# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import requests from requests.status_codes import _codes as codes from plexapi import BASE_HEADERS, CONFIG, TIMEOUT from plexapi import log, logfilter, utils from plexapi.client import PlexClient from plexapi.compat import ElementTree, urlencode from plexapi.exceptions import BadRequest, NotFound from plexapi.library import Library from plexapi.playlist import Playlist from plexapi.playqueue import PlayQueue from plexapi.utils import cast # import media to populate utils.LIBRARY_TYPES. from plexapi import audio, video, photo, playlist as _pl class PlexServer(object): """ This is the main entry point to interacting with a Plex server. It allows you to list connected clients, browse your library sections and perform actions such as emptying trash. If you do not know the auth token required to access your Plex server, or simply want to access your server with your username and password, you can also create an PlexServer instance from :class:`~plexapi.myplex.MyPlexAccount`. Parameters: baseurl (str): Base url for to access the Plex Media Server (default: 'http://localhost:32400'). token (str): Required Plex authentication token to access the server. session (requests.Session, optional): Use your own session object if you want to cache the http responses from PMS Attributes: allowCameraUpload (bool): True if server allows camera upload. allowChannelAccess (bool): True if server allows channel access (iTunes?). allowMediaDeletion (bool): True is server allows media to be deleted. allowSharing (bool): True is server allows sharing. allowSync (bool): True is server allows sync. backgroundProcessing (bool): Unknown baseurl (str): Base url for the Plex Media Server to access. certificate (bool): True if server has an HTTPS certificate. companionProxy (bool): Unknown diagnostics (bool): Unknown eventStream (bool): Unknown friendlyName (str): Human friendly name for this server. hubSearch (bool): True if `Hub Search `_ is enabled. I believe this is enabled for everyone machineIdentifier (str): Unique ID for this server (looks like an md5). multiuser (bool): True if `multiusers `_ are enabled. myPlex (bool): Unknown (True if logged into myPlex?). myPlexMappingState (str): Unknown (ex: mapped). myPlexSigninState (str): Unknown (ex: ok). myPlexSubscription (str): True if you have a myPlex subscription. myPlexUsername (str): Email address if signed into myPlex (user@example.com) ownerFeatures (bool): List of features allowed by the server owner. This may be based on your PlexPass subscription. Features include: camera_upload, cloudsync, content_filter, dvr, hardware_transcoding, home, lyrics, music_videos, pass, photo_autotags, premium_music_metadata, session_bandwidth_restrictions, sync, trailers, webhooks (and maybe more). photoAutoTag (bool): True if photo `auto-tagging `_ is enabled. platform (str): Platform the server is hosted on (ex: Linux) platformVersion (str): Platform version (ex: '6.1 (Build 7601)', '4.4.0-59-generic'). pluginHost (bool): Unknown readOnlyLibraries (bool): Unknown requestParametersInCookie (bool): Unknown session (Session): Requests session used for object caching. streamingBrainVersion (bool): Current `Streaming Brain `_ version. sync (bool): True if `syncing to a device `_ is enabled. token (str): Plex authentication token to access the server. transcoderActiveVideoSessions (int): Number of active video transcoding sessions. transcoderAudio (bool): True if audio transcoding audio is available. transcoderLyrics (bool): True if audio transcoding lyrics is available. transcoderPhoto (bool): True if audio transcoding photos is available. transcoderSubtitles (bool): True if audio transcoding subtitles is available. transcoderVideo (bool): True if audio transcoding video is available. transcoderVideoBitrates (bool): List of video bitrates. transcoderVideoQualities (bool): List of video qualities. transcoderVideoResolutions (bool): List of video resolutions. updatedAt (int): Datetime the server was updated. updater (bool): Unknown version (str): Current Plex version (ex: voiceSearch (bool): True if voice search is enabled. (is this Google Voice search?) """ def __init__(self, baseurl='http://localhost:32400', token=None, session=None): self.baseurl = baseurl or CONFIG.get('authentication.baseurl') self.token = token or CONFIG.get('authentication.token') if self.token: logfilter.add_secret(self.token) self.session = session or requests.Session() self._library = None # cached library self.reload() def _loadData(self, data): """ Load attribute values from Plex XML response. """ self._data = data self.allowCameraUpload = cast(bool, data.attrib.get('allowCameraUpload')) self.allowChannelAccess = cast(bool, data.attrib.get('allowChannelAccess')) self.allowMediaDeletion = cast(bool, data.attrib.get('allowMediaDeletion')) self.allowSharing = cast(bool, data.attrib.get('allowSharing')) self.allowSync = cast(bool, data.attrib.get('allowSync')) self.backgroundProcessing = cast(bool, data.attrib.get('backgroundProcessing')) self.certificate = cast(bool, data.attrib.get('certificate')) self.companionProxy = cast(bool, data.attrib.get('companionProxy')) self.diagnostics = utils.toList(data.attrib.get('diagnostics')) self.eventStream = cast(bool, data.attrib.get('eventStream')) self.friendlyName = data.attrib.get('friendlyName') self.hubSearch = cast(bool, data.attrib.get('hubSearch')) self.machineIdentifier = data.attrib.get('machineIdentifier') self.multiuser = cast(bool, data.attrib.get('multiuser')) self.myPlex = cast(bool, data.attrib.get('myPlex')) self.myPlexMappingState = data.attrib.get('myPlexMappingState') self.myPlexSigninState = data.attrib.get('myPlexSigninState') self.myPlexSubscription = data.attrib.get('myPlexSubscription') self.myPlexUsername = data.attrib.get('myPlexUsername') self.ownerFeatures = utils.toList(data.attrib.get('ownerFeatures')) self.photoAutoTag = cast(bool, data.attrib.get('photoAutoTag')) self.platform = data.attrib.get('platform') self.platformVersion = data.attrib.get('platformVersion') self.pluginHost = cast(bool, data.attrib.get('pluginHost')) self.readOnlyLibraries = cast(int, data.attrib.get('readOnlyLibraries')) self.requestParametersInCookie = cast(bool, data.attrib.get('requestParametersInCookie')) self.streamingBrainVersion = data.attrib.get('streamingBrainVersion') self.sync = cast(bool, data.attrib.get('sync')) self.transcoderActiveVideoSessions = int(data.attrib.get('transcoderActiveVideoSessions', 0)) self.transcoderAudio = cast(bool, data.attrib.get('transcoderAudio')) self.transcoderLyrics = cast(bool, data.attrib.get('transcoderLyrics')) self.transcoderPhoto = cast(bool, data.attrib.get('transcoderPhoto')) self.transcoderSubtitles = cast(bool, data.attrib.get('transcoderSubtitles')) self.transcoderVideo = cast(bool, data.attrib.get('transcoderVideo')) self.transcoderVideoBitrates = utils.toList(data.attrib.get('transcoderVideoBitrates')) self.transcoderVideoQualities = utils.toList(data.attrib.get('transcoderVideoQualities')) self.transcoderVideoResolutions = utils.toList(data.attrib.get('transcoderVideoResolutions')) self.updatedAt = utils.toDatetime(data.attrib.get('updatedAt')) self.updater = cast(bool, data.attrib.get('updater')) self.version = data.attrib.get('version') self.voiceSearch = cast(bool, data.attrib.get('voiceSearch')) def __repr__(self): return '<%s:%s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.baseurl) @property def library(self): """ Library to browse or search your media. """ if not self._library: self._library = Library(self, self.query('/library/')) return self._library def account(self): """ Returns the :class:`~plexapi.server.Account` object this server belongs to. """ data = self.query('/myplex/account') return Account(self, data) def clients(self): """ Returns a list of all :class:`~plexapi.client.PlexClient` objects connected to this server. """ items = [] for elem in self.query('/clients'): baseurl = 'http://%s:%s' % (elem.attrib['host'], elem.attrib['port']) items.append(PlexClient(baseurl, server=self, data=elem)) return items def client(self, name): """ Returns the :class:`~plexapi.client.PlexClient` that matches the specified name. Parameters: name (str): Name of the client to return. Raises: :class:`~plexapi.exceptions.NotFound`: Unknown client name """ for elem in self.query('/clients'): if elem.attrib.get('name').lower() == name.lower(): baseurl = 'http://%s:%s' % (elem.attrib['host'], elem.attrib['port']) return PlexClient(baseurl, server=self, data=elem) raise NotFound('Unknown client name: %s' % name) def createPlaylist(self, title, items): """ Creates and returns a new :class:`~plexapi.playlist.Playlist`. Parameters: title (str): Title of the playlist to be created. items (list): List of media items to include in the playlist. """ return Playlist.create(self, title, items) def createPlayQueue(self, item): """ Creates and returns a new :class:`~plexapi.playqueue.PlayQueue`. Parameters: item (Media or Playlist): Media or playlist to add to PlayQueue. """ return PlayQueue.create(self, item) def headers(self): """ Returns a dict containing base headers to include in all requests to the server. """ headers = BASE_HEADERS if self.token: headers['X-Plex-Token'] = self.token return headers def history(self): """ Returns a list of media items from watched history. """ return utils.listItems(self, '/status/sessions/history/all') def playlists(self): """ Returns a list of all :class:`~plexapi.playlist.Playlist` objects saved on the server. """ # TODO: Add sort and type options? # /playlists/all?type=15&sort=titleSort%3Aasc&playlistType=video&smart=0 return utils.listItems(self, '/playlists') def playlist(self, title): """ Returns the :class:`~plexapi.client.Playlist` that matches the specified title. Parameters: title (str): Title of the playlist to return. Raises: :class:`~plexapi.exceptions.NotFound`: Invalid playlist title """ for item in self.playlists(): if item.title == title: return item raise NotFound('Invalid playlist title: %s' % title) def query(self, path, method=None, headers=None, **kwargs): """ Main method used to handle HTTPS requests to the Plex server. This method helps by encoding the response to utf-8 and parsing the returned XML into and ElementTree object. Returns None if no data exists in the response. Parameters: path (str): Relative path to query on the server api (ex: '/search?query=HELLO') method (func): requests.method to use for this query (request.get or requests.put; defaults to get) headers (dict): Optionally include additional headers for this request. **kwargs (dict): Optionally include additional kwargs for in the specified reuqest method. These kwargs are simply passed through to method(). Raises: :class:`~plexapi.exceptions.BadRequest`: Raised when response is not in (200, 201). """ url = self.url(path) method = method or self.session.get log.info('%s %s', method.