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/// <reference path="../../math/Vec2.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../geom/Point.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../math/Vec2Utils.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../math/Transform.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../math/TransformUtils.ts" />
/// <reference path="Manager.ts" />
/// <reference path="joints/Joint.ts" />
/// <reference path="Bounds.ts" />
/// <reference path="Space.ts" />
/// <reference path="shapes/IShape.ts" />
/// <reference path="shapes/Triangle.ts" />
/// <reference path="shapes/Circle.ts" />
/// <reference path="shapes/Box.ts" />
/// <reference path="shapes/Poly.ts" />
/// <reference path="shapes/Segment.ts" />
* Phaser - Advanced Physics - Body
* Based on the work Ju Hyung Lee started in JS PhyRus.
module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
export class Body {
constructor(sprite: Phaser.Sprite, type: number, x?: number = 0, y?: number = 0) {
this.id = Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Manager.bodyCounter++;
this.name = 'body' + this.id;
this.type = type;
if (sprite)
this.sprite = sprite;
this.game = sprite.game;
this.position = new Phaser.Vec2(Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Manager.pixelsToMeters(sprite.x), Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Manager.pixelsToMeters(sprite.y));
this.angle = sprite.rotation;
this.position = new Phaser.Vec2(Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Manager.pixelsToMeters(x), Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Manager.pixelsToMeters(y));
this.angle = 0;
this.transform = new Phaser.Transform(this.position, this.angle);
this.centroid = new Phaser.Vec2;
this.velocity = new Phaser.Vec2;
this.force = new Phaser.Vec2;
this.angularVelocity = 0;
this.torque = 0;
this.linearDamping = 0;
this.angularDamping = 0;
this.sleepTime = 0;
this.awaked = false;
this.shapes = [];
this.joints = [];
this.jointHash = {};
this.bounds = new Bounds;
this.fixedRotation = false;
this.categoryBits = 0x0001;
this.maskBits = 0xFFFF;
this.stepCount = 0;
private _tempVec2: Phaser.Vec2 = new Phaser.Vec2;
* Reference to Phaser.Game
public game: Game;
* Reference to the parent Sprite
public sprite: Phaser.Sprite;
* The Body ID
public id: number;
* The Body name
public name: string;
* The type of Body (disabled, dynamic, static or kinematic)
* Disabled = skips all physics operations / tests (default)
* Dynamic = gives and receives impacts
* Static = gives but doesn't receive impacts, cannot be moved by physics
* Kinematic = gives impacts, but never receives, can be moved by physics
* @type {number}
public type: number;
public angle: number;
// Local to world transform
public transform: Phaser.Transform;
// Local center of mass
public centroid: Phaser.Vec2;
// World position of centroid
public position: Phaser.Vec2;
// Velocity
public velocity: Phaser.Vec2;
// Force
public force: Phaser.Vec2;
// Angular velocity
public angularVelocity: number;
// Torque
public torque: number;
// Linear damping
public linearDamping: number;
// Angular damping
public angularDamping: number;
// Sleep time
public sleepTime: number;
// Awaked
public awaked: bool;
// Shapes
public shapes: IShape[] = [];
// Joints
public joints: IJoint[] = [];
public jointHash = {};
// Bounds of all shapes
public bounds: Bounds;
public mass: number;
public massInverted: number;
public inertia: number;
public inertiaInverted: number;
public fixedRotation = false;
public categoryBits = 0x0001;
public maskBits = 0xFFFF;
public stepCount = 0;
public space: Space;
public duplicate() {
//console.log('body duplicate called');
//var body = new Body(this.type, this.transform.t, this.angle);
//for (var i = 0; i < this.shapes.length; i++)
// body.addShape(this.shapes[i].duplicate());
//return body;
public get isDisabled(): bool {
return this.type == Phaser.Types.BODY_DISABLED ? true : false;
public get isStatic(): bool {
return this.type == Phaser.Types.BODY_STATIC ? true : false;
public get isKinetic(): bool {
return this.type == Phaser.Types.BODY_KINETIC ? true : false;
public get isDynamic(): bool {
return this.type == Phaser.Types.BODY_DYNAMIC ? true : false;
public setType(type: number) {
if (type == this.type)
this.force.setTo(0, 0);
this.velocity.setTo(0, 0);
this.torque = 0;
this.angularVelocity = 0;
this.type = type;
public addPoly(verts, elasticity?: number = 1, friction?: number = 1, density?: number = 1): Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Shapes.Poly {
var poly: Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Shapes.Poly = new Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Shapes.Poly(verts);
poly.elasticity = elasticity;
poly.friction = friction;
poly.density = density;
return poly;
public addTriangle(x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number, x3: number, y3: number, elasticity?: number = 1, friction?: number = 1, density?: number = 1): Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Shapes.Triangle {
