mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 13:37:08 +00:00
fixed a bunch of links
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 140 additions and 100 deletions
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
<li><a href="#pokeathlon-stats">Pokeathlon Stats</a></li>
<li><a href="#regions">Regions</a></li>
<li><a href="#stats">Stats</a></li>
<li><a href="#super-contest-types">Super Contest Types</a></li>
<li><a href="#super-contest-effects">Super Contest Effects</a></li>
<li><a href="#types">Types</a></li>
<li><a href="#version">Versions</a></li>
<li><a href="#version-groups">Version Groups</a></li>
@ -582,7 +582,7 @@ Name | Description | Data Type
id | The identifier for this encounter condition resource | integer
name | The name for this encounter condition resource | string
names | The name of this encounter method listed in different languages | [[Name](#resourcename)]
values | A list of possible values for this encounter condition | [[APIReference](#apireference) ([EncounterConditionValue](#encounter-condition-values))]
values | A list of possible values for this encounter condition | [[APIResource](#apiresource) ([EncounterConditionValue](#encounter-condition-values))]
@ -621,7 +621,7 @@ Name | Description | Data Type
---- | ----------- | ---------
id | The identifier for this encounter condition value resource | integer
name | The name for this encounter condition value resource | string
condition | The condition this encounter condition value pertains to | [[APIReference](#apireference) ([EncounterCondition](#encounter-conditions))]
condition | The condition this encounter condition value pertains to | [[APIResource](#apiresource) ([EncounterCondition](#encounter-conditions))]
names | The name of this encounter condition value listed in different languages | [[Name](#resourcename)]
@ -687,43 +687,43 @@ Evolution chains are essentially family trees. They start with the lowest stage
Name | Description | Data Type
---- | ----------- | ---------
id | The identifier for this evolution chain resource | integer
baby_trigger_item | The item that a pokemon would be holding when mating that would trigger the egg hatching a baby pokemon rather than a basic pokemon | [APIReference](#apireference) ([Item](#items))
baby_trigger_item | The item that a pokemon would be holding when mating that would trigger the egg hatching a baby pokemon rather than a basic pokemon | [APIResource](#apiresource) ([Item](#items))
chain | The base chain link object. Each link contains evolution details for a pokemon in the chain. Each link references the next pokemon in the natural evolution order. | [ChainLink](#chainlink)
#### Chain Link
#### ChainLink
Name | Description | Data Type
---- | ----------- | ---------
is_baby | Whether or not this link is for a baby pokemon. This would only ever be true on the base link. | boolean
species | The pokemon species at this point in the evolution chain | [APIReference](#apireference) ([PokemonSpecies](#pokemon-species))
species | The pokemon species at this point in the evolution chain | [APIResource](#apiresource) ([PokemonSpecies](#pokemon-species))
evolution_details | All details regarding the specific details of the referenced pokemon species evolution | [EvolutionDetail](#evolutiondetail)
evolves_to | A List of chain objects. | [ChainLink](#chainlink)
#### Evolution Detail
#### EvolutionDetail
Name | Description | Data Type
---- | ----------- | ---------
item | The item required to cause evolution this into pokemon species | [APIReference](#apireference) ([Item](#items))
trigger | The type of event that triggers evolution into this pokemon species | [APIReference](#apireference) ([EvolutionTrigger](#evolution-triggers))
gender | The gender the evolving pokemon species must be in order to evolve into this pokemon species | [APIReference](#apireference) ([Gender](#genders))
held_item | The item the evolving pokemon species must be holding during the evolution trigger event to evolve into this pokemon species | [APIReference](#apireference) ([Item](#items))
known_move | The move that must be known by the evolving pokemon species during the evolution trigger event in order to evolve into this pokemon species | [APIReference](#apireference) ([Move](#moves))
known_move_type | The evolving pokemon species must know a move with this type during the evolution trigger event in order to evolve into this pokemon species | [APIReference](#apireference) ([Type](#types))
location | The location the evolution must be triggered at. | [APIReference](#apireference) ([Location](#locations))
item | The item required to cause evolution this into pokemon species | [APIResource](#apiresource) ([Item](#items))
trigger | The type of event that triggers evolution into this pokemon species | [APIResource](#apiresource) ([EvolutionTrigger](#evolution-triggers))
gender | The gender the evolving pokemon species must be in order to evolve into this pokemon species | [APIResource](#apiresource) ([Gender](#genders))
held_item | The item the evolving pokemon species must be holding during the evolution trigger event to evolve into this pokemon species | [APIResource](#apiresource) ([Item](#items))
known_move | The move that must be known by the evolving pokemon species during the evolution trigger event in order to evolve into this pokemon species | [APIResource](#apiresource) ([Move](#moves))
known_move_type | The evolving pokemon species must know a move with this type during the evolution trigger event in order to evolve into this pokemon species | [APIResource](#apiresource) ([Type](#types))
