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* jQuery.LocalScroll
* Copyright (c) 2007-2013 Ariel Flesler - aflesler<a>gmail<d>com | http://flesler.blogspot.com
* Dual licensed under MIT and GPL.
* http://flesler.blogspot.com/2007/10/jquerylocalscroll-10.html
* @author Ariel Flesler
* @version 1.2.8
* @id jQuery.fn.localScroll
* @param {Object} settings Hash of settings, it is passed in to jQuery.ScrollTo, none is required.
* @return {jQuery} Returns the same jQuery object, for chaining.
* @example $('ul.links').localScroll();
* @example $('ul.links').localScroll({ filter:'.animated', duration:400, axis:'x' });
* @example $.localScroll({ target:'#pane', axis:'xy', queue:true, event:'mouseover' });
* Notes:
* - The plugin requires jQuery.ScrollTo.
* - The hash of settings, is passed to jQuery.ScrollTo, so the settings are valid for that plugin as well.
* - jQuery.localScroll can be used if the desired links, are all over the document, it accepts the same settings.
* - If the setting 'lazy' is set to true, then the binding will still work for later added anchors.
* - If onBefore returns false, the event is ignored.
;(function( $ ){
var URI = location.href.replace(/#.*/,''); // local url without hash
var $localScroll = $.localScroll = function( settings ){
$('body').localScroll( settings );
// Many of these defaults, belong to jQuery.ScrollTo, check it's demo for an example of each option.
// @see http://flesler.demos.com/jquery/scrollTo/
// The defaults are public and can be overriden.
$localScroll.defaults = {
duration:1000, // How long to animate.
axis:'y', // Which of top and left should be modified.
event:'click', // On which event to react.
stop:true, // Avoid queuing animations
target: window, // What to scroll (selector or element). The whole window by default.
reset: true // Used by $.localScroll.hash. If true, elements' scroll is resetted before actual scrolling
lock:false, // ignore events if already animating
lazy:false, // if true, links can be added later, and will still work.
filter:null, // filter some anchors out of the matched elements.
hash: false // if true, the hash of the selected link, will appear on the address bar.
// If the URL contains a hash, it will scroll to the pointed element
$localScroll.hash = function( settings ){
if( location.hash ){
settings = $.extend( {}, $localScroll.defaults, settings );
settings.hash = false; // can't be true
if( settings.reset ){
var d = settings.duration;
delete settings.duration;
$(settings.target).scrollTo( 0, settings );
settings.duration = d;
scroll( 0, location, settings );
$.fn.localScroll = function( settings ){
settings = $.extend( {}, $localScroll.defaults, settings );
return settings.lazy ?
// use event delegation, more links can be added later.
this.bind( settings.event, function( e ){
// Could use closest(), but that would leave out jQuery -1.3.x
var a = $([e.target, e.target.parentNode]).filter(filter)[0];
// if a valid link was clicked
if( a )
scroll( e, a, settings ); // do scroll.
}) :
// bind concretely, to each matching link
.filter( filter ).bind( settings.event, function(e){
scroll( e, this, settings );
function filter(){// is this a link that points to an anchor and passes a possible filter ? href is checked to avoid a bug in FF.
return !!this.href && !!this.hash && this.href.replace(this.hash,'') == URI && (!settings.filter || $(this).is( settings.filter ));
function scroll( e, link, settings ){
var id = link.hash.slice(1),
elem = document.getElementById(id) || document.getElementsByName(id)[0];
if ( !elem )
if( e )
var $target = $( settings.target );
if( settings.lock && $target.is(':animated') ||
settings.onBefore && settings.onBefore(e, elem, $target) === false )
if( settings.stop )
$target._scrollable().stop(true); // remove all its animations
if( settings.hash ){
var attr = elem.id == id ? 'id' : 'name',
$a = $('<a> </a>').attr(attr, id).css({
top: $(window).scrollTop(),
left: $(window).scrollLeft()
elem[attr] = '';
location = link.hash;
elem[attr] = id;
.scrollTo( elem, settings ) // do scroll
.trigger('notify.serialScroll',[elem]); // notify serialScroll about this change
})( jQuery ); |