2020-10-07 13:16:10 +01:00

1211 lines
40 KiB

* @author Richard Davey <>
* @copyright 2020 Photon Storm Ltd.
* @license {@link|MIT License}
var AnimationState = require('../../animations/AnimationState');
var Class = require('../../utils/Class');
var Components = require('../components');
var Face = require('../../geom/mesh/Face');
var GameObject = require('../GameObject');
var GameObjectEvents = require('../events');
var GetCalcMatrix = require('../GetCalcMatrix');
var GetColor = require('../../display/color/GetColor');
var GetFastValue = require('../../utils/object/GetFastValue');
var Matrix4 = require('../../math/Matrix4');
var Vector3 = require('../../math/Vector3');
var MeshCamera = require('./MeshCamera');
var MeshRender = require('./MeshRender');
var StableSort = require('../../utils/array/StableSort');
var Vertex = require('../../geom/mesh/Vertex');
* @classdesc
* A Mesh Game Object.
* The Mesh Game Object allows you to render a group of textured vertices and perform basic manipulation
* of those vertices, such as rotation, translation or scaling.
* Support for generating mesh data from grids, model data or Wavefront OBJ Files is included.
* Although you can use this to render 3D objects, its primary use is for displaying more complex
* Sprites, or Sprites where you need fine-grained control over the vertices in order to
* achieve special effects in your games. Note that rendering still takes place using Phasers
* orthographic camera. As a result, all depth and face tests are done in orthographic space.
* The rendering process will iterate through the faces of this Mesh and render out each vertex
* within that is considered as being counter-clockwise. Because of this you should be careful
* not to use model data with too many vertices.
* In short, if you want to remake Crysis, use a 3D engine, not a Mesh. However, if you want
* to easily add some small fun 3D elements into your game, or create some special effects involving
* vertex warping, this is the right object for you. Mesh data becomes part of the WebGL batch,
* just like standard Sprites, so doesn't introduce any additional shader overhead.
* Note that the Mesh object is WebGL only and does not have a Canvas counterpart.
* The Mesh origin is always 0.5 x 0.5 and cannot be changed.
* @class Mesh
* @extends Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject
* @memberof Phaser.GameObjects
* @constructor
* @webglOnly
* @since 3.0.0
* @extends Phaser.GameObjects.Components.AlphaSingle
* @extends Phaser.GameObjects.Components.BlendMode
* @extends Phaser.GameObjects.Components.Depth
* @extends Phaser.GameObjects.Components.Mask
* @extends Phaser.GameObjects.Components.Pipeline
* @extends Phaser.GameObjects.Components.Size
* @extends Phaser.GameObjects.Components.Texture
* @extends Phaser.GameObjects.Components.Transform
* @extends Phaser.GameObjects.Components.Visible
* @extends Phaser.GameObjects.Components.ScrollFactor
* @param {Phaser.Scene} scene - The Scene to which this Game Object belongs. A Game Object can only belong to one Scene at a time.
* @param {number} [x] - The horizontal position of this Game Object in the world.
* @param {number} [y] - The vertical position of this Game Object in the world.
* @param {string|Phaser.Textures.Texture} [texture] - The key, or instance of the Texture this Game Object will use to render with, as stored in the Texture Manager.
* @param {string|integer} [frame] - An optional frame from the Texture this Game Object is rendering with.
* @param {number[]} [vertices] - An array containing the vertices data for this Mesh.
* @param {number[]} [uvs] - An array containing the uv data for this Mesh.
* @param {number[]} [indicies] - An optional array containing the vertex indicies for this Mesh. If the data isn't index, pass `null`.
* @param {number|number[]} [colors=0xffffff] - An array of colors, one per vertex, or a single color value applied to all vertices.
