2017-02-04 03:08:47 -05:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2017-08-12 21:35:13 -04:00
Plex-ListAttrs is used during development of PlexAPI and loops through all media
items to build a collection of attributes on each media type. The resulting list
can be compared with the current object implementation in python-plexapi to track
new attributes and depricate old ones.
2017-02-04 03:08:47 -05:00
2017-02-15 01:33:43 -05:00
import argparse, copy, pickle, plexapi, os, re, sys, time
2017-02-13 14:38:40 -05:00
from os.path import abspath, dirname, join
2017-02-04 03:08:47 -05:00
from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import datetime
2017-02-05 23:52:10 -05:00
from plexapi import library
from plexapi.base import PlexObject
2017-02-04 03:08:47 -05:00
from plexapi.myplex import MyPlexAccount
from plexapi.server import PlexServer
2017-02-05 23:52:10 -05:00
from plexapi.playqueue import PlayQueue
2017-02-04 03:08:47 -05:00
2017-02-13 14:38:40 -05:00
CACHEPATH = join(dirname(abspath(__file__)), 'findattrs.pickle')
2017-08-12 21:35:13 -04:00
2017-02-04 03:08:47 -05:00
'xml': defaultdict(int),
'obj': defaultdict(int),
2017-02-15 01:33:43 -05:00
'docs': defaultdict(int),
2017-02-04 03:08:47 -05:00
'examples': defaultdict(set),
2017-02-05 23:52:10 -05:00
'categories': defaultdict(set),
'total': 0,
'old': 0,
2017-02-15 01:33:43 -05:00
'new': 0,
'doc': 0,
2017-02-04 03:08:47 -05:00
'server.PlexServer': ['baseurl', 'token', 'session'],
'myplex.ResourceConnection': ['httpuri'],
'client.PlexClient': ['baseurl'],
2017-02-05 23:52:10 -05:00
'media.MediaPart', # tries to download the file
'client.PlexClient', # we dont have the token to reload.
2017-02-06 01:28:58 -05:00
'Media': 'media',
'Country': 'countries',
2017-02-05 23:52:10 -05:00
2017-08-12 21:35:13 -04:00
# 'media.MediaPart',
2017-02-05 23:52:10 -05:00
2017-02-04 03:08:47 -05:00
2017-08-12 21:35:13 -04:00
2017-02-04 03:08:47 -05:00
class PlexAttributes():
def __init__(self, opts):
self.opts = opts # command line options
self.clsnames = [c for c in opts.clsnames.split(',') if c] # list of clsnames to report (blank=all)
2017-02-05 23:52:10 -05:00
self.account = MyPlexAccount() # MyPlexAccount instance
2017-02-04 03:08:47 -05:00
self.plex = PlexServer() # PlexServer instance
2017-02-05 23:52:10 -05:00
self.total = 0 # Total objects parsed
2017-02-04 03:08:47 -05:00
self.attrs = defaultdict(dict) # Attrs result set
def run(self):
2017-02-05 23:52:10 -05:00
starttime = time.time()
2017-08-12 21:35:13 -04:00
2017-02-06 01:28:58 -05:00
2017-08-12 21:35:13 -04:00
2017-02-05 23:52:10 -05:00
self.runtime = round((time.time() - starttime) / 60.0, 1)
2017-02-04 03:08:47 -05:00
return self
2017-02-05 23:52:10 -05:00
def _parse_myplex(self):
self._load_attrs(self.account, 'myplex')
self._load_attrs(self.account.devices(), 'myplex')
for resource in self.account.resources():
self._load_attrs(resource, 'myplex')
self._load_attrs(resource.connections, 'myplex')
self._load_attrs(self.account.users(), 'myplex')
def _parse_server(self):
self._load_attrs(self.plex, 'serv')
self._load_attrs(self.plex.account(), 'serv')
2017-02-06 01:28:58 -05:00
self._load_attrs(self.plex.history()[:50], 'hist')
self._load_attrs(self.plex.history()[50:], 'hist')
self._load_attrs(self.plex.sessions(), 'sess')
def _parse_search(self):
for search in ('cre', 'ani', 'mik', 'she', 'bea'):
self._load_attrs(self.plex.search(search), 'hub')
2017-02-05 23:52:10 -05:00
def _parse_library(self):
cat = 'lib'
self._load_attrs(self.plex.library, cat)
2017-08-12 21:35:13 -04:00
# self._load_attrs(self.plex.library.all()[:50], 'all')
2017-02-06 01:28:58 -05:00
self._load_attrs(self.plex.library.onDeck()[:50], 'deck')
self._load_attrs(self.plex.library.recentlyAdded()[:50], 'add')
for search in ('cat', 'dog', 'rat', 'gir', 'mou'):
self._load_attrs(self.plex.library.search(search)[:50], 'srch')