var tri: Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Shapes.Triangle = new Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Shapes.Triangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3);
tri.elasticity = elasticity;
tri.friction = friction;
tri.density = density;
return tri;
public addBox(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, elasticity?: number = 1, friction?: number = 1, density?: number = 1): Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Shapes.Box {
var box: Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Shapes.Box = new Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Shapes.Box(x, y, width, height);
box.elasticity = elasticity;
box.friction = friction;
box.density = density;
return box;
public addCircle(radius: number, x?: number = 0, y?: number = 0, elasticity?: number = 1, friction?: number = 1, density?: number = 1): Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Shapes.Circle {
var circle: Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Shapes.Circle = new Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Shapes.Circle(radius, x, y);
circle.elasticity = elasticity;
circle.friction = friction;
circle.density = density;
return circle;
public addShape(shape) {
// Check not already part of this body
shape.body = this;
return shape;
public removeShape(shape) {
var index = this.shapes.indexOf(shape);
if (index != -1)
this.shapes.splice(index, 1);
shape.body = undefined;
private setMass(mass) {
this.mass = mass;
this.massInverted = mass > 0 ? 1 / mass : 0;
private setInertia(inertia) {
this.inertia = inertia;
this.inertiaInverted = inertia > 0 ? 1 / inertia : 0;
public setTransform(pos, angle) {
this.transform.setTo(pos, angle);
// inject the transform into this.position
Phaser.TransformUtils.transform(this.transform, this.centroid, this.position);
this.angle = angle;
public syncTransform() {
//var rotc: Phaser.Vec2 = this.transform.rotate(this.centroid);
//var sub: Phaser.Vec2 = Phaser.Vec2Utils.subtract(this.position, rotc);
// this.transform.setPosition(vec2.sub(this.position, this.transform.rotate(this.centroid)));
//Phaser.Vec2Utils.subtract(this.position, this.transform.rotate(this.centroid), this.transform.t);
// OPTIMISE: Creating new vector
Phaser.Vec2Utils.subtract(this.position, Phaser.TransformUtils.rotate(this.transform, this.centroid), this.transform.t);
public getWorldPoint(p:Phaser.Vec2) {
// OPTIMISE: Creating new vector
return Phaser.TransformUtils.transform(this.transform, p);
public getWorldVector(v) {
// OPTIMISE: Creating new vector
return Phaser.TransformUtils.rotate(this.transform, v);
public getLocalPoint(p) {
// OPTIMISE: Creating new vector
return Phaser.TransformUtils.untransform(this.transform, p);
public getLocalVector(v) {
// OPTIMISE: Creating new vector
return Phaser.TransformUtils.unrotate(this.transform, v);
public setFixedRotation(flag) {
this.fixedRotation = flag;
public resetMassData() {
this.centroid.setTo(0, 0);
this.mass = 0;
this.massInverted = 0;
this.inertia = 0;
this.inertiaInverted = 0;
if (this.isDynamic == false)
Phaser.TransformUtils.transform(this.transform, this.centroid, this.position);
var totalMassCentroid = new Phaser.Vec2(0, 0);
var totalMass = 0;
var totalInertia = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < this.shapes.length; i++)
var shape = this.shapes[i];
var centroid = shape.centroid();
var mass = shape.area() * shape.density;
var inertia = shape.inertia(mass);
//console.log('rmd', centroid, shape);
totalMassCentroid.multiplyAddByScalar(centroid, mass);
totalMass += mass;
totalInertia += inertia;
//this.centroid.copy(vec2.scale(totalMassCentroid, 1 / totalMass));
Phaser.Vec2Utils.scale(totalMassCentroid, 1 / totalMass, this.centroid);
if (!this.fixedRotation)
//this.setInertia(totalInertia - totalMass * vec2.dot(this.centroid, this.centroid));
this.setInertia(totalInertia - totalMass * Phaser.Vec2Utils.dot(this.centroid, this.centroid));
//console.log("mass = " + this.m + " inertia = " + this.i);
// Move center of mass
var oldPosition: Phaser.Vec2 = Phaser.Vec2Utils.clone(this.position);
Phaser.TransformUtils.transform(this.transform, this.centroid, this.position);
// Update center of mass velocity
//this.velocity.mad(vec2.perp(vec2.sub(this.position, old_p)), this.angularVelocity);
this.velocity.multiplyAddByScalar(Phaser.Vec2Utils.perp(oldPosition, oldPosition), this.angularVelocity);
public resetJointAnchors() {
for (var i = 0; i < this.joints.length; i++)
var joint = this.joints[i];
if (!joint)
var anchor1 = joint.getWorldAnchor1();
var anchor2 = joint.getWorldAnchor2();
public cacheData() {
//console.log('Body cacheData', this.name, 'len', this.shapes.length);
for (var i = 0; i < this.shapes.length; i++)
var shape = this.shapes[i];
public updateVelocity(gravity, dt, damping) {
// this.velocity = vec2.mad(this.velocity, vec2.mad(gravity, this.force, this.massInverted), dt);
Phaser.Vec2Utils.multiplyAdd(gravity, this.force, this.massInverted, this._tempVec2);
Phaser.Vec2Utils.multiplyAdd(this.velocity, this._tempVec2, dt, this.velocity);
this.angularVelocity = this.angularVelocity + this.torque * this.inertiaInverted * dt;
// Apply damping.
