# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import re from urllib.parse import quote_plus, urlencode from plexapi import log, utils from plexapi.exceptions import BadRequest, NotFound, UnknownType, Unsupported from plexapi.utils import tag_helper DONT_RELOAD_FOR_KEYS = ['key', 'session'] OPERATORS = { 'exact': lambda v, q: v == q, 'iexact': lambda v, q: v.lower() == q.lower(), 'contains': lambda v, q: q in v, 'icontains': lambda v, q: q.lower() in v.lower(), 'ne': lambda v, q: v != q, 'in': lambda v, q: v in q, 'gt': lambda v, q: v > q, 'gte': lambda v, q: v >= q, 'lt': lambda v, q: v < q, 'lte': lambda v, q: v <= q, 'startswith': lambda v, q: v.startswith(q), 'istartswith': lambda v, q: v.lower().startswith(q), 'endswith': lambda v, q: v.endswith(q), 'iendswith': lambda v, q: v.lower().endswith(q), 'exists': lambda v, q: v is not None if q else v is None, 'regex': lambda v, q: re.match(q, v), 'iregex': lambda v, q: re.match(q, v, flags=re.IGNORECASE), } class PlexObject(object): """ Base class for all Plex objects. Parameters: server (:class:`~plexapi.server.PlexServer`): PlexServer this client is connected to (optional) data (ElementTree): Response from PlexServer used to build this object (optional). initpath (str): Relative path requested when retrieving specified `data` (optional). """ TAG = None # xml element tag TYPE = None # xml element type key = None # plex relative url def __init__(self, server, data, initpath=None): self._server = server self._data = data self._initpath = initpath or self.key self._details_key = '' if data is not None: self._loadData(data) def __repr__(self): uid = self._clean(self.firstAttr('_baseurl', 'key', 'id', 'playQueueID', 'uri')) name = self._clean(self.firstAttr('title', 'name', 'username', 'product', 'tag', 'value')) return '<%s>' % ':'.join([p for p in [self.__class__.__name__, uid, name] if p]) def __setattr__(self, attr, value): # Don't overwrite an attr with None or [] unless it's a private variable if value not in [None, []] or attr.startswith('_') or attr not in self.__dict__: self.__dict__[attr] = value def _clean(self, value): """ Clean attr value for display in __repr__. """ if value: value = str(value).replace('/library/metadata/', '') value = value.replace('/children', '') return value.replace(' ', '-')[:20] def _buildItem(self, elem, cls=None, initpath=None): """ Factory function to build objects based on registered PLEXOBJECTS. """ # cls is specified, build the object and return initpath = initpath or self._initpath if cls is not None: return cls(self._server, elem, initpath) # cls is not specified, try looking it up in PLEXOBJECTS etype = elem.attrib.get('type', elem.attrib.get('streamType')) ehash = '%s.%s' % (elem.tag, etype) if etype else elem.tag ecls = utils.PLEXOBJECTS.get(ehash, utils.PLEXOBJECTS.get(elem.tag)) # log.debug('Building %s as %s', elem.tag, ecls.__name__) if ecls is not None: return ecls(self._server, elem, initpath) raise UnknownType("Unknown library type <%s type='%s'../>" % (elem.tag, etype)) def _buildItemOrNone(self, elem, cls=None, initpath=None): """ Calls :func:`~plexapi.base.PlexObject._buildItem()` but returns None if elem is an unknown type. """ try: return self._buildItem(elem, cls, initpath) except UnknownType: return None def fetchItem(self, ekey, cls=None, **kwargs): """ Load the specified key to find and build the first item with the specified tag and attrs. If no tag or attrs are specified then the first item in the result set is returned. Parameters: ekey (str or int): Path in Plex to fetch items from. If an int is passed in, the key will be translated to /library/metadata/. This allows fetching an item only knowing its key-id. cls (:class:`~plexapi.base.PlexObject`): If you know the class of the items to be fetched, passing this in will help the parser ensure it only returns those items. By default we convert the xml elements with the best guess PlexObjects based on tag and type attrs. etag (str): Only fetch items with the specified tag. **kwargs (dict): Optionally add attribute filters on the items to fetch. For example, passing in viewCount=0 will only return matching items. Filtering is done before the Python objects are built to help keep things speedy. Note: Because some attribute names are already used as arguments to this function, such as 'tag', you may still reference the attr tag byappending an underscore. For example, passing in _tag='foobar' will return all items where tag='foobar'. Also Note: Case very much matters when specifying kwargs -- Optionally, operators can be specified by append it to the end of the attribute name for