"body": "A [PokeAPI/api-data](https://github.com/PokeAPI/api-data) refresh has started. In 45 minutes the staging branch of [PokeAPI/api-data](https://github.com/PokeAPI/api-data/tree/staging) will be pushed with the new generated data. <br><br> The staging branch will be deployed in our [staging environment](https://pokeapi-test-b6137.firebaseapp.com/api/v2/) and you will be able to review the entire API. <br><br> A Pull Request ([master](https://github.com/PokeAPI/api-data/tree/master)<-[staging](https://github.com/PokeAPI/api-data/tree/staging)) will be also created at [PokeAPI/api-data](https://github.com/PokeAPI/api-data/pulls) and assigned to the PokeAPI Core team to be reviewed. If approved and merged new data will soon be available worldwide at [pokeapi.co](https:/pokeapi.co)"
"body": "The updater script has finished its job and has now opened a Pull Request towards [PokeAPI/api-data](https://github.com/PokeAPI/api-data/pulls) with the updated data. <br><br> You can see the Pull Request deployed at our [staging environment](https://pokeapi-test-b6137.firebaseapp.com/api/v2/) when [CircleCI deploy](https://app.circleci.com/pipelines/github/PokeAPI/deploy) will be finished (_check the started time of the last build_)"
"body": "The updater script couldn't finish its job. Please check [CircleCI's builds](https://app.circleci.com/pipelines/github/PokeAPI/pokeapi) and [logs](${CIRCLE_BUILD_URL})."
# Run the updater script (https://github.com/PokeAPI/api-data/blob/master/updater/cmd.bash) which will generate the new pokeapi data and push it to the api-data repository under a new branch
"title": "API data update from \`${org}/${engine_repo}#${1}\`",
"body": "Incoming data generated by [${org}/${engine_repo}](https://github.com/${org}/${engine_repo})'s CircleCI worker since Pull Request [#${1}](https://github.com/${org}/${engine_repo}/pull/${1}) was merged into the \`master\` branch. <br><br> The new data was generated using a copy of [${org}/${engine_repo}](https://github.com/${org}/${engine_repo}/commits/master) repository when the \`HEAD\` was pointing to \`${CIRCLE_SHA1}\`. <br><br> This Pull Request should have been deployed in our [staging environment](https://pokeapi-test-b6137.firebaseapp.com/api/v2/), check [here](https://app.circleci.com/pipelines/github/PokeAPI/deploy) for the lastest build timestamp and status code.",
sleep 300# 5 minutes, the time it takes for CircleCI's api-data script to generate the data and for CircleCI's deploy script to deploy it to the staging environment