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2019-03-17 11:26:36 -04:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Backup and restore the watched status of Plex libraries to a json file.
import argparse, json
from collections import defaultdict
from plexapi import utils
SECTIONS = ('movie', 'show')
def _find_server(account, servername=None):
""" Find and return a PlexServer object. """
servers = servers = [s for s in account.resources() if 'server' in s.provides]
# If servername specified find and return it
if servername is not None:
for server in servers:
if == servername:
return server.connect()
raise SystemExit('Unknown server name: %s' % servername)
# If servername not specified; allow user to choose
return utils.choose('Choose a Server', servers, 'name').connect()
def _item_key(item):
if item.type == 'movie':
return '%s.%s' % (item._prettyfilename().lower(), item.year)
elif item.type == 'episode':
return '%s.%s' % (item._prettyfilename().lower(), item.year)
def _iter_sections(plex, opts):
libraries = opts.libraries.split(',') if opts.libraries else []
libraries = [l.strip().lower() for l in libraries]
for section in plex.library.sections():
title = section.title.lower()
if section.type in SECTIONS and (not libraries or title in libraries):
yield section
def _iter_items(section):
if section.type == 'movie':
for movie in section.all():
yield movie
elif section.type == 'show':
for show in section.all():
for episode in show.episodes():
yield episode
def backup_watched(plex, opts):
""" Backup watched status to the specified filepath. """
data = defaultdict(lambda: {})
2019-03-17 11:26:36 -04:00
for section in _iter_sections(plex, opts):
print('Fetching watched status for %s..' % section.title)
skey = section.title.lower()
for item in _iter_items(section):
if not opts.watchedonly or item.isWatched:
ikey = _item_key(item)
data[skey][ikey] = item.isWatched
import pprint; pprint.pprint(item.__dict__); break
print('Writing backup file to %s' % opts.filepath)
with open(opts.filepath, 'w') as handle:
json.dump(dict(data), handle, sort_keys=True, indent=2)
def restore_watched(plex, opts):
""" Restore watched status from the specified filepath. """
with open(opts.filepath, 'r') as handle:
source = json.load(handle)
# Find the differences
differences = defaultdict(lambda: {})
2019-03-17 11:26:36 -04:00
for section in _iter_sections(plex, opts):
print('Finding differences in %s..' % section.title)
skey = section.title.lower()
for item in _iter_items(section):
ikey = _item_key(item)
sval = source.get(skey,{}).get(ikey)
if sval is None:
raise SystemExit('%s not found' % ikey)
if (sval is not None and item.isWatched != sval) and (not opts.watchedonly or sval):
differences[skey][ikey] = {'isWatched':sval, 'item':item}
print('Applying %s differences to destination' % len(differences))
import pprint; pprint.pprint(differences)
if __name__ == '__main__':
from plexapi import CONFIG
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
parser.add_argument('action', help='Action to perform: backup or restore', choices=('backup', 'restore'))
parser.add_argument('filepath', help='File path to backup to or restore from')
parser.add_argument('-u', '--username', default=CONFIG.get('auth.myplex_username'), help='Plex username')
parser.add_argument('-p', '--password', default=CONFIG.get('auth.myplex_password'), help='Plex password')
parser.add_argument('-s', '--servername', help='Plex server name')
parser.add_argument('-w', '--watchedonly', default=False, action='store_true', help='Only backup or restore watched items.')
parser.add_argument('-l', '--libraries', help='Only backup or restore the specified libraries (comma seperated).')
opts = parser.parse_args()
account = utils.getMyPlexAccount(opts)
plex = _find_server(account, opts.servername)
action = backup_watched if opts.action == 'backup' else restore_watched
action(plex, opts)