mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 12:58:26 +00:00
Move pytests up to main tests folder; Move old tests to archived folder
This commit is contained in:
31 changed files with 641 additions and 642 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
from os.path import dirname, abspath
# Make sure plexapi is in the systempath
sys.path.insert(0, dirname(dirname(abspath(__file__))))
Normal file
Normal file
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from utils import log, register
from plexapi import CONFIG
def test_mark_movie_watched(account, plex):
movie = plex.library.section(CONFIG.movie_section).get(CONFIG.movie_title)
log(2, 'Marking movie watched: %s' % movie)
log(2, 'View count: %s' % movie.viewCount)
log(2, 'View count: %s' % movie.viewCount)
assert movie.viewCount == 1, 'View count 0 after watched.'
log(2, 'View count: %s' % movie.viewCount)
assert movie.viewCount == 0, 'View count 1 after unwatched.'
def test_refresh_section(account, plex):
shows = plex.library.section(CONFIG.movie_section)
def test_refresh_video(account, plex):
result = plex.search(CONFIG.movie_title)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import time
from utils import log, register, getclient
from plexapi import CONFIG
def test_list_clients(account, plex):
clients = [c.title for c in plex.clients()]
log(2, 'Clients: %s' % ', '.join(clients or []))
assert clients, 'Server is not listing any clients.'
def test_client_navigation(account, plex):
client = getclient(CONFIG.client, CONFIG.client_baseurl, plex)
_navigate(plex, client)
def test_client_navigation_via_proxy(account, plex):
client = getclient(CONFIG.client, CONFIG.client_baseurl, plex)
_navigate(plex, client)
def _navigate(plex, client):
episode = plex.library.section(CONFIG.show_section).get(CONFIG.show_title).get(CONFIG.show_episode)
artist = plex.library.section(CONFIG.audio_section).get(CONFIG.audio_artist)
log(2, 'Client: %s (%s)' % (client.title, client.product))
log(2, 'Capabilities: %s' % client.protocolCapabilities)
# Move around a bit
log(2, 'Browsing around..')
client.moveDown(); time.sleep(0.5)
client.moveDown(); time.sleep(0.5)
client.moveDown(); time.sleep(0.5)
client.select(); time.sleep(3)
client.moveRight(); time.sleep(0.5)
client.moveRight(); time.sleep(0.5)
client.moveLeft(); time.sleep(0.5)
client.select(); time.sleep(3)
client.goBack(); time.sleep(1)
client.goBack(); time.sleep(3)
# Go directly to media
log(2, 'Navigating to %s..' % episode.title)
client.goToMedia(episode); time.sleep(5)
log(2, 'Navigating to %s..' % artist.title)
client.goToMedia(artist); time.sleep(5)
log(2, 'Navigating home..')
client.goToHome(); time.sleep(5)
client.moveUp(); time.sleep(0.5)
client.moveUp(); time.sleep(0.5)
client.moveUp(); time.sleep(0.5)
# Show context menu
client.contextMenu(); time.sleep(3)
client.goBack(); time.sleep(5)
def test_video_playback(account, plex):
client = getclient(CONFIG.client, CONFIG.client_baseurl, plex)
_video_playback(plex, client)
def test_video_playback_via_proxy(account, plex):
client = getclient(CONFIG.client, CONFIG.client_baseurl, plex)
_video_playback(plex, client)
def _video_playback(plex, client):
mtype = 'video'
movie = plex.library.section(CONFIG.movie_section).get(CONFIG.movie_title)
subs = [s for s in movie.subtitleStreams if s.language == 'English']
log(2, 'Client: %s (%s)' % (client.title, client.product))
log(2, 'Capabilities: %s' % client.protocolCapabilities)
log(2, 'Playing to %s..' % movie.title)
client.playMedia(movie); time.sleep(5)
log(2, 'Pause..')
client.pause(mtype); time.sleep(2)
log(2, 'Step Forward..')
client.stepForward(mtype); time.sleep(5)
log(2, 'Play..')
client.play(mtype); time.sleep(3)
log(2, 'Seek to 10m..')
client.seekTo(10*60*1000); time.sleep(5)
log(2, 'Disable Subtitles..')
client.setSubtitleStream(0, mtype); time.sleep(10)
log(2, 'Load English Subtitles %s..' % subs[0].id)
client.setSubtitleStream(subs[0].id, mtype); time.sleep(10)
log(2, 'Stop..')
client.stop(mtype); time.sleep(1)
log(2, 'Cleanup: Marking %s watched.' % movie.title)
def test_client_timeline(account, plex):
client = getclient(CONFIG.client, CONFIG.client_baseurl, plex)
_test_timeline(plex, client)
def test_client_timeline_via_proxy(account, plex):
client = getclient(CONFIG.client, CONFIG.client_baseurl, plex)
_test_timeline(plex, client)
def _test_timeline(plex, client):
mtype = 'video'
client = getclient(CONFIG.client, CONFIG.client_baseurl, plex)
movie = plex.library.section(CONFIG.movie_section).get(CONFIG.movie_title)
time.sleep(30) # previous test may have played media..
playing = client.isPlayingMedia()
log(2, 'Playing Media: %s' % playing)
assert playing is False, 'isPlayingMedia() should have returned False.'
