2017-06-26 21:08:08 +01:00

456 lines
9.6 KiB

var Class = require('../../utils/Class');
var Set = require('../../structs/Set');
var GetValue = require('../../utils/object/GetValue');
var Range = require('../../utils/array/Range');
var Actions = require('../../actions/');
var Sprite = require('../sprite/Sprite');
var Group = new Class({
function Group (state, children)
this.state = state;
this.children = new Set(children);
this.classType = Sprite;
// Group management methods:
add: function (child)
return this;
addMultiple: function (children)
if (Array.isArray(children))
for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++)
return this;
create: function (x, y, key, frame, visible)
if (visible === undefined) { visible = true; }
var child = this.state.sys.children.add(new this.classType(this.state, x, y, key, frame));
child.visible = visible;
return child;
createFromConfig: function (options)
var key = GetValue(options, 'key', undefined);
var frame = GetValue(options, 'frame', null);
var visible = GetValue(options, 'visible', true);
var entries = [];
// Can't do anything without at least a key
if (key === undefined)
return entries;
if (!Array.isArray(key))
key = [ key ];
if (!Array.isArray(frame))
frame = [ frame ];
// Build an array of key frame pairs to loop through
var repeat = GetValue(options, 'repeat', 0);
var randomKey = GetValue(options, 'randomKey', false);
var randomFrame = GetValue(options, 'randomFrame', false);
var yoyo = GetValue(options, 'yoyo', false);
var quantity = GetValue(options, 'frameQuantity', 1);
var max = GetValue(options, 'max', 0);
var range = Range(key, frame, {
max: max,
qty: quantity,
random: randomKey,
randomB: randomFrame,
repeat: repeat,
yoyo: yoyo
for (var c = 0; c < range.length; c++)
entries.push(this.create(0, 0, range[c].a, range[c].b, visible));
// Post-creation options (applied only to those items created in this call):
var x = GetValue(options, 'setXY.x', 0);
var y = GetValue(options, 'setXY.y', 0);
var stepX = GetValue(options, 'setXY.stepX', 0);
var stepY = GetValue(options, 'setXY.stepY', 0);
Actions.SetXY(entries, x, y, stepX, stepY);
var rotation = GetValue(options, 'setRotation.value', 0);
var stepRotation = GetValue(options, 'setRotation.step', 0);
Actions.SetRotation(entries, rotation, stepRotation);
var scaleX = GetValue(options, 'setScale.x', 1);
var scaleY = GetValue(options, 'setScale.y', scaleX);
var stepScaleX = GetValue(options, 'setScale.stepX', 0);
var stepScaleY = GetValue(options, 'setScale.stepY', 0);
Actions.SetScale(entries, scaleX, scaleY, stepScaleX, stepScaleY);
var alpha = GetValue(options, 'setAlpha.value', 1);
var stepAlpha = GetValue(options, 'setAlpha.step', 0);
Actions.SetAlpha(entries, alpha, stepAlpha);
return entries;
createMultiple: function (config)
if (!Array.isArray(config))
config = [ config ];
var output = [];
for (var i = 0; i < config.length; i++)
var entries = this.createFromConfig(config[i]);
output = output.concat(entries);
return output;
remove: function (child)
return this;
clear: function ()
return this;
getChildren: function ()
return this.children.entries;
getLength: function ()
return this.children.size;
getFirst: function (compare, index)
if (index === undefined) { index = 0; }
return Actions.GetFirst(this.children.entries, compare, index);
destroy: function ()
this.state = undefined;
this.children = undefined;
// Child related methods
angle: function (value)
Actions.Angle(this.children.entries, value);
return this;
gridAlign: function (options)
Actions.GridAlign(this.children.entries, options);
return this;
incAlpha: function (value, step)
Actions.IncAlpha(this.children.entries, value, step);
return this;
incX: function (value)
Actions.IncX(this.children.entries, value);
return this;
incXY: function (x, y)
Actions.IncXY(this.children.entries, x, y);
return this;
incY: function (value)
Actions.IncY(this.children.entries, value);
return this;
placeOnCircle: function (circle, startAngle, endAngle)
Actions.PlaceOnCircle(this.children.entries, circle, startAngle, endAngle);
return this;
placeOnLine: function (line)
Actions.PlaceOnLine(this.children.entries, line);
return this;
placeOnRectangle: function (rect, shift)
Actions.PlaceOnRectangle(this.children.entries, rect, shift);
return this;
placeOnTriangle: function (triangle, stepRate)
Actions.PlaceOnTriangle(this.children.entries, triangle, stepRate);
return this;
playAnimation: function (key, startFrame)
Actions.PlayAnimation(this.children.entries, key, startFrame);
return this;
randomCircle: function (circle)
Actions.RandomCircle(this.children.entries, circle);
return this;
randomEllipse: function (ellipse)
Actions.RandomEllipse(this.children.entries, ellipse);
return this;
randomLine: function (line)
Actions.RandomLine(this.children.entries, line);
return this;
randomRectangle: function (rect)
Actions.RandomRectangle(this.children.entries, rect);
return this;
randomTriangle: function (triangle)
Actions.RandomTriangle(this.children.entries, triangle);
return this;
rotate: function (value, step)
Actions.Rotate(this.children.entries, value, step);
return this;
rotateAround: function (point, angle)
Actions.RotateAround(this.children.entries, point, angle);
return this;
rotateAroundDistance: function (point, angle, distance)
Actions.RotateAroundDistance(this.children.entries, point, angle, distance);
return this;
setAlpha: function (value, step)
Actions.SetAlpha(this.children.entries, value, step);
return this;
setOrigin: function (x, y)
Actions.SetOrigin(this.children.entries, x, y);
return this;
scaleX: function (value)
Actions.ScaleX(this.children.entries, value);
return this;
scaleXY: function (x, y)
Actions.ScaleXY(this.children.entries, x, y);
return this;
scaleY: function (value)
Actions.ScaleY(this.children.entries, value);
return this;
setRotation: function (value, step)
Actions.SetRotation(this.children.entries, value, step);
return this;
setScale: function (x, y, stepX, stepY)
Actions.SetScale(this.children.entries, x, y, stepX, stepY);
return this;
setScaleX: function (value, step)
Actions.SetScaleX(this.children.entries, value, step);
return this;
setScaleY: function (value, step)
Actions.SetScaleY(this.children.entries, value, step);
return this;
setVisible: function (value)
Actions.SetVisible(this.children.entries, value);
return this;
setX: function (value, step)
Actions.SetX(this.children.entries, value, step);
return this;
setXY: function (x, y, stepX, stepY)
Actions.SetXY(this.children.entries, x, y, stepX, stepY);
return this;
setY: function (value, step)
Actions.SetY(this.children.entries, value, step);
return this;
shiftPosition: function (x, y, direction, output)
Actions.ShiftPosition(this.children.entries, x, y, direction, output);
return this;
smootherStep: function (property, min, max, inc)
Actions.SmootherStep(this.children.entries, property, min, max, inc);
return this;
smoothStep: function (property, min, max, inc)
Actions.SmoothStep(this.children.entries, property, min, max, inc);
return this;
spread: function (property, min, max, inc)
Actions.Spread(this.children.entries, property, min, max, inc);
return this;
toggleVisible: function ()
return this;
module.exports = Group;