more complex lookups. For example, passing in viewCount__gte=0 will return all items where viewCount >= 0. Available operations include: * __contains: Value contains specified arg. * __endswith: Value ends with specified arg. * __exact: Value matches specified arg. * __exists (bool): Value is or is not present in the attrs. * __gt: Value is greater than specified arg. * __gte: Value is greater than or equal to specified arg. * __icontains: Case insensative value contains specified arg. * __iendswith: Case insensative value ends with specified arg. * __iexact: Case insensative value matches specified arg. * __in: Value is in a specified list or tuple. * __iregex: Case insensative value matches the specified regular expression. * __istartswith: Case insensative value starts with specified arg. * __lt: Value is less than specified arg. * __lte: Value is less than or equal to specified arg. * __regex: Value matches the specified regular expression. * __startswith: Value starts with specified arg. """ if ekey is None: raise BadRequest('ekey was not provided') if isinstance(ekey, int): ekey = '/library/metadata/%s' % ekey for elem in self._server.query(ekey): if self._checkAttrs(elem, **kwargs): return self._buildItem(elem, cls, ekey) clsname = cls.__name__ if cls else 'None' raise NotFound('Unable to find elem: cls=%s, attrs=%s' % (clsname, kwargs)) def fetchItems(self, ekey, cls=None, container_start=None, container_size=None, **kwargs): """ Load the specified key to find and build all items with the specified tag and attrs. See :func:`~plexapi.base.PlexObject.fetchItem` for more details on how this is used. Parameters: container_start (None, int): offset to get a subset of the data container_size (None, int): How many items in data """ url_kw = {} if container_start is not None: url_kw["X-Plex-Container-Start"] = container_start if container_size is not None: url_kw["X-Plex-Container-Size"] = container_size if ekey is None: raise BadRequest('ekey was not provided') data = self._server.query(ekey, params=url_kw) items = self.findItems(data, cls, ekey, **kwargs) librarySectionID = data.attrib.get('librarySectionID') if librarySectionID: for item in items: item.librarySectionID = librarySectionID return items def findItems(self, data, cls=None, initpath=None, **kwargs): """ Load the specified data to find and build all items with the specified tag and attrs. See :func:`~plexapi.base.PlexObject.fetchItem` for more details on how this is used. """ # filter on cls attrs if specified if cls and cls.TAG and 'tag' not in kwargs: kwargs['etag'] = cls.TAG if cls and cls.TYPE and 'type' not in kwargs: kwargs['type'] = cls.TYPE # loop through all data elements to find matches items = [] for elem in data: if self._checkAttrs(elem, **kwargs): item = self._buildItemOrNone(elem, cls, initpath) if item is not None: items.append(item) return items def firstAttr(self, *attrs): """ Return the first attribute in attrs that is not None. """ for attr in attrs: value = self.__dict__.get(attr) if value is not None: return value def listAttrs(self, data, attr, **kwargs): results = [] for elem in data: kwargs['%s__exists' % attr] = True if self._checkAttrs(elem, **kwargs): results.append(elem.attrib.get(attr)) return results def reload(self, key=None): """ Reload the data for this object from self.key. """ key = key or self._details_key or self.key if not key: raise Unsupported('Cannot reload an object not built from a URL.') self._initpath = key data = self._server.query(key) self._loadData(data[0]) return self def _checkAttrs(self, elem, **kwargs): attrsFound = {} for attr, query in kwargs.items(): attr, op, operator = self._getAttrOperator(attr) values = self._getAttrValue(elem, attr) # special case query in (None, 0, '') to include missing attr if op == 'exact' and not values and query in (None, 0, ''): return True # return if attr were looking for is missing attrsFound[attr] = False for value in values: value = self._castAttrValue(op, query, value) if operator(value, query): attrsFound[attr] = True break # log.debug('Checking %s for %s found: %s', elem.tag, kwargs, attrsFound) return all(attrsFound.values()) def _getAttrOperator(self, attr): for op, operator in OPERATORS.items(): if attr.endswith('__%s' % op): attr = attr.rsplit('__', 1)[0] return attr, op, operator # default to exact match return attr, 'exact', OPERATORS['exact'] def _getAttrValue(self, elem, attrstr, results=None): # log.debug('Fetching %s in %s', attrstr, elem.tag) parts = attrstr.split('__', 1) attr = parts[0] attrstr = parts[1] if len(parts) == 2 else None if attrstr: results = [] if results is