{% extends "base.html" %} {% block mainbody %}
{% block docstitle %} {% endblock docstitle %}


Please take note when using this API:

  • This is a consumption-only API - only the HTTP GET method is available on resources.
  • No authentication is required to access this API. All resources are fully open and available.
    • There is, however, a daily rate limit of 300 requests per resource per IP address. So a single IP address can call the bulbasaur resource 300 times a day. Not 300 requests across the entire dataset! This is to stop our database from falling over under heavy load.
  • If you are going to be regularly using the API, I recommend caching data on your service.
    • Luckily, we provide modified/created datetime stamps on every single resource so you can check for updates (and thus make your caching efficient).
{% block docsbody %} {% endblock docsbody %}
{% endblock %}