mirror of
synced 2025-02-17 14:38:30 +00:00
1200 lines
39 KiB
1200 lines
39 KiB
var vsSource = [
"attribute vec2 pos;",
"void main()",
"gl_Position = vec4(pos.x,pos.y,0.0,1.0);",
var fsSource = [
"void main()",
"gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0);",
function createGLTexture( ctx, image, format, texture )
if( ctx==null ) return;
ctx.bindTexture( ctx.TEXTURE_2D, texture);
ctx.pixelStorei( ctx.UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL, false );
ctx.texImage2D( ctx.TEXTURE_2D, 0, format, ctx.RGBA, ctx.UNSIGNED_BYTE, image);
ctx.texParameteri( ctx.TEXTURE_2D, ctx.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, ctx.LINEAR);
ctx.texParameteri( ctx.TEXTURE_2D, ctx.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, ctx.REPEAT);
ctx.texParameteri( ctx.TEXTURE_2D, ctx.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, ctx.REPEAT);
ctx.bindTexture(ctx.TEXTURE_2D, null);
function createGLTextureLinear( ctx, image, texture )
if( ctx==null ) return;
ctx.bindTexture( ctx.TEXTURE_2D, texture);
ctx.pixelStorei( ctx.UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL, false );
ctx.texImage2D( ctx.TEXTURE_2D, 0, ctx.RGBA, ctx.RGBA, ctx.UNSIGNED_BYTE, image);
ctx.texParameteri(ctx.TEXTURE_2D, ctx.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, ctx.LINEAR);
ctx.texParameteri(ctx.TEXTURE_2D, ctx.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, ctx.LINEAR);
ctx.texParameteri(ctx.TEXTURE_2D, ctx.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, ctx.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
ctx.texParameteri(ctx.TEXTURE_2D, ctx.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, ctx.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
ctx.bindTexture(ctx.TEXTURE_2D, null);
function createGLTextureNearestRepeat( ctx, image, texture )
if( ctx==null ) return;
ctx.bindTexture(ctx.TEXTURE_2D, texture);
ctx.pixelStorei( ctx.UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL, false );
ctx.texImage2D(ctx.TEXTURE_2D, 0, ctx.RGBA, ctx.RGBA, ctx.UNSIGNED_BYTE, image);
ctx.texParameteri(ctx.TEXTURE_2D, ctx.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, ctx.NEAREST);
ctx.texParameteri(ctx.TEXTURE_2D, ctx.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, ctx.NEAREST);
ctx.bindTexture(ctx.TEXTURE_2D, null);
function createGLTextureNearest( ctx, image, texture )
if( ctx==null ) return;
ctx.bindTexture(ctx.TEXTURE_2D, texture);
ctx.pixelStorei( ctx.UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL, false );
ctx.texImage2D(ctx.TEXTURE_2D, 0, ctx.RGBA, ctx.RGBA, ctx.UNSIGNED_BYTE, image);
ctx.texParameteri(ctx.TEXTURE_2D, ctx.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, ctx.NEAREST);
ctx.texParameteri(ctx.TEXTURE_2D, ctx.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, ctx.NEAREST);
ctx.texParameteri(ctx.TEXTURE_2D, ctx.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, ctx.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
ctx.texParameteri(ctx.TEXTURE_2D, ctx.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, ctx.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
ctx.bindTexture(ctx.TEXTURE_2D, null);
function createAudioTexture( ctx, texture )
if( ctx==null ) return;
ctx.bindTexture( ctx.TEXTURE_2D, texture );
ctx.texParameteri( ctx.TEXTURE_2D, ctx.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, ctx.LINEAR );
ctx.texParameteri( ctx.TEXTURE_2D, ctx.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, ctx.LINEAR );
ctx.texParameteri( ctx.TEXTURE_2D, ctx.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, ctx.CLAMP_TO_EDGE );
ctx.texParameteri( ctx.TEXTURE_2D, ctx.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, ctx.CLAMP_TO_EDGE) ;
ctx.texImage2D( ctx.TEXTURE_2D, 0, ctx.LUMINANCE, 512, 2, 0, ctx.LUMINANCE, ctx.UNSIGNED_BYTE, null);
ctx.bindTexture( ctx.TEXTURE_2D, null);