location | The location the evolution must be triggered at. | [APIResource](#apiresource) ([Location](#locations))
min_level | The minimum required level of the evolving pokemon species to evolve into this pokemon species | integer
min_hapiness | The minimum required level of happiness the evolving pokemon species to evolve into this pokemon species | integer
min_beauty | The minimum required level of beauty the evolving pokemon species to evolve into this pokemon species | integer
min_affection | The minimum required level of affection the evolving pokemon species to evolve into this pokemon species | integer
needs_overworld_rain | Whether or not it must be raining in the overworld to cause evolution this pokemon species | boolean
party_species | The pokemon species that must be in the players party in order for the evolving pokemon species to evolve into this pokemon species | [APIReference](#apireference) ([PokemonSpecies](#pokemon-species))
party_type | The player must have a pokemon of this type in their party during the evolution trigger event in order for the evolving pokemon species to evolve into this pokemon species | [APIReference](#apireference) ([Type](#types))
party_species | The pokemon species that must be in the players party in order for the evolving pokemon species to evolve into this pokemon species | [APIResource](#apiresource) ([PokemonSpecies](#pokemon-species))
party_type | The player must have a pokemon of this type in their party during the evolution trigger event in order for the evolving pokemon species to evolve into this pokemon species | [APIResource](#apiresource) ([Type](#types))
relative_physical_stats | The required relation between the Pokémon's Attack and Defense stats. 1 means Attack > Defense. 0 means Attack = Defense. -1 means Attack < Defense. | integer
time_of_day | The required time of day. Day or night. | string
trade_species | Pokemon species for which this one must be traded. | [APIReference](#apireference) ([Pokemon Species](#pokemon-species))
trade_species | Pokemon species for which this one must be traded. | [APIResource](#apiresource) ([Pokemon Species](#pokemon-species))
turn_upside_down | Whether or not the 3DS needs to be turned upside-down as this Pokémon levels up. | boolean
## Encounter Triggers
## Evolution Triggers
api/v2/evolution-trigger/{id or name}
@ -759,7 +759,7 @@ Name | Description | Data Type
id | The identifier for this evolution trigger resource | integer
name | The name for this evolution trigger resource | string
names | The name of this evolution trigger listed in different languages | [[Name](#resourcename)]
pokemon_species | A list of pokemon species that result from this evolution trigger | [[APIReference](#apireference) ([PokemonSpecies](#pokemon-species))]
pokemon_species | A list of pokemon species that result from this evolution trigger | [[APIResource](#apiresource) ([PokemonSpecies](#pokemon-species))]
## Generations
@ -814,13 +814,13 @@ Name | Description | Data Type
---- | ----------- | ---------
id | The identifier for this generation resource | integer
name | The name for this generation resource | string
abilities | A list of abilities that were introduced in this generation | [[APIReference](#apireference) ([Ability](#abilities))]
abilities | A list of abilities that were introduced in this generation | [[APIResource](#apiresource) ([Ability](#abilities))]
names | The name of this generation listed in different languages | [[Name](#resourcename)]
main_region | The main region travelled in this generation | [APIReference](#apireference) ([Region](#regions))
moves | A list of moves that were introduced in this generation | [[APIReference](#apireference) ([Move](#moves))]
pokemon_species | A list of pokemon species that were introduced in this generation | [[APIReference](#apireference) ([PokemonSpecies](#pokemon-species))]
types | A list of types that were introduced in this generation | [[APIReference](#apireference) ([Type](#types))]
version_groups | A list of version groups that were introduced in this generation | [[APIReference](#apireference) ([VersionGroup](#version-groups))]
main_region | The main region travelled in this generation | [APIResource](#apiresource) ([Region](#regions))
moves | A list of moves that were introduced in this generation | [[APIResource](#apiresource) ([Move](#moves))]
pokemon_species | A list of pokemon species that were introduced in this generation | [[APIResource](#apiresource) ([PokemonSpecies](#pokemon-species))]
types | A list of types that were introduced in this generation | [[APIResource](#apiresource) ([Type](#types))]
version_groups | A list of version groups that were introduced in this generation | [[APIResource](#apiresource) ([VersionGroup](#version-groups))]
## Genders
@ -858,8 +858,8 @@ Name | Description | Data Type
---- | ----------- | ---------
id | The identifier for this gender resource | integer
name | The name for this gender resource | string
pokemon_species_details | A list of pokemon species that can be this gender and how likely it is that they will be | [([PokemonSpeciesGender](#pokemonspeciesgender)]
required_for_evolution | A list of pokemon species that required this gender in order for a pokemon to evolve into them | [[APIReference](#apireference) ([PokemonSpecies](#pokemon-species))]
pokemon_species_details | A list of pokemon species that can be this gender and how likely it is that they will be | [[PokemonSpeciesGender](#pokemonspeciesgender)]
required_for_evolution | A list of pokemon species that required this gender in order for a pokemon to evolve into them | [[APIResource](#apiresource) ([PokemonSpecies](#pokemon-species))]
