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synced 2025-01-11 12:48:50 +00:00
- Created a description of the object handed to the function setAnim - Added the property anim to ParticleEmitterConfig - Changed the parameters description of setAnim to better match
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* @author Richard Davey <rich@photonstorm.com>
* @copyright 2013-2023 Photon Storm Ltd.
* @license {@link https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT|MIT License}
var Class = require('../../utils/Class');
var Components = require('../components');
var ComponentsToJSON = require('../components/ToJSON');
var CopyFrom = require('../../geom/rectangle/CopyFrom');
var DeathZone = require('./zones/DeathZone');
var EdgeZone = require('./zones/EdgeZone');
var EmitterColorOp = require('./EmitterColorOp');
var EmitterOp = require('./EmitterOp');
var Events = require('./events');
var GameObject = require('../GameObject');
var GetFastValue = require('../../utils/object/GetFastValue');
var GetRandom = require('../../utils/array/GetRandom');
var GravityWell = require('./GravityWell');
var HasAny = require('../../utils/object/HasAny');
var HasValue = require('../../utils/object/HasValue');
var Inflate = require('../../geom/rectangle/Inflate');
var List = require('../../structs/List');
var MergeRect = require('../../geom/rectangle/MergeRect');
var Particle = require('./Particle');
var RandomZone = require('./zones/RandomZone');
var Rectangle = require('../../geom/rectangle/Rectangle');
var RectangleToRectangle = require('../../geom/intersects/RectangleToRectangle');
var Remove = require('../../utils/array/Remove');
var Render = require('./ParticleEmitterRender');
var StableSort = require('../../utils/array/StableSort');
var TransformMatrix = require('../components/TransformMatrix');
var Vector2 = require('../../math/Vector2');
var Wrap = require('../../math/Wrap');
var ParticleBounds = require('./ParticleBounds');
* Names of simple configuration properties.
* @ignore
var configFastMap = [
* Names of complex configuration properties.
* @ignore
var configOpMap = [
* @classdesc
* A Particle Emitter is a special kind of Game Object that controls a pool of {@link Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.Particle Particles}.
* Particle Emitters are created via a configuration object. The properties of this object
* can be specified in a variety of formats, given you plenty of scope over the values they
* return, leading to complex visual effects. Here are the different forms of configuration
* value you can give:
* ## An explicit static value:
* ```js
* x: 400
* ```
* The x value will always be 400 when the particle is spawned.
* ## A random value:
* ```js
* x: [ 100, 200, 300, 400 ]
* ```
* The x value will be one of the 4 elements in the given array, picked at random on emission.
* ## A custom callback:
* ```js
* x: (particle, key, t, value) => {
* return value + 50;
* }
* ```
* The x value is the result of calling this function. This is only used when the
* particle is emitted, so it provides it's initial starting value. It is not used
* when the particle is updated (see the onUpdate callback for that)
* ## A start / end object:
* This allows you to control the change in value between the given start and
* end parameters over the course of the particles lifetime:
* ```js
* scale: { start: 0, end: 1 }
* ```
* The particle scale will start at 0 when emitted and ease to a scale of 1
* over the course of its lifetime. You can also specify the ease function
* used for this change (the default is Linear):
* ```js
* scale: { start: 0, end: 1, ease: 'bounce.out' }
* ```
* ## A start / end random object:
* The start and end object can have an optional `random` parameter.
* This forces it to pick a random value between the two values and use
* this as the starting value, then easing to the 'end' parameter over
* its lifetime.
* ```js
* scale: { start: 4, end: 0.5, random: true }
* ```
* The particle will start with a random scale between 0.5 and 4 and then
* scale to the end value over its lifetime. You can combine the above
* with the `ease` parameter as well to control the value easing.
* ## An interpolation object:
* You can provide an array of values which will be used for interpolation
* during the particles lifetime. You can also define the interpolation
* function to be used. There are three provided: `linear` (the default),
* `bezier` and `catmull`, or you can provide your own function.
* ```js
* x: { values: [ 50, 500, 200, 800 ], interpolation: 'catmull' }
* ```
* The particle scale will interpolate from 50 when emitted to 800 via the other
* points over the course of its lifetime. You can also specify an ease function
* used to control the rate of change through the values (the default is Linear):
* ```js
* x: { values: [ 50, 500, 200, 800 ], interpolation: 'catmull', ease: 'bounce.out }
* ```
* ## A stepped emitter object:
* The `steps` parameter allows you to control the placement of sequential
* particles across the start-end range:
* ```js
* x: { steps: 32, start: 0, end: 576 }
* ```
* Here we have a range of 576 (start to end). This is divided into 32 steps.
* The first particle will emit at the x position of 0. The next will emit
* at the next 'step' along, which would be 18. The following particle will emit
* at the next step, which is 36, and so on. Because the range of 576 has been
* divided by 32, creating 18 pixels steps. When a particle reaches the 'end'
* value the next one will start from the beginning again.
* ## A stepped emitter object with yoyo:
* You can add the optional `yoyo` property to a stepped object:
* ```js
* x: { steps: 32, start: 0, end: 576, yoyo: true }
* ```
* As with the stepped emitter, particles are emitted in sequence, from 'start'
* to 'end' in step sized jumps. Normally, when a stepped emitter reaches the
* end it snaps around to the start value again. However, if you provide the 'yoyo'
* parameter then when it reaches the end it will reverse direction and start
* emitting back down to 'start' again. Depending on the effect you require this
* can often look better.
* ## A min / max object:
* This allows you to pick a random float value between the min and max properties:
* ```js
* x: { min: 100, max: 700 }
* ```
* The x value will be a random float between min and max.
* You can force it select an integer by setting the 'int' flag:
* ```js
* x: { min: 100, max: 700, int: true }
* ```
* Or, you could use the 'random' array approach (see below)
* ## A random object:
* This allows you to pick a random integer value between the first and second array elements:
* ```js
* x: { random: [ 100, 700 ] }
* ```
* The x value will be a random integer between 100 and 700 as it takes the first
* element in the 'random' array as the 'min' value and the 2nd element as the 'max' value.
* ## Custom onEmit and onUpdate callbacks:
* If the above won't give you the effect you're after, you can provide your own
* callbacks that will be used when the particle is both emitted and updated:
* ```js
* x: {
* onEmit: (particle, key, t, value) => {
* return value;
* },
* onUpdate: (particle, key, t, value) => {
* return value;
* }
* }
* ```
* You can provide either one or both functions. The `onEmit` is called at the
* start of the particles life and defines the value of the property on birth.
* The `onUpdate` function is called every time the Particle Emitter updates
* until the particle dies. Both must return a value.
* The properties are:
* particle - A reference to the Particle instance.
* key - The string based key of the property, i.e. 'x' or 'lifespan'.
* t - The current normalized lifetime of the particle, between 0 (birth) and 1 (death).
* value - The current property value. At a minimum you should return this.
* By using the above configuration options you have an unlimited about of
* control over how your particles behave.
* ## v3.55 Differences
* Prior to v3.60 Phaser used a `ParticleEmitterManager`. This was removed in v3.60
* and now calling `this.add.particles` returns a `ParticleEmitter` instance instead.
* In order to streamline memory and the display list we have removed the
* `ParticleEmitterManager` entirely. When you call `this.add.particles` you're now
* creating a `ParticleEmitter` instance, which is being added directly to the
* display list and can be manipulated just like any other Game Object, i.e.
* scaled, rotated, positioned, added to a Container, etc. It now extends the
* `GameObject` base class, meaning it's also an event emitter, which allowed us
* to create some handy new events for particles.
* So, to create an emitter, you now give it an xy coordinate, a texture and an
* emitter configuration object (you can also set this later, but most commonly
* you'd do it on creation). I.e.:
* ```js
* const emitter = this.add.particles(100, 300, 'flares', {
* frame: 'red',
* angle: { min: -30, max: 30 },
* speed: 150
* });
* ```
* This will create a 'red flare' emitter at 100 x 300.
* Please update your code to ensure it adheres to the new function signatures.
* @class ParticleEmitter
* @extends Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject
* @memberof Phaser.GameObjects.Particles
* @constructor
* @since 3.60.0
* @extends Phaser.GameObjects.Components.AlphaSingle
* @extends Phaser.GameObjects.Components.BlendMode
* @extends Phaser.GameObjects.Components.Depth
* @extends Phaser.GameObjects.Components.Mask
* @extends Phaser.GameObjects.Components.Pipeline
* @extends Phaser.GameObjects.Components.PostPipeline
* @extends Phaser.GameObjects.Components.ScrollFactor
* @extends Phaser.GameObjects.Components.Texture
* @extends Phaser.GameObjects.Components.Transform
* @extends Phaser.GameObjects.Components.Visible
* @param {Phaser.Scene} scene - The Scene to which this Game Object belongs. A Game Object can only belong to one Scene at a time.
* @param {number} [x] - The horizontal position of this Game Object in the world.
* @param {number} [y] - The vertical position of this Game Object in the world.
* @param {(string|Phaser.Textures.Texture)} [texture] - The key, or instance of the Texture this Game Object will use to render with, as stored in the Texture Manager.
* @param {Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitterConfig} [config] - Settings for this emitter.
var ParticleEmitter = new Class({
Extends: GameObject,
Mixins: [
function ParticleEmitter (scene, x, y, texture, config)
GameObject.call(this, scene, 'ParticleEmitter');
* The Particle Class which will be emitted by this Emitter.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#particleClass
* @type {function}
* @default Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.Particle
* @since 3.0.0
* @see Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleClassConstructor
this.particleClass = Particle;
* An internal object holding all of the EmitterOp instances.