function createKeyboardTexture( ctx, texture )
if( ctx==null ) return;
ctx.bindTexture( ctx.TEXTURE_2D, texture );
ctx.texParameteri( ctx.TEXTURE_2D, ctx.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, ctx.NEAREST );
ctx.texParameteri( ctx.TEXTURE_2D, ctx.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, ctx.NEAREST );
ctx.texParameteri( ctx.TEXTURE_2D, ctx.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, ctx.CLAMP_TO_EDGE );
ctx.texParameteri( ctx.TEXTURE_2D, ctx.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, ctx.CLAMP_TO_EDGE) ;
ctx.texImage2D( ctx.TEXTURE_2D, 0, ctx.LUMINANCE, 256, 2, 0, ctx.LUMINANCE, ctx.UNSIGNED_BYTE, null);
ctx.bindTexture( ctx.TEXTURE_2D, null);
function Effect( ac, gl, xres, yres, callback, obj, forceMuted, forcePaused)
this.mAudioContext = ac;
this.mNoAudioMessageShowed = false;
this.mGLContext = gl;
this.mQuadVBO = null;
this.mProgram = null;
this.mXres = xres;
this.mYres = yres;
this.mInputs = new Array(4);
this.mInputs[0] = null;
this.mInputs[1] = null;
this.mInputs[2] = null;
this.mInputs[3] = null;
this.mTextureCallbackFun = callback;
this.mTextureCallbackObj = obj;
this.mSource = null;
this.mForceMuted = forceMuted;
this.mForcePaused = forcePaused;
this.mSupportsDerivatives = false;
if( gl==null ) return;
var ext = gl.getExtension('OES_standard_derivatives');
this.mSupportsDerivatives = (ext != null);
if( this.mSupportsDerivatives )
var ext2 = gl.getExtension('OES_texture_float');
this.mSupportTextureFloat = (ext2 != null );
var vertices = new Float32Array( [ -1.0, -1.0, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0] );
this.mQuadVBO = gl.createBuffer();
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.mQuadVBO);
gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, vertices, gl.STATIC_DRAW);
var res = this.NewShader(fsSource);
Effect.prototype.DestroyInput = function( id )
if( this.mInputs[id]==null ) return;
if( this.mGLContext== null ) return;
var gl = this.mGLContext;
if( this.mInputs[id].mInfo.mType=="texture" )
gl.deleteTexture( this.mInputs[id].globject );
else if( this.mInputs[id].mInfo.mType=="slideshow" )
gl.deleteTexture( this.mInputs[id].globject );
else if( this.mInputs[id].mInfo.mType=="webcam" )
gl.deleteTexture( this.mInputs[id].globject );
else if( this.mInputs[id].mInfo.mType=="video" )
this.mInputs[id].video = null;
gl.deleteTexture( this.mInputs[id].globject );
else if( this.mInputs[id].mInfo.mType=="music" )
this.mInputs[id].audio = null;
gl.deleteTexture( this.mInputs[id].globject );
else if( this.mInputs[id].mInfo.mType=="cubemap" )
gl.deleteTexture( this.mInputs[id].globject );
else if( this.mInputs[id].mInfo.mType=="keyboard" )
gl.deleteTexture( this.mInputs[id].globject );
this.mInputs[id] = null;
Effect.prototype.NewTexture = function( slot, url )
var me = this;
var gl = this.mGLContext;
var texture = null;
if (url!=null && url.mType=="webcam" && this.mForceMuted)
url.mType = "texture";
if( url==null )
if( me.mTextureCallbackFun!=null )
me.mTextureCallbackFun( this.mTextureCallbackObj, slot, null, false, true, 0, -1.0 );
return false;
else if( url.mType=="texture" )
texture = {};
texture.mInfo = url;
texture.globject = (gl!=null) ? gl.createTexture() : null;
texture.loaded = false;
texture.image = new Image();
texture.image.crossOrigin = '';
texture.image.onload = function()
var format = gl.RGBA;
if( url.mSrc=="/presets/tex15.png" || url.mSrc=="/presets/tex17.png" )
format = gl.LUMINANCE;
if( url.mSrc=="/presets/tex14.png" )
createGLTextureNearest( gl, texture.image, texture.globject );
else if( url.mSrc=="/presets/tex15.png" )
createGLTextureNearestRepeat( gl, texture.image, texture.globject );
createGLTexture( gl, texture.image, format, texture.globject );
texture.loaded = true;
if( me.mTextureCallbackFun!=null )
me.mTextureCallbackFun( me.mTextureCallbackObj, slot, texture.image, true, true, 0, -1.0 );
