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* @author Richard Davey <rich@photonstorm.com>
* @author Pete Baron <pete@photonstorm.com>
* @copyright 2016 Photon Storm Ltd.
* @license {@link https://github.com/photonstorm/phaser/blob/master/license.txt|MIT License}
* A PathFollower is a virtual entity that follows the Path.
* It is usually linked to a game object such as a Sprite and it will control either the
* position of that object, or its velocity if it is a physics object.
* Callbacks will be triggered when certain events happen as the follower moves. These
* may be used to aid in the creation of complex behaviours for the game objects.
* @class Phaser.PathFollower
* @constructor
* @param {Phaser.Path} path - The Path object which this follower is created on.
* @param {Phaser.Sprite|object} follower - The game object which this follower controls. Requires public properties: `x`, `y` for position and `rotation` for angle control (if specified).
* @param {number} [speed=1] - The current speed of this follower in pixels per frame. This value is multiplied with the Path segment speed to give the final value used.
* @param {number} [angleOffset=null] - If `null` then the PathFollower won't rotate. Otherwise it will face in the paths direction plus this offset which is given in radians.
* @param {function} [callbackAtEnd] - A callback to be invoked when the follower reaches the end of a path.
* @param {number} [physicsAdjustTime=0] - If non-zero then the follower expects to control a physics object using "arcade.moveToObject" to control velocity.
Phaser.PathFollower = function (path, follower, speed, rotationOffset, angularOffset, callbackAtEnd, physicsAdjustTime) {
if (speed === undefined) { speed = 1; }
if (rotationOffset === undefined) { rotationOffset = 0; }
if (angularOffset === undefined) { angularOffset = { angle: 0, distance: 0 }; }
if (physicsAdjustTime === undefined) { physicsAdjustTime = 0; }
this.path = path;
this.follower = follower;
this._turnOffset = rotationOffset;
this.callbackAtEnd = callbackAtEnd;
this.physicsAdjustTime = physicsAdjustTime;
// offset is an x,y offset from the Path unique for this PathFollower, it is added to the Path's own offset to give a final location
this.offset = new Phaser.Point(0, 0);
if (typeof speed === 'object')
this.speed = Phaser.Utils.extend(true, Object.create(Phaser.PathFollower.Defaults.speed), speed);
this.speed = Object.create(Phaser.PathFollower.Defaults.speed);
this.speed.min = speed;
this.speed.max = speed;
// _angularOffset is an angular offset from the Path's tangent direction, using angle (radians) and distance (pixels)
this._angularOffset = { angle: 0, distance: 0 };
this.setAngularOffset(angularOffset.angle, angularOffset.distance);
// branchCount is used when the follower passes a counted PathPoint (see the Mummy Path example)
// it is set whenever this follower passes a counted PathPoint and the count is zero
// it decrements each time the follower passes a counted PathPoint and the count is non-zero
// when the count reaches zero it triggers EVENT_COUNT_FINISH
// NOTE: if there are multiple counted PathPoints this will not work as expected as there is only one count variable per follower!
this.branchCount = 0;
this.branchPredicate = null;
// distance along the current Path segment
this._currentDistance = 0;
// PathPoint index of the start of the current Path segment
this._currentPoint = 0;
// Hermite curve for the current Path segment
this._currentCurve = this.path.getCurve(this._currentPoint);
// initialise the _pathSpeed by taking the speed of the first point on this Path
var pp = new Phaser.PathPoint();
if (this.path.getPathPoint(0, pp))
this._pathSpeed = pp.speed;
// set up a virtualParticle if this is controlling a Physics body instead of a simple graphic object
if (this.physicsAdjustTime !== 0)
this.virtualParticle = new Phaser.Point(pp.x, pp.y);
this.virtualParticle = null;
// default maximum gap permitted between a physics based follower and its virtual particle, in pixels
this.maximumGap = 1000;
// process the data for the first point on this Path
this.path.processData(this, this._currentPoint, false);
// initialise the pause time to zero for this follower
this._pauseTime = 0;
this._accelerationTime = 0;
this.yoyo = false;
if (!follower.events)
follower.events = {};
follower.events.onPathPointReached = new Phaser.Signal(); // "follower has reached a PathPoint on the path"
follower.events.onPathBranchReached = new Phaser.Signal(); // "follower has reached a branch and must choose a direction" (stay on this path or changePath to the branch)
/* TODO: */
