Merge branch 'pr/184'

This commit is contained in:
Hellowlol 2017-09-24 00:21:29 +02:00
commit 25cf962470

View file

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ from plexapi.client import PlexClient
from plexapi.compat import ElementTree, quote
from plexapi.library import LibrarySection
from plexapi.server import PlexServer
from plexapi.utils import joinArgs
class MyPlexAccount(PlexObject):
@ -148,7 +149,7 @@ class MyPlexAccount(PlexObject):
codename = codes.get(response.status_code)[0]
errtext = response.text.replace('\n', ' ')
log.warn('BadRequest (%s) %s %s; %s' % (response.status_code, codename, response.url, errtext))
raise BadRequest('(%s) %s; %s' % (response.status_code, codename, errtext))
raise BadRequest('(%s) %s %s; %s' % (response.status_code, codename, response.url, errtext))
data = response.text.encode('utf8')
return ElementTree.fromstring(data) if data.strip() else None
@ -216,14 +217,15 @@ class MyPlexAccount(PlexObject):
url = url.format(
return self.query(url, self._session.delete)
def updateFriend(self, user, server, sections=None, allowSync=False, allowCameraUpload=False,
allowChannels=False, filterMovies=None, filterTelevision=None, filterMusic=None):
def updateFriend(self, user, server, sections=None, removeSections=False, allowSync=None, allowCameraUpload=None,
allowChannels=None, filterMovies=None, filterTelevision=None, filterMusic=None):
""" Update the specified user's share settings.
user (str): MyPlexUser, username, email of the user to be added.
server (PlexServer): PlexServer object or machineIdentifier containing the library sections to share.
sections: ([Section]): Library sections, names or ids to be shared (default None shares all sections).
removeSections (Bool): Set True to remove all shares. Supersedes sections.
allowSync (Bool): Set True to allow user to sync content.
allowCameraUpload (Bool): Set True to allow user to upload photos.
allowChannels (Bool): Set True to allow user to utilize installed channels.
@ -235,23 +237,55 @@ class MyPlexAccount(PlexObject):
ex: {'label':['foo']}
# Update friend servers
user = self.user(user)
response_filters = ''
response_servers = ''
user = self.user(user.username if isinstance(user, MyPlexUser) else user)
machineId = server.machineIdentifier if isinstance(server, PlexServer) else server
serverId = [s for s in user.servers if s.machineIdentifier == machineId][0].id
sectionIds = self._getSectionIds(machineId, sections)
params = {'server_id': machineId, 'shared_server': {'library_section_ids': sectionIds}}
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
url = self.FRIENDSERVERS.format(machineId=machineId, serverId=serverId)
response_servers = self.query(url, self._session.put, json=params, headers=headers)
# Determine whether user has access to the shared server.
user_servers = [s for s in user.servers if s.machineIdentifier == machineId]
if user_servers and sectionIds:
serverId = user_servers[0].id
params = {'server_id': machineId, 'shared_server': {'library_section_ids': sectionIds}}
url = self.FRIENDSERVERS.format(machineId=machineId, serverId=serverId)
params = {'server_id': machineId,
'shared_server': {'library_section_ids': sectionIds, "invited_id":}}
url = self.FRIENDINVITE.format(machineId=machineId)
if sectionIds:
# Remove share sections, add shares to user without shares, or update shares
if removeSections is True:
response_servers = self.query(url, self._session.delete, json=params, headers=headers)
elif 'invited_id' in params.get('shared_server', ''):
response_servers = self.query(url,, json=params, headers=headers)
response_servers = self.query(url, self._session.put, json=params, headers=headers)
log.warning('Section name, number of section object is required changing library sections')
# Update friend filters
url = self.FRIENDUPDATE.format(
url += '?allowSync=%s' % ('1' if allowSync else '0')
url += '&allowCameraUpload=%s' % ('1' if allowCameraUpload else '0')
url += '&allowChannels=%s' % ('1' if allowChannels else '0')
url += '&filterMovies=%s' % quote(self._filterDictToStr(filterMovies or {}))
url += '&filterTelevision=%s' % quote(self._filterDictToStr(filterTelevision or {}))
url += '&filterMusic=%s' % quote(self._filterDictToStr(filterMusic or {}))
response_filters = self.query(url, self._session.put)
d = {}
if isinstance(allowSync, bool):
d['allowSync'] = '1' if allowSync else '0'
if isinstance(allowCameraUpload, bool):
d['allowCameraUpload'] = '1' if allowCameraUpload else '0'
if isinstance(allowChannels, bool):
d['allowChannels'] = '1' if allowChannels else '0'
if isinstance(filterMovies, dict):
d['filterMovies'] = self._filterDictToStr(filterMovies or {}) #'1' if allowChannels else '0'
if isinstance(filterTelevision, dict):
d['filterTelevision'] = self._filterDictToStr(filterTelevision or {})
if isinstance(allowChannels, dict):
d['filterMusic'] = self._filterDictToStr(filterMusic or {})
if d:
url += joinArgs(d)
response_filters = self.query(url, self._session.put)
return response_servers, response_filters
def user(self, username):
@ -261,12 +295,14 @@ class MyPlexAccount(PlexObject):
username (str): Username, email or id of the user to return.
for user in self.users():
# Hhome users don't have email, username etc.
# Home users don't have email, username etc.
if username.lower() == user.title.lower():
return user
elif (user.username and and and username.lower() in
(user.username.lower(),, str(
return user
raise NotFound('Unable to find user %s' % username)
def users(self):
@ -290,7 +326,7 @@ class MyPlexAccount(PlexObject):
allSectionIds[elem.attrib.get('id', '').lower()] = elem.attrib.get('id')
allSectionIds[elem.attrib.get('title', '').lower()] = elem.attrib.get('id')
allSectionIds[elem.attrib.get('key', '').lower()] = elem.attrib.get('id')
# Convert passed in section items to section ids from above lookup
sectionIds = []
for section in sections:
@ -387,13 +423,25 @@ class MyPlexUser(PlexObject):
def get_token(self, machineIdentifier):
for item in self._server.query(self._server.FRIENDINVITE.format(machineId=machineIdentifier)):
if utils.cast(int, item.attrib.get('userID')) ==
return item.attrib.get('accessToken')
except Exception:
log.exception('Failed to get access token for %s' % self.title)
class Section(PlexObject):
""" This referes to a shared section. """
TAG = 'Section'
def _loadData(self, data):
self._data = data
self.sectionKey = data.attrib.get('key')
self.title = data.attrib.get('title')
self.sectionId = data.attrib.get('id')
self.type = data.attrib.get('type')
self.shared = utils.cast(bool, data.attrib.get('shared'))
class MyPlexServerShare(PlexObject):
""" Represents a single user's server reference. Used for library sharing. """
TAG = 'Server'
@ -411,6 +459,16 @@ class MyPlexServerShare(PlexObject):
self.owned = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('owned'))
self.pending = utils.cast(int, data.attrib.get('pending'))
def sections(self):
url = MyPlexAccount.FRIENDSERVERS.format(machineId=self.machineIdentifier,
data = self._server.query(url)
sections = []
for section in data.iter('Section'):
if section:
sections.append(Section(self, section, url))
return sections
class MyPlexResource(PlexObject):
""" This object represents resources connected to your Plex server that can provide