__name__.upper(), url) h = self.headers().copy() if headers: h.update(headers) response = method(url, headers=h, timeout=TIMEOUT, **kwargs) #print(response.url) if response.status_code not in [200, 201]: # pragma: no cover codename = codes.get(response.status_code)[0] raise BadRequest('(%s) %s %s' % (response.status_code, codename, response.url)) data = response.text.encode('utf8') return ElementTree.fromstring(data) if data else None def reload(self): """ Reload attribute values from Plex XML response. """ try: data = self.query('/') self._loadData(data) except Exception as err: log.error('%s: %s', self.baseurl, err) raise NotFound('No server found at: %s' % self.baseurl) def search(self, query, mediatype=None, limit=None): """ Returns a list of media items or filter categories from the resulting `Hub Search `_ against all items in your Plex library. This searches genres, actors, directors, playlists, as well as all the obvious media titles. It performs spell-checking against your search terms (because KUROSAWA is hard to spell). It also provides contextual search results. So for example, if you search for 'Pernice', it’ll return 'Pernice Brothers' as the artist result, but we’ll also go ahead and return your most-listened to albums and tracks from the artist. If you type 'Arnold' you’ll get a result for the actor, but also the most recently added movies he’s in. Parameters: query (str): Query to use when searching your library. mediatype (str): Optionally limit your search to the specified media type. limit (int): Optionally limit to the specified number of results per Hub. """ results = [] params = {'query': query} if mediatype: params['section'] = utils.SEARCHTYPES[mediatype] if limit: params['limit'] = limit url = '/hubs/search?%s' % urlencode(params) for hub in utils.listItems(self, url, bytag=True): results += hub.items return results def sessions(self): """ Returns a list of all active session (currently playing) media objects. """ return utils.listItems(self, '/status/sessions') def url(self, path): """ Utility function to help build proper URL strings as well as always include the requred authentication token for all api requests to the server. """ if self.token: delim = '&' if '?' in path else '?' return '%s%s%sX-Plex-Token=%s' % (self.baseurl, path, delim, self.token) return '%s%s' % (self.baseurl, path) def transcodeImage(self, media, height, width, opacity=100, saturation=100): """ Returns the URL for a transcoded image from the specified media object. Returns None if no media specified (needed if user tries to pass thumb or art directly). Parameters: height (int): Height to transcode the image to. width (int): Width to transcode the image to. opacity (int): Opacity of the resulting image (possibly deprecated). saturation (int): Saturating of the resulting image. """ if media: transcode_url = '/photo/:/transcode?height=%s&width=%s&opacity=%s&saturation=%s&url=%s' % ( height, width, opacity, saturation, media) return self.url(transcode_url) class Account(object): """ Contains the locally cached MyPlex account information. The properties provided don't match the :class:`~plexapi.myplex.MyPlexAccount` object very well. I believe this exists because access to myplex is not required to get basic plex information. I can't imagine object is terribly useful except unless you were needed this information while offline. Parameters: server (:class:`~plexapi.server.PlexServer`): PlexServer this account is connected to (optional) data (ElementTree): Response from PlexServer used to build this object (optional). Attributes: authToken (str): Plex authentication token to access the server. mappingError (str): Unknown mappingErrorMessage (str): Unknown mappingState (str): Unknown privateAddress (str): Local IP address of the Plex server. privatePort (str): Local port of the Plex server. publicAddress (str): Public IP address of the Plex server. publicPort (str): Public port of the Plex server. signInState (str): Signin state for this account (ex: ok). subscriptionActive (str): True if the account subscription is active. subscriptionFeatures (str): List of features allowed by the server for this account. This may be based on your PlexPass subscription. Features include: camera_upload, cloudsync, content_filter, dvr, hardware_transcoding, home, lyrics, music_videos, pass, photo_autotags, premium_music_metadata, session_bandwidth_restrictions, sync, trailers, webhooks' (and maybe more). subscriptionState (str): 'Active' if this subscription is active. username (str): Plex account username (user@example.com). """ def __init__(self, server, data): self._data = data self.authToken = data.attrib.get('authToken') self.username = data.attrib.get('username') self.mappingState = data.attrib.get('mappingState') self.mappingError = data.attrib.get('mappingError') self.mappingErrorMessage = data.attrib.get('mappingErrorMessage') self.signInState = data.attrib.get('signInState') self.publicAddress = data.attrib.get('publicAddress') self.publicPort = data.attrib.get('publicPort') self.privateAddress = data.attrib.get('privateAddress') self.privatePort = data.attrib.get('privatePort') self.subscriptionFeatures = utils.toList(data.attrib.get('subscriptionFeatures')) self.subscriptionActive = cast(bool, data.attrib.get('subscriptionActive')) self.subscriptionState = data.attrib.get('subscriptionState')