# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import requests from requests.status_codes import _codes as codes from plexapi import BASE_HEADERS, CONFIG, TIMEOUT from plexapi import log, logfilter, utils from plexapi.base import PlexObject from plexapi.exceptions import BadRequest, Unsupported from xml.etree import ElementTree class PlexClient(PlexObject): """ Main class for interacting with a Plex client. This class can connect directly to the client and control it or proxy commands through your Plex Server. To better understand the Plex client API's read this page: https://github.com/plexinc/plex-media-player/wiki/Remote-control-API Parameters: baseurl (str): HTTP URL to connect dirrectly to this client. token (str): X-Plex-Token used for authenication (optional). session (:class:`~requests.Session`): requests.Session object if you want more control (optional). server (:class:`~plexapi.server.PlexServer`): PlexServer this client is connected to (optional) data (ElementTree): Response from PlexServer used to build this object (optional). Attributes: baseurl (str): HTTP address of the client device (str): Best guess on the type of device this is (PS, iPhone, Linux, etc). deviceClass (str): Device class (pc, phone, etc). machineIdentifier (str): Unique ID for this device. model (str): Unknown platform (str): Unknown platformVersion (str): Description product (str): Client Product (Plex for iOS, etc). protocol (str): Always seems ot be 'plex'. protocolCapabilities (list): List of client capabilities (navigation, playback, timeline, mirror, playqueues). protocolVersion (str): Protocol version (1, future proofing?) server (:class:`~plexapi.server.PlexServer`): Server this client is connected to. session (:class:`~requests.Session`): Session object used for connection. state (str): Unknown title (str): Name of this client (Johns iPhone, etc). token (str): X-Plex-Token used for authenication vendor (str): Unknown version (str): Device version (4.6.1, etc). _proxyThroughServer (bool): Set to True after calling :func:`~plexapi.client.PlexClient.proxyThroughServer()` (default False). """ key = '/resources' def __init__(self, baseurl, token=None, session=None, server=None, data=None): self._baseurl = (baseurl or CONFIG.get('authentication.client_baseurl')).strip('/') self._token = token or CONFIG.get('authentication.client_token') if self._token: logfilter.add_secret(self._token) self._server = server # session > server.session > requests.Session _server_session = server._session if server else None self._session = session or _server_session or requests.Session() self._proxyThroughServer = False self._commandId = 0 data = data or self.query('/resources')[0] super(PlexClient, self).__init__(self, data, self.key) def connect(self, safe=False): """ Alias of reload as any subsequent requests to this client will be made directly to the device even if the object attributes were initially populated from a PlexServer. """ try: self.reload() except Exception: if not safe: raise def _loadData(self, data): """ Load attribute values from Plex XML response. """ self._data = data self.deviceClass = data.attrib.get('deviceClass') self.machineIdentifier = data.attrib.get('machineIdentifier') self.product = data.attrib.get('product') self.protocol = data.attrib.get('protocol') self.protocolCapabilities = data.attrib.get('protocolCapabilities', '').split(',') self.protocolVersion = data.attrib.get('protocolVersion') self.platform = data.attrib.get('platform') self.platformVersion = data.attrib.get('platformVersion') self.title = data.attrib.get('title') or data.attrib.get('name') # Active session details self.device = data.attrib.get('device') self.model = data.attrib.get('model') self.state = data.attrib.get('state') self.vendor = data.attrib.get('vendor') self.version = data.attrib.get('version') def _headers(self, **kwargs): """ Returns a dict of all default headers for Client requests. """ headers = BASE_HEADERS if self._token: headers['X-Plex-Token'] = self._token headers.update(kwargs) return headers def proxyThroughServer(self, value=True): """ Tells this PlexClient instance to proxy all future commands through the PlexServer. Useful if you do not wish to connect directly to the Client device itself. Parameters: value (bool): Enable or disable proxying (optional, default True). Raises: :class:`~plexapi.exceptions.Unsupported`: Cannot use client proxy with unknown server. """ if value is True and not self._server: raise Unsupported('Cannot use client proxy with unknown server.') self._proxyThroughServer = value def query(self, path, method=None, headers=None, **kwargs): """ Main method used to handle HTTPS requests to the Plex client. This method helps by encoding the response to utf-8 and parsing the returned XML into and ElementTree object. Returns None if no data exists in the response. """ url = self.url(path) method = method or self._session.get log.debug('%s %s', method.