// ODE: dv/dt + c * v = 0
// Solution: v(t) = v0 * exp(-c * t)
// Time step: v(t + dt) = v0 * exp(-c * (t + dt)) = v0 * exp(-c * t) * exp(-c * dt) = v * exp(-c * dt)
// v2 = exp(-c * dt) * v1
// Taylor expansion:
// v2 = (1.0f - c * dt) * v1
this.velocity.scale(this.game.math.clamp(1 - dt * (damping + this.linearDamping), 0, 1));
this.angularVelocity *= this.game.math.clamp(1 - dt * (damping + this.angularDamping), 0, 1);
this.force.setTo(0, 0);
this.torque = 0;
public updatePosition(dt) {
//console.log('body update pos', this.position.y);
//console.log('pre add temp', this._tempVec2.y);
//this.position.addself(vec2.scale(this.velocity, dt));
this.position.add(Phaser.Vec2Utils.scale(this.velocity, dt, this._tempVec2));
//console.log('post add temp', this._tempVec2.y);
//console.log('post add', this.position.y);
this.angle += this.angularVelocity * dt;
public resetForce() {
this.force.setTo(0, 0);
this.torque = 0;
public applyForce(force, p) {
if (this.isDynamic == false)
if (this.isAwake == false)
// this.f.addself(force);
// this.torque += vec2.cross(vec2.sub(p, this.p), force);
Phaser.Vec2Utils.subtract(p, this.position, this._tempVec2);
this.torque += Phaser.Vec2Utils.cross(this._tempVec2, force);
public applyForceToCenter(force) {
if (this.isDynamic == false)
if (this.isAwake == false)
public applyTorque(torque) {
if (this.isDynamic == false)
if (this.isAwake == false)
this.torque += torque;
public applyLinearImpulse(impulse, p) {
if (this.isDynamic == false)
if (this.isAwake == false)
this.velocity.multiplyAddByScalar(impulse, this.massInverted);
// this.angularVelocity += vec2.cross(vec2.sub(p, this.position), impulse) * this.inertiaInverted;
Phaser.Vec2Utils.subtract(p, this.position, this._tempVec2);
this.angularVelocity += Phaser.Vec2Utils.cross(this._tempVec2, impulse) * this.inertiaInverted;
public applyAngularImpulse(impulse: number) {
if (this.isDynamic == false)
if (this.isAwake == false)
this.angularVelocity += impulse * this.inertiaInverted;
public kineticEnergy() {
var vsq = this.velocity.dot(this.velocity);
var wsq = this.angularVelocity * this.angularVelocity;
return 0.5 * (this.mass * vsq + this.inertia * wsq);
public get isAwake(): bool {
return this.awaked;
public awake(flag) {
this.awaked = flag;
if (flag)
this.sleepTime = 0;
this.velocity.setTo(0, 0);
this.angularVelocity = 0;
this.force.setTo(0, 0);
this.torque = 0;
public isCollidable(other) {
if (this == other)
return false;
if (this.isDynamic == false && other.isDynamic == false)
return false;
if (!(this.maskBits & other.categoryBits) || !(other.maskBits & this.categoryBits))
return false;
for (var i = 0; i < this.joints.length; i++)
var joint = this.joints[i];
if (!joint)
if (!joint.collideConnected && other.jointHash[joint.id] != undefined)
return false;
return true;
} |