follower.events.onCountFinished = new Phaser.Signal(); // "follower passed a counted point the specified number of times" */
follower.events.onPathStart = new Phaser.Signal(); // NOTE: not "follower started a path" but "follower moved backwards to the start of the path"
follower.events.onPathYoyo = new Phaser.Signal(); // "follower moved to the end of the path" but NOT if the path is looped, that generates EVENT_PATH_LOOPED instead
follower.events.onPathEnd = new Phaser.Signal(); // "follower moved to the end of the path" but NOT if the path is looped, that generates EVENT_PATH_LOOPED instead
follower.events.onPathLoop = new Phaser.Signal(); // "follower reached the end of a looped path and has started at the beginning again"
follower.followerPathName = this.path.name;
Object.defineProperty(this.speed, 'avg', {
get: function() {
return (this.min + this.max) / 2;
// events for PathFollower
Phaser.PathFollower.EVENT_REACHED_POINT = "event_reached_point"; // "follower has reached a PathPoint on the path"
Phaser.PathFollower.EVENT_BRANCH_CHOICE = "event_branch_choice"; // "follower has reached a branch and must choose a direction" (stay on this path or changePath to the branch)
Phaser.PathFollower.EVENT_COUNT_FINISH = "event_count_finish"; // "follower passed a counted point the specified number of times"
Phaser.PathFollower.EVENT_PATH_START = "event_path_start"; // NOTE: "a path started" but "follower moved backwards to the start of the path"
Phaser.PathFollower.EVENT_PATH_END = "event_path_end"; // "follower moved to the end of the path" but NOT if the path is looped, that generates EVENT_PATH_LOOPED instead
Phaser.PathFollower.EVENT_PATH_LOOPED = "event_path_looped"; // "follower reached the end of a looped path and has started at the beginning again"
// reduce dynamic object allocations by using this temporary Point wherever possible
Phaser.PathFollower.tempPoint = new Phaser.Point();
Phaser.PathFollower.Defaults = {
speed: {
min: 1,
max: 1,
theta: null,
lambda: null,
_target: null,
_elapsed: 0,
_current: null,
_previous: null
// remove all event listeners when this PathFollower is destroyed
Phaser.PathFollower.prototype.destroy = function () {
// update this PathFollower and move the attached graphic or physics object
// @return: false if this PathFollower should be removed from the Path's list of followers
Phaser.PathFollower.prototype.update = function () {
// exit immediately if _pauseTime is non-zero and it's not that time yet
if (this._pauseTime != 0)
if (game.time.now < this._pauseTime)
return true;
this._pauseTime = 0;
if (this.follower.animations !== undefined)
// Phaser.AnimationManager doesn't check for a currentAnim before trying to set it's paused value, so I have to do it here
if (this.follower.animations.currentAnim)
this.follower.animations.paused = false;
// if the follower is a physics object following a virtual particle
var waitForFollower = false;
if (this.physicsAdjustTime && this.virtualParticle)
// if the distance is too great, make the virtual particle wait for the follower to catch up
if (game.physics.arcade.distanceBetween(this.follower, this.virtualParticle) >= this.maximumGap)
waitForFollower = true;
// advance along the path unless we're waiting for the follower to catch up
if (!waitForFollower)
this._currentDistance += this._calculateDistance();
// are we moving forwards or backwards?
var direction = (this.speed.avg * this._pathSpeed) >= 0 ? 1 : -1;
// while we're past either end of the current curve
while ((direction == 1 && this._currentDistance >= this._currentCurve.length) || (direction == -1 && this._currentDistance < 0))
var memCurveLength = this._currentCurve.length;
// backwards...
if (direction == -1)
var branchTaken = false;
// passed a point going backwards, process the data for it
var point = this.path.processData(this, this._currentPoint, true);
this.follower.events.onPathPointReached.dispatch(this.follower, point);
// reached the start of the path moving backwards
if (this._currentPoint < 0)
if (this.path.loops)
this._currentPoint = this.path.numPoints() - 1;
if (!this.yoyo)
var speed = {min: this.speed.min, max: this.speed.max};
this.speed.min = -speed.max;
this.speed.max = -speed.min;
this._currentPoint = 0;
this._currentCurve = this.path.getCurve(this._currentPoint);
this._currentDistance = 0;
return true;
if (!branchTaken)
// get the curve for this new point
this._currentCurve = this.path.getCurve(this._currentPoint);
// there isn't one, take a branch if there's one attached here
if (!this._currentCurve)
return this.takeBranchIfAvailable();
// move backwards to the end of the previous curve in the path
this._currentDistance += this._currentCurve.length;
else // forwards...