None else results for child in [c for c in elem if c.tag.lower() == attr.lower()]: results += self._getAttrValue(child, attrstr, results) return [r for r in results if r is not None] # check were looking for the tag if attr.lower() == 'etag': return [elem.tag] # loop through attrs so we can perform case-insensative match for _attr, value in elem.attrib.items(): if attr.lower() == _attr.lower(): return [value] return [] def _castAttrValue(self, op, query, value): if op == 'exists': return value if isinstance(query, bool): return bool(int(value)) if isinstance(query, int) and '.' in value: return float(value) if isinstance(query, int): return int(value) if isinstance(query, float): return float(value) return value def _loadData(self, data): raise NotImplementedError('Abstract method not implemented.') class PlexPartialObject(PlexObject): """ Not all objects in the Plex listings return the complete list of elements for the object. This object will allow you to assume each object is complete, and if the specified value you request is None it will fetch the full object automatically and update itself. """ def __eq__(self, other): return other not in [None, []] and self.key == other.key def __hash__(self): return hash(repr(self)) def __iter__(self): yield self def __getattribute__(self, attr): # Dragons inside.. :-/ value = super(PlexPartialObject, self).__getattribute__(attr) # Check a few cases where we dont want to reload if attr in DONT_RELOAD_FOR_KEYS: return value if attr.startswith('_'): return value if value not in (None, []): return value if self.isFullObject(): return value # Log the reload. clsname = self.__class__.__name__ title = self.__dict__.get('title', self.__dict__.get('name')) objname = "%s '%s'" % (clsname, title) if title else clsname log.debug("Reloading %s for attr '%s'" % (objname, attr)) # Reload and return the value self.reload() return super(PlexPartialObject, self).__getattribute__(attr) def analyze(self): """ Tell Plex Media Server to performs analysis on it this item to gather information. Analysis includes: * Gather Media Properties: All of the media you add to a Library has properties that are useful to know–whether it's a video file, a music track, or one of your photos (container, codec, resolution, etc). * Generate Default Artwork: Artwork will automatically be grabbed from a video file. A background image will be pulled out as well as a smaller image to be used for poster/thumbnail type purposes. * Generate Video Preview Thumbnails: Video preview thumbnails are created, if you have that feature enabled. Video preview thumbnails allow graphical seeking in some Apps. It's also used in the Plex Web App Now Playing screen to show a graphical representation of where playback is. Video preview thumbnails creation is a CPU-intensive process akin to transcoding the file. * Generate intro video markers: Detects show intros, exposing the 'Skip Intro' button in clients. """ key = '/%s/analyze' % self.key.lstrip('/') self._server.query(key, method=self._server._session.put) def isFullObject(self): """ Retruns True if this is already a full object. A full object means all attributes were populated from the api path representing only this item. For example, the search result for a movie often only contain a portion of the attributes a full object (main url) for that movie contain. """ return not self.key or self.key == self._initpath def isPartialObject(self): """ Returns True if this is not a full object. """ return not self.isFullObject() def edit(self, **kwargs): """ Edit an object. Parameters: kwargs (dict): Dict of settings to edit. Example: {'type': 1, 'id': movie.ratingKey, 'collection[0].tag.tag': 'Super', 'collection.locked': 0} """ if 'id' not in kwargs: kwargs['id'] = self.ratingKey if 'type' not in kwargs: kwargs['type'] = utils.searchType(self.type) part = '/library/sections/%s/all?%s' % (self.librarySectionID, urlencode(kwargs)) self._server.query(part, method=self._server._session.put) def _edit_tags(self, tag, items, locked=True, remove=False): """ Helper to edit and refresh a tags. Parameters: tag (str): tag name items (list): list of tags to add locked (bool): lock this field. remove (bool): If this is active remove the tags in items. """ if not isinstance(items, list): items = [items] value = getattr(self, tag + 's') existing_cols = [t.tag for t in value if t and remove is False] d = tag_helper(tag, existing_cols + items, locked, remove) self.edit(**d) self.refresh() def addCollection(self, collections): """ Add a collection(s). Parameters: collections (list): list of strings """ self._edit_tags('collection', collections) def