# TODO: Implement section search (remove library search?)
# TODO: Implement section search filters
2017-02-05 23:52:10 -05:00
def _parse_audio(self):
cat = 'lib'
for musicsection in self.plex.library.sections():
if musicsection.TYPE == library.MusicSection.TYPE:
self._load_attrs(musicsection, cat)
for artist in musicsection.all():
self._load_attrs(artist, cat)
for album in artist.albums():
self._load_attrs(album, cat)
for track in album.tracks():
self._load_attrs(track, cat)
def _parse_photo(self):
cat = 'lib'
for photosection in self.plex.library.sections():
if photosection.TYPE == library.PhotoSection.TYPE:
self._load_attrs(photosection, cat)
for photoalbum in photosection.all():
self._load_attrs(photoalbum, cat)
for photo in photoalbum.photos():
self._load_attrs(photo, cat)
def _parse_movie(self):
cat = 'lib'
for moviesection in self.plex.library.sections():
if moviesection.TYPE == library.MovieSection.TYPE:
self._load_attrs(moviesection, cat)
for movie in moviesection.all():
self._load_attrs(movie, cat)
def _parse_show(self):
cat = 'lib'
for showsection in self.plex.library.sections():
if showsection.TYPE == library.ShowSection.TYPE:
self._load_attrs(showsection, cat)
for show in showsection.all():
self._load_attrs(show, cat)
for season in show.seasons():
2017-02-06 01:28:58 -05:00
self._load_attrs(season, cat)
2017-02-05 23:52:10 -05:00
for episode in season.episodes():
self._load_attrs(episode, cat)
def _parse_client(self):
for device in self.account.devices():
2017-02-13 14:38:40 -05:00
client = self._safe_connect(device)
2017-02-05 23:52:10 -05:00
if client is not None:
self._load_attrs(client, 'myplex')
for client in self.plex.clients():
2017-02-13 14:38:40 -05:00
2017-02-05 23:52:10 -05:00
self._load_attrs(client, 'client')
def _parse_playlist(self):
for playlist in self.plex.playlists():
self._load_attrs(playlist, 'pl')
for item in playlist.items():
self._load_attrs(item, 'pl')
playqueue = PlayQueue.create(self.plex, playlist)
self._load_attrs(playqueue, 'pq')
def _parse_sync(self):
