phaser/Tests/sprites/animate by framename.js

34 lines
1.1 KiB

/// <reference path="../../Phaser/Game.ts" />
(function () {
var myGame = new Phaser.Game(this, 'game', 800, 600, init, create, update);
function init() {
myGame.loader.addTextureAtlas('bot', 'assets/sprites/running_bot.png', 'assets/sprites/running_bot.json');
var bot;
function create() {
bot = myGame.createSprite(myGame.stage.width, 300, 'bot');
// If you are using a Texture Atlas and want to specify the frames of an animation by their name rather than frame index
// then you can use this format:
bot.animations.add('run', [
], 10, true, false);'run');
bot.velocity.x = -100;
function update() {
if(bot.x < -bot.width) {
bot.x = myGame.stage.width;