* These are populated as part of the Emitter configuration parsing.
* You typically do not access them directly, but instead use the
* provided getters and setters on this class, such as `ParticleEmitter.speedX` etc.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#ops
* @type {Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitterOps}
* @since 3.60.0
this.ops = {
accelerationX: new EmitterOp('accelerationX', 0),
accelerationY: new EmitterOp('accelerationY', 0),
alpha: new EmitterOp('alpha', 1),
angle: new EmitterOp('angle', { min: 0, max: 360 }, true),
bounce: new EmitterOp('bounce', 0),
color: new EmitterColorOp('color'),
delay: new EmitterOp('delay', 0, true),
hold: new EmitterOp('hold', 0, true),
lifespan: new EmitterOp('lifespan', 1000, true),
maxVelocityX: new EmitterOp('maxVelocityX', 10000),
maxVelocityY: new EmitterOp('maxVelocityY', 10000),
moveToX: new EmitterOp('moveToX', 0),
moveToY: new EmitterOp('moveToY', 0),
quantity: new EmitterOp('quantity', 1, true),
rotate: new EmitterOp('rotate', 0),
scaleX: new EmitterOp('scaleX', 1),
scaleY: new EmitterOp('scaleY', 1),
speedX: new EmitterOp('speedX', 0, true),
speedY: new EmitterOp('speedY', 0, true),
tint: new EmitterOp('tint', 0xffffff),
x: new EmitterOp('x', 0),
y: new EmitterOp('y', 0)
* A radial emitter will emit particles in all directions between angle min and max,
* using {@link Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#speed} as the value. If set to false then this acts as a point Emitter.
* A point emitter will emit particles only in the direction derived from the speedX and speedY values.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#radial
* @type {boolean}
* @default true
* @since 3.0.0
* @see Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#setRadial
this.radial = true;
* Horizontal acceleration applied to emitted particles, in pixels per second squared.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#gravityX
* @type {number}
* @default 0
* @since 3.0.0
* @see Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#setGravity
this.gravityX = 0;
* Vertical acceleration applied to emitted particles, in pixels per second squared.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#gravityY
* @type {number}
* @default 0
* @since 3.0.0
* @see Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#setGravity
this.gravityY = 0;
* Whether accelerationX and accelerationY are non-zero. Set automatically during configuration.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#acceleration
* @type {boolean}
* @default false
* @since 3.0.0
this.acceleration = false;
* Whether moveToX and moveToY are set. Set automatically during configuration.
* When true the particles move toward the moveToX and moveToY coordinates and arrive at the end of their life.
* Emitter angle, speedX, and speedY are ignored.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#moveTo
* @type {boolean}
* @default false
* @since 3.0.0
this.moveTo = false;
* A function to call when a particle is emitted.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#emitCallback
* @type {?Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitterCallback}
* @default null
* @since 3.0.0
this.emitCallback = null;
* The calling context for {@link Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#emitCallback}.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#emitCallbackScope
* @type {?*}
* @default null
* @since 3.0.0
this.emitCallbackScope = null;
* A function to call when a particle dies.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#deathCallback
* @type {?Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleDeathCallback}
* @default null
* @since 3.0.0
this.deathCallback = null;
* The calling context for {@link Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#deathCallback}.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#deathCallbackScope
* @type {?*}
* @default null
* @since 3.0.0
this.deathCallbackScope = null;
* Set to hard limit the amount of particle objects this emitter is allowed to create
* in total. This is the number of `Particle` instances it can create, not the number
* of 'alive' particles.
* 0 means unlimited.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#maxParticles
* @type {number}
* @default 0
* @since 3.0.0
this.maxParticles = 0;
* The maximum number of alive and rendering particles this emitter will update.
* When this limit is reached, a particle needs to die before another can be emitted.
* 0 means no limits.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#maxAliveParticles
* @type {number}
* @default 0
* @since 3.60.0
this.maxAliveParticles = 0;
* If set, either via the Emitter config, or by directly setting this property,
* the Particle Emitter will stop emitting particles once this total has been
* reached. It will then enter a 'stopped' state, firing the `STOP`
* event. Note that entering a stopped state doesn't mean all the particles
* have finished, just that it's not emitting any further ones.
* To know when the final particle expires, listen for the COMPLETE event.
* Use this if you wish to launch an exact number of particles and then stop
* your emitter afterwards.
* The counter is reset each time the `ParticleEmitter.start` method is called.
* 0 means the emitter will not stop based on total emitted particles.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#stopAfter
* @type {number}
* @default 0
* @since 3.60.0
this.stopAfter = 0;
* The number of milliseconds this emitter will emit particles for when in flow mode,
* before it stops emission. A value of 0 (the default) means there is no duration.
* When the duration expires the `STOP` event is emitted. Note that entering a
* stopped state doesn't mean all the particles have finished, just that it's
* not emitting any further ones.
* To know when the final particle expires, listen for the COMPLETE event.
* The counter is reset each time the `ParticleEmitter.start` method is called.
* 0 means the emitter will not stop based on duration.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#duration
* @type {number}
* @default 0
* @since 3.60.0
this.duration = 0;
* For a flow emitter, the time interval (>= 0) between particle flow cycles in ms.
* A value of 0 means there is one particle flow cycle for each logic update (the maximum flow frequency). This is the default setting.
* For an exploding emitter, this value will be -1.
* Calling {@link Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#flow} also puts the emitter in flow mode (frequency >= 0).
* Calling {@link Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#explode} also puts the emitter in explode mode (frequency = -1).
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#frequency
* @type {number}
* @default 0
* @since 3.0.0
* @see Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#setFrequency
this.frequency = 0;
* Controls if the emitter is currently emitting a particle flow (when frequency >= 0).
* Already alive particles will continue to update until they expire.
* Controlled by {@link Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#start} and {@link Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#stop}.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#emitting
* @type {boolean}
* @default true
* @since 3.0.0
this.emitting = true;
* Newly emitted particles are added to the top of the particle list, i.e. rendered above those already alive.
* Set to false to send them to the back.
* Also see the `sortOrder` property for more complex particle sorting.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#particleBringToTop
* @type {boolean}
* @default true
* @since 3.0.0
this.particleBringToTop = true;
* The time rate applied to active particles, affecting lifespan, movement, and tweens. Values larger than 1 are faster than normal.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#timeScale
* @type {number}
* @default 1
* @since 3.0.0
this.timeScale = 1;
* An array containing Particle Emission Zones. These can be either EdgeZones or RandomZones.
* Particles are emitted from a randomly selected zone from this array.
* Prior to Phaser v3.60 an Emitter could only have one single Emission Zone.
* In 3.60 they can now have an array of Emission Zones.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#emitZones
* @type {Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.Zones.EdgeZone[]|Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.Zones.RandomZone[]}
* @since 3.60.0
* @see Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#setEmitZone
this.emitZones = [];
* An array containing Particle Death Zone objects. A particle is immediately killed as soon as its x/y coordinates
* intersect with any of the configured Death Zones.
* Prior to Phaser v3.60 an Emitter could only have one single Death Zone.
* In 3.60 they can now have an array of Death Zones.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#deathZones
* @type {Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.Zones.DeathZone[]}
* @since 3.60.0
* @see Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#setDeathZone
this.deathZones = [];
* An optional Rectangle object that is used during rendering to cull Particles from
* display. For example, if your particles are limited to only move within a 300x300
* sized area from their origin, then you can set this Rectangle to those dimensions.
* The renderer will check to see if the `viewBounds` Rectangle intersects with the
* Camera bounds during the render step and if not it will skip rendering the Emitter
* entirely.
* This allows you to create many emitters in a Scene without the cost of
* rendering if the contents aren't visible.
* Note that the Emitter will not perform any checks to see if the Particles themselves
* are outside of these bounds, or not. It will simply check the bounds against the
* camera. Use the `getBounds` method with the `advance` parameter to help define
* the location and placement of the view bounds.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#viewBounds
* @type {?Phaser.Geom.Rectangle}
* @default null
* @since 3.60.0
* @see Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#setViewBounds
this.viewBounds = null;
* A Game Object whose position is used as the particle origin.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#follow
* @type {?Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject}
* @default null
* @since 3.0.0
* @see Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#startFollow
* @see Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#stopFollow
this.follow = null;
* The offset of the particle origin from the {@link Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#follow} target.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#followOffset
* @type {Phaser.Math.Vector2}
* @since 3.0.0
* @see Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#startFollow
this.followOffset = new Vector2();
* Whether the emitter's {@link Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#visible} state will track
* the {@link Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#follow} target's visibility state.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#trackVisible
* @type {boolean}
* @default false
* @since 3.0.0
* @see Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#startFollow
this.trackVisible = false;
* The texture frames assigned to particles.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#frames
* @type {Phaser.Textures.Frame[]}
* @since 3.0.0
this.frames = [];
* Whether texture {@link Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#frames} are selected at random.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#randomFrame
* @type {boolean}
* @default true
* @since 3.0.0
* @see Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#setEmitterFrame
this.randomFrame = true;
* The number of consecutive particles that receive a single texture frame (per frame cycle).
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#frameQuantity
* @type {number}
* @default 1
* @since 3.0.0
* @see Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#setEmitterFrame
this.frameQuantity = 1;
* The animations assigned to particles.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#anims
* @type {string[]}
* @since 3.60.0
this.anims = [];
* Whether animations {@link Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#anims} are selected at random.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#randomAnim
* @type {boolean}
* @default true
* @since 3.60.0
* @see Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#setAnim
this.randomAnim = true;
* The number of consecutive particles that receive a single animation (per frame cycle).
