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synced 2025-01-19 00:24:03 +00:00
1447 lines
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1447 lines
38 KiB
* @author Richard Davey <rich@photonstorm.com>
* @copyright 2018 Photon Storm Ltd.
* @license {@link https://github.com/photonstorm/phaser/blob/master/license.txt|MIT License}
var Clamp = require('../math/Clamp');
var Class = require('../utils/Class');
var CONST = require('./const');
var GetOffset = require('./GetOffset');
var GetScreenOrientation = require('./GetScreenOrientation');
var LayoutBounds = require('./LayoutBounds');
var Rectangle = require('../geom/rectangle/Rectangle');
var SameDimensions = require('../geom/rectangle/SameDimensions');
var Vec2 = require('../math/Vector2');
var VisualBounds = require('./VisualBounds');
* @classdesc
* @class ScaleManager
* @memberof Phaser.DOM
* @constructor
* @since 3.15.0
* @param {Phaser.Game} game - A reference to the Phaser.Game instance.
* @param {any} config
var ScaleManager = new Class({
function ScaleManager (game, config)
* A reference to the Phaser.Game instance.
* @name Phaser.DOM.ScaleManager#game
* @type {Phaser.Game}
* @readonly
* @since 3.15.0
this.game = game;
this.config = config;
this.width = 0;
this.height = 0;
this.minWidth = null;
this.maxWidth = null;
this.minHeight = null;
this.maxHeight = null;
this.offset = new Vec2();
this.forceLandscape = false;
this.forcePortrait = false;
this.incorrectOrientation = false;
this._pageAlignHorizontally = false;
this._pageAlignVertically = false;
this.hasPhaserSetFullScreen = false;
this.fullScreenTarget = null;
this._createdFullScreenTarget = null;
this.scaleFactor = new Vec2(1, 1);
this.scaleFactorInversed = new Vec2(1, 1);
this.margin = { left: 0, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, x: 0, y: 0 };
this.bounds = new Rectangle();
this.aspectRatio = 0;
this.sourceAspectRatio = 0;
this.event = null;
this.windowConstraints = {
right: 'layout',
bottom: ''
this.compatibility = {
supportsFullScreen: false,
orientationFallback: null,
noMargins: false,
scrollTo: null,
canExpandParent: true,
clickTrampoline: ''
this._scaleMode = Phaser.ScaleManager.NO_SCALE;
this._fullScreenScaleMode = Phaser.ScaleManager.NO_SCALE;
this.parentIsWindow = false;
this.parentNode = null;
this.parentScaleFactor = new Vec2(1, 1);
this.trackParentInterval = 2000;
this.onResize = null;
this.onResizeContext = null;
this._pendingScaleMode = game.config.scaleMode;
this._fullScreenRestore = null;
this._gameSize = new Rectangle();
this._userScaleFactor = new Vec2(1, 1);
this._userScaleTrim = new Vec2(0, 0);
this._lastUpdate = 0;
this._updateThrottle = 0;
this._updateThrottleReset = 1000;
this._parentBounds = new Rectangle();
this._tempBounds = new Rectangle();
this._lastReportedCanvasSize = new Rectangle();
this._lastReportedGameSize = new Rectangle();
this._booted = false;
preBoot: function ()
console.log('%c preBoot ', 'background: #000; color: #ffff00');
// Configure device-dependent compatibility
var game = this.game;
var device = game.device;
var os = game.device.os;
var compat = this.compatibility;
compat.supportsFullScreen = device.fullscreen.available && !os.cocoonJS;
// We can't do anything about the status bars in iPads, web apps or desktops
if (!os.iPad && !os.webApp && !os.desktop)
if (os.android && !device.browser.chrome)
compat.scrollTo = new Vec2(0, 1);
compat.scrollTo = new Vec2(0, 0);
if (os.desktop)
compat.orientationFallback = 'screen';
compat.clickTrampoline = 'when-not-mouse';
compat.orientationFallback = '';
compat.clickTrampoline = '';
// Configure event listeners
var _this = this;
this._orientationChange = function (event)
return _this.orientationChange(event);
this._windowResize = function (event)
return _this.windowResize(event);
window.addEventListener('orientationchange', this._orientationChange, false);
window.addEventListener('resize', this._windowResize, false);
if (compat.supportsFullScreen)
this._fullScreenChange = function (event)
return _this.fullScreenChange(event);
this._fullScreenError = function (event)
return _this.fullScreenError(event);
var vendors = [ 'webkit', 'moz', '' ];
vendors.forEach(function (prefix)
document.addEventListener(prefix + 'fullscreenchange', this._fullScreenChange, false);
document.addEventListener(prefix + 'fullscreenerror', this._fullScreenError, false);
