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synced 2025-02-04 00:03:54 +00:00
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189 lines
6.9 KiB
var game = new Phaser.Game(800, 600, Phaser.AUTO, 'phaser-example', { preload: preload, create: create, update: update });
function preload() {
game.load.spritesheet('start-input-button', 'assets/buttons/gamepad-input-start.png', 168,70);
var startInputButton;
var resetButton;
var supportedText;
var activeText;
var gamepadCountText;
var pad1;
var pad1Text;
var pad2;
var pad2Text;
var pad3;
var pad3Text;
var pad4;
var pad4Text;
var activityPad1Text;
var activityPad2Text;
var activityPad3Text;
var activityPad4Text;
var activityGlobalText;
var pad1StateText;
var pad2StateText;
var pad3StateText;
var pad4StateText;
function create() {
game.stage.backgroundColor = '#222222';
startInputButton = game.add.button(625, 5, 'start-input-button', onStartInput, this, 0, 0, 0);
resetButton = game.add.button(425, 5, 'reset-buttons', onResetButtons, this);
pad1 = game.input.gamepad.pad1;
pad2 = game.input.gamepad.pad2;
pad3 = game.input.gamepad.pad3;
pad4 = game.input.gamepad.pad4;
function onStartInput() {
if(game.input.gamepad.active) {
} else {
function onResetButtons() {
function update() {
supportedText.setText('Gamepad supported in this browser: '+game.input.gamepad.supported);
activeText.setText('Gamepad input active: '+game.input.gamepad.active);
gamepadCountText.setText('Gamepads connected: '+game.input.gamepad.padsConnected);
updatePadStatusText(pad1._rawPad, pad1Text, 1);
updatePadStatusText(pad2._rawPad, pad2Text, 2);
updatePadStatusText(pad3._rawPad, pad3Text, 3);
updatePadStatusText(pad4._rawPad, pad4Text, 4);
updatePadsButtonsAxes(pad1._rawPad, pad1StateText, 1);
updatePadsButtonsAxes(pad2._rawPad, pad2StateText, 2);
updatePadsButtonsAxes(pad3._rawPad, pad3StateText, 3);
updatePadsButtonsAxes(pad4._rawPad, pad4StateText, 4);
function updatePadStatusText(rawPad, padText, num) {
if(rawPad) {
padText.setText('Pad '+num+': [ index: '+rawPad['index']+' | id: '+rawPad['id']
+' | timestamp: '+rawPad['timestamp']+']'
+' | buttons: '+rawPad.buttons.length
+' | axes: '+rawPad.axes.length
} else {
padText.setText('Pad '+num+': Not connected');
function updatePadsButtonsAxes(rawPad, padStateText, num) {
if(rawPad) {
var txt = 'Pad '+num+' buttons/axes: \n';
for (var i = 0; i < rawPad.buttons.length; i += 1) {
txt += 'Button '+i+': '+rawPad.buttons[i]+'\n';
for (var i = 0; i < rawPad.axes.length; i += 1) {
txt += 'Axis '+i+': '+rawPad.axes[i]+'\n';
function setupText() {
var style = { font: "12px Arial", fill: "#ffffff", align: "left" };
var tinyStyle = { font: "10px Arial", fill: "#ffffff", align: "left" };
supportedText = game.add.text(10, 10, 'Gamepad supported in this browser: '+game.input.gamepad.supported, style);
activeText = game.add.text(10, 30, 'Gamepad input active: '+game.input.gamepad.active, style);
gamepadCountText = game.add.text(10, 50, 'Gamepads connected: '+game.input.gamepad.padsConnected, style);
pad1StateText = game.add.text(10, 300, 'Pad 1 buttons/axes: ', tinyStyle);
pad2StateText = game.add.text(200, 300, 'Pad 2 buttons/axes: ', tinyStyle);
pad3StateText = game.add.text(390, 300, 'Pad 3 buttons/axes: ', tinyStyle);
pad4StateText = game.add.text(580, 300, 'Pad 4 buttons/axes: ', tinyStyle);
// Setting up infotext and callbacks for all separate four gamepads
pad1 = game.input.gamepad.pad1;
pad1Text = game.add.text(10, 80, 'Pad 1: ', style);
pad2 = game.input.gamepad.pad2;
pad2Text = game.add.text(10, 100, 'Pad 2: ', style);
pad3 = game.input.gamepad.pad3;
pad3Text = game.add.text(10, 120, 'Pad 3: ', style);
pad4 = game.input.gamepad.pad4;
pad4Text = game.add.text(10, 140, 'Pad 4: ', style);
activityPad1Text = game.add.text(10, 180, 'Last activity pad 1: ', style);
addPadCallbacks(pad1, activityPad1Text, 1);
activityPad2Text = game.add.text(10, 200, 'Last activity pad 2: ', style);
addPadCallbacks(pad2, activityPad2Text, 2);
activityPad3Text = game.add.text(10, 220, 'Last activity pad 3: ', style);
addPadCallbacks(pad3, activityPad3Text, 3);
activityPad4Text = game.add.text(10, 240, 'Last activity pad 4: ', style);
addPadCallbacks(pad4, activityPad4Text, 4);
activityGlobalText = game.add.text(10, 270, 'Last activity all pads: ', style);
// Here we're setting callbacks that will trigger from ALL gamepads connected
game.input.gamepad.addCallbacks(this, {
onConnect: function(padIndex){
activityGlobalText.setText('Last activity all pads: Connected with pad index '+padIndex);
onDisconnect: function(padIndex){
activityGlobalText.setText('Last activity all pads: Disconnected with pad index '+padIndex);
onDown: function(buttonCode, value, padIndex){
activityGlobalText.setText('Last activity all pads: Pad index '+padIndex+' buttonCode: '+buttonCode+' | value: '+value);
onUp: function(buttonCode, value, padIndex){
activityGlobalText.setText('Last activity all pads: Pad index '+padIndex+' buttonCode: '+buttonCode+' | value: '+value);
onAxis: function(axisState, padIndex) {
activityGlobalText.setText('Last activity all pads: Pad index '+padIndex+': axis '+axisState.axis+': '+axisState.value);
onFloat: function(buttonCode, value, padIndex) {
activityGlobalText.setText('Last activity all pads: Pad index '+padIndex+' buttonCode: '+buttonCode+' | value (float): '+value);
function addPadCallbacks(pad, text, index) {
pad.addCallbacks(this, {
onConnect: function(){
text.setText('Last activity pad '+index+': Connected');
onDisconnect: function(){
text.setText('Last activity pad '+index+': Disconnected');
onDown: function(buttonCode, value){
text.setText('Last activity pad '+index+': buttonCode: '+buttonCode+' | value: '+value);
onUp: function(buttonCode, value){
text.setText('Last activity pad '+index+': buttonCode: '+buttonCode+' | value: '+value);
onAxis: function(axisState) {
text.setText('Last activity pad '+index+': axis '+axisState.axis+': '+axisState.value);
onFloat: function(buttonCode, value) {
text.setText('Last activity pad '+index+': buttonCode: '+buttonCode+' | value (float): '+value);
} |