texture.image.src = url.mSrc;
else if( url.mType=="slideshow" )
texture = {};
texture.mInfo = url;
texture.globject = (gl!=null) ? gl.createTexture() : null;
texture.loaded = false;
texture.image = new Image();
texture.image.crossOrigin = '';
texture.image.onload = function()
createGLTexture( gl, texture.image, gl.RGBA, texture.globject );
texture.loaded = true;
if( me.mTextureCallbackFun!=null )
me.mTextureCallbackFun( me.mTextureCallbackObj, slot, texture.image, true, true, 3, -1.0 );
texture.slideshow = {};
texture.slideshow.mCurrentSlide = 0;
texture.slideshow.mNewTextureReady = false;
var urlSlide = url.mSrc.replace("??","00");
texture.image.src = urlSlide;
else if( url.mType=="cubemap" )
texture = {};
texture.mInfo = url;
texture.globject = (gl!=null) ? gl.createTexture() : null;
texture.loaded = false;
texture.image = [ new Image(), new Image(), new Image(), new Image(), new Image(), new Image() ];
gl.bindTexture( gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, texture.globject );
gl.texParameteri( gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl.LINEAR );
gl.texParameteri( gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.LINEAR );
gl.bindTexture( gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, null );
texture.loaded = true;
for( var i=0; i<6; i++ )
texture.image[i].mId = i;
texture.image[i].crossOrigin = '';
texture.image[i].onload = function()
var id = this.mId;
gl.bindTexture( gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, texture.globject );
gl.pixelStorei( gl.UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL, false );
gl.texImage2D( gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + id, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, texture.image[id] );
gl.bindTexture( gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, null );
if( me.mTextureCallbackFun!=null )
me.mTextureCallbackFun( me.mTextureCallbackObj, slot, texture.image[0], true, true, 0, -1.0 );
texture.image[i].src = url.mSrc.replace( "_0.", "_" + i + "." );
else if( url.mType=="webcam" )
texture = {};
texture.mInfo = url;
texture.globject = null;
texture.loaded = false;
texture.video = document.createElement('video');
texture.video.width = 320;
texture.video.height = 240;
texture.video.autoplay = true;
texture.video.loop = true;
texture.video.paused = true;
navigator.getUserMedia( { "video": true, "audio": false },
texture.video.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(stream);
texture.globject = gl.createTexture();
createGLTextureLinear( gl, texture.video, texture.globject );
texture.loaded = true;
alert( 'Your browser can not transfer webcam data to the GPU.');
alert( 'Unable to capture WebCam. Please reload the page.' );
} );
else if( url.mType=="video" )
texture = {};
texture.mInfo = url;
texture.globject = null;
texture.loaded = false;
texture.video = document.createElement('video');
texture.video.width = 256;
texture.video.height = 256;
texture.video.loop = true;
texture.video.paused = true;//this.mForcePaused;
texture.video.mPaused = true;//this.mForcePaused;
texture.video.mMuted = this.mForceMuted;
texture.video.muted = this.mForceMuted;
if( this.mForceMuted==true )
texture.video.volume = 0;
texture.video.autoplay = false;
texture.video.hasFalled = false;
texture.video.addEventListener( "canplay", function(e)
texture.video.paused = false;
texture.video.mPaused = false;
texture.globject = gl.createTexture();
createGLTextureLinear( gl, texture.video, texture.globject );
texture.loaded = true;
if( me.mTextureCallbackFun!=null )
me.mTextureCallbackFun( me.mTextureCallbackObj, slot, texture.video, true, true, 1, -1.0 );
} );
texture.video.addEventListener( "error", function(e)
if( texture.video.hasFalled==true ) { alert("Error: cannot load video" ); return; }
var str = texture.video.src;
str = str.substr(0,str.lastIndexOf('.') ) + ".mp4";
