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synced 2025-02-18 15:08:31 +00:00
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167 lines
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PIXI.RayTracedBallsFilter = function(width, height, texture)
PIXI.AbstractFilter.call( this );
this.passes = [this];
var d = new Date();
var dates = [
d.getFullYear(), // the year (four digits)
d.getMonth(), // the month (from 0-11)
d.getDate(), // the day of the month (from 1-31)
d.getHours()*60.0*60 + d.getMinutes()*60 + d.getSeconds()
this.uniforms = {
resolution: { type: 'f2', value: { x: width, y: height }},
mouse: { type: 'f2', value: { x: 0, y: 0 }},
time: { type: 'f', value: 1 }
// http://glsl.heroku.com/e#12288.0
// Heroku shader conversion
this.fragmentSrc = [
"precision mediump float;",
"// CBS",
"// ported from https://www.shadertoy.com/view/lslGWr",
"// Added some stars: Thanks to http://glsl.heroku.com/e#6904.0",
"// Modified for use",
"uniform float time;",
"uniform vec2 mouse;",
"uniform vec2 resolution;",
"// http://www.fractalforums.com/new-theories-and-research/very-simple-formula-for-fractal-patterns/",
"float field(in vec3 p) {",
"float strength = 7. + .03 * log(1.e-6 + fract(sin(time*0.001) * 4373.11));",
"float accum = 0.;",
"float prev = 0.;",
"float tw = 0.;",
"for (int i = 0; i < 24; ++i) {",
"float mag = dot(p, p);",
"p = abs(p) / mag + vec3(-.51, -.4, -1.3);",
"float w = exp(-float(i) / 7.);",
"accum += w * exp(-strength * pow(abs(mag - prev), 2.3));",
"tw += w;",
"prev = mag;",
"return max(0., 5. * accum / tw - .7);",
"float rand(vec2 co) {",
"return fract(sin(dot(co.xy ,vec2(12.9898,78.233))) * 43758.5453);",
"float stars(float slow_time, vec2 position) {",
"float brightness = 0.;",
"for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {",
"vec2 rand_pos = vec2(rand(vec2(i)),rand(vec2(i+1)))*2.;",
"float scale = pow(rand(vec2(i+2)),2.);",
"vec2 l_pos = rand_pos - .15*vec2(sin(slow_time/16.), sin(slow_time/12.))*scale;",
"l_pos = mod(l_pos,2.)-1.;",
"l_pos *= 1.03;",
"vec2 dist = abs(l_pos - position);",
"dist.x = min(dist.x,.1);",
"dist.y = min(dist.y,.1);",
"//float intensity = 1. - (pow(dist.x, .5*scale) + pow(dist.y, .1-.05*scale));",
"float intensity = .0005*scale/sqrt(pow(dist.x,2.)+pow(dist.y,2.));",
"intensity = clamp(intensity * 1., 0., 1.);",
"brightness = brightness + pow(4. * intensity, 2.);",
"return brightness;",
"vec3 nrand3( vec2 co )",
"vec3 a = fract( cos( co.x*8.3e-3 + co.y )*vec3(1.3e5, 4.7e5, 2.9e5) );",
"vec3 b = fract( sin( co.x*0.3e-3 + co.y )*vec3(8.1e5, 1.0e5, 0.1e5) );",
"vec3 c = mix(a, b, 1111110.5);",
"return c;",
"void main() {",
"vec2 uv = 2.0 * gl_FragCoord.xy / resolution.xy - 1.0;",
"vec2 uvs = uv * resolution.xy / max(resolution.x, resolution.y);",
"float realtime = time*000.1;",
"vec3 p = vec3(uvs / 4., 0) + vec3(2., -1.3, -1.);",
"p += 0.15 * vec3(sin(realtime / 16.), sin(realtime / 12.), sin(realtime / 128.));",
"vec3 p2 = vec3(uvs / (4.+sin(realtime*0.11)*0.2+0.2+sin(realtime*0.15)*0.3+0.4), 1.5) + vec3(2., -1.3, -1.);",
"p2 += 0.15 * vec3(sin(realtime / 16.), sin(realtime / 12.), sin(realtime / 128.));",
"float t = field(p);",
"float t2 = field(p2);",
"float v = (1. - exp((abs(uv.x) - 10.) * 6.)) * (1. - exp((abs(uv.y) - 1.) * 6.));",
"vec4 c1 = mix(.4, 1., v) * vec4(1.8 * t * t * t, 1.4 * t * t, t, 1.0);",
"vec4 c2 = mix(.4, 1., v) * vec4((sin(realtime/7.)+1.+uvs.x/16.+uvs.y/32.) * t2 * t2 * t2 * (t+9.)/10., (sin(realtime/11.)+1.-uvs.x/16.-uvs.y/32.) * t2 * t2, t2, sin(realtime/19.)/2.+.5);",
"//c1.b *= mod(gl_FragCoord.y+1.0, 2.0)*1.4;",
"c2.r *= mod(gl_FragCoord.y, 1.0)*7.4;",
"gl_FragColor = (c1 + c2)*.8-.3;//+stars(realtime,uvs);",
"gl_FragColor += vec4(vec3(stars(realtime,uvs)),1.0);",
PIXI.RayTracedBallsFilter.prototype = Object.create( PIXI.AbstractFilter.prototype );
PIXI.RayTracedBallsFilter.prototype.constructor = PIXI.RayTracedBallsFilter;
Object.defineProperty(PIXI.RayTracedBallsFilter.prototype, 'iGlobalTime', {
get: function() {
return this.uniforms.time.value;
set: function(value) {
this.uniforms.time.value = value;
var game = new Phaser.Game(800, 600, Phaser.AUTO, 'phaser-example', { preload: preload, create: create, update: update, render: render });
function preload() {
game.load.image('texture', 'wip/tex01.jpg');
var filter;
var sprite;
function create() {
sprite = game.add.sprite(0, 0, 'texture');
sprite.width = 800;
sprite.height = 600;
filter = new PIXI.RayTracedBallsFilter(sprite.width, sprite.height, sprite.texture);
sprite.filters = [filter];
function update() {
filter.iGlobalTime = game.time.totalElapsedSeconds();
filter.uniforms.mouse.value.x = game.input.x;
filter.uniforms.mouse.value.y = game.input.y;
function render() {