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#animQuantity
* @type {number}
* @default 1
* @since 3.60.0
* @see Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#setAnim
this.animQuantity = 1;
* An array containing all currently inactive Particle instances.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#dead
* @type {Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.Particle[]}
* @private
* @since 3.0.0
this.dead = [];
* An array containing all currently live and rendering Particle instances.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#alive
* @type {Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.Particle[]}
* @private
* @since 3.0.0
this.alive = [];
* Internal array that holds counter data:
* 0 - flowCounter - The time until next flow cycle.
* 1 - frameCounter - Counts up to {@link Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#frameQuantity}.
* 2 - animCounter - Counts up to animQuantity.
* 3 - elapsed - The time remaining until the `duration` limit is reached.
* 4 - stopCounter - The number of particles remaining until `stopAfter` limit is reached.
* 5 - completeFlag - Has the COMPLETE event been emitted?
* 6 - zoneIndex - The emit zone index counter.
* 7 - zoneTotal - The emit zone total counter.
* 8 - currentFrame - The current texture frame, as an index of {@link Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#frames}.
* 9 - currentAnim - The current animation, as an index of {@link Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#anims}.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#counters
* @type {Float32Array}
* @private
* @since 3.60.0
this.counters = new Float32Array(10);
* An internal property used to tell when the emitter is in fast-forwarc mode.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#skipping
* @type {boolean}
* @default true
* @since 3.60.0
this.skipping = false;
* An internal Transform Matrix used to cache this emitters world matrix.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#worldMatrix
* @type {Phaser.GameObjects.Components.TransformMatrix}
* @since 3.60.0
this.worldMatrix = new TransformMatrix();
* Optionally sort the particles before they render based on this
* property. The property must exist on the `Particle` class, such
* as `y`, `lifeT`, `scaleX`, etc.
* When set this overrides the `particleBringToTop` setting.
* To reset this and disable sorting, so this property to an empty string.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#sortProperty
* @type {string}
* @since 3.60.0
this.sortProperty = '';
* When `sortProperty` is defined this controls the sorting order,
* either ascending or descending. Toggle to control the visual effect.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#sortOrderAsc
* @type {boolean}
* @since 3.60.0
this.sortOrderAsc = true;
* The callback used to sort the particles. Only used if `sortProperty`
* has been set. Set this via the `setSortCallback` method.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#sortCallback
* @type {?Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleSortCallback}
* @since 3.60.0
this.sortCallback = this.depthSortCallback;
* A list of Particle Processors being managed by this Emitter.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#processors
* @type {Phaser.Structs.List.<Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleProcessor>}
* @since 3.60.0
this.processors = new List(this);
* The tint fill mode used by the Particles in this Emitter.
* `false` = An additive tint (the default), where vertices colors are blended with the texture.
* `true` = A fill tint, where the vertices colors replace the texture, but respects texture alpha.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#tintFill
* @type {boolean}
* @default false
* @since 3.60.0
this.tintFill = false;
this.setPosition(x, y);
if (config)
// Overrides Game Object method
addedToScene: function ()
// Overrides Game Object method
removedFromScene: function ()
* Takes an Emitter Configuration file and resets this Emitter, using any
* properties defined in the config to then set it up again.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#setConfig
* @since 3.60.0
* @param {Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitterConfig} config - Settings for this emitter.
* @return {this} This Particle Emitter.
setConfig: function (config)
if (!config)
return this;
var i = 0;
var key = '';
var ops = this.ops;
for (i = 0; i < configOpMap.length; i++)
key = configOpMap[i];
for (i = 0; i < configFastMap.length; i++)
key = configFastMap[i];
// Only update properties from their current state if they exist in the given config
if (HasValue(config, key))
this[key] = GetFastValue(config, key);
this.acceleration = (this.accelerationX !== 0 || this.accelerationY !== 0);
this.moveTo = (this.moveToX !== 0 && this.moveToY !== 0);
// Special 'speed' override
if (HasValue(config, 'speed'))
ops.speedX.loadConfig(config, 'speed');
ops.speedY.active = false;
// If you specify speedX, speedY or moveTo then it changes the emitter from radial to a point emitter
if (HasAny(config, [ 'speedX', 'speedY' ]) || this.moveTo)
this.radial = false;
// Special 'scale' override
if (HasValue(config, 'scale'))
ops.scaleX.loadConfig(config, 'scale');
ops.scaleY.active = false;
if (HasValue(config, 'callbackScope'))
var callbackScope = GetFastValue(config, 'callbackScope', null);
this.emitCallbackScope = callbackScope;
this.deathCallbackScope = callbackScope;
if (HasValue(config, 'emitZone'))
if (HasValue(config, 'deathZone'))
if (HasValue(config, 'bounds'))
var bounds = this.addParticleBounds(config.bounds);
bounds.collideLeft = GetFastValue(config, 'collideLeft', true);
bounds.collideRight = GetFastValue(config, 'collideRight', true);
bounds.collideTop = GetFastValue(config, 'collideTop', true);
bounds.collideBottom = GetFastValue(config, 'collideBottom', true);
if (HasValue(config, 'followOffset'))
this.followOffset.setFromObject(GetFastValue(config, 'followOffset', 0));
if (HasValue(config, 'texture'))
if (HasValue(config, 'frame'))
else if (HasValue(config, 'anim'))
if (HasValue(config, 'reserve'))
if (HasValue(config, 'advance'))
this.resetCounters(this.frequency, this.emitting);
if (this.emitting)
this.emit(Events.START, this);
return this;
* Creates a description of this emitter suitable for JSON serialization.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#toJSON
* @since 3.0.0
* @return {Phaser.Types.GameObjects.JSONGameObject} A JSON representation of the Game Object.
toJSON: function ()
var output = ComponentsToJSON(this);
var i = 0;
var key = '';
for (i = 0; i < configFastMap.length; i++)
key = configFastMap[i];
output[key] = this[key];
var ops = this.ops;
for (i = 0; i < configOpMap.length; i++)
key = configOpMap[i];
if (ops[key])
output[key] = ops[key].toJSON();
// special handlers
if (!ops.speedY.active)
delete output.speedX;
output.speed = ops.speedX.toJSON();
if (this.scaleX === this.scaleY)
delete output.scaleX;
delete output.scaleY;
output.scale = ops.scaleX.toJSON();
return output;
* Resets the internal counter trackers.
* You shouldn't ever need to call this directly.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#resetCounters
* @since 3.60.0
* @param {number} frequency - The frequency counter.
* @param {boolean} on - Set the complete flag.
resetCounters: function (frequency, on)
var counters = this.counters;
counters[0] = frequency;
if (on)
counters[5] = 1;
* Continuously moves the particle origin to follow a Game Object's position.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#startFollow
* @since 3.0.0
* @param {Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject} target - The Game Object to follow.
* @param {number} [offsetX=0] - Horizontal offset of the particle origin from the Game Object.
* @param {number} [offsetY=0] - Vertical offset of the particle origin from the Game Object.
* @param {boolean} [trackVisible=false] - Whether the emitter's visible state will track the target's visible state.
* @return {this} This Particle Emitter.
startFollow: function (target, offsetX, offsetY, trackVisible)
if (offsetX === undefined) { offsetX = 0; }
if (offsetY === undefined) { offsetY = 0; }
if (trackVisible === undefined) { trackVisible = false; }
this.follow = target;
this.followOffset.set(offsetX, offsetY);
this.trackVisible = trackVisible;
return this;
* Stops following a Game Object.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#stopFollow
* @since 3.0.0
* @return {this} This Particle Emitter.
stopFollow: function ()
this.follow = null;
this.followOffset.set(0, 0);
this.trackVisible = false;
return this;
* Chooses a texture frame from {@link Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#frames}.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#getFrame
* @since 3.0.0
* @return {Phaser.Textures.Frame} The texture frame.
getFrame: function ()
var frames = this.frames;
var len = frames.length;
var current;
if (len === 1)
current = frames[0];
else if (this.randomFrame)
current = GetRandom(frames);
current = frames[this.currentFrame];
if (this.frameCounter === this.frameQuantity)
this.frameCounter = 0;
if (this.currentFrame === len)
this.currentFrame = 0;
return this.texture.get(current);
* Sets a pattern for assigning texture frames to emitted particles. The `frames` configuration can be any of:
* frame: 0
* frame: 'red'
* frame: [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ]
* frame: [ 'red', 'green', 'blue', 'pink', 'white' ]
* frame: { frames: [ 'red', 'green', 'blue', 'pink', 'white' ], [cycle: bool], [quantity: int] }
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#setEmitterFrame
* @since 3.0.0
* @param {(array|string|number|Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitterFrameConfig)} frames - One or more texture frames, or a configuration object.
* @param {boolean} [pickRandom=true] - Whether frames should be assigned at random from `frames`.
* @param {number} [quantity=1] - The number of consecutive particles that will receive each frame.