texture.video.src = str;
texture.video.hasFalled = true;
} );
texture.video.src = url.mSrc;
else if( url.mType=="music" )
texture = {};
texture.mInfo = url;
texture.globject = null;
texture.loaded = false;
texture.audio = document.createElement('audio');
texture.audio.loop = true;
texture.audio.mMuted = this.mForceMuted;
texture.audio.mForceMuted = this.mForceMuted;
texture.audio.muted = this.mForceMuted;
if( this.mForceMuted==true )
texture.audio.volume = 0;
texture.audio.autoplay = true;
texture.audio.hasFalled = false;
texture.audio.paused = true;
texture.audio.mPaused = true;
texture.audio.mSound = {};
if( this.mForceMuted )
texture.globject = gl.createTexture();
createAudioTexture( gl, texture.globject );
var num = 512;
texture.audio.mSound.mFreqData = new Uint8Array( num );
texture.audio.mSound.mWaveData = new Uint8Array( num );
texture.loaded = true;
texture.audio.paused = false;
texture.audio.mPaused = false;
texture.audio.addEventListener( "canplay", function()
if( this.mForceMuted ) return;
texture.globject = gl.createTexture();
createAudioTexture( gl, texture.globject );
if( me.mAudioContext != null )
var ctx = me.mAudioContext;
texture.audio.mSound.mSource = ctx.createMediaElementSource( texture.audio );
texture.audio.mSound.mAnalyser = ctx.createAnalyser();
texture.audio.mSound.mGain = ctx.createGain();
texture.audio.mSound.mSource.connect( texture.audio.mSound.mAnalyser );
texture.audio.mSound.mAnalyser.connect( texture.audio.mSound.mGain );
texture.audio.mSound.mGain.connect( ctx.destination );
texture.audio.mSound.mFreqData = new Uint8Array( texture.audio.mSound.mAnalyser.frequencyBinCount );
texture.audio.mSound.mWaveData = new Uint8Array( texture.audio.mSound.mAnalyser.frequencyBinCount );
texture.loaded = true;
texture.audio.paused = false;
texture.audio.mPaused = false;
if( me.mNoAudioMessageShowed==false )
var ve = document.getElementById( "centerScreen" );
doAlert( getCoords(ve), {mX:420,mY:160}, "Error", "Your browser does not support WebAudio.<br><br>This shader will not work as the author intended. Please consider using a WebAudio-friendly browser (Chrome).", false, null );
me.mNoAudioMessageShowed = true;
} );
texture.audio.addEventListener( "error", function(e)
if( this.mForceMuted ) return;
if( texture.audio.hasFalled==true ) { /*alert("Error: cannot load music" ); */return; }
var str = texture.audio.src;
str = str.substr(0,str.lastIndexOf('.') ) + ".ogg";
texture.audio.src = str;
texture.audio.hasFalled = true;
} );
if( !this.mForceMuted )
texture.audio.src = url.mSrc;
if( me.mTextureCallbackFun!=null )
me.mTextureCallbackFun( me.mTextureCallbackObj, slot, null, false, true, 2, -1.0 );
else if( url.mType=="keyboard" )
texture = {};
texture.mInfo = url;
texture.globject = gl.createTexture();
texture.loaded = true;
texture.keyboard = {};
texture.keyboard.mImage = new Image();
texture.keyboard.mImage.onload = function()
texture.loaded = true;
if( me.mTextureCallbackFun!=null )
me.mTextureCallbackFun( me.mTextureCallbackObj, slot, {mImage:texture.keyboard.mImage,mData:texture.keyboard.mData}, false, false, 4, -1.0 );
texture.keyboard.mImage.src = "/img/keyboard.png";
texture.keyboard.mNewTextureReady = true;
texture.keyboard.mData = new Uint8Array( 256*2 );
createKeyboardTexture( gl, texture.globject );
for( var j=0; j<(256*2); j++ )
texture.keyboard.mData[j] = 0;
if( me.mTextureCallbackFun!=null )
me.mTextureCallbackFun( me.mTextureCallbackObj, slot, {mImage:texture.keyboard.mImage,mData:texture.keyboard.mData}, false, false, 4, -1.0 );
else if( url.mType==null )
if( me.mTextureCallbackFun!=null )
me.mTextureCallbackFun( this.mTextureCallbackObj, slot, null, false, true, 0, -1.0 );
alert( "texture type error" );
this.DestroyInput( slot );
this.mInputs[slot] = texture;
Effect.prototype.SetKeyDown = function( k )
for( var i=0; i<this.mInputs.length; i++ )
var inp = this.mInputs[i];