// reached the end of the path moving forwards
if (this.path.atEnd(this._currentPoint))
if (this.path.loops)
// the path loops
this._currentPoint = 0;
// if the path doesn't loop
if (!this.takeBranchIfAvailable())
if (!this.yoyo)
var speed = {min: this.speed.min, max: this.speed.max};
this.speed.min = -speed.max;
this.speed.max = -speed.min;
this._currentPoint = this.path.length - 2;
this._currentCurve = this.path.getCurve(this._currentPoint);
this._currentDistance = this._currentCurve.length;
return true;
// passed a point going forwards, process the data for the next one
point = this.path.processData(this, this._currentPoint, false);
this.follower.events.onPathPointReached.dispatch(this.follower, point);
// move forwards to the start of the next curve in the path
this._currentDistance -= memCurveLength;
// get the curve for this new point
this._currentCurve = this.path.getCurve(this._currentPoint);
// there isn't one, take a branch if there's one attached here
if (!this._currentCurve)
return this.takeBranchIfAvailable();
// update the path speed while we have a reference to the PathPoint handy
this._pathSpeed = point.speed;
return this.setPosition();
Phaser.PathFollower.prototype._calculateDistance = function () {
if (this.speed.min === this.speed.max)
return game.time.elapsed * this.speed.avg * this._pathSpeed;
this.speed._elapsed += game.time.elapsed;
this.speed._current = this.speed.current || this.speed.avg;
if (this.speed._elapsed >= this.speed.theta)
this.speed._current = this.speed._target;
this.speed._target = null;
this.speed._elapsed = 0;
if (!this.speed._target )
var min = Phaser.Math.clamp(this.speed._current - (this.speed._current * this.speed.lambda), this.speed.min, this.speed.max);
var max = Phaser.Math.clamp(this.speed._current + (this.speed._current * this.speed.lambda), this.speed.min, this.speed.max);
this.speed._target = game.rnd.realInRange(min, max);
var step = Phaser.Math.smoothstep(this.speed._elapsed,0,this.speed.theta);
return Phaser.Math.linear(this.speed._current, this.speed._target, step) * this._pathSpeed;;
// move the attached graphic or physics object to match this PathFollower
// @return: false if this PathFollower should be removed from the Path's list of followers
Phaser.PathFollower.prototype.setPosition = function () {
// if the follower object has been destroyed, kill this too
if (!this.follower)
return false;
this._currentCurve.getPointWithDistance(this._currentDistance, Phaser.PathFollower.tempPoint);
var ox = this.offset.x;
var oy = this.offset.y;
if (this._angularOffset.distance != 0)
var angle = (this.follower.rotation + this._angularOffset.angle);
ox += Math.cos(angle) * this._angularOffset.distance;
oy += Math.sin(angle) * this._angularOffset.distance;
if (this.physicsAdjustTime)
// move the virtual particle along the path
this.virtualParticle.x = Phaser.PathFollower.tempPoint.x + ox;
this.virtualParticle.y = Phaser.PathFollower.tempPoint.y + oy;
// move the physics body towards the virtual particle
if (this.follower.body)
game.physics.arcade.moveToObject(this.follower, this.virtualParticle, 100, this.physicsAdjustTime);
// move the follower along the path by directly adjusting it's x,y coordinates
this.follower.x = Phaser.PathFollower.tempPoint.x + ox;
this.follower.y = Phaser.PathFollower.tempPoint.y + oy;
// if this follower should turn to follow the path, and it has a rotation member
if (this._turnOffset !== undefined && this.follower.rotation !== undefined)
// turn to follow the path with a fixed offset of _turnOffset
this.follower.rotation = this._currentCurve.getAngleWithDistance(this._currentDistance) + this._turnOffset;
return true;
// if we've reached the end of a path or a branch, take any branch that is available rather than die
// @return: true if successful, false if no branch is available
Phaser.PathFollower.prototype.takeBranchIfAvailable = function () {
var p = new Phaser.PathPoint();
if (this.path.getPathPoint(this._currentPoint, p))
// kill this follower if there isn't a branch for us to take
if (!p.branchPath || !this.branchPredicate || !this.branchPredicate(p, this.path))
return false;
// changePath calls back to redo this function, exit after calling it
this.changePath(p.branchPath, p.branchPointIndex);
return true;
return false;
// follow a different path
Phaser.PathFollower.prototype.changePath = function (branchPath, branchPointIndex) {
// change to the new path
this.path = branchPath;
// get the speed of the new path
this._pathSpeed = this.path.getPathPointReference(0).speed;
// set my position on the new path
this._currentPoint = branchPointIndex;
// update the curve if we've moved past a Path point
this._currentCurve = this.path.getCurve(this._currentPoint);
// we've finished the path
if (!this._currentCurve)
return this.takeBranchIfAvailable();
// move me to the correct position on the new curve
// change this follower's x,y offset values
Phaser.PathFollower.prototype.setOffset = function (x, y) {
// remove any prior offset from the follower's position
this.follower.x -= this.offset.x;
this.follower.y -= this.offset.y;
// set the new offset for this PathFollower
this.offset.x = x;
this.offset.y = y;
// add the offset into the follower's position straight away
this.follower.x += this.offset.x;
this.follower.y += this.offset.y;
// set this follower's angular offset values
Phaser.PathFollower.prototype.setAngularOffset = function (angle, distance) {
this._angularOffset.angle = angle;
this._angularOffset.distance = distance;
// cause this follower to pause for 'delay' milliseconds
Phaser.PathFollower.prototype.pause = function (delay) {
this._pauseTime = game.time.now + delay;
if (this.follower.animations !== undefined)
if (this.follower.animations.currentAnim)
this.follower.animations.paused = true;
Object.defineProperty(Phaser.PathFollower.prototype, 'paused', {
get: function() {
return !!this._pauseTime;
set: function(val) {
if(!!val) {
} else {
this._pauseTime = game.time.now - 1;
enumerable: true,
configurable: true