removeCollection(self, collections): """ Remove a collection(s). """ self._edit_tags('collection', collections, remove=True) def addLabel(self, labels): """ Add a label(s). """ self._edit_tags('label', labels) def removeLabel(self, labels): """ Remove a label(s). """ self._edit_tags('label', labels, remove=True) def addGenre(self, genres): """ Add a genre(s). """ self._edit_tags('genre', genres) def removeGenre(self, genres): """ Remove a genre(s). """ self._edit_tags('genre', genres, remove=True) def refresh(self): """ Refreshing a Library or individual item causes the metadata for the item to be refreshed, even if it already has metadata. You can think of refreshing as "update metadata for the requested item even if it already has some". You should refresh a Library or individual item if: * You've changed the Library Metadata Agent. * You've added "Local Media Assets" (such as artwork, theme music, external subtitle files, etc.) * You want to freshen the item posters, summary, etc. * There's a problem with the poster image that's been downloaded. * Items are missing posters or other downloaded information. This is possible if the refresh process is interrupted (the Server is turned off, internet connection dies, etc). """ key = '%s/refresh' % self.key self._server.query(key, method=self._server._session.put) def section(self): """ Returns the :class:`~plexapi.library.LibrarySection` this item belongs to. """ return self._server.library.sectionByID(self.librarySectionID) def delete(self): """ Delete a media element. This has to be enabled under settings > server > library in plex webui. """ try: return self._server.query(self.key, method=self._server._session.delete) except BadRequest: # pragma: no cover log.error('Failed to delete %s. This could be because you ' 'havnt allowed items to be deleted' % self.key) raise def history(self, maxresults=9999999, mindate=None): """ Get Play History for a media item. Parameters: maxresults (int): Only return the specified number of results (optional). mindate (datetime): Min datetime to return results from. """ return self._server.history(maxresults=maxresults, mindate=mindate, ratingKey=self.ratingKey) def posters(self): """ Returns list of available poster objects. :class:`~plexapi.media.Poster`. """ return self.fetchItems('%s/posters' % self.key) def uploadPoster(self, url=None, filepath=None): """ Upload poster from url or filepath. :class:`~plexapi.media.Poster` to :class:`~plexapi.video.Video`. """ if url: key = '%s/posters?url=%s' % (self.key, quote_plus(url)) self._server.query(key, method=self._server._session.post) elif filepath: key = '%s/posters?' % self.key data = open(filepath, 'rb').read() self._server.query(key, method=self._server._session.post, data=data) def setPoster(self, poster): """ Set . :class:`~plexapi.media.Poster` to :class:`~plexapi.video.Video` """ poster.select() def arts(self): """ Returns list of available art objects. :class:`~plexapi.media.Poster`. """ return self.fetchItems('%s/arts' % self.key) def uploadArt(self, url=None, filepath=None): """ Upload art from url or filepath. :class:`~plexapi.media.Poster` to :class:`~plexapi.video.Video`. """ if url: key = '/library/metadata/%s/arts?url=%s' % (self.ratingKey, quote_plus(url)) self._server.query(key, method=self._server._session.post) elif filepath: key = '/library/metadata/%s/arts?' % self.ratingKey data = open(filepath, 'rb').read() self._server.query(key, method=self._server._session.post, data=data) def setArt(self, art): """ Set :class:`~plexapi.media.Poster` to :class:`~plexapi.video.Video` """ art.select() def unmatch(self): """ Unmatches metadata match from object. """ key = '/library/metadata/%s/unmatch' % self.ratingKey self._server.query(key, method=self._server._session.put) def matches(self, agent=None, title=None, year=None, language=None): """ Return list of (:class:`~plexapi.media.SearchResult`) metadata matches. Parameters: agent (str): Agent name to be used (imdb, thetvdb, themoviedb, etc.) title (str): Title of item to search for year (str): Year of item to search in language (str) : Language of item to search in Examples: 1. video.matches() 2. video.matches(title="something", year=2020) 3. video.matches(title="something") 4. video.matches(year=2020) 5. video.matches(title="something", year="") 6. video.matches(title="", year=2020) 7. video.matches(title="", year="") 1. The default behaviour in Plex Web = no params in plexapi 2. Both title and year specified by user 3. Year automatically filled in 4. Title automatically filled in 5. Explicitly searches for title with blank year 