phaser/Tests/buttons/rotated buttons.js

37 lines
1.7 KiB

/// <reference path="../../Phaser/Game.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../Phaser/gameobjects/Button.ts" />
(function () {
var game = new Phaser.Game(this, 'game', 800, 600, init, create, update);
function init() {
game.load.image('beast', 'assets/pics/shadow_of_the_beast2_other_world.png');
game.load.atlas('button', 'assets/buttons/button_texture_atlas.png', 'assets/buttons/button_texture_atlas.json');
function create() {
// This is just an image that we'll toggle the display of when you click the button
this.image = game.add.sprite(game.stage.centerX, 0, 'beast');
this.image.transform.origin.setTo(0.5, 0);
// This button is created from a texture atlas.
// Instead of frame IDs (like with a sprite sheet) we can tell it to use frame names instead.
// In this case our atlast frame names were called 'over', 'out' and 'down', but they could be anything you want.
// The function "clickedIt" will be called when the button is clicked or touched
this.button = game.add.button(game.stage.centerX, 400, 'button', clickedIt, this, 'over', 'out', 'down');
// Makes the button origin set to the middle
this.button.transform.origin.setTo(0.5, 0.5);
function update() {
// Rotate the button each frame, the button states will still work and respond.
this.button.rotation += 1;
function clickedIt() {
if(this.image.visible == true) {
this.image.visible = false;
} else {
this.image.visible = true;