// MS Specific
document.addEventListener('MSFullscreenChange', this._fullScreenChange, false);
document.addEventListener('MSFullscreenError', this._fullScreenError, false);
// Set-up the Bounds
var isDesktop = os.desktop && (document.documentElement.clientWidth <= window.innerWidth) && (document.documentElement.clientHeight <= window.innerHeight);
console.log('isDesktop', isDesktop, os.desktop);
this.setupScale(game.config.width, game.config.height);
// Same as calling setGameSize:
this._gameSize.setTo(0, 0, game.config.width, game.config.height);
game.events.once('boot', this.boot, this);
// Called once added to the DOM, not before
boot: function ()
console.log('%c boot ', 'background: #000; color: #ffff00', this.width, this.height);
var game = this.game;
var compat = this.compatibility;
// Initialize core bounds
GetOffset(game.canvas, this.offset);
this.bounds.setTo(this.offset.x, this.offset.y, this.width, this.height);
// Don't use updateOrientationState so events are not fired
this.screenOrientation = GetScreenOrientation(compat.orientationFallback);
this._booted = true;
if (this._pendingScaleMode !== null)
this.scaleMode = this._pendingScaleMode;
this._pendingScaleMode = null;
// Make sure to sync the parent bounds to the current local rect, or we'll expand forever
game.events.on('resume', this.gameResumed, this);
game.events.on('prestep', this.step, this);
setupScale: function (width, height)
console.log('%c setupScale ', 'background: #000; color: #ffff00', width, height);
var target;
var rect = new Rectangle();
var parent = this.config.parent;
if (parent !== '')
if (typeof parent === 'string')
// Hopefully an element ID
target = document.getElementById(parent);
else if (parent && parent.nodeType === 1)
// Quick test for a HTMLElement
target = parent;
// Fallback, covers an invalid ID and a non HTMLElement object
if (!target)
// Use the full window
this.parentNode = null;
this.parentIsWindow = true;
rect.width = VisualBounds.width;
rect.height = VisualBounds.height;
console.log('parentIsWindow', VisualBounds.width, VisualBounds.height);
this.offset.set(0, 0);
this.parentNode = target;
this.parentIsWindow = false;
this.getParentBounds(this._parentBounds, this.parentNode);
rect.width = this._parentBounds.width;
rect.height = this._parentBounds.height;
this.offset.set(this._parentBounds.x, this._parentBounds.y);
var newWidth = 0;
var newHeight = 0;
if (typeof width === 'number')
newWidth = width;
// Percentage based
this.parentScaleFactor.x = parseInt(width, 10) / 100;
newWidth = rect.width * this.parentScaleFactor.x;
if (typeof height === 'number')
newHeight = height;
// Percentage based
this.parentScaleFactor.y = parseInt(height, 10) / 100;
newHeight = rect.height * this.parentScaleFactor.y;
newWidth = Math.floor(newWidth);
newHeight = Math.floor(newHeight);
this._gameSize.setTo(0, 0, newWidth, newHeight);
this.updateDimensions(newWidth, newHeight, false);
console.log('pn', this.parentNode);
console.log('pw', this.parentIsWindow);
console.log('pb', this._parentBounds);
console.log('new size', newWidth, newHeight);
setGameSize: function (width, height)
console.log('%c setGameSize ', 'background: #000; color: #ffff00', width, height);
this._gameSize.setTo(0, 0, width, height);
if (this.currentScaleMode !== CONST.RESIZE)
this.updateDimensions(width, height, true);
setUserScale: function (hScale, vScale, hTrim, vTrim, queueUpdate, force)
if (hTrim === undefined) { hTrim = 0; }
if (vTrim === undefined) { vTrim = 0; }
if (queueUpdate === undefined) { queueUpdate = true; }
if (force === undefined) { force = true; }
this._userScaleFactor.setTo(hScale, vScale);
this._userScaleTrim.setTo(hTrim, vTrim);
if (queueUpdate)
gameResumed: function ()
setResizeCallback: function (callback, context)
this.onResize = callback;
this.onResizeContext = context;
signalSizeChange: function ()
if (!SameDimensions(this, this._lastReportedCanvasSize) || !SameDimensions(this.game, this._lastReportedGameSize))
var width = this.width;
var height = this.height;
this._lastReportedCanvasSize.setTo(0, 0, width, height);
this._lastReportedGameSize.setTo(0, 0, this.game.config.width, this.game.config.height);
// this.onSizeChange.dispatch(this, width, height);
// Per StateManager#onResizeCallback, it only occurs when in RESIZE mode.