* @param {number|number[]} [alphas=1] - An array of alpha values, one per vertex, or a single alpha value applied to all vertices.
var Mesh = new Class({
Extends: GameObject,
Mixins: [
function Mesh (scene, x, y, texture, frame, vertices, uvs, indicies, colors, alphas)
if (x === undefined) { x = 0; }
if (y === undefined) { y = 0; }
if (texture === undefined) { texture = '__WHITE'; }, scene, 'Mesh');
* A Camera which can be used to control the view of all faces within this Mesh.
* It will default to have an fov of 45 and be positioned at 0, 0, 0,
* with a near of 0.001 and far of 1000.
* You can change all of these by using the methods and properties available
* in the `MeshCamera` class, of which this is an instance.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Mesh#camera
* @type {Phaser.GameObjects.MeshCamera}
* @since 3.50.0
*/ = new MeshCamera(45, 0, 0, 0, 0.001, 1000);
* The Animation State of this Mesh.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Mesh#anims
* @type {Phaser.Animation.AnimationState}
* @since 3.50.0
this.anims = new AnimationState(this);
* An array containing the Face instances belonging to this Mesh.
* A Face consists of 3 Vertex objects.
* This array is populated during calls such as `addFace` or `addOBJ`.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Mesh#faces
* @type {Phaser.Geom.Mesh.Face[]}
* @since 3.50.0
this.faces = [];
* An array containing Vertex instances. One instance per vertex in this Mesh.
* This array is populated during calls such as `addVertex` or `addOBJ`.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Mesh#vertices
* @type {Phaser.Geom.Mesh.Vertex[]}
* @since 3.50.0
this.vertices = [];
* The tint fill mode.
* `false` = An additive tint (the default), where vertices colors are blended with the texture.
* `true` = A fill tint, where the vertex colors replace the texture, but respects texture alpha.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Mesh#tintFill
* @type {boolean}
* @default false
* @since 3.50.0
this.tintFill = false;
* You can optionally choose to render the vertices of this Mesh to a Graphics instance.
* Achieve this by setting the `debugCallback` and the `debugGraphic` properties.
* You can do this in a single call via the `Mesh.setDebug` method, which will use the
* built-in debug function. You can also set it to your own callback. The callback
* will be invoked _once per render_ and sent the following parameters:
* `debugCallback(src, meshLength, verts)`
* `src` is the Mesh instance being debugged.
* `meshLength` is the number of mesh vertices in total.
* `verts` is an array of the translated vertex coordinates.
* To disable rendering, set this property back to `null`.
* Please note that high vertex count Meshes will struggle to debug properly.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Mesh#debugCallback
* @type {function}
* @since 3.50.0
this.debugCallback = null;
* The Graphics instance that the debug vertices will be drawn to, if `setDebug` has
* been called.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Mesh#debugGraphic
* @type {Phaser.GameObjects.Graphics}
* @since 3.50.0
this.debugGraphic = null;
* When rendering, skip any Face that isn't counter clockwise?
* Enable this to hide backward-facing Faces during rendering.
* Disable it to render all Faces.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Mesh#hideCCW
* @type {boolean}
* @since 3.50.0
this.hideCCW = true;
* A Vector3 containing the 3D position of the model data in this Mesh.
* Changing the values of this property will move all vertices that have been
* added to this Mesh. Rather than change the model position, you can also
* change the Camera position, depending on the effect you require.
* @name Phaser.Geom.Mesh.Model#modelPosition
* @type {Phaser.Math.Vector3}
* @since 3.50.0
this.modelPosition = new Vector3();
* A Vector3 containing the 3D scale of the model data in this Mesh.
* Changing the values of this property will scale all vertices that have been
* added to this Mesh. Rather than change the model scale, you can also
* change the Camera zoom, depending on the effect you require.
* @name Phaser.Geom.Mesh.Model#modelScale
* @type {Phaser.Math.Vector3}
* @since 3.50.0
this.modelScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);
* A Vector3 containing the 3D rotation of the model data in this Mesh.
* Changing the values of this property will rotate all vertices that have been
* added to this Mesh. Rather than change the model rotation, you can also
* change the Camera rotation, depending on the effect you require.
