# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os from urllib.parse import quote_plus from plexapi import media, utils from plexapi.base import Playable, PlexPartialObject, PlexSession from plexapi.exceptions import BadRequest from plexapi.mixins import ( AdvancedSettingsMixin, SplitMergeMixin, UnmatchMatchMixin, ExtrasMixin, HubsMixin, RatingMixin, ArtUrlMixin, ArtMixin, BannerMixin, PosterUrlMixin, PosterMixin, ThemeUrlMixin, ThemeMixin, ContentRatingMixin, OriginallyAvailableMixin, OriginalTitleMixin, SortTitleMixin, StudioMixin, SummaryMixin, TaglineMixin, TitleMixin, CollectionMixin, CountryMixin, DirectorMixin, GenreMixin, LabelMixin, ProducerMixin, WriterMixin, WatchlistMixin ) class Video(PlexPartialObject): """ Base class for all video objects including :class:`~plexapi.video.Movie`, :class:`~plexapi.video.Show`, :class:`~plexapi.video.Season`, :class:`~plexapi.video.Episode`, and :class:`~plexapi.video.Clip`. Attributes: addedAt (datetime): Datetime the item was added to the library. art (str): URL to artwork image (/library/metadata//art/). artBlurHash (str): BlurHash string for artwork image. fields (List<:class:`~plexapi.media.Field`>): List of field objects. guid (str): Plex GUID for the movie, show, season, episode, or clip (plex://movie/5d776b59ad5437001f79c6f8). key (str): API URL (/library/metadata/). lastRatedAt (datetime): Datetime the item was last rated. lastViewedAt (datetime): Datetime the item was last played. librarySectionID (int): :class:`~plexapi.library.LibrarySection` ID. librarySectionKey (str): :class:`~plexapi.library.LibrarySection` key. librarySectionTitle (str): :class:`~plexapi.library.LibrarySection` title. listType (str): Hardcoded as 'video' (useful for search filters). ratingKey (int): Unique key identifying the item. summary (str): Summary of the movie, show, season, episode, or clip. thumb (str): URL to thumbnail image (/library/metadata//thumb/). thumbBlurHash (str): BlurHash string for thumbnail image. title (str): Name of the movie, show, season, episode, or clip. titleSort (str): Title to use when sorting (defaults to title). type (str): 'movie', 'show', 'season', 'episode', or 'clip'. updatedAt (datetime): Datetime the item was updated. userRating (float): Rating of the item (0.0 - 10.0) equaling (0 stars - 5 stars). viewCount (int): Count of times the item was played. """ def _loadData(self, data): """ Load attribute values from Plex XML response. """ self._data = data self.addedAt = utils.toDatetime(data.attrib.get('addedAt')) self.art = data.attrib.get('art') self.artBlurHash = data.attrib.get('artBlurHash') self.fields = self.findItems(data, media.Field) self.guid = data.attrib.get('guid') self.key = data.attrib.get('key', '') self.lastRatedAt = utils.toDatetime(data.attrib.get('lastRatedAt')) self.lastViewedAt = utils.toDatetime(data.attrib.get('lastViewedAt')) self.librarySectionID = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('librarySectionID')) self.librarySectionKey = data.attrib.get('librarySectionKey') self.librarySectionTitle = data.attrib.get('librarySectionTitle') self.listType = 'video' self.ratingKey = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('ratingKey')) self.summary = data.attrib.get('summary') self.thumb = data.attrib.get('thumb') self.thumbBlurHash = data.attrib.get('thumbBlurHash') self.title = data.attrib.get('title') self.titleSort = data.attrib.get('titleSort', self.title) self.type = data.attrib.get('type') self.updatedAt = utils.toDatetime(data.attrib.get('updatedAt')) self.userRating = utils.cast(float, data.attrib.get('userRating')) self.viewCount = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('viewCount', 0)) @property def isWatched(self): """ Returns True if this video is watched. """ return bool(self.viewCount > 0) if self.viewCount else False def url(self, part): """ Returns the full url for something. Typically used for getting a specific image. """ return self._server.url(part, includeToken=True) if part else None def markWatched(self): """ Mark the video as played. """ key = '/:/scrobble?key=%s&identifier=com.plexapp.plugins.library' % self.ratingKey self._server.query(key) def markUnwatched(self): """ Mark the video as unplayed. """ key = '/:/unscrobble?key=%s&identifier=com.plexapp.plugins.library' % self.ratingKey self._server.query(key) def augmentation(self): """ Returns a list of :class:`~plexapi.library.Hub` objects. Augmentation returns hub items relating to online media sources such as Tidal Music "Track from {item}" or "Soundtrack of {item}". Plex Pass and linked Tidal account are required. """ account = self._server.myPlexAccount() tidalOptOut = next( (service.value for service in account.onlineMediaSources() if service.key == 'tv.plex.provider.music'), None ) if account.subscriptionStatus != 'Active' or tidalOptOut == 'opt_out': raise BadRequest('Requires Plex Pass and Tidal Music enabled.') data = self._server.query(self.key + '?asyncAugmentMetadata=1') augmentationKey = data.attrib.get('augmentationKey') return self.fetchItems(augmentationKey) def _defaultSyncTitle(self): """ Returns str, default title for a new syncItem. """ return self.title def audioStreams(self): """ Returns a list of :class:`~plexapi.media.AudioStream` objects for all MediaParts. """ streams = [] parts = self.iterParts() for part in parts: streams += part.audioStreams() return streams def subtitleStreams(self): """ Returns a list of :class:`~plexapi.media.SubtitleStream` objects