downloaded"
def test_server_clients(plex):
assert len(plex.clients())
client = plex.clients()[0]
assert client._baseurl == utils.CLIENT_BASEURL
assert client._server._baseurl == utils.SERVER_BASEURL
assert client.protocol == 'plex'
assert int(client.protocolVersion) in range(4)
assert isinstance(client.machineIdentifier, str)
assert client.deviceClass in ['phone', 'tablet', 'stb', 'tv', 'pc']
assert set(client.protocolCapabilities).issubset({'timeline', 'playback', 'navigation', 'mirror', 'playqueues'})
def test_server_account(plex):
account = plex.account()
assert account.authToken
# TODO: Figure out why this is missing from time to time.
# assert account.mappingError == 'publisherror'
assert account.mappingErrorMessage is None
assert account.mappingState == "mapped"
if account.mappingError != "unreachable":
if account.privateAddress is not None:
# This seems to fail way to often..
if len(account.privateAddress):
assert re.match(utils.REGEX_IPADDR, account.privateAddress)
assert account.privateAddress == ""
assert int(account.privatePort) >= 1000
assert re.match(utils.REGEX_IPADDR, account.publicAddress)
assert int(account.publicPort) >= 1000
assert account.privateAddress == ""
assert int(account.privatePort) == 0
assert account.publicAddress == ""
assert int(account.publicPort) == 0
assert account.signInState == "ok"
assert isinstance(account.subscriptionActive, bool)
if account.subscriptionActive:
assert len(account.subscriptionFeatures)
# Below check keeps failing.. it should go away.
# else: assert sorted(account.subscriptionFeatures) == ['adaptive_bitrate',
# 'download_certificates', 'federated-auth', 'news']
assert (
account.subscriptionState == "Active"
if account.subscriptionActive
else "Unknown"
assert re.match(utils.REGEX_EMAIL, account.username)
def test_server_claim_unclaim(plex, account):
server_account = plex.account()
assert server_account.signInState == 'ok'
result = plex.unclaim()
assert result.signInState == 'none'
result = plex.claim(account)
assert result.signInState == 'ok'
def test_server_downloadLogs(tmpdir, plex):
plex.downloadLogs(savepath=str(tmpdir), unpack=True)
assert len(tmpdir.listdir()) > 1
def test_server_downloadDatabases(tmpdir, plex):
plex.downloadDatabases(savepath=str(tmpdir), unpack=True)
assert len(tmpdir.listdir()) > 1
def test_server_browse(plex, movies):
movies_path = movies.locations[0]
# browse root
paths = plex.browse()
assert len(paths)
# browse the path of the movie library
paths = plex.browse(movies_path)
assert len(paths)
# browse the path of the movie library without files
paths = plex.browse(movies_path, includeFiles=False)
assert not len([f for f in paths if f.TAG == 'File'])
# walk the path of the movie library
for path, paths, files in plex.walk(movies_path):
assert path.startswith(movies_path)
assert len(paths) or len(files)
def test_server_allowMediaDeletion(account):
plex = PlexServer(utils.SERVER_BASEURL, account.authenticationToken)
# Check server current allowMediaDeletion setting
if plex.allowMediaDeletion:
# If allowed then test disallowed
plex = PlexServer(utils.SERVER_BASEURL, account.authenticationToken)
assert plex.allowMediaDeletion is None
# Test redundant toggle
with pytest.raises(BadRequest):
plex = PlexServer(utils.SERVER_BASEURL, account.authenticationToken)
assert plex.allowMediaDeletion is True
# Test redundant toggle
with pytest.raises(BadRequest):
# If disallowed then test allowed
plex = PlexServer(utils.SERVER_BASEURL, account.authenticationToken)
assert plex.allowMediaDeletion is True
# Test redundant toggle
with pytest.raises(BadRequest):
plex = PlexServer(utils.SERVER_BASEURL, account.authenticationToken)
assert plex.allowMediaDeletion is None
# Test redundant toggle
with pytest.raises(BadRequest):
def test_server_system_accounts(plex):
accounts = plex.systemAccounts()
assert len(accounts)
account = accounts[-1]
assert utils.is_bool(account.autoSelectAudio)
assert account.defaultAudioLanguage == "en"
