#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Plex-ListAttrs is used during development of PlexAPI and loops through all media items to build a collection of attributes on each media type. The resulting list can be compared with the current object implementation in python-plexapi to track new attributes and depricate old ones. """ import argparse, copy, pickle, plexapi, os, re, sys, time from os.path import abspath, dirname, join from collections import defaultdict from datetime import datetime from plexapi import library from plexapi.base import PlexObject from plexapi.myplex import MyPlexAccount from plexapi.server import PlexServer from plexapi.playqueue import PlayQueue CACHEPATH = join(dirname(abspath(__file__)), 'findattrs.pickle') NAMESPACE = { 'xml': defaultdict(int), 'obj': defaultdict(int), 'docs': defaultdict(int), 'examples': defaultdict(set), 'categories': defaultdict(set), 'total': 0, 'old': 0, 'new': 0, 'doc': 0, } IGNORES = { 'server.PlexServer': ['baseurl', 'token', 'session'], 'myplex.ResourceConnection': ['httpuri'], 'client.PlexClient': ['baseurl'], } DONT_RELOAD = ( 'library.MovieSection', 'library.MusicSection', 'library.PhotoSection', 'library.ShowSection', 'media.MediaPart', # tries to download the file 'media.VideoStream', 'media.AudioStream', 'media.SubtitleStream', 'myplex.MyPlexAccount', 'myplex.MyPlexUser', 'myplex.MyPlexResource', 'myplex.ResourceConnection', 'myplex.MyPlexDevice', 'photo.Photoalbum', 'server.Account', 'client.PlexClient', # we dont have the token to reload. ) TAGATTRS = { 'Media': 'media', 'Country': 'countries', } STOP_RECURSING_AT = ( # 'media.MediaPart', ) class PlexAttributes(): def __init__(self, opts): self.opts = opts # command line options self.clsnames = [c for c in opts.clsnames.split(',') if c] # list of clsnames to report (blank=all) self.account = MyPlexAccount() # MyPlexAccount instance self.plex = PlexServer() # PlexServer instance self.total = 0 # Total objects parsed self.attrs = defaultdict(dict) # Attrs result set def run(self): starttime = time.time() self._parse_myplex() self._parse_server() self._parse_search() self._parse_library() self._parse_audio() self._parse_photo() self._parse_movie() self._parse_show() self._parse_client() self._parse_playlist() self._parse_sync() self.runtime = round((time.time() - starttime) / 60.0, 1) return self def _parse_myplex(self): self._load_attrs(self.account, 'myplex') self._load_attrs(self.account.devices(), 'myplex') for resource in self.account.resources(): self._load_attrs(resource, 'myplex') self._load_attrs(resource.connections, 'myplex') self._load_attrs(self.account.users(), 'myplex') def _parse_server(self): self._load_attrs(self.plex, 'serv') self._load_attrs(self.plex.account(), 'serv') self._load_attrs(self.plex.history()[:50], 'hist') self._load_attrs(self.plex.history()[50:], 'hist') self._load_attrs(self.plex.sessions(), 'sess') def _parse_search(self): for search in ('cre', 'ani', 'mik', 'she', 'bea'): self._load_attrs(self.plex.search(search), 'hub') def _parse_library(self): cat = 'lib' self._load_attrs(self.plex.library, cat) # self._load_attrs(self.plex.library.all()[:50], 'all') self._load_attrs(self.plex.library.onDeck()[:50], 'deck') self._load_attrs(self.plex.library.recentlyAdded()[:50], 'add') for search in ('cat', 'dog', 'rat', 'gir', 'mou'): self._load_attrs(self.plex.library.search(search)[:50], 'srch') # TODO: Implement section search (remove library search?) # TODO: Implement section search filters def _parse_audio(self): cat = 'lib' for musicsection in self.plex.library.sections(): if