* @name Phaser.Geom.Mesh.Model#modelRotation
* @type {Phaser.Math.Vector3}
* @since 3.50.0
this.modelRotation = new Vector3();
* An internal cache, used to compare position, rotation, scale and face data
* each frame, to avoid math calculations in `preUpdate`.
* cache structure = position xyz | rotation xyz | scale xyz | face count
* @name Phaser.Geom.Mesh.Model#dirtyCache
* @type {number[]}
* @private
* @since 3.50.0
this.dirtyCache = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ];
* The transformation matrix for this Mesh.
* @name Phaser.Geom.Mesh.Model#transformMatrix
* @type {Phaser.Math.Matrix4}
* @since 3.50.0
this.transformMatrix = new Matrix4();
this.normalMatrix = new Matrix4();
* Internal cached value.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Mesh#_prevWidth
* @type {number}
* @private
* @since 3.50.0
this._prevWidth = 0;
* Internal cached value.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Mesh#_prevHeight
* @type {number}
* @private
* @since 3.50.0
this._prevHeight = 0;
var renderer = scene.sys.renderer;
this.setPosition(x, y);
this.setTexture(texture, frame);
this.setSize(renderer.width, renderer.height);
if (vertices)
this.addVertices(vertices, uvs, indicies, colors, alphas);
this.on(GameObjectEvents.ADDED_TO_SCENE, this.addedToScene, this);
this.on(GameObjectEvents.REMOVED_FROM_SCENE, this.removedFromScene, this);
// Overrides Game Object method
addedToScene: function ()
// Overrides Game Object method
removedFromScene: function ()
* Iterates and destroys all current Faces in this Mesh, then resets the
* `faces` and `vertices` arrays.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Mesh#clear
* @since 3.50.0
* @return {this} This Mesh Game Object.
clear: function ()
this.faces.forEach(function (face)
this.faces = [];
this.vertices = [];
return this;
* This method will add the data from a triangulated Wavefront OBJ model file to this Mesh.
* The data should have been loaded via the OBJFile:
* ```javascript
* this.load.obj(key, url);
* ```
* Then use the same `key` as the first parameter to this method.
* Multiple Mesh Game Objects can use the same model data without impacting on each other.
* Make sure your 3D package has triangulated the model data prior to exporting it.
* You can add multiple models to a single Mesh, although they will act as one when
* moved or rotated. You can scale the model data, should it be too small, or too large, to see.
* You can also offset the vertices of the model via the `x`, `y` and `z` parameters.
* If you wish to add OBJ data to this Mesh without loading it, you can call the `Mesh.addModel` method directly.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Mesh#addOBJ
* @since 3.50.0
* @param {string} key - The key of the model data in the OBJ Cache to add to this Mesh.
* @param {string} [material] - An optional Wavefront mtl file, given as a string. Supports `Kd` diffuse rgb value formats. See `parseOBJMaterial` method for details.
* @param {number} [scale=1] - An amount to scale the model data by. Use this if the model has exported too small, or large, to see.
* @param {number} [x=0] - Offset the model x position by this amount.
* @param {number} [y=0] - Offset the model y position by this amount.
* @param {number} [z=0] - Offset the model z position by this amount.
* @return {this} This Mesh Game Object.
addOBJ: function (key, material, scale, x, y, z)
var data = this.scene.sys.cache.obj.get(key);
if (data)
this.addModel(data, material, scale, x, y, z);
return this;
* Creates a grid based on the given configuration object and adds it to this Mesh.
* The size of the grid is given in pixels. An example configuration may be:
* `{ width: 256, height: 256, widthSegments: 2, heightSegments: 2, tile: true }`
* This will create a grid Mesh 256 x 256 pixels in size, split into 2x2 segments, with
* the texture tiling across the cells.
* You can optionally split the grid into segments both vertically and horizontally. This will
* generate two faces per grid segment as a result.