for all MediaParts. """ streams = [] parts = self.iterParts() for part in parts: streams += part.subtitleStreams() return streams def uploadSubtitles(self, filepath): """ Upload Subtitle file for video. """ url = '%s/subtitles' % self.key filename = os.path.basename(filepath) subFormat = os.path.splitext(filepath)[1][1:] with open(filepath, 'rb') as subfile: params = {'title': filename, 'format': subFormat } headers = {'Accept': 'text/plain, */*'} self._server.query(url, self._server._session.post, data=subfile, params=params, headers=headers) def removeSubtitles(self, streamID=None, streamTitle=None): """ Remove Subtitle from movie's subtitles listing. Note: If subtitle file is located inside video directory it will bbe deleted. Files outside of video directory are not effected. """ for stream in self.subtitleStreams(): if streamID == stream.id or streamTitle == stream.title: self._server.query(stream.key, self._server._session.delete) def optimize(self, title='', target='', deviceProfile='', videoQuality=None, locationID=-1, limit=None, unwatched=False): """ Create an optimized version of the video. Parameters: title (str, optional): Title of the optimized video. target (str, optional): Target quality profile: "Optimized for Mobile" ("mobile"), "Optimized for TV" ("tv"), "Original Quality" ("original"), or custom quality profile name (default "Custom: {deviceProfile}"). deviceProfile (str, optional): Custom quality device profile: "Android", "iOS", "Universal Mobile", "Universal TV", "Windows Phone", "Windows", "Xbox One". Required if ``target`` is custom. videoQuality (int, optional): Index of the quality profile, one of ``VIDEO_QUALITY_*`` values defined in the :mod:`~plexapi.sync` module. Only used if ``target`` is custom. locationID (int or :class:`~plexapi.library.Location`, optional): Default -1 for "In folder with original items", otherwise a :class:`~plexapi.library.Location` object or ID. See examples below. limit (int, optional): Maximum count of items to optimize, unlimited if ``None``. unwatched (bool, optional): ``True`` to only optimized unwatched videos. Raises: :exc:`~plexapi.exceptions.BadRequest`: Unknown quality profile target or missing deviceProfile and videoQuality. :exc:`~plexapi.exceptions.BadRequest`: Unknown location ID. Example: .. code-block:: python # Optimize for mobile using defaults video.optimize(target="mobile") # Optimize for Android at 10 Mbps 1080p from plexapi.sync import VIDEO_QUALITY_10_MBPS_1080p video.optimize(deviceProfile="Android", videoQuality=sync.VIDEO_QUALITY_10_MBPS_1080p) # Optimize for iOS at original quality in library location from plexapi.sync import VIDEO_QUALITY_ORIGINAL locations = plex.library.section("Movies")._locations() video.optimize(deviceProfile="iOS", videoQuality=VIDEO_QUALITY_ORIGINAL, locationID=locations[0]) # Optimize for tv the next 5 unwatched episodes show.optimize(target="tv", limit=5, unwatched=True) """ from plexapi.library import Location from plexapi.sync import Policy, MediaSettings backgroundProcessing = self.fetchItem('/playlists?type=42') key = '%s/items' % backgroundProcessing.key tags = {t.tag.lower(): t.id for t in self._server.library.tags('mediaProcessingTarget')} # Additional keys for shorthand values tags['mobile'] = tags['optimized for mobile'] tags['tv'] = tags['optimized for tv'] tags['original'] = tags['original quality'] targetTagID = tags.get(target.lower(), '') if not targetTagID and (not deviceProfile or videoQuality is None): raise BadRequest('Unknown quality profile target or missing deviceProfile and videoQuality.') if targetTagID: target = '' elif deviceProfile and not target: target = f'Custom: {deviceProfile}' section = self.section() libraryLocationIDs = [-1] + [location.id for location in section._locations()] if isinstance(locationID, Location): locationID = locationID.id if locationID not in libraryLocationIDs: raise BadRequest(f'Unknown location ID "{locationID}" not in {libraryLocationIDs}') if isinstance(self, (Show, Season)): uri = f'library:///directory/{quote_plus(f"{self.key}/children")}' else: uri = f'library://{section.uuid}/item/{quote_plus(self.key)}' policy = Policy.create(limit, unwatched) params = { 'Item[type]': 42, 'Item[title]': title or self._defaultSyncTitle(), 'Item[target]': target, 'Item[targetTagID]': targetTagID, 'Item[locationID]': locationID, 'Item[Location][uri]': uri, 'Item[Policy][scope]': policy.scope, 'Item[Policy][value]': str(policy.value), 'Item[Policy][unwatched]': str(int(policy.unwatched)), } if deviceProfile: params['Item[Device][profile]'] = deviceProfile if videoQuality: mediaSettings = MediaSettings.createVideo(videoQuality) params['Item[MediaSettings][videoQuality]'] = mediaSettings.videoQuality params['Item[MediaSettings][videoResolution]'] = mediaSettings.videoResolution params['Item[MediaSettings][maxVideoBitrate]'] = mediaSettings.maxVideoBitrate params['Item[MediaSettings][audioBoost]'] = '' params['Item[MediaSettings][subtitleSize]'] = '' params['Item[MediaSettings][musicBitrate]'] = '' params['Item[MediaSettings][photoQuality]'] = '' params['Item[MediaSettings][photoResolution]'] = '' url = key + utils.joinArgs(params) self._server.query(url, method=self._server._session.put) def sync(self, videoQuality, client=None, clientId=None, limit=None, unwatched=False, title=None): """ Add current video (movie, tv-show, season or episode) as sync item for specified device. See :func:`~plexapi.myplex.MyPlexAccount.sync` for possible