* @return {this} This Particle Emitter.
setEmitterFrame: function (frames, pickRandom, quantity)
if (pickRandom === undefined) { pickRandom = true; }
if (quantity === undefined) { quantity = 1; }
this.randomFrame = pickRandom;
this.frameQuantity = quantity;
this.currentFrame = 0;
var t = typeof (frames);
this.frames.length = 0;
if (Array.isArray(frames))
this.frames = this.frames.concat(frames);
else if (t === 'string' || t === 'number')
else if (t === 'object')
var frameConfig = frames;
frames = GetFastValue(frameConfig, 'frames', null);
if (frames)
this.frames = this.frames.concat(frames);
var isCycle = GetFastValue(frameConfig, 'cycle', false);
this.randomFrame = (isCycle) ? false : true;
this.frameQuantity = GetFastValue(frameConfig, 'quantity', quantity);
if (this.frames.length === 1)
this.frameQuantity = 1;
this.randomFrame = false;
return this;
* Chooses an animation from {@link Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#anims}, if populated.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#getAnim
* @since 3.60.0
* @return {string} The animation to play, or `null` if there aren't any.
getAnim: function ()
var anims = this.anims;
var len = anims.length;
if (len === 0)
return null;
else if (len === 1)
return anims[0];
else if (this.randomAnim)
return GetRandom(anims);
var anim = anims[this.currentAnim];
if (this.animCounter >= this.animQuantity)
this.animCounter = 0;
this.currentAnim = Wrap(this.currentAnim + 1, 0, len - 1);
return anim;
* Sets a pattern for assigning animations to emitted particles. The `anims` configuration can be any of:
* anim: 'red'
* anim: [ 'red', 'green', 'blue', 'pink', 'white' ]
* anim: { anims: [ 'red', 'green', 'blue', 'pink', 'white' ], [cycle: bool], [quantity: int] }
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#setAnim
* @since 3.60.0
* @param {(string|string[]|Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitterAnimConfig)} anims - One or more animations, or a configuration object.
* @param {boolean} [pickRandom=true] - Whether animations should be assigned at random from `anims`.
* @param {number} [quantity=1] - The number of consecutive particles that will receive each animation.
* @return {this} This Particle Emitter.
setAnim: function (anims, pickRandom, quantity)
if (pickRandom === undefined) { pickRandom = true; }
if (quantity === undefined) { quantity = 1; }
this.randomAnim = pickRandom;
this.animQuantity = quantity;
this.currentAnim = 0;
var t = typeof (anims);
this.anims.length = 0;
if (Array.isArray(anims))
this.anims = this.anims.concat(anims);
else if (t === 'string')
else if (t === 'object')
var animConfig = anims;
anims = GetFastValue(animConfig, 'anims', null);
if (anims)
this.anims = this.anims.concat(anims);
var isCycle = GetFastValue(animConfig, 'cycle', false);
this.randomAnim = (isCycle) ? false : true;
this.animQuantity = GetFastValue(animConfig, 'quantity', quantity);
if (this.anims.length === 1)
this.animQuantity = 1;
this.randomAnim = false;
return this;
* Turns {@link Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#radial} particle movement on or off.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#setRadial
* @since 3.0.0
* @param {boolean} [value=true] - Radial mode (true) or point mode (true).
* @return {this} This Particle Emitter.
setRadial: function (value)
if (value === undefined) { value = true; }
this.radial = value;
return this;
* Creates a Particle Bounds processor and adds it to this Emitter.
* This processor will check to see if any of the active Particles hit
* the defined boundary, as specified by a Rectangle shape in world-space.
* If so, they are 'rebounded' back again by having their velocity adjusted.
* The strength of the rebound is controlled by the `Particle.bounce`
* property.
* You should be careful to ensure that you emit particles within a bounds,
* if set, otherwise it will lead to unpredictable visual results as the
* particles are hastily repositioned.
* The Particle Bounds processor is returned from this method. If you wish
* to modify the area you can directly change its `bounds` property, along
* with the `collideLeft` etc values.
* To disable the bounds you can either set its `active` property to `false`,
* or if you no longer require it, call `ParticleEmitter.removeParticleProcessor`.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#addParticleBounds
* @since 3.60.0
* @param {(number|Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitterBounds|Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitterBoundsAlt)} x - The x-coordinate of the left edge of the boundary, or an object representing a rectangle.
* @param {number} [y] - The y-coordinate of the top edge of the boundary.
* @param {number} [width] - The width of the boundary.
* @param {number} [height] - The height of the boundary.
* @param {boolean} [collideLeft=true] - Whether particles interact with the left edge of the bounds.
* @param {boolean} [collideRight=true] - Whether particles interact with the right edge of the bounds.
* @param {boolean} [collideTop=true] - Whether particles interact with the top edge of the bounds.
* @param {boolean} [collideBottom=true] - Whether particles interact with the bottom edge of the bounds.
* @return {Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleBounds} The Particle Bounds processor.
addParticleBounds: function (x, y, width, height, collideLeft, collideRight, collideTop, collideBottom)
if (typeof x === 'object')
var obj = x;
x = obj.x;
y = obj.y;
width = (HasValue(obj, 'w')) ? obj.w : obj.width;
height = (HasValue(obj, 'h')) ? obj.h : obj.height;
return this.addParticleProcessor(new ParticleBounds(x, y, width, height, collideLeft, collideRight, collideTop, collideBottom));
* Sets the initial radial speed of emitted particles.
* Changes the emitter to radial mode.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#setParticleSpeed
* @since 3.60.0
* @param {number} x - The horizontal speed of the emitted Particles.
* @param {number} [y=x] - The vertical speed of emitted Particles. If not set it will use the `x` value.
* @return {this} This Particle Emitter.
setParticleSpeed: function (x, y)
if (y === undefined) { y = x; }
if (x === y)
this.ops.speedY.active = false;
// If you specify speedX and Y then it changes the emitter from radial to a point emitter
this.radial = true;
return this;
* Sets the vertical and horizontal scale of the emitted particles.
* You can also set the scale of the entire emitter via `setScale`.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#setParticleScale
* @since 3.60.0
* @param {number} [x=1] - The horizontal scale of the emitted Particles.
* @param {number} [y=x] - The vertical scale of emitted Particles. If not set it will use the `x` value.
* @return {this} This Particle Emitter.
setParticleScale: function (x, y)
if (x === undefined) { x = 1; }
if (y === undefined) { y = x; }
return this;
* Sets the gravity applied to emitted particles.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#setParticleGravity
* @since 3.60.0
* @param {number} x - Horizontal acceleration due to gravity, in pixels per second squared. Set to zero for no gravity.
* @param {number} y - Vertical acceleration due to gravity, in pixels per second squared. Set to zero for no gravity.
* @return {this} This Particle Emitter.
setParticleGravity: function (x, y)
this.gravityX = x;
this.gravityY = y;
return this;
* Sets the opacity (alpha) of emitted particles.
* You can also set the alpha of the entire emitter via `setAlpha`.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#setParticleAlpha
* @since 3.60.0
* @param {(Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Particles.EmitterOpOnEmitType|Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Particles.EmitterOpOnUpdateType)} value - A value between 0 (transparent) and 1 (opaque).
* @return {this} This Particle Emitter.
setParticleAlpha: function (value)
return this;
* Sets the color tint of emitted particles.
* This is a WebGL only feature.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#setParticleTint
* @since 3.60.0
* @webglOnly
* @param {(Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Particles.EmitterOpOnEmitType|Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Particles.EmitterOpOnUpdateType)} value - A value between 0 and 0xffffff.
* @return {this} This Particle Emitter.
setParticleTint: function (value)
return this;
* Sets the angle of a {@link Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#radial} particle stream.
* The value is given in degrees using Phaser's right-handed coordinate system.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#setEmitterAngle
* @since 3.0.0
* @param {Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Particles.EmitterOpOnEmitType} value - The angle of the initial velocity of emitted particles, in degrees.
* @return {this} This Particle Emitter.
setEmitterAngle: function (value)
return this;
* Sets the lifespan of newly emitted particles in milliseconds.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#setParticleLifespan
* @since 3.60.0
* @param {Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Particles.EmitterOpOnEmitType} value - The lifespan of a particle, in ms.
* @return {this} This Particle Emitter.
setParticleLifespan: function (value)
return this;
* Sets the number of particles released at each flow cycle or explosion.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#setQuantity
* @since 3.0.0
* @param {Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Particles.EmitterOpOnEmitType} quantity - The number of particles to release at each flow cycle or explosion.
* @return {this} This Particle Emitter.
setQuantity: function (quantity)
this.quantity = quantity;
return this;
* Sets the emitter's {@link Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#frequency}
* and {@link Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#quantity}.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#setFrequency
* @since 3.0.0
* @param {number} frequency - The time interval (>= 0) of each flow cycle, in ms; or -1 to put the emitter in explosion mode.
* @param {Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Particles.EmitterOpOnEmitType} [quantity] - The number of particles to release at each flow cycle or explosion.
* @return {this} This Particle Emitter.
setFrequency: function (frequency, quantity)
this.frequency = frequency;
this.flowCounter = (frequency > 0) ? frequency : 0;
if (quantity)
this.quantity = quantity;
return this;
* Adds a new Particle Death Zone to this Emitter.
* A particle is immediately killed as soon as its x/y coordinates intersect
* with any of the configured Death Zones.
* The `source` can be a Geometry Shape, such as a Circle, Rectangle or Triangle.
* Any valid object from the `Phaser.Geometry` namespace is allowed, as long as
* it supports a `contains` function. You can set the `type` to be either `onEnter`
* or `onLeave`.
* A single Death Zone instance can only exist once within this Emitter, but can belong
* to multiple Emitters.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#addDeathZone
* @since 3.60.0
* @param {Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Particles.DeathZoneObject|Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Particles.DeathZoneObject[]} config - A Death Zone configuration object, a Death Zone instance, a valid Geometry object or an array of them.