if( inp!=null && inp.mInfo.mType=="keyboard" )
inp.keyboard.mData[ k ] = 255;
inp.keyboard.mData[ k + 256 ] = 255 - inp.keyboard.mData[ k + 256 ];
inp.keyboard.mNewTextureReady = true;
Effect.prototype.SetKeyUp = function( k )
for( var i=0; i<this.mInputs.length; i++ )
var inp = this.mInputs[i];
if( inp!=null && inp.mInfo.mType=="keyboard" )
inp.keyboard.mData[ k ] = 0;
inp.keyboard.mNewTextureReady = true;
Effect.prototype.DetermineShaderPrecission = function()
var h1 = "#ifdef GL_ES\n" +
"precision highp float;\n" +
var h2 = "#ifdef GL_ES\n" +
"precision mediump float;\n" +
var h3 = "#ifdef GL_ES\n" +
"precision lowp float;\n" +
var str = "void main() { gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0); }\n";
if( this.CreateShader(h1 + str, false).mSuccess==true ) { this.mPrecision = h1; return; }
if( this.CreateShader(h2 + str, false).mSuccess==true ) { this.mPrecision = h2; return; }
if( this.CreateShader(h3 + str, false).mSuccess==true ) { this.mPrecision = h3; return; }
this.mPrecision = "";
Effect.prototype.MakeHeader = function()
var header = this.mPrecision;
if( this.mSupportsDerivatives ) header += "#extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : enable\n";
header += "uniform vec3 iResolution;\n" +
"uniform float iGlobalTime;\n" +
"uniform float iChannelTime[4];\n" +
"uniform vec4 iMouse;\n" +
"uniform vec4 iDate;\n" +
"uniform vec3 iChannelResolution[4];\n";
for( var i=0; i<this.mInputs.length; i++ )
var inp = this.mInputs[i];
if( inp!=null && inp.mInfo.mType=="cubemap" )
header += "uniform samplerCube iChannel" + i + ";\n";
header += "uniform sampler2D iChannel" + i + ";\n";
this.mHeader = header;
Effect.prototype.GetHeaderSize = function()
var n = 13;
if( this.mSupportsDerivatives ) n = n+1;
return n;
Effect.prototype.CreateShader = function(tfs, nativeDebug )
var gl = this.mGLContext;
if( gl==null ) return {mSuccess:false, mInfo:"no GL"};
var tmpProgram = gl.createProgram();
var vs = gl.createShader(gl.VERTEX_SHADER);
var fs = gl.createShader(gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER);
gl.shaderSource(vs, vsSource);
gl.shaderSource(fs, tfs);
if (!gl.getShaderParameter(vs, gl.COMPILE_STATUS))
var infoLog = gl.getShaderInfoLog(vs);
gl.deleteProgram( tmpProgram );
return {mSuccess:false, mInfo:infoLog};
if (!gl.getShaderParameter( fs, gl.COMPILE_STATUS))
var infoLog = gl.getShaderInfoLog(fs);
gl.deleteProgram( tmpProgram );
return {mSuccess:false, mInfo:infoLog};
if( nativeDebug )
var dbgext = gl.getExtension("WEBGL_debug_shaders");
if( dbgext != null )
var hlsl = dbgext.getTranslatedShaderSource( fs );
console.log( "------------------------\nHLSL code\n------------------------\n" + hlsl + "\n------------------------\n" );
gl.attachShader(tmpProgram, vs);
gl.attachShader(tmpProgram, fs);
if( !gl.getProgramParameter(tmpProgram,gl.LINK_STATUS) )
var infoLog = gl.getProgramInfoLog(tmpProgram);
gl.deleteProgram( tmpProgram );
return {mSuccess:false, mInfo:infoLog};
return {mSuccess:true, mProgram:tmpProgram};
Effect.prototype.NewShader = function(shaderCode)
var res = this.CreateShader( this.mHeader + shaderCode, true );
if( res.mSuccess==false ) return res.mInfo;
var gl = this.mGLContext;
if( gl==null ) return "No GL";
if( this.mProgram != null )
gl.deleteProgram( this.mProgram );
this.mProgram = res.mProgram;
this.mSource = shaderCode;
return null;//"Shader compiled successfully";
Effect.prototype.SetSize = function(xres,yres)
this.mXres = xres;
this.mYres = yres;
Effect.prototype.PauseInput = function( id )
var me = this;
var inp = this.mInputs[id];
if( inp==null )
else if( inp.mInfo.mType=="texture" )
else if( inp.mInfo.mType=="slideshow" )
inp.image.onload = function()
inp.slideshow.mNewTextureReady = true;
if( me.mTextureCallbackFun!=null )
me.mTextureCallbackFun( me.mTextureCallbackObj, i, inp.image, true, true, 3, -1.0 );
