# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os from urllib.parse import quote_plus, urlencode from plexapi import library, media, settings, utils from plexapi.base import Playable, PlexPartialObject from plexapi.exceptions import BadRequest, NotFound from plexapi.mixins import ArtUrlMixin, ArtMixin, BannerMixin, PosterUrlMixin, PosterMixin, SplitMergeMixin, UnmatchMatchMixin from plexapi.mixins import CollectionMixin, CountryMixin, DirectorMixin, GenreMixin, LabelMixin, ProducerMixin, WriterMixin class Video(PlexPartialObject): """ Base class for all video objects including :class:`~plexapi.video.Movie`, :class:`~plexapi.video.Show`, :class:`~plexapi.video.Season`, :class:`~plexapi.video.Episode`, and :class:`~plexapi.video.Clip`. Attributes: addedAt (datetime): Datetime the item was added to the library. art (str): URL to artwork image (/library/metadata//art/). artBlurHash (str): BlurHash string for artwork image. fields (List<:class:`~plexapi.media.Field`>): List of field objects. guid (str): Plex GUID for the movie, show, season, episode, or clip (plex://movie/5d776b59ad5437001f79c6f8). key (str): API URL (/library/metadata/). lastViewedAt (datetime): Datetime the item was last played. librarySectionID (int): :class:`~plexapi.library.LibrarySection` ID. librarySectionKey (str): :class:`~plexapi.library.LibrarySection` key. librarySectionTitle (str): :class:`~plexapi.library.LibrarySection` title. listType (str): Hardcoded as 'video' (useful for search filters). ratingKey (int): Unique key identifying the item. summary (str): Summary of the movie, show, season, episode, or clip. thumb (str): URL to thumbnail image (/library/metadata//thumb/). thumbBlurHash (str): BlurHash string for thumbnail image. title (str): Name of the movie, show, season, episode, or clip. titleSort (str): Title to use when sorting (defaults to title). type (str): 'movie', 'show', 'season', 'episode', or 'clip'. updatedAt (datatime): Datetime the item was updated. viewCount (int): Count of times the item was played. """ def _loadData(self, data): """ Load attribute values from Plex XML response. """ self._data = data self.addedAt = utils.toDatetime(data.attrib.get('addedAt')) self.art = data.attrib.get('art') self.artBlurHash = data.attrib.get('artBlurHash') self.fields = self.findItems(data, media.Field) self.guid = data.attrib.get('guid') self.key = data.attrib.get('key', '') self.lastViewedAt = utils.toDatetime(data.attrib.get('lastViewedAt')) self.librarySectionID = data.attrib.get('librarySectionID') self.librarySectionKey = data.attrib.get('librarySectionKey') self.librarySectionTitle = data.attrib.get('librarySectionTitle') self.listType = 'video' self.ratingKey = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('ratingKey')) self.summary = data.attrib.get('summary') self.thumb = data.attrib.get('thumb') self.thumbBlurHash = data.attrib.get('thumbBlurHash') self.title = data.attrib.get('title') self.titleSort = data.attrib.get('titleSort', self.title) self.type = data.attrib.get('type') self.updatedAt = utils.toDatetime(data.attrib.get('updatedAt')) self.viewCount = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('viewCount', 0)) @property def isWatched(self): """ Returns True if this video is watched. """ return bool(self.viewCount > 0) if self.viewCount else False def url(self, part): """ Returns the full url for something. Typically used for getting a specific image. """ return self._server.url(part, includeToken=True) if part else None def markWatched(self): """ Mark video as watched. """ key = '/:/scrobble?key=%s&identifier=com.plexapp.plugins.library' % self.ratingKey self._server.query(key) self.reload() def markUnwatched(self): """ Mark video unwatched. """ key = '/:/unscrobble?key=%s&identifier=com.plexapp.plugins.library' % self.ratingKey self._server.query(key) self.reload() def rate(self, rate): """ Rate video. """ key = '/:/rate?key=%s&identifier=com.plexapp.plugins.library&rating=%s' % (self.ratingKey, rate) self._server.query(key) self.reload() def _defaultSyncTitle(self): """ Returns str, default title for a new syncItem. """ return self.title def subtitleStreams(self): """ Returns a list of :class:`~plexapi.media.SubtitleStream` objects for all MediaParts. """ streams = [] parts = self.iterParts() for part in parts: streams += part.subtitleStreams() return streams def uploadSubtitles(self, filepath): """ Upload Subtitle file for video. """ url = '%s/subtitles' % self.key filename = os.path.basename(filepath) subFormat = os.path.splitext(filepath)[1][1:] with open(filepath, 'rb') as subfile: params = {'title': filename, 'format': subFormat } headers = {'Accept': 'text/plain, */*'} self._server.query(url, self._server._session.post, data=subfile, params=params, headers=headers) def removeSubtitles(self, streamID=None, streamTitle=None): """ Remove Subtitle from movie's subtitles listing. Note: If subtitle file is located inside video directory it will bbe deleted. Files outside of video directory are not effected. """ for stream in self.subtitleStreams(): if streamID == stream.id or streamTitle == stream.title: self._server.query(stream.key, self._server._session.delete) def optimize(self, title=None, target="", targetTagID=None, locationID=-1, policyScope='all', policyValue="", policyUnwatched=0, videoQuality=None, deviceProfile=None): """ Optimize item locationID (int): -1 in folder with original items 2 library path id library path id is found in library.locations[i].id target (str): custom quality name. if none provided use "Custom: {deviceProfile}" targetTagID (int): Default quality settings 1 Mobile 2 TV 3 Original Quality deviceProfile (str): Android, IOS, Universal TV, Universal Mobile, Windows Phone, Windows, Xbox One Example: Optimize for Mobile item.optimize(targetTagID="Mobile") or item.optimize(targetTagID=1") Optimize for Android 10 MBPS 1080p item.optimize(deviceProfile="Android", videoQuality=10) Optimize for IOS Original Quality item.optimize(deviceProfile="IOS", videoQuality=-1) * see sync.py VIDEO_QUALITIES for additional information for using videoQuality """ tagValues = [1, 2, 3] tagKeys = ["Mobile", "TV", "Original Quality"] tagIDs = tagKeys + tagValues if targetTagID not in tagIDs and (deviceProfile is None or videoQuality is None): raise BadRequest('Unexpected or missing quality profile.') libraryLocationIDs = [location.id for location in self.section()._locations()] libraryLocationIDs.append(-1) if locationID not in libraryLocationIDs: raise BadRequest('Unexpected library path ID. %s not in %s' % (locationID, libraryLocationIDs)) if isinstance(targetTagID, str): tagIndex = tagKeys.index(targetTagID) targetTagID = tagValues[tagIndex] if title is None: title = self.title backgroundProcessing = self.fetchItem('/playlists?type=42') key = '%s/items?' % backgroundProcessing.key params = { 'Item[type]': 42, 'Item[target]': target, 'Item[targetTagID]': targetTagID if targetTagID else '', 'Item[locationID]': locationID, 'Item[Policy][scope]': policyScope, 'Item[Policy][value]': policyValue, 'Item[Policy][unwatched]': policyUnwatched } if deviceProfile: params['Item[Device][profile]'] = deviceProfile if videoQuality: from plexapi.sync import MediaSettings mediaSettings = MediaSettings.createVideo(videoQuality) params['Item[MediaSettings][videoQuality]'] = mediaSettings.videoQuality params['Item[MediaSettings][videoResolution]'] = mediaSettings.videoResolution params['Item[MediaSettings][maxVideoBitrate]'] = mediaSettings.maxVideoBitrate params['Item[MediaSettings][audioBoost]'] = '' params['Item[MediaSettings][subtitleSize]'] = '' params['Item[MediaSettings][musicBitrate]'] = '' params['Item[MediaSettings][photoQuality]'] = '' titleParam = {'Item[title]': title} section = self._server.library.sectionByID(self.librarySectionID) params['Item[Location][uri]'] = 'library://' + section.uuid + '/item/' + \ quote_plus(self.key + '?includeExternalMedia=1') data = key + urlencode(params) + '&' + urlencode(titleParam) return self._server.query(data, method=self._server._session.put) def sync(self, videoQuality, client=None, clientId=None, limit=None, unwatched=False, title=None): """ Add current video (movie, tv-show, season or episode) as sync item for specified device. See :func:`~plexapi.myplex.MyPlexAccount.sync` for possible exceptions. Parameters: videoQuality (int): idx of quality of the video, one of VIDEO_QUALITY_* values defined in :mod:`~plexapi.sync` module. client (:class:`~plexapi.myplex.MyPlexDevice`): sync destination, see :func:`~plexapi.myplex.MyPlexAccount.sync`. clientId (str): sync destination, see :func:`~plexapi.myplex.MyPlexAccount.sync`. limit (int): maximum count of items to sync, unlimited if `None`. unwatched (bool): if `True` watched videos wouldn't be synced. title (str): descriptive title for the new :class:`~plexapi.sync.SyncItem`, if empty the value would be generated from metadata of