* @return {Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.Zones.DeathZone} The Death Zone that was added to this Emitter.
addDeathZone: function (config)
if (!Array.isArray(config))
config = [ config ];
var zone;
var deathZones = this.deathZones;
for (var i = 0; i < config.length; i++)
zone = config[i];
if (zone instanceof DeathZone)
else if (typeof zone.contains === 'function')
zone = new DeathZone(zone, true);
var type = GetFastValue(zone, 'type', 'onEnter');
var source = GetFastValue(zone, 'source', null);
if (source && typeof source.contains === 'function')
var killOnEnter = (type === 'onEnter') ? true : false;
zone = new DeathZone(source, killOnEnter);
return zone;
* Removes the given Particle Death Zone from this Emitter.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#removeDeathZone
* @since 3.60.0
* @param {Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.Zones.DeathZone} zone - The Death Zone that should be removed from this Emitter.
* @return {this} This Particle Emitter.
removeDeathZone: function (zone)
Remove(this.deathZones, zone);
return this;
* Clear all Death Zones from this Particle Emitter.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#clearDeathZones
* @since 3.61.0
* @return {this} This Particle Emitter.
clearDeathZones: function ()
this.deathZones.length = 0;
return this;
* Adds a new Particle Emission Zone to this Emitter.
* An {@link Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitterEdgeZoneConfig EdgeZone} places particles on its edges.
* Its {@link Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Particles.EdgeZoneSource source} can be a Curve, Path, Circle, Ellipse, Line, Polygon, Rectangle, or Triangle;
* or any object with a suitable {@link Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Particles.EdgeZoneSourceCallback getPoints} method.
* A {@link Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitterRandomZoneConfig RandomZone} places the particles randomly within its interior.
* Its {@link RandomZoneSource source} can be a Circle, Ellipse, Line, Polygon, Rectangle, or Triangle; or any object with a suitable {@link Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Particles.RandomZoneSourceCallback getRandomPoint} method.
* An Emission Zone can only exist once within this Emitter.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#addEmitZone
* @since 3.60.0
* @param {Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Particles.EmitZoneObject|Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Particles.EmitZoneObject[]} zone - An Emission Zone configuration object, a RandomZone or EdgeZone instance, or an array of them.
* @return {Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.Zones.EdgeZone[]|Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.Zones.RandomZone[]} An array of the Emission Zones that were added to this Emitter.
addEmitZone: function (config)
if (!Array.isArray(config))
config = [ config ];
var zone;
var emitZones = this.emitZones;
var output = [];
for (var i = 0; i < config.length; i++)
zone = config[i];
if (zone instanceof RandomZone || zone instanceof EdgeZone)
// Where source = Geom like Circle, or a Path or Curve
// emitZone: { type: 'random', source: X }
// emitZone: { type: 'edge', source: X, quantity: 32, [stepRate=0], [yoyo=false], [seamless=true], [total=1] }
var type = GetFastValue(zone, 'type', 'random');
var source = GetFastValue(zone, 'source', null);
if (type === 'random')
zone = new RandomZone(source);
else if (type === 'edge')
var quantity = GetFastValue(zone, 'quantity', 1);
var stepRate = GetFastValue(zone, 'stepRate', 0);
var yoyo = GetFastValue(zone, 'yoyo', false);
var seamless = GetFastValue(zone, 'seamless', true);
var total = GetFastValue(zone, 'total', -1);
zone = new EdgeZone(source, quantity, stepRate, yoyo, seamless, total);
if (zone)
return output;
* Removes the given Particle Emission Zone from this Emitter.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#removeEmitZone
* @since 3.60.0
* @param {Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.Zones.EdgeZone|Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.Zones.RandomZone} zone - The Emission Zone that should be removed from this Emitter.
* @return {this} This Particle Emitter.
removeEmitZone: function (zone)
Remove(this.emitZones, zone);
this.zoneIndex = 0;
return this;
* Clear all Emission Zones from this Particle Emitter.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#clearEmitZones
* @since 3.61.0
* @return {this} This Particle Emitter.
clearEmitZones: function ()
this.emitZones.length = 0;
this.zoneIndex = 0;
return this;
* Takes the given particle and sets its x/y coordinates to match the next available
* emission zone, if any have been configured. This method is called automatically
* as part of the `Particle.fire` process.
* The Emit Zones are iterated in sequence. Once a zone has had a particle emitted
* from it, then the next zone is used and so on, in a loop.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#getEmitZone
* @since 3.60.0
* @param {Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.Particle} particle - The particle to set the emission zone for.
getEmitZone: function (particle)
var zones = this.emitZones;
var len = zones.length;
if (len === 0)
var zone = zones[this.zoneIndex];
if (zone.total > -1)
if (this.zoneTotal === zone.total)
this.zoneTotal = 0;
if (this.zoneIndex === len)
this.zoneIndex = 0;
* Takes the given particle and checks to see if any of the configured Death Zones
* will kill it and returns the result. This method is called automatically as part
* of the `Particle.update` process.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#getDeathZone
* @fires Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.Events#DEATH_ZONE
* @since 3.60.0
* @param {Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.Particle} particle - The particle to test against the Death Zones.
* @return {boolean} `true` if the particle should be killed, otherwise `false`.
getDeathZone: function (particle)
var zones = this.deathZones;
for (var i = 0; i < zones.length; i++)
var zone = zones[i];
if (zone.willKill(particle))
this.emit(Events.DEATH_ZONE, this, particle, zone);
return true;
return false;
* Changes the currently active Emission Zone. The zones should have already
* been added to this Emitter either via the emitter config, or the
* `addEmitZone` method.
* Call this method by passing either a numeric zone index value, or
* the zone instance itself.
* Prior to v3.60 an Emitter could only have a single Emit Zone and this
* method was how you set it. From 3.60 and up it now performs a different
* function and swaps between all available active zones.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#setEmitZone
* @since 3.0.0
* @param {number|Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.Zones.EdgeZone|Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.Zones.RandomZone} zone - The Emit Zone to set as the active zone.
* @return {this} This Particle Emitter.
setEmitZone: function (zone)
var index;
if (isFinite(zone))
index = zone;
index = this.emitZones.indexOf(zone);
if (index >= 0)
this.zoneIndex = index;
return this;
* Adds a Particle Processor, such as a Gravity Well, to this Emitter.
* It will start processing particles from the next update as long as its `active`
* property is set.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#addParticleProcessor
* @since 3.60.0
* @generic {Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleProcessor} T
* @param {T} processor - The Particle Processor to add to this Emitter Manager.
* @return {T} The Particle Processor that was added to this Emitter Manager.
addParticleProcessor: function (processor)
if (!this.processors.exists(processor))
if (processor.emitter)
processor.emitter = this;
return processor;
* Removes a Particle Processor from this Emitter.
* The Processor must belong to this Emitter to be removed.
* It is not destroyed when removed, allowing you to move it to another Emitter Manager,
* so if you no longer require it you should call its `destroy` method directly.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#removeParticleProcessor
* @since 3.60.0
* @generic {Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleProcessor} T
* @param {T} processor - The Particle Processor to remove from this Emitter Manager.
* @return {?T} The Particle Processor that was removed, or null if it could not be found.
removeParticleProcessor: function (processor)
if (this.processors.exists(processor))
this.processors.remove(processor, true);
processor.emitter = null;
return processor;
* Gets all active Particle Processors.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#getProcessors
* @since 3.60.0
* @return {Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleProcessor[]} - An array of active Particle Processors.
getProcessors: function ()
return this.processors.getAll('active', true);
* Creates a new Gravity Well, adds it to this Emitter and returns a reference to it.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#createGravityWell
* @since 3.60.0
* @param {Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Particles.GravityWellConfig} config - Configuration settings for the Gravity Well to create.
* @return {Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.GravityWell} The Gravity Well that was created.
createGravityWell: function (config)
return this.addParticleProcessor(new GravityWell(config));
* Creates inactive particles and adds them to this emitter's pool.
* If `ParticleEmitter.maxParticles` is set it will limit the
* value passed to this method to make sure it's not exceeded.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#reserve
* @since 3.0.0
* @param {number} count - The number of particles to create.
* @return {this} This Particle Emitter.
reserve: function (count)
var dead = this.dead;
if (this.maxParticles > 0)
var total = this.getParticleCount();
if (total + count > this.maxParticles)
count = this.maxParticles - (total + count);
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
dead.push(new this.particleClass(this));
return this;
* Gets the number of active (in-use) particles in this emitter.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#getAliveParticleCount
* @since 3.0.0
* @return {number} The number of particles with `active=true`.
getAliveParticleCount: function ()
return this.alive.length;
* Gets the number of inactive (available) particles in this emitter.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#getDeadParticleCount
* @since 3.0.0
* @return {number} The number of particles with `active=false`.
getDeadParticleCount: function ()
return this.dead.length;
* Gets the total number of particles in this emitter.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#getParticleCount
* @since 3.0.0
* @return {number} The number of particles, including both alive and dead.
getParticleCount: function ()
return this.getAliveParticleCount() + this.getDeadParticleCount();
* Whether this emitter is at either its hard-cap limit (maxParticles), if set, or
* the max allowed number of 'alive' particles (maxAliveParticles).
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#atLimit
* @since 3.0.0
* @return {boolean} Returns `true` if this Emitter is at its limit, or `false` if no limit, or below the `maxParticles` level.
atLimit: function ()
if (this.maxParticles > 0 && this.getParticleCount() >= this.maxParticles)
return true;
return (this.maxAliveParticles > 0 && this.getAliveParticleCount() >= this.maxAliveParticles);
* Sets a function to call for each newly emitted particle.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#onParticleEmit
* @since 3.0.0
* @param {Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitterCallback} callback - The function.
* @param {*} [context] - The calling context.