var nn = inp.slideshow.mCurrentSlide | 0;
var urlSlide = inp.mInfo.mSrc.replace("??","0"+nn);
inp.image.src = urlSlide;
else if( inp.mInfo.mType=="video" )
if( inp.video.mPaused )
inp.video.paused = false;
inp.video.mPaused = false;
inp.video.paused = true;
inp.video.mPaused = true;
return inp.video.mPaused;
else if( inp.mInfo.mType=="music" )
if( inp.audio.mPaused )
inp.audio.mPaused = false;
inp.audio.mPaused = true;
return inp.audio.mPaused;
return null;
Effect.prototype.MuteInput = function( id )
var me = this;
var inp = this.mInputs[id];
if( inp==null )
else if( inp.mInfo.mType=="texture" )
else if( inp.mInfo.mType=="slideshow" )
inp.image.onload = function()
inp.slideshow.mNewTextureReady = true;
if( me.mTextureCallbackFun!=null )
me.mTextureCallbackFun( me.mTextureCallbackObj, i, inp.image, true, true, 3, -1.0 );
var urlSlide = inp.mInfo.mSrc.replace("??","00");
inp.image.src = urlSlide;
else if( inp.mInfo.mType=="video" )
if( inp.video.mMuted )
inp.video.muted = false;
//inp.video.volume = 100;
inp.video.mMuted = false;
inp.video.muted = true;
//inp.video.volume = 0;
inp.video.mMuted = true;
return inp.video.mMuted;
else if( inp.mInfo.mType=="music" )
if( inp.audio.mMuted )
if( this.mAudioContext != null )
inp.audio.mSound.mGain.gain.value = 1.0;
inp.audio.mMuted = false;
if( this.mAudioContext != null )
inp.audio.mSound.mGain.gain.value = 0.0;
inp.audio.mMuted = true;
return inp.audio.mMuted;
return null;
Effect.prototype.RewindInput = function( id )
var me = this;
var inp = this.mInputs[id];
if( inp==null )
else if( inp.mInfo.mType=="texture" )
else if( inp.mInfo.mType=="slideshow" )
if( inp.slideshow.mCurrentSlide<0 ) inp.slideshow.mCurrentSlide=0;
inp.image.onload = function()
inp.slideshow.mNewTextureReady = true;
if( me.mTextureCallbackFun!=null )
me.mTextureCallbackFun( me.mTextureCallbackObj, i, inp.image, true, true, 3, -1.0 );
var nn = inp.slideshow.mCurrentSlide | 0;
var urlSlide = inp.mInfo.mSrc.replace("??","0"+nn);
inp.image.src = urlSlide;
else if( inp.mInfo.mType=="video" )
inp.video.currentTime = 0;
else if( inp.mInfo.mType=="music" )
inp.audio.currentTime = 0;
Effect.prototype.UpdateInputs = function()
for( var i=0; i<this.mInputs.length; i++ )
var inp = this.mInputs[i];
if( inp==null )
else if( inp.mInfo.mType=="texture" )
else if( inp.mInfo.mType=="slideshow" )
else if( inp.mInfo.mType=="video" )
if( inp.video.readyState === inp.video.HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA )
if( this.mTextureCallbackFun!=null )
this.mTextureCallbackFun( this.mTextureCallbackObj, i, inp.video, false, false, 0, -1 );
else if( inp.mInfo.mType=="music" )
if( inp.audio.mPaused == false )
if( this.mAudioContext != null )
inp.audio.mSound.mAnalyser.getByteFrequencyData( inp.audio.mSound.mFreqData );
inp.audio.mSound.mAnalyser.getByteTimeDomainData( inp.audio.mSound.mWaveData );
if( this.mTextureCallbackFun!=null )
this.mTextureCallbackFun( this.mTextureCallbackObj, i, (this.mAudioContext==null)?null:inp.audio.mSound.mFreqData, false, false, 2, inp.audio.currentTime );
Effect.prototype.Paint = function(time, mouseOriX, mouseOriY, mousePosX, mousePosY)
var gl = this.mGLContext;
if( gl==null ) return;
if( this.mProgram==null ) return;
gl.viewport( 0, 0, this.mXres, this.mYres );
gl.useProgram( this.mProgram );
var times = [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ];
var units = [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ];
var d = new Date();
var dates = [ d.getFullYear(), // the year (four digits)
d.getMonth(), // the month (from 0-11)
d.getDate(), // the day of the month (from 1-31)
d.getHours()*60.0*60 + d.getMinutes()*60 + d.getSeconds() ];
var mouse = [ mousePosX, mousePosY, mouseOriX, mouseOriY ];
var resos = [ 0.0,0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0,0.0 ];
var l2 = gl.getUniformLocation( this.mProgram, "iGlobalTime" ); if( l2!=null ) gl.uniform1f( l2, time );