client.playMedia(movie); time.sleep(30)
playing = client.isPlayingMedia()
log(2, 'Playing Media: %s' % playing)
assert playing is True, 'isPlayingMedia() should have returned True.'
client.stop(mtype); time.sleep(30)
playing = client.isPlayingMedia()
log(2, 'Playing Media: %s' % playing)
assert playing is False, 'isPlayingMedia() should have returned False.'
log(2, 'Cleanup: Marking %s watched.' % movie.title)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from utils import log, register
from plexapi import CONFIG
def test_myplex_accounts(account, plex):
assert account, 'Must specify username, password & resource to run this test.'
log(2, 'MyPlexAccount:')
log(4, 'username: %s' % account.username)
log(4, 'authenticationToken: %s' % account.authenticationToken)
log(4, 'email: %s' % account.email)
log(4, 'home: %s' % account.home)
log(4, 'queueEmail: %s' % account.queueEmail)
assert account.username, 'Account has no username'
assert account.authenticationToken, 'Account has no authenticationToken'
assert account.email, 'Account has no email'
assert account.home is not None, 'Account has no home'
assert account.queueEmail, 'Account has no queueEmail'
account = plex.account()
log(2, 'Local PlexServer.account():')
log(4, 'username: %s' % account.username)
log(4, 'authToken: %s' % account.authToken)
log(4, 'signInState: %s' % account.signInState)
assert account.username, 'Account has no username'
assert account.authToken, 'Account has no authToken'
assert account.signInState, 'Account has no signInState'
def test_myplex_resources(account, plex):
assert account, 'Must specify username, password & resource to run this test.'
resources = account.resources()
for resource in resources:
name = resource.name or 'Unknown'
connections = [c.uri for c in resource.connections]
connections = ', '.join(connections) if connections else 'None'
log(2, '%s (%s): %s' % (name, resource.product, connections))
assert resources, 'No resources found for account: %s' % account.name
def test_myplex_devices(account, plex):
assert account, 'Must specify username, password & resource to run this test.'
devices = account.devices()
for device in devices:
name = device.name or 'Unknown'
connections = ', '.join(device.connections) if device.connections else 'None'
log(2, '%s (%s): %s' % (name, device.product, connections))
assert devices, 'No devices found for account: %s' % account.name
def test_myplex_users(account, plex):
users = account.users()
assert users, 'Found no users on account: %s' % account.name
log(2, 'Found %s users.' % len(users))
user = account.user('sdfsdfplex')
log(2, 'Found user: %s' % user)
assert users, 'Could not find user sdfsdfplex'
def test_myplex_connect_to_device(account, plex):
assert account, 'Must specify username, password & resource to run this test.'
devices = account.devices()
for device in devices:
if device.name == CONFIG.client and len(device.connections):
client = device.connect()
log(2, 'Connected to client: %s (%s)' % (client.title, client.product))
assert client, 'Unable to connect to device'
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from utils import log, register
from plexapi import CONFIG
# TODO: test_navigation/test_navigate_to_movie
# FAIL: (500) internal_server_error
# @register()
def test_navigate_to_movie(account, plex):
result_library = plex.library.get(CONFIG.movie_title)
result_movies = plex.library.section(CONFIG.movie_section).get(CONFIG.movie_title)
log(2, 'Navigating to: %s' % CONFIG.movie_title)
log(2, 'Result Library: %s' % result_library)
log(2, 'Result Movies: %s' % result_movies)
assert result_movies, 'Movie navigation not working.'
assert result_library == result_movies, 'Movie navigation not consistent.'
def test_navigate_to_show(account, plex):
result_shows = plex.library.section(CONFIG.show_section).get(CONFIG.show_title)
log(2, 'Navigating to: %s' % CONFIG.show_title)
log(2, 'Result Shows: %s' % result_shows)
assert result_shows, 'Show navigation not working.'
# TODO: Fix test_navigation/test_navigate_around_show
# FAIL: Unable to list season: Season 1
# @register()
def test_navigate_around_show(account, plex):
show = plex.library.section(CONFIG.show_section).get(CONFIG.show_title)
seasons = show.seasons()
season = show.season(CONFIG.show_season)
episodes = show.episodes()
episode = show.episode(CONFIG.show_episode)
log(2, 'Navigating around show: %s' % show)
log(2, 'Seasons: %s...' % seasons[:3])
log(2, 'Season: %s' % season)
log(2, 'Episodes: %s...' % episodes[:3])
log(2, 'Episode: %s' % episode)
assert CONFIG.show_season in [s.title for s in seasons], 'Unable to list season: %s' % CONFIG.show_season
assert CONFIG.show_episode in [e.title for e in episodes], 'Unable to list episode: %s' % CONFIG.show_episode
assert show.season(CONFIG.show_season) == season, 'Unable to get show season: %s' % CONFIG.show_season
assert show.episode(CONFIG.show_episode) == episode, 'Unable to get show episode: %s' % CONFIG.show_episode
assert season.episode(CONFIG.show_episode) == episode, 'Unable to get season episode: %s' % CONFIG.show_episode
assert season.show() == show, 'season.show() doesnt match expected show.'
assert episode.show() == show, 'episode.show() doesnt match expected show.'
assert episode.season() == season, 'episode.season() doesnt match expected season.'