exceptions. Parameters: videoQuality (int): idx of quality of the video, one of VIDEO_QUALITY_* values defined in :mod:`~plexapi.sync` module. client (:class:`~plexapi.myplex.MyPlexDevice`): sync destination, see :func:`~plexapi.myplex.MyPlexAccount.sync`. clientId (str): sync destination, see :func:`~plexapi.myplex.MyPlexAccount.sync`. limit (int): maximum count of items to sync, unlimited if `None`. unwatched (bool): if `True` watched videos wouldn't be synced. title (str): descriptive title for the new :class:`~plexapi.sync.SyncItem`, if empty the value would be generated from metadata of current media. Returns: :class:`~plexapi.sync.SyncItem`: an instance of created syncItem. """ from plexapi.sync import SyncItem, Policy, MediaSettings myplex = self._server.myPlexAccount() sync_item = SyncItem(self._server, None) sync_item.title = title if title else self._defaultSyncTitle() sync_item.rootTitle = self.title sync_item.contentType = self.listType sync_item.metadataType = self.METADATA_TYPE sync_item.machineIdentifier = self._server.machineIdentifier section = self._server.library.sectionByID(self.librarySectionID) sync_item.location = 'library://%s/item/%s' % (section.uuid, quote_plus(self.key)) sync_item.policy = Policy.create(limit, unwatched) sync_item.mediaSettings = MediaSettings.createVideo(videoQuality) return myplex.sync(sync_item, client=client, clientId=clientId) @utils.registerPlexObject class Movie( Video, Playable, AdvancedSettingsMixin, SplitMergeMixin, UnmatchMatchMixin, ExtrasMixin, HubsMixin, RatingMixin, ArtMixin, PosterMixin, ThemeMixin, ContentRatingMixin, OriginallyAvailableMixin, OriginalTitleMixin, SortTitleMixin, StudioMixin, SummaryMixin, TaglineMixin, TitleMixin, CollectionMixin, CountryMixin, DirectorMixin, GenreMixin, LabelMixin, ProducerMixin, WriterMixin, WatchlistMixin ): """ Represents a single Movie. Attributes: TAG (str): 'Video' TYPE (str): 'movie' audienceRating (float): Audience rating (usually from Rotten Tomatoes). audienceRatingImage (str): Key to audience rating image (rottentomatoes://image.rating.spilled). chapters (List<:class:`~plexapi.media.Chapter`>): List of Chapter objects. chapterSource (str): Chapter source (agent; media; mixed). collections (List<:class:`~plexapi.media.Collection`>): List of collection objects. contentRating (str) Content rating (PG-13; NR; TV-G). countries (List<:class:`~plexapi.media.Country`>): List of countries objects. directors (List<:class:`~plexapi.media.Director`>): List of director objects. duration (int): Duration of the movie in milliseconds. genres (List<:class:`~plexapi.media.Genre`>): List of genre objects. guids (List<:class:`~plexapi.media.Guid`>): List of guid objects. labels (List<:class:`~plexapi.media.Label`>): List of label objects. languageOverride (str): Setting that indicates if a language is used to override metadata (eg. en-CA, None = Library default). media (List<:class:`~plexapi.media.Media`>): List of media objects. originallyAvailableAt (datetime): Datetime the movie was released. originalTitle (str): Original title, often the foreign title (転々; 엽기적인 그녀). primaryExtraKey (str) Primary extra key (/library/metadata/66351). producers (List<:class:`~plexapi.media.Producer`>): List of producers objects. rating (float): Movie critic rating (7.9; 9.8; 8.1). ratingImage (str): Key to critic rating image (rottentomatoes://image.rating.rotten). roles (List<:class:`~plexapi.media.Role`>): List of role objects. similar (List<:class:`~plexapi.media.Similar`>): List of Similar objects. studio (str): Studio that created movie (Di Bonaventura Pictures; 21 Laps Entertainment). tagline (str): Movie tag line (Back 2 Work; Who says men can't change?). theme (str): URL to theme resource (/library/metadata//theme/). useOriginalTitle (int): Setting that indicates if the original title is used for the movie (-1 = Library default, 0 = No, 1 = Yes). viewOffset (int): View offset in milliseconds. writers (List<:class:`~plexapi.media.Writer`>): List of writers objects. year (int): Year movie was released. """ TAG = 'Video' TYPE = 'movie' METADATA_TYPE = 'movie' def _loadData(self, data): """ Load attribute values from Plex XML response. """ Video._loadData(self, data) Playable._loadData(self, data) self.audienceRating = utils.cast(float, data.attrib.get('audienceRating')) self.audienceRatingImage = data.attrib.get('audienceRatingImage') self.chapters = self.findItems(data, media.Chapter) self.chapterSource = data.attrib.get('chapterSource') self.collections = self.findItems(data, media.Collection) self.contentRating = data.attrib.get('contentRating') self.countries = self.findItems(data, media.Country) self.directors = self.findItems(data, media.Director) self.duration = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('duration')) self.genres = self.findItems(data, media.Genre) self.guids = self.findItems(data, media.Guid) self.labels = self.findItems(data, media.Label) self.languageOverride = data.attrib.get('languageOverride') self.media = self.findItems(data, media.Media) self.originallyAvailableAt = utils.toDatetime(data.attrib.get('originallyAvailableAt'), '%Y-%m-%d') self.originalTitle = data.attrib.get('originalTitle') self.primaryExtraKey = data.attrib.get('primaryExtraKey') self.producers = self.findItems(data, media.Producer) self.rating = utils.cast(float, data.attrib.get('rating')) self.ratingImage = data.attrib.get('ratingImage') self.roles = self.findItems(data, media.Role) self.similar = self.findItems(data, media.Similar) self.studio = data.attrib.get('studio') self.tagline = data.attrib.get('tagline') self.theme = data.attrib.get('theme') self.useOriginalTitle = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('useOriginalTitle', '-1')) self.viewOffset = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('viewOffset', 0)) self.writers = self.findItems(data, media.Writer) self.year = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('year')) @property def actors(self): """ Alias to self.roles. """ return self.roles @property def locations(self): """ This does not exist in plex xml response but is added to have a common interface to get the locations of the movie. Returns: List of file paths where the movie is found on disk. """ return [part.file for part in self.iterParts() if part] @property def hasPreviewThumbnails(self): """ Returns True if any of the media parts has generated preview (BIF) thumbnails. """ return any(part.hasPreviewThumbnails for media in self.media for part in media.parts) def _prettyfilename(self): """ Returns a filename for use in download. """ return '%s (%s)' % (self.title, self.year) def reviews(self): """ Returns a list of :class:`~plexapi.media.Review` objects. """ data = self._server.query(self._details_key) return self.findItems(data, media.Review, rtag='Video') @utils.registerPlexObject class Show( Video, AdvancedSettingsMixin, SplitMergeMixin, UnmatchMatchMixin, ExtrasMixin, HubsMixin, RatingMixin, ArtMixin, BannerMixin, PosterMixin, ThemeMixin, ContentRatingMixin, OriginallyAvailableMixin, OriginalTitleMixin, SortTitleMixin, StudioMixin, SummaryMixin, TaglineMixin, TitleMixin, CollectionMixin, GenreMixin, LabelMixin, WatchlistMixin ): """ Represents a single Show (including all seasons and episodes). Attributes: TAG (str): 'Directory' TYPE (str): 'show' audienceRating (float): Audience rating (TMDB or TVDB). audienceRatingImage (str): Key to audience rating image (tmdb://image.rating). autoDeletionItemPolicyUnwatchedLibrary (int): Setting that indicates the number of unplayed episodes to keep for the show (0 = All episodes, 5 = 5 latest episodes, 3 = 3 latest episodes, 1 = 1 latest episode, -3 = Episodes added in the past 3 days, -7 = Episodes added in the past 7 days, -30 = Episodes added in the past 30 days). autoDeletionItemPolicyWatchedLibrary (int): Setting that indicates if episodes are deleted after being watched for the show (0 = Never, 1 = After a day, 7 = After a week, 100 = On next refresh). banner (str): Key to banner artwork (/library/metadata//banner/). childCount (int): Number of seasons in the show. collections (List<:class:`~plexapi.media.Collection`>): List of collection objects. contentRating (str) Content rating (PG-13; NR; TV-G). duration (int): Typical duration of the show episodes in milliseconds. episodeSort (int): Setting that indicates how episodes are sorted for the show (-1 = Library default, 0 = Oldest first, 1 = Newest first). flattenSeasons (int): Setting that indicates if seasons are set to hidden for the show (-1 = Library default, 0 = Hide, 1 = Show). genres (List<:class:`~plexapi.media.Genre`>): List of genre objects. guids (List<:class:`~plexapi.media.Guid`>): List of guid objects. index (int): Plex index number for the show. key (str): API URL (/library/metadata/). labels (List<:class:`~plexapi.media.Label`>): List of label objects. languageOverride (str): Setting that indicates if a language is used to override metadata (eg. en-CA, None = Library default). leafCount (int): Number of items in the show view. locations (List): List of folder paths where the show is found on disk. network (str): The network that distributed the show. originallyAvailableAt (datetime): Datetime the show was released. originalTitle (str): The original title of the show. rating (float): Show rating (7.9; 9.8; 8.1). roles (List<:class:`~plexapi.media.Role`>): List of role objects. showOrdering (str): Setting that indicates the episode ordering for the show (None = Library default). similar (List<:class:`~plexapi.media.Similar`>): List of Similar objects. studio (str): Studio that created show (Di Bonaventura Pictures; 21 Laps Entertainment). tagline (str): Show tag line. theme (str): URL to theme resource (/library/metadata//theme/). useOriginalTitle (int): Setting that indicates if the original title is used for the show (-1 = Library default, 0 = No, 1 = Yes). viewedLeafCount (int): Number of items marked as played in the show view. year (int): Year the show was released. """ TAG = 'Directory' TYPE = 'show' METADATA_TYPE = 'episode' def _loadData(self, data): """ Load attribute values from Plex XML response. """ Video._loadData(self, data) self.audienceRating = utils.cast(float, data.attrib.get('audienceRating')) self.audienceRatingImage = data.attrib.get('audienceRatingImage') self.autoDeletionItemPolicyUnwatchedLibrary = utils.cast( int, data.attrib.get('autoDeletionItemPolicyUnwatchedLibrary', '0')) self.autoDeletionItemPolicyWatchedLibrary = utils.cast( int, data.attrib.get('autoDeletionItemPolicyWatchedLibrary', '0')) self.banner = data.attrib.get('banner') self.childCount = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('childCount')) self.collections = self.findItems(data, media.Collection) self.contentRating = data.attrib.get('contentRating') self.duration = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('duration')) self.episodeSort = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('episodeSort', '-1')) self.flattenSeasons = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('flattenSeasons', '-1')) self.genres = self.findItems(data, media.Genre) self.guids = self.findItems(data, media.Guid) self.index = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('index')) self.key = self.key.replace('/children', '') # FIX_BUG_50 self.labels = self.findItems(data, media.Label) self.languageOverride = data.attrib.get('languageOverride') self.leafCount = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('leafCount')) self.locations = self.listAttrs(data, 'path', etag='Location') self.network = data.attrib.get('network') self.originallyAvailableAt = utils.toDatetime(data.attrib.get('originallyAvailableAt'), '%Y-%m-%d') self.originalTitle = data.attrib.get('originalTitle') self.rating = utils.cast(float, data.attrib.get('rating')) self.roles = self.findItems(data, media.Role) self.showOrdering = data.attrib.get('showOrdering') self.similar = self.findItems(data, media.Similar) self.studio = data.attrib.get('studio') self.tagline = data.attrib.get('tagline') self.theme = data.attrib.get('theme') self.useOriginalTitle = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('useOriginalTitle', '-1')) self.viewedLeafCount = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('viewedLeafCount')) self.year = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('year')) def __iter__(self): for season in self.seasons(): yield season @property def actors(self): """ Alias to self.roles. """ return self.roles @property def isWatched(self): """ Returns True if the show is fully watched. """ return bool(self.viewedLeafCount == self.leafCount) def onDeck(self): """ Returns show's On Deck :class:`~plexapi.video.Video` object or `None`. If show is unwatched, return will likely be the first episode. """ data = self._server.query(self._details_key) return next(iter(self.findItems(data, rtag='OnDeck')), None) def season(self, title=None, season=None): """ Returns the season with the specified title or number. Parameters: title (str): Title of the season to return. season (int): Season number (default: None; required if title not specified). Raises: :exc:`~plexapi.exceptions.BadRequest`: If title or season parameter is missing. """ key = f'{self.key}/children?excludeAllLeaves=1' if title is not None and not isinstance(title, int): return self.fetchItem(key, Season, title__iexact=title) elif season is not None or isinstance(title, int): if isinstance(title, int): index = title else: index = season return self.fetchItem(key, Season, index=index) raise BadRequest('Missing argument: title or season is required') def seasons(self, **kwargs): """ Returns a list of :class:`~plexapi.video.Season` objects in the show. """ key = f'{self.key}/children?excludeAllLeaves=1' return self.fetchItems(key, Season, **kwargs) def episode(self, title=None, season=None, episode=None): """ Find a episode using a title or season and episode. Parameters: title (str): Title of the episode to return season (int): Season number (default: None; required if title not specified). episode (int): Episode number (default: None; required if title not specified). Raises: :exc:`~plexapi.exceptions.BadRequest`: If title or season and episode parameters are missing. """ key = f'{self.key}/allLeaves' if title is not None: return self.fetchItem(key, Episode, title__iexact=title) elif season is not None and episode is not None: return self.fetchItem(key, Episode, parentIndex=season, index=episode) raise BadRequest('Missing argument: title or season and episode are required') def episodes(self, **kwargs): """ Returns a list of :class:`~plexapi.video.Episode` objects in the show. """ key = f'{self.key}/allLeaves' return self.fetchItems(key, Episode, **kwargs) def get(self, title=None, season=None, episode=None): """ Alias to :func:`~plexapi.video.Show.episode`. """ return self.episode(title, season, episode) def watched(self): """ Returns list of watched :class:`~plexapi.video.Episode` objects. """ return self.episodes(viewCount__gt=0) def unwatched(self): """ Returns list of unwatched :class:`~plexapi.video.Episode` objects. """ return self.episodes(viewCount=0) def download(self, savepath=None, keep_original_name=False, subfolders=False, **kwargs): """ Download all episodes from the show. See :func:`~plexapi.base.Playable.download` for details. Parameters: savepath (str): Defaults to current working dir. keep_original_name (bool): True to keep the original filename otherwise a friendlier filename is generated. subfolders (bool): True to separate episodes in to season folders. **kwargs: Additional options passed into :func:`~plexapi.base.PlexObject.getStreamURL`. """ filepaths = [] for episode in self.episodes(): _savepath = os.path.join(savepath, 'Season %s' % str(episode.seasonNumber).zfill(2)) if subfolders else savepath filepaths += episode.download(_savepath, keep_original_name, **kwargs) return filepaths @utils.registerPlexObject class Season( Video, ExtrasMixin, RatingMixin, ArtMixin, PosterMixin, ThemeUrlMixin, SummaryMixin, TitleMixin, CollectionMixin, LabelMixin ): """ Represents a single Show Season (including all episodes). Attributes: TAG (str): 'Directory' TYPE (str): 'season' collections (List<:class:`~plexapi.media.Collection`>): List of collection objects. guids (List<:class:`~plexapi.media.Guid`>): List of guid objects. index (int): Season number. key (str): API URL (/library/metadata/). labels (List<:class:`~plexapi.media.Label`>): List of label objects. leafCount (int): Number of items in the season view. parentGuid (str): Plex GUID for the show (plex://show/5d9c086fe9d5a1001f4d9fe6). parentIndex (int): Plex index number for the show. parentKey (str): API URL of the show (/library/metadata/). parentRatingKey (int): Unique key identifying the show. parentStudio (str): Studio that created show. parentTheme (str): URL to show theme resource (/library/metadata//theme/). parentThumb (str): URL to show thumbnail image (/library/metadata//thumb/). parentTitle (str): Name of the show for the season. viewedLeafCount (int): Number of items marked as played in the season view. year (int): Year the season was released. """ TAG = 'Directory' TYPE = 'season' METADATA_TYPE = 'episode' def _loadData(self, data): """ Load attribute values from Plex XML response. """ Video._loadData(self, data) self.collections = self.findItems(data, media.Collection) self.guids = self.findItems(data, media.Guid) self.index = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('index')) self.key = self.key.replace('/children', '') # FIX_BUG_50 self.labels = self.findItems(data, media.Label) self.leafCount = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('leafCount')) self.parentGuid = data.attrib.get('parentGuid') self.parentIndex = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('parentIndex')) self.parentKey = data.attrib.get('parentKey') self.parentRatingKey = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('parentRatingKey')) self.parentStudio = data.attrib.get('parentStudio') self.parentTheme = data.attrib.get('parentTheme') self.parentThumb = data.attrib.get('parentThumb') self.parentTitle = data.attrib.get('parentTitle') self.viewedLeafCount = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('viewedLeafCount')) self.year = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('year')) def __iter__(self): for episode in self.episodes(): yield episode def __repr__(self): return '<%s>' % ':'.join([p for p in [ self.__class__.__name__, self.key.replace('/library/metadata/', '').replace('/children', ''), '%s-s%s' % (self.parentTitle.replace(' ', '-')[:20], self.seasonNumber), ] if p]) @property def isWatched(self): """ Returns True if the season is fully watched. """ return bool(self.viewedLeafCount == self.leafCount) @property def seasonNumber(self): """ Returns the season number. """ return self.index def episodes(self, **kwargs): """ Returns a list of :class:`~plexapi.video.Episode` objects in the season. """ key = f'{self.key}/children' return self.fetchItems(key, Episode, **kwargs) def episode(self, title=None, episode=None): """ Returns the episode with the given title or number. Parameters: title (str): Title of the episode to return. episode (int): Episode number (default: None; required if title not specified). Raises: :exc:`~plexapi.exceptions.BadRequest`: If title or episode parameter is missing. """ key = f'{self.key}/children' if title is not None and not isinstance(title, int): return self.fetchItem(key, Episode, title__iexact=title) elif episode is not None or isinstance(title, int): if isinstance(title, int): index = title else: index = episode return self.fetchItem(key, Episode, parentIndex=self.index, index=index) raise BadRequest('Missing argument: title or episode is required') def get(self, title=None, episode=None): """ Alias to :func:`~plexapi.video.Season.episode`. """ return self.episode(title, episode) def onDeck(self): """ Returns season's On Deck :class:`~plexapi.video.Video` object or `None`. Will only return a match if the show's On Deck episode is in this season. """ data = self._server.query(self._details_key) return next(iter(self.findItems(data, rtag='OnDeck')), None) def show(self): """ Return the season's :class:`~plexapi.video.Show`. """ return self.fetchItem(self.parentKey) def watched(self): """ Returns list of watched :class:`~plexapi.video.Episode` objects. """ return self.episodes(viewCount__gt=0) def unwatched(self): """ Returns list of unwatched :class:`~plexapi.video.Episode` objects. """ return self.episodes(viewCount=0) def download(self, savepath=None, keep_original_name=False, **kwargs): """ Download all episodes from the season. See :func:`~plexapi.base.Playable.download` for details. Parameters: savepath (str): Defaults to current working dir. keep_original_name (bool): True to keep the original filename otherwise a friendlier filename is generated. **kwargs: Additional options passed into :func:`~plexapi.base.PlexObject.getStreamURL`. """ filepaths = [] for episode in self.episodes(): filepaths += episode.download(savepath, keep_original_name, **kwargs) return filepaths def _defaultSyncTitle(self): """ Returns str, default title for a new syncItem. """ return '%s - %s' % (self.parentTitle, self.title) @utils.registerPlexObject class Episode( Video, Playable, ExtrasMixin, RatingMixin, ArtMixin, PosterMixin, ThemeUrlMixin, ContentRatingMixin, OriginallyAvailableMixin, SortTitleMixin, SummaryMixin, TitleMixin, CollectionMixin, DirectorMixin, LabelMixin, WriterMixin ): """ Represents a single Shows Episode. Attributes: TAG (str): 'Video' TYPE (str): 'episode' audienceRating (float): Audience rating (TMDB or TVDB). audienceRatingImage (str): Key to audience rating image (tmdb://image.rating). chapters (List<:class:`~plexapi.media.Chapter`>): List of Chapter objects. chapterSource (str): Chapter source (agent; media; mixed). collections (List<:class:`~plexapi.media.Collection`>): List of collection objects. contentRating (str) Content rating (PG-13; NR; TV-G). directors (List<:class:`~plexapi.media.Director`>): List of director objects. duration (int): Duration of the episode in milliseconds. grandparentArt (str): URL to show artwork (/library/metadata//art/). grandparentGuid (str): Plex GUID for the show (plex://show/5d9c086fe9d5a1001f4d9fe6). grandparentKey (str): API URL of the show (/library/metadata/). grandparentRatingKey (int): Unique key identifying the show. grandparentTheme (str): URL to show theme resource (/library/metadata//theme/). grandparentThumb (str): URL to show thumbnail image (/library/metadata//thumb/). grandparentTitle (str): Name of the show for the episode. guids (List<:class:`~plexapi.media.Guid`>): List of guid objects. index (int): Episode number. labels (List<:class:`~plexapi.media.Label`>): List of label objects. markers (List<:class:`~plexapi.media.Marker`>): List of marker objects. media (List<:class:`~plexapi.media.Media`>): List of media objects. originallyAvailableAt (datetime): Datetime the episode was released. parentGuid (str): Plex GUID for the season (plex://season/5d9c09e42df347001e3c2a72). parentIndex (int): Season number of episode. parentKey (str): API URL of the season (/library/metadata/). parentRatingKey (int): Unique key identifying the season. parentThumb (str): URL to season thumbnail image (/library/metadata//thumb/). parentTitle (str): Name of the season for the episode. parentYear (int): Year the season was released. producers (List<:class:`~plexapi.media.Producer`>): List of producers objects. rating (float): Episode rating (7.9; 9.8; 8.1). roles (List<:class:`~plexapi.media.Role`>): List of role objects. skipParent (bool): True if the show's seasons are set to hidden. viewOffset (int): View offset in milliseconds. writers (List<:class:`~plexapi.media.Writer`>): List of writers objects. year (int): Year the episode was released. """ TAG = 'Video' TYPE = 'episode' METADATA_TYPE = 'episode' def _loadData(self, data): """ Load attribute values from Plex XML response. """ Video._loadData(self, data) Playable._loadData(self, data) self._seasonNumber = None # cached season number self.audienceRating = utils.cast(float, data.attrib.get('audienceRating')) self.audienceRatingImage = data.attrib.get('audienceRatingImage') self.chapters = self.findItems(data, media.Chapter) self.chapterSource = data.attrib.get('chapterSource') self.collections = self.findItems(data, media.Collection) self.contentRating = data.attrib.get('contentRating') self.directors = self.findItems(data, media.Director) self.duration = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('duration')) self.grandparentArt = data.attrib.get('grandparentArt') self.grandparentGuid = data.attrib.get('grandparentGuid') self.grandparentKey = data.attrib.get('grandparentKey') self.grandparentRatingKey = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('grandparentRatingKey')) self.grandparentTheme = data.attrib.get('grandparentTheme') self.grandparentThumb = data.attrib.get('grandparentThumb') self.grandparentTitle = data.attrib.get('grandparentTitle') self.guids = self.findItems(data, media.Guid) self.index = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('index')) self.labels = self.findItems(data, media.Label) self.markers = self.findItems(data, media.Marker) self.media = self.findItems(data, media.Media) self.originallyAvailableAt = utils.toDatetime(data.attrib.get('originallyAvailableAt'), '%Y-%m-%d') self.parentGuid = data.attrib.get('parentGuid') self.parentIndex = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('parentIndex')) self.parentKey = data.attrib.get('parentKey') self.parentRatingKey = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('parentRatingKey')) self.parentThumb = data.attrib.get('parentThumb') self.parentTitle = data.attrib.get('parentTitle') self.parentYear = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('parentYear')) self.producers = self.findItems(data, media.Producer) self.rating = utils.cast(float, data.attrib.get('rating')) self.roles = self.findItems(data, media.Role) self.skipParent = utils.cast(bool, data.attrib.get('skipParent', '0')) self.viewOffset = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('viewOffset', 0)) self.writers = self.findItems(data, media.Writer) self.year = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('year')) # If seasons are hidden, parentKey and parentRatingKey are missing from the XML response. # https://forums.plex.tv/t/parentratingkey-not-in-episode-xml-when-seasons-are-hidden/300553 if self.skipParent and not self.parentRatingKey: # Parse the parentRatingKey from the parentThumb if self.parentThumb and self.parentThumb.startswith('/library/metadata/'): self.parentRatingKey = utils.cast(int, self.parentThumb.split('/')[3]) # Get the parentRatingKey from the season's ratingKey if not self.parentRatingKey and self.grandparentRatingKey: self.parentRatingKey = self.show().season(season=self.parentIndex).ratingKey if self.parentRatingKey: self.parentKey = '/library/metadata/%s' % self.parentRatingKey def __repr__(self): return '<%s>' % ':'.join([p for p in [ self.__class__.