* The `tile` parameter allows you to control if the tile will repeat across the grid
* segments, or be displayed in full.
* You may add multiple grids to a single Mesh, although they will act as one when
* moved or rotated. You can offset the grid via the `x` and `y` properties.
* UV coordinates are generated based on the currently set texture `Frame` of this Mesh. For
* example, if this Mesh is using a full texture, the UVs will be in the range 0 to 1. If it's
* using a frame from a texture, such as from a texture atlas, the UVs will be generated within
* the range of that frame.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Mesh#addGrid
* @since 3.50.0
* @param {Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Mesh.MeshGridConfig} config - A Grid configuration object.
* @return {this} This Mesh Game Object.
addGrid: function (config)
var width = GetFastValue(config, 'width', 128);
var height = GetFastValue(config, 'height', width);
var widthSegments = GetFastValue(config, 'widthSegments', 1);
var heightSegments = GetFastValue(config, 'heightSegments', 1);
var posX = GetFastValue(config, 'x', 0);
var posY = GetFastValue(config, 'y', 0);
var colors = GetFastValue(config, 'colors', 0xffffff);
var alphas = GetFastValue(config, 'alphas', 1);
var tile = GetFastValue(config, 'tile', false);
var halfWidth = width / 2;
var halfHeight = height / 2;
var gridX = Math.floor(widthSegments);
var gridY = Math.floor(heightSegments);
var gridX1 = gridX + 1;
var gridY1 = gridY + 1;
var segmentWidth = width / gridX;
var segmentHeight = height / gridY;
var uvs = [];
var vertices = [];
var indices = [];
var ix;
var iy;
var frame = this.frame;
var frameU0 = frame.u0;
var frameU1 = frame.u1;
var frameV0 = frame.v0;
var frameV1 = frame.v1;
var frameU = frameU1 - frameU0;
var frameV = frameV1 - frameV0;
var tv;
var tu;
for (iy = 0; iy < gridY1; iy++)
var y = posY + (iy * segmentHeight - halfHeight);
for (ix = 0; ix < gridX1; ix++)
var x = posX + (ix * segmentWidth - halfWidth);
vertices.push(x, -y);
if (!tile)
tu = frameU0 + frameU * (ix / gridX);
tv = frameV0 + frameV * (1 - (iy / gridY));
uvs.push(tu, tv);
var tiledVertices = [];
for (iy = 0; iy < gridY; iy++)
for (ix = 0; ix < gridX; ix++)
var a = ix + gridX1 * iy;
var b = ix + gridX1 * (iy + 1);
var c = (ix + 1) + gridX1 * (iy + 1);
var d = (ix + 1) + gridX1 * iy;
if (!tile)
indices.push(a, b, d);
indices.push(b, c, d);
a *= 2;
b *= 2;
c *= 2;
d *= 2;
vertices[a], vertices[a + 1],
vertices[b], vertices[b + 1],
vertices[d], vertices[d + 1],
vertices[b], vertices[b + 1],
vertices[c], vertices[c + 1],
vertices[d], vertices[d + 1]
frameU0, frameV1,
frameU0, frameV0,
frameU1, frameV1,
frameU0, frameV0,
frameU1, frameV0,
frameU1, frameV1
if (tile)
return this.addVertices(tiledVertices, uvs, null, colors, alphas);
return this.addVertices(vertices, uvs, indices, colors, alphas);
* This method will add parsed triangulated OBJ model data to this Mesh.
* The obj should have been parsed in advance via the ParseObj function:
* ```javascript
* var data = Phaser.Geom.Mesh.ParseObj(rawData, flipUV);
* Mesh.addModel(data);
* ```
* Multiple Mesh objects can use the same model data without impacting on each other.
* Make sure your 3D package has triangulated the model data prior to exporting it.
* You may add multiple models to a single Mesh, although they will act as one when
* moved or rotated. You can scale the model data, should it be too small (or large) to visualize.
