# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import re import time import pytest from PIL import Image, ImageStat from plexapi.exceptions import BadRequest, NotFound from plexapi.server import PlexServer from plexapi.utils import download from requests import Session from . import conftest as utils def test_server_attr(plex, account): assert plex._baseurl == utils.SERVER_BASEURL assert len(plex.friendlyName) >= 1 assert len(plex.machineIdentifier) == 40 assert plex.myPlex is True # if you run the tests very shortly after server creation the state in rare cases may be `unknown` assert plex.myPlexMappingState in ("mapped", "unknown") assert plex.myPlexSigninState == "ok" assert utils.is_int(plex.myPlexSubscription, gte=0) assert re.match(utils.REGEX_EMAIL, plex.myPlexUsername) assert plex.platform in ("Linux", "Windows") assert len(plex.platformVersion) >= 5 assert plex._token == account.authenticationToken assert utils.is_int(plex.transcoderActiveVideoSessions, gte=0) assert utils.is_datetime(plex.updatedAt) assert len(plex.version) >= 5 def test_server_alert_listener(plex, movies): try: messages = [] listener = plex.startAlertListener(messages.append) movies.refresh() utils.wait_until(lambda: len(messages) >= 3, delay=1, timeout=30) assert len(messages) >= 3 finally: listener.stop() @pytest.mark.req_client def test_server_session(): # TODO: Implement test_server_session pass def test_server_library(plex): # TODO: Implement test_server_library assert plex.library def test_server_url(plex): assert "ohno" in plex.url("ohno") def test_server_transcodeImage(tmpdir, plex, movie): width, height = 500, 500 original_url = plex.url(movie.thumb) resize_url = plex.transcodeImage(movie.thumb, height, width) grayscale_url = plex.transcodeImage(movie.thumb, height, width, saturation=0) original_img = download( original_url, plex._token, savepath=str(tmpdir), filename="original_img", ) resized_img = download( resize_url, plex._token, savepath=str(tmpdir), filename="resize_image" ) grayscale_img = download( grayscale_url, plex._token, savepath=str(tmpdir), filename="grayscale_img" ) with Image.open(resized_img) as image: assert width, height == image.size with Image.open(original_img) as image: assert width, height != image.size assert _detect_color_image(grayscale_img, thumb_size=150) == "grayscale" def _detect_color_image(file, thumb_size=150, MSE_cutoff=22, adjust_color_bias=True): # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20068945/detect-if-image-is-color-grayscale-or-black-and-white-with-python-pil pilimg = Image.open(file) bands = pilimg.getbands() if bands == ("R", "G", "B") or bands == ("R", "G", "B", "A"): thumb = pilimg.resize((thumb_size, thumb_size)) sse, bias = 0, [0, 0, 0] if adjust_color_bias: bias = ImageStat.Stat(thumb).mean[:3] bias = [b - sum(bias) / 3 for b in bias] for pixel in thumb.getdata(): mu = sum(pixel) / 3 sse += sum( (pixel[i] - mu - bias[i]) * (pixel[i] - mu - bias[i]) for i in [0, 1, 2] ) mse = float(sse) / (thumb_size * thumb_size) return "grayscale" if mse <= MSE_cutoff else "color" elif len(bands) == 1: return "blackandwhite" def test_server_fetchitem_notfound(plex): with pytest.raises(NotFound): plex.fetchItem(123456789) def test_server_search(plex, movie): title = movie.title # this search seem to fail on my computer but not at travis, wtf. assert plex.search(title) assert plex.search(title, mediatype="movie") def test_server_playlist(plex, show): episodes = show.episodes() playlist = plex.createPlaylist("test_playlist", episodes[:3]) try: assert playlist.title == "test_playlist" with pytest.raises(NotFound): plex.playlist("") finally: playlist.delete() def test_server_playlists(plex, show): playlists = plex.playlists() count = len(playlists) episodes = show.episodes() playlist = plex.createPlaylist("test_playlist", episodes[:3]) try: playlists = plex.playlists() assert len(playlists) == count + 1 finally: playlist.delete() def test_server_history(plex, movie): movie.markWatched() history = plex.history() assert len(history) movie.markUnwatched() def test_server_Server_query(plex): assert plex.query("/") with pytest.raises(NotFound): assert plex.query("/asdf/1234/asdf", headers={"random_headers": "1234"}) def test_server_Server_session(account): # Mock Sesstion class MySession(Session): def __init__(self): super(self.__class__, self).