__name__.upper(), url) headers = self._headers(**headers or {}) response = method(url, headers=headers, timeout=TIMEOUT, **kwargs) if response.status_code not in (200, 201): codename = codes.get(response.status_code)[0] log.warn('BadRequest (%s) %s %s' % (response.status_code, codename, response.url)) raise BadRequest('(%s) %s %s' % (response.status_code, codename, response.url)) data = response.text.encode('utf8') return ElementTree.fromstring(data) if data else None def sendCommand(self, command, proxy=None, **params): """ Convenience wrapper around :func:`~plexapi.client.PlexClient.query()` to more easily send simple commands to the client. Returns an ElementTree object containing the response. Parameters: command (str): Command to be sent in for format '/'. proxy (bool): Set True to proxy this command through the PlexServer. **params (dict): Additional GET parameters to include with the command. Raises: :class:`~plexapi.exceptions.Unsupported`: When we detect the client doesn't support this capability. """ command = command.strip('/') controller = command.split('/')[0] if controller not in self.protocolCapabilities: raise Unsupported('Client %s doesnt support %s controller.' % (self.title, controller)) key = '/player/%s%s' % (command, utils.joinArgs(params)) headers = {'X-Plex-Target-Client-Identifier': self.machineIdentifier} self._commandId += 1 params['commandID'] = self._commandId proxy = self._proxyThroughServer if proxy is None else proxy if proxy: return self._server.query(key, headers=headers) return self.query(key, headers=headers) def url(self, key): """ Build a URL string with proper token argument. """ if self._token: delim = '&' if '?' in key else '?' return '%s%s%sX-Plex-Token=%s' % (self._baseurl, key, delim, self._token) return '%s%s' % (self._baseurl, key) #--------------------- # Navigation Commands # These commands navigate around the user-interface. def contextMenu(self): """ Open the context menu on the client. """ self.sendCommand('navigation/contextMenu') def goBack(self): """ Navigate back one position. """ self.sendCommand('navigation/back') def goToHome(self): """ Go directly to the home screen. """ self.sendCommand('navigation/home') def goToMusic(self): """ Go directly to the playing music panel. """ self.sendCommand('navigation/music') def moveDown(self): """ Move selection down a position. """ self.sendCommand('navigation/moveDown') def moveLeft(self): """ Move selection left a position. """ self.sendCommand('navigation/moveLeft') def moveRight(self): """ Move selection right a position. """ self.sendCommand('navigation/moveRight') def moveUp(self): """ Move selection up a position. """ self.sendCommand('navigation/moveUp') def nextLetter(self): """ Jump to next letter in the alphabet. """ self.sendCommand('navigation/nextLetter') def pageDown(self): """ Move selection down a full page. """ self.sendCommand('navigation/pageDown') def pageUp(self): """ Move selection up a full page. """ self.sendCommand('navigation/pageUp') def previousLetter(self): """ Jump to previous letter in the alphabet. """ self.sendCommand('navigation/previousLetter') def select(self): """ Select element at the current position. """ self.sendCommand('navigation/select') def toggleOSD(self): """ Toggle the on screen display during playback. """ self.sendCommand('navigation/toggleOSD') def goToMedia(self, media, **params): """ Navigate directly to the specified media page. Parameters: media (:class:`~plexapi.media.Media`): Media object to navigate to. **params (dict): Additional GET parameters to include with the command. Raises: :class:`~plexapi.exceptions.Unsupported`: When no PlexServer specified in this object. """ if not self._server: raise Unsupported('A server must be specified before using this command.') server_url = media._server._baseurl.split(':') self.sendCommand('mirror/details', **dict({ 'machineIdentifier': self._server.machineIdentifier, 'address': server_url[1].strip('/'), 'port': server_url[-1], 'key': media.key, }, **params)) #------------------- # Playback Commands # Most of the playback commands take a mandatory mtype {'music','photo','video'} argument, # to specify which media type to apply the command to, (except for playMedia). This # is in case there are multiple things happening (e.g. music in the background, photo # slideshow in the foreground). def pause(self, mtype): """ Pause the currently playing media type. Parameters: mtype (str): Media type to take action against (music, photo, video). """ self.sendCommand('playback/pause', type=mtype) def play(self, mtype): """ Start playback for the specified media type. Parameters: mtype (str): Media type to take action against (music, photo, video). """ self.sendCommand('playback/play', type=mtype) def refreshPlayQueue(self, playQueueID, mtype=None): """ Refresh the specified Playqueue. Parameters: playQueueID (str): Playqueue ID. mtype (str): Media type to take action against (music, photo, video). """ self.sendCommand( 'playback/refreshPlayQueue', playQueueID=playQueueID, type=mtype) def seekTo(self, offset, mtype=None): """ Seek to the specified offset (ms) during playback. Parameters: offset (int): Position to seek to (milliseconds). mtype (str): Media type to take action against (music, photo, video). """ self.sendCommand('playback/seekTo', offset=offset, type=mtype) def skipNext(self, mtype=None): """ Skip to the next playback item. Parameters: mtype (str): Media type to take action against (music, photo, video). """ self.sendCommand('playback/skipNext', type=mtype) def skipPrevious(self, mtype=None): """ Skip to previous playback item. Parameters: mtype (str): Media type to take action against (music, photo, video). """ self.sendCommand('playback/skipPrevious', type=mtype) def skipTo(self, key, mtype=None): """ Skip to the playback item with the specified key. Parameters: key (str): Key of the media item to skip to. mtype (str): Media type to take action against (music, photo, video). """ self.sendCommand('playback/skipTo', key=key, type=mtype) def stepBack(self, mtype=None): """ Step backward a chunk of time in the current playback item. Parameters: mtype (str): Media type to take action against (music, photo, video). """ self.sendCommand('playback/stepBack', type=mtype) def stepForward(self, mtype): """ Step forward a chunk of time in the current playback item. Parameters: mtype (str): Media type to take action against (music, photo, video). """ self.sendCommand('playback/stepForward', type=mtype) def stop(self, mtype): """ Stop the currently playing item. Parameters: mtype (str): Media type to take action against (music, photo, video). """ self.sendCommand('playback/stop', type=mtype) def setRepeat(self, repeat, mtype): """ Enable repeat for the specified playback items. Parameters: repeat (int): Repeat mode (0=off, 1=repeatone, 2=repeatall). mtype (str): Media type to take action against (music, photo, video). """ self.setParameters(repeat=repeat, mtype=mtype) def setShuffle(self, shuffle, mtype): """ Enable shuffle for the specified playback items. Parameters: shuffle (int): Shuffle mode (0=off, 1=on) mtype (str): Media type to take action against (music, photo, video). """ self.setParameters(shuffle=shuffle, mtype=mtype) def setVolume(self, volume, mtype): """ Enable volume for the current playback item. Parameters: volume (int): Volume level (0-100). mtype (str): Media type to take action against (music, photo, video). """ self.setParameters(volume=volume, mtype=mtype) def setAudioStream(self, audioStreamID, mtype): """ Select the audio stream for the current playback item (only video). Parameters: audioStreamID (str): ID of the audio stream from the media object. mtype (str): Media type to take action against (music, photo, video). """ self.setStreams(audioStreamID=audioStreamID, mtype=mtype) def setSubtitleStream(self, subtitleStreamID, mtype): """ Select the subtitle stream for the current playback item (only video). Parameters: subtitleStreamID (str): ID of the subtitle stream from the media object. mtype (str): Media type to take action against (music, photo, video). """ self.setStreams(subtitleStreamID=subtitleStreamID, mtype=mtype) def setVideoStream(self, videoStreamID, mtype): """ Select the video stream for the current playback item (only video). Parameters: videoStreamID (str): ID of the video stream from the media object. mtype (str): Media type to take action against (music, photo, video). """ self.setStreams(videoStreamID=videoStreamID, mtype=mtype) def playMedia(self, media, offset=0, **params): """ Start playback of the specified media item. See also: Parameters: media (:class:`~plexapi.media.Media`): Media item to be played back (movie, music, photo). offset (int): Number of milliseconds at which to start playing with zero representing the beginning (default 0). **params (dict): Optional additional parameters to include in the playback request. See also: https://github.com/plexinc/plex-media-player/wiki/Remote-control-API#modified-commands Raises: :class:`~plexapi.exceptions.Unsupported`: When no PlexServer specified in this object. """ if not self._server: raise Unsupported('A server must be specified before using this command.') server_url = media._server._baseurl.split(':') playqueue = self._server.createPlayQueue(media) self.sendCommand('playback/playMedia', **dict({ 'machineIdentifier': self._server.machineIdentifier, 'address': server_url[1].strip('/'), 'port': server_url[-1], 'offset': offset, 'key': media.key, 'containerKey': '/playQueues/%s?window=100&own=1' % playqueue.playQueueID, }, **params)) def setParameters(self, volume=None, shuffle=None, repeat=None, mtype=None): """ Set multiple playback parameters at once. Parameters: volume (int): Volume level (0-100; optional). shuffle (int): Shuffle mode (0=off, 1=on; optional). repeat (int): Repeat mode (0=off, 1=repeatone, 2=repeatall; optional). mtype (str): Media type to take action against (optional music, photo, video). """ params = {} if repeat is not None: params['repeat'] = repeat if shuffle is not None: params['shuffle'] = shuffle if volume is not None: params['volume'] = volume if mtype is not None: params['type'] = mtype self.sendCommand('playback/setParameters', **params) def setStreams(self, audioStreamID=None, subtitleStreamID=None, videoStreamID=None, mtype=None): """ Select multiple playback streams at once. Parameters: audioStreamID (str): ID of the audio stream from the media object. subtitleStreamID (str): ID of the subtitle stream from the media object. videoStreamID (str): ID of the video stream from the media object. mtype (str): Media type to take action against (optional music, photo, video). """ params = {} if audioStreamID is not None: params['audioStreamID'] = audioStreamID if subtitleStreamID is not None: params['subtitleStreamID'] = subtitleStreamID if videoStreamID is not None: params['videoStreamID'] = videoStreamID if mtype is not None: params['type'] = mtype self.sendCommand('playback/setStreams', **params) #------------------- # Timeline Commands def timeline(self): """ Poll the current timeline and return the XML response. """ return self.sendCommand('timeline/poll', **{'wait': 1, 'commandID': 4}) def isPlayingMedia(self, includePaused=False): """ Returns True if any media is currently playing. Parameters: includePaused (bool): Set True to treat currently paused items as playing (optional; default True). """ for mediatype in self.timeline(): if mediatype.get('state') == 'playing': return True if includePaused and mediatype.get('state') == 'paused': return True return False