if (this.currentScaleMode === CONST.RESIZE)
this.game.resize(width, height);
setMinMax: function (minWidth, minHeight, maxWidth, maxHeight)
this.minWidth = minWidth;
this.minHeight = minHeight;
if (maxWidth)
this.maxWidth = maxWidth;
if (maxHeight)
this.maxHeight = maxHeight;
step: function (time)
if (time < (this._lastUpdate + this._updateThrottle))
var prevThrottle = this._updateThrottle;
this._updateThrottleReset = (prevThrottle >= 400) ? 0 : 100;
GetOffset(this.game.canvas, this.offset);
var prevWidth = this._parentBounds.width;
var prevHeight = this._parentBounds.height;
var bounds = this.getParentBounds(this._parentBounds);
var boundsChanged = (bounds.width !== prevWidth || bounds.height !== prevHeight);
// Always invalidate on a newly detected orientation change
var orientationChanged = this.updateOrientationState();
if (boundsChanged || orientationChanged)
console.log('%c bc ', 'background: #000; color: #ffff00', boundsChanged, bounds.width, prevWidth, bounds.height, prevHeight);
if (this.onResize)
this.onResize.call(this.onResizeContext, this, bounds);
// Make sure to sync the parent bounds to the current local rect, or we'll expand forever
console.log('%c new bounds ', 'background: #000; color: #ffff00', this._parentBounds.width, this._parentBounds.height);
// Next throttle, eg. 25, 50, 100, 200...
var throttle = this._updateThrottle * 2;
// Don't let an update be too eager about resetting the throttle.
if (this._updateThrottle < prevThrottle)
throttle = Math.min(prevThrottle, this._updateThrottleReset);
this._updateThrottle = Clamp(throttle, 25, this.trackParentInterval);
this._lastUpdate = time;
updateDimensions: function (width, height, resize)
this.width = width * this.parentScaleFactor.x;
this.height = height * this.parentScaleFactor.y;
this.config.width = this.width;
this.config.height = this.height;
this.sourceAspectRatio = this.width / this.height;
if (resize)
this.game.resize(this.width, this.height);
updateScalingAndBounds: function ()
var game = this.game;
var config = this.config;
this.scaleFactor.x = config.width / this.width;
this.scaleFactor.y = config.height / this.height;
this.scaleFactorInversed.x = this.width / config.width;
this.scaleFactorInversed.y = this.height / config.height;
this.aspectRatio = this.width / this.height;
// This can be invoked in boot pre-canvas
if (game.canvas)
GetOffset(game.canvas, this.offset);
this.bounds.setTo(this.offset.x, this.offset.y, this.width, this.height);
// Can be invoked in boot pre-input
if (game.input && game.input.scale)
// game.input.scale.setTo(this.scaleFactor.x, this.scaleFactor.y);
forceLandscape: function ()
this.forceLandscape = true;
this.forcePortrait = false;
forcePortrait: function ()
this.forceLandscape = false;
this.forcePortrait = true;
classifyOrientation: function (orientation)
if (orientation === 'portrait-primary' || orientation === 'portrait-secondary')
return 'portrait';
else if (orientation === 'landscape-primary' || orientation === 'landscape-secondary')
return 'landscape';
return null;
updateOrientationState: function ()
var previousOrientation = this.screenOrientation;
var previouslyIncorrect = this.incorrectOrientation;
this.screenOrientation = GetScreenOrientation(this.compatibility.orientationFallback);
this.incorrectOrientation = (this.forceLandscape && !this.isLandscape) || (this.forcePortrait && !this.isPortrait);
var changed = (previousOrientation !== this.screenOrientation);