def test_navigate_around_artist(account, plex):
artist = plex.library.section(CONFIG.audio_section).get(CONFIG.audio_artist)
albums = artist.albums()
album = artist.album(CONFIG.audio_album)
tracks = artist.tracks()
track = artist.track(CONFIG.audio_track)
log(2, 'Navigating around artist: %s' % artist)
log(2, 'Albums: %s...' % albums[:3])
log(2, 'Album: %s' % album)
log(2, 'Tracks: %s...' % tracks[:3])
log(2, 'Track: %s' % track)
assert CONFIG.audio_album in [a.title for a in albums], 'Unable to list album: %s' % CONFIG.audio_album
assert CONFIG.audio_track in [e.title for e in tracks], 'Unable to list track: %s' % CONFIG.audio_track
assert artist.album(CONFIG.audio_album) == album, 'Unable to get artist album: %s' % CONFIG.audio_album
assert artist.track(CONFIG.audio_track) == track, 'Unable to get artist track: %s' % CONFIG.audio_track
assert album.track(CONFIG.audio_track) == track, 'Unable to get album track: %s' % CONFIG.audio_track
assert album.artist() == artist, 'album.artist() doesnt match expected artist.'
assert track.artist() == artist, 'track.artist() doesnt match expected artist.'
assert track.album() == album, 'track.album() doesnt match expected album.'
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from utils import log, register
from plexapi import CONFIG
def test_search_show(account, plex):
result_server = plex.search(CONFIG.show_title)
result_shows = plex.library.section(CONFIG.show_section).search(CONFIG.show_title)
result_movies = plex.library.section(CONFIG.movie_section).search(CONFIG.show_title)
log(2, 'Searching for: %s' % CONFIG.show_title)
log(4, 'Result Server: %s' % result_server)
log(4, 'Result Shows: %s' % result_shows)
log(4, 'Result Movies: %s' % result_movies)
assert result_server, 'Show not found.'
assert result_server == result_shows, 'Show searches not consistent.'
assert not result_movies, 'Movie search returned show title.'
def test_search_with_apostrophe(account, plex):
show_title = "Marvel's Daredevil" # Test ' in show title
result_server = plex.search(show_title)
result_shows = plex.library.section(CONFIG.show_section).search(show_title)
log(2, 'Searching for: %s' % CONFIG.show_title)
log(4, 'Result Server: %s' % result_server)
log(4, 'Result Shows: %s' % result_shows)
assert result_server, 'Show not found.'
assert result_server == result_shows, 'Show searches not consistent.'
def test_search_movie(account, plex):
result_server = plex.search(CONFIG.movie_title)
result_library = plex.library.search(CONFIG.movie_title)
result_shows = plex.library.section(CONFIG.show_section).search(CONFIG.movie_title)
result_movies = plex.library.section(CONFIG.movie_section).search(CONFIG.movie_title)
log(2, 'Searching for: %s' % CONFIG.movie_title)
log(4, 'Result Server: %s' % result_server)
log(4, 'Result Library: %s' % result_library)
log(4, 'Result Shows: %s' % result_shows)
log(4, 'Result Movies: %s' % result_movies)
assert result_server, 'Movie not found.'
assert result_server == result_library == result_movies, 'Movie searches not consistent.'
assert not result_shows, 'Show search returned show title.'
def test_search_audio(account, plex):
result_server = plex.search(CONFIG.audio_artist)
result_library = plex.library.search(CONFIG.audio_artist)
result_music = plex.library.section(CONFIG.audio_section).search(CONFIG.audio_artist)
log(2, 'Searching for: %s' % CONFIG.audio_artist)
log(4, 'Result Server: %s' % result_server)
log(4, 'Result Library: %s' % result_library)
log(4, 'Result Music: %s' % result_music)
assert result_server, 'Artist not found.'
assert result_server == result_library == result_music, 'Audio searches not consistent.'
def test_search_related(account, plex):
movies = plex.library.section(CONFIG.movie_section)
movie = movies.get(CONFIG.movie_title)
related_by_actors = movies.search(actor=movie.actors, maxresults=3)
log(2, u'Actors: %s..' % movie.actors)
log(2, u'Related by Actors: %s..' % related_by_actors)
assert related_by_actors, 'No related movies found by actor.'
related_by_genre = movies.search(genre=movie.genres, maxresults=3)
log(2, u'Genres: %s..' % movie.genres)
log(2, u'Related by Genre: %s..' % related_by_genre)
assert related_by_genre, 'No related movies found by genre.'
related_by_director = movies.search(director=movie.directors, maxresults=3)
log(2, 'Directors: %s..' % movie.directors)
log(2, 'Related by Director: %s..' % related_by_director)
assert related_by_director, 'No related movies found by director.'
