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synced 2025-03-03 06:47:11 +00:00
Cache.addPhysicsData and Cache.getPhysicsData allow you to store parsed JSON physics data in the cache, for sharing between Bodies.
98 lines
2 KiB
98 lines
2 KiB
var game = new Phaser.Game(800, 600, Phaser.CANVAS, 'phaser-example', { preload: preload, create: create, update: update, render: render });
function preload() {
game.load.image('box', 'assets/sprites/diamond.png');
game.load.physics('physobjects', 'assets/physics/diamond.json');
var box;
var bmd;
var move = false;
var start = 0;
var end = 0;
function create() {
bmd = game.add.bitmapData(800, 600);
game.add.image(0, 0, bmd);
box = game.add.sprite(300, 300, 'box');
// box.anchor.set(0.5);
box.physicsEnabled = true;
box.body.loadPolygon('physobjects', 'diamond');
// console.log(game.cache.getPhysicsData('physobjects', 'diamond'));
// 95x95
// box.body.setRectangle(64, 64);
// box.body.setRectangle(64, 64, 95/2,95/2);
// Works
// box.body.clearShapes();
// box.body.addPolygon({}, [ [-1, 1], [-1, 0], [1, 0], [1, 1], [0.5, 0.5] ]);
// Works
// box.body.setPolygon({}, [-1, 1], [-1, 0], [1, 0], [1, 1], [0.5, 0.5]);
// Works
// box.body.addPolygon({}, -100, 100, -100, 0, 100, 0, 100, 100, 50, 50);
// box.body.addPolygon({}, -100, 100, -100, 0, 100, 0, 100, 100, 50, 50 );
// box.body.addPolygon({}, 32, 13 , 17, 28 , 15, 28 , 0, 13 , 0, 7 , 7, 0 , 25, 0 , 32, 7 );
// Works
// box.body.setPolygon({}, -1, 1, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0.5, 0.5);
// box.body.setZeroDamping();
// game.input.onDown.addOnce(startTiming, this);
function startTiming() {
start = game.time.now;
end = start + 1000;
move = true;
function update() {
if (move)
// if (game.time.now >= end)
// {
// move = false;
// var duration = game.time.now - start;
// console.log('Test over. Distance: ', box.x, 'duration', duration);
// }
// box.body.setZeroVelocity();
function render() {
game.debug.renderPhysicsBody(box.body, 0);
// game.debug.renderText(box.body., 32, 32);
// game.debug.renderText('y: ' + box.body.velocity.y, 32, 64);