2017-02-09 16:29:23 -05:00
# TODO: Get plexattrs._parse_sync() working.
2017-02-05 23:52:10 -05:00
def _load_attrs(self, obj, cat=None):
2017-02-04 03:08:47 -05:00
if isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)):
2017-02-05 23:52:10 -05:00
return [self._parse_objects(item, cat) for item in obj]
self._parse_objects(obj, cat)
2017-02-04 03:08:47 -05:00
2017-02-05 23:52:10 -05:00
def _parse_objects(self, obj, cat=None):
2017-02-04 03:08:47 -05:00
clsname = '%s.%s' % (obj.__module__, obj.__class__.__name__)
clsname = clsname.replace('plexapi.', '')
if self.clsnames and clsname not in self.clsnames:
return None
2017-02-05 23:52:10 -05:00
2017-02-04 03:08:47 -05:00
if clsname not in self.attrs:
self.attrs[clsname] = copy.deepcopy(NAMESPACE)
self.attrs[clsname]['total'] += 1
2017-02-05 23:52:10 -05:00
self._load_xml_attrs(clsname, obj._data, self.attrs[clsname]['xml'],
self.attrs[clsname]['examples'], self.attrs[clsname]['categories'], cat)
2017-02-15 01:33:43 -05:00
self._load_obj_attrs(clsname, obj, self.attrs[clsname]['obj'],
2017-02-04 03:08:47 -05:00
2017-02-05 23:52:10 -05:00
def _print_the_little_dot(self):
self.total += 1
if not self.total % 100:
if not self.total % 8000:
def _load_xml_attrs(self, clsname, elem, attrs, examples, categories, cat):
if elem is None: return None
2017-02-04 03:08:47 -05:00
for attr in sorted(elem.attrib.keys()):
attrs[attr] += 1
2017-02-05 23:52:10 -05:00
if cat: categories[attr].add(cat)
2017-02-04 03:08:47 -05:00
if elem.attrib[attr] and len(examples[attr]) <= self.opts.examples:
2017-02-06 01:28:58 -05:00
for subelem in elem:
attrname = TAGATTRS.get(subelem.tag, '%ss' % subelem.tag.lower())
attrs['%s[]' % attrname] += 1
2017-02-04 03:08:47 -05:00
2017-02-15 01:33:43 -05:00
def _load_obj_attrs(self, clsname, obj, attrs, docs):
2017-02-05 23:52:10 -05:00
if clsname in STOP_RECURSING_AT: return None
2017-02-13 14:38:40 -05:00
if isinstance(obj, PlexObject) and clsname not in DONT_RELOAD:
2017-02-15 01:33:43 -05:00
alldocs = '\n\n'.join(self._all_docs(obj.__class__))
2017-02-04 03:08:47 -05:00
for attr, value in obj.__dict__.items():
2017-02-05 23:52:10 -05:00
if value is None or isinstance(value, (str, bool, float, int, datetime)):
2017-02-04 03:08:47 -05:00
if not attr.startswith('_') and attr not in IGNORES.get(clsname, []):
attrs[attr] += 1
2017-02-15 01:33:43 -05:00
if re.search('\s{8}%s\s\(.+?\)\:' % attr, alldocs) is not None:
docs[attr] += 1
2017-02-05 23:52:10 -05:00
if isinstance(value, list):
if not attr.startswith('_') and attr not in IGNORES.get(clsname, []):
if value and isinstance(value[0], PlexObject):
attrs['%s[]' % attr] += 1
[self._parse_objects(obj) for obj in value]
2017-02-04 03:08:47 -05:00
2017-02-15 01:33:43 -05:00
def _all_docs(self, cls, docs=None):
import inspect
docs = docs or []
if cls.__doc__ is not None:
for parent in inspect.getmro(cls):
if parent != cls:
docs += self._all_docs(parent)
return docs
2017-02-04 03:08:47 -05:00
def print_report(self):
total_attrs = 0
for clsname in sorted(self.attrs.keys()):
2017-02-09 16:29:23 -05:00
if self._clsname_match(clsname):
meta = self.attrs[clsname]
count = meta['total']
2017-08-12 21:35:13 -04:00
print(_('\n%s (%s)\n%s' % (clsname, count, '-' * 30), 'yellow'))
2017-02-09 16:29:23 -05:00
attrs = sorted(set(list(meta['xml'].keys()) + list(meta['obj'].keys())))