#### PokemonSpeciesGender
@ -867,7 +867,7 @@ required_for_evolution | A list of pokemon species that required this gender in
Name | Description | Data Type
---- | ----------- | ---------
rate | The chance of this Pokémon being female, in eighths; or -1 for genderless | integer
pokemon_species | A pokemon species that can be the referenced gender | [APIReference](#apireference) ([PokemonSpecies](#pokemon-species))
pokemon_species | A pokemon species that can be the referenced gender | [APIResource](#apiresource) ([PokemonSpecies](#pokemon-species))
## Growth Rates
@ -912,7 +912,7 @@ name | The name for this gender resource
formula | The formula used to calculate the rate at which the pokemon species gains level | string
descriptions | The descriptions of this characteristic listed in different languages | [[Description](#description)]
levels | A list of levels and the amount of experienced needed to atain them based on this growth rate | [[GrowthRateExperienceLevel](#growthrateexperiencelevel)]
pokemon_species | A list of pokemon species that gain levels at this growth rate | [[APIReference](#apireference) ([PokemonSpecies](#pokemon-species))]
pokemon_species | A list of pokemon species that gain levels at this growth rate | [[APIResource](#apiresource) ([PokemonSpecies](#pokemon-species))]
#### GrowthRateExperienceLevel
@ -1011,14 +1011,14 @@ name | The name for this item resource
cost | The price of this item in stores | integer
fling_power | The power of the move Fling when used with this item. | integer
fling_effect | The effect of the move Fling when used with this item | [ItemFlingEffect](#item-fling-effects)
attributes | A list of attributes this item has | [[APIReference](#apireference) ([ItemAttribute](#item-attributes))]
attributes | A list of attributes this item has | [[APIResource](#apiresource) ([ItemAttribute](#item-attributes))]
category | The category of items this item falls into | [ItemCategory](#item-categories)
effect_entries | The effect of this ability listed in different languages | [[VerboseEffect](#verboseeffect)]
flavor_text_entries | The flavor text of this ability listed in different languages | [[VersionGroupFlavorText](#versiongroupflavortext)]
game_indices | A list of game indices relevent to this item by generation | [[GenerationGameIndex](#generationgameindex)]
names | The name of this item listed in different languages | [[Name](#resourcename)]
held_by_pokemon | A list of pokemon that might be found in the wild holding this item | [[APIReference](#apireference) ([Pokemon](#pokemon))]
baby_trigger_for | An evolution chain this item requires to produce a bay during mating | [[APIReference](#apireference) ([EvolutionChain](#evolution-chains))]
held_by_pokemon | A list of pokemon that might be found in the wild holding this item | [[APIResource](#apiresource) ([Pokemon](#pokemon))]
baby_trigger_for | An evolution chain this item requires to produce a bay during mating | [[APIResource](#apiresource) ([EvolutionChain](#evolution-chains))]
## Item Fling Effects
@ -1049,14 +1049,60 @@ The various effects of the move "Fling" when used with different items.
###### response models
#### Item Fling Effect
#### ItemFlingEffect
Name | Description | Data Type
---- | ----------- | ---------
id | The identifier for this fling effect resource | integer
name | The name for this fling effect resource | string
effect_entries | The result of this fling effect listed in different languages | [[Effect](#effect)]
items | A list of items that have this fling effect | [[APIReference](#apireference) [Item](#items)]
items | A list of items that have this fling effect | [[APIResource](#apiresource) ([Item](#items))]
## Item Attributes
api/v2/item-attribute/{id or name}
Item attributes define particular aspects of items, e.g. "usable in battle" or "consumable".
###### example response
"id": 1,
"name": "countable",
"descriptions": [{
"description": "Has a count in the bag",
"language": {
"name": "en",
"url": "http://localhost:8000/api/v2/language/9/"
"items": [{
"name": "master-ball",
"url": "http://localhost:8000/api/v2/item/1/"
"names": [{
"name": "Countable",
"language": {
"name": "en",
"url": "http://localhost:8000/api/v2/language/9/"
###### response models
#### ItemAttribute
Name | Description | Data Type
---- | ----------- | ---------
id | The identifier for this item attribute resource | integer
name | The name for this item attribute resource | string
items | A list of items that have this attribute | [[Item](#items)]
names | The name of this item attribute listed in different languages | [[Name](#resourcename)]
descriptions | The description of this item attribute listed in different languages | [[Description](#description)]
## Item Categories
@ -1091,7 +1137,7 @@ Item categories determine where items will be placed in the players bag.
###### response models
#### Item Category
#### ItemCategory
Name | Description | Data Type
---- | ----------- | ---------
@ -1099,7 +1145,7 @@ id | The identifier for this item category resource | integer
name | The name for this item category resource | string
items | A list of items that are a part of this category | [[Item](#items)]
names | The name of this item category listed in different languages | [[Name](#resourcename)]
pocket | The pocket items in this category would be put in | [[APIReference](#apireference) ([ItemPocket](#item-pockets))]
pocket | The pocket items in this category would be put in | [[APIResource](#apiresource) ([ItemPocket](#item-pockets))]
## Item Pockets
@ -1130,7 +1176,7 @@ Pockets within the players bag used for storing items by category.