assert account.defaultSubtitleLanguage == "en"
assert utils.is_int(account.id, gte=0)
assert len(account.key)
assert len(account.name)
assert account.subtitleMode == 0
assert account.thumb == ""
assert account.accountID == account.id
assert account.accountKey == account.key
assert plex.systemAccount(account.id) == account
def test_server_system_devices(plex):
devices = plex.systemDevices()
assert len(devices)
device = devices[-1]
assert device.clientIdentifier or device.clientIdentifier == ""
assert utils.is_datetime(device.createdAt)
assert utils.is_int(device.id)
assert len(device.key)
assert len(device.name) or device.name == ""
assert len(device.platform) or device.platform == ""
assert plex.systemDevice(device.id) == device
def test_server_dashboard_bandwidth(plex):
bandwidthData = plex.bandwidth()
assert len(bandwidthData)
bandwidth = bandwidthData[0]
assert utils.is_int(bandwidth.accountID, gte=0)
assert utils.is_datetime(bandwidth.at)
assert utils.is_int(bandwidth.bytes)
assert utils.is_int(bandwidth.deviceID)
assert utils.is_bool(bandwidth.lan)
assert bandwidth.timespan == 6 # Default seconds timespan
account = bandwidth.account()
assert utils.is_int(account.id, gte=0)
device = bandwidth.device()
assert utils.is_int(device.id)
def test_server_dashboard_bandwidth_filters(plex):
at = datetime(2021, 1, 1)
filters = {
'at>': at,
'bytes>': 1,
'lan': True,
'accountID': 1
bandwidthData = plex.bandwidth(timespan='hours', **filters)
assert len(bandwidthData)
bandwidth = bandwidthData[0]
assert bandwidth.accountID == 1
assert bandwidth.at >= at
assert bandwidth.bytes >= 1
assert bandwidth.lan is True
assert bandwidth.timespan == 4
with pytest.raises(BadRequest):
with pytest.raises(BadRequest):
filters = {'n/a': None}
with pytest.raises(BadRequest):
filters = {'at': 123456}
def test_server_dashboard_resources(plex, requests_mock):
url = plex.url("/statistics/resources")
requests_mock.get(url, text=SERVER_RESOURCES)
resourceData = plex.resources()
assert len(resourceData)
resource = resourceData[0]
assert utils.is_datetime(resource.at)
assert utils.is_float(resource.hostCpuUtilization, gte=0.0)
assert utils.is_float(resource.hostMemoryUtilization, gte=0.0)
assert utils.is_float(resource.processCpuUtilization, gte=0.0)
assert utils.is_float(resource.processMemoryUtilization, gte=0.0)
assert resource.timespan == 6 # Default seconds timespan
def test_server_transcode_sessions(plex, requests_mock):
url = plex.url("/transcode/sessions")
requests_mock.get(url, text=SERVER_TRANSCODE_SESSIONS)
transcode_sessions = plex.transcodeSessions()
assert len(transcode_sessions)
session = transcode_sessions[0]
assert session.audioChannels == 2
assert session.audioCodec in utils.CODECS
assert session.audioDecision == "transcode"
assert session.complete is False
assert session.container in utils.CONTAINERS
assert session.context == "streaming"
assert utils.is_int(session.duration, gte=100000)
assert utils.is_int(session.height, gte=480)
assert len(session.key)
assert utils.is_float(session.maxOffsetAvailable, gte=0.0)
assert utils.is_float(session.minOffsetAvailable, gte=0.0)
assert utils.is_float(session.progress)
assert session.protocol == "dash"
assert utils.is_int(session.remaining)
assert utils.is_int(session.size)
assert session.sourceAudioCodec in utils.CODECS
assert session.sourceVideoCodec in utils.CODECS
assert utils.is_float(session.speed)
assert session.subtitleDecision is None
assert session.throttled is False
assert utils.is_float(session.timestamp, gte=1600000000)
assert session.transcodeHwDecoding in utils.HW_DECODERS
assert session.transcodeHwDecodingTitle == "Windows (DXVA2)"
assert session.transcodeHwEncoding in utils.HW_ENCODERS
assert session.transcodeHwEncodingTitle == "Intel (QuickSync)"
assert session.transcodeHwFullPipeline is False
assert session.transcodeHwRequested is True
assert session.videoCodec in utils.CODECS
assert session.videoDecision == "transcode"
assert utils.is_int(session.width, gte=852)