__init__() self.plexapi_session_test = True # Test Code plex = PlexServer( utils.SERVER_BASEURL, account.authenticationToken, session=MySession() ) assert hasattr(plex._session, "plexapi_session_test") @pytest.mark.authenticated def test_server_token_in_headers(plex): headers = plex._headers() assert "X-Plex-Token" in headers assert len(headers["X-Plex-Token"]) >= 1 def test_server_createPlayQueue(plex, movie): playqueue = plex.createPlayQueue(movie, shuffle=1, repeat=1) assert "shuffle=1" in playqueue._initpath assert "repeat=1" in playqueue._initpath assert playqueue.playQueueShuffled is True def test_server_client_not_found(plex): with pytest.raises(NotFound): plex.client("") def test_server_sessions(plex): assert len(plex.sessions()) >= 0 def test_server_isLatest(plex, mocker): from os import environ is_latest = plex.isLatest() if environ.get("PLEX_CONTAINER_TAG") and environ["PLEX_CONTAINER_TAG"] != "latest": assert not is_latest else: return pytest.skip( "Do not forget to run with PLEX_CONTAINER_TAG != latest to ensure that update is available" ) def test_server_installUpdate(plex, mocker): m = mocker.MagicMock(release="aa") with utils.patch('plexapi.server.PlexServer.check_for_update', return_value=m): with utils.callable_http_patch(): plex.installUpdate() def test_server_check_for_update(plex, mocker): class R: def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.download_key = "plex.tv/release/1337" self.version = "1337" self.added = "gpu transcode" self.fixed = "fixed rare bug" self.downloadURL = "http://path-to-update" self.state = "downloaded" with utils.patch('plexapi.server.PlexServer.check_for_update', return_value=R()): rel = plex.check_for_update(force=False, download=True) assert rel.download_key == "plex.tv/release/1337" assert rel.version == "1337" assert rel.added == "gpu transcode" assert rel.fixed == "fixed rare bug" assert rel.downloadURL == "http://path-to-update" assert rel.state == "downloaded" @pytest.mark.client def test_server_clients(plex): assert len(plex.clients()) client = plex.clients()[0] assert client._baseurl == utils.CLIENT_BASEURL assert client._server._baseurl == utils.SERVER_BASEURL assert client.protocol == 'plex' assert int(client.protocolVersion) in range(4) assert isinstance(client.machineIdentifier, str) assert client.deviceClass in ['phone', 'tablet', 'stb', 'tv', 'pc'] assert set(client.protocolCapabilities).issubset({'timeline', 'playback', 'navigation', 'mirror', 'playqueues'}) @pytest.mark.authenticated @pytest.mark.xfail(strict=False) def test_server_account(plex): account = plex.account() assert account.authToken # TODO: Figure out why this is missing from time to time. # assert account.mappingError == 'publisherror' assert account.mappingErrorMessage is None assert account.mappingState == "mapped" if account.mappingError != "unreachable": if account.privateAddress is not None: # This seems to fail way to often.. if len(account.privateAddress): assert re.match(utils.REGEX_IPADDR, account.privateAddress) else: assert account.privateAddress == "" assert int(account.privatePort) >= 1000 assert re.match(utils.REGEX_IPADDR, account.publicAddress) assert int(account.publicPort) >= 1000 else: assert account.privateAddress == "" assert int(account.privatePort) == 0 assert account.publicAddress == "" assert int(account.publicPort) == 0 assert account.signInState == "ok" assert isinstance(account.subscriptionActive, bool) if account.subscriptionActive: assert len(account.subscriptionFeatures) # Below check keeps failing.. it should go away. # else: assert sorted(account.subscriptionFeatures) == ['adaptive_bitrate', # 'download_certificates', 'federated-auth', 'news'] assert ( account.subscriptionState == "Active" if account.subscriptionActive else "Unknown" ) assert re.match(utils.REGEX_EMAIL, account.username) def test_server_downloadLogs(tmpdir, plex): plex.downloadLogs(savepath=str(tmpdir), unpack=True) assert len(tmpdir.listdir()) > 1 def test_server_downloadDatabases(tmpdir, plex): plex.downloadDatabases(savepath=str(tmpdir), unpack=True) assert len(tmpdir.listdir()) > 1 def test_server_browse(plex, movies): movies_path = movies.locations[0] # browse root paths = plex.browse() assert len(paths) # browse the path of the movie library paths = plex.browse(movies_path) assert len(paths) # browse the path of the movie library without files paths = plex.browse(movies_path, includeFiles=False) assert not len([f for f in paths if f.TAG == 'File']) # walk the path of the movie library for path, paths, files in plex.walk(movies_path): assert path.startswith(movies_path) assert len(paths) or len(files) def test_server_allowMediaDeletion(account): plex = PlexServer(utils.SERVER_BASEURL, account.authenticationToken) # Check server current allowMediaDeletion setting if plex.allowMediaDeletion: # If allowed then test disallowed plex._allowMediaDeletion(False) time.sleep(1) plex = PlexServer(utils.SERVER_BASEURL, account.authenticationToken) assert plex.allowMediaDeletion is None # Test redundant toggle with pytest.raises(BadRequest): plex._allowMediaDeletion(False) plex._allowMediaDeletion(True) time.sleep(1) plex = PlexServer(utils.SERVER_BASEURL, account.authenticationToken) assert plex.allowMediaDeletion is True # Test redundant toggle with pytest.raises(BadRequest): plex._allowMediaDeletion(True) else: # If disallowed then test allowed plex._allowMediaDeletion(True) time.sleep(1) plex = PlexServer(utils.SERVER_BASEURL, account.authenticationToken) assert plex.allowMediaDeletion is True # Test redundant toggle with pytest.raises(BadRequest): plex._allowMediaDeletion(True) plex._allowMediaDeletion(False) time.sleep(1) plex = PlexServer(utils.SERVER_BASEURL, account.authenticationToken) assert plex.allowMediaDeletion is None # Test redundant toggle with pytest.raises(BadRequest): plex._allowMediaDeletion(False)