###### response models
#### Item Pocket
#### ItemPocket
Name | Description | Data Type
---- | ----------- | ---------
@ -1224,10 +1270,10 @@ Name | Description | Data Type
---- | ----------- | ---------
id | The identifier for this location resource | integer
name | The name for this location resource | string
region | The region this location can be found in | [APIReference](#apireference) ([Region](#regions))
region | The region this location can be found in | [APIResource](#apiresource) ([Region](#regions))
names | The name of this language listed in different languages | [[Name](#resourcename)]
game_indices | A list of game indices relevent to this location by generation | [[GenerationGameIndex](#generationgameindex)]
areas | Areas that can be found within this location | [APIReference](#apireference) ([LocationArea](#location-areas))
areas | Areas that can be found within this location | [APIResource](#apiresource) ([LocationArea](#location-areas))
## Location Areas
@ -1303,15 +1349,15 @@ id | The identifier for this location resource
name | The name for this location resource | string
game_index | The internal id of an api resource within game data | integer
encounter_method_rates | A list of methods in which pokemon may be encountered in this area and how likely the method will occur depending on the version of the game | [[EncounterMethodRate](#encountermethodrate)]
location | The region this location can be found in | [APIReference](#apireference) ([Region](#regions))
location | The region this location can be found in | [APIResource](#apiresource) ([Region](#regions))
names | The name of this location area listed in different languages | [[Name](#resourcename)]
pokemon_encounters | A list of pokemon that can be encountered in this area along with version specific details about the encounter | [PokemonEncounter](#pokemonencounter)
pokemon_encounters | A list of pokemon that can be encountered in this area along with version specific details about the encounter | [[PokemonEncounter](#pokemonencounter)]
#### PokemonEncounter
Name | Description | Data Type
---- | ----------- | ---------
pokemon | The pokemon being encountered | [APIReference](#apireference) ([Pokemon](#pokemon))
pokemon | The pokemon being encountered | [APIResource](#apiresource) ([Pokemon](#pokemon))
version_details | A list of versions and encounters with pokemon that might happen in the referenced location area | [[VersionEncounterDetail](#versionencounterdetail)]
@ -1432,18 +1478,18 @@ pp | Power points. The number of times this move can be used
priority | A value between -8 and 8. Sets the order in which moves are executed during battle. See [Bulbapedia](http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Priority) for greater detail. | integer
power | The base power of this move with a value of 0 if it does not have a base power | integer
contest_combos | A detail of normal and super contest combos that require this move | [[ContestComboSets](#contestcombosets)]
contest_type | The type of appeal this move gives a pokemon when used in a contest | [APIReference](#apireference) ([ContestType](#contesttypes))
contest_effect | The effect the move has when used in a contest | [APIReference](#apireference) ([ContestEffect](#contesteffects))
damage_class | The type of damage the move inflicts on the target, e.g. physical | [APIReference](#apireference) ([MoveDamageClass](#movedamageclasses))
contest_type | The type of appeal this move gives a pokemon when used in a contest | [APIResource](#apiresource) ([ContestType](#contest-types))
contest_effect | The effect the move has when used in a contest | [APIResource](#apiresource) ([ContestEffect](#contest-effects))
damage_class | The type of damage the move inflicts on the target, e.g. physical | [APIResource](#apiresource) ([MoveDamageClass](#move-damage-classes))
effect_entries | The effect of this move listed in different languages | [[VerboseEffect](#verboseeffect)]
effect_changes | The list of previous effects this move has had across version groups of the games | [[AbilityEffectChange](#abilityeffectchange)]
generation | The generation in which this move was introduced | [APIReference](#apireference) ([Generation](#generations))
generation | The generation in which this move was introduced | [APIResource](#apiresource) ([Generation](#generations))
meta | Meta data about this move | [MoveMetaData](#movemetadata)
names | The name of this move listed in different languages | [[Name](#resourcename)]
past_values | A list of move resource value changes across ersion groups of the game | [PastMoveStatValues](#pastmovestatvalues)
past_values | A list of move resource value changes across ersion groups of the game | [[PastMoveStatValues](#pastmovestatvalues)]
stat_changes | A list of stats this moves effects and how much it effects them | [[MoveStatChange](#movestatchange)]
contest_effect | The effect the move has when used in a super contest | [APIReference](#apireference) ([ContestEffect](#contesteffects))
target | The type of target that will recieve the effects of the attack | [MoveTarget](#movetargets)
contest_effect | The effect the move has when used in a super contest | [APIResource](#apiresource) ([ContestEffect](#contest-effects))
target | The type of target that will recieve the effects of the attack | [MoveTarget](#move-targets)