* You can also offset the model via the `x`, `y` and `z` parameters.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Mesh#addModel
* @since 3.50.0
* @param {Phaser.Types.Geom.Mesh.OBJData} data - The parsed OBJ model data.
* @param {string} [material] - An optional Wavefront mtl file, given as a string. Supports `Kd` diffuse rgb value formats. See `parseOBJMaterial` method for details.
* @param {number} [scale=1] - An amount to scale the model data by. Use this if the model has exported too small, or large, to see.
* @param {number} [x=0] - Offset the model x position by this amount.
* @param {number} [y=0] - Offset the model y position by this amount.
* @param {number} [z=0] - Offset the model z position by this amount.
* @return {this} This Mesh Game Object.
addModel: function (data, material, scale, x, y, z)
if (scale === undefined) { scale = 1; }
if (x === undefined) { x = 0; }
if (y === undefined) { y = 0; }
if (z === undefined) { z = 0; }
if (material)
material = this.parseOBJMaterial(material);
for (var m = 0; m < data.models.length; m++)
var model = data.models[m];
var vertices = model.vertices;
var textureCoords = model.textureCoords;
var faces = model.faces;
for (var i = 0; i < faces.length; i++)
var face = faces[i];
var v1 = face.vertices[0];
var v2 = face.vertices[1];
var v3 = face.vertices[2];
var m1 = vertices[v1.vertexIndex];
var m2 = vertices[v2.vertexIndex];
var m3 = vertices[v3.vertexIndex];
var t1 = v1.textureCoordsIndex;
var t2 = v2.textureCoordsIndex;
var t3 = v3.textureCoordsIndex;
var uv1 = (t1 === -1) ? { u: 0, v: 1 } : textureCoords[t1];
var uv2 = (t2 === -1) ? { u: 0, v: 0 } : textureCoords[t2];
var uv3 = (t3 === -1) ? { u: 1, v: 1 } : textureCoords[t3];
var color = 0xffffff;
if (material && face.material !== '' && material[face.material])
color = material[face.material];
var vert1 = this.addVertex(x + m1.x * scale, y + m1.y * scale, z + m1.z * scale, uv1.u, uv1.v, color);
var vert2 = this.addVertex(x + m2.x * scale, y + m2.y * scale, z + m2.z * scale, uv2.u, uv2.v, color);
var vert3 = this.addVertex(x + m3.x * scale, y + m3.y * scale, z + m3.z * scale, uv3.u, uv3.v, color);
this.addFace(vert1, vert2, vert3);
return this;
* Compare the depth of two Faces.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Mesh#sortByDepth
* @since 3.50.0
* @param {Phaser.Geom.Mesh.Face} faceA - The first Face.
* @param {Phaser.Geom.Mesh.Face} faceB - The second Face.
* @return {integer} The difference between the depths of each Face.
sortByDepth: function (faceA, faceB)
return faceA.depth - faceB.depth;
* Runs a depth sort across all Faces in this Mesh, comparing their averaged depth.
* This is called automatically if you use any of the `rotate` methods, but you can
* also invoke it to sort the Faces should you manually position them.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Mesh#depthSort
* @since 3.50.0
* @return {this} This Mesh Game Object.
depthSort: function ()
StableSort(this.faces, this.sortByDepth);
return this;
* Takes a Wavefront Material file and extracts the diffuse reflectivity of the named
* materials, converts them to integer color values and returns them.
* This is used internally by the `addOBJ` and `addModel` methods, but is exposed for
* public consumption as well.
* Note this only works with diffuse values, specified in the `Kd r g b` format, where
* `g` and `b` are optional, but `r` is required. It does not support spectral rfl files,
* or any other material statement (such as `Ka` or `Ks`)
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Mesh#parseOBJMaterial
* @since 3.50.0
* @param {string} The OBJ MTL file.