var correctnessChanged = (previouslyIncorrect !== this.incorrectOrientation);
if (correctnessChanged)
if (this.incorrectOrientation)
// this.enterIncorrectOrientation.dispatch();
// this.leaveIncorrectOrientation.dispatch();
if (changed || correctnessChanged)
// this.onOrientationChange.dispatch(this, previousOrientation, previouslyIncorrect);
return (changed || correctnessChanged);
orientationChange: function (event)
this.event = event;
windowResize: function (event)
this.event = event;
scrollTop: function ()
var scrollTo = this.compatibility.scrollTo;
if (scrollTo)
window.scrollTo(scrollTo.x, scrollTo.y);
refresh: function ()
updateLayout: function ()
var scaleMode = this.currentScaleMode;
if (scaleMode === CONST.RESIZE)
if (this.incorrectOrientation)
else if (scaleMode === CONST.EXACT_FIT)
else if (scaleMode === CONST.SHOW_ALL)
if (!this.isFullScreen && this.boundingParent && this.compatibility.canExpandParent)
// Try to expand parent out, but choosing maximizing dimensions.
// Then select minimize dimensions which should then honor parent maximum bound applications.
else if (scaleMode === CONST.NO_SCALE)
this.width = this.config.width;
this.height = this.config.height;
else if (scaleMode === CONST.USER_SCALE)
this.width = (this.config.width * this._userScaleFactor.x) - this._userScaleTrim.x;
this.height = (this.config.height * this._userScaleFactor.y) - this._userScaleTrim.y;
if (!this.compatibility.canExpandParent && (scaleMode === CONST.SHOW_ALL || scaleMode === CONST.USER_SCALE))
var bounds = this.getParentBounds(this._tempBounds);
this.width = Math.min(this.width, bounds.width);
this.height = Math.min(this.height, bounds.height);
// Always truncate / force to integer
this.width = this.width | 0;
this.height = this.height | 0;
getParentBounds: function (bounds, parentNode)
// console.log('%c getParentBounds ', 'background: #000; color: #ff00ff');
if (bounds === undefined) { bounds = new Rectangle(); }
if (parentNode === undefined) { parentNode = this.boundingParent; }
var visualBounds = VisualBounds;
var layoutBounds = LayoutBounds;
if (!parentNode)
bounds.setTo(0, 0, visualBounds.width, visualBounds.height);
// console.log('b1', bounds);
// Ref. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh781509(v=vs.85).aspx for getBoundingClientRect
var clientRect = parentNode.getBoundingClientRect();
var parentRect = (parentNode.offsetParent) ? parentNode.offsetParent.getBoundingClientRect() : parentNode.getBoundingClientRect();
bounds.setTo(clientRect.left - parentRect.left, clientRect.top - parentRect.top, clientRect.width, clientRect.height);
var wc = this.windowConstraints;
var windowBounds;
if (wc.right)
windowBounds = (wc.right === 'layout') ? layoutBounds : visualBounds;
bounds.right = Math.min(bounds.right, windowBounds.width);
if (wc.bottom)
windowBounds = (wc.bottom === 'layout') ? layoutBounds : visualBounds;
bounds.bottom = Math.min(bounds.bottom, windowBounds.height);
bounds.setTo(Math.round(bounds.x), Math.round(bounds.y), Math.round(bounds.width), Math.round(bounds.height));
// console.log(parentNode.offsetParent);
// console.log(clientRect);
// console.log(parentRect);
// console.log(clientRect.left - parentRect.left, clientRect.top - parentRect.top, clientRect.width, clientRect.height);
// console.log('gpb', bounds);
return bounds;
align: function (horizontal, vertical)
if (horizontal !== null)
this.pageAlignHorizontally = horizontal;
if (vertical !== null)
this.pageAlignVertically = vertical;
alignCanvas: function (horizontal, vertical)
