2013-04-18 14:16:18 +01:00

461 lines
15 KiB

/// <reference path="../Game.ts" />
/// <reference path="../Group.ts" />
* <code>Emitter</code> is a lightweight particle emitter.
* It can be used for one-time explosions or for
* continuous fx like rain and fire. <code>Emitter</code>
* is not optimized or anything; all it does is launch
* <code>Particle</code> objects out at set intervals
* by setting their positions and velocities accordingly.
* It is easy to use and relatively efficient,
* relying on <code>Group</code>'s RECYCLE POWERS.
* @author Adam Atomic
* @author Richard Davey
* Phaser
module Phaser {
export class Emitter extends Group {
* Creates a new <code>FlxEmitter</code> object at a specific position.
* Does NOT automatically generate or attach particles!
* @param X The X position of the emitter.
* @param Y The Y position of the emitter.
* @param Size Optional, specifies a maximum capacity for this emitter.
constructor(game: Game, X: number = 0, Y: number = 0, Size: number = 0) {
super(game, Size);
this.x = X;
this.y = Y;
this.width = 0;
this.height = 0;
this.minParticleSpeed = new Point(-100, -100);
this.maxParticleSpeed = new Point(100, 100);
this.minRotation = -360;
this.maxRotation = 360;
this.gravity = 0;
this.particleClass = null;
this.particleDrag = new Point();
this.frequency = 0.1;
this.lifespan = 3;
this.bounce = 0;
this._quantity = 0;
this._counter = 0;
this._explode = true;
this.on = false;
this._point = new Point();
* The X position of the top left corner of the emitter in world space.
public x: number;
* The Y position of the top left corner of emitter in world space.
public y: number;
* The width of the emitter. Particles can be randomly generated from anywhere within this box.
public width: number;
* The height of the emitter. Particles can be randomly generated from anywhere within this box.
public height: number;
* The minimum possible velocity of a particle.
* The default value is (-100,-100).
public minParticleSpeed: Point;
* The maximum possible velocity of a particle.
* The default value is (100,100).
public maxParticleSpeed: Point;
* The X and Y drag component of particles launched from the emitter.
public particleDrag: Point;
* The minimum possible angular velocity of a particle. The default value is -360.
* NOTE: rotating particles are more expensive to draw than non-rotating ones!
public minRotation: number;
* The maximum possible angular velocity of a particle. The default value is 360.
* NOTE: rotating particles are more expensive to draw than non-rotating ones!
public maxRotation: number;
* Sets the <code>acceleration.y</code> member of each particle to this value on launch.
public gravity: number;
* Determines whether the emitter is currently emitting particles.
* It is totally safe to directly toggle this.
public on: bool;
* How often a particle is emitted (if emitter is started with Explode == false).
public frequency: number;
* How long each particle lives once it is emitted.
* Set lifespan to 'zero' for particles to live forever.
public lifespan: number;
* How much each particle should bounce. 1 = full bounce, 0 = no bounce.
public bounce: number;
* Set your own particle class type here.
* Default is <code>Particle</code>.
public particleClass;
* Internal helper for deciding how many particles to launch.
private _quantity: number;
* Internal helper for the style of particle emission (all at once, or one at a time).
private _explode: bool;
* Internal helper for deciding when to launch particles or kill them.
private _timer: number;
* Internal counter for figuring out how many particles to launch.
private _counter: number;
* Internal point object, handy for reusing for memory mgmt purposes.
private _point: Point;
* Clean up memory.
public destroy() {
this.minParticleSpeed = null;
this.maxParticleSpeed = null;
this.particleDrag = null;
this.particleClass = null;
this._point = null;
* This function generates a new array of particle sprites to attach to the emitter.
* @param Graphics If you opted to not pre-configure an array of FlxSprite objects, you can simply pass in a particle image or sprite sheet.
* @param Quantity The number of particles to generate when using the "create from image" option.
* @param BakedRotations How many frames of baked rotation to use (boosts performance). Set to zero to not use baked rotations.
* @param Multiple Whether the image in the Graphics param is a single particle or a bunch of particles (if it's a bunch, they need to be square!).
* @param Collide Whether the particles should be flagged as not 'dead' (non-colliding particles are higher performance). 0 means no collisions, 0-1 controls scale of particle's bounding box.