current media. Returns: :class:`~plexapi.sync.SyncItem`: an instance of created syncItem. """ from plexapi.sync import SyncItem, Policy, MediaSettings myplex = self._server.myPlexAccount() sync_item = SyncItem(self._server, None) sync_item.title = title if title else self._defaultSyncTitle() sync_item.rootTitle = self.title sync_item.contentType = self.listType sync_item.metadataType = self.METADATA_TYPE sync_item.machineIdentifier = self._server.machineIdentifier section = self._server.library.sectionByID(self.librarySectionID) sync_item.location = 'library://%s/item/%s' % (section.uuid, quote_plus(self.key)) sync_item.policy = Policy.create(limit, unwatched) sync_item.mediaSettings = MediaSettings.createVideo(videoQuality) return myplex.sync(sync_item, client=client, clientId=clientId) @utils.registerPlexObject class Movie(Video, Playable, ArtMixin, PosterMixin, SplitMergeMixin, UnmatchMatchMixin, CollectionMixin, CountryMixin, DirectorMixin, GenreMixin, LabelMixin, ProducerMixin, WriterMixin): """ Represents a single Movie. Attributes: TAG (str): 'Video' TYPE (str): 'movie' audienceRating (float): Audience rating (usually from Rotten Tomatoes). audienceRatingImage (str): Key to audience rating image (rottentomatoes://image.rating.spilled). chapters (List<:class:`~plexapi.media.Chapter`>): List of Chapter objects. chapterSource (str): Chapter source (agent; media; mixed). collections (List<:class:`~plexapi.media.Collection`>): List of collection objects. contentRating (str) Content rating (PG-13; NR; TV-G). countries (List<:class:`~plexapi.media.Country`>): List of countries objects. directors (List<:class:`~plexapi.media.Director`>): List of director objects. duration (int): Duration of the movie in milliseconds. genres (List<:class:`~plexapi.media.Genre`>): List of genre objects. guids (List<:class:`~plexapi.media.Guid`>): List of guid objects. labels (List<:class:`~plexapi.media.Label`>): List of label objects. media (List<:class:`~plexapi.media.Media`>): List of media objects. originallyAvailableAt (datetime): Datetime the movie was released. originalTitle (str): Original title, often the foreign title (転々; 엽기적인 그녀). primaryExtraKey (str) Primary extra key (/library/metadata/66351). producers (List<:class:`~plexapi.media.Producer`>): List of producers objects. rating (float): Movie critic rating (7.9; 9.8; 8.1). ratingImage (str): Key to critic rating image (rottentomatoes://image.rating.rotten). roles (List<:class:`~plexapi.media.Role`>): List of role objects. similar (List<:class:`~plexapi.media.Similar`>): List of Similar objects. studio (str): Studio that created movie (Di Bonaventura Pictures; 21 Laps Entertainment). tagline (str): Movie tag line (Back 2 Work; Who says men can't change?). userRating (float): User rating (2.0; 8.0). viewOffset (int): View offset in milliseconds. writers (List<:class:`~plexapi.media.Writer`>): List of writers objects. year (int): Year movie was released. """ TAG = 'Video' TYPE = 'movie' METADATA_TYPE = 'movie' def _loadData(self, data): """ Load attribute values from Plex XML response. """ Video._loadData(self, data) Playable._loadData(self, data) self.audienceRating = utils.cast(float, data.attrib.get('audienceRating')) self.audienceRatingImage = data.attrib.get('audienceRatingImage') self.chapters = self.findItems(data, media.Chapter) self.chapterSource = data.attrib.get('chapterSource') self.collections = self.findItems(data, media.Collection) self.contentRating = data.attrib.get('contentRating') self.countries = self.findItems(data, media.Country) self.directors = self.findItems(data, media.Director) self.duration = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('duration')) self.genres = self.findItems(data, media.Genre) self.guids = self.findItems(data, media.Guid) self.labels = self.findItems(data, media.Label) self.media = self.findItems(data, media.Media) self.originallyAvailableAt = utils.toDatetime(data.attrib.get('originallyAvailableAt'), '%Y-%m-%d') self.originalTitle = data.attrib.get('originalTitle') self.primaryExtraKey = data.attrib.get('primaryExtraKey') self.producers = self.findItems(data, media.Producer) self.rating = utils.cast(float, data.attrib.get('rating')) self.ratingImage = data.attrib.get('ratingImage') self.roles = self.findItems(data, media.Role) self.similar = self.findItems(data, media.Similar) self.studio = data.attrib.get('studio') self.tagline = data.attrib.get('tagline') self.userRating = utils.cast(float, data.attrib.get('userRating')) self.viewOffset = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('viewOffset', 0)) self.writers = self.findItems(data, media.Writer) self.year = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('year')) @property def actors(self): """ Alias to self.roles. """ return self.roles @property def locations(self): """ This does not exist in plex xml response but is added to have a common interface to get the locations of the movie. Retruns: List of file paths where the movie is found on disk. """ return [part.file for part in self.iterParts() if part] def _prettyfilename(self): # This is just for compat. return self.title def hubs(self): """ Returns a list of :class:`~plexapi.library.Hub` objects. """ data = self._server.query(self._details_key) video = data.find('Video') if video: related = video.find('Related') if related: return self.findItems(related, library.Hub) def download(self, savepath=None, keep_original_name=False, **kwargs): """ Download video files to specified directory. Parameters: savepath (str): Defaults to current working dir. keep_original_name (bool): True to keep the original file name otherwise a friendlier is generated. **kwargs: Additional options passed into :func:`~plexapi.base.PlexObject.getStreamURL`. """ filepaths = [] locations = [i for i in self.iterParts() if i] for location in locations: name = location.file if not keep_original_name: title = self.title.replace(' ', '.') name = '%s.%s' % (title, location.container) if kwargs is not None: url = self.getStreamURL(**kwargs) else: self._server.url('%s?download=1' % location.key) filepath = utils.download(url, self._server._token, filename=name, savepath=savepath, session=self._server._session) if filepath: filepaths.append(filepath) return filepaths @utils.registerPlexObject class Show(Video, ArtMixin, BannerMixin, PosterMixin, SplitMergeMixin, UnmatchMatchMixin, CollectionMixin, GenreMixin, LabelMixin): """ Represents a single Show (including all seasons and episodes). Attributes: TAG (str): 'Directory' TYPE (str): 'show' banner (str): Key to banner artwork (/library/metadata//banner/). childCount (int): Number of seasons in the show. collections (List<:class:`~plexapi.media.Collection`>): List of collection objects. contentRating (str) Content rating (PG-13; NR; TV-G). duration (int): Typical duration of the show episodes in milliseconds. genres (List<:class:`~plexapi.media.Genre`>): List of genre objects. index (int): Plex index number for the show. key (str): API URL (/library/metadata/). labels (List<:class:`~plexapi.media.Label`>): List of label objects. leafCount (int): Number of items in the show view. locations (List): List of folder paths where the show is found on disk. originallyAvailableAt (datetime): Datetime the show was released. originalTitle (str): The original title of the show. rating (float): Show rating (7.9; 9.8; 8.1). roles (List<:class:`~plexapi.media.Role`>): List of role objects. similar (List<:class:`~plexapi.media.Similar`>): List of Similar objects. studio (str): Studio that created show (Di Bonaventura Pictures; 21 Laps Entertainment). theme (str): URL to theme resource (/library/metadata//theme/). viewedLeafCount (int): Number of items marked as played in the show view. year (int): Year the show was released. """ TAG = 'Directory' TYPE = 'show' METADATA_TYPE = 'episode' def _loadData(self, data): """ Load attribute values from Plex XML response. """ Video._loadData(self, data) self.banner = data.attrib.get('banner') self.childCount = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('childCount')) self.collections = self.findItems(data, media.Collection) self.contentRating = data.attrib.get('contentRating') self.duration = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('duration')) self.genres = self.findItems(data, media.Genre) self.index = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('index')) self.key = self.key.replace('/children', '') # FIX_BUG_50 self.labels = self.findItems(data, media.Label) self.leafCount = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('leafCount')) self.locations = self.listAttrs(data, 'path', etag='Location') self.originallyAvailableAt = utils.toDatetime(data.attrib.get('originallyAvailableAt'), '%Y-%m-%d') self.originalTitle = data.attrib.get('originalTitle') self.rating = utils.cast(float, data.attrib.get('rating')) self.roles = self.findItems(data, media.Role) self.similar = self.findItems(data, media.Similar) self.studio = data.attrib.get('studio') self.theme = data.attrib.get('theme') self.viewedLeafCount = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('viewedLeafCount')) self.year = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('year')) def __iter__(self): for season in self.seasons(): yield season @property def actors(self): """ Alias to self.roles. """ return self.roles @property def isWatched(self): """ Returns True if the show is fully watched. """ return bool(self.viewedLeafCount == self.leafCount) def preferences(self): """ Returns a list of :class:`~plexapi.settings.Preferences` objects. """ items = [] data = self._server.query(self._details_key) for item in data.iter('Preferences'): for elem in item: setting = settings.Preferences(data=elem, server=self._server) setting._initpath = self.key items.append(setting) return items def editAdvanced(self, **kwargs): """ Edit a show's advanced settings. """ data = {} key = '%s/prefs?' % self.key preferences = {pref.id: list(pref.enumValues.keys()) for pref in self.preferences()} for settingID, value in kwargs.items(): enumValues = preferences.get(settingID) if value in enumValues: data[settingID] = value else: raise NotFound('%s not found in %s' % (value, enumValues)) url = key + urlencode(data) self._server.query(url, method=self._server._session.put) def defaultAdvanced(self): """ Edit all of show's advanced settings to default. """ data = {} key = '%s/prefs?' % self.key for preference in self.preferences(): data[preference.id] = preference.default url = key + urlencode(data) self._server.query(url, method=self._server._session.put) def hubs(self): """ Returns a list of :class:`~plexapi.library.Hub` objects. """ data = self._server.query(self._details_key) directory = data.find('Directory') if directory: related = directory.find('Related') if related: return self.findItems(related, library.Hub) def onDeck(self): """ Returns show's On Deck :class:`~plexapi.video.Video` object or `None`. If show is unwatched, return will likely be the first episode. """ data = self._server.query(self._details_key) episode = next(data.iter('OnDeck'), None) if episode: return self.findItems(episode)[0] return None def season(self, title=None, season=None): """ Returns the season with the specified title or number. Parameters: title (str): Title of the season to return. season (int): Season number (default: None; required if title not specified). Raises: :exc:`~plexapi.exceptions.BadRequest`: If title or season parameter is missing. """ key = '/library/metadata/%s/children' % self.ratingKey if title is not None and not isinstance(title, int): return self.fetchItem(key, Season, title__iexact=title) elif season is not None or isinstance(title, int): if isinstance(title, int): index = title else: index = season return self.fetchItem(key, Season, index=index) raise BadRequest('Missing argument: title or season is required') def seasons(self, **kwargs): """ Returns a list of :class:`~plexapi.video.Season` objects in the show. """ key = '/library/metadata/%s/children?excludeAllLeaves=1' % self.ratingKey return self.fetchItems(key, Season, **kwargs) def episode(self, title=None, season=None, episode=None): """ Find a episode using a title or season and episode. Parameters: title (str): Title of the episode to return season (int): Season number (default: None; required if title not specified). episode (int): Episode number (default: None; required if title not specified). Raises: :exc:`~plexapi.exceptions.BadRequest`: If title or season and episode parameters are missing. """ key = '/library/metadata/%s/allLeaves' % self.ratingKey if title is not None: return self.fetchItem(key, Episode, title__iexact=title) elif season is not None and episode is not None: return self.fetchItem(key, Episode, parentIndex=season, index=episode) raise BadRequest('Missing argument: title or season and episode are required') def episodes(self, **kwargs): """ Returns a list of :class:`~plexapi.video.Episode` objects in the show. """ key = '/library/metadata/%s/allLeaves' % self.ratingKey return self.fetchItems(key, Episode, **kwargs) def get(self, title=None, season=None, episode=None): """ Alias to :func:`~plexapi.video.Show.episode`. """ return self.episode(title, season, episode) def watched(self): """ Returns list of watched :class:`~plexapi.video.Episode` objects. """ return self.episodes(viewCount__gt=0) def