# TODO: Fix test_search/test_crazy_search
# FAIL: Unable to search movie by director.
# @register()
def test_crazy_search(account, plex):
movies = plex.library.section(CONFIG.movie_section)
movie = movies.get('Jurassic World')
log(2, u'Search by Actor: "Chris Pratt"')
assert movie in movies.search(actor='Chris Pratt'), 'Unable to search movie by actor.'
log(2, u'Search by Director: ["Trevorrow"]')
assert movie in movies.search(director=['Trevorrow']), 'Unable to search movie by director.'
log(2, u'Search by Year: ["2014", "2015"]')
assert movie in movies.search(year=['2014', '2015']), 'Unable to search movie by year.'
log(2, u'Filter by Year: 2014')
assert movie not in movies.search(year=2014), 'Unable to filter movie by year.'
judy = [a for a in movie.actors if 'Judy' in a.tag][0]
log(2, u'Search by Unpopular Actor: %s' % judy)
assert movie in movies.search(actor=judy.id), 'Unable to filter movie by year.'
@ -1,29 +1,20 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from utils import log, register
from plexapi import CONFIG
def test_mark_movie_watched(a_movie):
print('Marking movie watched: %s' % a_movie)
print('View count: %s' % a_movie.viewCount)
print('View count: %s' % a_movie.viewCount)
assert a_movie.viewCount == 1, 'View count 0 after watched.'
print('View count: %s' % a_movie.viewCount)
assert a_movie.viewCount == 0, 'View count 1 after unwatched.'
def test_mark_movie_watched(account, plex):
movie = plex.library.section(CONFIG.movie_section).get(CONFIG.movie_title)
log(2, 'Marking movie watched: %s' % movie)
log(2, 'View count: %s' % movie.viewCount)
log(2, 'View count: %s' % movie.viewCount)
assert movie.viewCount == 1, 'View count 0 after watched.'
log(2, 'View count: %s' % movie.viewCount)
assert movie.viewCount == 0, 'View count 1 after unwatched.'
def test_refresh_section(pms):
shows = pms.library.section('TV Shows')
def test_refresh_section(account, plex):
shows = plex.library.section(CONFIG.movie_section)
def test_refresh_video(account, plex):
result = plex.search(CONFIG.movie_title)
def test_refresh_video(pms):
result = pms.search('16 blocks')
@ -1,132 +1,173 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import time
from utils import log, register, getclient
from plexapi import CONFIG
import pytest
def _test_client_PlexClient__loadData(pms):
def test_list_clients(account, plex):
clients = [c.title for c in plex.clients()]
log(2, 'Clients: %s' % ', '.join(clients or []))
assert clients, 'Server is not listing any clients.'
def _test_client_PlexClient_connect(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_contextMenu(pms):
def test_client_navigation(account, plex):
client = getclient(CONFIG.client, CONFIG.client_baseurl, plex)
_navigate(plex, client)
def _test_client_PlexClient_goBack(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_goToHome(pms):
def test_client_navigation_via_proxy(account, plex):
client = getclient(CONFIG.client, CONFIG.client_baseurl, plex)
_navigate(plex, client)
def _test_client_PlexClient_goToMedia(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_goToMusic(pms):
def _navigate(plex, client):
episode = plex.library.section(CONFIG.show_section).get(CONFIG.show_title).get(CONFIG.show_episode)
artist = plex.library.section(CONFIG.audio_section).get(CONFIG.audio_artist)
log(2, 'Client: %s (%s)' % (client.title, client.product))
log(2, 'Capabilities: %s' % client.protocolCapabilities)
# Move around a bit
log(2, 'Browsing around..')
client.moveDown(); time.sleep(0.5)
client.moveDown(); time.sleep(0.5)
client.moveDown(); time.sleep(0.5)
client.select(); time.sleep(3)
client.moveRight(); time.sleep(0.5)
client.moveRight(); time.sleep(0.5)
client.moveLeft(); time.sleep(0.5)
client.select(); time.sleep(3)
client.goBack(); time.sleep(1)
client.goBack(); time.sleep(3)
# Go directly to media
log(2, 'Navigating to %s..' % episode.title)
client.goToMedia(episode); time.sleep(5)
log(2, 'Navigating to %s..' % artist.title)
client.goToMedia(artist); time.sleep(5)
log(2, 'Navigating home..')
client.goToHome(); time.sleep(5)
client.moveUp(); time.sleep(0.5)
client.moveUp(); time.sleep(0.5)
client.moveUp(); time.sleep(0.5)
# Show context menu
client.contextMenu(); time.sleep(3)
client.goBack(); time.sleep(5)
def _test_client_PlexClient_headers(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_isPlayingMedia(pms):
def test_video_playback(account, plex):
client = getclient(CONFIG.client, CONFIG.client_baseurl, plex)
_video_playback(plex, client)
def _test_client_PlexClient_moveDown(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_moveLeft(pms):
def test_video_playback_via_proxy(account, plex):
client = getclient(CONFIG.client, CONFIG.client_baseurl, plex)
_video_playback(plex, client)
def _test_client_PlexClient_moveRight(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_moveUp(pms):
def _video_playback(plex, client):
mtype = 'video'
movie = plex.library.section(CONFIG.movie_section).get(CONFIG.movie_title)
subs = [s for s in movie.subtitleStreams if s.language == 'English']
log(2, 'Client: %s (%s)' % (client.title, client.product))
log(2, 'Capabilities: %s' % client.protocolCapabilities)
log(2, 'Playing to %s..' % movie.title)
client.playMedia(movie); time.sleep(5)
log(2, 'Pause..')
client.pause(mtype); time.sleep(2)
log(2, 'Step Forward..')
client.stepForward(mtype); time.sleep(5)
log(2, 'Play..')