var l3 = gl.getUniformLocation( this.mProgram, "iResolution" ); if( l3!=null ) gl.uniform3f( l3, this.mXres, this.mYres, 1.0 );
var l4 = gl.getUniformLocation( this.mProgram, "iMouse" ); if( l4!=null ) gl.uniform4fv( l4, mouse );
var l5 = gl.getUniformLocation( this.mProgram, "iChannelTime" );
var l7 = gl.getUniformLocation( this.mProgram, "iDate" ); if( l7!=null ) gl.uniform4fv( l7, dates );
var l8 = gl.getUniformLocation( this.mProgram, "iChannelResolution" );
var ich0 = gl.getUniformLocation( this.mProgram, "iChannel0" ); if( ich0!=null ) gl.uniform1i( ich0, 0 );
var ich1 = gl.getUniformLocation( this.mProgram, "iChannel1" ); if( ich1!=null ) gl.uniform1i( ich1, 1 );
var ich2 = gl.getUniformLocation( this.mProgram, "iChannel2" ); if( ich2!=null ) gl.uniform1i( ich2, 2 );
var ich3 = gl.getUniformLocation( this.mProgram, "iChannel3" ); if( ich3!=null ) gl.uniform1i( ich3, 3 );
var l1 = gl.getAttribLocation( this.mProgram, "pos");
gl.bindBuffer( gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.mQuadVBO);
gl.vertexAttribPointer( l1, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0);
gl.enableVertexAttribArray( l1 );
for( var i=0; i<this.mInputs.length; i++ )
var inp = this.mInputs[i];
gl.activeTexture( gl.TEXTURE0+i );
if( inp==null )
gl.bindTexture( gl.TEXTURE_2D, null );
else if( inp.mInfo.mType=="texture" )
if( inp.loaded==false )
gl.bindTexture( gl.TEXTURE_2D, null );
gl.bindTexture( gl.TEXTURE_2D, inp.globject );
resos[3*i+0] = inp.image.width;
resos[3*i+1] = inp.image.height;
resos[3*i+2] = 1;
else if( inp.mInfo.mType=="slideshow" )
if( inp.loaded==false )
gl.bindTexture( gl.TEXTURE_2D, null );
gl.bindTexture( gl.TEXTURE_2D, inp.globject );
if( inp.slideshow.mNewTextureReady == true )
gl.pixelStorei( gl.UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL, false);
gl.texImage2D( gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, inp.image );
gl.generateMipmap( gl.TEXTURE_2D );
inp.slideshow.mNewTextureReady = false;
resos[3*i+0] = inp.image.width;
resos[3*i+1] = inp.image.height;
resos[3*i+2] = 1;
else if( inp.mInfo.mType=="keyboard" )
if( inp.loaded==false )
gl.bindTexture( gl.TEXTURE_2D, null );
gl.bindTexture( gl.TEXTURE_2D, inp.globject );
if( inp.keyboard.mNewTextureReady == true )
gl.pixelStorei( gl.UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL, false);
gl.texSubImage2D( gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, 256, 2, gl.LUMINANCE, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, inp.keyboard.mData );
inp.keyboard.mNewTextureReady = false;
if( this.mTextureCallbackFun!=null )
this.mTextureCallbackFun( this.mTextureCallbackObj, i, {mImage:inp.keyboard.mImage,mData:inp.keyboard.mData}, false, false, 4, -1.0 );
else if( inp.mInfo.mType=="cubemap" )
if( inp.loaded==false )
gl.bindTexture( gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, null );
gl.bindTexture( gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, inp.globject );
else if( inp.mInfo.mType=="webcam" )
if( inp.video.readyState === inp.video.HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA )
if( this.mTextureCallbackFun!=null )
this.mTextureCallbackFun( this.mTextureCallbackObj, i, inp.video, false, false, 0, -1 );
if( inp.loaded==false )
gl.bindTexture( gl.TEXTURE_2D, null );
gl.bindTexture( gl.TEXTURE_2D, inp.globject );
gl.pixelStorei( gl.UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL, true);
gl.texImage2D( gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, inp.video );
resos[3*i+0] = inp.video.width;
resos[3*i+1] = inp.video.height;
resos[3*i+2] = 1;
else if( inp.mInfo.mType=="video" )
if( inp.video.mPaused == false )
if( this.mTextureCallbackFun!=null )
this.mTextureCallbackFun( this.mTextureCallbackObj, i, inp.video, false, false, 0, inp.video.currentTime );
if( inp.loaded==false )
gl.bindTexture( gl.TEXTURE_2D, null );