for attr in attrs:
state = self._attr_state(clsname, attr, meta)
count = meta['xml'].get(attr, 0)
categories = ','.join(meta['categories'].get(attr, ['--']))
examples = '; '.join(list(meta['examples'].get(attr, ['--']))[:3])[:80]
print('%7s %3s %-30s %-20s %s' % (count, state, attr, categories, examples))
total_attrs += count
2017-08-12 21:35:13 -04:00
print(_('\nSUMMARY\n%s' % ('-' * 30), 'yellow'))
2017-02-15 01:33:43 -05:00
print('%7s %3s %3s %3s %-20s %s' % ('total', 'new', 'old', 'doc', 'categories', 'clsname'))
2017-02-04 03:08:47 -05:00
for clsname in sorted(self.attrs.keys()):
2017-02-09 16:29:23 -05:00
if self._clsname_match(clsname):
2017-02-15 01:33:43 -05:00
print('%7s %12s %12s %12s %s' % (self.attrs[clsname]['total'],
2017-02-09 16:29:23 -05:00
_(self.attrs[clsname]['new'] or '', 'cyan'),
_(self.attrs[clsname]['old'] or '', 'red'),
2017-02-15 01:33:43 -05:00
_(self.attrs[clsname]['doc'] or '', 'purple'),
2017-02-09 16:29:23 -05:00
2017-02-05 23:52:10 -05:00
print('\nPlex Version %s' % self.plex.version)
print('PlexAPI Version %s' % plexapi.VERSION)
print('Total Objects %s' % sum([x['total'] for x in self.attrs.values()]))
print('Runtime %s min\n' % self.runtime)
2017-02-04 03:08:47 -05:00
2017-02-09 16:29:23 -05:00
def _clsname_match(self, clsname):
if not self.clsnames:
return True
for cname in self.clsnames:
if cname.lower() in clsname.lower():
return True
return False
2017-02-05 23:52:10 -05:00
def _attr_state(self, clsname, attr, meta):
if attr in meta['xml'].keys() and attr not in meta['obj'].keys():
self.attrs[clsname]['new'] += 1
return _('new', 'blue')
if attr not in meta['xml'].keys() and attr in meta['obj'].keys():
self.attrs[clsname]['old'] += 1
return _('old', 'red')
2017-02-15 01:33:43 -05:00
if attr not in meta['docs'].keys() and attr in meta['obj'].keys():
self.attrs[clsname]['doc'] += 1
return _('doc', 'purple')
2017-02-04 03:08:47 -05:00
return _(' ', 'green')
2017-02-13 14:38:40 -05:00
def _safe_connect(self, elem):
return elem.connect()
return None
def _safe_reload(self, elem):
2017-02-04 03:08:47 -05:00
def _(text, color):
FMTSTR = '\033[%dm%s\033[0m'
2017-02-15 01:33:43 -05:00
COLORS = {'blue':34, 'cyan':36, 'green':32, 'grey':30, 'purple':35, 'red':31, 'white':37, 'yellow':33}
2017-02-04 03:08:47 -05:00
return FMTSTR % (COLORS[color], text)
if __name__ == '__main__':
2017-08-12 21:35:13 -04:00
2017-02-04 03:08:47 -05:00
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='resize and copy starred photos')
parser.add_argument('-f', '--force', default=False, action='store_true', help='force a full refresh of attributes.')
parser.add_argument('-m', '--max', default=99999, help='max number of objects to load.')
parser.add_argument('-e', '--examples', default=10, help='max number of example values to load.')
parser.add_argument('-c', '--clsnames', default='', help='only report the following class names')
opts = parser.parse_args()
# Load the plexattrs object
plexattrs = None
if not opts.force and os.path.exists(CACHEPATH):
with open(CACHEPATH, 'rb') as handle:
plexattrs = pickle.load(handle)
2017-02-09 16:29:23 -05:00
plexattrs.clsnames = [c for c in opts.clsnames.split(',') if c]
2017-02-04 03:08:47 -05:00
if not plexattrs:
plexattrs = PlexAttributes(opts).run()
with open(CACHEPATH, 'wb') as handle:
pickle.dump(plexattrs, handle)
# Print Report