client.play(mtype); time.sleep(3)
log(2, 'Seek to 10m..')
client.seekTo(10*60*1000); time.sleep(5)
log(2, 'Disable Subtitles..')
client.setSubtitleStream(0, mtype); time.sleep(10)
log(2, 'Load English Subtitles %s..' % subs[0].id)
client.setSubtitleStream(subs[0].id, mtype); time.sleep(10)
log(2, 'Stop..')
client.stop(mtype); time.sleep(1)
log(2, 'Cleanup: Marking %s watched.' % movie.title)
def _test_client_PlexClient_nextLetter(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_pageDown(pms):
def test_client_timeline(account, plex):
client = getclient(CONFIG.client, CONFIG.client_baseurl, plex)
_test_timeline(plex, client)
def _test_client_PlexClient_pageUp(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_pause(pms):
def test_client_timeline_via_proxy(account, plex):
client = getclient(CONFIG.client, CONFIG.client_baseurl, plex)
_test_timeline(plex, client)
def _test_client_PlexClient_play(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_playMedia(pms):
def _test_timeline(plex, client):
mtype = 'video'
client = getclient(CONFIG.client, CONFIG.client_baseurl, plex)
movie = plex.library.section(CONFIG.movie_section).get(CONFIG.movie_title)
time.sleep(30) # previous test may have played media..
playing = client.isPlayingMedia()
log(2, 'Playing Media: %s' % playing)
assert playing is False, 'isPlayingMedia() should have returned False.'
client.playMedia(movie); time.sleep(30)
playing = client.isPlayingMedia()
log(2, 'Playing Media: %s' % playing)
assert playing is True, 'isPlayingMedia() should have returned True.'
client.stop(mtype); time.sleep(30)
playing = client.isPlayingMedia()
log(2, 'Playing Media: %s' % playing)
assert playing is False, 'isPlayingMedia() should have returned False.'
log(2, 'Cleanup: Marking %s watched.' % movie.title)
def _test_client_PlexClient_previousLetter(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_proxyThroughServer(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_query(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_refreshPlayQueue(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_seekTo(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_select(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_sendCommand(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_setAudioStream(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_setParameters(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_setRepeat(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_setShuffle(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_setStreams(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_setSubtitleStream(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_setVideoStream(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_setVolume(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_skipNext(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_skipPrevious(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_skipTo(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_stepBack(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_stepForward(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_stop(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_timeline(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_toggleOSD(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_url(pms):
@ -1,72 +1,78 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from utils import log, register
from plexapi import CONFIG
import pytest
def test_myplex_accounts(account, plex):
def test_myplex_accounts(plex_account, pms):
account = plex_account
assert account, 'Must specify username, password & resource to run this test.'
log(2, 'MyPlexAccount:')
log(4, 'username: %s' % account.username)
log(4, 'authenticationToken: %s' % account.authenticationToken)
log(4, 'email: %s' % account.email)
log(4, 'home: %s' % account.home)
log(4, 'queueEmail: %s' % account.queueEmail)
print('username: %s' % account.username)
#print('authenticationToken: %s' % account.authenticationToken)
print('email: %s' % account.email)
print('home: %s' % account.home)
print('queueEmail: %s' % account.queueEmail)
assert account.username, 'Account has no username'
assert account.authenticationToken, 'Account has no authenticationToken'
assert account.email, 'Account has no email'
assert account.home is not None, 'Account has no home'
assert account.queueEmail, 'Account has no queueEmail'
account = plex.account()
log(2, 'Local PlexServer.account():')
log(4, 'username: %s' % account.username)
log(4, 'authToken: %s' % account.authToken)
log(4, 'signInState: %s' % account.signInState)
account = pms.account()
print('Local PlexServer.account():')
print('username: %s' % account.username)
print('authToken: %s' % account.authToken)
print('signInState: %s' % account.signInState)
assert account.username, 'Account has no username'
assert account.authToken, 'Account has no authToken'
assert account.signInState, 'Account has no signInState'
def test_myplex_resources(account, plex):
def test_myplex_resources(plex_account):
account = plex_account
assert account, 'Must specify username, password & resource to run this test.'
resources = account.resources()
for resource in resources:
name = resource.name or 'Unknown'
connections = [c.uri for c in resource.connections]
connections = ', '.join(connections) if connections else 'None'
log(2, '%s (%s): %s' % (name, resource.product, connections))
print('%s (%s): %s' % (name, resource.product, connections))
assert resources, 'No resources found for account: %s' % account.name
def test_myplex_devices(account, plex):
assert account, 'Must specify username, password & resource to run this test.'
def test_myplex_connect_to_resource(plex_account):
for resource in plex_account.resources():
if resource.name == 'PMS_API_TEST_SERVER':
server = resource.connect()
assert 'Ohno' in server.url('Ohno')
assert server
def test_myplex_devices(plex_account):
account = plex_account
devices = account.devices()
for device in devices:
name = device.name or 'Unknown'
connections = ', '.join(device.connections) if device.connections else 'None'
log(2, '%s (%s): %s' % (name, device.product, connections))
print('%s (%s): %s' % (name, device.product, connections))
assert devices, 'No devices found for account: %s' % account.name
def test_myplex_users(account, plex):
users = account.users()
assert users, 'Found no users on account: %s' % account.name
log(2, 'Found %s users.' % len(users))
user = account.user('sdfsdfplex')
log(2, 'Found user: %s' % user)
assert users, 'Could not find user sdfsdfplex'
def test_myplex_connect_to_device(account, plex):
assert account, 'Must specify username, password & resource to run this test.'