var parentBounds = this.getParentBounds(this._tempBounds);
var canvas = this.game.canvas;
var margin = this.margin;
var canvasBounds;
var currentEdge;
var targetEdge;
var offset;
if (horizontal)
margin.left = margin.right = 0;
canvasBounds = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
if (this.width < parentBounds.width && !this.incorrectOrientation)
currentEdge = canvasBounds.left - parentBounds.x;
targetEdge = (parentBounds.width / 2) - (this.width / 2);
targetEdge = Math.max(targetEdge, 0);
offset = targetEdge - currentEdge;
margin.left = Math.round(offset);
canvas.style.marginLeft = margin.left + 'px';
if (margin.left !== 0)
margin.right = -(parentBounds.width - canvasBounds.width - margin.left);
canvas.style.marginRight = margin.right + 'px';
if (vertical)
margin.top = margin.bottom = 0;
canvasBounds = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
if (this.height < parentBounds.height && !this.incorrectOrientation)
currentEdge = canvasBounds.top - parentBounds.y;
targetEdge = (parentBounds.height / 2) - (this.height / 2);
targetEdge = Math.max(targetEdge, 0);
offset = targetEdge - currentEdge;
margin.top = Math.round(offset);
canvas.style.marginTop = margin.top + 'px';
if (margin.top !== 0)
margin.bottom = -(parentBounds.height - canvasBounds.height - margin.top);
canvas.style.marginBottom = margin.bottom + 'px';
// margin.x = margin.left;
// margin.y = margin.top;
reflowGame: function ()
this.resetCanvas('', '');
var bounds = this.getParentBounds(this._tempBounds);
this.updateDimensions(bounds.width, bounds.height, true);
reflowCanvas: function ()
if (!this.incorrectOrientation)
this.width = Clamp(this.width, this.minWidth || 0, this.maxWidth || this.width);
this.height = Clamp(this.height, this.minHeight || 0, this.maxHeight || this.height);
if (!this.compatibility.noMargins)
if (this.isFullScreen && this._createdFullScreenTarget)
this.alignCanvas(true, true);
this.alignCanvas(this.pageAlignHorizontally, this.pageAlignVertically);
resetCanvas: function (cssWidth, cssHeight)
if (cssWidth === undefined) { cssWidth = this.width + 'px'; }
if (cssHeight === undefined) { cssHeight = this.height + 'px'; }
var canvas = this.game.canvas;
if (!this.compatibility.noMargins)
canvas.style.marginLeft = '';
canvas.style.marginTop = '';
canvas.style.marginRight = '';
canvas.style.marginBottom = '';
canvas.style.width = cssWidth;
canvas.style.height = cssHeight;
queueUpdate: function (force)
if (force)
this._parentBounds.width = 0;
this._parentBounds.height = 0;
this._lastUpdate = 0;
this._updateThrottle = this._updateThrottleReset;
setMaximum: function ()
this.width = VisualBounds.width;
this.height = VisualBounds.height;
setShowAll: function (expanding)
var bounds = this.getParentBounds(this._tempBounds);
var width = bounds.width;
var height = bounds.height;
var multiplier;
if (expanding)
multiplier = Math.max((height / this.game.height), (width / this.game.width));
multiplier = Math.min((height / this.game.height), (width / this.game.width));
this.width = Math.round(this.game.width * multiplier);
this.height = Math.round(this.game.height * multiplier);
setExactFit: function ()
var bounds = this.getParentBounds(this._tempBounds);
this.width = bounds.width;
this.height = bounds.height;
if (this.isFullScreen)
// Max/min not honored fullscreen
if (this.maxWidth)
this.width = Math.min(this.width, this.maxWidth);
if (this.maxHeight)
this.height = Math.min(this.height, this.maxHeight);