* @return {this} This Particle Emitter.
onParticleEmit: function (callback, context)
if (callback === undefined)
// Clear any previously set callback
this.emitCallback = null;
this.emitCallbackScope = null;
else if (typeof callback === 'function')
this.emitCallback = callback;
if (context)
this.emitCallbackScope = context;
return this;
* Sets a function to call for each particle death.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#onParticleDeath
* @since 3.0.0
* @param {Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleDeathCallback} callback - The function.
* @param {*} [context] - The function's calling context.
* @return {this} This Particle Emitter.
onParticleDeath: function (callback, context)
if (callback === undefined)
// Clear any previously set callback
this.deathCallback = null;
this.deathCallbackScope = null;
else if (typeof callback === 'function')
this.deathCallback = callback;
if (context)
this.deathCallbackScope = context;
return this;
* Deactivates every particle in this emitter immediately.
* This particles are killed but do not emit an event or callback.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#killAll
* @since 3.0.0
* @return {this} This Particle Emitter.
killAll: function ()
var dead = this.dead;
var alive = this.alive;
while (alive.length > 0)
return this;
* Calls a function for each active particle in this emitter. The function is
* sent two parameters: a reference to the Particle instance and to this Emitter.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#forEachAlive
* @since 3.0.0
* @param {Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitterCallback} callback - The function.
* @param {*} context - The functions calling context.
* @return {this} This Particle Emitter.
forEachAlive: function (callback, context)
var alive = this.alive;
var length = alive.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++)
// Sends the Particle and the Emitter
callback.call(context, alive[i], this);
return this;
* Calls a function for each inactive particle in this emitter.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#forEachDead
* @since 3.0.0
* @param {Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitterCallback} callback - The function.
* @param {*} context - The functions calling context.
* @return {this} This Particle Emitter.
forEachDead: function (callback, context)
var dead = this.dead;
var length = dead.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++)
callback.call(context, dead[i], this);
return this;
* Turns {@link Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#on} the emitter and resets the flow counter.
* If this emitter is in flow mode (frequency >= 0; the default), the particle flow will start (or restart).
* If this emitter is in explode mode (frequency = -1), nothing will happen.
* Use {@link Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#explode} or {@link Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#flow} instead.
* Calling this method will emit the `START` event.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#start
* @fires Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.Events#START
* @since 3.0.0
* @param {number} [advance=0] - Advance this number of ms in time through the emitter.
* @param {number} [duration=0] - Limit this emitter to only emit particles for the given number of ms. Setting this parameter will override any duration already set in the Emitter configuration object.
* @return {this} This Particle Emitter.
start: function (advance, duration)
if (advance === undefined) { advance = 0; }
if (!this.emitting)
if (advance > 0)
this.emitting = true;
this.resetCounters(this.frequency, true);
if (duration !== undefined)
this.duration = Math.abs(duration);
this.emit(Events.START, this);
return this;
* Turns {@link Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#emitting off} the emitter and
* stops it from emitting further particles. Currently alive particles will remain
* active until they naturally expire unless you set the `kill` parameter to `true`.
* Calling this method will emit the `STOP` event. When the final particle has
* expired the `COMPLETE` event will be emitted.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#stop
* @fires Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.Events#STOP
* @since 3.11.0
* @param {boolean} [kill=false] - Kill all particles immediately (true), or leave them to die after their lifespan expires? (false, the default)
* @return {this} This Particle Emitter.
stop: function (kill)
if (kill === undefined) { kill = false; }
if (this.emitting)
this.emitting = false;
if (kill)
this.emit(Events.STOP, this);
return this;
* {@link Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#active Deactivates} the emitter.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#pause
* @since 3.0.0
* @return {this} This Particle Emitter.
pause: function ()
this.active = false;
return this;
* {@link Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#active Activates} the emitter.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#resume
* @since 3.0.0
* @return {this} This Particle Emitter.
resume: function ()
this.active = true;
return this;
* Set the property by which active particles are sorted prior to be rendered.
* It allows you to control the rendering order of the particles.
* This can be any valid property of the `Particle` class, such as `y`, `alpha`
* or `lifeT`.
* The 'alive' particles array is sorted in place each game frame. Setting a
* sort property will override the `particleBringToTop` setting.
* If you wish to use your own sorting function, see `setSortCallback` instead.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#setSortProperty
* @since 3.60.0
* @param {string} [property] - The property on the `Particle` class to sort by.
* @param {boolean} [ascending=true] - Should the particles be sorted in ascending or descending order?
* @return {this} This Particle Emitter.
setSortProperty: function (property, ascending)
if (property === undefined) { property = ''; }
if (ascending === undefined) { ascending = this.true; }
this.sortProperty = property;
this.sortOrderAsc = ascending;
this.sortCallback = this.depthSortCallback;
return this;
* Sets a callback to be used to sort the particles before rendering each frame.
* This allows you to define your own logic and behavior in the callback.
* The callback will be sent two parameters: the two Particles being compared,
* and must adhere to the criteria of the `compareFn` in `Array.sort`:
* https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/sort#description
* Call this method with no parameters to reset the sort callback.
* Setting your own callback will override both the `particleBringToTop` and
* `sortProperty` settings of this Emitter.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#setSortCallback
* @since 3.60.0
* @param {Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleSortCallback} [callback] - The callback to invoke when the particles are sorted. Leave undefined to reset to the default.
* @return {this} This Particle Emitter.
setSortCallback: function (callback)
if (this.sortProperty !== '')
callback = this.depthSortCallback;
callback = null;
this.sortCallback = callback;
return this;
* Sorts active particles with {@link Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#depthSortCallback}.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#depthSort
* @since 3.0.0
* @return {this} This Particle Emitter.
depthSort: function ()
StableSort(this.alive, this.sortCallback.bind(this));
return this;
* Calculates the difference of two particles, for sorting them by depth.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#depthSortCallback
* @since 3.0.0
* @param {object} a - The first particle.
* @param {object} b - The second particle.
* @return {number} The difference of a and b's y coordinates.
depthSortCallback: function (a, b)
var key = this.sortProperty;
if (this.sortOrderAsc)
return a[key] - b[key];
return b[key] - a[key];
* Puts the emitter in flow mode (frequency >= 0) and starts (or restarts) a particle flow.
* To resume a flow at the current frequency and quantity, use {@link Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#start} instead.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#flow
* @fires Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.Events#START
* @since 3.0.0
* @param {number} frequency - The time interval (>= 0) of each flow cycle, in ms.
* @param {Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Particles.EmitterOpOnEmitType} [count=1] - The number of particles to emit at each flow cycle.
* @param {number} [stopAfter] - Stop this emitter from firing any more particles once this value is reached. Set to zero for unlimited. Setting this parameter will override any `stopAfter` value already set in the Emitter configuration object.
* @return {this} This Particle Emitter.
flow: function (frequency, count, stopAfter)
if (count === undefined) { count = 1; }
this.emitting = false;
this.frequency = frequency;
this.quantity = count;
if (stopAfter !== undefined)
this.stopAfter = stopAfter;
return this.start();
* Puts the emitter in explode mode (frequency = -1), stopping any current particle flow, and emits several particles all at once.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#explode
* @fires Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.Events#EXPLODE
* @since 3.0.0
* @param {number} [count=this.quantity] - The number of Particles to emit.
* @param {number} [x=this.x] - The x coordinate to emit the Particles from.
* @param {number} [y=this.x] - The y coordinate to emit the Particles from.
* @return {Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.Particle} The most recently emitted Particle.
explode: function (count, x, y)
this.frequency = -1;
this.resetCounters(-1, true);
var particle = this.emitParticle(count, x, y);
this.emit(Events.EXPLODE, this, particle);
return particle;
* Emits particles at the given position. If no position is given, it will
* emit from this Emitters current location.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#emitParticleAt
* @since 3.0.0
* @param {number} [x=this.x] - The x coordinate to emit the Particles from.
* @param {number} [y=this.x] - The y coordinate to emit the Particles from.
* @param {number} [count=this.quantity] - The number of Particles to emit.
* @return {Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.Particle} The most recently emitted Particle.
emitParticleAt: function (x, y, count)
return this.emitParticle(count, x, y);
* Emits particles at a given position (or the emitters current position).
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#emitParticle
* @since 3.0.0
* @param {number} [count=this.quantity] - The number of Particles to emit.
* @param {number} [x=this.x] - The x coordinate to emit the Particles from.
* @param {number} [y=this.x] - The y coordinate to emit the Particles from.
* @return {Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.Particle} The most recently emitted Particle.
* @see Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.Particle#fire
emitParticle: function (count, x, y)
if (this.atLimit())
if (count === undefined)
count = this.ops.quantity.onEmit();
var dead = this.dead;
var stopAfter = this.stopAfter;
var followX = (this.follow) ? this.follow.x + this.followOffset.x : x;
var followY = (this.follow) ? this.follow.y + this.followOffset.y : y;
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
var particle = dead.pop();
if (!particle)
particle = new this.particleClass(this);
if (particle.fire(followX, followY))
if (this.particleBringToTop)
if (this.emitCallback)
this.emitCallback.call(this.emitCallbackScope, particle, this);
if (stopAfter > 0)
if (this.stopCounter >= stopAfter)
if (this.atLimit())
return particle;
* Fast forwards this Particle Emitter and all of its particles.
* Works by running the Emitter `preUpdate` handler in a loop until the `time`
* has been reached at `delta` steps per loop.
* All callbacks and emitter related events that would normally be fired
* will still be invoked.
* You can make an emitter 'fast forward' via the emitter config using the
* `advance` property. Set this value to the number of ms you wish the
* emitter to be fast-forwarded by. Or, call this method post-creation.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#fastForward
* @since 3.60.0
* @param {number} time - The number of ms to advance the Particle Emitter by.