type | The elemental type of this move | [Type](#types)
#### ContestComboSets
@ -1457,15 +1503,15 @@ super | A detail of moves this move can be used before or after, granting addit
Name | Description | Data Type
---- | ----------- | ---------
use_before | A list of moves to use before this move | [[APIReference](#apireference) ([Move](#moves))]
use_after | A list of moves to use after this move | [[APIReference](#apireference) ([Move](#moves))]
use_before | A list of moves to use before this move | [[APIResource](#apiresource) ([Move](#moves))]
use_after | A list of moves to use after this move | [[APIResource](#apiresource) ([Move](#moves))]
#### MoveMetaData
Name | Description | Data Type
---- | ----------- | ---------
ailment | The status ailment this move inflicts on its target | [APIReference](#apireference) ([MoveAilment](#moveailments))
category | The category of move this move falls under, e.g. damage or ailment | [APIReference](#apireference) ([Move](#moves))
ailment | The status ailment this move inflicts on its target | [APIResource](#apiresource) ([MoveAilment](#move-ailments))
category | The category of move this move falls under, e.g. damage or ailment | [APIResource](#apiresource) ([Move](#moves))
min_hits | The minimum number of times this move hits. Null if it always only hits once. | integer
max_hits | The maximum number of times this move hits. Null if it always only hits once. | integer
min_turns | The minimum number of turns this move continues to take effect. Null if it always only lasts one turn. | integer
@ -1482,7 +1528,7 @@ stat_chance | The likelyhood this attack will cause a stat change in the targ
Name | Description | Data Type
---- | ----------- | ---------
change | The amount of change | integer
stat | The stat being affected | [APIReference](#apireference) [Stat](#stats)
stat | The stat being affected | [APIResource](#apiresource) [Stat](#stats)
#### PastMoveStatValues
@ -1494,7 +1540,7 @@ power | The base power of this move with a value of 0 if it does not ha
pp | Power points. The number of times this move can be used | integer
effect_entries | The effect of this move listed in different languages | [[VerboseEffect](#verboseeffect)]
type | The elemental type of this move | [Type](#types)
version group | The version group in which these move stat values were in effect | [APIReference](#apireference) [VersionGroup](#versiongroups)
version group | The version group in which these move stat values were in effect | [APIResource](#apiresource) ([VersionGroup](#version-groups))
## Move Ailments
@ -1531,7 +1577,7 @@ Name | Description | Data Type
---- | ----------- | ---------
id | The identifier for this move ailment resource | integer
name | The name for this move ailment resource | string
moves | A list of moves that cause this ailment | [[APIReference](#apireference) ([Move](#moves))]
moves | A list of moves that cause this ailment | [[APIResource](#apiresource) ([Move](#moves))]
names | The name of this move ailment listed in different languages | [[Name](#resourcename)]
@ -1602,7 +1648,7 @@ Name | Description | Data Type
---- | ----------- | ---------
id | The identifier for this move category resource | integer
name | The name for this move category resource | string
moves | A list of moves that fall into this category | [[APIReference](#apireference) ([Move](#moves))]
moves | A list of moves that fall into this category | [[APIResource](#apiresource) ([Move](#moves))]
descriptions | The description of this move ailment listed in different languages | [[Description](#description)]
@ -1641,7 +1687,7 @@ Name | Description | Data Type
id | The identifier for this move damage class resource | integer
name | The name for this move damage class resource | string
descriptions | The description of this move damage class listed in different languages | [[Description](#description)]
moves | A list of moves that fall into this damage class | [[APIReference](#apireference) ([Move](#moves))]
moves | A list of moves that fall into this damage class | [[APIResource](#apiresource) ([Move](#moves))]
names | The name of this move damage class listed in different languages | [[Name](#resourcename)]
@ -1688,7 +1734,7 @@ id | The identifier for this move learn method resource
name | The name for this move learn method resource | string
descriptions | The description of this move learn method listed in different languages | [[Description](#description)]
names | The name of this move learn method listed in different languages | [[Name](#resourcename)]
version_groups | A list of version groups where moves can be learned through this method | [[APIReference](#apireference) ([VersionGroup](#version-groups))]
version_groups | A list of version groups where moves can be learned through this method | [[APIResource](#apiresource) ([VersionGroup](#version-groups))]
## Move Targets
@ -1733,7 +1779,7 @@ Name | Description | Data Type
id | The identifier for this move target resource | integer
name | The name for this move target resource | string
descriptions | The description of this move target listed in different languages | [[Description](#description)]
moves | A list of moves that that are directed at this target | [[APIReference](#apireference) ([Move](#moves))]
moves | A list of moves that that are directed at this target | [[APIResource](#apiresource) ([Move](#moves))]