#@pytest.mark.req_client # this need to be recorded?
def _test_myplex_connect_to_device(plex_account):
account = plex_account
devices = account.devices()
for device in devices:
if device.name == CONFIG.client and len(device.connections):
if device.name == 'some client name' and len(device.connections):
client = device.connect()
log(2, 'Connected to client: %s (%s)' % (client.title, client.product))
assert client, 'Unable to connect to device'
def test_myplex_users(plex_account):
account = plex_account
users = account.users()
assert users, 'Found no users on account: %s' % account.name
print('Found %s users.' % len(users))
user = account.user('Hellowlol')
print('Found user: %s' % user)
assert user, 'Could not find user Hellowlol'
@ -1,65 +1,37 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from utils import log, register
from plexapi import CONFIG
import pytest
# TODO: test_navigation/test_navigate_to_movie
# FAIL: (500) internal_server_error
# @register()
def test_navigate_to_movie(account, plex):
result_library = plex.library.get(CONFIG.movie_title)
result_movies = plex.library.section(CONFIG.movie_section).get(CONFIG.movie_title)
log(2, 'Navigating to: %s' % CONFIG.movie_title)
log(2, 'Result Library: %s' % result_library)
log(2, 'Result Movies: %s' % result_movies)
assert result_movies, 'Movie navigation not working.'
assert result_library == result_movies, 'Movie navigation not consistent.'
def test_navigate_to_show(account, plex):
result_shows = plex.library.section(CONFIG.show_section).get(CONFIG.show_title)
log(2, 'Navigating to: %s' % CONFIG.show_title)
log(2, 'Result Shows: %s' % result_shows)
assert result_shows, 'Show navigation not working.'
# TODO: Fix test_navigation/test_navigate_around_show
# FAIL: Unable to list season: Season 1
# @register()
def test_navigate_around_show(account, plex):
show = plex.library.section(CONFIG.show_section).get(CONFIG.show_title)
def test_navigate_around_show(plex_account, pms):
show = pms.library.section('TV Shows').get('The 100')
seasons = show.seasons()
season = show.season(CONFIG.show_season)
season = show.season('Season 1')
episodes = show.episodes()
episode = show.episode(CONFIG.show_episode)
log(2, 'Navigating around show: %s' % show)
log(2, 'Seasons: %s...' % seasons[:3])
log(2, 'Season: %s' % season)
log(2, 'Episodes: %s...' % episodes[:3])
log(2, 'Episode: %s' % episode)
assert CONFIG.show_season in [s.title for s in seasons], 'Unable to list season: %s' % CONFIG.show_season
assert CONFIG.show_episode in [e.title for e in episodes], 'Unable to list episode: %s' % CONFIG.show_episode
assert show.season(CONFIG.show_season) == season, 'Unable to get show season: %s' % CONFIG.show_season
assert show.episode(CONFIG.show_episode) == episode, 'Unable to get show episode: %s' % CONFIG.show_episode
assert season.episode(CONFIG.show_episode) == episode, 'Unable to get season episode: %s' % CONFIG.show_episode
episode = show.episode('Pilot')
assert 'Season 1' in [s.title for s in seasons], 'Unable to list season:'
assert 'Pilot' in [e.title for e in episodes], 'Unable to list episode:'
assert show.season(1) == season
assert show.episode('Pilot') == episode, 'Unable to get show episode:'
assert season.episode('Pilot') == episode, 'Unable to get season episode:'
assert season.show() == show, 'season.show() doesnt match expected show.'
assert episode.show() == show, 'episode.show() doesnt match expected show.'
assert episode.season() == season, 'episode.season() doesnt match expected season.'
def test_navigate_around_artist(account, plex):
artist = plex.library.section(CONFIG.audio_section).get(CONFIG.audio_artist)
def _test_navigate_around_artist(plex_account, pms):
artist = pms.library.section(CONFIG.audio_section).get(CONFIG.audio_artist)
albums = artist.albums()
album = artist.album(CONFIG.audio_album)
tracks = artist.tracks()
track = artist.track(CONFIG.audio_track)
log(2, 'Navigating around artist: %s' % artist)
log(2, 'Albums: %s...' % albums[:3])
log(2, 'Album: %s' % album)
log(2, 'Tracks: %s...' % tracks[:3])
log(2, 'Track: %s' % track)
print('Navigating around artist: %s' % artist)
print('Albums: %s...' % albums[:3])
print('Album: %s' % album)
print('Tracks: %s...' % tracks[:3])
print('Track: %s' % track)
assert CONFIG.audio_album in [a.title for a in albums], 'Unable to list album: %s' % CONFIG.audio_album
assert CONFIG.audio_track in [e.title for e in tracks], 'Unable to list track: %s' % CONFIG.audio_track
assert artist.album(CONFIG.audio_album) == album, 'Unable to get artist album: %s' % CONFIG.audio_album
@ -1,95 +1,3 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from utils import log, register
from plexapi import CONFIG
# test search.
def test_search_show(account, plex):
result_server = plex.search(CONFIG.show_title)
result_shows = plex.library.section(CONFIG.show_section).search(CONFIG.show_title)
result_movies = plex.library.section(CONFIG.movie_section).search(CONFIG.show_title)
log(2, 'Searching for: %s' % CONFIG.show_title)
log(4, 'Result Server: %s' % result_server)
log(4, 'Result Shows: %s' % result_shows)
log(4, 'Result Movies: %s' % result_movies)
assert result_server, 'Show not found.'