createFullScreenTarget: function ()
var fsTarget = document.createElement('div');
fsTarget.style.margin = '0';
fsTarget.style.padding = '0';
fsTarget.style.background = '#000';
return fsTarget;
startFullScreen: function (antialias, allowTrampoline)
if (this.isFullScreen)
return false;
if (!this.compatibility.supportsFullScreen)
// Error is called in timeout to emulate the real fullscreenerror event better
var _this = this;
setTimeout(function ()
}, 10);
if (this.compatibility.clickTrampoline === 'when-not-mouse')
var input = this.game.input;
if (input.activePointer &&
input.activePointer !== input.mousePointer &&
(allowTrampoline || allowTrampoline !== false))
input.activePointer.addClickTrampoline('startFullScreen', this.startFullScreen, this, [ antialias, false ]);
if (antialias !== undefined && this.game.renderType === CONST.CANVAS)
this.game.stage.smoothed = antialias;
var fsTarget = this.fullScreenTarget;
if (!fsTarget)
this._createdFullScreenTarget = this.createFullScreenTarget();
fsTarget = this._createdFullScreenTarget;
var initData = { targetElement: fsTarget };
this.hasPhaserSetFullScreen = true;
// this.onFullScreenInit.dispatch(this, initData);
if (this._createdFullScreenTarget)
// Move the Display canvas inside of the target and add the target to the DOM
// (the target has to be added for the Fullscreen API to work)
var canvas = this.game.canvas;
var parent = canvas.parentNode;
parent.insertBefore(fsTarget, canvas);
if (this.game.device.fullscreen.keyboard)
return true;
stopFullScreen: function ()
if (!this.isFullScreen || !this.compatibility.supportsFullScreen)
return false;
this.hasPhaserSetFullScreen = false;
return true;
cleanupCreatedTarget: function ()
var fsTarget = this._createdFullScreenTarget;
if (fsTarget && fsTarget.parentNode)
// Make sure to cleanup synthetic target for sure;
// swap the canvas back to the parent.
var parent = fsTarget.parentNode;
parent.insertBefore(this.game.canvas, fsTarget);
this._createdFullScreenTarget = null;
prepScreenMode: function (enteringFullscreen)
var createdTarget = !!this._createdFullScreenTarget;
var fsTarget = this._createdFullScreenTarget || this.fullScreenTarget;
if (enteringFullscreen)
if (createdTarget || this.fullScreenScaleMode === Phaser.ScaleManager.EXACT_FIT)
// Resize target, as long as it's not the canvas
if (fsTarget !== this.game.canvas)
this._fullScreenRestore = {
targetWidth: fsTarget.style.width,
targetHeight: fsTarget.style.height
fsTarget.style.width = '100%';
fsTarget.style.height = '100%';
// Have restore information
if (this._fullScreenRestore)
fsTarget.style.width = this._fullScreenRestore.targetWidth;
fsTarget.style.height = this._fullScreenRestore.targetHeight;
this._fullScreenRestore = null;
// Always reset to game size
this.updateDimensions(this._gameSize.width, this._gameSize.height, true);
fullScreenChange: function (event)
this.event = event;
if (this.isFullScreen)
// this.onFullScreenChange.dispatch(this, this.width, this.height);
fullScreenError: function (event)
this.event = event;
console.warn('ScaleManager: requestFullscreen call or browser failed');
// this.onFullScreenError.dispatch(this);
centerDisplay: function ()
var height = this.height;
var gameWidth = 0;
var gameHeight = 0;
this.parentNode.style.display = 'flex';
this.parentNode.style.height = height + 'px';
this.canvas.style.margin = 'auto';
this.canvas.style.width = gameWidth + 'px';
this.canvas.style.height = gameHeight + 'px';
iOS10 Resize hack. Thanks, Apple.