* @return This FlxEmitter instance (nice for chaining stuff together, if you're into that).
public makeParticles(Graphics, Quantity: number = 50, BakedRotations: number = 16, Multiple: bool = false, Collide: number = 0.8): Emitter {
this.maxSize = Quantity;
var totalFrames: number = 1;
var sprite:Sprite = new Sprite(this._game);
totalFrames = sprite.frames;
var randomFrame: number;
var particle: Particle;
var i: number = 0;
while (i < Quantity)
if (this.particleClass == null)
particle = new Particle(this._game);
particle = new this.particleClass(this._game);
if (Multiple)
randomFrame = this._game.math.random()*totalFrames;
if(BakedRotations > 0)
particle.frame = randomFrame;
if (BakedRotations > 0)
if (Graphics)
if (Collide > 0)
particle.width *= Collide;
particle.height *= Collide;
particle.allowCollisions = Collision.NONE;
particle.exists = false;
return this;
* Called automatically by the game loop, decides when to launch particles and when to "die".
public update() {
if (this.on)
if (this._explode)
this.on = false;
var i: number = 0;
var l: number = this._quantity;
if ((l <= 0) || (l > this.length))
l = this.length;
while (i < l)
this._quantity = 0;
this._timer += this._game.time.elapsed;
while ((this.frequency > 0) && (this._timer > this.frequency) && this.on)
this._timer -= this.frequency;
if ((this._quantity > 0) && (++this._counter >= this._quantity))
this.on = false;
this._quantity = 0;
* Call this function to turn off all the particles and the emitter.
public kill() {
this.on = false;
* Call this function to start emitting particles.
* @param Explode Whether the particles should all burst out at once.
* @param Lifespan How long each particle lives once emitted. 0 = forever.
* @param Frequency Ignored if Explode is set to true. Frequency is how often to emit a particle. 0 = never emit, 0.1 = 1 particle every 0.1 seconds, 5 = 1 particle every 5 seconds.
* @param Quantity How many particles to launch. 0 = "all of the particles".
public start(Explode: bool = true, Lifespan: number = 0, Frequency: number = 0.1, Quantity: number = 0) {
this.visible = true;
this.on = true;
this._explode = Explode;
this.lifespan = Lifespan;
this.frequency = Frequency;
this._quantity += Quantity;
this._counter = 0;
this._timer = 0;
* This function can be used both internally and externally to emit the next particle.
public emitParticle() {
var particle: Particle = this.recycle(Particle);
particle.lifespan = this.lifespan;
particle.elasticity = this.bounce;
particle.reset(this.x - (particle.width >> 1) + this._game.math.random() * this.width, this.y - (particle.height >> 1) + this._game.math.random() * this.height);
particle.visible = true;
if (this.minParticleSpeed.x != this.maxParticleSpeed.x)
particle.velocity.x = this.minParticleSpeed.x + this._game.math.random() * (this.maxParticleSpeed.x - this.minParticleSpeed.x);
particle.velocity.x = this.minParticleSpeed.x;
if (this.minParticleSpeed.y != this.maxParticleSpeed.y)
particle.velocity.y = this.minParticleSpeed.y + this._game.math.random() * (this.maxParticleSpeed.y - this.minParticleSpeed.y);
particle.velocity.y = this.minParticleSpeed.y;
particle.acceleration.y = this.gravity;
if (this.minRotation != this.maxRotation)
particle.angularVelocity = this.minRotation + this._game.math.random() * (this.maxRotation - this.minRotation);
particle.angularVelocity = this.minRotation;
if (particle.angularVelocity != 0)
particle.angle = this._game.math.random() * 360 - 180;
particle.drag.x = this.particleDrag.x;
particle.drag.y = this.particleDrag.y;
* A more compact way of setting the width and height of the emitter.
* @param Width The desired width of the emitter (particles are spawned randomly within these dimensions).
* @param Height The desired height of the emitter.
public setSize(Width: number, Height: number) {
this.width = Width;
this.height = Height;
* A more compact way of setting the X velocity range of the emitter.
* @param Min The minimum value for this range.
* @param Max The maximum value for this range.
public setXSpeed(Min: number = 0, Max: number = 0) {
this.minParticleSpeed.x = Min;
this.maxParticleSpeed.x = Max;
* A more compact way of setting the Y velocity range of the emitter.
* @param Min The minimum value for this range.
* @param Max The maximum value for this range.
public setYSpeed(Min: number = 0, Max: number = 0) {
this.minParticleSpeed.y = Min;
this.maxParticleSpeed.y = Max;
* A more compact way of setting the angular velocity constraints of the emitter.
* @param Min The minimum value for this range.
* @param Max The maximum value for this range.
public setRotation(Min: number = 0, Max: number = 0) {
this.minRotation = Min;
this.maxRotation = Max;
* Change the emitter's midpoint to match the midpoint of a <code>FlxObject</code>.
* @param Object The <code>FlxObject</code> that you want to sync up with.
public at(Object) {
this.x = this._point.x - (this.width >> 1);
this.y = this._point.y - (this.height >> 1);