musicsection.TYPE == library.MusicSection.TYPE: self._load_attrs(musicsection, cat) for artist in musicsection.all(): self._load_attrs(artist, cat) for album in artist.albums(): self._load_attrs(album, cat) for track in album.tracks(): self._load_attrs(track, cat) def _parse_photo(self): cat = 'lib' for photosection in self.plex.library.sections(): if photosection.TYPE == library.PhotoSection.TYPE: self._load_attrs(photosection, cat) for photoalbum in photosection.all(): self._load_attrs(photoalbum, cat) for photo in photoalbum.photos(): self._load_attrs(photo, cat) def _parse_movie(self): cat = 'lib' for moviesection in self.plex.library.sections(): if moviesection.TYPE == library.MovieSection.TYPE: self._load_attrs(moviesection, cat) for movie in moviesection.all(): self._load_attrs(movie, cat) def _parse_show(self): cat = 'lib' for showsection in self.plex.library.sections(): if showsection.TYPE == library.ShowSection.TYPE: self._load_attrs(showsection, cat) for show in showsection.all(): self._load_attrs(show, cat) for season in show.seasons(): self._load_attrs(season, cat) for episode in season.episodes(): self._load_attrs(episode, cat) def _parse_client(self): for device in self.account.devices(): client = self._safe_connect(device) if client is not None: self._load_attrs(client, 'myplex') for client in self.plex.clients(): self._safe_connect(client) self._load_attrs(client, 'client') def _parse_playlist(self): for playlist in self.plex.playlists(): self._load_attrs(playlist, 'pl') for item in playlist.items(): self._load_attrs(item, 'pl') playqueue = PlayQueue.create(self.plex, playlist) self._load_attrs(playqueue, 'pq') def _parse_sync(self): # TODO: Get plexattrs._parse_sync() working. pass def _load_attrs(self, obj, cat=None): if isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)): return [self._parse_objects(item, cat) for item in obj] self._parse_objects(obj, cat) def _parse_objects(self, obj, cat=None): clsname = '%s.%s' % (obj.__module__, obj.__class__.__name__) clsname = clsname.replace('plexapi.', '') if self.clsnames and clsname not in self.clsnames: return None self._print_the_little_dot() if clsname not in self.attrs: self.attrs[clsname] = copy.deepcopy(NAMESPACE) self.attrs[clsname]['total'] += 1 self._load_xml_attrs(clsname, obj._data, self.attrs[clsname]['xml'], self.attrs[clsname]['examples'], self.attrs[clsname]['categories'], cat) self._load_obj_attrs(clsname, obj, self.attrs[clsname]['obj'], self.attrs[clsname]['docs']) def _print_the_little_dot(self): self.total += 1 if not self.total % 100: sys.stdout.write('.') if not self.total % 8000: sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.stdout.flush() def _load_xml_attrs(self, clsname, elem, attrs, examples, categories, cat): if elem is None: return None for attr in sorted(elem.attrib.keys()): attrs[attr] += 1 if cat: categories[attr].add(cat) if elem.attrib[attr] and len(examples[attr]) <= self.opts.examples: examples[attr].add(elem.attrib[attr]) for subelem in elem: attrname = TAGATTRS.get(subelem.tag, '%ss' % subelem.tag.lower()) attrs['%s[]' % attrname] += 1 def _load_obj_attrs(self, clsname, obj, attrs, docs): if clsname in STOP_RECURSING_AT: return None if isinstance(obj, PlexObject) and clsname not in DONT_RELOAD: self._safe_reload(obj) alldocs = '\n\n'.join(self._all_docs(obj.__class__)) for attr, value in obj.__dict__.items(): if value is None or isinstance(value, (str, bool, float, int, datetime)): if not attr.startswith('_') and attr not in IGNORES.get(clsname, []): attrs[attr] += 1 if re.search('\s{8}%s\s\(.+?