I._onWindowResize = function(a) {
if (this._lastReportedWidth != document.body.offsetWidth) {
this._lastReportedWidth = document.body.offsetWidth;
if (this._isAutoPlaying && this._cancelAutoPlayOnInteraction) {
this._onResizeDebouncedTimeout = setTimeout(this._onResizeDebounced, 500);
aj._onWindowResize.call(this, a)
resize: function ()
let scale = Math.min(window.innerWidth / canvas.width, window.innerHeight / canvas.height);
let orientation = 'left';
let extra = (this.mobile) ? 'margin-left: -50%': '';
let margin = window.innerWidth / 2 - (canvas.width / 2) * scale;
canvas.setAttribute('style', '-ms-transform-origin: ' + orientation + ' top; -webkit-transform-origin: ' + orientation + ' top;' +
' -moz-transform-origin: ' + orientation + ' top; -o-transform-origin: ' + orientation + ' top; transform-origin: ' + orientation + ' top;' +
' -ms-transform: scale(' + scale + '); -webkit-transform: scale3d(' + scale + ', 1);' +
' -moz-transform: scale(' + scale + '); -o-transform: scale(' + scale + '); transform: scale(' + scale + ');' +
' display: block; margin-left: ' + margin + 'px;'
getInnerHeight: function ()
// Based on code by @tylerjpeterson
if (!this.game.device.os.iOS)
return window.innerHeight;
var axis = Math.abs(window.orientation);
var size = { w: 0, h: 0 };
var ruler = document.createElement('div');
ruler.setAttribute('style', 'position: fixed; height: 100vh; width: 0; top: 0');
size.w = (axis === 90) ? ruler.offsetHeight : window.innerWidth;
size.h = (axis === 90) ? window.innerWidth : ruler.offsetHeight;
ruler = null;
if (Math.abs(window.orientation) !== 90)
return size.h;
return size.w;
* Destroys the ScaleManager.
* @method Phaser.DOM.ScaleManager#destroy
* @since 3.15.0
destroy: function ()
this.game.events.off('resume', this.gameResumed, this);
window.removeEventListener('orientationchange', this._orientationChange, false);
window.removeEventListener('resize', this._windowResize, false);
if (this.compatibility.supportsFullScreen)
var vendors = [ 'webkit', 'moz', '' ];
vendors.forEach(function (prefix)
document.removeEventListener(prefix + 'fullscreenchange', this._fullScreenChange, false);
document.removeEventListener(prefix + 'fullscreenerror', this._fullScreenError, false);
// MS Specific
document.removeEventListener('MSFullscreenChange', this._fullScreenChange, false);
document.removeEventListener('MSFullscreenError', this._fullScreenError, false);
this.game = null;
boundingParent: {
get: function ()
if (this.parentIsWindow || (this.isFullScreen && this.hasPhaserSetFullScreen && !this._createdFullScreenTarget))
return null;
var parentNode = this.game.canvas && this.game.canvas.parentNode;
return parentNode || null;
scaleMode: {
get: function ()
return this._scaleMode;
set: function (value)
if (value !== this._scaleMode)
if (!this.isFullScreen)
this.updateDimensions(this._gameSize.width, this._gameSize.height, true);
this._scaleMode = value;
return this._scaleMode;
fullScreenScaleMode: {
get: function ()
return this._fullScreenScaleMode;
set: function (value)
if (value !== this._fullScreenScaleMode)
// If in fullscreen then need a wee bit more work
if (this.isFullScreen)
this._fullScreenScaleMode = value;
this._fullScreenScaleMode = value;
return this._fullScreenScaleMode;
currentScaleMode: {
get: function ()
return (this.isFullScreen) ? this._fullScreenScaleMode : this._scaleMode;
pageAlignHorizontally: {
get: function ()
return this._pageAlignHorizontally;
set: function (value)
if (value !== this._pageAlignHorizontally)
this._pageAlignHorizontally = value;
pageAlignVertically: {
get: function ()
return this._pageAlignVertically;
set: function (value)
if (value !== this._pageAlignVertically)
this._pageAlignVertically = value;
isFullScreen: {
get: function ()
return !!(document.fullscreenElement ||
document.webkitFullscreenElement ||
document.mozFullScreenElement ||
isPortrait: {
get: function ()
return (this.classifyOrientation(this.screenOrientation) === 'portrait');
isLandscape: {
get: function ()
return (this.classifyOrientation(this.screenOrientation) === 'landscape');
isGamePortrait: {
get: function ()
return (this.height > this.width);
isGameLandscape: {
get: function ()
return (this.width > this.height);
module.exports = ScaleManager;