6. Explicitly searches for blank title with year 7. I don't know what the user is thinking... return the same result as 1 For 2 to 7, the agent and language is automatically filled in """ key = '/library/metadata/%s/matches' % self.ratingKey params = {'manual': 1} if agent and not any([title, year, language]): params['language'] = self.section().language params['agent'] = utils.getAgentIdentifier(self.section(), agent) else: if any(x is not None for x in [agent, title, year, language]): if title is None: params['title'] = self.title else: params['title'] = title if year is None: params['year'] = self.year else: params['year'] = year params['language'] = language or self.section().language if agent is None: params['agent'] = self.section().agent else: params['agent'] = utils.getAgentIdentifier(self.section(), agent) key = key + '?' + urlencode(params) data = self._server.query(key, method=self._server._session.get) return self.findItems(data, initpath=key) def fixMatch(self, searchResult=None, auto=False, agent=None): """ Use match result to update show metadata. Parameters: auto (bool): True uses first match from matches False allows user to provide the match searchResult (:class:`~plexapi.media.SearchResult`): Search result from ~plexapi.base.matches() agent (str): Agent name to be used (imdb, thetvdb, themoviedb, etc.) """ key = '/library/metadata/%s/match' % self.ratingKey if auto: autoMatch = self.matches(agent=agent) if autoMatch: searchResult = autoMatch[0] else: raise NotFound('No matches found using this agent: (%s:%s)' % (agent, autoMatch)) elif not searchResult: raise NotFound('fixMatch() requires either auto=True or ' 'searchResult=:class:`~plexapi.media.SearchResult`.') params = {'guid': searchResult.guid, 'name': searchResult.name} data = key + '?' + urlencode(params) self._server.query(data, method=self._server._session.put) # The photo tag cant be built atm. TODO # def arts(self): # part = '%s/arts' % self.key # return self.fetchItem(part) # def poster(self): # part = '%s/posters' % self.key # return self.fetchItem(part, etag='Photo') class Playable(object): """ This is a general place to store functions specific to media that is Playable. Things were getting mixed up a bit when dealing with Shows, Season, Artists, Albums which are all not playable. Attributes: sessionKey (int): Active session key. usernames (str): Username of the person playing this item (for active sessions). players (:class:`~plexapi.client.PlexClient`): Client objects playing this item (for active sessions). session (:class:`~plexapi.media.Session`): Session object, for a playing media file. transcodeSessions (:class:`~plexapi.media.TranscodeSession`): Transcode Session object if item is being transcoded (None otherwise). viewedAt (datetime): Datetime item was last viewed (history). playlistItemID (int): Playlist item ID (only populated for :class:`~plexapi.playlist.Playlist` items). playQueueItemID (int): PlayQueue item ID (only populated for :class:`~plexapi.playlist.PlayQueue` items). """ def _loadData(self, data): self.sessionKey = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('sessionKey')) # session self.usernames = self.listAttrs(data, 'title', etag='User') # session self.players = self.findItems(data, etag='Player') # session self.transcodeSessions = self.findItems(data, etag='TranscodeSession') # session self.session = self.findItems(data, etag='Session') # session self.viewedAt = utils.toDatetime(data.attrib.get('viewedAt')) # history self.accountID = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('accountID')) # history self.playlistItemID = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('playlistItemID')) # playlist self.playQueueItemID = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('playQueueItemID')) # playqueue def isFullObject(self): """ Retruns True if this is already a full object. A full object means all attributes were populated from the api path representing only this item. For example, the search result for a movie often only contain a portion of the attributes a full object (main url) for that movie contain. """ return self._details_key == self._initpath or not self.key def getStreamURL(self, **params): """ Returns a stream url that may be used by external applications such as VLC. Parameters: **params (dict): optional parameters to manipulate the playback when accessing the stream. A few known parameters include: maxVideoBitrate, videoResolution offset, copyts, protocol, mediaIndex, platform. Raises: :class:`plexapi.exceptions.Unsupported`: When the item doesn't support fetching a stream URL. """ if self.TYPE