2015-02-22 13:06:29 +00:00

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{% extends "base.html" %}
{% load humanize %}
{% block mainbody %}
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<h1>Pokéapi - The Pokémon RESTful API</h1>
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<div class="row pad_top">
<div class="col-md-2">
<div class="col-md-8">
<p class="lead">
What is this?
<div class="well">
This website provides a RESTful API interface to <b>{{ site_data.total_items|intcomma }}</b> objects
related to <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pokemon">Pokémon</a>. We specifically cover the video game franchise, though we'd like to cover the card game too. Using this website you can consume information on Pokémon, their moves, abilities, types, egg groups and much much more.
<p class="lead">
What exactly is an API?
<div class="well">
This is probably worth clearing up very quickly for those who don't know.<br />
An API (Application Programming Interface) is a set of interfaces (in this case, url links)
that are publicly available, that allow developers to interact with an application.<br />
In this instance; the application is a database of <b>{{ site_data.total_items|intcomma }}</b> pokemon-related objects.
<p class="lead">
Isn't there 101 other Pokémon websites already?
<div class="well">
Yes and that's exactly the problem!
101 instances of the same website means 101 instances of the <b>same data</b>.
We aim to provide a <b>single database</b> that any number of other websites
can consume and use.
Often, and especially when new Pokémon games or updates are released, the 101+ websites
take <b>weeks</b> to update as people have to enter the same information in all those different places.
<p>This solves that problem.
If all those sites consumed their data from here, they would have the exact same information that is updated at exactly the same time, with no errors between each website.
The overall benefit is a better collaboration and consistency across all the different Pokémon
websites and applications. It's good for all!
<p class="lead">
How much information is stored here?
<div class="well">
I'm glad you asked because we've got an impressive amount of data!
We currently have <b>{{ site_data.total_items|intcomma }}</b> individual items in our database:
<li>{{ site_data.pokemon }} Pokémon</li>
<li>{{ site_data.moves }} Moves</li>
<li>{{site_data.move_pokes|intcomma }} Pokémon<->move links</li>
<li>{{ site_data.abilities }} Abilities</li>
<li>{{ site_data.types }} Types</li>
<li>{{ site_data.egg_groups }} Egg groups</li>
<li>{{ site_data.descriptions }} Descriptions</li>
<li>{{ site_data.sprites }} Sprites</li>
<li>{{ site_data.games }} Games</li>
<p class="lead">The server has processed <b>{{ total|intcomma }}</b> api calls at an average of <b>{{ average_day|intcomma }}</b> calls per day.</p>
<p class="lead">
The API is missing stuff!
<div class="well">
I know! Feel free to contribute to open issues on <a href="https://github.com/phalt/pokeapi/">GitHub</a>.
<p class="lead">
So who built this?
<div class="well">
I'm Paul Hallett, a software engineer obsessed with creating things
that benefit people. This was a weekend project of mine that has since grown
beyond a single weekend's worth of work.
<br />
Find out more about me <a href="http://phalt.co">here</a>
I gathered the information on this site from various resources:
<li><a href="https://github.com/veekun">Veekun</a> had a huge bunch of CSV's that
I used to build most of the data on the site.</li>
<li><a href="http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Main_Page">Bulbapedia</a> has a tonne of extra information that proved useful when designing the data model.</li>
I'd also like to thank:
<li>Laven Pillay, who scraped together most of the sprites used on the site.</li>
<p class="lead">
What's the technology stack?
<div class="well">
The website framework is <a href="http://djangoproject.com">Django</a>,
a super awesome framework built around <a hre="http://python.org">Python</a>.<br />
We use a <a href="www.postgresql.org">Postgres</a> database to store all our data.<br />
We use <a href="http://django-tastypie.readthedocs.org/en/latest/">Django-tastypie</a> to expose our data through a RESTful API.<br />
We're hosted on <a href="https://www.digitalocean.com/?refcode=eab2fea41bc6
">DigitalOcean</a> servers, click the link to help keep the site running!.
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{% endblock %}