* @return {object} The parsed material colors.
parseOBJMaterial: function (mtl)
var output = {};
var lines = mtl.split('\n');
var currentMaterial = '';
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++)
var line = lines[i].trim();
if (line.indexOf('#') === 0 || line === '')
var lineItems = line.replace(/\s\s+/g, ' ').trim().split(' ');
switch (lineItems[0].toLowerCase())
case 'newmtl':
currentMaterial = lineItems[1];
// The diffuse reflectivity of the current material
// Support r, [g], [b] format, where g and b are optional
case 'kd':
var r = Math.floor(lineItems[1] * 255);
var g = (lineItems.length >= 2) ? Math.floor(lineItems[2] * 255) : r;
var b = (lineItems.length >= 3) ? Math.floor(lineItems[3] * 255) : r;
output[currentMaterial] = GetColor(r, g, b);
return output;
* Adds a new Vertex into the vertices array of this Mesh.
* Just adding a vertex isn't enough to render it. You need to also
* make it part of a Face, with 3 Vertex instances per Face.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Mesh#addVertex
* @since 3.50.0
* @param {number} x - The x position of the vertex.
* @param {number} y - The y position of the vertex.
* @param {number} z - The z position of the vertex.
* @param {number} u - The UV u coordinate of the vertex.
* @param {number} v - The UV v coordinate of the vertex.
* @param {number} [color=0xffffff] - The color value of the vertex.
* @param {number} [alpha=1] - The alpha value of the vertex.
* @return {this} This Mesh Game Object.
addVertex: function (x, y, z, u, v, color, alpha)
var vert = new Vertex(x, y, z, u, v, color, alpha);
return vert;
* Adds a new Face into the faces array of this Mesh.
* A Face consists of references to 3 Vertex instances, which must be provided.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Mesh#addFace
* @since 3.50.0
* @param {Phaser.Geom.Mesh.Vertex} vertex1 - The first vertex of the Face.
* @param {Phaser.Geom.Mesh.Vertex} vertex2 - The second vertex of the Face.
* @param {Phaser.Geom.Mesh.Vertex} vertex3 - The third vertex of the Face.
* @return {this} This Mesh Game Object.
addFace: function (vertex1, vertex2, vertex3)
var face = new Face(vertex1, vertex2, vertex3);
this.dirtyCache[9] = -1;
return face;
* Adds new vertices to this Mesh by parsing the given arrays.
* The `vertices` parameter is a numeric array consisting of `x` and `y` pairs.
* The `uvs` parameter is a numeric array consisting of `u` and `v` pairs.
* The `indicies` parameter is an optional array that, if given, is an indexed list of vertices to be added.
* The following example will create a 256 x 256 sized quad using an index array:
* ```javascript
* const vertices = [
* -128, 128,
* 128, 128,
* -128, -128,
* 128, -128
* ];
* const uvs = [
* 0, 1,
* 1, 1,
* 0, 0,
* 1, 0
* ];
* const indices = [ 0, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1 ];
* Mesh.addVertices(vertices, uvs, indicies);
* ```
* Vertices must be provided as x/y pairs, there is no `z` component used in this call. For that, please see
* `addModel` instead.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Mesh#addVertices
* @since 3.50.0
* @param {number[]} vertices - The vertices array.
* @param {number[]} uvs - The UVs array.
* @param {number[]} [indicies] - Optional vertex indicies array.
* @param {number|number[]} [colors=0xffffff] - An array of colors, one per vertex, or a single color value applied to all vertices.
* @param {number|number[]} [alphas=1] - An array of alpha values, one per vertex, or a single alpha value applied to all vertices.
