veekun_pokedex_repository = ../pokedex local_config = --settings=config.local docker_config = --settings=config.docker-compose gql_compose_config = -f docker-compose.yml -f Resources/compose/docker-compose-prod-graphql.yml .PHONY: help .SILENT: help: @grep -E '^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?# .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | sort | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?# "}; {printf "\033[36m%-30s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}' install: # Install base requirements to run project pip install -r requirements.txt dev-install: # Install developer requirements + base requirements pip install -r test-requirements.txt setup: # Set up the project database python migrate ${local_config} build-db: # Build database echo "from import build_all; build_all()" | python shell ${local_config} wipe-sqlite-db: # Delete's the project database rm -rf db.sqlite3 serve: # Run the project locally python runserver ${local_config} test: # Run tests python test ${local_config} clean: # Remove any pyc files find . -type f -name '*.pyc' -delete migrate: # Run any outstanding migrations python migrate ${local_config} make-migrations: # Create migrations files if schema has changed python makemigrations ${local_config} shell: # Load a shell python shell ${local_config} openapi-generate: python spectacular --color --file openapi.yml ${local_config} docker-up: # (Docker) Create services/volumes/networks docker compose up -d docker-migrate: # (Docker) Run any pending migrations docker compose exec -T app python migrate ${docker_config} docker-build-db: # (Docker) Build the database docker compose exec -T app sh -c 'echo "from import build_all; build_all()" | python shell ${docker_config}' docker-make-migrations: # (Docker) Create migrations files if schema has changed docker compose exec -T app sh -c 'python makemigrations ${docker_config}' docker-flush-db: # (Docker) Removes all the data present in the database but preserves tables and migrations docker compose exec -T app sh -c 'python flush --no-input ${docker_config}' docker-destroy-db: # (Docker) Removes the volume where the database is installed on, alongside to the container itself docker rm -f pokeapi_db_1 docker volume rm pokeapi_pg_data docker-shell: # (Docker) Launch an interative shell for the pokeapi container docker compose exec app sh -l docker-stop: # (Docker) Stop containers docker compose stop docker-down: # (Docker) Stop and removes containers and networks docker compose down docker-test: # (Docker) Run tests docker compose exec -T app python test ${local_config} docker-prod: docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.override.yml -f Resources/compose/docker-compose-prod-graphql.yml up -d docker-setup: docker-up docker-migrate docker-build-db # (Docker) Start services, prepare the latest DB schema, populate the DB format: # Format the source code black . format-check: # Check the source code has been formatted black . --check --exclude 'Resources/scripts/.*' pull: git checkout master git pull pull-veekun: git -C ${veekun_pokedex_repository} checkout master-pokeapi git -C ${veekun_pokedex_repository} pull sync-from-veekun: pull pull-veekun # Copy data from ../pokedex to this repository cp -a ${veekun_pokedex_repository}/pokedex/data/csv/. ./data/v2/csv sync-to-veekun: pull pull-veekun # Copy data from this repository to ../pokedex cp -a ./data/v2/csv/. ${veekun_pokedex_repository}/pokedex/data/csv # read-env-file: # Exports ./.env into shell environment variables # export `egrep -v '^#' .env | xargs` hasura-export: # Export Hasura configuration, be sure to have set HASURA_GRAPHQL_ADMIN_SECRET hasura md export --project graphql hasura-apply: # Apply local Hasura configuration, be sure to have set HASURA_GRAPHQL_ADMIN_SECRET hasura md apply --project graphql hasura-get-anon-schema: # Dumps GraphQL schema gq http://localhost:8080/v1/graphql --introspect > graphql/schema.graphql kustomize-apply: # (Kustomize) Run kubectl apply -k on the connected k8s cluster kubectl apply -k Resources/k8s/kustomize/base/ kustomize-staging-apply: # (Kustomize) Run kubectl apply -k on the connected k8s cluster using pokeapi/pokeapi:staging kubectl apply -k Resources/k8s/kustomize/staging/ kustomize-local-apply: # (Kustomize) Run kubectl apply -k on the connected k8s cluster using the locally available pokeapi/pokeapi:local kubectl apply -k Resources/k8s/kustomize/local/ k8s-migrate: # (k8s) Run any pending migrations kubectl exec --namespace pokeapi deployment/pokeapi -- python migrate ${docker_config} k8s-build-db: # (k8s) Build the database kubectl exec --namespace pokeapi deployment/pokeapi -- sh -c 'echo "from import build_all; build_all()" | python shell ${docker_config}' k8s-delete: # (k8s) Delete pokeapi namespace kubectl delete namespace pokeapi start-graphql-prod: git pull origin master git submodule update --init docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f Resources/compose/docker-compose-prod-graphql.yml up -d docker compose stop app down-graphql-prod: docker container rm $(docker container ls -aq) -f docker system prune --all --volumes --force docker volume prune --all --force sync; echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches # Nginx doesn't start if upstream graphql-engine is down update-graphql-data-prod: docker compose ${gql_compose_config} stop git pull origin master git submodule update --remote --merge docker compose ${gql_compose_config} up --pull always -d app cache db sync; echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches make docker-migrate make docker-build-db docker compose ${gql_compose_config} stop app cache docker compose ${gql_compose_config} up --pull always -d graphql-engine graphiql sleep 120 make hasura-apply docker compose ${gql_compose_config} up --pull always -d web docker compose exec -T web sh -c 'rm -rf /tmp/cache/*' docker image prune -af sync; echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches