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synced 2025-03-08 01:07:32 +00:00
61 lines
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Executable file
61 lines
2 KiB
Executable file
BasicGame.Preloader = function (game) {
this.background = null;
this.preloadBar = null;
this.ready = false;
BasicGame.Preloader.prototype = {
preload: function () {
// These are the assets we loaded in Boot.js
// A nice sparkly background and a loading progress bar
this.background = this.add.sprite(0, 0, 'preloaderBackground');
this.preloadBar = this.add.sprite(300, 400, 'preloaderBar');
// This sets the preloadBar sprite as a loader sprite.
// What that does is automatically crop the sprite from 0 to full-width
// as the files below are loaded in.
// Here we load the rest of the assets our game needs.
// As this is just a Project Template I've not provided these assets, swap them for your own.
this.load.image('titlepage', 'images/title.jpg');
this.load.atlas('playButton', 'images/play_button.png', 'images/play_button.json');
this.load.audio('titleMusic', ['audio/main_menu.mp3']);
this.load.bitmapFont('caslon', 'fonts/caslon.png', 'fonts/caslon.xml');
// + lots of other required assets here
create: function () {
// Once the load has finished we disable the crop because we're going to sit in the update loop for a short while as the music decodes
this.preloadBar.cropEnabled = false;
update: function () {
// You don't actually need to do this, but I find it gives a much smoother game experience.
// Basically it will wait for our audio file to be decoded before proceeding to the MainMenu.
// You can jump right into the menu if you want and still play the music, but you'll have a few
// seconds of delay while the mp3 decodes - so if you need your music to be in-sync with your menu
// it's best to wait for it to decode here first, then carry on.
// If you don't have any music in your game then put the game.state.start line into the create function and delete
// the update function completely.
if (this.cache.isSoundDecoded('titleMusic') && this.ready == false)
this.ready = true;