unwatched(self): """ Returns list of unwatched :class:`~plexapi.video.Episode` objects. """ return self.episodes(viewCount=0) def download(self, savepath=None, keep_original_name=False, **kwargs): """ Download video files to specified directory. Parameters: savepath (str): Defaults to current working dir. keep_original_name (bool): True to keep the original file name otherwise a friendlier is generated. **kwargs: Additional options passed into :func:`~plexapi.base.PlexObject.getStreamURL`. """ filepaths = [] for episode in self.episodes(): filepaths += episode.download(savepath, keep_original_name, **kwargs) return filepaths @utils.registerPlexObject class Season(Video, ArtMixin, PosterMixin): """ Represents a single Show Season (including all episodes). Attributes: TAG (str): 'Directory' TYPE (str): 'season' index (int): Season number. key (str): API URL (/library/metadata/). leafCount (int): Number of items in the season view. parentGuid (str): Plex GUID for the show (plex://show/5d9c086fe9d5a1001f4d9fe6). parentIndex (int): Plex index number for the show. parentKey (str): API URL of the show (/library/metadata/). parentRatingKey (int): Unique key identifying the show. parentTheme (str): URL to show theme resource (/library/metadata//theme/). parentThumb (str): URL to show thumbnail image (/library/metadata//thumb/). parentTitle (str): Name of the show for the season. viewedLeafCount (int): Number of items marked as played in the season view. """ TAG = 'Directory' TYPE = 'season' METADATA_TYPE = 'episode' def _loadData(self, data): """ Load attribute values from Plex XML response. """ Video._loadData(self, data) self.index = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('index')) self.key = self.key.replace('/children', '') # FIX_BUG_50 self.leafCount = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('leafCount')) self.parentGuid = data.attrib.get('parentGuid') self.parentIndex = data.attrib.get('parentIndex') self.parentKey = data.attrib.get('parentKey') self.parentRatingKey = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('parentRatingKey')) self.parentTheme = data.attrib.get('parentTheme') self.parentThumb = data.attrib.get('parentThumb') self.parentTitle = data.attrib.get('parentTitle') self.viewedLeafCount = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('viewedLeafCount')) def __iter__(self): for episode in self.episodes(): yield episode def __repr__(self): return '<%s>' % ':'.join([p for p in [ self.__class__.__name__, self.key.replace('/library/metadata/', '').replace('/children', ''), '%s-s%s' % (self.parentTitle.replace(' ', '-')[:20], self.seasonNumber), ] if p]) @property def isWatched(self): """ Returns True if the season is fully watched. """ return bool(self.viewedLeafCount == self.leafCount) @property def seasonNumber(self): """ Returns season number. """ return self.index def episodes(self, **kwargs): """ Returns a list of :class:`~plexapi.video.Episode` objects in the season. """ key = '/library/metadata/%s/children' % self.ratingKey return self.fetchItems(key, Episode, **kwargs) def episode(self, title=None, episode=None): """ Returns the episode with the given title or number. Parameters: title (str): Title of the episode to return. episode (int): Episode number (default: None; required if title not specified). Raises: :exc:`~plexapi.exceptions.BadRequest`: If title or episode parameter is missing. """ key = '/library/metadata/%s/children' % self.ratingKey if title is not None: return self.fetchItem(key, Episode, title__iexact=title) elif episode is not None: return self.fetchItem(key, Episode, parentIndex=self.index, index=episode) raise BadRequest('Missing argument: title or episode is required') def get(self, title=None, episode=None): """ Alias to :func:`~plexapi.video.Season.episode`. """ return self.episode(title, episode) def onDeck(self): """ Returns season's On Deck :class:`~plexapi.video.Video` object or `None`. Will only return a match if the show's On Deck episode is in this season. """ data = self._server.query(self._details_key) episode = next(data.iter('OnDeck'), None) if episode: return self.findItems(episode)[0] return None def show(self): """ Return the season's :class:`~plexapi.video.Show`. """ return self.fetchItem(self.parentRatingKey) def watched(self): """ Returns list of watched :class:`~plexapi.video.Episode` objects. """ return self.episodes(watched=True) def unwatched(self): """ Returns list of unwatched :class:`~plexapi.video.Episode` objects. """ return self.episodes(watched=False) def download(self, savepath=None, keep_original_name=False, **kwargs): """ Download video files to specified directory. Parameters: savepath (str): Defaults to current working dir. keep_original_name (bool): True to keep the original file name otherwise a friendlier is generated. **kwargs: Additional options passed into :func:`~plexapi.base.PlexObject.getStreamURL`. """ filepaths = [] for episode in self.episodes(): filepaths += episode.download(savepath, keep_original_name, **kwargs) return filepaths def _defaultSyncTitle(self): """ Returns str, default title for a new syncItem. """ return '%s - %s' % (self.parentTitle, self.title) @utils.registerPlexObject class Episode(Video, Playable, ArtMixin, PosterMixin, DirectorMixin, WriterMixin): """ Represents a single Shows Episode. Attributes: TAG (str): 'Video' TYPE (str): 'episode' chapters (List<:class:`~plexapi.media.Chapter`>): List of Chapter objects. chapterSource (str): Chapter source (agent; media; mixed). contentRating (str) Content rating (PG-13; NR; TV-G). directors (List<:class:`~plexapi.media.Director`>): List of director objects. duration (int): Duration of the episode in milliseconds. grandparentArt (str): URL to show artwork (/library/metadata//art/). grandparentGuid (str): Plex GUID for the show (plex://show/5d9c086fe9d5a1001f4d9fe6). grandparentKey (str): API URL of the show (/library/metadata/). grandparentRatingKey (int): Unique key identifying the show. grandparentTheme (str): URL to show theme resource (/library/metadata//theme/). grandparentThumb (str): URL to show thumbnail image (/library/metadata//thumb/). grandparentTitle (str): Name of the show for the episode. index (int): Episode number. markers (List<:class:`~plexapi.media.Marker`>): List of marker objects. media (List<:class:`~plexapi.media.Media`>): List of media objects. originallyAvailableAt (datetime): Datetime the episode was released. parentGuid (str): Plex GUID for the season (plex://season/5d9c09e42df347001e3c2a72). parentIndex (int): Season number of episode. parentKey (str): API URL of the season (/library/metadata/). parentRatingKey (int): Unique key identifying the season. parentThumb (str): URL to season thumbnail image (/library/metadata//thumb/). parentTitle (str): Name of the season for the episode. rating (float): Episode rating (7.9; 9.8; 8.1). skipParent (bool): True if the show's seasons are set to hidden. viewOffset (int): View offset in milliseconds. writers (List<:class:`~plexapi.media.Writer`>): List of writers objects. year (int): Year episode was released. """ TAG = 'Video' TYPE = 'episode' METADATA_TYPE = 'episode' def _loadData(self, data): """ Load attribute values from Plex XML response. """ Video._loadData(self, data) Playable._loadData(self, data) self._seasonNumber = None # cached season number self.chapters = self.findItems(data, media.Chapter) self.chapterSource = data.attrib.get('chapterSource') self.contentRating = data.attrib.get('contentRating') self.directors = self.findItems(data, media.Director) self.duration = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('duration')) self.grandparentArt = data.attrib.get('grandparentArt') self.grandparentGuid = data.attrib.get('grandparentGuid') self.grandparentKey = data.attrib.get('grandparentKey') self.grandparentRatingKey = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('grandparentRatingKey')) self.grandparentTheme = data.attrib.get('grandparentTheme') self.grandparentThumb = data.attrib.get('grandparentThumb') self.grandparentTitle = data.attrib.get('grandparentTitle') self.index = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('index')) self.markers = self.findItems(data, media.Marker) self.media = self.findItems(data, media.Media) self.originallyAvailableAt = utils.toDatetime(data.attrib.get('originallyAvailableAt'), '%Y-%m-%d') self.parentGuid = data.attrib.get('parentGuid') self.parentIndex = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('parentIndex')) self.parentKey = data.attrib.get('parentKey') self.parentRatingKey = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('parentRatingKey')) self.parentThumb = data.attrib.get('parentThumb') self.parentTitle = data.attrib.get('parentTitle') self.rating = utils.cast(float, data.attrib.get('rating')) self.skipParent = utils.cast(bool, data.attrib.get('skipParent', '0')) self.viewOffset = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('viewOffset', 0)) self.writers = self.findItems(data, media.Writer) self.year = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('year')) # If seasons are hidden, parentKey and parentRatingKey are missing from the XML response. # https://forums.plex.tv/t/parentratingkey-not-in-episode-xml-when-seasons-are-hidden/300553 if self.skipParent and not self.parentRatingKey: # Parse the parentRatingKey from the parentThumb if self.parentThumb.startswith('/library/metadata/'): self.parentRatingKey = utils.cast(int, self.parentThumb.split('/')[3]) # Get the parentRatingKey from the season's ratingKey if not self.parentRatingKey and self.grandparentRatingKey: self.parentRatingKey = self.show().season(season=self.parentIndex).ratingKey if self.parentRatingKey: self.parentKey = '/library/metadata/%s' % self.parentRatingKey def __repr__(self): return '<%s>' % ':'.join([p for p in [ self.__class__.__name__, self.key.replace('/library/metadata/', '').replace('/children', ''), '%s-%s' % (self.grandparentTitle.replace(' ', '-')[:20], self.seasonEpisode), ] if p]) def _prettyfilename(self): """ Returns a human friendly filename. """ return '%s.%s' % (self.grandparentTitle.replace(' ', '.'), self.seasonEpisode) @property def locations(self): """ This does not exist in plex xml response but is added to have a common interface to get the locations of the episode. Retruns: List of file paths where the episode is found on disk. """ return [part.file for part in self.iterParts() if part] @property def seasonNumber(self): """ Returns the episodes season number. """ if self._seasonNumber is None: self._seasonNumber = self.parentIndex if self.parentIndex else self.season().seasonNumber return utils.cast(int, self._seasonNumber) @property def seasonEpisode(self): """ Returns the s00e00 string containing the season and episode. """ return 's%se%s' % (str(self.seasonNumber).zfill(2), str(self.index).zfill(2)) @property def hasIntroMarker(self): """ Returns True if the episode has an intro marker in the xml. """ if not self.isFullObject(): self.reload() return any(marker.type == 'intro' for marker in self.markers) def season(self): """" Return the episode's :class:`~plexapi.video.Season`. """ return self.fetchItem(self.parentKey) def show(self): """" Return the episode's :class:`~plexapi.video.Show`. """ return self.fetchItem(self.grandparentRatingKey) def _defaultSyncTitle(self): """ Returns str, default title for a new syncItem. """ return '%s - %s - (%s) %s' % (self.grandparentTitle, self.parentTitle, self.seasonEpisode, self.title) @utils.registerPlexObject class Clip(Video, Playable, ArtUrlMixin, PosterUrlMixin): """Represents a single Clip. Attributes: TAG (str): 'Video' TYPE (str): 'clip' duration (int): Duration of the clip in milliseconds. extraType (int): Unknown. index (int): Plex index number for the clip. media (List<:class:`~plexapi.media.Media`>): List of media objects. originallyAvailableAt (datetime): Datetime the clip was released. skipDetails (int): Unknown. subtype (str): Type of clip (trailer, behindTheScenes, sceneOrSample, etc.). thumbAspectRatio (str): Aspect ratio of the thumbnail image. viewOffset (int): View offset in milliseconds. year (int): Year clip was released. """ TAG = 'Video' TYPE = 'clip' METADATA_TYPE = 'clip' def _loadData(self, data): """Load attribute values from Plex XML response.""" Video._loadData(self, data) Playable._loadData(self, data) self._data = data self.duration = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('duration')) self.extraType = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('extraType')) self.index = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('index')) self.media = self.findItems(data, media.Media) self.originallyAvailableAt = data.attrib.get('originallyAvailableAt') self.skipDetails = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('skipDetails')) self.subtype = data.attrib.get('subtype') self.thumbAspectRatio = data.attrib.get('thumbAspectRatio') self.viewOffset = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('viewOffset', 0)) self.year = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('year')) @property def locations(self): """ This does not exist in plex xml response but is added to have a common interface to get the locations of the clip. Retruns: List of file paths where the clip is found on disk. """ return [part.file for part in self.iterParts() if part]