* @param {number} [delta] - The amount of delta to use for each step. Defaults to 1000 / 60.
* @return {this} This Particle Emitter.
fastForward: function (time, delta)
if (delta === undefined) { delta = 1000 / 60; }
var total = 0;
this.skipping = true;
while (total < Math.abs(time))
this.preUpdate(0, delta);
total += delta;
this.skipping = false;
return this;
* Updates this emitter and its particles.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#preUpdate
* @fires Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.Events#COMPLETE
* @since 3.0.0
* @param {number} time - The current timestamp as generated by the Request Animation Frame or SetTimeout.
* @param {number} delta - The delta time, in ms, elapsed since the last frame.
preUpdate: function (time, delta)
// Scale the delta
delta *= this.timeScale;
var step = (delta / 1000);
if (this.trackVisible)
this.visible = this.follow.visible;
// Any particle processors?
var processors = this.getProcessors();
var particles = this.alive;
var dead = this.dead;
var i = 0;
var rip = [];
var length = particles.length;
for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
var particle = particles[i];
// update returns `true` if the particle is now dead (lifeCurrent <= 0)
if (particle.update(delta, step, processors))
rip.push({ index: i, particle: particle });
// Move dead particles to the dead array
length = rip.length;
if (length > 0)
var deathCallback = this.deathCallback;
var deathCallbackScope = this.deathCallbackScope;
for (i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
var entry = rip[i];
// Remove from particles array
particles.splice(entry.index, 1);
// Add to dead array
// Callback
if (deathCallback)
deathCallback.call(deathCallbackScope, entry.particle);
if (!this.emitting && !this.skipping)
if (this.completeFlag === 1 && particles.length === 0)
this.completeFlag = 0;
this.emit(Events.COMPLETE, this);
if (this.frequency === 0)
else if (this.frequency > 0)
this.flowCounter -= delta;
while (this.flowCounter <= 0)
// Emits the 'quantity' number of particles
// counter = frequency - remainder from previous delta
this.flowCounter += this.frequency;
// Duration or stopAfter set?
if (!this.skipping)
if (this.duration > 0)
// elapsed
this.elapsed += delta;
if (this.elapsed >= this.duration)
if (this.stopAfter > 0 && this.stopCounter >= this.stopAfter)
* Takes either a Rectangle Geometry object or an Arcade Physics Body and tests
* to see if it intersects with any currently alive Particle in this Emitter.
* Overlapping particles are returned in an array, where you can perform further
* processing on them. If nothing overlaps then the array will be empty.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#overlap
* @since 3.60.0
* @param {(Phaser.Geom.Rectangle|Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body)} target - A Rectangle or Arcade Physics Body to check for intersection against all alive particles.
* @return {Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.Particle[]} An array of Particles that overlap with the given target.
overlap: function (target)
var matrix = this.getWorldTransformMatrix();
var alive = this.alive;
var length = alive.length;
var output = [];
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++)
var particle = alive[i];
if (RectangleToRectangle(target, particle.getBounds(matrix)))
return output;
* Returns a bounds Rectangle calculated from the bounds of all currently
* _active_ Particles in this Emitter. If this Emitter has only just been
* created and not yet rendered, then calling this method will return a Rectangle
* with a max safe integer for dimensions. Use the `advance` parameter to
* avoid this.
* Typically it takes a few seconds for a flow Emitter to 'warm up'. You can
* use the `advance` and `delta` parameters to force the Emitter to
* 'fast forward' in time to try and allow the bounds to be more accurate,
* as it will calculate the bounds based on the particle bounds across all
* timesteps, giving a better result.
* You can also use the `padding` parameter to increase the size of the
* bounds. Emitters with a lot of randomness in terms of direction or lifespan
* can often return a bounds smaller than their possible maximum. By using
* the `padding` (and `advance` if needed) you can help limit this.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#getBounds
* @since 3.60.0
* @param {number} [padding] - The amount of padding, in pixels, to add to the bounds Rectangle.
* @param {number} [advance] - The number of ms to advance the Particle Emitter by. Defaults to 0, i.e. not used.
* @param {number} [delta] - The amount of delta to use for each step. Defaults to 1000 / 60.
* @param {Phaser.Geom.Rectangle} [output] - The Rectangle to store the results in. If not given a new one will be created.
* @return {Phaser.Geom.Rectangle} A Rectangle containing the calculated bounds of this Emitter.
getBounds: function (padding, advance, delta, output)
if (padding === undefined) { padding = 0; }
if (advance === undefined) { advance = 0; }
if (delta === undefined) { delta = 1000 / 60; }
if (output === undefined) { output = new Rectangle(); }
var matrix = this.getWorldTransformMatrix();
var i;
var bounds;
var alive = this.alive;
var setFirst = false;
output.setTo(0, 0, 0, 0);
if (advance > 0)
var total = 0;
this.skipping = true;
while (total < Math.abs(advance))
this.preUpdate(0, delta);
for (i = 0; i < alive.length; i++)
bounds = alive[i].getBounds(matrix);
if (!setFirst)
setFirst = true;
CopyFrom(bounds, output);
MergeRect(output, bounds);
total += delta;
this.skipping = false;
for (i = 0; i < alive.length; i++)
bounds = alive[i].getBounds(matrix);
if (!setFirst)
setFirst = true;
CopyFrom(bounds, output);
MergeRect(output, bounds);
if (padding > 0)
Inflate(output, padding, padding);
return output;
* Prints a warning to the console if you mistakenly call this function
* thinking it works the same way as Phaser v3.55.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#createEmitter
* @since 3.60.0
createEmitter: function ()
throw new Error('createEmitter removed. See ParticleEmitter docs for info');
* The x coordinate the particles are emitted from.
* This is relative to the Emitters x coordinate and that of any parent.
* Accessing this property should typically return a number.
* However, it can be set to any valid EmitterOp onEmit type.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#particleX
* @type {Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Particles.EmitterOpOnEmitType|Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Particles.EmitterOpOnUpdateType}
* @since 3.60.0
particleX: {
get: function ()
return this.ops.x.current;
set: function (value)
* The y coordinate the particles are emitted from.
* This is relative to the Emitters x coordinate and that of any parent.
* Accessing this property should typically return a number.
* However, it can be set to any valid EmitterOp onEmit type.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#particleY
* @type {Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Particles.EmitterOpOnEmitType|Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Particles.EmitterOpOnUpdateType}
* @since 3.60.0
particleY: {
get: function ()
return this.ops.y.current;
set: function (value)
* The horizontal acceleration applied to emitted particles, in pixels per second squared.
* Accessing this property should typically return a number.
* However, it can be set to any valid EmitterOp onEmit type.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#accelerationX
* @type {Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Particles.EmitterOpOnEmitType}
* @since 3.60.0
accelerationX: {
get: function ()
return this.ops.accelerationX.current;
set: function (value)
* The vertical acceleration applied to emitted particles, in pixels per second squared.
* Accessing this property should typically return a number.
* However, it can be set to any valid EmitterOp onEmit type.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#accelerationY
* @type {Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Particles.EmitterOpOnEmitType}
* @since 3.60.0
accelerationY: {
get: function ()
return this.ops.accelerationY.current;
set: function (value)
* The maximum horizontal velocity emitted particles can reach, in pixels per second squared.
* Accessing this property should typically return a number.
* However, it can be set to any valid EmitterOp onEmit type.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#maxVelocityX
* @type {Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Particles.EmitterOpOnEmitType}
* @since 3.60.0
* @default 10000
maxVelocityX: {
get: function ()
return this.ops.maxVelocityX.current;
set: function (value)
* The maximum vertical velocity emitted particles can reach, in pixels per second squared.
* Accessing this property should typically return a number.
* However, it can be set to any valid EmitterOp onEmit type.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#maxVelocityY
* @type {Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Particles.EmitterOpOnEmitType}
* @since 3.60.0
* @default 10000
maxVelocityY: {
get: function ()
return this.ops.maxVelocityY.current;
set: function (value)
* The initial speed of emitted particles, in pixels per second.
* If using this as a getter it will return the `speedX` value.
* If using it as a setter it will update both `speedX` and `speedY` to the
* given value.
* Accessing this property should typically return a number.
* However, it can be set to any valid EmitterOp onEmit type.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#speed
* @type {Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Particles.EmitterOpOnEmitType}
* @since 3.60.0
speed: {
get: function ()
return this.ops.speedX.current;
set: function (value)
* The initial horizontal speed of emitted particles, in pixels per second.
* Accessing this property should typically return a number.
* However, it can be set to any valid EmitterOp onEmit type.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#speedX
* @type {Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Particles.EmitterOpOnEmitType}
* @since 3.60.0
speedX: {
get: function ()
return this.ops.speedX.current;
set: function (value)
* The initial vertical speed of emitted particles, in pixels per second.
* Accessing this property should typically return a number.
* However, it can be set to any valid EmitterOp onEmit type.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#speedY
* @type {Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Particles.EmitterOpOnEmitType}
* @since 3.60.0
speedY: {
get: function ()
return this.ops.speedY.current;
set: function (value)
* The x coordinate emitted particles move toward, when {@link Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#moveTo} is true.
* Accessing this property should typically return a number.
* However, it can be set to any valid EmitterOp onEmit type.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#moveToX
* @type {Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Particles.EmitterOpOnEmitType}
* @since 3.60.0
moveToX: {
get: function ()
return this.ops.moveToX.current;
set: function (value)
* The y coordinate emitted particles move toward, when {@link Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#moveTo} is true.