* @return {this} This Mesh Game Object.
addVertices: function (vertices, uvs, indicies, colors, alphas)
if (colors === undefined) { colors = 0xffffff; }
if (alphas === undefined) { alphas = 1; }
if (vertices.length !== uvs.length)
console.warn('Mesh vertices and uv count not equal');
return this;
var i;
var newVerts = [];
var isColorArray = Array.isArray(colors);
var isAlphaArray = Array.isArray(alphas);
if (Array.isArray(indicies) && indicies.length > 0)
for (i = 0; i < indicies.length; i++)
var index = indicies[i] * 2;
vertices[index + 1],
uvs[index + 1],
(isColorArray) ? colors[i] : colors,
(isAlphaArray) ? alphas[i] : alphas
var colorIndex = 0;
for (i = 0; i < vertices.length; i += 2)
vertices[i + 1],
uvs[i + 1],
(isColorArray) ? colors[colorIndex] : colors,
(isAlphaArray) ? alphas[colorIndex] : alphas
for (i = 0; i < newVerts.length; i += 3)
var vert1 = newVerts[i];
var vert2 = newVerts[i + 1];
var vert3 = newVerts[i + 2];
this.addFace(vert1, vert2, vert3);
return this;
* Returns the total number of Faces in this Mesh Game Object.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Mesh#getFaceCount
* @since 3.50.0
* @return {number} The number of Faces in this Mesh Game Object.
getFaceCount: function ()
return this.faces.length;
* Returns the total number of Vertices in this Mesh Game Object.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Mesh#getVertexCount
* @since 3.50.0
* @return {number} The number of Vertices in this Mesh Game Object.
getVertexCount: function ()
return this.vertices.length;
* Returns the Face at the given index in this Mesh Game Object.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Mesh#getFace
* @since 3.50.0
* @param {number} index - The index of the Face to get.
* @return {Phaser.Geom.Mesh.Face} The Face at the given index, or `undefined` if index out of range.
getFace: function (index)
return this.faces[index];
* Return an array of Face objects from this Mesh that intersect with the given coordinates.
* The given position is translated through the matrix of this Mesh and the given Camera,
* before being compared against the vertices.
* If more than one Face intersects, they will all be returned in the array, but the array will
* be depth sorted first, so the first element will always be that closest to the camera.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Mesh#getFaceAt
* @since 3.50.0
* @param {number} x - The x position to check against.
* @param {number} y - The y position to check against.
* @param {Phaser.Cameras.Scene2D.Camera} [camera] - The camera to pass the coordinates through. If not give, the default Scene Camera is used.
* @return {Phaser.Geom.Mesh.Face[]} An array of Face objects that intersect with the given point, ordered by depth.
getFaceAt: function (x, y, camera)
if (camera === undefined) { camera = this.scene.sys.cameras.main; }
var calcMatrix = GetCalcMatrix(this, camera).calc;
var faces = this.faces;
var results = [];
for (var i = 0; i < faces.length; i++)
var face = faces[i];
if (face.contains(x, y, calcMatrix))
return StableSort(results, this.sortByDepth);
* This method enables rendering of the Mesh vertices to the given Graphics instance.
* If you enable this feature, you **must** call `Graphics.clear()` in your Scene `update`,
* otherwise the Graphics instance you provide to debug will fill-up with draw calls,
* eventually crashing the browser. This is not done automatically to allow you to debug
* draw multiple Mesh objects to a single Graphics instance.
* The Mesh class has a built-in debug rendering callback `Mesh.renderDebugVerts`, however
* you can also provide your own callback to be used instead. Do this by setting the `callback` parameter.
* The callback is invoked _once per render_ and sent the following parameters:
* `callback(src, meshLength, verts)`
* `src` is the Mesh instance being debugged.
* `meshLength` is the number of mesh vertices in total.
* `verts` is an array of the translated vertex coordinates.
* If using your own callback you do not have to provide a Graphics instance to this method.
* To disable debug rendering, to either your own callback or the built-in one, call this method
* with no arguments.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Mesh#setDebug
* @since 3.50.0
* @param {Phaser.GameObjects.Graphics} [graphic] - The Graphic instance to render to if using the built-in callback.
* @param {function} [callback] - The callback to invoke during debug render. Leave as undefined to use the built-in callback.