assert result_server == result_shows, 'Show searches not consistent.'
assert not result_movies, 'Movie search returned show title.'
def test_search_with_apostrophe(account, plex):
show_title = "Marvel's Daredevil" # Test ' in show title
result_server = plex.search(show_title)
result_shows = plex.library.section(CONFIG.show_section).search(show_title)
log(2, 'Searching for: %s' % CONFIG.show_title)
log(4, 'Result Server: %s' % result_server)
log(4, 'Result Shows: %s' % result_shows)
assert result_server, 'Show not found.'
assert result_server == result_shows, 'Show searches not consistent.'
def test_search_movie(account, plex):
result_server = plex.search(CONFIG.movie_title)
result_library = plex.library.search(CONFIG.movie_title)
result_shows = plex.library.section(CONFIG.show_section).search(CONFIG.movie_title)
result_movies = plex.library.section(CONFIG.movie_section).search(CONFIG.movie_title)
log(2, 'Searching for: %s' % CONFIG.movie_title)
log(4, 'Result Server: %s' % result_server)
log(4, 'Result Library: %s' % result_library)
log(4, 'Result Shows: %s' % result_shows)
log(4, 'Result Movies: %s' % result_movies)
assert result_server, 'Movie not found.'
assert result_server == result_library == result_movies, 'Movie searches not consistent.'
assert not result_shows, 'Show search returned show title.'
def test_search_audio(account, plex):
result_server = plex.search(CONFIG.audio_artist)
result_library = plex.library.search(CONFIG.audio_artist)
result_music = plex.library.section(CONFIG.audio_section).search(CONFIG.audio_artist)
log(2, 'Searching for: %s' % CONFIG.audio_artist)
log(4, 'Result Server: %s' % result_server)
log(4, 'Result Library: %s' % result_library)
log(4, 'Result Music: %s' % result_music)
assert result_server, 'Artist not found.'
assert result_server == result_library == result_music, 'Audio searches not consistent.'
def test_search_related(account, plex):
movies = plex.library.section(CONFIG.movie_section)
movie = movies.get(CONFIG.movie_title)
related_by_actors = movies.search(actor=movie.actors, maxresults=3)
log(2, u'Actors: %s..' % movie.actors)
log(2, u'Related by Actors: %s..' % related_by_actors)
assert related_by_actors, 'No related movies found by actor.'
related_by_genre = movies.search(genre=movie.genres, maxresults=3)
log(2, u'Genres: %s..' % movie.genres)
log(2, u'Related by Genre: %s..' % related_by_genre)
assert related_by_genre, 'No related movies found by genre.'
related_by_director = movies.search(director=movie.directors, maxresults=3)
log(2, 'Directors: %s..' % movie.directors)
log(2, 'Related by Director: %s..' % related_by_director)
assert related_by_director, 'No related movies found by director.'
# TODO: Fix test_search/test_crazy_search
# FAIL: Unable to search movie by director.
# @register()
def test_crazy_search(account, plex):
movies = plex.library.section(CONFIG.movie_section)
movie = movies.get('Jurassic World')
log(2, u'Search by Actor: "Chris Pratt"')
assert movie in movies.search(actor='Chris Pratt'), 'Unable to search movie by actor.'
log(2, u'Search by Director: ["Trevorrow"]')
assert movie in movies.search(director=['Trevorrow']), 'Unable to search movie by director.'
log(2, u'Search by Year: ["2014", "2015"]')
assert movie in movies.search(year=['2014', '2015']), 'Unable to search movie by year.'
log(2, u'Filter by Year: 2014')
assert movie not in movies.search(year=2014), 'Unable to filter movie by year.'
judy = [a for a in movie.actors if 'Judy' in a.tag][0]
log(2, u'Search by Unpopular Actor: %s' % judy)
assert movie in movies.search(actor=judy.id), 'Unable to filter movie by year.'
# Many more tests is for search later.
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
import sys
import os
plexapi_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))))
sys.path.insert(0, plexapi_path)
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
def test_mark_movie_watched(a_movie):
print('Marking movie watched: %s' % a_movie)
print('View count: %s' % a_movie.viewCount)
print('View count: %s' % a_movie.viewCount)
assert a_movie.viewCount == 1, 'View count 0 after watched.'
print('View count: %s' % a_movie.viewCount)
assert a_movie.viewCount == 0, 'View count 1 after unwatched.'