\)\:' % attr, alldocs) is not None: docs[attr] += 1 if isinstance(value, list): if not attr.startswith('_') and attr not in IGNORES.get(clsname, []): if value and isinstance(value[0], PlexObject): attrs['%s[]' % attr] += 1 [self._parse_objects(obj) for obj in value] def _all_docs(self, cls, docs=None): import inspect docs = docs or [] if cls.__doc__ is not None: docs.append(cls.__doc__) for parent in inspect.getmro(cls): if parent != cls: docs += self._all_docs(parent) return docs def print_report(self): total_attrs = 0 for clsname in sorted(self.attrs.keys()): if self._clsname_match(clsname): meta = self.attrs[clsname] count = meta['total'] print(_('\n%s (%s)\n%s' % (clsname, count, '-' * 30), 'yellow')) attrs = sorted(set(list(meta['xml'].keys()) + list(meta['obj'].keys()))) for attr in attrs: state = self._attr_state(clsname, attr, meta) count = meta['xml'].get(attr, 0) categories = ','.join(meta['categories'].get(attr, ['--'])) examples = '; '.join(list(meta['examples'].get(attr, ['--']))[:3])[:80] print('%7s %3s %-30s %-20s %s' % (count, state, attr, categories, examples)) total_attrs += count print(_('\nSUMMARY\n%s' % ('-' * 30), 'yellow')) print('%7s %3s %3s %3s %-20s %s' % ('total', 'new', 'old', 'doc', 'categories', 'clsname')) for clsname in sorted(self.attrs.keys()): if self._clsname_match(clsname): print('%7s %12s %12s %12s %s' % (self.attrs[clsname]['total'], _(self.attrs[clsname]['new'] or '', 'cyan'), _(self.attrs[clsname]['old'] or '', 'red'), _(self.attrs[clsname]['doc'] or '', 'purple'), clsname)) print('\nPlex Version %s' % self.plex.version) print('PlexAPI Version %s' % plexapi.VERSION) print('Total Objects %s' % sum([x['total'] for x in self.attrs.values()])) print('Runtime %s min\n' % self.runtime) def _clsname_match(self, clsname): if not self.clsnames: return True for cname in self.clsnames: if cname.lower() in clsname.lower(): return True return False def _attr_state(self, clsname, attr, meta): if attr in meta['xml'].keys() and attr not in meta['obj'].keys(): self.attrs[clsname]['new'] += 1 return _('new', 'blue') if attr not in meta['xml'].keys() and attr in meta['obj'].keys(): self.attrs[clsname]['old'] += 1 return _('old', 'red') if attr not in meta['docs'].keys() and attr in meta['obj'].keys(): self.attrs[clsname]['doc'] += 1 return _('doc', 'purple') return _(' ', 'green') def _safe_connect(self, elem): try: return elem.connect() except: return None def _safe_reload(self, elem): try: elem.reload() except: pass def _(text, color): FMTSTR = '\033[%dm%s\033[0m' COLORS = {'blue':34, 'cyan':36, 'green':32, 'grey':30, 'purple':35, 'red':31, 'white':37, 'yellow':33} return FMTSTR % (COLORS[color], text) if __name__ == '__main__': print(__doc__) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='resize and copy starred photos') parser.add_argument('-f', '--force', default=False, action='store_true', help='force a full refresh of attributes.') parser.add_argument('-m', '--max', default=99999, help='max number of objects to load.') parser.add_argument('-e', '--examples', default=10, help='max number of example values to load.') parser.add_argument('-c', '--clsnames', default='', help='only report the following class names') opts = parser.parse_args() # Load the plexattrs object plexattrs = None if not opts.force and os.path.exists(CACHEPATH): with open(CACHEPATH, 'rb') as handle: plexattrs = pickle.load(handle) plexattrs.clsnames = [c for c in opts.clsnames.split(',') if c] if not plexattrs: plexattrs = PlexAttributes(opts).run() with open(CACHEPATH, 'wb') as handle: pickle.dump(plexattrs, handle) # Print Report plexattrs.print_report()