not in ('movie', 'episode', 'track'): raise Unsupported('Fetching stream URL for %s is unsupported.' % self.TYPE) mvb = params.get('maxVideoBitrate') vr = params.get('videoResolution', '') params = { 'path': self.key, 'offset': params.get('offset', 0), 'copyts': params.get('copyts', 1), 'protocol': params.get('protocol'), 'mediaIndex': params.get('mediaIndex', 0), 'X-Plex-Platform': params.get('platform', 'Chrome'), 'maxVideoBitrate': max(mvb, 64) if mvb else None, 'videoResolution': vr if re.match('^\d+x\d+$', vr) else None } # remove None values params = {k: v for k, v in params.items() if v is not None} streamtype = 'audio' if self.TYPE in ('track', 'album') else 'video' # sort the keys since the randomness fucks with my tests.. sorted_params = sorted(params.items(), key=lambda val: val[0]) return self._server.url('/%s/:/transcode/universal/start.m3u8?%s' % (streamtype, urlencode(sorted_params)), includeToken=True) def iterParts(self): """ Iterates over the parts of this media item. """ for item in self.media: for part in item.parts: yield part def split(self): """Split a duplicate.""" key = '%s/split' % self.key return self._server.query(key, method=self._server._session.put) def merge(self, ratingKeys): """Merge duplicate items.""" if not isinstance(ratingKeys, list): ratingKeys = str(ratingKeys).split(",") key = '%s/merge?ids=%s' % (self.key, ','.join(ratingKeys)) return self._server.query(key, method=self._server._session.put) def unmatch(self): """Unmatch a media file.""" key = '%s/unmatch' % self.key return self._server.query(key, method=self._server._session.put) def play(self, client): """ Start playback on the specified client. Parameters: client (:class:`~plexapi.client.PlexClient`): Client to start playing on. """ client.playMedia(self) def download(self, savepath=None, keep_original_name=False, **kwargs): """ Downloads this items media to the specified location. Returns a list of filepaths that have been saved to disk. Parameters: savepath (str): Title of the track to return. keep_original_name (bool): Set True to keep the original filename as stored in the Plex server. False will create a new filename with the format " - ". kwargs (dict): If specified, a :func:`~plexapi.audio.Track.getStreamURL()` will be returned and the additional arguments passed in will be sent to that function. If kwargs is not specified, the media items will be downloaded and saved to disk. """ filepaths = [] locations = [i for i in self.iterParts() if i] for location in locations: filename = location.file if keep_original_name is False: filename = '%s.%s' % (self._prettyfilename(), location.container) # So this seems to be a alot slower but allows transcode. if kwargs: download_url = self.getStreamURL(**kwargs) else: download_url = self._server.url('%s?download=1' % location.key) filepath = utils.download(download_url, self._server._token, filename=filename, savepath=savepath, session=self._server._session) if filepath: filepaths.append(filepath) return filepaths def stop(self, reason=''): """ Stop playback for a media item. """ key = '/status/sessions/terminate?sessionId=%s&reason=%s' % (self.session[0].id, quote_plus(reason)) return self._server.query(key) def updateProgress(self, time, state='stopped'): """ Set the watched progress for this video. Note that setting the time to 0 will not work. Use `markWatched` or `markUnwatched` to achieve that goal. Parameters: time (int): milliseconds watched state (string): state of the video, default 'stopped' """ key = '/:/progress?key=%s&identifier=com.plexapp.plugins.library&time=%d&state=%s' % (self.ratingKey, time, state) self._server.query(key) self.reload() def updateTimeline(self, time, state='stopped', duration=None): """ Set the timeline progress for this video. Parameters: time (int): milliseconds watched state (string): state of the video, default 'stopped' duration (int): duration of the item """ durationStr = '&duration=' if duration is not None: durationStr = durationStr + str(duration) else: durationStr = durationStr + str(self.duration) key = '/:/timeline?ratingKey=%s&key=%s&identifier=com.plexapp.plugins.library&time=%d&state=%s%s' key %= (self.ratingKey, self.key, time, state, durationStr) self._server.query(key) self.reload() @utils.registerPlexObject class Release(PlexObject): TAG = 'Release' key = '/updater/status' def _loadData(self, data): self.download_key = data.attrib.get('key') self.version = data.attrib.get('version') self.added = data.attrib.get('added') self.fixed = data.attrib.get('fixed') self.downloadURL = data.attrib.get('downloadURL') self.state = data.attrib.get('state')