times[i] = inp.video.currentTime;
gl.bindTexture( gl.TEXTURE_2D, inp.globject );
if( inp.video.mPaused == false )
gl.pixelStorei( gl.UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL, true);
gl.texImage2D( gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, inp.video );
resos[3*i+0] = inp.video.width;
resos[3*i+1] = inp.video.height;
resos[3*i+2] = 1;
else if( inp.mInfo.mType=="music" )
if( inp.audio.mPaused == false )
if( this.mAudioContext != null )
inp.audio.mSound.mAnalyser.getByteFrequencyData( inp.audio.mSound.mFreqData );
inp.audio.mSound.mAnalyser.getByteTimeDomainData( inp.audio.mSound.mWaveData );
if( this.mTextureCallbackFun!=null )
this.mTextureCallbackFun( this.mTextureCallbackObj, i, (this.mAudioContext==null)?null:inp.audio.mSound.mFreqData, false, false, 2, inp.audio.currentTime );
if( inp.loaded==false )
gl.bindTexture( gl.TEXTURE_2D, null );
times[i] = inp.audio.currentTime;
gl.bindTexture( gl.TEXTURE_2D, inp.globject );
if( inp.audio.mForceMuted == true )
times[i] = 10.0 + time;
var num = inp.audio.mSound.mFreqData.length;
for( var j=0; j<num; j++ )
var x = j / num;
var f = (0.75 + 0.25*Math.sin( 10.0*j + 13.0*time )) * Math.exp( -3.0*x );
if( j<3 )
f = Math.pow( 0.50 + 0.5*Math.sin( 6.2831*time ), 4.0 ) * (1.0-j/3.0);
inp.audio.mSound.mFreqData[j] = Math.floor(255.0*f) | 0;
var num = inp.audio.mSound.mFreqData.length;
for( var j=0; j<num; j++ )
var f = 0.5 + 0.15*Math.sin( 17.0*time + 10.0*6.2831*j/num ) * Math.sin( 23.0*time + 1.9*j/num );
inp.audio.mSound.mWaveData[j] = Math.floor(255.0*f) | 0;
if( inp.audio.mPaused == false )
var waveLen = Math.min( inp.audio.mSound.mWaveData.length, 512 );
gl.texSubImage2D( gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, 512, 1, gl.LUMINANCE, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, inp.audio.mSound.mFreqData );
gl.texSubImage2D( gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 1, waveLen, 1, gl.LUMINANCE, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, inp.audio.mSound.mWaveData );
if( l5!=null ) gl.uniform1fv( l5, times );
if( l8!=null ) gl.uniform3fv( l8, resos );
gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLES, 0, 6);
Effect.prototype.newScriptJSON = function( jobj )
if( jobj.ver != "0.1" )
return { mFailed : true };
for( var i=0; i<4; i++ )
this.NewTexture( i, null );
var numPasses = jobj.renderpass.length;
if( numPasses>1 )
return { mFailed : true, mError : "ShaderToy only supports one-pass shaders at this momment", mShader:null };
for( var j=0; j<numPasses; j++ )
var rpass = jobj.renderpass[j];
var numInputs = rpass.inputs.length;
for( var i = 0; i<numInputs; i++ )
var lid = rpass.inputs[i].channel;
var styp = rpass.inputs[i].ctype;
var sid = rpass.inputs[i].id;
var ssrc = rpass.inputs[i].src;
//console.log( "TEXT: " + lid + " " + styp + " " + sid + " " + ssrc );
this.NewTexture( lid, { mType:styp, mID:sid, mSrc:ssrc } );
var shaderStr = rpass.code;
var result = this.NewShader( shaderStr );
if( result!=null )
return { mFailed : true,
mError : result,
mShader : shaderStr };
return { mFailed : false,
mError : null,
mShader : shaderStr };
Effect.prototype.exportToJSON = function( shaderCode )
var result = {};
result.ver = "0.1";
result.renderpass = new Array()
var numPasses = 1;
for( var j=0; j<numPasses; j++ )
result.renderpass[j] = {};
result.renderpass[j].outputs = new Array();
result.renderpass[j].outputs.push( { channel:0, dst:"-1" } );
result.renderpass[j].inputs = new Array();
for( var i = 0; i<4; i++ )
if( this.mInputs[i]==null ) continue;
result.renderpass[j].inputs.push( {channel: i,
ctype : this.mInputs[i].mInfo.mType,
id : this.mInputs[i].mInfo.mID,
src : this.mInputs[i].mInfo.mSrc } );
if( shaderCode !=null )
result.renderpass[j].code = shaderCode;
result.renderpass[j].code = this.mSource;
result.renderpass[j].name = "";
result.renderpass[j].description = "";
return result;