names | The name of this move target listed in different languages | [[Name](#resourcename)]
@ -1798,10 +1844,10 @@ Name | Description | Data Type
---- | ----------- | ---------
id | The identifier for this nature resource | integer
name | The name for this nature resource | string
decreased_stat | The stat decreased by 10% in pokemon with this nature | [APIReference](#apireference) ([Stat](#stats)
increased_stat | The stat increased by 10% in pokemon with this nature | [APIReference](#apireference) ([Stat](#stats)
hates_flavor | The flavor hated by pokemon with this nature | [APIReference](#apireference) ([BerryFlavor](#berry-flavors)
likes_flavor | The flavor liked by pokemon with this nature | [APIReference](#apireference) ([BerryFlavor](#berry-flavors)
decreased_stat | The stat decreased by 10% in pokemon with this nature | [APIResource](#apiresource) ([Stat](#stats))
increased_stat | The stat increased by 10% in pokemon with this nature | [APIResource](#apiresource) ([Stat](#stats))
hates_flavor | The flavor hated by pokemon with this nature | [APIResource](#apiresource) ([BerryFlavor](#berry-flavors))
likes_flavor | The flavor liked by pokemon with this nature | [APIResource](#apiresource) ([BerryFlavor](#berry-flavors))
pokeathlon_stat_changes | A list of pokeathlon stats this nature effects and how much it effects them | [[NatureStatChange](#naturestatchange)]
move_battle_style_preferences | A list of battle styles and how likely a pokemon with this nature is to use them in the Battle Palace or Battle Tent. | [[MoveBattleStylePreference](#movebattlestylepreference)]
names | The name of this nature listed in different languages | [[Name](#resourcename)]
@ -1811,7 +1857,7 @@ names | The name of this nature listed in different lang
Name | Description | Data Type
---- | ----------- | ---------
change | The amount of change | integer
stat | The stat being affected | [APIReference](#apireference) ([PokeathlonStat](#pokeathlonstats))
stat | The stat being affected | [APIResource](#apiresource) ([PokeathlonStat](#pokeathlon-stats))
#### MoveBattleStylePreference
@ -1819,7 +1865,7 @@ Name | Description | Data Type
---- | ----------- | ---------
low_hp_preference | Chance of using the move, in percent, if HP is under one half | integer
high_hp_preference | Chance of using the move, in percent, if HP is over one half | integer
move_battle_style | The move battle style | [APIReference](#apireference) ([MoveBattleStyle](#movebattlestyles))
move_battle_style | The move battle style | [APIResource](#apiresource) ([MoveBattleStyle](#move-battle-styles))
## Pal Park Areas
@ -1860,7 +1906,7 @@ Name | Description | Data Type
id | The identifier for this pal park area resource | integer
name | The name for this pal park area resource | string
names | The name of this pal park area listed in different languages | [[Name](#resourcename)]
pokemon_encounters | A list of pokemon encountered in thi pal park area along with details | [PalParkEncounterSpecies](#palparkencounterspecies)
pokemon_encounters | A list of pokemon encountered in thi pal park area along with details | [[PalParkEncounterSpecies](#palparkencounterspecies)]
#### PalParkEncounterSpecies
@ -1928,10 +1974,10 @@ is_main_series | Whether or not this pokedex originated in the main series of t
descriptions | The description of this pokedex listed in different languages | [[Description](#description)]
names | The name of this pokedex listed in different languages | [[Name](#resourcename)]
pokemon_entries | A list of pokemon catalogued in this pokedex and their indexes | [[PokemonEntry](#pokemonentry)]
region | The region this pokedex catalogues pokemon for | [APIReference](#apireference) ([Region](#regions))
version_groups | A list of version groups this pokedex is relevent to | [APIReference](#apireference) ([VersionGroup](#version-groups))
region | The region this pokedex catalogues pokemon for | [APIResource](#apiresource) ([Region](#regions))
version_groups | A list of version groups this pokedex is relevent to | [APIResource](#apiresource) ([VersionGroup](#version-groups))
#### PalParkEncounter
#### PokemonEntry
Name | Description | Data Type
---- | ----------- | ---------
@ -2070,9 +2116,9 @@ abilities | A list of abilities this pokemon could potentially ha
forms | A list of forms this pokemon can take on | [[APIResource](#apiresource) ([PokemonForm](#pokemon-forms))]
game_indices | A list of game indices relevent to pokemon item by generation | [[VersionGameIndex](#versiongameindex)]
held_items | A list of items this pokemon may be holding when encountered | [[APIResource](#apiresource) ([Item](#items))]
location_area_encounters | A list of location areas as well as encounter details pertaining to specific versions |
moves | A list of moves along with learn methods and level details pertaining to specific version groups
species | The species this pokemon belongs to | [PokemonSpecies](#pokemonspecies))
location_area_encounters | A list of location areas as well as encounter details pertaining to specific versions | [[LocationAreaEncounter](#locationareaencounter)]
moves | A list of moves along with learn methods and level details pertaining to specific version groups | [APIResource](#apiresource) (Move](#moves))
species | The species this pokemon belongs to | [APIResource](#apiresource) (PokemonSpecies](#pokemon-species))