* Accessing this property should typically return a number.
* However, it can be set to any valid EmitterOp onEmit type.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#moveToY
* @type {Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Particles.EmitterOpOnEmitType}
* @since 3.60.0
moveToY: {
get: function ()
return this.ops.moveToY.current;
set: function (value)
* The amount of velocity particles will use when rebounding off the
* emitter bounds, if set. A value of 0 means no bounce. A value of 1
* means a full rebound.
* Accessing this property should typically return a number.
* However, it can be set to any valid EmitterOp onEmit type.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#bounce
* @type {Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Particles.EmitterOpOnEmitType}
* @since 3.60.0
bounce: {
get: function ()
return this.ops.bounce.current;
set: function (value)
* The horizontal scale of emitted particles.
* This is relative to the Emitters scale and that of any parent.
* Accessing this property should typically return a number.
* However, it can be set to any valid EmitterOp onEmit type.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#particleScaleX
* @type {Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Particles.EmitterOpOnEmitType}
* @since 3.60.0
particleScaleX: {
get: function ()
return this.ops.scaleX.current;
set: function (value)
* The vertical scale of emitted particles.
* This is relative to the Emitters scale and that of any parent.
* Accessing this property should typically return a number.
* However, it can be set to any valid EmitterOp onEmit type.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#particleScaleY
* @type {Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Particles.EmitterOpOnEmitType}
* @since 3.60.0
particleScaleY: {
get: function ()
return this.ops.scaleY.current;
set: function (value)
* A color tint value that is applied to the texture of the emitted
* particle. The value should be given in hex format, i.e. 0xff0000
* for a red tint, and should not include the alpha channel.
* Tints are additive, meaning a tint value of white (0xffffff) will
* effectively reset the tint to nothing.
* Modify the `ParticleEmitter.tintFill` property to change between
* an additive and replacement tint mode.
* When you define the color via the Emitter config you should give
* it as an array of color values. The Particle will then interpolate
* through these colors over the course of its lifespan. Setting this
* will override any `tint` value that may also be given.
* This is a WebGL only feature.
* Accessing this property should typically return a number.
* However, it can be set to any valid EmitterOp onEmit type.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#particleColor
* @type {Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Particles.EmitterOpOnEmitType}
* @since 3.60.0
particleColor: {
get: function ()
return this.ops.color.current;
set: function (value)
* Controls the easing function used when you have created an
* Emitter that uses the `color` property to interpolate the
* tint of Particles over their lifetime.
* Setting this has no effect if you haven't also applied a
* `particleColor` to this Emitter.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#colorEase
* @type {string}
* @since 3.60.0
colorEase: {
get: function ()
return this.ops.color.easeName;
set: function (value)
* A color tint value that is applied to the texture of the emitted
* particle. The value should be given in hex format, i.e. 0xff0000
* for a red tint, and should not include the alpha channel.
* Tints are additive, meaning a tint value of white (0xffffff) will
* effectively reset the tint to nothing.
* Modify the `ParticleEmitter.tintFill` property to change between
* an additive and replacement tint mode.
* The `tint` value will be overriden if a `color` array is provided.
* This is a WebGL only feature.
* Accessing this property should typically return a number.
* However, it can be set to any valid EmitterOp onEmit type.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#particleTint
* @type {Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Particles.EmitterOpOnEmitType}
* @since 3.60.0
particleTint: {
get: function ()
return this.ops.tint.current;
set: function (value)
* The alpha value of the emitted particles. This is a value
* between 0 and 1. Particles with alpha zero are invisible
* and are therefore not rendered, but are still processed
* by the Emitter.
* Accessing this property should typically return a number.
* However, it can be set to any valid EmitterOp onEmit type.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#particleAlpha
* @type {Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Particles.EmitterOpOnEmitType}
* @since 3.60.0
particleAlpha: {
get: function ()
return this.ops.alpha.current;
set: function (value)
* The lifespan of the emitted particles. This value is given
* in milliseconds and defaults to 1000ms (1 second). When a
* particle reaches this amount it is killed.
* Accessing this property should typically return a number.
* However, it can be set to any valid EmitterOp onEmit type.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#lifespan
* @type {Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Particles.EmitterOpOnEmitType}
* @since 3.60.0
lifespan: {
get: function ()
return this.ops.lifespan.current;
set: function (value)
* The angle at which the particles are emitted. The values are
* given in degrees. This allows you to control the direction
* of the emitter. If you wish instead to change the rotation
* of the particles themselves, see the `particleRotate` property.
* Accessing this property should typically return a number.
* However, it can be set to any valid EmitterOp onEmit type.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#particleAngle
* @type {Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Particles.EmitterOpOnEmitType}
* @since 3.60.0
particleAngle: {
get: function ()
return this.ops.angle.current;
set: function (value)
* The rotation (or angle) of each particle when it is emitted.
* The value is given in degrees and uses a right-handed
* coordinate system, where 0 degrees points to the right, 90 degrees
* points down and -90 degrees points up.
* Accessing this property should typically return a number.
* However, it can be set to any valid EmitterOp onEmit type.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#particleRotate
* @type {Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Particles.EmitterOpOnEmitType}
* @since 3.60.0
particleRotate: {
get: function ()
return this.ops.rotate.current;
set: function (value)
* The number of particles that are emitted each time an emission
* occurs, i.e. from one 'explosion' or each frame in a 'flow' cycle.
* The default is 1.
* Accessing this property should typically return a number.
* However, it can be set to any valid EmitterOp onEmit type.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#quantity
* @type {Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Particles.EmitterOpOnEmitType}
* @see Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#setFrequency
* @see Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#setQuantity
* @since 3.60.0
quantity: {
get: function ()
return this.ops.quantity.current;
set: function (value)
* The number of milliseconds to wait after emission before
* the particles start updating. This allows you to emit particles
* that appear 'static' or still on-screen and then, after this value,
* begin to move.
* Accessing this property should typically return a number.
* However, it can be set to any valid EmitterOp onEmit type.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#delay
* @type {Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Particles.EmitterOpOnEmitType}
* @since 3.60.0
delay: {
get: function ()
return this.ops.delay.current;
set: function (value)
* The number of milliseconds to wait after a particle has finished
* its life before it will be removed. This allows you to 'hold' a
* particle on the screen once it has reached its final state
* before it then vanishes.
* Note that all particle updates will cease, including changing
* alpha, scale, movement or animation.
* Accessing this property should typically return a number.
* However, it can be set to any valid EmitterOp onEmit type.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#hold
* @type {Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Particles.EmitterOpOnEmitType}
* @since 3.60.0
hold: {
get: function ()
return this.ops.hold.current;
set: function (value)
* The internal flow counter.
* Treat this property as read-only.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#flowCounter
* @type {number}
* @since 3.60.0
flowCounter: {
get: function ()
return this.counters[0];
set: function (value)
this.counters[0] = value;
* The internal frame counter.
* Treat this property as read-only.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#frameCounter
* @type {number}
* @since 3.60.0
frameCounter: {
get: function ()
return this.counters[1];
set: function (value)
this.counters[1] = value;
* The internal animation counter.
* Treat this property as read-only.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#animCounter
* @type {number}
* @since 3.60.0
animCounter: {
get: function ()
return this.counters[2];
set: function (value)
this.counters[2] = value;
* The internal elasped counter.
* Treat this property as read-only.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#elapsed
* @type {number}
* @since 3.60.0
elapsed: {
get: function ()
return this.counters[3];
set: function (value)
this.counters[3] = value;
* The internal stop counter.
* Treat this property as read-only.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#stopCounter
* @type {number}
* @since 3.60.0
stopCounter: {
get: function ()
return this.counters[4];
set: function (value)
this.counters[4] = value;
* The internal complete flag.
* Treat this property as read-only.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#completeFlag
* @type {boolean}
* @since 3.60.0
completeFlag: {
get: function ()
return this.counters[5];
set: function (value)
this.counters[5] = value;
* The internal zone index.
* Treat this property as read-only.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#zoneIndex
* @type {number}
* @since 3.60.0
zoneIndex: {
get: function ()
return this.counters[6];
set: function (value)
this.counters[6] = value;
* The internal zone total.
* Treat this property as read-only.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#zoneTotal
* @type {number}
* @since 3.60.0
zoneTotal: {
get: function ()
return this.counters[7];
set: function (value)
this.counters[7] = value;
* The current frame index.
* Treat this property as read-only.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#currentFrame
* @type {number}
* @since 3.60.0
currentFrame: {
get: function ()
return this.counters[8];
set: function (value)
this.counters[8] = value;
* The current animation index.
* Treat this property as read-only.
* @name Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#currentAnim
* @type {number}
* @since 3.60.0
currentAnim: {
get: function ()
return this.counters[9];
set: function (value)
this.counters[9] = value;
* Destroys this Particle Emitter and all Particles it owns.
* @method Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter#preDestroy
* @since 3.60.0
preDestroy: function ()
this.texture = null;
this.frames = null;
this.anims = null;
this.emitCallback = null;
this.emitCallbackScope = null;
this.deathCallback = null;
this.deathCallbackScope = null;
this.emitZones = null;
this.deathZones = null;
this.bounds = null;
this.follow = null;
this.counters = null;
var i;
var ops = this.ops;
for (i = 0; i < configOpMap.length; i++)
var key = configOpMap[i];
for (i = 0; i < this.alive.length; i++)
for (i = 0; i < this.dead.length; i++)
this.ops = null;
this.alive = [];
this.dead = [];
module.exports = ParticleEmitter;