__name__, self.key.replace('/library/metadata/', '').replace('/children', ''), '%s-%s' % (self.grandparentTitle.replace(' ', '-')[:20], self.seasonEpisode), ] if p]) def _prettyfilename(self): """ Returns a filename for use in download. """ return '%s - %s - %s' % (self.grandparentTitle, self.seasonEpisode, self.title) @property def actors(self): """ Alias to self.roles. """ return self.roles @property def locations(self): """ This does not exist in plex xml response but is added to have a common interface to get the locations of the episode. Returns: List of file paths where the episode is found on disk. """ return [part.file for part in self.iterParts() if part] @property def episodeNumber(self): """ Returns the episode number. """ return self.index @property def seasonNumber(self): """ Returns the episode's season number. """ if self._seasonNumber is None: self._seasonNumber = self.parentIndex if isinstance(self.parentIndex, int) else self.season().seasonNumber return utils.cast(int, self._seasonNumber) @property def seasonEpisode(self): """ Returns the s00e00 string containing the season and episode numbers. """ return 's%se%s' % (str(self.seasonNumber).zfill(2), str(self.episodeNumber).zfill(2)) @property def hasCommercialMarker(self): """ Returns True if the episode has a commercial marker in the xml. """ return any(marker.type == 'commercial' for marker in self.markers) @property def hasIntroMarker(self): """ Returns True if the episode has an intro marker in the xml. """ return any(marker.type == 'intro' for marker in self.markers) @property def hasPreviewThumbnails(self): """ Returns True if any of the media parts has generated preview (BIF) thumbnails. """ return any(part.hasPreviewThumbnails for media in self.media for part in media.parts) def season(self): """" Return the episode's :class:`~plexapi.video.Season`. """ return self.fetchItem(self.parentKey) def show(self): """" Return the episode's :class:`~plexapi.video.Show`. """ return self.fetchItem(self.grandparentKey) def _defaultSyncTitle(self): """ Returns str, default title for a new syncItem. """ return '%s - %s - (%s) %s' % (self.grandparentTitle, self.parentTitle, self.seasonEpisode, self.title) @utils.registerPlexObject class Clip( Video, Playable, ArtUrlMixin, PosterUrlMixin ): """ Represents a single Clip. Attributes: TAG (str): 'Video' TYPE (str): 'clip' duration (int): Duration of the clip in milliseconds. extraType (int): Unknown. index (int): Plex index number for the clip. media (List<:class:`~plexapi.media.Media`>): List of media objects. originallyAvailableAt (datetime): Datetime the clip was released. skipDetails (int): Unknown. subtype (str): Type of clip (trailer, behindTheScenes, sceneOrSample, etc.). thumbAspectRatio (str): Aspect ratio of the thumbnail image. viewOffset (int): View offset in milliseconds. year (int): Year clip was released. """ TAG = 'Video' TYPE = 'clip' METADATA_TYPE = 'clip' def _loadData(self, data): """ Load attribute values from Plex XML response. """ Video._loadData(self, data) Playable._loadData(self, data) self._data = data self.addedAt = utils.toDatetime(data.attrib.get('addedAt')) self.duration = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('duration')) self.extraType = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('extraType')) self.index = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('index')) self.media = self.findItems(data, media.Media) self.originallyAvailableAt = utils.toDatetime( data.attrib.get('originallyAvailableAt'), '%Y-%m-%d') self.skipDetails = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('skipDetails')) self.subtype = data.attrib.get('subtype') self.thumbAspectRatio = data.attrib.get('thumbAspectRatio') self.viewOffset = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('viewOffset', 0)) self.year = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('year')) @property def locations(self): """ This does not exist in plex xml response but is added to have a common interface to get the locations of the clip. Returns: List of file paths where the clip is found on disk. """ return [part.file for part in self.iterParts() if part] def _prettyfilename(self): """ Returns a filename for use in download. """ return self.title class Extra(Clip): """ Represents a single Extra (trailer, behindTheScenes, etc). """ def _loadData(self, data): """ Load attribute values from Plex XML response. """ super(Extra, self)._loadData(data) parent = self._parent() self.librarySectionID = parent.librarySectionID self.librarySectionKey = parent.librarySectionKey self.librarySectionTitle = parent.librarySectionTitle def _prettyfilename(self): """ Returns a filename for use in download. """ return '%s (%s)' % (self.title, self.subtype) @utils.registerPlexObject class MovieSession(PlexSession, Movie): """ Represents a single Movie session loaded from :func:`~plexapi.server.PlexServer.sessions`. """ _SESSIONTYPE = True def _loadData(self, data): """ Load attribute values from Plex XML response. """ Movie._loadData(self, data) PlexSession._loadData(self, data) @utils.registerPlexObject class EpisodeSession(PlexSession, Episode): """ Represents a single Episode session loaded from :func:`~plexapi.server.PlexServer.sessions`. """ _SESSIONTYPE = True def _loadData(self, data): """ Load attribute values from Plex XML response. """ Episode._loadData(self, data) PlexSession._loadData(self, data) @utils.registerPlexObject class ClipSession(PlexSession, Clip): """ Represents a single Clip session loaded from :func:`~plexapi.server.PlexServer.sessions`. """ _SESSIONTYPE = True def _loadData(self, data): """ Load attribute values from Plex XML response. """ Clip._loadData(self, data) PlexSession._loadData(self, data)