stats | A list of base stat values for this pokemon | [[APIResource](#apiresource) ([Stat](#stats))]
types | A list of details showing types this pokemon has | [[PokemonType](#pokemontype)]
@ -2095,7 +2141,7 @@ type | The type the referenced pokemon has | string
Name | Description | Data Type
---- | ----------- | ---------
location_area | The location area the referenced pokemon can be encountered in | [APIReference](#apireference) ([Pokemon](#pokemon))
location_area | The location area the referenced pokemon can be encountered in | [APIResource](#apiresource) ([Pokemon](#pokemon))
version_details | A list of versions and encounters with the referenced pokemon that might happen | [[VersionEncounterDetail](#versionencounterdetail)]
@ -2343,7 +2389,7 @@ hatch_counter | Initial hatch counter: one must walk 255 × (hatch_coun
has_gender_differences | Whether or not this pokemon can have different genders | boolean
forms_switchable | Whether or not this pokemon has multiple forms and can switch between them | boolean
growth_rate | The rate at which this pokemon species gains levels | [APIResource](#apiresource) ([GrowthRate](#growth-rates))
pokedex_numbers | A list of pokedexes and the indexes reserved within them for this pokemon species | [PokemonSpeciesDexEntry](#pokemonspeciesdexentry)
pokedex_numbers | A list of pokedexes and the indexes reserved within them for this pokemon species | [[PokemonSpeciesDexEntry](#pokemonspeciesdexentry)]
egg_groups | A list of egg groups this pokemon species is a member of | [[APIResource](#apiresource) ([EggGroup](#egg-groups))]
color | The color of this pokemon for gimmicky pokedex search | [[APIResource](#apiresource) ([PokemonColor](#pokemon-colors))]
shape | The shape of this pokemon for gimmicky pokedex search | [[APIResource](#apiresource) ([PokemonShape](#pokemon-shapes))]
@ -2353,7 +2399,7 @@ habitat | The habitat this pokemon species can be encountered in
generation | The generation this pokemon species was introduced in | [APIResource](#apiresource) ([Generation](#generations))
names | The name of this pokemon species listed in different languages | [[Name](#resourcename)]
pal_park_encounters | A list of encounters that can be had with this pokemon species in pal park | [[PalParkEncounterArea](#palparkencounterarea)]
form_descriptions | Descriptions of different forms pokemon take on within the pokemon species | [Description](#description)
form_descriptions | Descriptions of different forms pokemon take on within the pokemon species | [[Description](#description)]
genera | The genus of this pokemon species listed in multiple languages | [Genus](#genus)
varieties | A list of the pokemon that exist within this pokemon species | [[APIResource](#apiresource) ([Pokemon](#pokemon))]
@ -2377,7 +2423,7 @@ Name | Description | Data Type
---- | ----------- | ---------
base_score | The base score given to the player when the referenced pokemon is caught during a pal park run | integer
rate | The base rate for encountering the referenced pokemon in this pal park area | integer
area | The pal park area where this encounter happens | [APIResource](#apiresource) ([PalParkArea](#palparkareas))
area | The pal park area where this encounter happens | [APIResource](#apiresource) ([PalParkArea](#pal-park-areas))
## Pokeathlon Stats
@ -2433,8 +2479,8 @@ affecting_natures | A detail of natures which affect this pokeathlon stat positi
Name | Description | Data Type
---- | ----------- | ---------
increase | A list of natures and how they change the referenced pokeathlon stat | [NaturePokeathlonStatAffect](#naturepokeathlonstataffect)
decrease | A list of natures and how they change the referenced pokeathlon stat | [NaturePokeathlonStatAffect](#naturepokeathlonstataffect)
increase | A list of natures and how they change the referenced pokeathlon stat | [[NaturePokeathlonStatAffect](#naturepokeathlonstataffect)]
decrease | A list of natures and how they change the referenced pokeathlon stat | [[NaturePokeathlonStatAffect](#naturepokeathlonstataffect)]
#### NaturePokeathlonStatAffect
@ -2574,8 +2620,8 @@ names | The name of this region listed in different languages
Name | Description | Data Type
---- | ----------- | ---------
increase | A list of moves and how they change the referenced stat | [MoveStatAffect](#movestataffect)
decrease | A list of moves and how they change the referenced stat | [MoveStatAffect](#movestataffect)
increase | A list of moves and how they change the referenced stat | [[MoveStatAffect](#movestataffect)]
decrease | A list of moves and how they change the referenced stat | [[MoveStatAffect](#movestataffect)]
#### MoveStatAffect
@ -2588,8 +2634,8 @@ move | The move causing the change | [APIResource]
Name | Description | Data Type
---- | ----------- | ---------
increase | A list of natures and how they change the referenced stat | [NatureStatAffect](#naturestataffect)
decrease | A list of nature sand how they change the referenced stat | [NatureStatAffect](#naturestataffect)
increase | A list of natures and how they change the referenced stat | [[NatureStatAffect](#naturestataffect)]
decrease | A list of nature sand how they change the referenced stat | [[NatureStatAffect](#naturestataffect)]
#### NatureStatAffect
@ -2721,7 +2767,7 @@ id | The identifier for this type resource
name | The name for this type resource | string