def test_refresh_section(pms):
shows = pms.library.section('TV Shows')
def test_refresh_video(pms):
result = pms.search('16 blocks')
@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
import pytest
def _test_client_PlexClient__loadData(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_connect(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_contextMenu(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_goBack(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_goToHome(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_goToMedia(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_goToMusic(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_headers(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_isPlayingMedia(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_moveDown(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_moveLeft(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_moveRight(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_moveUp(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_nextLetter(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_pageDown(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_pageUp(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_pause(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_play(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_playMedia(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_previousLetter(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_proxyThroughServer(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_query(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_refreshPlayQueue(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_seekTo(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_select(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_sendCommand(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_setAudioStream(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_setParameters(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_setRepeat(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_setShuffle(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_setStreams(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_setSubtitleStream(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_setVideoStream(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_setVolume(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_skipNext(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_skipPrevious(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_skipTo(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_stepBack(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_stepForward(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_stop(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_timeline(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_toggleOSD(pms):
def _test_client_PlexClient_url(pms):
@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import pytest
def test_myplex_accounts(plex_account, pms):
account = plex_account
assert account, 'Must specify username, password & resource to run this test.'
print('username: %s' % account.username)
#print('authenticationToken: %s' % account.authenticationToken)
print('email: %s' % account.email)
print('home: %s' % account.home)
print('queueEmail: %s' % account.queueEmail)
assert account.username, 'Account has no username'
assert account.authenticationToken, 'Account has no authenticationToken'
assert account.email, 'Account has no email'
assert account.home is not None, 'Account has no home'
assert account.queueEmail, 'Account has no queueEmail'
account = pms.account()
print('Local PlexServer.account():')
print('username: %s' % account.username)
print('authToken: %s' % account.authToken)
print('signInState: %s' % account.signInState)
assert account.username, 'Account has no username'
assert account.authToken, 'Account has no authToken'
assert account.signInState, 'Account has no signInState'
def test_myplex_resources(plex_account):
account = plex_account
assert account, 'Must specify username, password & resource to run this test.'
resources = account.resources()
for resource in resources:
name = resource.name or 'Unknown'
connections = [c.uri for c in resource.connections]
connections = ', '.join(connections) if connections else 'None'
print('%s (%s): %s' % (name, resource.product, connections))
assert resources, 'No resources found for account: %s' % account.name
def test_myplex_connect_to_resource(plex_account):
for resource in plex_account.resources():
if resource.name == 'PMS_API_TEST_SERVER':
server = resource.connect()
assert 'Ohno' in server.url('Ohno')
assert server
def test_myplex_devices(plex_account):
account = plex_account
devices = account.devices()
for device in devices:
name = device.name or 'Unknown'
connections = ', '.join(device.connections) if device.connections else 'None'
print('%s (%s): %s' % (name, device.product, connections))
assert devices, 'No devices found for account: %s' % account.name
#@pytest.mark.req_client # this need to be recorded?
def _test_myplex_connect_to_device(plex_account):
account = plex_account
devices = account.devices()
for device in devices:
if device.name == 'some client name' and len(device.connections):
client = device.connect()
assert client, 'Unable to connect to device'
def test_myplex_users(plex_account):
account = plex_account
users = account.users()
assert users, 'Found no users on account: %s' % account.name
print('Found %s users.' % len(users))
user = account.user('Hellowlol')
print('Found user: %s' % user)
assert user, 'Could not find user Hellowlol'
@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import pytest
def test_navigate_around_show(plex_account, pms):
show = pms.library.section('TV Shows').get('The 100')
seasons = show.seasons()
season = show.season('Season 1')
episodes = show.episodes()
episode = show.episode('Pilot')
assert 'Season 1' in [s.title for s in seasons], 'Unable to list season:'
assert 'Pilot' in [e.title for e in episodes], 'Unable to list episode:'
assert show.season(1) == season
assert show.episode('Pilot') == episode, 'Unable to get show episode:'
assert season.episode('Pilot') == episode, 'Unable to get season episode:'
assert season.show() == show, 'season.show() doesnt match expected show.'
assert episode.show() == show, 'episode.show() doesnt match expected show.'
assert episode.season() == season, 'episode.season() doesnt match expected season.'
def _test_navigate_around_artist(plex_account, pms):
artist = pms.library.section(CONFIG.audio_section).get(CONFIG.audio_artist)
albums = artist.albums()
album = artist.album(CONFIG.audio_album)
tracks = artist.tracks()
track = artist.track(CONFIG.audio_track)
print('Navigating around artist: %s' % artist)
print('Albums: %s...' % albums[:3])
print('Album: %s' % album)
print('Tracks: %s...' % tracks[:3])
print('Track: %s' % track)
assert CONFIG.audio_album in [a.title for a in albums], 'Unable to list album: %s' % CONFIG.audio_album
assert CONFIG.audio_track in [e.title for e in tracks], 'Unable to list track: %s' % CONFIG.audio_track
assert artist.album(CONFIG.audio_album) == album, 'Unable to get artist album: %s' % CONFIG.audio_album
assert artist.track(CONFIG.audio_track) == track, 'Unable to get artist track: %s' % CONFIG.audio_track
assert album.track(CONFIG.audio_track) == track, 'Unable to get album track: %s' % CONFIG.audio_track
assert album.artist() == artist, 'album.artist() doesnt match expected artist.'
assert track.artist() == artist, 'track.artist() doesnt match expected artist.'
assert track.album() == album, 'track.album() doesnt match expected album.'
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
# test search.
# Many more tests is for search later.
Add table
Reference in a new issue