2014-03-24 12:41:45 +00:00

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<h1 class="page-title">Source: core/Stage.js</h1>
<pre class="sunlight-highlight-javascript linenums">/**
* @author Richard Davey &lt;>
* @copyright 2014 Photon Storm Ltd.
* @license {@link|MIT License}
* The Stage controls the canvas on which everything is displayed. It handles display within the browser,
* focus handling, game resizing, scaling and the pause, boot and orientation screens.
* @class Phaser.Stage
* @extends PIXI.Stage
* @constructor
* @param {Phaser.Game} game - Game reference to the currently running game.
* @param {number} width - Width of the canvas element.
* @param {number} height - Height of the canvas element.
Phaser.Stage = function (game, width, height) {
* @property {Phaser.Game} game - A reference to the currently running Game.
*/ = game;
* @property {Phaser.Point} offset - Holds the offset coordinates of the Game.canvas from the top-left of the browser window (used by Input and other classes)
this.offset = new Phaser.Point();, 0x000000, false);
* @property {string} name - The name of this object.
* @default
*/ = '_stage_root';
this.interactive = false;
* @property {boolean} disableVisibilityChange - By default if the browser tab loses focus the game will pause. You can stop that behaviour by setting this property to true.
* @default
this.disableVisibilityChange = false;
* @property {number|false} checkOffsetInterval - The time (in ms) between which the stage should check to see if it has moved.
* @default
this.checkOffsetInterval = 2500;
* @property {boolean} exists - If exists is true the Stage and all children are updated, otherwise it is skipped.
* @default
this.exists = true;
* @property {number} currentRenderOrderID - Reset each frame, keeps a count of the total number of objects updated.
this.currentRenderOrderID = 0;
* @property {string} hiddenVar - The page visibility API event name.
* @private
this._hiddenVar = 'hidden';
* @property {number} _nextOffsetCheck - The time to run the next offset check.
* @private
this._nextOffsetCheck = 0;
* @property {number} _backgroundColor - Stage background color.
* @private
this._backgroundColor = 0x000000;
if (game.config)
{ = Phaser.Canvas.create(width, height);['-webkit-full-screen'] = 'width: 100%; height: 100%';
Phaser.Stage.prototype = Object.create(PIXI.Stage.prototype);
Phaser.Stage.prototype.constructor = Phaser.Stage;
* This is called automatically after the plugins preUpdate and before the State.update.
* Most objects have preUpdate methods and it's where initial movement and positioning is done.
* @method Phaser.Stage#preUpdate
Phaser.Stage.prototype.preUpdate = function () {
this.currentRenderOrderID = 0;
// This can't loop in reverse, we need the orderID to be in sequence
var len = this.children.length;
for (var i = 0; i &lt; len; i++)
* This is called automatically after the State.update, but before particles or plugins update.
* @method Phaser.Stage#update
Phaser.Stage.prototype.update = function () {
var i = this.children.length;
while (i--)
* This is called automatically before the renderer runs and after the plugins have updated.
* In postUpdate this is where all the final physics calculatations and object positioning happens.
* The objects are processed in the order of the display list.
* The only exception to this is if the camera is following an object, in which case that is updated first.
* @method Phaser.Stage#postUpdate
Phaser.Stage.prototype.postUpdate = function () {
if (
var i = this.children.length;
while (i--)
if (this.children[i] !==
var i = this.children.length;
while (i--)
if (this.checkOffsetInterval !== false)
if ( > this._nextOffsetCheck)
Phaser.Canvas.getOffset(, this.offset);
this._nextOffsetCheck = + this.checkOffsetInterval;
* Parses a Game configuration object.