damage_relations | A detail of how effective this type is toward others and vice versa | [TypeRelations](#typerelations)
game_indices | A list of game indices relevent to this item by generation | [[GenerationGameIndex](#generationgameindex)]
generation | The generation this type was introduced in | [APIResource](#apiresource) ([Generation](#generations)
generation | The generation this type was introduced in | [APIResource](#apiresource) ([Generation](#generations))
move_damage_class | The class of damage inflicted by this type | [APIResource](#apiresource) ([MoveDamageClass](#move-damage-classes))
names | The name of this type listed in different languages | [[Name](#resourcename)]
pokemon | A list of details of pokemon that have this type | [TypePokemon](#typepokemon)
@ -2732,7 +2778,7 @@ moves | A list of moves that have this type
Name | Description | Data Type
---- | ----------- | ---------
slot | The order the pokemons types are listed in | integer
pokemon | The pokemon that has the referenced type | [APIResource](#apiresource) ([Pokemon](#pokemon)
pokemon | The pokemon that has the referenced type | [APIResource](#apiresource) ([Pokemon](#pokemon))
#### TypeRelations
@ -2870,9 +2916,9 @@ Name | Description | Data Type
---- | ----------- | ---------
min_level | The lowest level the pokemon could be encountered at | integer
max_level | The highest level the pokemon could be encountered at | integer
condition_values | A list of condition values that must be in effect for this encounter to occur | [[APIResource](#apiresource) ([EncounterConditionValue](#encounter-condition-value))]
condition_values | A list of condition values that must be in effect for this encounter to occur | [[APIResource](#apiresource) ([EncounterConditionValue](#encounter-condition-values))]
chance | percent chance that this encounter will occur | integer
method | The method by which this encounter happens | [APIResource](#apiresource) ([EncounterMethod](#encounter-method))
method | The method by which this encounter happens | [APIResource](#apiresource) ([EncounterMethod](#encounter-methods))
#### FlavorText
@ -2880,7 +2926,7 @@ method | The method by which this encounter happens
Name | Description | Data Type
---- | ----------- | ---------
flavor_text | The localized name for an api resource in a specific language | string
language | The language this name is in | [APIResource](#apiresource) ([Language](#language))
language | The language this name is in | [APIResource](#apiresource) ([Language](#languages))
#### GenerationGameIndex
@ -2888,7 +2934,7 @@ language | The language this name is in | [A
Name | Description | Data Type
---- | ----------- | ---------
game_index | The internal id of an api resource within game data | integer
generation | The generation relevent to this game index | [APIResource](#apiresource) ([Generation](#generation))
generation | The generation relevent to this game index | [APIResource](#apiresource) ([Generation](#generations))
#### <a name="resourcename"></a>Name
@ -2896,7 +2942,7 @@ generation | The generation relevent to this game index | [APIResource]
Name | Description | Data Type
---- | ----------- | ---------
name | The localized name for an api resource in a specific language | string
language | The language this name is in | [APIResource](#apiresource) ([Language](#language))
language | The language this name is in | [APIResource](#apiresource) ([Language](#languages))
#### VerboseEffect
@ -2905,14 +2951,14 @@ Name | Description | Data Type
---- | ----------- | ---------
effect | The localized effect text for an api resource in a specific language | string
short_effect | The localized effect text in brief | string
language | The language this effect is in | [APIResource](#apiresource) ([Language](#language))
language | The language this effect is in | [APIResource](#apiresource) ([Language](#languages))
#### VersionEncounterDetail
Name | Description | Data Type
---- | ----------- | ---------
version | The game version this encounter happens in | [APIReference](#apireference) ([Version](#versions))
version | The game version this encounter happens in | [APIResource](#apiresource) ([Version](#versions))
max_chance | The total percentage of all encounter potential | integer
encounter_details | A list of encounters and their specifics | [[Encounter](#encounters)]
@ -2922,7 +2968,7 @@ encounter_details | A list of encounters and their specifics | [[Encounte
Name | Description | Data Type
---- | ----------- | ---------
game_index | The internal id of an api resource within game data | integer
version | The version relevent to this game index | [APIResource](#apiresource) ([Version](#version))
version | The version relevent to this game index | [APIResource](#apiresource) ([Version](#versions))
#### VersionGroupFlavorText
@ -2930,13 +2976,7 @@ version | The version relevent to this game index | [APIResource]
Name | Description | Data Type
---- | ----------- | ---------
text | The localized name for an api resource in a specific language | string
language | The language this name is in | [APIResource](#apiresource) ([Language](#language))
language | The language this name is in | [APIResource](#apiresource) ([Language](#languages))
version_group | The version group which uses this flavor text | [APIResource](#apiresource) ([VersionGroup](#version-groups))
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