* @return {this} This Game Object instance.
setDebug: function (graphic, callback)
this.debugGraphic = graphic;
if (!graphic && !callback)
this.debugCallback = null;
else if (!callback)
this.debugCallback = this.renderDebugVerts;
this.debugCallback = callback;
return this;
* Checks if the transformation data in this mesh is dirty.
* This is used internally by the `preUpdate` step to determine if the vertices should
* be recalculated or not.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Mesh#isDirty
* @since 3.50.0
* @return {boolean} Returns `true` if the data of this mesh is dirty, otherwise `false`.
isDirty: function ()
var position = this.modelPosition;
var rotation = this.modelRotation;
var scale = this.modelScale;
var dirtyCache = this.dirtyCache;
var px = position.x;
var py = position.y;
var pz = position.z;
var rx = rotation.x;
var ry = rotation.y;
var rz = rotation.z;
var sx = scale.x;
var sy = scale.y;
var sz = scale.z;
var faces = this.getFaceCount();
var pxCached = dirtyCache[0];
var pyCached = dirtyCache[1];
var pzCached = dirtyCache[2];
var rxCached = dirtyCache[3];
var ryCached = dirtyCache[4];
var rzCached = dirtyCache[5];
var sxCached = dirtyCache[6];
var syCached = dirtyCache[7];
var szCached = dirtyCache[8];
var fCached = dirtyCache[9];
dirtyCache[0] = px;
dirtyCache[1] = py;
dirtyCache[2] = pz;
dirtyCache[3] = rx;
dirtyCache[4] = ry;
dirtyCache[5] = rz;
dirtyCache[6] = sx;
dirtyCache[7] = sy;
dirtyCache[8] = sz;
dirtyCache[9] = faces;
return (
pxCached !== px || pyCached !== py || pzCached !== pz ||
rxCached !== rx || ryCached !== ry || rzCached !== rz ||
sxCached !== sx || syCached !== sy || szCached !== sz ||
fCached !== faces
* The Mesh update loop.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Mesh#preUpdate
* @protected
* @since 3.50.0
* @param {number} time - The current timestamp.
* @param {number} delta - The delta time, in ms, elapsed since the last frame.
preUpdate: function (time, delta)
this.anims.update(time, delta);
var camera =;
if (!camera.dirty && !this.isDirty())
// If neither the camera or the mesh is dirty we can bail out and save lots of math
var width = this.width;
var height = this.height;
if (camera.dirty || width !== this._prevWidth || height !== this._prevHeight)
// Mesh has resized, flow that down to the Camera
camera.update(width, height);
this._prevWidth = width;
this._prevHeight = height;
camera.dirty = false;
var transformMatrix = this.transformMatrix;
var normalMatrix = this.normalMatrix;
var z = camera.position.z;
var vertices = this.vertices;
for (var i = 0; i < vertices.length; i++)
vertices[i].transformCoordinatesLocal(transformMatrix, width, height, z);
* The built-in Mesh vertices debug rendering method.
* See `Mesh.setDebug` for more details.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Mesh#renderDebugVerts
* @since 3.50.0
* @param {Phaser.GameObjects.Mesh} src - The Mesh object being rendered.
* @param {integer} meshLength - The number of vertices in the mesh.
* @param {number[]} verts - An array of translated vertex coordinates.
renderDebugVerts: function (src, meshLength, verts)
var graphic = src.debugGraphic;
for (var i = 0; i < meshLength; i += 6)
var x0 = verts[i + 0];
var y0 = verts[i + 1];
var x1 = verts[i + 2];
var y1 = verts[i + 3];
var x2 = verts[i + 4];
var y2 = verts[i + 5];
graphic.strokeTriangle(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2);
* Handles the pre-destroy step for the Mesh, which removes the Animation component and typed arrays.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Mesh#preDestroy
* @private
* @since 3.50.0
preDestroy: function ()
this.anims = null;
this.debugCallback = null;
this.debugGraphic = null;
module.exports = Mesh;