* @method Phaser.Stage#parseConfig
* @protected
Phaser.Stage.prototype.parseConfig = function (config) {
if (config['canvasID'])
{ = Phaser.Canvas.create(,, config['canvasID']);
{ = Phaser.Canvas.create(,;
if (config['canvasStyle'])
{ = config['canvasStyle'];
{['-webkit-full-screen'] = 'width: 100%; height: 100%';
if (config['checkOffsetInterval'])
this.checkOffsetInterval = config['checkOffsetInterval'];
if (config['disableVisibilityChange'])
this.disableVisibilityChange = config['disableVisibilityChange'];
if (config['fullScreenScaleMode'])
this.fullScreenScaleMode = config['fullScreenScaleMode'];
if (config['scaleMode'])
this.scaleMode = config['scaleMode'];
if (config['backgroundColor'])
this.backgroundColor = config['backgroundColor'];
* Initialises the stage and adds the event listeners.
* @method Phaser.Stage#boot
* @private
Phaser.Stage.prototype.boot = function () {
Phaser.Canvas.getOffset(, this.offset);
this.bounds = new Phaser.Rectangle(this.offset.x, this.offset.y,,;
var _this = this;
this._onChange = function (event) {
return _this.visibilityChange(event);
Phaser.Canvas.setUserSelect(, 'none');
Phaser.Canvas.setTouchAction(, 'none');
* Starts a page visibility event listener running, or window.blur/focus if not supported by the browser.
* @method Phaser.Stage#checkVisibility
Phaser.Stage.prototype.checkVisibility = function () {
if (document.webkitHidden !== undefined)
this._hiddenVar = 'webkitvisibilitychange';
else if (document.mozHidden !== undefined)
this._hiddenVar = 'mozvisibilitychange';
else if (document.msHidden !== undefined)
this._hiddenVar = 'msvisibilitychange';
else if (document.hidden !== undefined)
this._hiddenVar = 'visibilitychange';
this._hiddenVar = null;
// Does browser support it? If not (like in IE9 or old Android) we need to fall back to blur/focus
if (this._hiddenVar)
document.addEventListener(this._hiddenVar, this._onChange, false);
window.onpagehide = this._onChange;
window.onpageshow = this._onChange;
window.onblur = this._onChange;
window.onfocus = this._onChange;
* This method is called when the document visibility is changed.
* @method Phaser.Stage#visibilityChange
* @param {Event} event - Its type will be used to decide whether the game should be paused or not.
Phaser.Stage.prototype.visibilityChange = function (event) {
if (this.disableVisibilityChange)
if (event.type === 'pagehide' || event.type === 'blur' || event.type === 'pageshow' || event.type === 'focus')
if (event.type === 'pagehide' || event.type === 'blur')
else if (event.type === 'pageshow' || event.type === 'focus')
if (document.hidden || document.mozHidden || document.msHidden || document.webkitHidden)
* Sets the background color for the stage.
* @name Phaser.Stage#setBackgroundColor
* @param {number} backgroundColor - The color of the background, easiest way to pass this in is in hex format like: 0xFFFFFF for white.
Phaser.Stage.prototype.setBackgroundColor = function(backgroundColor)
this._backgroundColor = backgroundColor || 0x000000;
this.backgroundColorSplit = PIXI.hex2rgb(this.backgroundColor);
var hex = this._backgroundColor.toString(16);
hex = '000000'.substr(0, 6 - hex.length) + hex;
this.backgroundColorString = '#' + hex;
* @name Phaser.Stage#backgroundColor
* @property {number|string} backgroundColor - Gets and sets the background color of the stage. The color can be given as a number: 0xff0000 or a hex string: '#ff0000'
Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Stage.prototype, "backgroundColor", {
get: function () {
return this._backgroundColor;
set: function (color) {
this._backgroundColor = color;
if ( === false)
if (typeof color === 'string')
color = Phaser.Color.hexToRGB(color);
* Enable or disable texture smoothing for all objects on this Stage. Only works for bitmap/image textures. Smoothing is enabled by default.
* @name Phaser.Stage#smoothed
* @property {boolean} smoothed - Set to true to smooth all sprites rendered on this Stage, or false to disable smoothing (great for pixel art)
Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Stage.prototype, "smoothed", {
get: function () {
return !PIXI.scaleModes.LINEAR;
set: function (value) {
if (value)
PIXI.scaleModes.LINEAR = 0;
PIXI.scaleModes.LINEAR = 1;
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